
Require Import Extraction.
Require Import NatExt.
Require Export Matrix MatrixDet MatrixInvBase.
Require ZArith Reals.

Generalizable Variable A Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone Ainv.

Matrix Inversion by Adjoint Matrix (Typeclass version)

Section minv.
  Context `{HField : Field} {AeqDec : Dec (@eq A)}.
  Add Field field_thy_inst : (make_field_theory HField).
  Open Scope A_scope.
  Open Scope mat_scope.

  Notation "0" := Azero : A_scope.
  Notation "1" := Aone : A_scope.
  Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
  Notation "- a" := (Aopp a) : A_scope.
  Notation "a - b" := ((a + -b)%A) : A_scope.
  Infix "*" := Amul : A_scope.
  Notation "/ a" := (Ainv a) : A_scope.
  Notation "a / b" := ((a * /b)%A) : A_scope.

  Notation smat n := (smat A n).
  Notation mat1 := (@mat1 _ Azero Aone).
  Notation mcmul := (@mcmul _ Amul).
  Infix "\.*" := mcmul : mat_scope.
  Notation mmul := (@mmul _ Aadd Azero Amul).
  Infix "*" := mmul : mat_scope.
  Notation mmulv := (@mmulv _ Aadd 0 Amul).
  Infix "*v" := mmulv : mat_scope.

  Notation minvtble := (@minvtble _ Aadd 0 Amul 1).
  Notation msingular := (@msingular _ Aadd 0 Amul 1).
  Notation mdet := (@mdet _ Aadd 0 Aopp Amul 1).
  Notation mdetEx := (@mdetEx _ Aadd 0 Aopp Amul 1).
  Notation madj := (@madj _ Aadd 0 Aopp Amul 1).
  Notation "M \A" := (madj M) : mat_scope.
  Notation mcofactorEx := (@mcofactorEx _ Aadd 0 Aopp Amul 1).
  Notation mdet1 := (@mdet1 A).
  Notation mdet2 := (@mdet2 _ Aadd Aopp Amul).
  Notation mdet3 := (@mdet3 _ Aadd Aopp Amul).
  Notation mdet4 := (@mdet4 _ Aadd Aopp Amul).
  Notation cramerRule := (@cramerRule _ Aadd 0 Aopp Amul 1 Ainv).

Check matrix invertibility

Check the invertibility of matrix `M`
  Definition minvtbleb {n} (M : smat n) : bool :=
    if Aeqdec (mdetEx M) 0 then false else true.

minvtble M <-> minvtbleb M = true
  Lemma minvtble_iff_minvtbleb_true : forall {n} (M : smat n),
      minvtble M <-> minvtbleb M = true.
    intros. rewrite minvtble_iff_mdet_neq0.
    unfold minvtbleb. rewrite mdetEx_eq_mdet.
    destruct Aeqdec; easy.

msingular M <-> minvtbleb M = false
  Lemma msingular_iff_minvtbleb_false : forall {n} (M : smat n),
      msingular M <-> minvtbleb M = false.
    intros. unfold msingular. rewrite minvtble_iff_minvtbleb_true.
    rewrite not_true_iff_false. tauto.

Inverse matrix (option version)

Inverse matrix (option version)
  Definition minvo {n} (M : smat n) : option (smat n) :=
    if minvtbleb M
    then Some ((/ mdetEx M) \.* (madj M))
    else None.

`minvo` return `Some`, iff M is invertible
  Lemma minvo_Some_iff_minvtble : forall {n} (M : smat n),
      (exists M', minvo M = Some M') <-> minvtble M.
    intros. rewrite minvtble_iff_minvtbleb_true. split; intros.
    - destruct H as [M' H]. unfold minvo in H.
      destruct minvtbleb; try easy.
    - exists ((/ mdetEx M) \.* (madj M)). unfold minvo.
      destruct minvtbleb; try easy.

