Require Export Hierarchy.
Require Export ListExt.
Require Export Vector.
Require Reals.
Require Import Extraction.
Generalizable Variable A Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone Ainv.
Control the scope
Open Scope mat_scope.
An n-dimensional square matrix over A type
Notation "M .11" := (M.1.1) : mat_scope.
Notation "M .12" := (M.1.2) : mat_scope.
Notation "M .13" := (M.1.3) : mat_scope.
Notation "M .14" := (M.1.4) : mat_scope.
Notation "M .21" := (M.2.1) : mat_scope.
Notation "M .22" := (M.2.2) : mat_scope.
Notation "M .23" := (M.2.3) : mat_scope.
Notation "M .24" := (M.2.4) : mat_scope.
Notation "M .31" := (M.3.1) : mat_scope.
Notation "M .32" := (M.3.2) : mat_scope.
Notation "M .33" := (M.3.3) : mat_scope.
Notation "M .34" := (M.3.4) : mat_scope.
Notation "M .41" := (M.4.1) : mat_scope.
Notation "M .42" := (M.4.2) : mat_scope.
Notation "M .43" := (M.4.3) : mat_scope.
Notation "M .44" := (M.4.4) : mat_scope.
i1 = i2 -> j1 = j2 -> = M (nat2fin i1) (nat2fin j1) = M (nat2fin i2) (nat2fin j2)
Lemma mnth_eq :
forall {A r c} (M : @mat A r c) i1 j1 i2 j2
(Hi1: i1 < r) (Hi2: i2 < r) (Hj1: j1 < c) (Hj2: j2 < c),
i1 = i2 -> j1 = j2 ->
M.[nat2fin i1 Hi1].[nat2fin j1 Hj1] = M.[nat2fin i2 Hi2].[nat2fin j2 Hj2].
Proof. intros. subst. f_equal; apply fin_eq_iff; auto. Qed.
Lemma meq_iff_mnth : forall {A r c} (M N : mat A r c),
M = N <-> (forall i j, M.[i].[j] = N.[i].[j]).
intros. split; intros; subst; auto.
apply veq_iff_vnth. intros i.
apply veq_iff_vnth. intros j. auto.
Lemma mneq_iff_exist_mnth_neq : forall {A r c} (M N : mat A r c),
M <> N <-> (exists i j, M.[i].[j] <> N.[i].[j]).
intros. rewrite meq_iff_mnth. split; intros.
- apply not_all_ex_not in H. destruct H as [i H].
apply not_all_ex_not in H. destruct H as [j H]. exists i, j; auto.
- destruct H as [i [j H]].
apply ex_not_not_all; auto. exists i.
apply ex_not_not_all; auto. exists j. auto.
forall {A r c} (M : @mat A r c) i1 j1 i2 j2
(Hi1: i1 < r) (Hi2: i2 < r) (Hj1: j1 < c) (Hj2: j2 < c),
i1 = i2 -> j1 = j2 ->
M.[nat2fin i1 Hi1].[nat2fin j1 Hj1] = M.[nat2fin i2 Hi2].[nat2fin j2 Hj2].
Proof. intros. subst. f_equal; apply fin_eq_iff; auto. Qed.
Lemma meq_iff_mnth : forall {A r c} (M N : mat A r c),
M = N <-> (forall i j, M.[i].[j] = N.[i].[j]).
intros. split; intros; subst; auto.
apply veq_iff_vnth. intros i.
apply veq_iff_vnth. intros j. auto.
Lemma mneq_iff_exist_mnth_neq : forall {A r c} (M N : mat A r c),
M <> N <-> (exists i j, M.[i].[j] <> N.[i].[j]).
intros. rewrite meq_iff_mnth. split; intros.
- apply not_all_ex_not in H. destruct H as [i H].
apply not_all_ex_not in H. destruct H as [j H]. exists i, j; auto.
- destruct H as [i [j H]].
apply ex_not_not_all; auto. exists i.
apply ex_not_not_all; auto. exists j. auto.
Section mrow_mcol.
Context {A} {Azero : A}.
Notation vzero := (vzero Azero).
Definition mrow {r c} (M : mat A r c) (i : 'I_r) : @vec A c := M i.
Lemma vnth_mrow : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (i : 'I_r) (j : 'I_c),
(mrow M i).[j] = M.[i].[j].
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
Definition mcol {r c} (M : mat A r c) (j : 'I_c) : @vec A r := fun i => M i j.
Notation "M &[ i ]" := (mcol M i) : mat_scope.
Lemma vnth_mcol : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (i : 'I_r) (j : 'I_c),
M&[j].[i] = M.[i].[j].
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
End mrow_mcol.
Notation "M &[ i ]" := (mcol M i) : mat_scope.
Context {A} {Azero : A}.
Notation vzero := (vzero Azero).
Definition mrow {r c} (M : mat A r c) (i : 'I_r) : @vec A c := M i.
Lemma vnth_mrow : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (i : 'I_r) (j : 'I_c),
(mrow M i).[j] = M.[i].[j].
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
Definition mcol {r c} (M : mat A r c) (j : 'I_c) : @vec A r := fun i => M i j.
Notation "M &[ i ]" := (mcol M i) : mat_scope.
Lemma vnth_mcol : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (i : 'I_r) (j : 'I_c),
M&[j].[i] = M.[i].[j].
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
End mrow_mcol.
Notation "M &[ i ]" := (mcol M i) : mat_scope.
Section mtrans.
Context {A} (Azero : A).
Definition mtrans {r c} (M : mat A r c) : mat A c r := fun i j => M.[j].[i].
Notation "M \T" := (mtrans M) : mat_scope.
Context {A} (Azero : A).
Definition mtrans {r c} (M : mat A r c) : mat A c r := fun i j => M.[j].[i].
Notation "M \T" := (mtrans M) : mat_scope.
Lemma vnth_mtrans : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) i, (M\T).[i] = fun j => M.[j].[i].
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
Lemma mnth_mtrans : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) i j, (M\T).[i].[j] = M.[j].[i].
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
Transpose twice return back
matrix transpose is injective
Lemma mtrans_inj : forall {r c : nat} (M1 M2 : mat A r c),
mtrans M1 = mtrans M2 -> M1 = M2.
intros. rewrite meq_iff_mnth in H. rewrite meq_iff_mnth; intros.
specialize (H j i). auto.
Lemma mcol_mtrans_eq_mrow : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (i : 'I_r),
(M\T)&[i] = M.[i].
Proof. auto. Qed.
Lemma mrow_mtrans_eq_mcol : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (j : 'I_c),
(M\T).[j] = M&[j].
Proof. auto. Qed.
End mtrans.
Notation "M \T" := (mtrans M) : mat_scope.
mtrans M1 = mtrans M2 -> M1 = M2.
intros. rewrite meq_iff_mnth in H. rewrite meq_iff_mnth; intros.
specialize (H j i). auto.
Lemma mcol_mtrans_eq_mrow : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (i : 'I_r),
(M\T)&[i] = M.[i].
Proof. auto. Qed.
Lemma mrow_mtrans_eq_mcol : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (j : 'I_c),
(M\T).[j] = M&[j].
Proof. auto. Qed.
End mtrans.
Notation "M \T" := (mtrans M) : mat_scope.
Get head row
(mheadr M).j = M.0.j
Lemma vnth_mheadr : forall {r c} (M : @mat A (S r) c) j, (mheadr M).[j] = M.[fin0].[j].
Proof. auto. Qed.
Proof. auto. Qed.
Get tail row
Lemma vnth_mtailr : forall {r c} (M : @mat A (S r) c) j,
(mtailr M).[j] = M.[#r].[j].
Proof. auto. Qed.
End mheadr_mtailr.
(mtailr M).[j] = M.[#r].[j].
Proof. auto. Qed.
End mheadr_mtailr.
Get head column
(mheadc M).i = M.i.0
Lemma vnth_mheadc : forall {r c} (M : @mat A r (S c)) i, (mheadc M).[i] = M.[i].[fin0].
Proof. auto. Qed.
Proof. auto. Qed.
Get tail column
(mtailc M).i = M.i.(n-1)
Lemma vnth_mtailc : forall {r c} (M : @mat A r (S c)) i,
(mtailc M).[i] = M.[i].[#c].
Proof. auto. Qed.
End mheadc_mtailc.
(mtailc M).[i] = M.[i].[#c].
Proof. auto. Qed.
End mheadc_mtailc.
Section cv2v_v2cv.
Context {A : Type}.
Notation cvec n := (cvec A n).
Definition cv2v {n} (M : cvec n) : vec n := fun i => M.[i].[fin0].
Definition v2cv {n} (a : vec n) : cvec n := fun i j => a.[i].
Lemma cv2v_spec : forall {n} (M : cvec n) i, M.[i].[fin0] = (cv2v M).[i].
Proof. auto. Qed.
Lemma v2cv_spec : forall {n} (a : vec n) i, a.[i] = (v2cv a).[i].[fin0].
Proof. auto. Qed.
Lemma cv2v_v2cv : forall {n} (a : vec n), cv2v (v2cv a) = a.
Proof. intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. cbv. auto. Qed.
Lemma v2cv_cv2v : forall {n} (M : cvec n), v2cv (cv2v M) = M.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. cbv. f_equal.
rewrite (fin1_uniq j). apply fin_eq_iff; auto.
Lemma cv2v_inj : forall {n} (M N : cvec n), cv2v M = cv2v N -> M = N.
intros. rewrite veq_iff_vnth in H. rewrite meq_iff_mnth.
unfold cv2v in H. intros. rewrite (fin1_uniq j). auto.
Lemma v2cv_inj : forall {n} (a b : vec n), v2cv a = v2cv b -> a = b.
intros. rewrite meq_iff_mnth in H. rewrite veq_iff_vnth.
unfold v2cv in H. intros. apply (H i fin0).
Lemma vnth_v2cv : forall {n} (a : vec n) i j, (v2cv a).[i].[j] = a.[i].
Proof. intros. unfold v2cv. auto. Qed.
Lemma vnth_cv2v : forall {n} (M : cvec n) i j, (cv2v M).[i] = M.[i].[j].
Proof. intros. unfold cv2v. f_equal. rewrite (fin1_uniq j); auto. Qed.
End cv2v_v2cv.
Context {A : Type}.
Notation cvec n := (cvec A n).
Definition cv2v {n} (M : cvec n) : vec n := fun i => M.[i].[fin0].
Definition v2cv {n} (a : vec n) : cvec n := fun i j => a.[i].
Lemma cv2v_spec : forall {n} (M : cvec n) i, M.[i].[fin0] = (cv2v M).[i].
Proof. auto. Qed.
Lemma v2cv_spec : forall {n} (a : vec n) i, a.[i] = (v2cv a).[i].[fin0].
Proof. auto. Qed.
Lemma cv2v_v2cv : forall {n} (a : vec n), cv2v (v2cv a) = a.
Proof. intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. cbv. auto. Qed.
Lemma v2cv_cv2v : forall {n} (M : cvec n), v2cv (cv2v M) = M.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. cbv. f_equal.
rewrite (fin1_uniq j). apply fin_eq_iff; auto.
Lemma cv2v_inj : forall {n} (M N : cvec n), cv2v M = cv2v N -> M = N.
intros. rewrite veq_iff_vnth in H. rewrite meq_iff_mnth.
unfold cv2v in H. intros. rewrite (fin1_uniq j). auto.
Lemma v2cv_inj : forall {n} (a b : vec n), v2cv a = v2cv b -> a = b.
intros. rewrite meq_iff_mnth in H. rewrite veq_iff_vnth.
unfold v2cv in H. intros. apply (H i fin0).
Lemma vnth_v2cv : forall {n} (a : vec n) i j, (v2cv a).[i].[j] = a.[i].
Proof. intros. unfold v2cv. auto. Qed.
Lemma vnth_cv2v : forall {n} (M : cvec n) i j, (cv2v M).[i] = M.[i].[j].
Proof. intros. unfold cv2v. f_equal. rewrite (fin1_uniq j); auto. Qed.
End cv2v_v2cv.
Section rv2v_v2rv.
Context {A : Type}.
Notation rvec n := (rvec A n).
Definition rv2v {n} (M : rvec n) : vec n := fun i => M.[fin0].[i].
Definition v2rv {n} (a : vec n) : rvec n := fun i j => a.[j].
Lemma rv2v_spec : forall {n} (M : rvec n) i, M.[fin0].[i] = (rv2v M).[i].
Proof. auto. Qed.
Lemma v2rv_spec : forall {n} (a : vec n) i, a.[i] = (v2rv a).[fin0].[i].
Proof. auto. Qed.
Lemma rv2v_v2rv : forall {n} (a : vec n), rv2v (v2rv a) = a.
Proof. intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. cbv. auto. Qed.
Lemma v2rv_rv2v : forall {n} (M : rvec n), v2rv (rv2v M) = M.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. cbv. f_equal. rewrite (fin1_uniq i).
apply fin_eq_iff; auto.
Lemma vnth_v2rv : forall {n} (a : vec n) i, (v2rv a).[i] = a.
Proof. intros. unfold v2rv. auto. Qed.
End rv2v_v2rv.
Context {A : Type}.
Notation rvec n := (rvec A n).
Definition rv2v {n} (M : rvec n) : vec n := fun i => M.[fin0].[i].
Definition v2rv {n} (a : vec n) : rvec n := fun i j => a.[j].
Lemma rv2v_spec : forall {n} (M : rvec n) i, M.[fin0].[i] = (rv2v M).[i].
Proof. auto. Qed.
Lemma v2rv_spec : forall {n} (a : vec n) i, a.[i] = (v2rv a).[fin0].[i].
Proof. auto. Qed.
Lemma rv2v_v2rv : forall {n} (a : vec n), rv2v (v2rv a) = a.
Proof. intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. cbv. auto. Qed.
Lemma v2rv_rv2v : forall {n} (M : rvec n), v2rv (rv2v M) = M.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. cbv. f_equal. rewrite (fin1_uniq i).
apply fin_eq_iff; auto.
Lemma vnth_v2rv : forall {n} (a : vec n) i, (v2rv a).[i] = a.
Proof. intros. unfold v2rv. auto. Qed.
End rv2v_v2rv.
Lemma v2rv_cv2v : forall {A n} (M : cvec A n), v2rv (cv2v M) = fun i j => M.[j].[i].
