
Require Export Coq.Classes.RelationClasses. Require Import Coq.Logic.Description. Require Export Basic. Require Export BoolExt.
Require Export List. Import ListNotations.
Require Export Lia Lra.
Require Export Ring Field.
Require Import Arith ZArith QArith Qcanon Reals.

Open Scope nat_scope.
Open Scope A_scope.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.

Generalizable Variables A Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone Ainv Adiv Alt.

Small utilities

repeat split and intro
Ltac split_intro :=
  repeat (try split; try intro).

Applicate a unary function for n-times, i.e. f ( .. (f a0) ...)
Fixpoint iterate {A} (f : A -> A) (n : nat) (a0 : A) : A :=
  match n with
  | O => a0
  | S n' => f (iterate f n' a0)

Section test.
  Context {A} {f : A -> A} (Azero : A).
End test.

<TEMPLATE structures>



Section Instances.
End Instances.

Extra Theories

Section Theory.
End Theory.


Section Examples.
End Examples.

A relation is equivalence relation



Extra Theories


A relation is decidable


Class Dec {A:Type} (Acmp:A->A->Prop) := {
    dec : forall (a b : A), {Acmp a b} + {~(Acmp a b)};

Arguments dec {A} _ {_} : simpl never.

Definition Aeqdec {A} {AeqDec:Dec (@eq A)} := @dec _ (@eq A) AeqDec.


Section Instances.
  Import Arith ZArith Reals.

  #[export] Instance Dec_list `{Dec _ (@eq A)} : Dec (@eq (list A)).
  Proof. constructor. intros. apply list_eq_dec. apply Aeqdec. Defined.

Equality of two pairs, iff their corresponding components are all equal.
  Lemma prod_eq_iff : forall {A B} (z1 z2 : A * B),
      z1 = z2 <-> fst z1 = fst z2 /\ snd z1 = snd z2.
    intros A B (a1,b1) (a2,b2). split; intros H; inv H; auto.
    simpl in *; subst. auto.

Inequality of two pairs, iff at least one of components are not equal.
  Lemma prod_neq_iff : forall {A B} {AeqDec:Dec (@eq A)} {BeqDec:Dec (@eq B)}
                         (z1 z2 : A * B),
      z1 <> z2 <-> fst z1 <> fst z2 \/ snd z1 <> snd z2.
    intros. rewrite prod_eq_iff. split; intros.
    apply not_and_or in H; auto.
    apply or_not_and in H; auto.

End Instances.

Extra Theories

Section Dec_theory.

  Context `(HDec: Dec).

Tips: these theories are useful for R type
Calculate equality to boolean, with the help of equality decidability
  Definition Acmpb (a b : A) : bool := if dec Acmp a b then true else false.

Acmpb is true iff Acmp hold.
  Lemma Acmpb_true : forall a b, Acmpb a b = true <-> Acmp a b.
    intros. unfold Acmpb. destruct dec; split; intros; auto. easy.

Acmpb is false iff Acmp not hold
  Lemma Acmpb_false : forall a b, Acmpb a b = false <-> ~(Acmp a b).
  Proof. intros. rewrite <- Acmpb_true. split; solve_bool. Qed.

  Lemma Acmp_reflect : forall a b : A, reflect (Acmp a b) (Acmpb a b).
  Proof. intros. unfold Acmpb. destruct (dec Acmp a b); constructor; auto. Qed.

End Dec_theory.


Respect: an operation respect a relation (also known as "well-defined")

deprecated, replaced with "Proper" in Coq Note that, the naming could be any of them: 1. "add_wd", means "add" is well defined. 2. "add_aeq_mor", means "add" is a proper morphism about "aeq". 3. "Qplus_comp", means "Qplus" is compatible to "Qeq".


Hint Resolve
  Nat.add_wd Nat.mul_wd
  : wd.



Class Injective {A B} (phi: A -> B) := {
    injective : forall a1 a2 : A, a1 <> a2 -> phi a1 <> phi a2


Extra Theories

Section theory.
  Context {A B : Type}.

Second form of injective
  Definition injective_form2 (phi: A -> B) :=
    forall a1 a2, phi a1 = phi a2 -> a1 = a2.

These two forms are equal
  Lemma injective_eq_injective_form2 (phi: A -> B) :
    Injective phi <-> injective_form2 phi.
    split; intros.
    - hnf. destruct H as [H]. intros.
      specialize (H a1 a2). apply imply_to_or in H. destruct H.
      + apply NNPP in H. auto.
      + easy.
    - hnf in H. constructor. intros. intro. apply H in H1. easy.

Injective function preserve equal relation
  Lemma injective_preserve_eq : forall (f : A -> B),
      Injective f -> (forall a1 a2, f a1 = f a2 -> a1 = a2).
    intros. apply injective_eq_injective_form2 in H. apply H. auto.

End theory.




Class Surjective {A B} (phi: A -> B) := {
    surjective : forall b, (exists a, phi a = b)


Extra Theories





Extra Theories

Section theory.
  Context {A B : Type}.

There exist inverse function from a bijective function.
ref: how-to-make-an-inverse-function-in-coq
Tips: there are two methods to formalize "existential", sig and ex. ex makes a Prop, sig makes a Type. Here, we proof the ex version. the sig version could be derived by an axiom: constructive_definite_description : forall (A : Type) (P : A -> Prop), (exists ! x : A, P x) -> {x : A | P x}

  Lemma bij_inverse_exist : forall (phi : A -> B) (Hbij: Bijective phi),
    {psi : B -> A | (forall a : A, psi (phi a) = a) /\ (forall b : B, phi (psi b) = b)}.
    intros. destruct Hbij as [Hinj [Hsurj]].
    apply injective_eq_injective_form2 in Hinj. hnf in *.
    assert (H : forall b, exists! a, phi a = b).
    { intros b.
      destruct (Hsurj b) as [a Ha]. exists a. repeat split; auto.
      intros a' Ha'. apply Hinj. rewrite Ha. auto. }
    apply constructive_definite_description.
    exists (fun b => proj1_sig (constructive_definite_description _ (H b))). split.
    - split.
      + intros a. destruct (constructive_definite_description). simpl. auto.
      + intros b. destruct (constructive_definite_description). simpl. auto.
    - intro psi; intros. apply functional_extensionality.
      intros b. destruct (constructive_definite_description). simpl.
      destruct H0. rewrite <- e. auto.

A bijective function preserve equal relation
  Lemma bijective_preserve_eq : forall (f : A -> B),
      Bijective f -> (forall (a1 a2 : A), f a1 = f a2 -> a1 = a2).
    intros. destruct H as [Hinj Hsurj].
    apply injective_preserve_eq in H0; auto.

End theory.




Class Homomorphic {A B}
  (fa : A -> A -> A) (fb : B -> B -> B) (phi: A -> B) := {
    homomorphic : forall (a1 a2 : A), phi (fa a1 a2) = fb (phi a1) (phi a2)


Extra Theories




If there exist a homomorphic and surjective mapping from <A,+> to <B,⊕>, then we said <A,+> and <B,⊕> is homomorphism
Class Homomorphism {A B} (fa : A -> A -> A) (fb : B -> B -> B) := {
    homomorphism : exists (phi: A -> B), Homomorphic fa fb phi /\ Surjective phi

If there exist two homomorphic and surjective mapping from <A,+> to <B,⊕> and from <A,*> to <B,⊗>, then we said <A,+,*> and <B,⊕,⊗> is homomorphism
Class Homomorphism2 {A B} (fa ga : A -> A -> A) (fb gb : B -> B -> B) := {
    homomorphism2 : exists (phi: A -> B),
      Homomorphic fa fb phi /\ Homomorphic ga gb phi /\ Surjective phi


Extra Theories




If there exist a homomorphic and bijective mapping from <A,+> to <B,⊕>, then we said <A,+> and <B,⊕> is isomorphism
Class Isomorphism {A B} (fa : A -> A -> A) (fb : B -> B -> B) := {
    isomorphism : exists (phi: A -> B), Homomorphic fa fb phi /\ Bijective phi

If there exist two homomorphic and bijective mapping from <A,+> to <B,⊕> and from <A,*> to <B,⊗>, then we said <A,+,*> and <B,⊕,⊗> is isomorphism
Class Isomorphism2 {A B} (fa ga : A -> A -> A) (fb gb : B -> B -> B) := {
    isomorphism2 : exists (phi: A -> B),
      Homomorphic fa fb phi /\ Homomorphic ga gb phi /\ Bijective phi


Extra Theories




Class Subset (C P : Type) := {
    sub_phi : C -> P;
    sub_phi_inj : Injective sub_phi


Section Instances.

  Instance nat_Z_Subset : Subset nat Z.
    refine (@Build_Subset _ _ Z.of_nat _).
    rewrite injective_eq_injective_form2. hnf. apply Nat2Z.inj.

End Instances.

Extra Theories

Section Theory.
End Theory.


Section Examples.
End Examples.



Class Associative {A} (Aop : A -> A -> A) := {
    associative : forall a b c, Aop (Aop a b) c = Aop a (Aop b c);


#[export] Instance Assoc_NatAdd : Associative Nat.add.
constructor. auto with arith. Defined.

Extra Theories


Goal forall a b c : nat, (a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c).
  intros. rewrite associative; auto. Qed.

Goal forall a b c : nat, ((a + b) + c = a + (b + c)).
  apply associative. Qed.



Class Commutative {A} (Aop : A -> A -> A) := {
    commutative : forall a b, Aop a b = Aop b a


#[export] Instance Comm_NatAdd : Commutative Nat.add.
constructor. auto with arith. Defined.

#[export] Instance Comm_NatMul : Commutative Nat.mul.
constructor. auto with arith. Defined.

Extra Theories


Goal forall a b : nat, (a + b = b + a)%nat.
  apply commutative. Qed.

Goal forall a b : nat, (a * b = b * a)%nat.
  apply commutative. Qed.

Identity Left/Right


Class IdentityLeft {A} (Aop : A -> A -> A) (Ae : A) := {
    identityLeft : forall a, Aop Ae a = a

Class IdentityRight {A} (Aop : A -> A -> A) (Ae : A) := {
    identityRight : forall a, Aop a Ae = a


Extra Theories


Inverse Left/Right


Class InverseLeft {A} (Aop : A -> A -> A) (Ae : A) (Aopinv : A -> A)
  := {
    inverseLeft : forall a, Aop (Aopinv a) a = Ae

Class InverseRight {A} (Aop : A -> A -> A) (Ae : A) (Aopinv : A -> A)
  := {
    inverseRight : forall a, Aop a (Aopinv a) = Ae


Extra Theories




Class DistrLeft {A} (Aadd Amul : A -> A -> A) := {
    distrLeft : forall a b c,
      Amul a (Aadd b c) = Aadd (Amul a b) (Amul a c)

Class DistrRight {A} (Aadd Amul : A -> A -> A) := {
    distrRight : forall a b c,
      Amul (Aadd a b) c = Aadd (Amul a c) (Amul b c)


Extra Theories


Involution Law



Extra Theories


Semigroup 半群


Class SGroup {A} (Aadd : A -> A -> A) := {
    sgroupAssoc :: Associative Aadd;

Get parameter of this structure


Section Instances.

  #[export] Instance nat_add_SGroup : SGroup Nat.add.
  repeat constructor; auto with wd; try apply eq_equivalence; intros; ring. Qed.

  #[export] Instance nat_mul_SGroup : SGroup Nat.mul.
  repeat constructor; auto with wd; try apply eq_equivalence; intros; ring. Qed.

End Instances.

Extra Theories

Ltac sgroup_head f :=
  rewrite ?associative;
    (match goal with
     | |- f ?a _ = f ?a _ => apply f_equal2; [reflexivity|]

Ltac sgroup_tail f :=
  rewrite <- ?associative;
    (match goal with
     | |- f _ ?a = f _ ?a => apply f_equal2; [|reflexivity]

Ltac sgroup_only f :=
  try (progress (sgroup_head f));
  try (progress (sgroup_tail f)).
Ltac sgroup :=
  match goal with
  | SG : SGroup ?f |- _ => sgroup_only f


Section test.
  Context `{HSGroup : SGroup}. Infix "+" := Aadd.

  Variable a b c d e f g h i j k : A.

  Goal a + b = a + k. progress sgroup. Abort.
  Goal a + b = k + b. progress sgroup. Abort.