`minvo` return `None`, iff M is singular
  Lemma minvo_None_iff_msingular : forall {n} (M : smat n),
      minvo M = None <-> msingular M.
    intros. rewrite msingular_iff_minvtbleb_false. split; intros.
    - unfold minvo in H. destruct minvtbleb; try easy.
    - unfold minvo. destruct minvtbleb; try easy.

If `minvo M` return `Some M'`, then `M' * M = mat1`
  Lemma minvo_Some_imply_eq1_l : forall {n} (M M' : smat n),
      minvo M = Some M' -> M' * M = mat1.
    intros. unfold minvo in H. destruct minvtbleb eqn:E; try easy. inv H.
    rewrite mdetEx_eq_mdet. apply mmul_det_cmul_adj_l.
    apply minvtble_iff_minvtbleb_true in E.
    apply minvtble_iff_mdet_neq0; auto.

If `minvo M` return `Some M'`, then `M * M' = mat1`
  Lemma minvo_Some_imply_eq1_r : forall {n} (M M' : smat n),
      minvo M = Some M' -> M * M' = mat1.
    intros. apply minvo_Some_imply_eq1_l in H.
    apply mmul_eq1_comm; auto.

Inverse matrix (default value version)

Inverse matrix (with identity matrix as default value)
  Definition minv {n} (M : smat n) :=
    if minvtbleb M then (/ mdetEx M) \.* (madj M) else mat1.
  Notation "M \-1" := (minv M) : mat_scope.

If `minvo M` return `Some N`, then `M\-1` equal to `N`
  Lemma minvo_Some_imply_minv : forall {n} (M N : smat n), minvo M = Some N -> M\-1 = N.
    intros. unfold minvo, minv in *.
    destruct minvtbleb eqn:E; try easy. inv H. auto.

If `minvo M` return `None`, then `M\-1` equal to `mat1`
  Lemma minvo_None_imply_minv : forall {n} (M : smat n), minvo M = None -> M\-1 = mat1.
    intros. unfold minvo, minv in *.
    destruct minvtbleb eqn:E; try easy.

M\-1 * M = mat1
  Lemma mmul_minv_l : forall {n} (M : smat n), minvtble M -> M\-1 * M = mat1.
    intros. unfold minv. rewrite mdetEx_eq_mdet.
    apply minvtble_iff_minvtbleb_true in H as H1. rewrite H1.
    apply mmul_det_cmul_adj_l. apply minvtble_iff_mdet_neq0 in H. auto.

Inverse matrix (No-check version)

Inverse matrix (won't check the inversibility)
  Definition minvNoCheck {n} (M : smat n) := (/ mdetEx M) \.* (madj M).

If `M` is invertible, then minvNoCheckAM is equivalent to minvAM
  Lemma minvNoCheck_spec : forall {n} (M : smat n), minvtble M -> minvNoCheck M = M\-1.
    intros. unfold minvNoCheck, minv in *.
    apply minvtble_iff_minvtbleb_true in H. rewrite H. auto.

Get one element of inverse matrix

Get (i,j) element of inverse matrix of matrix `M`
  Definition minvElement {n} (M : smat (S n)) (i j : 'I_(S n)) : A :=
    ((/ (mdetEx M)) * mcofactorEx M j i)%A.

If `M` is invertible, minvElement M i j = (M\-1).i.j
  Lemma minvElement_spec : forall {n} (M : smat (S n)) (i j : 'I_(S n)),
      minvtble M -> minvElement M i j = (M\-1).[i].[j].
    intros. unfold minvElement, minv in *.
    apply minvtble_iff_minvtbleb_true in H. rewrite H.
    rewrite mnth_mcmul. unfold madj. auto.

Direct formulas of inverse matrix

  Section formulas_by_computtation.
    Variable a11 a12 a13 a14 a21 a22 a23 a24 a31 a32 a33 a34 a41 a42 a43 a44 : A.
    Let M1 : smat 1 := l2m 0 [[a11]].
    Let M2 : smat 2 := l2m 0 [[a11;a12];[a21;a22]].
    Let M3 : smat 3 := l2m 0 [[a11;a12;a13];[a21;a22;a23];[a31;a32;a33]].
    Let M4 : smat 4 := l2m 0 [[a11;a12;a13;a14];[a21;a22;a23;a24];

  End formulas_by_computtation.