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. cbv. f_equal.
rewrite (fin1_uniq i). apply fin_eq_iff; auto.
row mat0 i = vzero
Lemma mrow_mat0 : forall {r c} i, (@mat0 r c).[i] = vzero Azero.
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
Lemma mcol_mat0 : forall {r c} j, (@mat0 r c)&[j] = vzero Azero.
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
Lemma mcol_mat0 : forall {r c} j, (@mat0 r c)&[j] = vzero Azero.
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
mat0\T = mat0
mat to `list of row vectors`
`list of row vectors` to mat
Definition rvl2m {r c} (l : list (@vec A c)) : mat r c :=
fun i => nth i l (vzero Azero).
Lemma m2rvl_rvl2m : forall {r c} (l : list (@vec A c)),
length l = r -> @m2rvl r c (rvl2m l) = l.
intros. unfold m2rvl, rvl2m.
apply (list_eq_ext (vzero Azero) r); auto.
- intros. rewrite nth_map_finseq with (E:=H0). f_equal.
- rewrite map_length, finseq_length. auto.
Lemma rvl2m_m2rvl : forall {r c} (M : mat r c), rvl2m (m2rvl M) = M.
intros. unfold rvl2m, m2rvl. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
rewrite nth_map_finseq with (E:=fin2nat_lt _). f_equal. apply fin_fin2nat.
End rvl2m_m2rvl.
fun i => nth i l (vzero Azero).
Lemma m2rvl_rvl2m : forall {r c} (l : list (@vec A c)),
length l = r -> @m2rvl r c (rvl2m l) = l.
intros. unfold m2rvl, rvl2m.
apply (list_eq_ext (vzero Azero) r); auto.
- intros. rewrite nth_map_finseq with (E:=H0). f_equal.
- rewrite map_length, finseq_length. auto.
Lemma rvl2m_m2rvl : forall {r c} (M : mat r c), rvl2m (m2rvl M) = M.
intros. unfold rvl2m, m2rvl. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
rewrite nth_map_finseq with (E:=fin2nat_lt _). f_equal. apply fin_fin2nat.
End rvl2m_m2rvl.
mat to `list of column vectors`
`list of column vectors` to mat
Definition cvl2m {r c} (l : list (@vec A r)) : mat r c :=
fun i j => (nth j l (vzero Azero)).[i].
Lemma m2cvl_cvl2m : forall {r c} (l : list (@vec A r)),
length l = c -> @m2cvl r c (cvl2m l) = l.
intros. unfold m2cvl, cvl2m.
apply (list_eq_ext (vzero Azero) c); auto.
- intros. rewrite nth_map_finseq with (E:=H0).
apply veq_iff_vnth; intros j. f_equal.
- rewrite map_length, finseq_length. auto.
Lemma cvl2m_m2cvl : forall {r c} (M : mat r c), cvl2m (m2cvl M) = M.
intros. unfold cvl2m, m2cvl. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
rewrite nth_map_finseq with (E:=fin2nat_lt _). f_equal. apply fin_fin2nat.
End cvl2m_m2cvl.
fun i j => (nth j l (vzero Azero)).[i].
Lemma m2cvl_cvl2m : forall {r c} (l : list (@vec A r)),
length l = c -> @m2cvl r c (cvl2m l) = l.
intros. unfold m2cvl, cvl2m.
apply (list_eq_ext (vzero Azero) c); auto.
- intros. rewrite nth_map_finseq with (E:=H0).
apply veq_iff_vnth; intros j. f_equal.
- rewrite map_length, finseq_length. auto.
Lemma cvl2m_m2cvl : forall {r c} (M : mat r c), cvl2m (m2cvl M) = M.
intros. unfold cvl2m, m2cvl. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
rewrite nth_map_finseq with (E:=fin2nat_lt _). f_equal. apply fin_fin2nat.
End cvl2m_m2cvl.
Convert between function and mat
Section f2m_m2f.
Context {A} (Azero : A).
Definition f2m {r c} (f : nat -> nat -> A) : mat A r c :=
@f2v _ r (fun i => @f2v A c (f i)).
Lemma f2m_inj : forall {r c} (f g : nat -> nat -> A),
@f2m r c f = @f2m r c g -> (forall i j, i < r -> j < c -> f i j = g i j).
intros. unfold f2m in H.
apply f2v_inj with (i:=i) in H; auto.
apply f2v_inj with (i:=j) in H; auto.
Context {A} (Azero : A).
Definition f2m {r c} (f : nat -> nat -> A) : mat A r c :=
@f2v _ r (fun i => @f2v A c (f i)).
Lemma f2m_inj : forall {r c} (f g : nat -> nat -> A),
@f2m r c f = @f2m r c g -> (forall i j, i < r -> j < c -> f i j = g i j).
intros. unfold f2m in H.
apply f2v_inj with (i:=i) in H; auto.
apply f2v_inj with (i:=j) in H; auto.
Lemma mnth_f2m : forall {r c} (f : nat -> nat -> A) i j,
(@f2m r c f) i j = f i j.
Proof. auto. Qed.
(@f2m r c f) i j = f i j.
Proof. auto. Qed.
(f2m f).i = f2v (f i)
Lemma vnth_f2m : forall {r c} (f : nat -> nat -> A) i,
(@f2m r c f).[i] = f2v (f i).
Proof. auto. Qed.
Definition m2f {r c} (M : mat A r c) : (nat -> nat -> A) :=
fun i => @v2f _ Azero c (@v2f _ (vzero Azero) r M i).
(@f2m r c f).[i] = f2v (f i).
Proof. auto. Qed.
Definition m2f {r c} (M : mat A r c) : (nat -> nat -> A) :=
fun i => @v2f _ Azero c (@v2f _ (vzero Azero) r M i).
Lemma nth_m2f : forall {r c} (M : @mat A r c) (i j : nat) (Hi : i < r)(Hj : j < c),
(m2f M) i j = M.[nat2fin i Hi].[nat2fin j Hj].
Proof. intros. unfold m2f,v2f. fin. f_equal; fin. Qed.
(m2f M) i j = M.[nat2fin i Hi].[nat2fin j Hj].
Proof. intros. unfold m2f,v2f. fin. f_equal; fin. Qed.
Lemma nth_m2f_nat2finS : forall {r c} (M : @mat A (S r) (S c)) i j,
i < S r -> j < S c -> (m2f M) i j = M.[#i].[#j].
intros. rewrite nth_m2f with (Hi:=H)(Hj:=H0).
rewrite nat2finS_eq with (E:=H). rewrite nat2finS_eq with (E:=H0). auto.
Lemma m2f_inj : forall {r c} (M1 M2 : @mat A r c),
(forall i j, i < r -> j < c -> (m2f M1) i j = (m2f M2) i j) -> M1 = M2.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
specialize (H i j (fin2nat_lt _) (fin2nat_lt _)).
rewrite !nth_m2f with (Hi:=fin2nat_lt _)(Hj:=fin2nat_lt _) in H.
Lemma f2m_m2f : forall {r c} (M : @mat A r c), f2m (m2f M) = M.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite mnth_f2m.
rewrite nth_m2f with (Hi:=fin2nat_lt _)(Hj:=fin2nat_lt _).
Lemma m2f_f2m : forall {r c} (f : nat -> nat -> A),
forall i j, i < r -> j < c -> m2f (@f2m r c f) i j = f i j.
intros. rewrite nth_m2f with (Hi:=H)(Hj:=H0).
rewrite mnth_f2m. fin.
End f2m_m2f.
i < S r -> j < S c -> (m2f M) i j = M.[#i].[#j].
intros. rewrite nth_m2f with (Hi:=H)(Hj:=H0).
rewrite nat2finS_eq with (E:=H). rewrite nat2finS_eq with (E:=H0). auto.
Lemma m2f_inj : forall {r c} (M1 M2 : @mat A r c),
(forall i j, i < r -> j < c -> (m2f M1) i j = (m2f M2) i j) -> M1 = M2.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
specialize (H i j (fin2nat_lt _) (fin2nat_lt _)).
rewrite !nth_m2f with (Hi:=fin2nat_lt _)(Hj:=fin2nat_lt _) in H.
Lemma f2m_m2f : forall {r c} (M : @mat A r c), f2m (m2f M) = M.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite mnth_f2m.
rewrite nth_m2f with (Hi:=fin2nat_lt _)(Hj:=fin2nat_lt _).
Lemma m2f_f2m : forall {r c} (f : nat -> nat -> A),
forall i j, i < r -> j < c -> m2f (@f2m r c f) i j = f i j.
intros. rewrite nth_m2f with (Hi:=H)(Hj:=H0).
rewrite mnth_f2m. fin.
End f2m_m2f.
mat to dlist
Definition m2l {r c} (M : mat A r c) : dlist A := map v2l (v2l M).
Lemma m2l_length : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c), length (m2l M) = r.
Proof. intros. unfold m2l. rewrite map_length. rewrite v2l_length; auto. Qed.
Lemma m2l_width : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c), width (m2l M) c.
intros. unfold width,m2l. apply Forall_map_forall.
intros. apply v2l_length.
Lemma nth_m2l_length : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) i,
i < r -> length (nth i (m2l M) []) = c.
intros. unfold m2l.
rewrite nth_map with (n:=r)(Azero:=vzero Azero); auto; rewrite v2l_length; auto.
Lemma m2l_inj : forall {r c} (M N : mat A r c), m2l M = m2l N -> M = N.
intros. unfold m2l in H. apply map_inj in H; auto. apply v2l_inj; auto.
intros. apply v2l_inj; auto.
Lemma nth_m2l : forall {r c} (M : @mat A r c) i j (Hi : i < r) (Hj : j < c),
nth j (nth i (m2l M) []) Azero = M.[nat2fin i Hi].[nat2fin j Hj].
intros. unfold m2l. erewrite nth_map with (n:=r)(Azero:=vzero Azero); auto.
- rewrite nth_v2l with (E:=Hi). rewrite nth_v2l with (E:=Hj). auto.
- apply v2l_length.
Definition l2m {r c} (d : dlist A) : mat A r c :=
l2v (vzero Azero) (map (l2v Azero) d).
Lemma mnth_l2m : forall {r c} (d : dlist A) i j,
length d = r -> width d c ->
(@l2m r c d).[i].[j] = nth j (nth i d []) Azero.
intros. unfold l2m. rewrite vnth_l2v.
rewrite nth_map with (n:=r)(Azero:=[]); auto; fin.
Lemma l2m_inj : forall {r c} (d1 d2 : dlist A),
length d1 = r -> width d1 c ->
length d2 = r -> width d2 c ->
@l2m r c d1 = @l2m r c d2 -> d1 = d2.
intros. unfold l2m in H3. apply l2v_inj in H3; try rewrite map_length; auto.
apply map_inj in H3; auto.
intros. apply l2v_inj in H6; auto.
apply (width_imply_in_length a d1); auto.
apply (width_imply_in_length b d2); auto.
Lemma l2m_m2l : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c), (@l2m r c (m2l M)) = M.
intros. unfold l2m,m2l.
apply veq_iff_vnth; intros i.
apply veq_iff_vnth; intros j.
rewrite !vnth_l2v.
rewrite nth_map with (n:=r)(Azero:=[]); fin.
- rewrite nth_map with (n:=r)(Azero:=vzero Azero); fin.
+ rewrite l2v_v2l.
rewrite nth_v2l with (E:=fin2nat_lt _); fin.
+ apply v2l_length.
- rewrite map_length. apply v2l_length.
Lemma m2l_l2m : forall {r c} (d : dlist A),
length d = r -> width d c -> m2l (@l2m r c d) = d.
intros. unfold l2m,m2l; simpl. rewrite v2l_l2v.
- rewrite map_map. apply map_id_In; intros. apply v2l_l2v.
apply (width_imply_in_length a d); auto.
- rewrite map_length; auto.
Lemma l2m_surj : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c), (exists d, @l2m r c d = M).
Proof. intros. exists (m2l M). apply l2m_m2l. Qed.
Lemma m2l_surj : forall {r c} (d : dlist A),
length d = r -> width d c -> (exists M : mat A r c, m2l M = d).
Proof. intros. exists (@l2m r c d). apply m2l_l2m; auto. Qed.
End l2m_m2l.
Lemma m2l_length : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c), length (m2l M) = r.
Proof. intros. unfold m2l. rewrite map_length. rewrite v2l_length; auto. Qed.
Lemma m2l_width : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c), width (m2l M) c.
intros. unfold width,m2l. apply Forall_map_forall.
intros. apply v2l_length.
Lemma nth_m2l_length : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) i,
i < r -> length (nth i (m2l M) []) = c.
intros. unfold m2l.
rewrite nth_map with (n:=r)(Azero:=vzero Azero); auto; rewrite v2l_length; auto.
Lemma m2l_inj : forall {r c} (M N : mat A r c), m2l M = m2l N -> M = N.
intros. unfold m2l in H. apply map_inj in H; auto. apply v2l_inj; auto.
intros. apply v2l_inj; auto.
Lemma nth_m2l : forall {r c} (M : @mat A r c) i j (Hi : i < r) (Hj : j < c),
nth j (nth i (m2l M) []) Azero = M.[nat2fin i Hi].[nat2fin j Hj].
intros. unfold m2l. erewrite nth_map with (n:=r)(Azero:=vzero Azero); auto.
- rewrite nth_v2l with (E:=Hi). rewrite nth_v2l with (E:=Hj). auto.
- apply v2l_length.
Definition l2m {r c} (d : dlist A) : mat A r c :=
l2v (vzero Azero) (map (l2v Azero) d).
Lemma mnth_l2m : forall {r c} (d : dlist A) i j,
length d = r -> width d c ->
(@l2m r c d).[i].[j] = nth j (nth i d []) Azero.
intros. unfold l2m. rewrite vnth_l2v.
rewrite nth_map with (n:=r)(Azero:=[]); auto; fin.
Lemma l2m_inj : forall {r c} (d1 d2 : dlist A),
length d1 = r -> width d1 c ->
length d2 = r -> width d2 c ->
@l2m r c d1 = @l2m r c d2 -> d1 = d2.
intros. unfold l2m in H3. apply l2v_inj in H3; try rewrite map_length; auto.
apply map_inj in H3; auto.
intros. apply l2v_inj in H6; auto.
apply (width_imply_in_length a d1); auto.
apply (width_imply_in_length b d2); auto.