  Goal a + b + c = a + k. progress sgroup. Abort.
  Goal a + b + c = a + b + k. progress sgroup. Abort.
  Goal a + b + c = k + c. progress sgroup. Abort.
  Goal (a + b) + c = k + (b + c). progress sgroup. Abort.

  Goal a + b + c + d = a + k. progress sgroup. Abort.
  Goal a + b + c + d = a + b + k. progress sgroup. Abort.
  Goal a + b + c + d = a + b + c + k. progress sgroup. Abort.
  Goal a + b + c + d = k + d. progress sgroup. Abort.
  Goal a + b + c + d = k + c + d. progress sgroup. Abort.
  Goal a + b + c + d = k + b + c + d. progress sgroup. Abort.

  Goal a + b + c + d + e = a + k. progress sgroup. Abort.
  Goal a + b + c + d + e = a + b + k. progress sgroup. Abort.
  Goal a + b + c + d + e = a + b + c + k. progress sgroup. Abort.
  Goal a + b + c + d + e = a + b + c + d + k. progress sgroup. Abort.
  Goal a + b + c + d + e = k + e. progress sgroup. Abort.
  Goal a + b + c + d + e = k + d + e. progress sgroup. Abort.
  Goal a + b + c + d + e = k + c + d + e. progress sgroup. Abort.
  Goal a + b + c + d + e = k + b + c + d + e. progress sgroup. Abort.
End test.

Abelian semigroup 交换半群


Class ASGroup {A} (Aadd : A -> A -> A) := {
    asgroupSGroup :: SGroup Aadd;
    asgroupComm :: Commutative Aadd

Get parameter of this structure


Section Instances.

  #[export] Instance nat_add_ASGroup : ASGroup Nat.add.
  repeat constructor; auto with wd; try apply eq_equivalence; intros; ring. Qed.

  #[export] Instance nat_mul_ASGroup : SGroup Nat.mul.
  repeat constructor; auto with wd; try apply eq_equivalence; intros; ring. Qed.

End Instances.

Extra Theories

In a commutative semigroup, adjust a term in the equation to the head, and use full right associative form for next step of elimination. From: a1 + ... + c + ... + an (with parentheses of any form) To : c + (a1 + (... + an)) 在交换半群中,将等式里的一个项调整到头部,并使用完全的右结合形式以便下一步消去。
Ltac move2h c :=
  rewrite <- ?associative;
  try rewrite (commutative _ c);
  rewrite ?associative.

In a commutative semigroup, adjust a term in the equation to the tail, and use full left associative form for next step of elimination. From: a1 + ... + c + ... + an (with parentheses of any form) To : (...(a1 + ... + an)...) + c 在交换半群中,将等式里的一个项调整到尾部,并使用完全的左结合形式以便下一步消去。
Ltac move2t c :=
  rewrite ?associative;
  try rewrite (commutative c);
  rewrite <- ?associative.

Section test.
  Context `{HASGroup : ASGroup}. Infix "+" := Aadd.
  Variable a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 : A.

  Goal a0 + (a1 + a2) + a3 = a3 + (a0 + a2) + a1.
  Proof. do 2 move2h a0. do 2 move2h a1. do 2 move2h a2. do 2 move2h a3. auto. Qed.

  Goal a0 + (a1 + a2) + a3 = a3 + (a0 + a2) + a1.
  Proof. do 2 move2t a0. do 2 move2t a1. do 2 move2t a2. do 2 move2t a3. auto. Qed.
End test.

Section try1.
In a commutative semigroup, eliminate first common head. From: c + a1 + ... + an = c + b1 + ... + bm (with parentheses of any form) To : a1 + (a2 + (... + an)) = b1 + (b2 + (... + bm)) 在交换半群中,消去第一个相同的头部。
  Ltac elimh1 :=
    rewrite ?associative;
    match goal with
    | |- ?f ?c ?a = ?f ?c ?b => f_equal

In a commutative semigroup, eliminate first common tail. From: c + a1 + ... + an = c + b1 + ... + bm (with parentheses of any form) To : ((a1 + a2) + ...) + an = ((b1 + b2) + ...) + bm 在交换半群中,消去第一个相同的尾部。
  Ltac elimt1 :=
    rewrite <- ?associative;
    match goal with
    | |- ?f ?a ?c = ?f ?b ?c => f_equal

  Ltac elimh :=
    rewrite ?associative;
    repeat match goal with
      | |- ?aeq (?f ?c _) (?f _ _) => move2h c; elimh1
      | |- ?aeq (?f ?c _) (?f _ _) => move2h c; elimh1

  Ltac elimt :=
    rewrite <- ?associative;
    repeat match goal with
      | |- ?aeq (?f _ ?c) (?f _ _) => move2t c; elimt1

  Ltac asgroup :=
    elimh; elimt;
    elimh; elimt.
  Section test.
    Context `{HASGroup : ASGroup}. Infix "+" := Aadd.
    Variable a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 b1 b2 c1 c2 : A.


    Goal a0 + (a1 + a2) + a3 = a3 + (a0 + a2) + a1.
      do 2 move2h a0; elimh1.
      do 2 move2h a1; elimh1.
      do 2 move2h a2; elimh1.

    Goal a0 + (a1 + a2) + a3 = a3 + (a0 + a2) + a1.
      do 2 move2t a0; elimt1.
      do 2 move2t a1; elimt1.
      do 2 move2t a2; elimt1.

    Goal a0 + (a1 + a2) + a3 = a3 + (a0 + a2) + a1. Proof. elimh. Qed.
    Goal a0 + (a1 + a2) + a3 = a3 + (a0 + a2) + a1. Proof. elimt. Qed.
    Goal a0 + (a1 + a2) + a3 = a3 + (a0 + a2) + a1. Proof. symmetry. elimh. Qed.
    Goal a0 + (a1 + a2) + a3 = a3 + (a0 + a2) + a1. Proof. symmetry. elimt. Qed.

    Let eq2 : Prop := a0 + (a1 + a2 + a3) + a4 + a5 = a2 + a0 + a6 + a3 + a4.

    Goal eq2. unfold eq2. elimh. Abort.
    Goal eq2. unfold eq2. elimt. Abort.
    Goal eq2. unfold eq2. symmetry. elimh. Abort.
    Goal eq2. unfold eq2. symmetry. elimt. Abort.
    Goal eq2. unfold eq2. asgroup. Abort.


    Goal b1 + a0 + a1 + b2 = c1 + a1 + a0 + c2.
      progress asgroup.
      progress asgroup.
      progress asgroup.

    Goal b1 + a0 + a1 + b2 = c1 + a1 + a0 + c2.
      do 2 move2h a0. asgroup.
      do 2 move2h a1. asgroup.
  End test.

End try1.

Section try2.

  Ltac asgroup :=
    rewrite <- ?associative;
      (match goal with
       | |- ?f ?a _ = ?f ?a _ => f_equal
       | |- ?f _ ?a = ?f _ ?a => f_equal
       | |- ?f ?a _ = ?f _ ?a => move2t a
       | |- ?f _ ?a = ?f ?a _ => move2t a
       | |- ?f (?f ?a _) _ = ?f ?a _ => move2t a
       | |- ?f (?f ?a _) _ = ?f _ ?a => move2t a
       | |- ?f (?f _ ?a) _ = ?f ?a _ => move2t a
       | |- ?f (?f _ ?a) _ = ?f _ ?a => move2t a
       | |- ?f ?a _ = ?f (?f ?a _) _ => move2t a
       | |- ?f ?a _ = ?f (?f _ ?a) _ => move2t a
       | |- ?f _ ?a = ?f (?f ?a _) _ => move2t a
       | |- ?f _ ?a = ?f (?f _ ?a) _ => move2t a
       | |- ?f (?f ?a _) _ = ?f (?f ?a _) _ => move2t a
       | |- ?f (?f ?a _) _ = ?f (?f _ ?a) _ => move2t a
       | |- ?f (?f _ ?a) _ = ?f (?f ?a _) _ => move2t a
       | |- ?f (?f _ ?a) _ = ?f (?f _ ?a) _ => move2t a
       | |- ?f (?f ?a _) _ = ?f _ (?f ?a _) => move2t a
       | |- ?f (?f ?a _) _ = ?f _ (?f _ ?a) => move2t a
       | |- ?f (?f _ ?a) _ = ?f _ (?f ?a _) => move2t a
       | |- ?f (?f _ ?a) _ = ?f _ (?f _ ?a) => move2t a

  Section test.
    Context `{HASGroup : ASGroup}. Infix "+" := Aadd.
    Variable a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 b1 b2 c1 c2 : A.

    Goal b1 + a0 + b2 = c1 + a0 + c2.
    Proof. asgroup. Abort.
  End test.
End try2.

Ltac asgroup_only f :=
  rewrite <- ?associative;
    (match goal with
     | |- ?A = ?B =>
         match A with
         | context [f ?a ?b] =>
             match B with
             | context [f a _] => do 2 move2t a; f_equal
             | context [f _ a] => do 2 move2t a; f_equal
             | context [f b _] => do 2 move2t b; f_equal
             | context [f _ b] => do 2 move2t b; f_equal

Ltac asgroup :=
  match goal with
  | ASG : ASGroup ?f |- _ => asgroup_only f


Section test.
  Context `{HASGroup : ASGroup}. Infix "+" := Aadd.

  Variable a b c d e f g h i j k : A.

  Goal a + b = a + k. progress asgroup. Abort.
  Goal b + a = k + a. progress asgroup. Abort.
  Goal a + b = k + a. progress asgroup. Abort.
  Goal b + a = a + k. progress asgroup. Abort.

  Goal a + b + c = a + k. progress asgroup. Abort.
  Goal a + b + c = k + a. progress asgroup. Abort.
  Goal a + b + c = b + k. progress asgroup. Abort.
  Goal a + b + c = k + b. progress asgroup. Abort.

  Goal a + b + c + d = a + k. progress asgroup. Abort.
  Goal a + b + c + d = k + a. progress asgroup. Abort.
  Goal a + b + c + d = b + k. progress asgroup. Abort.
  Goal a + b + c + d = k + b. progress asgroup. Abort.

  Goal a + b + c + d + e = a + k. progress asgroup. Abort.
  Goal a + b + c + d + e = k + a. progress asgroup. Abort.
  Goal a + b + c + d + e = b + k. progress asgroup. Abort.
  Goal a + b + c + d + e = k + b. progress asgroup. Abort.

  Goal a + b + c + d + e + f = a + k. progress asgroup. Abort.
  Goal a + b + c + d + e + f = k + a. progress asgroup. Abort.
  Goal a + b + c + d + e + f = b + k. progress asgroup. Abort.
  Goal a + b + c + d + e + f = k + b. progress asgroup. Abort.

  Goal a + k = a + b + c + d + e + f. progress asgroup. Abort.
  Goal k + a = a + b + c + d + e + f. progress asgroup. Abort.
  Goal b + k = a + b + c + d + e + f. progress asgroup. Abort.
  Goal k + b = a + b + c + d + e + f. progress asgroup. Abort.

  Goal forall x1 x2 y1 y2 : A, x1 + a + b + c + x2 = y1 + c + (b + a) + y2.
  Proof. intros. progress asgroup. Abort.
End test.

Monoid 幺半群、独异点


Class Monoid {A} (Aadd : A -> A -> A) (Azero : A) := {
    monoidAssoc :: Associative Aadd;
    monoidIdL :: IdentityLeft Aadd Azero;
    monoidIdR :: IdentityRight Aadd Azero;
    monoidSGroup :: SGroup Aadd

Get parameter of a monoid


Section Instances.

  Import Arith ZArith Qcanon Reals.

  #[export] Instance Monoid_NatAdd : Monoid Nat.add 0%nat.
  repeat constructor; intros; ring. Qed.

  #[export] Instance Monoid_NatMul : Monoid Nat.mul 1%nat.
  repeat constructor; intros; ring. Qed.

  #[export] Instance Monoid_ZAdd : Monoid Z.add 0%Z.
  repeat constructor; intros; ring. Qed.

  #[export] Instance Monoid_ZMul : Monoid Z.mul 1%Z.
  repeat constructor; intros; ring. Qed.

  #[export] Instance Monoid_QcAdd : Monoid Qcplus 0.
  repeat constructor; intros; ring. Qed.

  #[export] Instance Monoid_QcMul : Monoid Qcmult 1.
  repeat constructor; intros; ring. Qed.