  Ltac solve_neq0_neq0 :=
    let H1 := fresh "H1" in
    match goal with
    | H: ?e1 = 0 -> False |- ?e2 <> Azero => intros H1; destruct H

  Ltac solve_eq0_eq0 :=
    match goal with
    | H: ?a = Azero |- ?b = Azero => symmetry; rewrite <- H at 1; try ring

  Definition minv1 (M : smat 1) : smat 1 := l2m 0 [[1/M.11]].

minvtble M -> minv1 M = inv M
  Lemma minv1_eq_minv : forall M, minvtble M -> minv1 M = M\-1.
    intros. apply minvtble_iff_mdet_neq0 in H.
    rewrite <- minvNoCheck_spec; [|apply minvtble_iff_mdet_neq0; auto].
    rewrite <- mdetEx_eq_mdet in H.
    apply m2l_inj; cbv in *; rewrite <- !(nth_m2f 0) in *; list_eq;
      field; solve_neq0_neq0; solve_eq0_eq0.

  Definition minv2 (M : smat 2) : smat 2 :=
    /(mdet2 M) \.*
      l2m 0 [[M.22; -M.12]; [-M.21; M.11]].

minvtble M -> minv2 M = inv M
  Lemma minv2_eq_minv : forall M, minvtble M -> minv2 M = M\-1.
    intros. apply minvtble_iff_mdet_neq0 in H.
    rewrite <- minvNoCheck_spec; [|apply minvtble_iff_mdet_neq0; auto].
    rewrite <- mdetEx_eq_mdet in H.
    apply m2l_inj; cbv in *; rewrite <- !(nth_m2f 0) in *; list_eq;
      field; solve_neq0_neq0; solve_eq0_eq0.

  Definition minv3 (M : smat 3) : smat 3 :=
    /(mdet3 M) \.*
      l2m 0 [[(M.22*M.33-M.23*M.32); -(M.12*M.33-M.13*M.32); (M.12*M.23-M.13*M.22)];
             [-(M.21*M.33-M.23*M.31); (M.11*M.33-M.13*M.31); -(M.11*M.23-M.13*M.21)];
             [(M.21*M.32-M.22*M.31); -(M.11*M.32-M.12*M.31); (M.11*M.22-M.12*M.21)]]%A.

minvtble M -> minv3 M = inv M
  Lemma minv3_eq_minv : forall M, minvtble M -> minv3 M = M\-1.

  Definition minv4 (M : smat 4) : smat 4 :=
    /(mdet4 M) \.*
      l2m 0 [[(M.22*M.33*M.44 - M.22*M.34*M.43 - M.23*M.32*M.44 + M.23*M.34*M.42 +
                 M.24*M.32*M.43 - M.24*M.33*M.42);
              -(M.12*M.33*M.44 - M.12*M.34*M.43 - M.13*M.32*M.44 + M.13*M.34*M.42 +
                  M.14*M.32*M.43 - M.14*M.33*M.42);
              (M.12*M.23*M.44 - M.12*M.24*M.43 - M.13*M.22*M.44 + M.13*M.24*M.42 +
                 M.14*M.22*M.43 - M.14*M.23*M.42);
              -(M.12*M.23*M.34 - M.12*M.24*M.33 - M.13*M.22*M.34 + M.13*M.24*M.32 +
                  M.14*M.22*M.33 - M.14*M.23*M.32)];

             [-(M.21*M.33*M.44 - M.21*M.34*M.43 - M.23*M.31*M.44 + M.23*M.34*M.41 +
                  M.24*M.31*M.43 - M.24*M.33*M.41);
              (M.11*M.33*M.44 - M.11*M.34*M.43 - M.13*M.31*M.44 + M.13*M.34*M.41 +
                 M.14*M.31*M.43 - M.14*M.33*M.41);
              -(M.11*M.23*M.44 - M.11*M.24*M.43 - M.13*M.21*M.44 + M.13*M.24*M.41 +
                  M.14*M.21*M.43 - M.14*M.23*M.41);
              (M.11*M.23*M.34 - M.11*M.24*M.33 - M.13*M.21*M.34 + M.13*M.24*M.31 +
                 M.14*M.21*M.33 - M.14*M.23*M.31)];