Lemma l2m_m2l : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c), (@l2m r c (m2l M)) = M.
intros. unfold l2m,m2l.
apply veq_iff_vnth; intros i.
apply veq_iff_vnth; intros j.
rewrite !vnth_l2v.
rewrite nth_map with (n:=r)(Azero:=[]); fin.
- rewrite nth_map with (n:=r)(Azero:=vzero Azero); fin.
+ rewrite l2v_v2l.
rewrite nth_v2l with (E:=fin2nat_lt _); fin.
+ apply v2l_length.
- rewrite map_length. apply v2l_length.
Lemma m2l_l2m : forall {r c} (d : dlist A),
length d = r -> width d c -> m2l (@l2m r c d) = d.
intros. unfold l2m,m2l; simpl. rewrite v2l_l2v.
- rewrite map_map. apply map_id_In; intros. apply v2l_l2v.
apply (width_imply_in_length a d); auto.
- rewrite map_length; auto.
Lemma l2m_surj : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c), (exists d, @l2m r c d = M).
Proof. intros. exists (m2l M). apply l2m_m2l. Qed.
Lemma m2l_surj : forall {r c} (d : dlist A),
length d = r -> width d c -> (exists M : mat A r c, m2l M = d).
Proof. intros. exists (@l2m r c d). apply m2l_l2m; auto. Qed.
End l2m_m2l.
Append matrix by row
Definition mappr {r1 r2 c} (M : mat A r1 c) (N : mat A r2 c)
: mat A (r1 + r2) c :=
f2m (fun i j => if (i ??< r1)%nat then m2f M i j else m2f N (i - r1) j).
: mat A (r1 + r2) c :=
f2m (fun i j => if (i ??< r1)%nat then m2f M i j else m2f N (i - r1) j).
Append matrix by column
Definition mappc {r c1 c2} (M : mat A r c1) (N : mat A r c2)
: mat A r (c1 + c2) :=
f2m (fun i j => if (j ??< c1)%nat then m2f M i j else m2f N i (j - c1)).
End mapp.
Section test.
Let M := @l2m _ 9 2 2 [[1;2];[3;4]].
Let N := @l2m _ 9 2 2 [[11;12];[13;14]].
End test.
: mat A r (c1 + c2) :=
f2m (fun i j => if (j ??< c1)%nat then m2f M i j else m2f N i (j - c1)).
End mapp.
Section test.
Let M := @l2m _ 9 2 2 [[1;2];[3;4]].
Let N := @l2m _ 9 2 2 [[11;12];[13;14]].
End test.
Section mat_specific.
Context {A} {Azero : A}.
Notation l2m := (l2m Azero).
Variable r c : nat.
Variable a11 a12 a13 a14 a21 a22 a23 a24 a31 a32 a33 a34 a41 a42 a43 a44 : A.
Definition mkmat_0_c : mat A 0 c := vzero (vzero Azero). Definition mkmat_r_0 : mat A r 0 := vzero (vzero Azero).
Definition mkmat_1_c (a : @vec A c) : mat A 1 c := fun i j => a j.
Definition mkmat_r_1 (a : @vec A r) : mat A r 1 := fun i j => a i.
Definition mkmat_1_1 : mat A 1 1 := l2m [[a11]].
Definition mkmat_1_2 : mat A 1 2 := l2m [[a11;a12]].
Definition mkmat_2_1 : mat A 2 1 := l2m [[a11];[a21]].
Definition mkmat_2_2 : mat A 2 2 := l2m [[a11;a12];[a21;a22]].
Definition mkmat_1_3 : mat A 1 3 := l2m [[a11;a12;a13]].
Definition mkmat_2_3 : mat A 2 3 := l2m [[a11;a12;a13];[a21;a22;a23]].
Definition mkmat_3_1 : mat A 3 1 := l2m [[a11];[a21];[a31]].
Definition mkmat_3_2 : mat A 3 2 := l2m [[a11;a12];[a21;a22];[a31;a32]].
Definition mkmat_3_3 : mat A 3 3 :=
l2m [[a11;a12;a13];[a21;a22;a23];[a31;a32;a33]].
Definition mkmat_1_4 : mat A 1 4 := l2m [[a11;a12;a13;a14]].
Definition mkmat_4_1 : mat A 4 1 := l2m [[a11];[a21];[a31];[a41]].
Definition mkmat_4_4 : mat A 4 4 :=
l2m [[a11;a12;a13;a14];[a21;a22;a23;a24];[a31;a32;a33;a34];[a41;a42;a43;a44]].
End mat_specific.
Definition mkmat_1_c (a : @vec A c) : mat A 1 c := fun i j => a j.
Definition mkmat_r_1 (a : @vec A r) : mat A r 1 := fun i j => a i.
Definition mkmat_1_1 : mat A 1 1 := l2m [[a11]].
Definition mkmat_1_2 : mat A 1 2 := l2m [[a11;a12]].
Definition mkmat_2_1 : mat A 2 1 := l2m [[a11];[a21]].
Definition mkmat_2_2 : mat A 2 2 := l2m [[a11;a12];[a21;a22]].
Definition mkmat_1_3 : mat A 1 3 := l2m [[a11;a12;a13]].
Definition mkmat_2_3 : mat A 2 3 := l2m [[a11;a12;a13];[a21;a22;a23]].
Definition mkmat_3_1 : mat A 3 1 := l2m [[a11];[a21];[a31]].
Definition mkmat_3_2 : mat A 3 2 := l2m [[a11;a12];[a21;a22];[a31;a32]].
Definition mkmat_3_3 : mat A 3 3 :=
l2m [[a11;a12;a13];[a21;a22;a23];[a31;a32;a33]].
Definition mkmat_1_4 : mat A 1 4 := l2m [[a11;a12;a13;a14]].
Definition mkmat_4_1 : mat A 4 1 := l2m [[a11];[a21];[a31];[a41]].
Definition mkmat_4_4 : mat A 4 4 :=
l2m [[a11;a12;a13;a14];[a21;a22;a23;a24];[a31;a32;a33;a34];[a41;a42;a43;a44]].
End mat_specific.
A matrix is a diagonal matrix
Transpose of a diagonal matrix keep unchanged
Lemma mtrans_diag : forall {n} (M : smat A n), mdiag M -> M\T = M.
intros. hnf in H. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros i j.
rewrite mnth_mtrans. destruct (i ??= j) as [E|E].
- apply fin2nat_eq_iff in E; rewrite E. auto.
- apply fin2nat_neq_iff in E. rewrite !H; auto.
intros. hnf in H. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros i j.
rewrite mnth_mtrans. destruct (i ??= j) as [E|E].
- apply fin2nat_eq_iff in E; rewrite E. auto.
- apply fin2nat_neq_iff in E. rewrite !H; auto.
Construct a diagonal matrix
mdiagMk is correct
Lemma mdiagMk_spec : forall {n} (a : @vec A n), mdiag (mdiagMk a).
Proof. intros. hnf. intros. unfold mdiagMk. fin. Qed.
Proof. intros. hnf. intros. unfold mdiagMk. fin. Qed.
Lemma mnth_mdiagMk_same : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) i, (mdiagMk a).[i].[i] = a.[i].
Proof. intros. unfold mdiagMk. fin. Qed.
Proof. intros. unfold mdiagMk. fin. Qed.
Lemma mnth_mdiagMk_diff : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) i j,
i <> j -> (mdiagMk a).[i].[j] = Azero.
Proof. intros. unfold mdiagMk. fin. Qed.
End mdiag.
i <> j -> (mdiagMk a).[i].[j] = Azero.
Proof. intros. unfold mdiagMk. fin. Qed.
End mdiag.
Notation mmap f M := (vmap (vmap f) M).
Lemma mnth_mmap : forall {A B} {r c} (M : mat A r c) (f:A -> B) i j,
(mmap f M).[i].[j] = f (M.[i].[j]).
Proof. intros. unfold mmap. auto. Qed.
Lemma mnth_mmap : forall {A B} {r c} (M : mat A r c) (f:A -> B) i j,
(mmap f M).[i].[j] = f (M.[i].[j]).
Proof. intros. unfold mmap. auto. Qed.
Notation mmap2 f M N := (vmap2 (vmap2 f) M N).
Lemma mnth_mmap2 : forall {A B C} {r c} (M : mat A r c) (N : mat B r c)
(f : A -> B -> C) i j,
(mmap2 f M N).[i].[j] = f (M.[i].[j]) (N.[i].[j]).
Proof. intros. unfold mmap2. auto. Qed.
Lemma mmap2_comm `{Commutative A Aadd} : forall {r c} (M N : mat A r c),
mmap2 Aadd M N = mmap2 Aadd N M.
Proof. intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. unfold mmap2. apply commutative. Qed.
Lemma mmap2_assoc `{Associative A Aadd} : forall {r c} (M N O : mat A r c),
mmap2 Aadd (mmap2 Aadd M N) O = mmap2 Aadd M (mmap2 Aadd N O).
Proof. intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. unfold mmap2. apply associative. Qed.
Lemma mnth_mmap2 : forall {A B C} {r c} (M : mat A r c) (N : mat B r c)
(f : A -> B -> C) i j,
(mmap2 f M N).[i].[j] = f (M.[i].[j]) (N.[i].[j]).
Proof. intros. unfold mmap2. auto. Qed.
Lemma mmap2_comm `{Commutative A Aadd} : forall {r c} (M N : mat A r c),
mmap2 Aadd M N = mmap2 Aadd N M.
Proof. intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. unfold mmap2. apply commutative. Qed.
Lemma mmap2_assoc `{Associative A Aadd} : forall {r c} (M N O : mat A r c),
mmap2 Aadd (mmap2 Aadd M N) O = mmap2 Aadd M (mmap2 Aadd N O).
Proof. intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. unfold mmap2. apply associative. Qed.
set row
Definition msetr {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A c) (i0 : 'I_r) : mat A r c :=
fun i j => if i ??= i0 then a.[j] else M.[i].[j].
Lemma mnth_msetr_same : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A c) (i0 : 'I_r) i j,
i = i0 -> (msetr M a i0).[i].[j] = a.[j].
Proof. intros. unfold msetr. fin. Qed.
Lemma mnth_msetr_diff : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A c) (i0 : 'I_r) i j,
i <> i0 -> (msetr M a i0).[i].[j] = M.[i].[j].
Proof. intros. unfold msetr. fin. Qed.
fun i j => if i ??= i0 then a.[j] else M.[i].[j].
Lemma mnth_msetr_same : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A c) (i0 : 'I_r) i j,
i = i0 -> (msetr M a i0).[i].[j] = a.[j].
Proof. intros. unfold msetr. fin. Qed.
Lemma mnth_msetr_diff : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A c) (i0 : 'I_r) i j,
i <> i0 -> (msetr M a i0).[i].[j] = M.[i].[j].
Proof. intros. unfold msetr. fin. Qed.
set column
Definition msetc {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A r) (j0 : 'I_c) : mat A r c :=
fun i j => if j ??= j0 then a.[i] else M.[i].[j].
Lemma mnth_msetc_same : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A r) (j0 : 'I_c) i j,
j = j0 -> (msetc M a j0).[i].[j] = a.[i].
Proof. intros. unfold msetc. fin. Qed.
Lemma mnth_msetc_diff : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A r) (j0 : 'I_c) i j,
j <> j0 -> (msetc M a j0).[i].[j] = M.[i].[j].
Proof. intros. unfold msetc. fin. Qed.
End mset.
fun i j => if j ??= j0 then a.[i] else M.[i].[j].
Lemma mnth_msetc_same : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A r) (j0 : 'I_c) i j,
j = j0 -> (msetc M a j0).[i].[j] = a.[i].
Proof. intros. unfold msetc. fin. Qed.
Lemma mnth_msetc_diff : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A r) (j0 : 'I_c) i j,
j <> j0 -> (msetc M a j0).[i].[j] = M.[i].[j].
Proof. intros. unfold msetc. fin. Qed.
End mset.
Section mremoverH_mremoverT.
Context {A} {Azero : A}.
Notation v2f := (v2f Azero).
Notation vzero := (vzero Azero).
Context {A} {Azero : A}.
Notation v2f := (v2f Azero).
Notation vzero := (vzero Azero).
(mremoverH M).i.j = M.(S i).j
Lemma mnth_mremoverH : forall {r c} (M : @mat A (S r) c) i j,
(mremoverH M).[i].[j] = M.[fSuccRangeS i].[j].
Proof. auto. Qed.
(mremoverH M).[i].[j] = M.[fSuccRangeS i].[j].
Proof. auto. Qed.
(mremoverT M).i.j = M.i.j
Lemma mnth_mremoverT : forall {r c} (M : @mat A (S r) c) i j,
(mremoverT M).[i].[j] = M.[fSuccRange i].[j].
Proof. auto. Qed.
End mremoverH_mremoverT.
(mremoverT M).[i].[j] = M.[fSuccRange i].[j].
Proof. auto. Qed.
End mremoverH_mremoverT.
Section mremovecH_mremovecT.
Context {A} {Azero : A}.
Notation v2f := (v2f Azero).
Notation vzero := (vzero Azero).
Context {A} {Azero : A}.
Notation v2f := (v2f Azero).
Notation vzero := (vzero Azero).
(mremovecH M).i.j = M.i.(S j)
Lemma mnth_mremovecH : forall {r c} (M : @mat A r (S c)) i j,
(mremovecH M).[i].[j] = M.[i].[fSuccRangeS j].
Proof. auto. Qed.
(mremovecH M).[i].[j] = M.[i].[fSuccRangeS j].
Proof. auto. Qed.
(mremovecT M).i.j = M.i.j
Lemma mnth_mremovecT : forall {r c} (M : @mat A r (S c)) i j,
(mremovecT M).[i].[j] = M.[i].[fSuccRange j].
Proof. auto. Qed.
End mremovecH_mremovecT.
(mremovecT M).[i].[j] = M.[i].[fSuccRange j].
Proof. auto. Qed.
End mremovecH_mremovecT.
Construct a matrix with a row vector and a matrix
Definition mconsrH {r c} (a : @vec A c) (M : mat A r c) : mat A (S r) c :=
vconsH a M.
Lemma mnth_mconsrH_0 : forall {r c} (a : @vec A c) (M : mat A r c) j,
(mconsrH a M).[fin0].[j] = a.[j].