  #[export] Instance Monoid_RAdd : Monoid Rplus 0%R.
  repeat constructor; intros; ring. Qed.

  #[export] Instance Monoid_RMul : Monoid Rmult 1%R.
  repeat constructor; intros; ring. Qed.

End Instances.

Extra Theories

Section Theory.
  Context `{HMonoid : Monoid}.
  Notation "0" := Azero : A_scope.
  Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.

End Theory.

Ltac monoid_only f e :=
    (match goal with
     | [M:Monoid f e |- context [f ?a e]] => rewrite (identityRight a) at 1
     | [M:Monoid f e, H:context [f ?a e] |- _] => rewrite (identityRight a) in H at 1
     | [M:Monoid f e |- context [f e ?a]] => rewrite (identityLeft a) at 1
     | [M:Monoid f e, H:context [f e ?a] |- _] => rewrite (identityLeft a) in H at 1

Ltac monoid :=
  try match goal with
    | M:Monoid ?f ?e |- _ =>
        monoid_only f e;
        try pose proof (@monoidSGroup _ f e M) as HSGroup; sgroup
  try match goal with
    | SG : SGroup ?f |- _ => sgroup


Section Examples.
  Context `{HMonoid : Monoid}.
  Notation "0" := Azero : A_scope.
  Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.

  Goal forall a b c d : A, 0 + a + 0 + (b + 0 + c) = a + (0 + b) + (c + 0).
  Proof. intros. monoid. Qed.

End Examples.

Abelian monoid


Class AMonoid {A} Aadd Azero := {
    amonoidMonoid :: @Monoid A Aadd Azero;
    amonoidComm :: Commutative Aadd;
    amonoidASGroup :: ASGroup Aadd


Section Instances.

  Import Qcanon Reals.

  #[export] Instance AMonoid_QcAdd : AMonoid Qcplus 0.
  split_intro; subst; ring. Defined.

  #[export] Instance AMonoid_QcMul : AMonoid Qcmult 1.
  split_intro; subst; ring. Defined.

  #[export] Instance AMonoid_RAdd : AMonoid Rplus 0%R.
  split_intro; subst; ring. Defined.

  #[export] Instance AMonoid_RMul : AMonoid Rmult 1%R.
  split_intro; subst; ring. Defined.

End Instances.

Extra Theories

Section Theory.
  Context `(HAMonoid : AMonoid).
  Infix "*" := Aadd.
End Theory.

Ltac amonoid :=
    (match goal with
     | AM:AMonoid ?f ?e |- _ =>
         try pose proof (@amonoidMonoid _ f e AM) as HMonoid; try monoid;
         try pose proof (@amonoidASGroup _ f e AM) as HASGroup; asgroup
     | [M:Monoid ?f ?e |- _] => monoid
     | [ASG:ASGroup ?f |- _] => asgroup
     | [SG:ASGroup ?f |- _] => sgroup


Section Examples.
  Context `{HAMonoid : AMonoid}.
  Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
  Notation "0" := Azero : A_scope.

  Goal forall a b c : A, a + (0 + b + c + 0) = 0 + c + (b + a + 0) + 0.
  Proof. simp. amonoid. Qed.
End Examples.



Class Group {A} Aadd Azero (Aopp : A -> A) := {
    groupMonoid :: Monoid Aadd Azero;
    groupInvL :: InverseLeft Aadd Azero Aopp;
    groupInvR :: InverseRight Aadd Azero Aopp;


Section Instances.

  Import Qcanon Reals.

  #[export] Instance Qc_add_Group : Group Qcplus 0 Qcopp.
  split_intro; subst; ring. Defined.

  #[export] Instance R_add_Group : Group Rplus 0%R Ropp.
  split_intro; subst; ring. Defined.

End Instances.

Extra Theories

Ltac group_basic_only f e inv :=
    (match goal with
     | [G:Group f e inv, H:context[f (inv ?a) ?a] |-_] => rewrite (inverseLeft a) in H at 1
     | [G:Group f e inv |- context [f (inv ?a) ?a]] => rewrite (inverseLeft a) at 1
     | [G:Group f e inv, H:context[f ?a (inv ?a)] |-_] => rewrite (inverseRight a) in H at 1
     | [G:Group f e inv |- context [f ?a (inv ?a)]] => rewrite (inverseRight a) at 1
     | [G:Group f e inv, H:context[f (inv ?a) (f ?a ?b)] |- _] =>
         rewrite <- (associative (inv a) a) in H; rewrite (inverseLeft a) in H at 1
     | [G:Group f e inv |- context[f (inv ?a) (f ?a ?b)] ] =>
         rewrite <- (associative (inv a) a); rewrite (inverseLeft a) at 1
     | [G:Group f e inv, H:context[f ?a (f (inv ?a) ?b)] |- _] =>
         rewrite <- (associative a (inv a)) in H; rewrite (inverseRight a) in H at 1
     | [G:Group f e inv |- context[f ?a (f (inv ?a) ?b)] ] =>
         rewrite <- (associative a (inv a)); rewrite (inverseRight a) at 1
     | [G:Group f e inv, H:context[f (f ?a ?b) (inv ?b)] |- _] =>
         rewrite (associative a b) in H; rewrite (inverseRight b) in H at 1
     | [G:Group f e inv |- context[f (f ?a ?b) (inv ?b)] ] =>
         rewrite (associative a b); rewrite (inverseRight b) at 1
     | [G:Group f e inv, H:context[f (f ?a (inv ?b)) ?b] |- _] =>
         rewrite (associative a (inv b)) in H; rewrite (inverseLeft b) in H at 1
     | [G:Group f e inv |- context[f (f ?a (inv ?b)) ?b] ] =>
         rewrite (associative a (inv b)); rewrite (inverseLeft b) at 1

Ltac group_basic :=
    (match goal with
     | G : Group ?f ?e ?inv |- _ =>
         group_basic_only f e inv;
         try pose proof (@groupMonoid _ f e inv G) as HMonoid;
         try pose proof (@monoidSGroup _ f e ?M) as HSGroup;
     | M : Monoid ?f ?e |- _ => monoid
     | SG : SGroup ?f |- _ => sgroup

Section example.

  Context `{HGroup : Group}.
  Notation "0" := Azero : A_scope.
  Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
  Notation "- a" := (Aopp a) : A_scope.

  Goal forall a b c : A, a + 0 = 0 + a -> (a + b) + 0 + c = 0 + a + 0 + (b + 0 + c).
  Proof. simp. group_basic. Qed.

  Goal forall a b c d e : A, c + -c + - d + d = e -> - a + a + b + - b = e.
  Proof. simp. group_basic. Qed.

  Goal forall a b : A, -a + (a + b) = b.
  Proof. simp. group_basic. Qed.

End example.

Section GroupTheory.

  Context `{HGroup : Group}.
  Infix "+" := Aadd.
  Notation "0" := Azero.
  Notation "- a" := (Aopp a).
  Notation Asub a b := (a + -b).
  Infix "-" := Asub.

my added lemmas (part 1)

  • 0 = 0
  Theorem group_opp_0 : - 0 = 0.
    pose proof (inverseLeft 0). rewrite identityRight in H. auto.

lemmas from textbook

left identity element is unique
  Theorem group_id_uniq_l : forall e',
      (forall a, e' + a = a) -> e' = 0.
    intros. rewrite <- H. rewrite identityRight; auto.

right identity element is unique
  Theorem group_id_uniq_r : forall e', (forall a, a + e' = a) -> e' = 0.
    intros. rewrite <- H. rewrite identityLeft; auto.

left inverse element is unique
  Theorem group_opp_uniq_l : forall a b : A, a + b = 0 -> -a = b.
    replace (-a) with (-a + 0) by group_basic.
    replace 0 with (a + b). group_basic.

right inverse element is unique
  Theorem group_opp_uniq_r : forall a b : A, a + b = 0 -> -b = a.
    replace (-b) with (0 + -b) by group_basic.
    replace 0 with (a + b). group_basic.

c + a = c + b -> a = b
  Theorem group_cancel_l : forall a b c, c + a = c + b -> a = b.
    rewrite <- identityLeft at 1.
    assert (0 = -c + c). group_basic.
    rewrite H0. rewrite associative. rewrite H. group_basic.

a + c = b + c -> a = b
  Theorem group_cancel_r : forall a b c, a + c = b + c -> a = b.
    rewrite <- identityRight at 1.
    assert (0 = c + (-c)). group_basic.
    rewrite H0. rewrite <- associative. rewrite H. group_basic.

  • - a = a
  Theorem group_opp_opp : forall a, - - a = a.
  Proof. intros. apply group_cancel_l with (- a). group_basic. Qed.

a - a = 0
  Theorem group_sub_self : forall a, a - a = 0.
  Proof. intros. group_basic. Qed.

  • a = - b -> a = b
  Lemma group_opp_inj : forall a b : A, - a = - b -> a = b.
    intros. rewrite <- group_opp_opp. rewrite <- H. rewrite group_opp_opp. auto.

  • (a + b) = (- b) + (- a)
  Theorem group_opp_distr : forall a b, - (a + b) = (- b) + (- a).
    apply group_cancel_l with (a + b).
    rewrite inverseRight. rewrite <- associative. rewrite (associative a b).

  • a = 0 <-> a = 0
  Lemma group_opp_eq0_iff : forall a : A, - a = 0 <-> a = 0.
    intros. split; intros.
    - apply group_cancel_l with (-a). group_basic.
    - subst. rewrite group_opp_0. auto.

  • a <> 0 <-> a <> 0
  Lemma group_opp_neq0_iff : forall a : A, - a <> 0 <-> a <> 0.
  Proof. intros. rewrite group_opp_eq0_iff. easy. Qed.

a + b = c -> a = c + (-b)
  Theorem group_sol_l : forall a b c, a + b = c -> a = c + (- b).
  Proof. intros. apply group_cancel_r with (b). rewrite H. group_basic. Qed.

a + b = c -> b = (-a) + c
  Theorem group_sol_r : forall a b c, a + b = c -> b = (- a) + c.
    intros. apply group_cancel_l with (a). rewrite H. group_basic.

a - b = 0 <-> a = b
  Theorem group_sub_eq0_iff_eq : forall a b, a - b = 0 <-> a = b.
    intros. split; intros.
    - apply group_cancel_r with (-b). group_basic.
    - subst. group_basic.

Definition 14.1 (multiple operations)
  Definition group_batch (l:list A) :=
    match l with
    | [] => 0
    | x :: l' => fold_left Aadd l' x

  Section test.
    Variable (a1 a2 a3 a4 : A).

  End test.

Theorem 14.3 (Generalized Associative Law)
  Section th14_3.

    Notation "'Σ' a '&' l " := (fold_left Aadd l a) (at level 10).

    Theorem group_assoc_general (l1 l2 : list A) :
      (group_batch l1) + (group_batch l2) = group_batch (l1 ++ l2).
      destruct l1,l2; simpl; group_basic.
      - rewrite app_nil_r. auto.
      - rename a into a1, a0 into a2.
        assert (forall a l1 l2, Σ a & (l1 ++ l2) = Σ (Σ a & l1) & l2) as H1.
        { intros a l0. revert a. induction l0; intros; auto.
          simpl. rewrite IHl0. auto. }
        assert (forall a b l, a + Σ b & l = Σ (a + b) & l) as H2.
        { intros. revert a b. induction l; simpl; intros; auto.
          simpl. rewrite IHl.
fold_left preveres the aeq
          assert (forall l a1 a2, a1 = a2 -> Σ a1 & l = Σ a2 & l).
          { induction l0; intros; simpl in *; auto.
            apply IHl0. rewrite H. auto. }
          apply H. group_basic. }
        assert (forall a b l, Σ a & (b :: l) = Σ (a + b) & l) as H3.
        { intros. revert a b. induction l; auto. }
        rewrite H1. rewrite H2. rewrite H3. auto.

  End th14_3.

  Section th14_4.

    Import ZArith.

Definition 14.2 (power) a ^ 0 = e a ^ n = a ^ (n-1) * a, for n >= 1 a ^ (-n) = (-a) ^ n, for n >= 1
    Definition group_power (a : A) (n : Z) : A :=
      match n with
      | Z0 => 0
      | Zpos m => iterate (fun x => Aadd x a) (Pos.to_nat m) 0
      | Z.neg m => iterate (fun x => Aadd x (Aopp a)) (Pos.to_nat m) 0
    Infix "^" := group_power.