             [(M.21*M.32*M.44 - M.21*M.34*M.42 - M.22*M.31*M.44 + M.22*M.34*M.41
               + M.24*M.31*M.42 - M.24*M.32*M.41);
              -(M.11*M.32*M.44 - M.11*M.34*M.42 - M.12*M.31*M.44 + M.12*M.34*M.41 +
                  M.14*M.31*M.42 - M.14*M.32*M.41);
              (M.11*M.22*M.44 - M.11*M.24*M.42 - M.12*M.21*M.44 + M.12*M.24*M.41 +
                 M.14*M.21*M.42 - M.14*M.22*M.41);
              -(M.11*M.22*M.34 - M.11*M.24*M.32 - M.12*M.21*M.34 + M.12*M.24*M.31 +
                  M.14*M.21*M.32 - M.14*M.22*M.31)];
             [-(M.21*M.32*M.43 - M.21*M.33*M.42 - M.22*M.31*M.43 + M.22*M.33*M.41 +
                  M.23*M.31*M.42 - M.23*M.32*M.41);
              (M.11*M.32*M.43 - M.11*M.33*M.42 - M.12*M.31*M.43 + M.12*M.33*M.41 +
                 M.13*M.31*M.42 - M.13*M.32*M.41);
              -(M.11*M.22*M.43 - M.11*M.23*M.42 - M.12*M.21*M.43 + M.12*M.23*M.41 +
                  M.13*M.21*M.42 - M.13*M.22*M.41);
              (M.11*M.22*M.33 - M.11*M.23*M.32 - M.12*M.21*M.33 + M.12*M.23*M.31 +
                 M.13*M.21*M.32 - M.13*M.22*M.31)]]%A.

minvtble M -> minv4 M = inv M
  Lemma minv4_eq_minv : forall M, minvtble M -> minv4 M = M\-1.

End minv.

Matrix Inversion by Adjoint Matrix (module version)

Module MinvCoreAM (E : FieldElementType) <: MinvCore E.
  Export E.
  Add Field field_thy_inst : (make_field_theory Field).
  Open Scope A_scope.
  Open Scope mat_scope.

  Local Notation "0" := Azero : A_scope.
  Local Notation "1" := Aone : A_scope.
  Local Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
  Local Notation "- a" := (Aopp a) : A_scope.
  Local Notation "a - b" := ((a + -b)%A) : A_scope.
  Local Infix "*" := Amul : A_scope.
  Local Notation "/ a" := (Ainv a) : A_scope.
  Local Notation "a / b" := ((a * /b)%A) : A_scope.

  Local Notation smat n := (smat A n).
  Local Notation mat1 := (@mat1 _ Azero Aone).
  Local Notation mcmul := (@mcmul _ Amul).
  Local Infix "\.*" := mcmul : mat_scope.
  Local Notation mmul := (@mmul _ Aadd Azero Amul).
  Local Infix "*" := mmul : mat_scope.
  Local Notation mmulv := (@mmulv _ Aadd 0 Amul).
  Local Infix "*v" := mmulv : mat_scope.
  Local Notation madj := (@madj _ Aadd 0 Aopp Amul 1).
  Local Notation "M \A" := (madj M) : mat_scope.

  Local Notation mdet := (@mdet _ Aadd 0 Aopp Amul 1).
  Local Notation mdetEx := (@mdetEx _ Aadd 0 Aopp Amul 1).
  Local Notation minvtble := (@minvtble _ Aadd 0 Amul 1).
  Local Notation msingular := (@msingular _ Aadd 0 Amul 1).