Proof. intros. unfold mconsrH. rewrite vnth_vconsH_0; auto. Qed.
Lemma mnth_mconsrH_gt0 :
forall {r c} (a : @vec A c) (M : mat A r c) (i : 'I_(S r)) (j : 'I_c) (H : 0 < i),
(mconsrH a M).[i].[j] = M.[fPredRangeP i H].[j].
intros. unfold mconsrH. erewrite vnth_vconsH_gt0. f_equal.
Lemma vnth_mconsrH_0 : forall {r c} (a : vec c) (M : mat A r c),
(mconsrH a M).[fin0] = a.
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
Lemma vnth_mconsrH_gt0 :
forall {r c} (a : vec c) (M : mat A r c) (i : 'I_(S r)) (H : 0 < i),
(mconsrH a M).[i] = M.[fPredRangeP i H].
intros. unfold mconsrH. erewrite vnth_vconsH_gt0. auto.
Lemma mconsrH_spec : forall {r c} (a : @vec A c) (M : mat A r c),
let fa := v2f Azero a in
let fM := m2f Azero M in
let faM := m2f Azero (mconsrH a M) in
(forall j, j < c -> faM 0 j = fa j) /\
(forall i j, 0 < i < r -> j < c -> faM i j = fM (i - 1) j).
intros. unfold fa,fM,faM,m2f,mconsrH. split; intros; auto; f_equal.
assert (i < S r) by lia. rewrite nth_v2f with (H:=H1).
assert (i - 1 < r) by lia. rewrite nth_v2f with (H:=H2).
assert (0 < nat2fin i H1) by (simpl; lia).
rewrite vnth_vconsH_gt0 with (H:= H3); auto. f_equal.
apply fin_eq_iff; auto. simpl. lia.
vconsH a M.
Lemma mnth_mconsrH_0 : forall {r c} (a : @vec A c) (M : mat A r c) j,
(mconsrH a M).[fin0].[j] = a.[j].
Proof. intros. unfold mconsrH. rewrite vnth_vconsH_0; auto. Qed.
Lemma mnth_mconsrH_gt0 :
forall {r c} (a : @vec A c) (M : mat A r c) (i : 'I_(S r)) (j : 'I_c) (H : 0 < i),
(mconsrH a M).[i].[j] = M.[fPredRangeP i H].[j].
intros. unfold mconsrH. erewrite vnth_vconsH_gt0. f_equal.
Lemma vnth_mconsrH_0 : forall {r c} (a : vec c) (M : mat A r c),
(mconsrH a M).[fin0] = a.
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
Lemma vnth_mconsrH_gt0 :
forall {r c} (a : vec c) (M : mat A r c) (i : 'I_(S r)) (H : 0 < i),
(mconsrH a M).[i] = M.[fPredRangeP i H].
intros. unfold mconsrH. erewrite vnth_vconsH_gt0. auto.
Lemma mconsrH_spec : forall {r c} (a : @vec A c) (M : mat A r c),
let fa := v2f Azero a in
let fM := m2f Azero M in
let faM := m2f Azero (mconsrH a M) in
(forall j, j < c -> faM 0 j = fa j) /\
(forall i j, 0 < i < r -> j < c -> faM i j = fM (i - 1) j).
intros. unfold fa,fM,faM,m2f,mconsrH. split; intros; auto; f_equal.
assert (i < S r) by lia. rewrite nth_v2f with (H:=H1).
assert (i - 1 < r) by lia. rewrite nth_v2f with (H:=H2).
assert (0 < nat2fin i H1) by (simpl; lia).
rewrite vnth_vconsH_gt0 with (H:= H3); auto. f_equal.
apply fin_eq_iff; auto. simpl. lia.
mconsrH (mheadr M) (mremoverH M) = M
Lemma mconsrH_mremoverH_mtailr : forall {r c} (M : @mat A (S r) c),
mconsrH (mheadr M) (mremoverH M) = M.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros i j. destruct (fin2nat i ??= 0)%nat as [E|E].
- assert (i = fin0). destruct i; fin. rewrite H.
rewrite mnth_mconsrH_0; auto.
- assert (0 < fin2nat i) by lia.
rewrite mnth_mconsrH_gt0 with (H:=H); auto.
rewrite mnth_mremoverH. fin.
mconsrH (mheadr M) (mremoverH M) = M.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros i j. destruct (fin2nat i ??= 0)%nat as [E|E].
- assert (i = fin0). destruct i; fin. rewrite H.
rewrite mnth_mconsrH_0; auto.
- assert (0 < fin2nat i) by lia.
rewrite mnth_mconsrH_gt0 with (H:=H); auto.
rewrite mnth_mremoverH. fin.
Construct a matrix with a matrix and a row vector
Definition mconsrT {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A c) : mat A (S r) c :=
vconsT M a.
Lemma mnth_mconsrT : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A c) i j,
(mconsrT M a).[i].[j] = (vconsT M&[j] a.[j]).[i].
Proof. intros. unfold mconsrT. unfold vconsT. fin. Qed.
Lemma mnth_mconsrT_n : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A c) i j,
i = nat2finS r -> (mconsrT M a).[i].[j] = a.[j].
intros. rewrite H. unfold mconsrT. rewrite vnth_vconsT_n; auto.
rewrite fin2nat_nat2finS; auto.
Lemma mnth_mconsrT_lt :
forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A c) i j (E : fin2nat i < r),
(mconsrT M a).[i].[j] = M.[fPredRange i E].[j].
intros. unfold mconsrT. erewrite vnth_vconsT_lt. f_equal.
Lemma mcol_mconsrT : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A c) (j : 'I_c),
(mconsrT M a)&[j] = vconsT M&[j] a.[j].
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
rewrite vnth_mcol. rewrite mnth_mconsrT. auto.
Lemma vnth_mconsrT_n : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A c) i,
fin2nat i = r -> (mconsrT M a).[i] = a.
Proof. intros. unfold mconsrT. rewrite vnth_vconsT_n; auto. Qed.
Lemma vnth_mconsrT_lt :
forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A c) (i : 'I_(S r)) (H : fin2nat i < r),
(mconsrT M a).[i] = M.[fPredRange i H].
Proof. intros. unfold mconsrT. rewrite vnth_vconsT_lt with (H:=H). auto. Qed.
vconsT M a.
Lemma mnth_mconsrT : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A c) i j,
(mconsrT M a).[i].[j] = (vconsT M&[j] a.[j]).[i].
Proof. intros. unfold mconsrT. unfold vconsT. fin. Qed.
Lemma mnth_mconsrT_n : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A c) i j,
i = nat2finS r -> (mconsrT M a).[i].[j] = a.[j].
intros. rewrite H. unfold mconsrT. rewrite vnth_vconsT_n; auto.
rewrite fin2nat_nat2finS; auto.
Lemma mnth_mconsrT_lt :
forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A c) i j (E : fin2nat i < r),
(mconsrT M a).[i].[j] = M.[fPredRange i E].[j].
intros. unfold mconsrT. erewrite vnth_vconsT_lt. f_equal.
Lemma mcol_mconsrT : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A c) (j : 'I_c),
(mconsrT M a)&[j] = vconsT M&[j] a.[j].
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
rewrite vnth_mcol. rewrite mnth_mconsrT. auto.
Lemma vnth_mconsrT_n : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A c) i,
fin2nat i = r -> (mconsrT M a).[i] = a.
Proof. intros. unfold mconsrT. rewrite vnth_vconsT_n; auto. Qed.
Lemma vnth_mconsrT_lt :
forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A c) (i : 'I_(S r)) (H : fin2nat i < r),
(mconsrT M a).[i] = M.[fPredRange i H].
Proof. intros. unfold mconsrT. rewrite vnth_vconsT_lt with (H:=H). auto. Qed.
mconsrT (mremoverT M) (mtailr M) = M
Lemma mconsrT_mremoverT_mtailr : forall {r c} (M : @mat A (S r) c),
mconsrT (mremoverT M) (mtailr M) = M.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros i j. destruct (fin2nat i ??= r)%nat as [E|E].
- rewrite mnth_mconsrT_n; auto.
+ rewrite vnth_mtailr. f_equal.
destruct i. erewrite nat2finS_eq. fin.
+ destruct i. erewrite nat2finS_eq. fin.
- erewrite mnth_mconsrT_lt. rewrite mnth_mremoverT. fin.
Unshelve. all: fin. pose proof (fin2nat_lt i). lia.
mconsrT (mremoverT M) (mtailr M) = M.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros i j. destruct (fin2nat i ??= r)%nat as [E|E].
- rewrite mnth_mconsrT_n; auto.
+ rewrite vnth_mtailr. f_equal.
destruct i. erewrite nat2finS_eq. fin.
+ destruct i. erewrite nat2finS_eq. fin.
- erewrite mnth_mconsrT_lt. rewrite mnth_mremoverT. fin.
Unshelve. all: fin. pose proof (fin2nat_lt i). lia.
Construct a matrix with a column vector and a matrix
Definition mconscH {r c} (a : @vec A r) (M : mat A r c) : mat A r (S c) :=
@vmap2 A (vec c) (vec (S c)) vconsH r a M.
Lemma vnth_mconscH : forall {r c} (M : mat A (S r) c) (a : vec (S r)) (i : 'I_(S r)),
(mconscH a M).[i] = vconsH (a.[i]) (M.[i]).
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
Lemma mnth_mconscH_0 : forall {r c} (a : @vec A r) (M : mat A r c) i,
(mconscH a M).[i].[fin0] = a.[i].
intros. unfold mconscH. rewrite vnth_vmap2. rewrite vnth_vconsH_0; auto.
Lemma mnth_mconscH_gt0 :
forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A r) i j (E : 0 < fin2nat j),
(mconscH a M).[i].[j] = M.[i].[fPredRangeP j E].
intros. unfold mconscH. rewrite vnth_vmap2. erewrite vnth_vconsH_gt0. f_equal.
@vmap2 A (vec c) (vec (S c)) vconsH r a M.
Lemma vnth_mconscH : forall {r c} (M : mat A (S r) c) (a : vec (S r)) (i : 'I_(S r)),
(mconscH a M).[i] = vconsH (a.[i]) (M.[i]).
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
Lemma mnth_mconscH_0 : forall {r c} (a : @vec A r) (M : mat A r c) i,
(mconscH a M).[i].[fin0] = a.[i].
intros. unfold mconscH. rewrite vnth_vmap2. rewrite vnth_vconsH_0; auto.
Lemma mnth_mconscH_gt0 :
forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A r) i j (E : 0 < fin2nat j),
(mconscH a M).[i].[j] = M.[i].[fPredRangeP j E].
intros. unfold mconscH. rewrite vnth_vmap2. erewrite vnth_vconsH_gt0. f_equal.
mconscH (mheadc M) (mremovecH M) = M
Lemma mconscH_mheadc_mremovecH : forall {r c} (M : @mat A r (S c)),
mconscH (mheadc M) (mremovecH M) = M.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros i j. destruct (fin2nat j ??= 0)%nat as [E|E].
- assert (j = fin0). destruct j; apply fin_eq_iff; auto. rewrite H.
rewrite mnth_mconscH_0; auto.
- assert (0 < fin2nat j) by lia.
rewrite mnth_mconscH_gt0 with (E:=H); auto.
rewrite mnth_mremovecH. f_equal. apply fSuccRangeS_fPredRangeP.
mconscH (mheadc M) (mremovecH M) = M.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros i j. destruct (fin2nat j ??= 0)%nat as [E|E].
- assert (j = fin0). destruct j; apply fin_eq_iff; auto. rewrite H.
rewrite mnth_mconscH_0; auto.
- assert (0 < fin2nat j) by lia.
rewrite mnth_mconscH_gt0 with (E:=H); auto.
rewrite mnth_mremovecH. f_equal. apply fSuccRangeS_fPredRangeP.
mconscH (vconsT a x) (vconsT M b) = vconsT (mconscH a M) (vconsH x b)
Lemma mconscH_vconsT_vconsT_eq_vconsT_mconscH_vconsH :
forall {r c} (a : vec r) (x : A) (M : mat A r c) (b : vec c),
mconscH (vconsT a x) (vconsT M b) = vconsT (mconscH a M) (vconsH x b).
Proof with try apply fin2nat_nat2finS; auto.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
destruct (fin2nat j ??= 0)%nat as [E|E].
- assert (j = fin0). destruct j; apply fin_eq_iff; auto. rewrite H.
rewrite mnth_mconscH_0; auto.
destruct (fin2nat i ??= r)%nat as [E1|E1].
+ rewrite !vnth_vconsT_n; auto.
+ assert (fin2nat i < r). pose proof (fin2nat_lt i). lia.
rewrite !vnth_vconsT_lt with (H:=H0); auto.
- assert (0 < fin2nat j) by lia. rewrite mnth_mconscH_gt0 with (E:=H).
destruct (fin2nat i ??= r)%nat.
+ rewrite !vnth_vconsT_n; auto.
assert (0 < fin2nat j) by lia.
rewrite vnth_vconsH_gt0 with (H:=H0). f_equal. apply fin_eq_iff; auto.
+ assert (fin2nat i < r). pose proof (fin2nat_lt i). lia.
rewrite !vnth_vconsT_lt with (H:=H0); auto.
assert (0 < fin2nat j) by lia. rewrite mnth_mconscH_gt0 with (E:=H1).
f_equal. apply fin_eq_iff; auto.
forall {r c} (a : vec r) (x : A) (M : mat A r c) (b : vec c),
mconscH (vconsT a x) (vconsT M b) = vconsT (mconscH a M) (vconsH x b).
Proof with try apply fin2nat_nat2finS; auto.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
destruct (fin2nat j ??= 0)%nat as [E|E].
- assert (j = fin0). destruct j; apply fin_eq_iff; auto. rewrite H.
rewrite mnth_mconscH_0; auto.
destruct (fin2nat i ??= r)%nat as [E1|E1].
+ rewrite !vnth_vconsT_n; auto.
+ assert (fin2nat i < r). pose proof (fin2nat_lt i). lia.
rewrite !vnth_vconsT_lt with (H:=H0); auto.
- assert (0 < fin2nat j) by lia. rewrite mnth_mconscH_gt0 with (E:=H).
destruct (fin2nat i ??= r)%nat.