    Section test.
      Variable (a1 a2 a3 a4 : A).

    End test.

Remark 14.2
    Lemma group_power_eq1 (n : Z) :
      match n with
      | Z0 => forall a, a ^ n = 0
      | Zpos m => forall a, a ^ n = group_batch (repeat a (Z.to_nat n))
      | Zneg m => forall a, a ^ n = group_batch (repeat (-a) (Z.to_nat (-n)))
      destruct n; intros; auto.

Theorem 14.4
    Theorem group_power_inv : forall a n, (a^n) + (a^(- n)) = 0.

    Theorem group_power_plus : forall a m n, (a^m) + (a^n) = a^(m+n).

    Theorem group_power_mul : forall a m n, (a^m)^n = a^(m*n).

  End th14_4.

my added lemmas (part 2)

  Lemma group_add_eq_l : forall a b : A, b = 0 -> a + b = a.
  Proof. intros. rewrite H. apply identityRight. Qed.

  Lemma group_add_eq_r : forall a b : A, a = 0 -> a + b = b.
  Proof. intros. rewrite H. apply identityLeft. Qed.

  Lemma group_add_eq_l_inv : forall a b : A, a + b = a -> b = 0.
    assert (a + b = a + 0). rewrite H. rewrite identityRight; auto.
    apply group_cancel_l in H0. auto.

  Lemma group_add_eq_r_inv : forall a b : A, a + b = b -> a = 0.
    assert (a + b = 0 + b). rewrite H. rewrite identityLeft; auto.
    apply group_cancel_r in H0. auto.

  Lemma group_opp_exchg_l : forall a b : A, - a = b -> a = - b.
  Proof. intros. rewrite <- H. rewrite group_opp_opp. auto. Qed.

  Lemma group_opp_exchg_r : forall a b : A, a = - b -> - a = b.
  Proof. intros. rewrite H. rewrite group_opp_opp. auto. Qed.

End GroupTheory.

Ltac group_advanced_only f e inv :=
    (match goal with
     | [G:Group f e inv, H:context [inv e] |- _] => rewrite group_opp_0 in H at 1
     | [G:Group f e inv |- context [inv e]] => rewrite group_opp_0 at 1
     | [G:Group f e inv, H:context [inv (inv ?a)] |- _] =>
         rewrite (group_opp_opp a) in H
     | [G:Group f e inv |- context [inv (inv ?a)]] =>
         rewrite (group_opp_opp a)
     | [G:Group f e inv, H:context [inv (f ?a ?b)] |- _] =>
         rewrite (group_opp_distr a b) in H at 1
     | [G:Group f e inv |- context [inv (f ?a ?b)]] =>
         rewrite (group_opp_distr a b) at 1
     | [G:Group f e inv, H:context [inv ?a = inv ?b] |- _] =>
         apply group_opp_inj in H
     | [G:Group f e inv, H:context [inv ?a = ?b] |- ?a = inv ?b] =>
         apply group_opp_exchg_l
     | [G:Group f e inv, H:context [?a = inv ?b] |- inv ?a = ?b] =>
         apply group_opp_exchg_r
     | [G:Group f e inv, H:context [inv ?a = e] |- _] => rewrite (group_opp_eq0_iff a) in H
     | [G:Group f e inv |- context [inv ?a = e]] => rewrite (group_opp_eq0_iff a)

     | [G:Group f e inv |- f ?a ?b = ?a] => apply group_add_eq_l
     | [G:Group f e inv |- ?a = f ?a ?b] => symmetry
     | [G:Group f e inv |- f ?a ?b = ?b] => apply group_add_eq_r
     | [G:Group f e inv |- ?b = f ?a ?b] => symmetry
     | [G:Group f e inv, H:f ?a ?b = ?a |- ?b = e] => apply group_add_eq_l_inv in H
     | [G:Group f e inv, H:f ?a ?b = ?b |- ?a = e] => apply group_add_eq_r_inv in H

     | [G:Group f e inv |- ?f (?f ?a ?b) ?c = ?a] => rewrite (associative a b c)
     | [G:Group f e inv |- ?a = ?f (?f ?a ?b) ?c] => symmetry

     | [G:Group f e inv |- ?f (?f ?a ?b) ?c = ?b] =>
         rewrite (associative a b c); rewrite (commutative b c);
         rewrite <- (associative a c b)
     | [G:Group f e inv |- ?b = ?f (?f ?a ?b) ?c] => symmetry

     | [G:Group f e inv |- ?f ?a (?f ?b ?c) = ?b] =>
         rewrite (commutative b c); rewrite <- (associative a c b)
     | [G:Group f e inv |- ?b = ?f ?a (?f ?b ?c)] => symmetry

     | [G:Group f e inv |- ?f ?a (?f ?b ?c) = ?c] => rewrite <- (associative a b c)
     | [G:Group f e inv |- ?c = ?f ?a (?f ?b ?c)] => symmetry

Ltac group_only f e inv :=
  try (progress (group_advanced_only f e inv));
  try (progress (group_basic)).

Ltac group :=
  match goal with
  | G:Group ?f ?e ?inv |- _ => group_only f e inv


Section Examples.

  Context `{HGroup : Group}.
  Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
  Notation "0" := Azero : A_scope.
  Notation "- a" := (Aopp a) : A_scope.
  Notation Asub a b := (a + -b).
  Infix "-" := Asub : A_scope.

  Goal forall a b c d : A, - (a + 0 + (b - c)) + (- - d + 0) = c - b + - (- d + a).
  Proof. intros. group. Qed.

  Goal forall a b : A, b = 0 -> a + b = a.
  Proof. intros. group. Qed.

  Goal forall a b : A, a = 0 -> a + b = b.
  Proof. intros. group. Qed.

  Goal forall a b : A, a + b = b -> a = 0.
  Proof. intros. group. Qed.

  Goal forall a b : A, a + b = a -> b = 0.
  Proof. intros. group. Qed.

  Goal forall a b : A, a = - b -> - a = b.
  Proof. intros. group. Qed.

  Goal forall a b : A, - a = b -> a = - b.
  Proof. intros. group. Qed.

End Examples.

Abelian Group


Class AGroup {A} Aadd (Azero:A) Aopp := {
    agroupGroup :: Group Aadd Azero Aopp;
    agroupAM :: AMonoid Aadd Azero;
    agroupComm :: Commutative Aadd;


Section Instances.

  Import Qcanon Reals.

  #[export] Instance Qc_add_AGroup : AGroup Qcplus 0 Qcopp.
  split_intro; subst; ring. Defined.

  #[export] Instance R_add_AGroup : AGroup Rplus 0%R Ropp.
  split_intro; subst; ring. Defined.

End Instances.

Extra Theories

Section Theory.

  Context `{HAGroup : AGroup}.
  Infix "+" := Aadd.
  Notation "- a" := (Aopp a).
  Notation "a - b" := (a + (-b)).

a - b = - (b - a)
  Lemma agroup_sub_comm : forall a b, a - b = - (b - a).
    intros. rewrite group_opp_distr. rewrite group_opp_opp. easy.

  • (a + b) = -a + (-b)
  Lemma agroup_sub_distr : forall a b, - (a + b) = -a + (-b).
    intros. rewrite group_opp_distr. apply commutative.

(a - b) - c = (a - c) - b
  Lemma agroup_sub_perm : forall a b c, (a - b) - c = (a - c) - b.
    intros. rewrite ?associative. rewrite (commutative (-b)). easy.

(a - b) - c = a - (b + c)
  Lemma agroup_sub_assoc : forall a b c, (a - b) - c = a - (b + c).
    intros. rewrite ?associative. rewrite agroup_sub_distr. easy.

End Theory.

Ltac agroup_only f e inv :=
    (match goal with
     | AG : AGroup f e inv |- context[f (f ?a ?b) (inv ?a)] =>
         rewrite (associative a b (inv a));
         rewrite (commutative b (inv a));
         rewrite <- (associative a (inv a) b)

Ltac agroup :=
  try match goal with
    | AG : AGroup ?f ?e ?inv |- _ =>
        try pose proof (@agroupGroup _ f e inv AG) as HGroup;
        try pose proof (@agroupAM _ f e inv AG) as HAMonoid;
          (agroup_only f e inv;
           group_only f e inv;
  try match goal with
    | G : Group ?f ?e ?inv |- _ =>
        try pose proof (@agroupGroup _ f e inv G) as HGroup;
        group_only f e inv
  try match goal with
    | AM : AMonoid ?f ?e |- _ => amonoid
  try match goal with
    | M : Monoid ?f ?e |- _ => monoid
  try match goal with
    | ASG : ASGroup ?f |- _ => asgroup
  try match goal with
    | SG : SGroup ?f |- _ => sgroup


Section Examples.
  Context `{HAGroup : AGroup}.
  Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
  Notation "0" := Azero : A_scope.
  Notation "- a" := (Aopp a) : A_scope.
  Notation Asub a b := (a + -b).
  Infix "-" := Asub : A_scope.

  Goal forall a b c d : A, - (a + 0 + (b - c)) + (- - d + 0) = c - b + - (- d + a).
  Proof. intros. agroup. Qed.

  Goal forall a b c : A, ((a - b) - c = a - (b + c)).
  Proof. intros. agroup. Qed.

End Examples.



Class SRing {A} Aadd (Azero:A) Amul Aone := {
    sringAddAM :: AMonoid Aadd Azero;
    sringMulAM :: AMonoid Amul Aone;
    sringDistrL :: DistrLeft Aadd Amul;
    sringDistrR :: DistrRight Aadd Amul;


Section Instances.

  Import Nat ZArith Qcanon Reals.

  #[export] Instance nat_SRing : SRing Nat.add 0%nat Nat.mul 1%nat.
  repeat constructor; intros; ring. Qed.

  #[export] Instance Z_SRing : SRing Z.add 0%Z Z.mul 1%Z.
  repeat constructor; intros; ring. Qed.

  #[export] Instance Qc_SRing : SRing Qcplus 0 Qcmult 1.
  repeat constructor; intros; ring. Qed.

  #[export] Instance R_SRing : SRing Rplus R0 Rmult R1.
  split_intro; subst; ring. Defined.

End Instances.

Extra Theories

Section Theory.

  Context `{HSRing : SRing}.

  Infix "+" := Aadd.
  Infix "*" := Amul.

End Theory.


Section Examples.

End Examples.



Class Ring {A} Aadd (Azero:A) Aopp Amul Aone := {
    ringAddAG :: AGroup Aadd Azero Aopp;
    ringMulM :: Monoid Amul Aone;
    ringDistrL :: DistrLeft Aadd Amul;
    ringDistrR :: DistrRight Aadd Amul;


Section Instances.

  Import ZArith Qcanon Reals.

  #[export] Instance Z_Ring : Ring Z.add 0%Z Z.opp Z.mul 1%Z.
  repeat constructor; intros; ring. Qed.

  #[export] Instance Qc_Ring : Ring Qcplus 0 Qcopp Qcmult 1.
  repeat constructor; intros; ring. Qed.

  #[export] Instance R_Ring : Ring Rplus R0 Ropp Rmult R1.
  repeat constructor; intros; ring. Qed.

End Instances.

Extra Theories

Section Theory.

  Context `{HRing : Ring}.

  Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
  Notation "1" := Aone : A_scope.
  Notation "- a" := (Aopp a) : A_scope.
  Notation Asub a b := (a + -b).
  Infix "*" := Amul : A_scope.

a + a = (1 + 1) * a
  Lemma ring_add_same_eq_mul2 : forall a, a + a = (1 + 1) * a.
  Proof. intros. rewrite distrRight, !identityLeft at 1. auto. Qed.

End Theory.


Section Examples.

  Import Reals.

  Goal forall a b c : R, (a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c)%R.
  Proof. apply distrLeft. Qed.

End Examples.




Section Instances.

  Import ZArith Qcanon Reals.

  #[export] Instance Z_ARing : ARing Z.add 0%Z Z.opp Z.mul 1%Z.
  repeat constructor; intros; ring. Qed.

  #[export] Instance Ac_ARing : ARing Qcplus 0 Qcopp Qcmult 1.
  repeat constructor; intros; ring. Qed.

End Instances.