Check matrix invertibility

Check the invertibility of matrix `M`
  Definition minvtbleb {n} (M : smat n) : bool :=
    @minvtbleb _ Aadd 0 Aopp Amul 1 _ _ M.

minvtble M <-> minvtbleb M = true
  Lemma minvtble_iff_minvtbleb_true : forall {n} (M : smat n),
      minvtble M <-> minvtbleb M = true.
  Proof. intros. apply minvtble_iff_minvtbleb_true. Qed.

msingular M <-> minvtbleb M = false
  Lemma msingular_iff_minvtbleb_false : forall {n} (M : smat n),
      msingular M <-> minvtbleb M = false.
  Proof. intros. apply msingular_iff_minvtbleb_false. Qed.

Inverse matrix (option version)

Inverse matrix (option version)
  Definition minvo {n} (M : smat n) : option (smat n) :=
    @minvo _ Aadd 0 Aopp Amul 1 Ainv _ _ M.

`minvo` return `Some`, iff M is invertible
  Lemma minvo_Some_iff_minvtble : forall {n} (M : smat n),
      (exists M', minvo M = Some M') <-> minvtble M.
  Proof. intros. apply minvo_Some_iff_minvtble. Qed.

`minvo` return `None`, iff M is singular
  Lemma minvo_None_iff_msingular : forall {n} (M : smat n),
      minvo M = None <-> msingular M.
  Proof. intros. apply minvo_None_iff_msingular. Qed.

If `minvo M` return `Some M'`, then `M' * M = mat1`
  Lemma minvo_Some_imply_eq1_l : forall {n} (M M' : smat n),
      minvo M = Some M' -> M' * M = mat1.
  Proof. intros. apply minvo_Some_imply_eq1_l; auto. Qed.

If `minvo M` return `Some M'`, then `M * M' = mat1`
  Lemma minvo_Some_imply_eq1_r : forall {n} (M M' : smat n),
      minvo M = Some M' -> M * M' = mat1.
  Proof. intros. apply minvo_Some_imply_eq1_r; auto. Qed.

Inverse matrix (default value version)

Inverse matrix (with identity matrix as default value)
  Definition minv {n} (M : smat n) := @minv _ Aadd 0 Aopp Amul 1 Ainv _ _ M.
  Notation "M \-1" := (minv M) : mat_scope.

If `minvo M` return `Some N`, then `M\-1` equal to `N`
  Lemma minvo_Some_imply_minv : forall {n} (M N : smat n), minvo M = Some N -> M\-1 = N.
  Proof. intros. apply minvo_Some_imply_minv; auto. Qed.

If `minvo M` return `None`, then `M\-1` equal to `mat1`
  Lemma minvo_None_imply_minv : forall {n} (M : smat n), minvo M = None -> M\-1 = mat1.
  Proof. intros. apply minvo_None_imply_minv; auto. Qed.

M\-1 * M = mat1
  Lemma mmul_minv_l : forall {n} (M : smat n), minvtble M -> M\-1 * M = mat1.
  Proof. intros. apply mmul_minv_l; auto. Qed.

Inverse matrix (No-check version)

Inverse matrix (won't check the inversibility)
  Definition minvNoCheck {n} (M : smat n) :=
    @minvNoCheck _ Aadd 0 Aopp Amul 1 Ainv _ M.

If `M` is invertible, then minvNoCheckAM is equivalent to minvAM
  Lemma minvNoCheck_spec : forall {n} (M : smat n), minvtble M -> minvNoCheck M = M\-1.
  Proof. intros. apply minvNoCheck_spec; auto. Qed.

End MinvCoreAM.

Matrix inversion by Adjoint Matrix

Module MinvAM (E : FieldElementType).
  Module MinvCore_inst := MinvCoreAM E.
  Module Minv_inst := Minv E MinvCore_inst.
  Export Minv_inst.

  Local Notation "0" := Azero : A_scope.
  Local Notation "1" := Aone : A_scope.
  Local Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
  Local Notation "- a" := (Aopp a) : A_scope.
  Local Notation "a - b" := ((a + -b)%A) : A_scope.
  Local Infix "*" := Amul : A_scope.
  Local Notation "/ a" := (Ainv a) : A_scope.
  Local Notation "a / b" := ((a * /b)%A) : A_scope.