+ rewrite !vnth_vconsT_n; auto.
assert (0 < fin2nat j) by lia.
rewrite vnth_vconsH_gt0 with (H:=H0). f_equal. apply fin_eq_iff; auto.
+ assert (fin2nat i < r). pose proof (fin2nat_lt i). lia.
rewrite !vnth_vconsT_lt with (H:=H0); auto.
assert (0 < fin2nat j) by lia. rewrite mnth_mconscH_gt0 with (E:=H1).
f_equal. apply fin_eq_iff; auto.
Construct a matrix with a matrix and a column vector
Definition mconscT {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A r) : mat A r (S c) :=
@vmap2 (vec c) A (vec (S c)) vconsT r M a.
Lemma mnth_mconscT : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A r) i j,
(mconscT M a).[i].[j] = (vconsT M.[i] a.[i]).[j].
Proof. auto. Qed.
Lemma mnth_mconscT_n : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A r) i j,
fin2nat j = c -> (mconscT M a).[i].[j] = a.[i].
intros. unfold mconscT. rewrite vnth_vmap2.
rewrite vnth_vconsT_n; auto.
Lemma mnth_mconscT_lt :
forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A r) i j (H : fin2nat j < c),
(mconscT M a).[i].[j] = M.[i].[fPredRange j H].
intros. unfold mconscT. rewrite vnth_vmap2. erewrite vnth_vconsT_lt. f_equal.
Lemma vnth_mconscT : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A r) i,
(mconscT M a).[i] = vconsT M.[i] a.[i].
Proof. auto. Qed.
Lemma mcol_mconscT_n : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A r) j,
fin2nat j = c -> (mconscT M a)&[j] = a.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
rewrite vnth_mcol. rewrite mnth_mconscT_n; auto.
Lemma mcol_mconscT_lt :
forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A r) (j : 'I_(S c)) (H : fin2nat j < c),
(mconscT M a)&[j] = M&[fPredRange j H].
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. rewrite !vnth_mcol.
erewrite mnth_mconscT_lt; auto.
@vmap2 (vec c) A (vec (S c)) vconsT r M a.
Lemma mnth_mconscT : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A r) i j,
(mconscT M a).[i].[j] = (vconsT M.[i] a.[i]).[j].
Proof. auto. Qed.
Lemma mnth_mconscT_n : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A r) i j,
fin2nat j = c -> (mconscT M a).[i].[j] = a.[i].
intros. unfold mconscT. rewrite vnth_vmap2.
rewrite vnth_vconsT_n; auto.
Lemma mnth_mconscT_lt :
forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A r) i j (H : fin2nat j < c),
(mconscT M a).[i].[j] = M.[i].[fPredRange j H].
intros. unfold mconscT. rewrite vnth_vmap2. erewrite vnth_vconsT_lt. f_equal.
Lemma vnth_mconscT : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A r) i,
(mconscT M a).[i] = vconsT M.[i] a.[i].
Proof. auto. Qed.
Lemma mcol_mconscT_n : forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A r) j,
fin2nat j = c -> (mconscT M a)&[j] = a.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
rewrite vnth_mcol. rewrite mnth_mconscT_n; auto.
Lemma mcol_mconscT_lt :
forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A r) (j : 'I_(S c)) (H : fin2nat j < c),
(mconscT M a)&[j] = M&[fPredRange j H].
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. rewrite !vnth_mcol.
erewrite mnth_mconscT_lt; auto.
mconscT (mremovecT M) (mtailc M) = M
Lemma mconscT_mremovecT_mtailc : forall {r c} (M : @mat A r (S c)),
mconscT (mremovecT M) (mtailc M) = M.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros i j. destruct (fin2nat j ??= c)%nat.
- rewrite mnth_mconscT_n; auto.
rewrite vnth_mtailc. f_equal. fin.
- assert (fin2nat j < c). pose proof (fin2nat_lt j). lia.
rewrite mnth_mconscT_lt with (H:=H).
rewrite mnth_mremovecT. fin.
mconscT (mremovecT M) (mtailc M) = M.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros i j. destruct (fin2nat j ??= c)%nat.
- rewrite mnth_mconscT_n; auto.
rewrite vnth_mtailc. f_equal. fin.
- assert (fin2nat j < c). pose proof (fin2nat_lt j). lia.
rewrite mnth_mconscT_lt with (H:=H).
rewrite mnth_mremovecT. fin.
mconscT (mconsrT M a) (vconsT b x) = mconsrT (mconscT M b) (vconsT a x)
Lemma mconscT_mconsrT_vconsT :
forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A c) (b : @vec A r) (x : A),
mconscT (mconsrT M a) (vconsT b x) = mconsrT (mconscT M b) (vconsT a x).
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
rewrite mnth_mconscT, mnth_mconsrT. unfold vconsT. fin.
- erewrite mnth_mconsrT_lt, mcol_mconscT_lt. rewrite vnth_mcol. auto.
- assert (fin2nat i = r). pose proof (fin2nat_lt i). fin.
rewrite mnth_mconsrT_n; auto. fin.
- assert (fin2nat j = c). pose proof (fin2nat_lt j). fin.
rewrite vnth_mcol. rewrite mnth_mconscT_n; auto.
End mcons.
Section test.
Let a : @vec nat 2 := l2v 9 [1;2].
Let M : @mat nat 2 2 := l2m 9 [[3;4];[5;6]].
End test.
forall {r c} (M : mat A r c) (a : @vec A c) (b : @vec A r) (x : A),
mconscT (mconsrT M a) (vconsT b x) = mconsrT (mconscT M b) (vconsT a x).
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
rewrite mnth_mconscT, mnth_mconsrT. unfold vconsT. fin.
- erewrite mnth_mconsrT_lt, mcol_mconscT_lt. rewrite vnth_mcol. auto.
- assert (fin2nat i = r). pose proof (fin2nat_lt i). fin.
rewrite mnth_mconsrT_n; auto. fin.
- assert (fin2nat j = c). pose proof (fin2nat_lt j). fin.
rewrite vnth_mcol. rewrite mnth_mconscT_n; auto.
End mcons.
Section test.
Let a : @vec nat 2 := l2v 9 [1;2].
Let M : @mat nat 2 2 := l2m 9 [[3;4];[5;6]].
End test.
left shift column.
Definition mcshl {r c} (M : mat A r c) (k : 'I_c) : mat A r c :=
fun i j =>
if (fin2nat j + fin2nat k ??< c)%nat
then M.[i].[fin2SameRangeAdd j k]
else Azero.
fun i j =>
if (fin2nat j + fin2nat k ??< c)%nat
then M.[i].[fin2SameRangeAdd j k]
else Azero.
right shift column.
Definition mcshr {r c} (M : mat A r c) (k : 'I_c) : mat A r c :=
fun i j =>
if (fin2nat k ??<= fin2nat j)%nat
then M.[i].[fin2SameRangeSub j k]
else Azero.
fun i j =>
if (fin2nat k ??<= fin2nat j)%nat
then M.[i].[fin2SameRangeSub j k]
else Azero.
loop shift left of column.
Definition mclsl {r c} (M : @mat A r c) (k : 'I_c) : @mat A r c :=
fun i j => M.[i].[fin2SameRangeLSL j k].
fun i j => M.[i].[fin2SameRangeLSL j k].
loop shift right of column
Definition mclsr {r c} (M : @mat A r c) (k : 'I_c) : @mat A r c :=
fun i j => M.[i].[fin2SameRangeLSR j k].
End mcsh.
Section test.
Let M := @l2m _ 0 3 3 [[1;2;3];[4;5;6];[7;8;9]].
End test.
fun i j => M.[i].[fin2SameRangeLSR j k].
End mcsh.
Section test.
Let M := @l2m _ 0 3 3 [[1;2;3];[4;5;6];[7;8;9]].
End test.
Section madd.
Context `{AMonoid}.
Notation mat r c := (mat A r c).
Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
Notation vadd := (@vadd _ Aadd).
Infix "+" := vadd : vec_scope.
Notation mat0 := (@mat0 _ Azero).
Definition madd {r c} (M N : mat r c) : mat r c := mmap2 Aadd M N.
Infix "+" := madd : mat_scope.
Context `{AMonoid}.
Notation mat r c := (mat A r c).
Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
Notation vadd := (@vadd _ Aadd).
Infix "+" := vadd : vec_scope.
Notation mat0 := (@mat0 _ Azero).
Definition madd {r c} (M N : mat r c) : mat r c := mmap2 Aadd M N.
Infix "+" := madd : mat_scope.
Lemma mnth_madd : forall {r c} (M N : mat r c) i j,
(M + N).[i].[j] = (M.[i].[j] + N.[i].[j])%A.
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
(M + N).[i].[j] = (M.[i].[j] + N.[i].[j])%A.
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
Lemma vnth_madd : forall {r c} (M N : mat r c) i,
(M + N).[i] = (M.[i] + N.[i])%V.
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
(M + N).[i] = (M.[i] + N.[i])%V.
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
(M+N)&i = M&i + N&i
Lemma mcol_madd : forall {r c} (M N : mat r c) i,
(M + N)&[i] = (M&[i] + N&[i])%V.
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
Lemma cv2v_madd : forall {n} (a b : cvec A n),
cv2v (a + b) = (cv2v a + cv2v b)%V.
Proof. intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. cbv. auto. Qed.
Lemma madd_assoc : forall {r c} (M N O : mat r c),
(M + N) + O = M + (N + O).
Proof. intros. apply mmap2_assoc. Qed.
Lemma madd_comm : forall {r c} (M N : mat r c), M + N = N + M.
Proof. intros. apply mmap2_comm. Qed.
(M + N)&[i] = (M&[i] + N&[i])%V.
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
Lemma cv2v_madd : forall {n} (a b : cvec A n),
cv2v (a + b) = (cv2v a + cv2v b)%V.
Proof. intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. cbv. auto. Qed.
Lemma madd_assoc : forall {r c} (M N O : mat r c),
(M + N) + O = M + (N + O).
Proof. intros. apply mmap2_assoc. Qed.
Lemma madd_comm : forall {r c} (M N : mat r c), M + N = N + M.
Proof. intros. apply mmap2_comm. Qed.
0 + M = M
Lemma madd_0_l : forall {r c} (M : mat r c), mat0 + M = M.
intros. unfold madd. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
rewrite mnth_mmap2. rewrite mnth_mat0. amonoid.
intros. unfold madd. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
rewrite mnth_mmap2. rewrite mnth_mat0. amonoid.
M + 0 = M
Lemma madd_0_r : forall {r c} (M : mat r c), M + mat0 = M.
Proof. intros. rewrite madd_comm, madd_0_l; auto. Qed.
Instance madd_Associative : forall r c, @Associative (mat r c) madd.
Proof. intros. constructor. apply madd_assoc. Qed.
Instance madd_Commutative : forall r c, @Commutative (mat r c) madd.
Proof. intros. constructor. apply madd_comm. Qed.
Instance madd_IdentityLeft : forall r c, @IdentityLeft (mat r c) madd mat0.
Proof. intros. constructor. apply madd_0_l. Qed.
Instance madd_IdentityRight : forall r c, @IdentityRight (mat r c) madd mat0.
Proof. intros. constructor. apply madd_0_r. Qed.
Instance madd_AMonoid : forall r c, AMonoid (@madd r c) mat0.
intros. repeat constructor; intros;
try apply associative;
try apply commutative;
try apply identityLeft;
try apply identityRight.
Proof. intros. rewrite madd_comm, madd_0_l; auto. Qed.
Instance madd_Associative : forall r c, @Associative (mat r c) madd.
Proof. intros. constructor. apply madd_assoc. Qed.
Instance madd_Commutative : forall r c, @Commutative (mat r c) madd.
Proof. intros. constructor. apply madd_comm. Qed.
Instance madd_IdentityLeft : forall r c, @IdentityLeft (mat r c) madd mat0.
Proof. intros. constructor. apply madd_0_l. Qed.
Instance madd_IdentityRight : forall r c, @IdentityRight (mat r c) madd mat0.
Proof. intros. constructor. apply madd_0_r. Qed.
Instance madd_AMonoid : forall r c, AMonoid (@madd r c) mat0.
intros. repeat constructor; intros;
try apply associative;
try apply commutative;
try apply identityLeft;
try apply identityRight.
(M + N) + O = (M + O) + N
Lemma madd_perm : forall {r c} (M N O : mat r c), (M + N) + O = (M + O) + N.
Proof. intros. pose proof(madd_AMonoid r c). amonoid. Qed.
Proof. intros. pose proof(madd_AMonoid r c). amonoid. Qed.
(M + N)\T = M\T + N\T
Lemma mtrans_madd : forall {r c} (M N : mat r c), (M + N)\T = M\T + N\T.
End madd.
End madd.
Section mtrace.
Context `{AMonoid}.
Notation smat n := (smat A n).
Notation vsum := (@vsum _ Aadd Azero).
Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
Notation madd := (@madd _ Aadd).
Infix "+" := madd : mat_scope.
Definition mtrace {n : nat} (M : smat n) : A := vsum (fun i => M.[i].[i]).
Notation "'tr' M" := (mtrace M).
Context `{AMonoid}.
Notation smat n := (smat A n).
Notation vsum := (@vsum _ Aadd Azero).
Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
Notation madd := (@madd _ Aadd).
Infix "+" := madd : mat_scope.
Definition mtrace {n : nat} (M : smat n) : A := vsum (fun i => M.[i].[i]).
Notation "'tr' M" := (mtrace M).
tr(M\T) = tr(M)
Lemma mtrace_mtrans : forall {n} (M : smat n), tr (M\T) = tr M.
Proof. intros. apply vsum_eq; intros. apply mnth_mtrans. Qed.
Proof. intros. apply vsum_eq; intros. apply mnth_mtrans. Qed.
tr(M + N) = tr(M) + tr(N)
Lemma mtrace_madd : forall {n} (M N : smat n), tr (M + N) = (tr M + tr N)%A.
intros. unfold madd, mtrace. rewrite vsum_add; intros.
apply vsum_eq; intros. rewrite mnth_mmap2. auto.
End mtrace.
Section malg.
Context `{HAGroup : AGroup}.
Notation "0" := Azero : A_scope.
Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
Notation "- a" := (Aopp a) : A_scope.
Notation Asub := (fun a b => a + (- b)).
Infix "-" := Asub : A_scope.