Extra Theories

Lemma make_ring_theory `(HARing : ARing)
  : ring_theory Azero Aone Aadd Amul (fun x y => Aadd x (Aopp y)) Aopp eq.
  constructor; intros;
    try (rewrite ?identityLeft,?associative; reflexivity);
    try (rewrite commutative; reflexivity).
  rewrite distrRight; reflexivity.
  rewrite inverseRight; reflexivity.

Section Theory.
  Context `{HARing : ARing}.
  Add Ring ring_inst : (make_ring_theory HARing).
  Infix "+" := Aadd.
  Notation "0" := Azero.
  Notation "- a" := (Aopp a).
  Notation Asub a b := (a + -b).
  Infix "*" := Amul.

a * 0 = 0
  Lemma ring_mul_0_r : forall a : A, a * 0 = 0.
  Proof. intros. ring. Qed.

0 * a = 0
  Lemma ring_mul_0_l : forall a : A, 0 * a = 0.
  Proof. intros. ring. Qed.

a * a = 1, then a = 1 or a = -1
  Lemma ring_sqr_eq1_imply_1_neg1 : forall (a : A),
      a * a = Aone -> a = Aone \/ a = (- Aone).

(- a) * b = - (a * b)
  Theorem ring_mul_opp_l : forall a b, (- a) * b = - (a * b).
    assert (a * b + (-a) * b = 0).
    - rewrite <- distrRight. rewrite inverseRight. apply ring_mul_0_l.
    - symmetry. apply group_opp_uniq_l. auto.

a * (- b) = - (a * b)
  Theorem ring_mul_opp_r : forall a b, a * (- b) = - (a * b).
    intros. rewrite commutative. rewrite ring_mul_opp_l. rewrite commutative; auto.

(- a) * (- b) = a * b
  Theorem ring_mul_opp_opp : forall a b, (- a) * (- b) = a * b.
    intros. rewrite ring_mul_opp_l, ring_mul_opp_r. apply group_opp_opp.

End Theory.


This example declares an abstract abelian-ring structure, and shows how to use fewer code to enable "ring" tactic.
Module Demo_AbsARing.
  Context `{HARing : ARing}.
  Infix "+" := Aadd. Infix "*" := Amul.
  Notation "0" := Azero. Notation "1" := Aone.

  Add Ring ring_inst : (make_ring_theory HARing).

  Goal forall a b c : A, (a + b) * c = 0 + b * c * 1 + 0 + 1 * c * a.
  Proof. intros. ring. Qed.

End Demo_AbsARing.

This is a concrete ring structure
Module Demo_ConcrateRing.
  Inductive A := Azero | A1 | A2 | A3.
  Notation "0" := Azero. Notation "1" := A1.
  Notation "2" := A2. Notation "3" := A3.

  Definition add (a b : A) :=
    match a,b with
    | 0,_ => b
    | 1,0 => 1 | 1,1 => 2 | 1,2 => 3 | 1,3 => 0
    | 2,0 => 2 | 2,1 => 3 | 2,2 => 0 | 2,3 => 1
    | 3,0 => 3 | 3,1 => 0 | 3,2 => 1 | 3,3 => 2
  Infix "+" := add.

  Definition opp (a:A) :=
    match a with
    | 0 => 0 | 1 => 3 | 2 => 2 | 3 => 1
  Notation "- a" := (opp a).
  Notation "a - b" := (a + (-b)).

  Definition mul (a b : A) :=
    match a,b with
    | 0,_ => 0
    | 1,_ => b
    | 2,0 => 0 | 2,1 => 2 | 2,2 => 0 | 2,3 => 2
    | 3,0 => 0 | 3,1 => 3 | 3,2 => 2 | 3,3 => 1
  Infix "*" := mul.

  Lemma add_comm : forall a b, a + b = b + a.
  Proof. destruct a,b; auto. Qed.

  Lemma ring_thy : ring_theory 0 1 add mul (fun x y => add x (opp y)) opp eq.
    constructor; auto; intros;
      destruct x; auto; destruct y; auto; destruct z; auto.
  Add Ring ring_thy_inst1 : ring_thy.

  Local Instance ARing_inst : ARing add 0 opp mul 1.
    repeat constructor; intros;
      destruct a; auto; destruct b; auto; destruct c; auto.

  Goal forall a b c : A, a + b + c - b = a + c.
    intros. ring.

End Demo_ConcrateRing.



Class Field {A} Aadd (Azero:A) Aopp Amul Aone Ainv := {
    fieldRing :: ARing Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone;
    field_mulInvL : forall a, a <> Azero -> Amul (Ainv a) a = Aone;
    field_1_neq_0 : Aone <> Azero;


Section Instances.

  Import Qcanon Reals.

  #[export] Instance Field_Qc : Field Qcplus 0 Qcopp Qcmult 1 Qcinv.
  split_intro; subst; (try (field; reflexivity)); try easy.
  field. auto.

  #[export] Instance Field_R : Field Rplus R0 Ropp Rmult R1 Rinv.
  split_intro; subst; try (field; reflexivity); auto.
  field; auto. auto with real.

End Instances.

Extra Theories

Lemma make_field_theory `(HField : Field)
  : field_theory Azero Aone Aadd Amul
      (fun a b => Aadd a (Aopp b)) Aopp
      (fun a b => Amul a (Ainv b)) Ainv eq.
  constructor; intros;
    try (rewrite ?identityLeft,?associative; reflexivity);
    try (rewrite commutative; reflexivity).
  apply (make_ring_theory fieldRing).
  apply field_1_neq_0.
  apply field_mulInvL. auto.

Lemma make_field_agroup_add `(HField : Field) : AGroup Aadd Azero Aopp.
Proof. apply HField. Qed.

Lemma make_field_amonoid_add `(HField : Field) : AMonoid Aadd Azero.
Proof. apply HField. Qed.

Section Theory.
  Context `{HField : Field}.
  Infix "+" := Aadd.
  Notation "- a" := (Aopp a).
  Notation Asub a b := (a + -b).
  Infix "-" := Asub.
  Notation "0" := Azero.
  Notation "1" := Aone.
  Infix "*" := Amul.
  Notation "/ a" := (Ainv a).
  Notation Adiv a b := (a * (/b)).
  Infix "/" := Adiv.

  Add Field field_inst : (make_field_theory HField).

a <> 0 -> a * / a = 1
  Lemma field_mulInvR : forall a : A, a <> 0 -> a * /a = 1.
  Proof. intros. rewrite commutative. rewrite field_mulInvL; easy. Qed.

a <> 0 -> (1/a) * a = 1
  Lemma field_mulInvL_inv1 : forall a : A, a <> 0 -> (1/a) * a = 1.
  Proof. intros. simpl. field; auto. Qed.

a <> 0 -> a * (1/a) = 1
  Lemma field_mulInvR_inv1 : forall a : A, a <> 0 -> a * (1/a) = 1.
  Proof. intros. simpl. field. auto. Qed.

a <> 0 -> / a <> 0
  Lemma field_inv_neq0_if_neq0 : forall a : A, a <> 0 -> / a <> 0.
    intros. intro.
    pose proof (field_mulInvL H). rewrite H0 in H1. rewrite ring_mul_0_l in H1.
    apply field_1_neq_0. auto.

  • 1 <> 0
  Lemma field_neg1_neq_0 : - (1) <> 0.
    intro. rewrite <- group_opp_0 in H at 1. apply group_opp_inj in H.
    apply field_1_neq_0; auto.

a <> 0 -> a * b = a * c -> b = c
  Lemma field_mul_cancel_l : forall a b c : A,
      a <> 0 -> a * b = a * c -> b = c.
    assert (/a * (a * b) = /a * (a * c)).
    { rewrite H0. easy. }
    rewrite <- ?associative in H1.
    rewrite field_mulInvL in H1; auto.
    rewrite ?identityLeft in H1. easy.

c <> 0 -> a * c = b * c -> a = b
  Lemma field_mul_cancel_r : forall a b c : A,
      c <> 0 -> a * c = b * c -> a = b.
    assert ((a * c) * /c = (b * c) * /c).
    { rewrite H0. easy. }
    rewrite ?associative in H1.
    rewrite field_mulInvR in H1; auto.
    rewrite ?identityRight in H1. easy.

a * b = 1 -> / a = b
  Lemma field_inv_eq_l : forall a b : A, a <> 0 -> a * b = 1 -> / a = b.
    intros. apply (@field_mul_cancel_l a (/ a) b); auto.
    rewrite field_mulInvR; auto.

a * b = 1 -> / b = a
  Lemma field_inv_eq_r : forall a b : A, b <> 0 -> a * b = 1 -> / b = a.
    intros. apply (@field_mul_cancel_r (/ b) a b); auto.
    rewrite field_mulInvL; auto.

/ / a = a
  Lemma field_inv_inv : forall a : A, a <> 0 -> / / a = a.
    intros. pose proof (field_inv_neq0_if_neq0 H).
    apply field_mul_cancel_l with (/ a); auto.
    rewrite field_mulInvL; auto. rewrite field_mulInvR; auto.

/ a = / b -> a = b
  Lemma field_inv_inj : forall a b : A, a <> 0 -> b <> 0 -> / a = / b -> a = b.
    intros. rewrite <- field_inv_inv; auto. rewrite <- H1.
    rewrite field_inv_inv; auto.

/ (- a) = - (/ a)
  Lemma field_inv_opp : forall a : A, a <> 0 -> / (- a) = - (/ a).
    intros. apply field_inv_eq_l. apply group_opp_neq0_iff; auto.
    rewrite ring_mul_opp_opp. apply field_mulInvR; auto.

a - b = b - a -> a = b
  Lemma field_sub_anti_eq_imply_eq : forall a b, a - b = b - a -> a = b.
    assert ((a - b) + b = (b - a) + b). rewrite H. auto.
    rewrite associative in H0. rewrite inverseLeft, identityRight in H0.
    rewrite commutative in H0. rewrite <- associative in H0.
    assert (a + a = b + b - a + a). rewrite H0 at 1. auto.
    rewrite associative in H1. rewrite inverseLeft, identityRight in H1 at 1.
    replace (a + a) with ((1 + 1) * a) in H1
        by (rewrite <- ring_add_same_eq_mul2; auto).
    replace (b + b) with ((1 + 1) * b) in H1
        by (rewrite <- ring_add_same_eq_mul2; auto).
    apply field_mul_cancel_l in H1; auto.

a = - a -> a = 0
  Lemma field_eq_opp_imply_eq0 : forall a, a = -a -> a = 0.
    assert (a + a = 0 + 0). rewrite H at 1. field.
    replace (a + a) with ((1 + 1) * a) in H0
        by (rewrite <- ring_add_same_eq_mul2; auto).
    replace (0 + 0) with ((1 + 1) * 0) in H0
        by (rewrite <- ring_add_same_eq_mul2; auto).
    apply field_mul_cancel_l in H0; auto.

  Section Dec.
    Context {AeqDec : Dec (@eq A)}.

a * b = 0 <-> a = 0 \/ b = 0
    Lemma field_mul_eq0_iff : forall a b : A, a * b = 0 <-> a = 0 \/ b = 0.
      intros. split; intros.
      - destruct (Aeqdec a 0), (Aeqdec b 0); auto.
        assert ((/a * a) * (b * /b) = /a * (a * b) * /b). field; auto.
        rewrite H, field_mulInvL, field_mulInvR, identityLeft in H0; auto.
        rewrite ring_mul_0_r in H0 at 1.
        rewrite ring_mul_0_l in H0 at 1.
        exfalso. apply field_1_neq_0; auto.
      - destruct H; subst.
        rewrite ring_mul_0_l; auto. rewrite ring_mul_0_r; auto.

a * b <> 0 <-> (a <> 0 /\ b <> 0)
    Lemma field_mul_neq0_iff : forall a b : A, a * b <> 0 <-> (a <> 0 /\ b <> 0).
    Proof. intros. rewrite field_mul_eq0_iff. tauto. Qed.

/ a <> 0 -> a <> 0
    Lemma field_inv_neq0_imply_neq0 : forall a : A, / a <> 0 -> a <> 0.
      intros. intro.