  Local Notation smat n := (smat A n).
  Local Notation mat1 := (@mat1 _ Azero Aone).
  Local Notation mcmul := (@mcmul _ Amul).
  Local Infix "\.*" := mcmul : mat_scope.
  Local Notation mmul := (@mmul _ Aadd Azero Amul).
  Local Infix "*" := mmul : mat_scope.
  Local Notation mmulv := (@mmulv _ Aadd 0 Amul).
  Local Infix "*v" := mmulv : mat_scope.
  Local Notation madj := (@madj _ Aadd 0 Aopp Amul 1).
  Local Notation "M \A" := (madj M) : mat_scope.

  Local Notation mdet := (@mdet _ Aadd 0 Aopp Amul 1).
  Local Notation mdetEx := (@mdetEx _ Aadd 0 Aopp Amul 1).
  Local Notation minvtble := (@minvtble _ Aadd 0 Amul 1).
  Local Notation msingular := (@msingular _ Aadd 0 Amul 1).

  Notation mcofactorEx := (@mcofactorEx _ Aadd 0 Aopp Amul 1).
  Notation mdet1 := (@mdet1 A).
  Notation mdet2 := (@mdet2 _ Aadd Aopp Amul).
  Notation mdet3 := (@mdet3 _ Aadd Aopp Amul).
  Notation mdet4 := (@mdet4 _ Aadd Aopp Amul).
  Notation cramerRule := (@cramerRule _ Aadd 0 Aopp Amul 1 Ainv).

Solve equation by inverse matrix without check the inversibility

Solve the equation with the form of C*x=b, but without check the inversibility.
  Definition solveEqNoCheck {n} (C : smat n) (b : vec n) : vec n :=
    (minvNoCheck C) *v b.

minvtble C -> solveEqNoCheck C b = solveEq C b
  Theorem solveEqNoCheck_spec : forall {n} (C : smat n) (b : @vec A n),
      minvtble C -> solveEqNoCheck C b = solveEq C b.
  Proof. intros. unfold solveEqNoCheck. rewrite minvNoCheck_spec; auto. Qed.

Solve the equation with the form of C*x=b over list, but without check the inversibility
  Definition solveEqListNoCheck (n : nat) (lC : dlist A) (lb : list A) : list A :=
    let C : smat n := l2m 0 lC in
    let b : vec n := l2v 0 lb in
    let x := solveEqNoCheck C b in
    v2l x.

minvtble {lC} -> {solveEqListNoCheck lC lb} = solveEqList {lC} {lb}
  Theorem solveEqListNoCheck_spec : forall n (lC : dlist A) (lb : list A),
      let C : smat n := l2m 0 lC in
      minvtble C -> solveEqListNoCheck n lC lb = solveEqList n lC lb.
  Proof. intros. unfold solveEqListNoCheck. rewrite solveEqNoCheck_spec; auto. Qed.

Get one element of inverse matrix

Get (i,j) element of inverse matrix of matrix `M`
  Definition minvElement {n} (M : smat (S n)) (i j : 'I_(S n)) : A :=
    @minvElement _ Aadd 0 Aopp Amul 1 Ainv _ M i j.

If `M` is invertible, minvElement M i j = (M\-1).i.j
  Lemma minvElement_spec : forall {n} (M : smat (S n)) (i j : 'I_(S n)),
      minvtble M -> minvElement M i j = (M\-1).[i].[j].
  Proof. intros. apply minvElement_spec; auto. Qed.

Direct formulas of inverse matrix

  Definition minv1 (M : smat 1) : smat 1 := @minv1 _ 0 Amul 1 Ainv M.

minvtble M -> minv1 M = inv M
  Lemma minv1_eq_minv : forall M, minvtble M -> minv1 M = M\-1.
  Proof. intros. apply minv1_eq_minv; auto. Qed.