Notation vzero := (vzero Azero).
Notation vsum := (@vsum _ Aadd Azero).
Notation vadd := (@vadd _ Aadd).
Infix "+" := vadd : vec_scope.
Notation mat r c := (mat A r c).
Notation smat n := (smat A n).
Notation mat0 := (@mat0 _ Azero).
Notation madd := (@madd _ Aadd).
Notation mtrace := (@mtrace _ Aadd 0 _).
Infix "+" := madd : mat_scope.
Notation "'tr' M" := (mtrace M).
intros. unfold madd, mtrace. rewrite vsum_add; intros.
apply vsum_eq; intros. rewrite mnth_mmap2. auto.
End mtrace.
Section malg.
Context `{HAGroup : AGroup}.
Notation "0" := Azero : A_scope.
Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
Notation "- a" := (Aopp a) : A_scope.
Notation Asub := (fun a b => a + (- b)).
Infix "-" := Asub : A_scope.
Notation vzero := (vzero Azero).
Notation vsum := (@vsum _ Aadd Azero).
Notation vadd := (@vadd _ Aadd).
Infix "+" := vadd : vec_scope.
Notation mat r c := (mat A r c).
Notation smat n := (smat A n).
Notation mat0 := (@mat0 _ Azero).
Notation madd := (@madd _ Aadd).
Notation mtrace := (@mtrace _ Aadd 0 _).
Infix "+" := madd : mat_scope.
Notation "'tr' M" := (mtrace M).
Section mopp.
Notation vopp := (@vopp _ Aopp).
Notation "- v" := (vopp v) : vec_scope.
Definition mopp {r c} (M : mat r c) : mat r c := mmap Aopp M.
Notation "- M" := (mopp M) : mat_scope.
Notation vopp := (@vopp _ Aopp).
Notation "- v" := (vopp v) : vec_scope.
Definition mopp {r c} (M : mat r c) : mat r c := mmap Aopp M.
Notation "- M" := (mopp M) : mat_scope.
Lemma vnth_mopp : forall {r c} (M : mat r c) i, (- M).[i] = (- (M.[i]))%V.
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
(- M)&i = - (M&i)
Lemma mnth_mopp : forall {r c} (M : mat r c) i j, (- M).[i].[j] = (- M.[i].[j])%A.
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
Lemma madd_opp_l : forall {r c} (M : mat r c), (- M) + M = mat0.
intros. unfold madd,mopp,mat0,mmap2,mmap. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. agroup.
Lemma madd_opp_r : forall {r c} (M : mat r c), M + (- M) = mat0.
Proof. intros. rewrite madd_comm. apply madd_opp_l. Qed.
Instance madd_InverseLeft : forall r c, @InverseLeft (mat r c) madd mat0 mopp.
Proof. intros. constructor. apply madd_opp_l. Qed.
Instance madd_InverseRight : forall r c, @InverseRight (mat r c) madd mat0 mopp.
Proof. intros. constructor. apply madd_opp_r. Qed.
Instance madd_AGroup : forall r c, @AGroup (mat r c) madd mat0 mopp.
intros. repeat constructor;
try apply associative;
try apply identityLeft;
try apply identityRight;
try apply inverseLeft;
try apply inverseRight;
try apply commutative.
Example madd_agroup_example1 : forall r c (M N : mat r c), mat0 + M + (- N) + N = M.
intros. pose proof (madd_AGroup r c).
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
Lemma madd_opp_l : forall {r c} (M : mat r c), (- M) + M = mat0.
intros. unfold madd,mopp,mat0,mmap2,mmap. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. agroup.
Lemma madd_opp_r : forall {r c} (M : mat r c), M + (- M) = mat0.
Proof. intros. rewrite madd_comm. apply madd_opp_l. Qed.
Instance madd_InverseLeft : forall r c, @InverseLeft (mat r c) madd mat0 mopp.
Proof. intros. constructor. apply madd_opp_l. Qed.
Instance madd_InverseRight : forall r c, @InverseRight (mat r c) madd mat0 mopp.
Proof. intros. constructor. apply madd_opp_r. Qed.
Instance madd_AGroup : forall r c, @AGroup (mat r c) madd mat0 mopp.
intros. repeat constructor;
try apply associative;
try apply identityLeft;
try apply identityRight;
try apply inverseLeft;
try apply inverseRight;
try apply commutative.
Example madd_agroup_example1 : forall r c (M N : mat r c), mat0 + M + (- N) + N = M.
intros. pose proof (madd_AGroup r c).
- (- M) = M
Lemma mopp_mopp : forall {r c} (M : mat r c), - (- M) = M.
Proof. intros. pose proof (madd_AGroup r c). agroup. Qed.
Proof. intros. pose proof (madd_AGroup r c). agroup. Qed.
- M = N <-> M = - N
Lemma mopp_exchange : forall {r c} (M N : mat r c), - M = N <-> M = - N.
Proof. intros. pose proof (madd_AGroup r c). simp; agroup. Qed.
Proof. intros. pose proof (madd_AGroup r c). simp; agroup. Qed.
- (mat0) = mat0
Lemma mopp_mat0 : forall {r c:nat}, - (@Matrix.mat0 _ 0 r c) = mat0.
Proof. intros. pose proof (madd_AGroup r c). simp; agroup. Qed.
Proof. intros. pose proof (madd_AGroup r c). simp; agroup. Qed.
- (m1 + m2) = (-m1) + (-m2)
Lemma mopp_madd : forall {r c : nat} (M N : mat r c), - (M + N) = (- M) + (- N).
Proof. intros. pose proof (madd_AGroup r c). simp; agroup. Qed.
Proof. intros. pose proof (madd_AGroup r c). simp; agroup. Qed.
(- M)\T = - (M\T)
tr(- M) = - (tr(m))
Lemma mtrace_mopp : forall {n} (M : smat n), tr (- M) = (- (tr M))%A.
intros. unfold mopp, mtrace. rewrite vsum_opp; intros.
apply vsum_eq; intros. rewrite !vnth_vmap; auto.
End mopp.
Notation "- M" := (mopp M) : mat_scope.
intros. unfold mopp, mtrace. rewrite vsum_opp; intros.
apply vsum_eq; intros. rewrite !vnth_vmap; auto.
End mopp.
Notation "- M" := (mopp M) : mat_scope.
M - N = - (N - M)
Lemma msub_comm : forall {r c} (M N : mat r c), M - N = - (N - M).
Proof. intros. pose proof (madd_AGroup r c). agroup. Qed.
Proof. intros. pose proof (madd_AGroup r c). agroup. Qed.
(M - N) - O = M - (N + O)
Lemma msub_assoc : forall {r c} (M N O : mat r c),
(M - N) - O = M - (N + O).
Proof. intros. pose proof (madd_AGroup r c). agroup. Qed.
(M - N) - O = M - (N + O).
Proof. intros. pose proof (madd_AGroup r c). agroup. Qed.
(M + N) - O = M + (N - O)
Lemma msub_assoc1 : forall {r c} (M N O : mat r c), (M + N) - O = M + (N - O).
Proof. intros. pose proof (madd_AGroup r c). agroup. Qed.
Proof. intros. pose proof (madd_AGroup r c). agroup. Qed.
(M - N) - O = M - (O - N)
Lemma msub_assoc2 : forall {r c} (M N O : mat r c), (M - N) - O = (M - O) - N.
Proof. intros. pose proof (madd_AGroup r c). agroup. Qed.
Proof. intros. pose proof (madd_AGroup r c). agroup. Qed.
0 - M = - M
Lemma msub_0_l : forall {r c} (M : mat r c), mat0 - M = - M.
Proof. intros. pose proof (madd_AGroup r c). agroup. Qed.
Proof. intros. pose proof (madd_AGroup r c). agroup. Qed.
M - 0 = M
Lemma msub_0_r : forall {r c} (M : mat r c), M - mat0 = M.
Proof. intros. pose proof (madd_AGroup r c). agroup. Qed.
Proof. intros. pose proof (madd_AGroup r c). agroup. Qed.
M - M = 0
Lemma msub_self : forall {r c} (M : mat r c), M - M = mat0.
Proof. intros. pose proof (madd_AGroup r c). agroup. Qed.
Proof. intros. pose proof (madd_AGroup r c). agroup. Qed.
(M - N)\T = M\T - N\T
tr(M - N) = tr(M) - tr(N)
Lemma mtrace_msub : forall {n} (M N : smat n), tr (M - N) = (tr M - tr N)%A.
Proof. intros. rewrite mtrace_madd, mtrace_mopp; auto. Qed.
End msub.
Notation "M - N" := ((M + - N)%M) : mat_scope.
Context `{HARing : ARing A Aadd 0 Aopp}.
Infix "*" := Amul : A_scope.
Notation "1" := Aone : A_scope.
Add Ring ring_inst : (make_ring_theory HARing).
Notation vcmul := (@vcmul _ Amul).
Infix "\.*" := vcmul : vec_scope.
Notation vdot v1 v2 := (@vdot _ Aadd 0 Amul _ v1 v2).
Notation "< v1 , v2 >" := (vdot v1 v2) : vec_scope.
Proof. intros. rewrite mtrace_madd, mtrace_mopp; auto. Qed.
End msub.
Notation "M - N" := ((M + - N)%M) : mat_scope.
Context `{HARing : ARing A Aadd 0 Aopp}.
Infix "*" := Amul : A_scope.
Notation "1" := Aone : A_scope.
Add Ring ring_inst : (make_ring_theory HARing).
Notation vcmul := (@vcmul _ Amul).
Infix "\.*" := vcmul : vec_scope.
Notation vdot v1 v2 := (@vdot _ Aadd 0 Amul _ v1 v2).
Notation "< v1 , v2 >" := (vdot v1 v2) : vec_scope.
mat1\T = mat1
Lemma mtrans_mat1 : forall {n : nat}, (@mat1 n)\T = mat1.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. unfold mtrans,mat1. fin.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. unfold mtrans,mat1. fin.
Lemma mnth_mat1_diff : forall {n} i j, i <> j -> (@mat1 n).[i].[j] = 0.
Proof. intros. unfold mat1. fin. Qed.
Proof. intros. unfold mat1. fin. Qed.
mat1 is diagonal matrix
Lemma mat1_diag : forall {n : nat}, mdiag 0 (@mat1 n).
Proof. intros. hnf. intros. rewrite mnth_mat1_diff; auto. Qed.
Proof. intros. hnf. intros. rewrite mnth_mat1_diff; auto. Qed.
M = I -> a = 0 -> b = 0 -> x = 1 mconscT (mconsrT M a) (vconsT b x) = I
Lemma mconscT_mconsrT_vconsT_eq1 : forall {n} (M : smat n) (a b : vec n)(x : A),
M = mat1 -> a = vzero -> b = vzero -> x = Aone ->
mconscT (mconsrT M a) (vconsT b x) = mat1.
intros. subst. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite mnth_mconscT.
unfold vconsT, mconsrT, vconsT. fin; try rewrite vnth_vzero.
- rewrite mnth_mat1_diff; auto.
assert (fin2nat i <> fin2nat j) by lia. apply fin2nat_neq_iff in H; auto.
- rewrite mnth_mat1_diff; auto.
assert (fin2nat i <> fin2nat j) by lia. apply fin2nat_neq_iff in H; auto.
- pose proof (fin2nat_lt i). pose proof (fin2nat_lt j).
assert (fin2nat i = fin2nat j) by lia. apply fin2nat_eq_iff in H1.
subst. rewrite mnth_mat1_same. auto.
M = mat1 -> a = vzero -> b = vzero -> x = Aone ->
mconscT (mconsrT M a) (vconsT b x) = mat1.
intros. subst. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite mnth_mconscT.
unfold vconsT, mconsrT, vconsT. fin; try rewrite vnth_vzero.
- rewrite mnth_mat1_diff; auto.
assert (fin2nat i <> fin2nat j) by lia. apply fin2nat_neq_iff in H; auto.
- rewrite mnth_mat1_diff; auto.
assert (fin2nat i <> fin2nat j) by lia. apply fin2nat_neq_iff in H; auto.
- pose proof (fin2nat_lt i). pose proof (fin2nat_lt j).
assert (fin2nat i = fin2nat j) by lia. apply fin2nat_eq_iff in H1.
subst. rewrite mnth_mat1_same. auto.
M = I -> a = 0 -> b = 0 -> x = 1 mconsrT (mconscT M a) (vconsT b x) = I
Lemma mconsrT_mconscT_vconsT_eq1 : forall {n} (M : smat n) (a b : vec n)(x : A),
M = mat1 -> a = vzero -> b = vzero -> x = Aone ->
mconsrT (mconscT M a) (vconsT b x) = mat1.
intros. subst. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite mnth_mconsrT.
unfold vconsT, mconscT, vconsT, mcol, vmap2. fin; try rewrite vnth_vzero.
- rewrite mnth_mat1_diff; auto.
assert (fin2nat i <> fin2nat j) by lia. apply fin2nat_neq_iff in H; auto.
- rewrite mnth_mat1_diff; auto.
assert (fin2nat i <> fin2nat j) by lia. apply fin2nat_neq_iff in H; auto.
- pose proof (fin2nat_lt i). pose proof (fin2nat_lt j).
assert (fin2nat i = fin2nat j) by lia. apply fin2nat_eq_iff in H1.
subst. rewrite mnth_mat1_same. auto.
End mat1.
M = mat1 -> a = vzero -> b = vzero -> x = Aone ->
mconsrT (mconscT M a) (vconsT b x) = mat1.
intros. subst. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite mnth_mconsrT.
unfold vconsT, mconscT, vconsT, mcol, vmap2. fin; try rewrite vnth_vzero.
- rewrite mnth_mat1_diff; auto.
assert (fin2nat i <> fin2nat j) by lia. apply fin2nat_neq_iff in H; auto.
- rewrite mnth_mat1_diff; auto.
assert (fin2nat i <> fin2nat j) by lia. apply fin2nat_neq_iff in H; auto.
- pose proof (fin2nat_lt i). pose proof (fin2nat_lt j).
assert (fin2nat i = fin2nat j) by lia. apply fin2nat_eq_iff in H1.
subst. rewrite mnth_mat1_same. auto.
End mat1.
Section mcmul.
Definition mcmul {r c : nat} (a : A) (M : mat r c) : mat r c := mmap (Amul a) M.