/ a <> 0 <-> a <> 0
    Lemma field_inv_neq0_iff : forall a : A, / a <> 0 <-> a <> 0.
      intros; split. apply field_inv_neq0_imply_neq0.
      apply field_inv_neq0_if_neq0.

a * a = 0 -> a = 0
    Lemma field_sqr_eq0_reg : forall a : A, a * a = 0 -> a = 0.
    Proof. intros. apply field_mul_eq0_iff in H. destruct H; auto. Qed.

a * b = b -> a = 1 \/ b = 0
    Lemma field_mul_eq_imply_a1_or_b0 : forall (a b : A),
        a * b = b -> (a = 1) \/ (b = 0).
      intros. destruct (Aeqdec a 1), (Aeqdec b 0); auto.
      replace b with (1 * b) in H at 2 by ring.
      apply field_mul_cancel_r in H; auto.
  End Dec.

End Theory.


Section Examples.

  Import Reals.

  Goal forall a b : R, (a <> 0 -> /a * a = 1)%R.
    intros. apply field_mulInvL. auto. Qed.

End Examples.

Total order relations


Class Order {A} (Alt Ale : A -> A -> Prop) := {
    lt_irrefl : forall a : A, ~ (Alt a a);
    lt_antisym : forall a b : A, Alt a b -> Alt b a -> a = b;
    lt_trans : forall a b c : A, Alt a b -> Alt b c -> Alt a c;
    lt_cases : forall a b : A, {Alt a b} + {Alt b a} + {a = b};

    lt_le_cong : forall a b : A, Ale a b <-> (Alt a b \/ a = b);


Extra Theories

About "eq"
Section eq.
  Context `{HOrder : Order}.

eq is decidable
  Lemma Aeq_dec : forall a b : A, {a = b} + {a <> b}.
    intros; destruct (lt_cases a b) as [[H1|H1]|H1]; auto.
    - right; intro; subst. apply lt_irrefl in H1; auto.
    - right; intro; subst. apply lt_irrefl in H1; auto.

  #[export] Instance Aeq_Dec : Dec (@eq A).
  Proof. constructor. intros. apply Aeq_dec. Qed.
End eq.

About "lt"
Section lt.
  Context `{HOrder : Order}.
  Notation "a > b" := (Alt b a).
  Infix "<" := Alt.

  Lemma Alt_dec : forall a b, {a < b} + {~(a < b)}.
    intros. destruct (lt_cases a b) as [[H1|H1]|H1]; auto.
    - right. intro. pose proof (lt_trans H1 H). apply lt_irrefl in H0; auto.
    - right. subst. apply lt_irrefl.

  #[export] Instance Alt_Dec : Dec Alt.
  Proof. constructor. intros. apply Alt_dec. Defined.

  Lemma lt_connected : forall a b : A, Alt a b \/ Alt b a \/ a = b.
  Proof. intros. destruct (lt_cases a b) as [[H1|H1]|H1]; auto. Qed.

a < b -> a <> b
  Lemma lt_not_eq : forall a b : A, a < b -> a <> b.
  Proof. intros. intro. subst. apply lt_irrefl in H; auto. Qed.

a < b -> b < a -> False
  Lemma lt_gt_contr : forall a b : A, a < b -> b < a -> False.
    intros. apply lt_trans with (a:=a) in H0; auto. apply lt_irrefl in H0; auto.

a < b -> a <> b
  Lemma lt_imply_neq : forall a b : A, a < b -> a <> b.
  Proof. intros. intro. subst. apply lt_irrefl in H. auto. Qed.

a < b -> ~ (b < a)
  Lemma lt_not_lt : forall a b : A, a < b -> ~ (b < a).
  Proof. intros. intro. apply lt_gt_contr in H; auto. Qed.
End lt.

About "le"
Section le.
  Context `{HOrder : Order}.
  Notation "a >= b" := (Ale b a).
  Notation "a > b" := (Alt b a).
  Infix "<" := Alt.
  Infix "<=" := Ale.

  Lemma le_if_lt : forall a b : A, a < b -> a <= b.
  Proof. intros. apply lt_le_cong. auto. Qed.

  Lemma lt_if_le_and_neq : forall a b : A, a <= b -> a <> b -> a < b.
  Proof. intros. apply lt_le_cong in H. destruct H; auto. easy. Qed.

a <= a
  Lemma le_refl : forall a : A, a <= a.
  Proof. intros. apply lt_le_cong. right. auto. Qed.

a <= b -> b <= a -> a = b
  Lemma le_antisym : forall a b : A, a <= b -> b <= a -> a = b.
    intros. apply lt_le_cong in H, H0. destruct H, H0; subst; auto.
    apply lt_antisym; auto.

a <= b -> b <= c -> a <= c
  Lemma le_trans : forall a b c : A, a <= b -> b <= c -> a <= c.
    intros. apply lt_le_cong in H, H0. apply lt_le_cong.
    destruct H, H0; subst; auto. left. apply lt_trans with b; auto.

a < b -> b <= c -> a < c
  Lemma lt_trans_lt_le : forall a b c : A, a < b -> b <= c -> a < c.
    intros. pose proof (le_if_lt H). pose proof (le_trans H1 H0).
    apply lt_if_le_and_neq; auto.
    intro. subst. pose proof (le_antisym H0 H1). subst. apply lt_irrefl in H; auto.

a <= b -> b < c -> a < c
  Lemma lt_trans_le_lt : forall a b c : A, a <= b -> b < c -> a < c.
    intros. pose proof (le_if_lt H0). pose proof (le_trans H H1).
    apply lt_if_le_and_neq; auto.
    intro. subst. pose proof (le_antisym H H1). subst. apply lt_irrefl in H0; auto.

a < b -> ~ (b <= a)
  Lemma lt_not_le : forall a b : A, a < b -> ~ (b <= a).
    intros. rewrite lt_le_cong. apply and_not_or. split.
    apply lt_not_lt; auto. symmetry. apply lt_not_eq; auto.

~ (a <= b) -> b < a
  Lemma not_le_lt : forall a b : A, ~ (a <= b) -> b < a.
    intros. rewrite lt_le_cong in H. apply not_or_and in H. destruct H.
    destruct (lt_cases a b) as [[H1|H1]|H1]; try easy.

a <= b -> ~ (b < a)
  Lemma le_not_lt : forall a b : A, a <= b -> ~ (b < a).
    intros. rewrite lt_le_cong in H. destruct H.
    apply lt_not_lt; auto. subst. apply lt_irrefl.

~ (a < b) -> b <= a
  Lemma not_lt_le : forall a b : A, ~ (a < b) -> b <= a.
    intros. apply lt_le_cong.
    destruct (lt_cases a b) as [[H1|H1]|H1]; auto; try easy.

a <= b -> b <= a -> a = b
  Lemma le_ge_eq : forall a b : A, a <= b -> b <= a -> a = b.
    intros. apply le_not_lt in H,H0.
    destruct (lt_cases a b) as [[H1|H1]|H1]; easy.

{a <= b} + {~(a <= b)}
  Lemma Ale_dec : forall a b : A, {a <= b} + {~(a <= b)}.
    intros. destruct (Alt_dec b a); auto.
    - right. apply lt_not_le; auto.
    - left. apply not_lt_le; auto.

  #[export] Instance Ale_Dec : Dec Ale.
  Proof. constructor; intros. apply Ale_dec. Qed.

a <= b \/ b < a
  Lemma le_connected : forall a b : A, a <= b \/ b < a.
  Proof. intros. destruct (Ale_dec a b); auto. apply not_le_lt in n. auto. Qed.

End le.

Simplify expressions on Order {=, <, <=}
Ltac order_core lt le :=
       match goal with
       | H: Order lt le |- {?a = ?b} + {?a <> ?b} => apply Aeq_dec
       | H: Order lt le |- {lt ?a ?b} + {~(lt ?a ?b)} => apply Alt_dec
       | H: Order lt le |- {le ?a ?b} + {~(le ?a ?b)} => apply Ale_dec
       | H: Order lt le |- le ?a ?a => apply le_refl
       | H: Order lt le |- ~(lt ?a ?a) => apply lt_irrefl
       | H: Order lt le, H1: ?a <> ?b, H2: le ?a ?b |- lt ?a ?b =>
           apply lt_if_le_and_neq
     auto; try easy).

Simplify expressions on Order in current context
Ltac order :=
  match goal with
  | H: Order ?lt ?le |- _ => order_core lt le


Section test.
  Context `{Order}.
  Infix "<" := Alt : A_scope.
  Infix "<=" := Ale : A_scope.

  Variable a b c d e f g : A.

  Goal {a = b} + {a <> b}. order. Qed.
  Goal {a < b} + {~(a < b)}. order. Qed.
  Goal {a <= b} + {~(a <= b)}. order. Qed.
  Goal a <= a. order. Qed.
  Goal ~(a < a). order. Qed.
  Goal a <> b -> a <= b -> a < b. order. Qed.

End test.

Abelian-ring with total order

Class OrderedARing {A} Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone Alt Ale := {
    or_Ring :: ARing Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone;
    or_Order :: Order Alt Ale;
    lt_add_compat_r : forall a b c : A,
      Alt a b -> Alt (Aadd a c) (Aadd b c);
    lt_mul_compat_r : forall a b c : A,
      Alt a b -> Alt Azero c -> Alt (Amul a c) (Amul b c);

Coercion or_Ring : OrderedARing >-> ARing.
Coercion or_Order : OrderedARing >-> Order.


Extra Theories

Section theories.
  Context `{HOrderedARing : OrderedARing}.
  Add Ring ring_inst : (make_ring_theory HOrderedARing).

  Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
  Notation "0" := Azero : A_scope.
  Notation "- a" := (Aopp a) : A_scope.
  Notation Asub a b := (a + - b).
  Infix "-" := Asub : A_scope.
  Infix "*" := Amul : A_scope.
  Notation "1" := Aone : A_scope.
  Notation "2" := (1 + 1) : A_scope.
  Notation "a ²" := (a * a) : A_scope.

  Notation "a > b" := (Alt b a) : A_scope.
  Notation "a >= b" := (Ale b a) : A_scope.
  Infix "<" := Alt : A_scope.
  Infix "<=" := Ale : A_scope.

Properties for "lt"

About "add"

  Lemma lt_add_compat_l : forall a b c : A, a < b -> c + a < c + b.
  Proof. intros. rewrite !(commutative c _). apply lt_add_compat_r; auto. Qed.

  Lemma lt_add_compat : forall a b c d : A, a < b -> c < d -> a + c < b + d.
    intros. apply lt_trans with (a + d).
    apply lt_add_compat_l; auto. apply lt_add_compat_r; auto.

  Lemma lt_add_reg_l : forall a b c, c + a < c + b -> a < b.
    intros. apply lt_add_compat_l with (c:=-c) in H.
    rewrite <- !associative in H. rewrite inverseLeft in H.
    rewrite !identityLeft in H. auto.

  Lemma lt_add_reg_r : forall a b c, a + c < b + c -> a < b.
    apply lt_add_compat_r with (c:=-c) in H.
    rewrite !associative in H. rewrite inverseRight in H.
    rewrite !identityRight in H. auto.

  Lemma lt_opp_iff : forall a b : A, a < b <-> - b < - a.
    intros. split; intros.
    - apply lt_add_compat_l with (c:=-b) in H.
      apply lt_add_compat_r with (c:=-a) in H.
      replace (-b + a + -a) with (-b) in H; [|ring].
      replace (-b + b + -a) with (-a) in H; [|ring]. auto.
    - apply lt_add_reg_l with (c:=-b).
      apply lt_add_reg_r with (c:=-a).
      replace (-b + a + -a) with (-b); [|ring].
      replace (-b + b + -a) with (-a); [|ring]. auto.

  Lemma lt_sub_iff : forall a b : A, a < b <-> a - b < 0.
    intros. split; intros.
    - apply lt_add_reg_r with (c := b). rewrite identityLeft at 1.
      rewrite associative. rewrite inverseLeft. rewrite identityRight. auto.
    - apply lt_add_compat_r with (c := b) in H.
      rewrite identityLeft in H at 1.
      rewrite associative in H. rewrite inverseLeft in H.
      rewrite identityRight in H. auto.

a < 0 <-> 0 < - a
  Lemma lt0_iff_neg : forall a : A, a < 0 <-> 0 < - a.
  Proof. intros. rewrite lt_opp_iff. rewrite group_opp_0 at 1. easy. Qed.

0 < a <-> - a < 0
  Lemma gt0_iff_neg : forall a : A, 0 < a <-> - a < 0.
  Proof. intros. rewrite lt_opp_iff. rewrite group_opp_0 at 1. easy. Qed.