  Definition minv2 (M : smat 2) : smat 2 := @minv2 _ Aadd 0 Aopp Amul Ainv M.

minvtble M -> minv2 M = inv M
  Lemma minv2_eq_minv : forall M, minvtble M -> minv2 M = M\-1.
  Proof. intros. apply minv2_eq_minv; auto. Qed.

  Definition minv3 (M : smat 3) : smat 3 := @minv3 _ Aadd 0 Aopp Amul Ainv M.

minvtble M -> minv3 M = inv M
  Lemma minv3_eq_minv : forall M, minvtble M -> minv3 M = M\-1.
  Proof. intros. apply minv3_eq_minv; auto. Qed.

  Definition minv4 (M : smat 4) : smat 4 := @minv4 _ Aadd 0 Aopp Amul Ainv M.

minvtble M -> minv4 M = inv M
  Lemma minv4_eq_minv : forall M, minvtble M -> minv4 M = M\-1.
  Proof. intros. apply minv4_eq_minv; auto. Qed.

End MinvAM.


Test inverse matrix over Qc type

Module MinvAM_Qc := MinvAM FieldElementTypeQc.

Section inv_Qc.
  Import MinvAM_Qc.

Example 1: inverse matrix of a `3x3` matrix over Qc type
  Section ex1.

    Let d1 := Q2Qc_dlist [[1;3;1];[2;1;1];[2;2;1]]%Q.
    Let d2 := Q2Qc_dlist [[-1;-1;2];[0;-1;1];[2;4;-5]]%Q.

    Goal minvList 3 d1 = d2.

  End ex1.

End inv_Qc.

Test inverse matrix over Q type

Section inv_Q.

  Import MinvAM_Qc.
  Open Scope Q_scope.

Check matrix invertibility with rational number lists
  Definition minvtblebListQ (n : nat) (d : dlist Q) : bool :=
    minvtblebList n (Q2Qc_dlist d).

Inverse matrix with rational number lists
  Definition minvListQ (n : nat) (dl : dlist Q) : dlist Q :=
    Qc2Q_dlist (minvList n (Q2Qc_dlist dl)).

Example 2: inverse matrix of a `3x3` matrix over Q type
  Section ex2.

    Let d1 := [[1;3;1];[2;1;1];[2;2;1]].
    Let d2 := [[-1;-1;2];[0;-1;1];[2;4;-5]].

    Goal minvListQ 3 d1 = d2.
    Proof. cbv. auto. Qed.

    Goal 1 == Qmake 2 2.
    Proof. cbv. auto. Qed.

    Goal 1 <> Qmake 2 2.
    Proof. cbv. intros. easy. Qed.

    Let d2' : dlist Q := [[-1;-1;2];[0;-1;Qmake 2 2];[2;4;-5]].

    Goal minvListQ 3 d1 <> d2'.
    Proof. cbv. intro. inv H. Qed.

    Infix "==" := (dlistSetoidEq Qeq).
    Goal minvListQ 3 d1 == d2.
    Proof. Local Opaque Qeq. cbv. repeat constructor. Qed.
  End ex2.

  Section ex3.
    Let d1 : dlist Q :=

    Open Scope Qc_scope.
    Let M : smat _ 8 := l2m 0 (Q2Qc_dlist d1).

    Let M1 := @minv 8 (l2m 0 (Q2Qc_dlist d1)).

    Goal ~(Qmake 41846 50943 == Qmake 23 28).
      intro. cbv in H.       easy.

  End ex3.

  Section ex4.
    Let d1 :=

  End ex4.

End inv_Q.

Test solveEq and cramerRule over Qc type

Section solveEq_cramerRule_Qc.
  Import MinvAM_Qc.

  Let M1 : smat _ 2 := l2m 0 (Q2Qc_dlist [[1;2];[3;4]]%Q).
  Let b1 : vec 2 := l2v 0 (Q2Qc_list [5;6]%Q).

  Let M2 : smat _ 5 :=
        l2m 0 (Q2Qc_dlist
  Let b2 : vec 5 := l2v 0 (Q2Qc_list [1;2;3;5;4]%Q).
End solveEq_cramerRule_Qc.