Infix "\.*" := mcmul : mat_scope.
Definition mcmul {r c : nat} (a : A) (M : mat r c) : mat r c := mmap (Amul a) M.
Infix "\.*" := mcmul : mat_scope.
Lemma vnth_mcmul : forall {r c} (M : mat r c) a i,
(a \.* M).[i] = (a \.* (M.[i]))%V.
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
(a \.* M).[i] = (a \.* (M.[i]))%V.
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
(a * M)&i = a * M&i
Lemma mcol_mcmul : forall {r c} (M : mat r c) a i,
(a \.* M)&[i] = (a \.* M&[i])%V.
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
(a \.* M)&[i] = (a \.* M&[i])%V.
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
Lemma mnth_mcmul : forall {r c} (M : mat r c) a i j,
(a \.* M).[i].[j] = a * (M.[i].[j]).
Proof. intros. unfold mcmul. rewrite !vnth_vmap. auto. Qed.
Lemma cv2v_mcmul : forall {n} (x : A) (a : cvec A n),
cv2v (x \.* a) = (x \.* (cv2v a))%V.
Proof. intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. cbv. auto. Qed.
(a \.* M).[i].[j] = a * (M.[i].[j]).
Proof. intros. unfold mcmul. rewrite !vnth_vmap. auto. Qed.
Lemma cv2v_mcmul : forall {n} (x : A) (a : cvec A n),
cv2v (x \.* a) = (x \.* (cv2v a))%V.
Proof. intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. cbv. auto. Qed.
a * (b * M) = (a * b) * M
Lemma mcmul_assoc : forall {r c} (M : mat r c) a b,
a \.* (b \.* M) = (a * b)%A \.* M.
Proof. intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite !mnth_mcmul. agroup. Qed.
a \.* (b \.* M) = (a * b)%A \.* M.
Proof. intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite !mnth_mcmul. agroup. Qed.
a * (b * M) = b * (a * M)
Lemma mcmul_perm : forall {r c} (M : mat r c) a b,
a \.* (b \.* M) = b \.* (a \.* M).
Proof. intros. rewrite !mcmul_assoc. f_equal. ring. Qed.
a \.* (b \.* M) = b \.* (a \.* M).
Proof. intros. rewrite !mcmul_assoc. f_equal. ring. Qed.
a * (M + N) = (a * M) + (a * N)
Lemma mcmul_madd_distr : forall {r c} a (M N : mat r c),
a \.* (M + N) = (a \.* M) + (a \.* N).
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
rewrite !mnth_mcmul, !mnth_madd, !mnth_mcmul. ring.
a \.* (M + N) = (a \.* M) + (a \.* N).
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
rewrite !mnth_mcmul, !mnth_madd, !mnth_mcmul. ring.
(a + b) * M = (a * M) + (b * M)
Lemma mcmul_add_distr : forall {r c} a b (M : mat r c),
(a + b)%A \.* M = (a \.* M) + (b \.* M).
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
rewrite !mnth_mcmul, !mnth_madd, !mnth_mcmul. ring.
Lemma mcmul_0_l : forall {r c} (M : mat r c), 0 \.* M = mat0.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite !mnth_mcmul, !mnth_mat0. ring.
(a + b)%A \.* M = (a \.* M) + (b \.* M).
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
rewrite !mnth_mcmul, !mnth_madd, !mnth_mcmul. ring.
Lemma mcmul_0_l : forall {r c} (M : mat r c), 0 \.* M = mat0.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite !mnth_mcmul, !mnth_mat0. ring.
a \.* mat0 = mat0
Lemma mcmul_0_r : forall {r c} a, a \.* (@Matrix.mat0 _ 0 r c) = mat0.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite !mnth_mcmul, !mnth_mat0. ring.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite !mnth_mcmul, !mnth_mat0. ring.
1 \.* M = M
Lemma mcmul_1_l : forall {r c} (M : mat r c), 1 \.* M = M.
Proof. intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite !mnth_mcmul. ring. Qed.
Proof. intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite !mnth_mcmul. ring. Qed.
Lemma mcmul_1_r : forall {n} a, a \.* (@mat1 n) = mdiagMk 0 (vrepeat a).
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite mnth_mcmul.
destruct (i ??= j) as [E|E]; fin.
- apply fin2nat_eq_iff in E; rewrite E.
rewrite mnth_mdiagMk_same. rewrite mnth_mat1_same, vnth_vrepeat. ring.
- apply fin2nat_neq_iff in E.
rewrite mnth_mat1_diff, mnth_mdiagMk_diff; auto. ring.
Lemma mcmul_opp : forall {r c} a (M : mat r c), (- a)%A \.* M = - (a \.* M).
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite mnth_mopp,!mnth_mcmul. ring.
Lemma mcmul_mopp : forall {r c} a (M : mat r c), a \.* (- M) = - (a \.* M).
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
rewrite !mnth_mopp,!mnth_mcmul,mnth_mopp. ring.
Lemma mcmul_opp_mopp : forall {r c} a (M : mat r c),
(- a)%A \.* (- M) = a \.* M.
Proof. intros. rewrite mcmul_mopp, mcmul_opp. apply group_opp_opp. Qed.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite mnth_mcmul.
destruct (i ??= j) as [E|E]; fin.
- apply fin2nat_eq_iff in E; rewrite E.
rewrite mnth_mdiagMk_same. rewrite mnth_mat1_same, vnth_vrepeat. ring.
- apply fin2nat_neq_iff in E.
rewrite mnth_mat1_diff, mnth_mdiagMk_diff; auto. ring.
Lemma mcmul_opp : forall {r c} a (M : mat r c), (- a)%A \.* M = - (a \.* M).
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite mnth_mopp,!mnth_mcmul. ring.
Lemma mcmul_mopp : forall {r c} a (M : mat r c), a \.* (- M) = - (a \.* M).
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
rewrite !mnth_mopp,!mnth_mcmul,mnth_mopp. ring.
Lemma mcmul_opp_mopp : forall {r c} a (M : mat r c),
(- a)%A \.* (- M) = a \.* M.
Proof. intros. rewrite mcmul_mopp, mcmul_opp. apply group_opp_opp. Qed.
a \.* (M - N) = (a \.* M) - (a \.* N)
Lemma mcmul_msub : forall {r c} a (M N : mat r c),
a \.* (M - N) = (a \.* M) - (a \.* N).
Proof. intros. rewrite mcmul_madd_distr. rewrite mcmul_mopp. auto. Qed.
a \.* (M - N) = (a \.* M) - (a \.* N).
Proof. intros. rewrite mcmul_madd_distr. rewrite mcmul_mopp. auto. Qed.
(a \.* M)\T = a \.* (m\T)
Lemma mtrans_mcmul : forall {r c} (a : A) (M : mat r c), (a \.* M)\T = a \.* (M\T).
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
rewrite mnth_mtrans, !mnth_mcmul, mnth_mtrans. auto.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
rewrite mnth_mtrans, !mnth_mcmul, mnth_mtrans. auto.
tr (a \.* M) = a * tr (m)
Lemma mtrace_mcmul : forall {n} (a : A) (M : smat n), tr (a \.* M) = (a * tr M)%A.
intros. unfold mcmul, mtrace. rewrite vsum_cmul_l; intros.
apply vsum_eq; intros. rewrite mnth_mmap. auto.
End mcmul.
Infix "\.*" := mcmul : mat_scope.
intros. unfold mcmul, mtrace. rewrite vsum_cmul_l; intros.
apply vsum_eq; intros. rewrite mnth_mmap. auto.
End mcmul.
Infix "\.*" := mcmul : mat_scope.
Section mmul.
Definition mmul_old {r c t : nat} (M : mat r c) (N : mat c t) : mat r t :=
vmap (fun v1 => vmap (fun v2 => <v1,v2>) (mtrans N)) M.
Definition mmul {r c t : nat} (M : mat r c) (N : mat c t) : mat r t :=
fun i j => <M.[i], (fun k => N.[k].[j])>.
Infix "*" := mmul : mat_scope.
Definition mmul_old {r c t : nat} (M : mat r c) (N : mat c t) : mat r t :=
vmap (fun v1 => vmap (fun v2 => <v1,v2>) (mtrans N)) M.
Definition mmul {r c t : nat} (M : mat r c) (N : mat c t) : mat r t :=
fun i j => <M.[i], (fun k => N.[k].[j])>.
Infix "*" := mmul : mat_scope.
Lemma mnth_mmul : forall {r c t} (M : mat r c) (N : mat c t) i j,
(M * N).[i].[j] = <M.[i], N&[j]>.
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
(M * N).[i].[j] = <M.[i], N&[j]>.
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
(M * N)i = <row M i, col N j>
Lemma vnth_mmul : forall {r c t} (M : mat r c) (N : mat c t) i,
(M * N).[i] = vmap (fun v => <M.[i],v>) (N\T).
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
(M * N).[i] = vmap (fun v => <M.[i],v>) (N\T).
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
N is cvec -> M * N = fun i => <N, M.i>
Lemma mmul_cvec : forall {r c} (M : mat r c) (N : cvec A c),
M * N = fun i j => <cv2v N, M.[i]>.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. unfold cv2v.
unfold mmul. rewrite vdot_comm. rewrite (fin1_uniq j). auto.
M * N = fun i j => <cv2v N, M.[i]>.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. unfold cv2v.
unfold mmul. rewrite vdot_comm. rewrite (fin1_uniq j). auto.
M is rvec -> M * N = fun i j => <M, N&j>
Lemma mmul_rvec : forall {r c} (M : rvec A r) (N : mat r c),
M * N = fun i j => <rv2v M, N&[j]>.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. unfold rv2v, mcol.
unfold mmul. rewrite (fin1_uniq i). auto.
M * N = fun i j => <rv2v M, N&[j]>.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. unfold rv2v, mcol.
unfold mmul. rewrite (fin1_uniq i). auto.
Lemma vdot_row_col : forall {r c s} (M : mat r c) (N : mat c s) i j,
<M.[i], N&[j]> = (M * N).[i].[j].
Proof. intros. apply vsum_eq; intros; auto. Qed.
<M.[i], N&[j]> = (M * N).[i].[j].
Proof. intros. apply vsum_eq; intros; auto. Qed.
Lemma vdot_col_col : forall {n} (M N : smat n) i j,
<M&[i], N&[j]> = (M\T * N).[i].[j].
Proof. intros. apply vsum_eq. intros; auto. Qed.
<M&[i], N&[j]> = (M\T * N).[i].[j].
Proof. intros. apply vsum_eq. intros; auto. Qed.
Lemma vdot_row_row : forall {n} (M N : smat n) i j,
<M.[i], N.[j]> = (M * N\T).[i].[j].
Proof. intros. apply vsum_eq. intros; auto. Qed.
<M.[i], N.[j]> = (M * N\T).[i].[j].
Proof. intros. apply vsum_eq. intros; auto. Qed.
<a, b> = (a\T * b).11
Lemma vdot_eq_mmul : forall {n} (a b : vec n), <a, b> = (v2rv a * v2cv b).11.
Proof. intros. apply vsum_eq; intros; auto. Qed.
Proof. intros. apply vsum_eq; intros; auto. Qed.
(M * N) * O = M * (N * O)
Lemma mmul_assoc : forall {m n r s} (M : mat m n) (N : mat n r) (O : mat r s),
(M * N) * O = M * (N * O).
Proof. intros. unfold mmul. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. apply vdot_assoc. Qed.
(M * N) * O = M * (N * O).
Proof. intros. unfold mmul. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. apply vdot_assoc. Qed.
M * (N + O) = M * N + M * O
Lemma mmul_madd_distr_l : forall {r c t} (M : mat r c) (N O : mat c t),
M * (N + O) = (M * N) + (M * O).
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite mnth_madd, !mnth_mmul.
unfold vdot. rewrite vsum_add. apply vsum_eq; intros k.
rewrite !vnth_vmap2. rewrite mcol_madd. rewrite vnth_vadd. ring.
M * (N + O) = (M * N) + (M * O).
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite mnth_madd, !mnth_mmul.
unfold vdot. rewrite vsum_add. apply vsum_eq; intros k.
rewrite !vnth_vmap2. rewrite mcol_madd. rewrite vnth_vadd. ring.
(M + N) * O = M * O + N * O
Lemma mmul_madd_distr_r : forall {r c t} (M N : mat r c) (O : mat c t),
(M + N) * O = (M * O) + (N * O).
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite mnth_madd,!mnth_mmul.
unfold vdot. rewrite vsum_add; apply vsum_eq; intros k.
rewrite !vnth_vmap2, mnth_madd. ring.
(M + N) * O = (M * O) + (N * O).
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite mnth_madd,!mnth_mmul.
unfold vdot. rewrite vsum_add; apply vsum_eq; intros k.
rewrite !vnth_vmap2, mnth_madd. ring.
- (M * N) = (- M) * N
Lemma mmul_mopp_l : forall {r c t} (M : mat r c) (N : mat c t),
- (M * N) = (- M) * N.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite mnth_mopp, !mnth_mmul.
unfold vdot. rewrite vsum_opp; apply vsum_eq; intros k.
rewrite !vnth_vmap2, mnth_mopp. ring.
- (M * N) = (- M) * N.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite mnth_mopp, !mnth_mmul.
unfold vdot. rewrite vsum_opp; apply vsum_eq; intros k.
rewrite !vnth_vmap2, mnth_mopp. ring.
- (M * N) = M * (- N)
Lemma mmul_mopp_r : forall {r c t} (M : mat r c) (N : mat c t),
- (M * N) = M * (- N).
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite mnth_mopp, !mnth_mmul.
unfold vdot. rewrite vsum_opp; apply vsum_eq; intros k.
rewrite !vnth_vmap2. rewrite !vnth_mcol. rewrite mnth_mopp. ring.
- (M * N) = M * (- N).
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite mnth_mopp, !mnth_mmul.
unfold vdot. rewrite vsum_opp; apply vsum_eq; intros k.
rewrite !vnth_vmap2. rewrite !vnth_mcol. rewrite mnth_mopp. ring.
M * (N - O) = M * N - M * O
Lemma mmul_msub_distr_l : forall {r c t} (M : mat r c) (N O : mat c t),
M * (N - O) = (M * N) - (M * O).
intros. rewrite mmul_madd_distr_l. rewrite mmul_mopp_r. auto.