0 < a -> 0 < b -> 0 < a + b
  Lemma add_gt0_if_gt0_gt0 : forall a b : A, 0 < a -> 0 < b -> 0 < a + b.
    intros. replace 0 with (0 + 0) by ring. apply lt_add_compat; auto.

a < 0 -> b < 0 -> a + b < 0
  Lemma add_lt0_if_lt0_lt0 : forall a b : A, a < 0 -> b < 0 -> a + b < 0.
    intros. replace 0 with (0 + 0) by ring. apply lt_add_compat; auto.

a < 0 -> 0 < b -> a < b
  Lemma lt_if_lt0_gt0 : forall a b : A, a < 0 -> 0 < b -> a < b.
  Proof. intros. apply lt_trans with 0; auto. Qed.

a <= 0 -> 0 < b -> a < b
  Lemma lt_if_le0_gt0 : forall a b : A, a <= 0 -> 0 < b -> a < b.
    intros. destruct (Aeqdec a 0). subst; auto.
    apply lt_trans with 0; auto. apply lt_le_cong in H. destruct H; easy.

a < 0 -> 0 <= b -> a < b
  Lemma lt_if_lt0_ge0 : forall a b : A, a < 0 -> 0 <= b -> a < b.
    intros. destruct (Aeqdec b 0). subst; auto.
    apply lt_trans with 0; auto. apply lt_le_cong in H0. destruct H0; auto.
    symmetry in H0. easy.

a < 0 -> a < - a
  Lemma lt_neg_r_if_lt0 : forall a : A, a < 0 -> a < - a.
  Proof. intros. apply lt_if_lt0_gt0; auto. apply lt0_iff_neg; auto. Qed.

0 < a -> - a < a
  Lemma gt_neg_l_if_gt0 : forall a : A, 0 < a -> - a < a.
  Proof. intros. apply lt_if_lt0_gt0; auto. apply gt0_iff_neg; auto. Qed.

About "mul"

  Lemma lt_mul_compat_l : forall a b c : A, a < b -> 0 < c -> c * a < c * b.
  Proof. intros. rewrite !(commutative c _). apply lt_mul_compat_r; auto. Qed.

  Lemma lt_mul_compat_l_neg : forall a b c : A, a < b -> c < 0 -> c * b < c * a.
    intros. apply lt_opp_iff in H0. rewrite group_opp_0 in H0.
    apply lt_opp_iff. ring_simplify. apply lt_mul_compat_l; auto.

  Lemma lt_mul_compat_r_neg : forall a b c : A, a < b -> c < 0 -> b * c < a * c.
  Proof. intros. rewrite !(commutative _ c). apply lt_mul_compat_l_neg; auto. Qed.

0 < a -> 0 < b -> 0 < a * b
  Lemma mul_gt0_if_gt0_gt0 : forall a b : A, 0 < a -> 0 < b -> 0 < a * b.
    intros. replace 0 with (a * 0). apply lt_mul_compat_l; auto. ring.

a < 0 -> b < 0 -> 0 < a * b
  Lemma mul_gt0_if_lt0_lt0 : forall a b : A, a < 0 -> b < 0 -> 0 < a * b.
    intros. replace (a * b) with ((- a) * (- b)) by ring. apply mul_gt0_if_gt0_gt0.
    apply lt0_iff_neg; auto. apply lt0_iff_neg; auto.

0 < a -> b < 0 -> a * b < 0
  Lemma mul_lt0_if_gt0_lt0 : forall a b : A, 0 < a -> b < 0 -> a * b < 0.
    intros. replace 0 with (a * 0). apply lt_mul_compat_l; auto. ring.

a < 0 -> 0 < b -> a * b < 0
  Lemma mul_lt0_if_lt0_gt0 : forall a b : A, a < 0 -> 0 < b -> a * b < 0.
    intros. replace 0 with (0 * b). apply lt_mul_compat_r; auto. ring.

0 < a * b -> 0 < a -> 0 < b
  Lemma gt0_mul_reg_gt0 : forall a b : A, 0 < a * b -> 0 < a -> 0 < b.
    intros. destruct (lt_cases 0 b) as [[H1|H1]|H1]; auto.
    - apply lt0_iff_neg in H1.
      pose proof (mul_gt0_if_gt0_gt0 H0 H1).
      replace (a * - b) with (- (a * b)) in H2 by ring.
      apply lt0_iff_neg in H2. apply lt_gt_contr in H; easy.
    - rewrite <- H1 in *. ring_simplify in H. apply lt_irrefl in H; easy.

0 < a * b -> a < 0 -> b < 0
  Lemma gt0_mul_reg_lt0 : forall a b : A, 0 < a * b -> a < 0 -> b < 0.
    intros. replace (a * b) with ((- a) * (- b)) in H by ring.
    apply lt0_iff_neg. apply lt0_iff_neg in H0.
    apply (gt0_mul_reg_gt0 H) in H0; auto.

Properties for "le"

About "add"

  Lemma le_add_compat_r : forall a b c : A, a <= b -> a + c <= b + c.
    intros. apply lt_le_cong. apply lt_le_cong in H. destruct H; subst; auto.
    left. apply lt_add_compat_r; auto.

  Lemma le_add_compat_l : forall a b c : A, a <= b -> c + a <= c + b.
  Proof. intros. rewrite !(commutative c _). apply le_add_compat_r; auto. Qed.

  Lemma le_add_compat : forall a b c d : A, a <= b -> c <= d -> a + c <= b + d.
    intros. apply le_trans with (a + d).
    apply le_add_compat_l; auto. apply le_add_compat_r; auto.

  Lemma le_add_reg_l : forall a b c, c + a <= c + b -> a <= b.
    intros. apply le_add_compat_l with (c:=-c) in H.
    rewrite <- !associative in H. rewrite inverseLeft in H.
    rewrite (identityLeft a) in H. rewrite (identityLeft b) in H. auto.

  Lemma le_add_reg_r : forall a b c, a + c <= b + c -> a <= b.
    intros. apply le_add_compat_r with (c:=-c) in H.
    rewrite !associative in H. rewrite inverseRight in H.
    rewrite (identityRight a) in H. rewrite (identityRight b) in H. auto.

0 <= a -> 0 <= b -> 0 <= a + b
  Lemma add_ge0_if_ge0_ge0 : forall a b : A, 0 <= a -> 0 <= b -> 0 <= a + b.
    intros. replace 0 with (0 + 0) by ring. apply le_add_compat; auto.

a <= 0 -> b <= 0 -> a + b <= 0
  Lemma add_le0_if_le0_le0 : forall a b : A, a <= 0 -> b <= 0 -> a + b <= 0.
    intros. replace 0 with (0 + 0) by ring. apply le_add_compat; auto.

  Lemma le_opp_iff : forall a b : A, a <= b <-> - b <= - a.
    intros. rewrite !lt_le_cong. split; intros; destruct H; subst; auto.
    - apply lt_opp_iff in H; auto.
    - apply lt_opp_iff in H; auto.
    - apply group_opp_inj in H. auto.

a <= 0 <-> 0 <= - a
  Lemma le0_iff_neg : forall a : A, a <= 0 <-> 0 <= - a.
  Proof. intros. rewrite le_opp_iff. rewrite group_opp_0 at 1. easy. Qed.

0 <= a <-> - a <= 0
  Lemma ge0_iff_neg : forall a : A, 0 <= a <-> - a <= 0.
  Proof. intros. rewrite le_opp_iff. rewrite group_opp_0 at 1. easy. Qed.

a <= 0 -> 0 <= b -> a <= b
  Lemma le_if_le0_ge0 : forall a b : A, a <= 0 -> 0 <= b -> a <= b.
  Proof. intros. apply le_trans with 0; auto. Qed.

a < 0 -> 0 < b -> a <= b
  Lemma le_if_lt0_gt0 : forall a b : A, a < 0 -> 0 < b -> a <= b.
  Proof. intros. apply le_if_lt. apply lt_if_lt0_gt0; auto. Qed.

a <= 0 -> 0 < b -> a <= b
  Lemma le_if_le0_gt0 : forall a b : A, a <= 0 -> 0 < b -> a <= b.
  Proof. intros. apply le_if_lt. apply lt_if_le0_gt0; auto. Qed.

a < 0 -> 0 <= b -> a <= b
  Lemma le_if_lt0_ge0 : forall a b : A, a < 0 -> 0 <= b -> a <= b.
  Proof. intros. apply le_if_lt. apply lt_if_lt0_ge0; auto. Qed.

a <= 0 -> a <= - a
  Lemma le_neg_r_if_le0 : forall a : A, a <= 0 -> a <= - a.
  Proof. intros. apply le_if_le0_ge0; auto. apply le0_iff_neg; auto. Qed.

a < 0 -> a <= - a
  Lemma le_neg_r_if_lt0 : forall a : A, a < 0 -> a <= - a.
  Proof. intros. apply le_neg_r_if_le0. apply le_if_lt; auto. Qed.

0 <= a -> - a <= a
  Lemma ge_neg_l_if_ge0 : forall a : A, 0 <= a -> - a <= a.
  Proof. intros. apply le_if_le0_ge0; auto. apply ge0_iff_neg; auto. Qed.

0 < a -> - a <= a
  Lemma ge_neg_l_if_gt0 : forall a : A, 0 < a -> - a <= a.
  Proof. intros. apply ge_neg_l_if_ge0. apply le_if_lt; auto. Qed.

About "mul"

  Lemma le_mul_compat_r : forall a b c : A, a <= b -> 0 <= c -> a * c <= b * c.
    intros. apply lt_le_cong. apply lt_le_cong in H, H0. destruct H,H0; auto.
    - left. apply lt_mul_compat_r; auto.
    - rewrite <- H0. rewrite (ring_mul_0_r a). rewrite (ring_mul_0_r b). auto.
    - subst; auto.
    - subst; auto.

  Lemma le_mul_compat_l : forall a b c : A, a <= b -> 0 <= c -> c * a <= c * b.
  Proof. intros. rewrite !(commutative c _). apply le_mul_compat_r; auto. Qed.

  Lemma le_mul_compat_l_neg : forall a b c : A, a <= b -> c < 0 -> c * b <= c * a.
    intros. apply lt_le_cong in H. destruct H.
    - apply lt_mul_compat_l_neg with (c:=c) in H; auto. apply le_if_lt; auto.
    - subst. apply le_refl.

  Lemma le_mul_compat_r_neg : forall a b c : A, a <= b -> c < 0 -> b * c <= a * c.
  Proof. intros. rewrite !(commutative _ c). apply le_mul_compat_l_neg; auto. Qed.

0 <= a -> 0 <= b -> 0 <= a * b
  Lemma mul_ge0_if_ge0_ge0 : forall a b : A, 0 <= a -> 0 <= b -> 0 <= a * b.
    intros. replace 0 with (a * 0). apply le_mul_compat_l; auto. ring.

a <= 0 -> b <= 0 -> 0 <= a * b
  Lemma mul_ge0_if_le0_le0 : forall a b : A, a <= 0 -> b <= 0 -> 0 <= a * b.
    intros. replace (a * b) with ((- a) * (- b)) by ring. apply mul_ge0_if_ge0_ge0.
    apply le0_iff_neg; auto. apply le0_iff_neg; auto.

0 <= a -> b <= 0 -> a * b <= 0
  Lemma mul_le0_if_ge0_le0 : forall a b : A, 0 <= a -> b <= 0 -> a * b <= 0.
    intros. replace 0 with (a * 0). apply le_mul_compat_l; auto. ring.

a <= 0 -> 0 <= b -> a * b <= 0
  Lemma mul_le0_if_le0_ge0 : forall a b : A, a <= 0 -> 0 <= b -> a * b <= 0.
    intros. replace 0 with (0 * b). apply le_mul_compat_r; auto. ring.

0 <= a * b -> 0 < a -> 0 <= b
  Lemma ge0_mul_reg_ge0 : forall a b : A, 0 <= a * b -> 0 < a -> 0 <= b.
    intros. destruct (Ale_dec 0 b) as [H1|H1]; auto.
    destruct (Aeqdec b 0) as [H2|H2].
    - rewrite H2 in *. apply le_refl.
    - exfalso. apply not_le_lt in H1.
      pose proof (mul_lt0_if_gt0_lt0 H0 H1).
      apply lt_not_le in H3. easy.

0 <= a * b -> a < 0 -> b <= 0
  Lemma ge0_mul_reg_le0 : forall a b : A, 0 <= a * b -> a < 0 -> b <= 0.
    intros. replace (a * b) with ((- a) * (- b)) in H by ring.
    apply lt0_iff_neg in H0. apply ge0_mul_reg_ge0 in H; auto.
    apply le0_iff_neg; auto.

More properties

  Lemma sqr_ge0 : forall a : A, a * a >= 0.
    pose proof (lt_connected 0 a). destruct H as [H|[H|H]].
    - apply le_if_lt.
      pose proof (lt_mul_compat_r H H). rewrite ring_mul_0_l in H0; auto.
    - apply le_if_lt. rewrite lt_opp_iff in H. rewrite group_opp_0 in H.
      rewrite <- (group_opp_opp a). rewrite ring_mul_opp_opp.
      pose proof (lt_mul_compat_r H H). rewrite ring_mul_0_l in H0. auto.
    - rewrite <- H. rewrite (ring_mul_0_l 0). apply le_refl.

  Lemma add_eq0_imply_0_l : forall a b : A, 0 <= a -> 0 <= b -> a + b = 0 -> a = 0.
    intros. apply lt_le_cong in H, H0.
    destruct H as [H|H], H0 as [H0|H0]; auto.
    - assert (a + b > 0 + 0).
      + apply lt_add_compat; auto.
      + rewrite H1 in H2. rewrite identityLeft in H2. apply lt_irrefl in H2. easy.
    - rewrite <- H0 in *. rewrite identityRight in H1. auto.

  Lemma add_eq0_imply_0_r : forall a b : A, 0 <= a -> 0 <= b -> a + b = 0 -> b = 0.
    intros. rewrite commutative in H1. apply add_eq0_imply_0_l in H1; auto.

0 <= a + b -> a >= - b
  Lemma sub_ge0_imply_ge : forall a b : A, 0 <= a - b -> a >= b.
    intros. apply le_add_compat_r with (c:= b) in H. ring_simplify in H. auto.

2 * a * b <= a² + b²
  Lemma mul_le_add_sqr : forall a b : A, 2 * a * b <= a² + b².
    assert (0 <= (a - b). apply sqr_ge0.
    ring_simplify in H.
    replace (a ² + - (2 * a * b) + b ²)
      with (a ² + b ² - (2 * a * b)) in H by ring.
    apply sub_ge0_imply_ge in H. auto.

Abs of a term of A type

  Definition Aabs (a : A) : A := if Ale_dec 0 a then a else - a.
  Notation "| a |" := (Aabs a) : A_scope.

0 <= a -> | a | = a
  Lemma Aabs_right : forall a : A, 0 <= a -> | a | = a.
  Proof. intros. unfold Aabs. destruct (Ale_dec 0 a); auto. easy. Qed.

a < 0 -> | a | = - a
  Lemma Aabs_left : forall a : A, a < 0 -> | a | = - a.
    intros. unfold Aabs. destruct (Ale_dec 0 a); auto.
    apply lt_not_le in H. easy.

| a * b | = | a | * | b |
  Lemma Aabs_mul : forall a b : A, | a * b | = | a | * | b |.
    intros. unfold Aabs.
    destruct (Ale_dec 0 (a*b)), (Ale_dec 0 a), (Ale_dec 0 b); try ring.
    - apply not_le_lt in n.
      rewrite commutative in a0. apply ge0_mul_reg_le0 in a0; auto.
      apply le_ge_eq in a1; auto. subst. ring.
    - apply not_le_lt in n. apply ge0_mul_reg_le0 in a0; auto.
      apply le_ge_eq in a1; auto. subst. ring.
    - pose proof (mul_ge0_if_ge0_ge0 a0 a1). easy.
    - apply not_le_lt in n,n0,n1. pose proof (mul_gt0_if_lt0_lt0 n0 n1).
      exfalso. apply (lt_gt_contr n H).

| a + b | <= | a | + | b |
  Lemma Aabs_add_le : forall a b : A, | a + b | <= | a | + | b |.
    intros. unfold Aabs.
    destruct (Ale_dec 0 a), (Ale_dec 0 b), (Ale_dec 0 (a + b));
    - apply le_refl.
    - apply le_add_compat; apply ge_neg_l_if_ge0; auto.
    - apply le_add_compat_l. apply le_neg_r_if_lt0; auto. apply not_le_lt; auto.
    - apply le_add_compat_r. apply ge_neg_l_if_ge0; auto.
    - apply le_add_compat_r. apply le_neg_r_if_lt0. apply not_le_lt; auto.
    - apply le_add_compat_l. apply ge_neg_l_if_ge0; auto.
    - apply not_le_lt in n,n0. pose proof (add_lt0_if_lt0_lt0 n n0).
      apply le_not_lt in a0. easy.
    - apply le_refl.

End theories.


Field with total order


Extra Theories

Section Theory.
  Context `{HOrderedField : OrderedField}.
  Add Field field_inst : (make_field_theory HOrderedField).

  Infix "+" := Aadd.
  Notation "- a" := (Aopp a).
  Notation "0" := Azero.
  Infix "*" := Amul.
  Notation "1" := Aone.
  Notation "/ a" := (Ainv a).
  Notation Adiv a b := (a * / b).
  Infix "/" := Adiv.

  Notation "a > b" := (Alt b a).
  Notation "a >= b" := (Ale b a).
  Infix "<" := Alt.
  Infix "<=" := Ale.

a <> 0 -> 0 < a * a
  Lemma sqr_gt0 : forall a : A, a <> 0 -> 0 < a * a.
    intros. apply lt_if_le_and_neq.
    - apply sqr_ge0.
    - intro. symmetry in H0. apply field_sqr_eq0_reg in H0. easy.

0 < 1
  Lemma lt_0_1 : 0 < 1.
    assert (1 <> 0). apply field_1_neq_0.
    pose proof (sqr_gt0 H). rewrite identityLeft in H0. auto.

0 <= 1
  Lemma le_0_1 : 0 <= 1.
  Proof. apply le_if_lt. apply lt_0_1. Qed.

0 < a -> 0 < / a
  Lemma inv_gt0 : forall a : A, 0 < a -> 0 < / a.
    assert (0 < a * / a).
    { field_simplify. apply lt_0_1. symmetry. apply lt_not_eq; auto. }
    apply (gt0_mul_reg_gt0 H0); auto.

a < 0 -> / a < 0
  Lemma inv_lt0 : forall a : A, a < 0 -> / a < 0.
    intros. pose proof (lt_imply_neq H).
    rewrite lt_opp_iff in H. rewrite group_opp_0 in H.
    apply inv_gt0 in H. rewrite field_inv_opp in H; auto. apply lt0_iff_neg; auto.

0 < a -> 0 < b -> a < b -> / b < / a
  Lemma lt_inv : forall a b : A, 0 < a -> 0 < b -> a < b -> / b < / a.
    apply lt_mul_compat_l with (c:=/b) in H1.
    apply lt_mul_compat_r with (c:=/a) in H1.
    rewrite field_mulInvL in H1. rewrite identityLeft in H1 at 1.
    rewrite associative in H1. rewrite field_mulInvR, identityRight in H1. auto.
    symmetry; apply lt_imply_neq; auto.
    symmetry; apply lt_imply_neq; auto.
    apply inv_gt0; auto.
    apply inv_gt0; auto.

0 < c -> c * a < c * b -> a < b
  Lemma lt_mul_reg_l : forall a b c, 0 < c -> c * a < c * b -> a < b.
    intros. apply lt_mul_compat_l with (c:=/c) in H0.
    - rewrite <- !associative in H0. rewrite field_mulInvL in H0.
      + rewrite !identityLeft in H0; auto.
      + symmetry. apply lt_imply_neq; auto.
    - apply inv_gt0; auto.

0 < c -> a * c < b * c -> a < b
  Lemma lt_mul_reg_r : forall a b c, 0 < c -> a * c < b * c -> a < b.
    intros. rewrite !(commutative _ c) in H0. apply lt_mul_reg_l in H0; auto.

0 < a -> a < b -> a / b < 1
  Lemma lt_imply_div_lt_1 : forall a b : A, 0 < a -> a < b -> a / b < 1.
    intros. replace 1 with (b / b).
    apply lt_mul_compat_r; auto. apply inv_gt0. apply lt_trans with a; auto.
    apply field_mulInvR. symmetry. apply lt_imply_neq. apply lt_trans with a; auto.

0 < a -> a <= b -> a / b <= 1
  Lemma le_imply_div_le_1 : forall a b : A, 0 < a -> a <= b -> a / b <= 1.
    intros. apply lt_le_cong in H0. destruct H0.
    - apply le_if_lt. apply lt_imply_div_lt_1; auto.
    - subst. rewrite field_mulInvR. apply le_refl.
      symmetry. apply lt_imply_neq; auto.

End Theory.

Convert to R type

Operations {+,0,-x,*,1,/x,==,<,<=} is consistent with "a2r: A -> R"
Class A2R {A} Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone Ainv Alt Ale
  (a2r : A -> R) := {
    a2r_add : forall a b : A, a2r (Aadd a b) = (a2r a + a2r b)%R;
    a2r_0 : a2r Azero = 0%R;
    a2r_opp : forall a : A, a2r (Aopp a) = (- (a2r a))%R;
    a2r_mul : forall a b : A, a2r (Amul a b) = (a2r a * a2r b)%R;
    a2r_1 : a2r Aone = 1%R;
    a2r_inv : forall a : A, a <> Azero -> a2r (Ainv a) = (/ (a2r a))%R;
    a2r_Order :: Order Alt Ale;
    a2r_eq_iff : forall a b : A, a2r a = a2r b <-> a = b;
    a2r_lt_iff : forall a b : A, (a2r a < a2r b)%R <-> Alt a b;
    a2r_le_iff : forall a b : A, (a2r a <= a2r b)%R <-> Ale a b


Extra Theories

Section Theory.
  Context `{HA2R : A2R}.
  Context {AeqDec : Dec (@eq A)}.
  Infix "<" := Alt : A_scope.
  Infix "<=" := Ale : A_scope.

a2r a = 0 <-> a = 0
  Lemma a2r_eq0_iff : forall a : A, (a2r a = 0)%R <-> (a = Azero)%A.
  Proof. intros. rewrite <- a2r_0. apply a2r_eq_iff. Qed.

a2r a = 1 <-> a = 1
  Lemma a2r_eq1_iff : forall a : A, (a2r a = 1)%R <-> (a = Aone)%A.
  Proof. intros. rewrite <- a2r_1. apply a2r_eq_iff. Qed.

0 <= a2r a <-> 0 <= a
  Lemma a2r_ge0_iff : forall a : A, (0 <= a2r a)%R <-> (Azero <= a)%A.
  Proof. intros. rewrite <- a2r_0. apply a2r_le_iff. Qed.

0 < a2r a <-> 0 < a
  Lemma a2r_gt0_iff : forall a : A, (0 < a2r a)%R <-> (Azero < a)%A.
  Proof. intros. rewrite <- a2r_0. apply a2r_lt_iff. Qed.

  Section OrderedARing.
    Context `{HOrderedARing :
        OrderedARing A Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone Alt Ale}.
    Notation "| a |" := (Rabs a) : R_scope.
    Notation "| a |" := (Aabs a) : A_scope.

a2r | a | = | a2r a |
    Lemma a2r_Aabs : forall a : A, a2r (| a |) = | a2r a|%R.
      intros. unfold Aabs. destruct (Ale_dec Azero a).
      - rewrite Rabs_right; auto. rewrite <- a2r_0.
        apply Rle_ge. apply a2r_le_iff; auto.
      - rewrite Rabs_left. rewrite a2r_opp. auto.
        rewrite <- a2r_0. apply a2r_lt_iff. apply not_le_lt; auto.

  End OrderedARing.

End Theory.

Metric space

Adist:A×A→R(>=0) is a metric over A, if it satisfy three axioms. Then, (A, Adist) is called a metric space, and Adist(a,b) is called the distance between point a and b in (A,dist)
Class MetricSpace {A} (Adist : A -> A -> R) := {
    ms_gt0 : forall a b : A, (R0 <= Adist a b)%R;
    ms_eq0_iff_eq : forall a b : A, Adist a b = R0 <-> a = b;
    ms_sym : forall a b : A, Adist a b = Adist b a;
    ms_tri_ineg : forall a b c : A, (Adist a c <= Adist a b + Adist b c)%R


Extra Theories

Section Theory.
End Theory.