M * (N - O) = (M * N) - (M * O).
intros. rewrite mmul_madd_distr_l. rewrite mmul_mopp_r. auto.
(M - N) * O = M * O - N * O
Lemma mmul_msub_distr_r : forall {r c t} (M N : mat r c) (O : mat c t),
(M - N) * O = (M * O) - (N * O).
intros. rewrite mmul_madd_distr_r. rewrite mmul_mopp_l. auto.
(M - N) * O = (M * O) - (N * O).
intros. rewrite mmul_madd_distr_r. rewrite mmul_mopp_l. auto.
0 * M = 0
Lemma mmul_0_l : forall {r c t} (M : mat c t), mat0 * M = @Matrix.mat0 _ 0 r t.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite !mnth_mmul, mnth_mat0.
rewrite mrow_mat0. apply vdot_0_l.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite !mnth_mmul, mnth_mat0.
rewrite mrow_mat0. apply vdot_0_l.
M * 0 = 0
Lemma mmul_0_r : forall {r c t} (M : mat r c), M * mat0 = @Matrix.mat0 _ 0 r t.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite !mnth_mmul, mnth_mat0.
rewrite mcol_mat0. apply vdot_0_r.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite !mnth_mmul, mnth_mat0.
rewrite mcol_mat0. apply vdot_0_r.
1 * M = M
Lemma mmul_1_l : forall {r c} (M : mat r c), mat1 * M = M.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. unfold mmul,vdot,mat1,vmap2.
apply vsum_unique with (i:=i); fin.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. unfold mmul,vdot,mat1,vmap2.
apply vsum_unique with (i:=i); fin.
M * 1 = M
Lemma mmul_1_r : forall {r c} (M : mat r c), M * mat1 = M.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. unfold mmul,vdot,mat1,vmap2.
apply vsum_unique with (i:=j); fin.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. unfold mmul,vdot,mat1,vmap2.
apply vsum_unique with (i:=j); fin.
(a \.* M) * N = a \.* (M * N)
Lemma mmul_mcmul_l : forall {r c s} (a : A) (M : mat r c) (N : mat c s),
(a \.* M) * N = a \.* (M * N).
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
repeat rewrite ?mnth_mmul, ?mnth_mcmul.
rewrite vnth_mcmul. rewrite vdot_vcmul_l. auto.
(a \.* M) * N = a \.* (M * N).
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
repeat rewrite ?mnth_mmul, ?mnth_mcmul.
rewrite vnth_mcmul. rewrite vdot_vcmul_l. auto.
M * (a \.* N) = a \.* (M * N)
Lemma mmul_mcmul_r : forall {r c s} (a : A) (M : mat r c) (N : mat c s),
M * (a \.* N) = a \.* (M * N).
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
repeat rewrite ?mnth_mmul, ?mnth_mcmul.
rewrite mcol_mcmul. rewrite vdot_vcmul_r. auto.
M * (a \.* N) = a \.* (M * N).
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
repeat rewrite ?mnth_mmul, ?mnth_mcmul.
rewrite mcol_mcmul. rewrite vdot_vcmul_r. auto.
(M * N)\T = N\T * M\T
Lemma mtrans_mmul : forall {r c s} (M : mat r c) (N : mat c s),
(M * N)\T = N\T * M\T.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
rewrite !mnth_mtrans,!mnth_mmul. rewrite vdot_comm. f_equal.
(M * N)\T = N\T * M\T.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
rewrite !mnth_mtrans,!mnth_mmul. rewrite vdot_comm. f_equal.
tr (M * N) = tr (N * M)
Lemma mtrace_mmul : forall {r c} (M : mat r c) (N : mat c r),
tr (M * N) = tr (N * M).
intros. unfold mtrace. unfold mmul,vdot,vmap2.
rewrite vsum_vsum. apply vsum_eq; intros. apply vsum_eq; intros. ring.
Lemma mtrace_cyclic4_NOPM :
forall {r c s t} (M : mat r c) (N : mat c s) (O : mat s t) (P : mat t r),
tr(M * N * O * P) = tr(N * O * P * M).
intros. replace (M * N * O * P) with (M * (N * O * P)). apply mtrace_mmul.
rewrite <- !mmul_assoc. auto.
Lemma mtrace_cyclic4_OPMN :
forall {r c s t} (M : mat r c) (N : mat c s) (O : mat s t) (P : mat t r),
tr(M * N * O * P) = tr(O * P * M * N).
Proof. intros. do 2 rewrite mtrace_cyclic4_NOPM. auto. Qed.
Lemma mtrace_cyclic4_PMNO :
forall {r c s t} (M : mat r c) (N : mat c s) (O : mat s t) (P : mat t r),
tr(M * N * O * P) = tr(P * M * N * O).
Proof. intros. do 3 rewrite mtrace_cyclic4_NOPM. auto. Qed.
Lemma mtrace_cyclic3_NOM : forall {n} (M N O : smat n), tr(M * N * O) = tr(N * O * M).
intros. rewrite <- mtrace_mtrans. rewrite mmul_assoc. rewrite mtrans_mmul.
rewrite mtrace_mmul. rewrite <- mtrans_mmul. apply mtrace_mtrans.
Lemma mtrace_cyclic3_OMN : forall {n} (M N O : smat n), tr(M * N * O) = tr(O * M * N).
intros. rewrite <- mtrace_mtrans. rewrite mtrans_mmul. rewrite mtrace_mmul.
rewrite <- mtrans_mmul. rewrite mtrace_mtrans. rewrite mmul_assoc. auto.
End mmul.
Infix "*" := mmul : mat_scope.
tr (M * N) = tr (N * M).
intros. unfold mtrace. unfold mmul,vdot,vmap2.
rewrite vsum_vsum. apply vsum_eq; intros. apply vsum_eq; intros. ring.
Lemma mtrace_cyclic4_NOPM :
forall {r c s t} (M : mat r c) (N : mat c s) (O : mat s t) (P : mat t r),
tr(M * N * O * P) = tr(N * O * P * M).
intros. replace (M * N * O * P) with (M * (N * O * P)). apply mtrace_mmul.
rewrite <- !mmul_assoc. auto.
Lemma mtrace_cyclic4_OPMN :
forall {r c s t} (M : mat r c) (N : mat c s) (O : mat s t) (P : mat t r),
tr(M * N * O * P) = tr(O * P * M * N).
Proof. intros. do 2 rewrite mtrace_cyclic4_NOPM. auto. Qed.
Lemma mtrace_cyclic4_PMNO :
forall {r c s t} (M : mat r c) (N : mat c s) (O : mat s t) (P : mat t r),
tr(M * N * O * P) = tr(P * M * N * O).
Proof. intros. do 3 rewrite mtrace_cyclic4_NOPM. auto. Qed.
Lemma mtrace_cyclic3_NOM : forall {n} (M N O : smat n), tr(M * N * O) = tr(N * O * M).
intros. rewrite <- mtrace_mtrans. rewrite mmul_assoc. rewrite mtrans_mmul.
rewrite mtrace_mmul. rewrite <- mtrans_mmul. apply mtrace_mtrans.
Lemma mtrace_cyclic3_OMN : forall {n} (M N O : smat n), tr(M * N * O) = tr(O * M * N).
intros. rewrite <- mtrace_mtrans. rewrite mtrans_mmul. rewrite mtrace_mmul.
rewrite <- mtrans_mmul. rewrite mtrace_mtrans. rewrite mmul_assoc. auto.
End mmul.
Infix "*" := mmul : mat_scope.
Section mmulv.
Notation vec := (@vec A).
Notation vopp := (@vopp _ Aopp).
Notation "- a" := (vopp a) : vec_scope.
Notation "a - b" := ((a + -b)%V) : vec_scope.
Definition mmulv {r c : nat} (M : mat r c) (a : vec c) : vec r :=
fun i => <M.[i], a>.
Infix "*v" := mmulv : mat_scope.
Notation vec := (@vec A).
Notation vopp := (@vopp _ Aopp).
Notation "- a" := (vopp a) : vec_scope.
Notation "a - b" := ((a + -b)%V) : vec_scope.
Definition mmulv {r c : nat} (M : mat r c) (a : vec c) : vec r :=
fun i => <M.[i], a>.
Infix "*v" := mmulv : mat_scope.
(M *v a)i = <row M i, a>
Lemma vnth_mmulv : forall {r c} (M : mat r c) (a : vec c) i,
(M *v a).[i] = <M.[i], a>.
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
(M *v a).[i] = <M.[i], a>.
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
(M * N) *v a = M *v (N *v a)
Lemma mmulv_assoc : forall {m n r} (M : mat m n) (N : mat n r) (a : vec r),
(M * N) *v a = M *v (N *v a).
Proof. intros. unfold mmulv. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. apply vdot_assoc. Qed.
(M * N) *v a = M *v (N *v a).
Proof. intros. unfold mmulv. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. apply vdot_assoc. Qed.
M *v (a + b) = M *v a + M *v b
Lemma mmulv_vadd : forall {r c} (M : mat r c) (a b : vec c),
M *v (a + b)%V = (M *v a + M *v b)%V.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
rewrite vnth_vadd, !vnth_mmulv. unfold vdot. unfold vmap2.
rewrite vsum_add. apply vsum_eq; intros. rewrite vnth_vadd. ring.
M *v (a + b)%V = (M *v a + M *v b)%V.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
rewrite vnth_vadd, !vnth_mmulv. unfold vdot. unfold vmap2.
rewrite vsum_add. apply vsum_eq; intros. rewrite vnth_vadd. ring.
(M + N) *v a = M *v a + N *v a
Lemma mmulv_madd : forall {r c} (M N : mat r c) (a : vec c),
(M + N) *v a = (M *v a + N *v a)%V.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
rewrite !vnth_vadd, !vnth_mmulv, !vnth_madd. unfold vdot. unfold vmap2.
rewrite vsum_add. apply vsum_eq; intros. rewrite vnth_vadd. ring.
(M + N) *v a = (M *v a + N *v a)%V.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
rewrite !vnth_vadd, !vnth_mmulv, !vnth_madd. unfold vdot. unfold vmap2.
rewrite vsum_add. apply vsum_eq; intros. rewrite vnth_vadd. ring.
(- M) *v a = - (M *v a)
Lemma mmulv_mopp : forall {r c} (M : mat r c) (a : vec c),
(- M) *v a = (- (M *v a))%V.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. rewrite ?vnth_vopp, ?vnth_mmulv.
rewrite vnth_mopp. rewrite vdot_vopp_l. auto.
(- M) *v a = (- (M *v a))%V.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. rewrite ?vnth_vopp, ?vnth_mmulv.
rewrite vnth_mopp. rewrite vdot_vopp_l. auto.
M *v (- a) = - (M *v a)
Lemma mmulv_vopp : forall {r c} (M : mat r c) (a : vec c),
M *v (- a)%V = (- (M *v a))%V.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. rewrite ?vnth_vopp, ?vnth_mmulv.
rewrite vdot_vopp_r. auto.
M *v (- a)%V = (- (M *v a))%V.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. rewrite ?vnth_vopp, ?vnth_mmulv.
rewrite vdot_vopp_r. auto.
M *v (a - b) = M *v a - M *v b
Lemma mmulv_vsub : forall {r c} (M : mat r c) (a b : vec c),
M *v (a - b)%V = (M *v a - M *v b)%V.
Proof. intros. rewrite mmulv_vadd. rewrite mmulv_vopp. auto. Qed.
M *v (a - b)%V = (M *v a - M *v b)%V.
Proof. intros. rewrite mmulv_vadd. rewrite mmulv_vopp. auto. Qed.
(M - N) *v a = M *v a - N *v a
Lemma mmulv_msub : forall {r c} (M N : mat r c) (a : vec c),
(M - N) *v a = (M *v a - N *v a)%V.
Proof. intros. rewrite mmulv_madd. rewrite mmulv_mopp. auto. Qed.
(M - N) *v a = (M *v a - N *v a)%V.
Proof. intros. rewrite mmulv_madd. rewrite mmulv_mopp. auto. Qed.
0 *v a = 0
Lemma mmulv_0_l : forall {r c} (a : vec c), (@mat0 r c) *v a = vzero.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. rewrite !vnth_mmulv, vnth_vzero.
apply vdot_0_l.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. rewrite !vnth_mmulv, vnth_vzero.
apply vdot_0_l.
M *v 0 = 0
Lemma mmulv_0_r : forall {r c} (M : mat r c), M *v vzero = vzero.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. rewrite !vnth_mmulv, vnth_vzero.
apply vdot_0_r.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. rewrite !vnth_mmulv, vnth_vzero.
apply vdot_0_r.
1 *v a = a
Lemma mmulv_1_l : forall {n} (a : vec n), mat1 *v a = a.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. rewrite vnth_mmulv.
apply vsum_unique with (i:=i).
- rewrite vnth_vmap2. rewrite mnth_mat1_same. ring.
- intros. rewrite vnth_vmap2. rewrite mnth_mat1_diff; auto. ring.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. rewrite vnth_mmulv.
apply vsum_unique with (i:=i).
- rewrite vnth_vmap2. rewrite mnth_mat1_same. ring.
- intros. rewrite vnth_vmap2. rewrite mnth_mat1_diff; auto. ring.
(x .* M) *v a = x .* (M *v a)
Lemma mmulv_mcmul : forall {r c} (x : A) (M : mat r c) (a : vec c),
(x \.* M) *v a = (x \.* (M *v a))%V.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
repeat rewrite ?vnth_mmulv, ?vnth_vcmul, ?vnth_mcmul.
rewrite vdot_vcmul_l. auto.
(x \.* M) *v a = (x \.* (M *v a))%V.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
repeat rewrite ?vnth_mmulv, ?vnth_vcmul, ?vnth_mcmul.
rewrite vdot_vcmul_l. auto.
M *v (x .* v) = x .* (M *v a)
Lemma mmulv_vcmul : forall {r c} (x : A) (M : mat r c) (a : vec c),
M *v (x \.* a)%V = (x \.* (M *v a))%V.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
repeat rewrite ?vnth_mmulv, ?vnth_vcmul, ?vnth_mcmul.
rewrite vdot_vcmul_r. auto.
M *v (x \.* a)%V = (x \.* (M *v a))%V.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
repeat rewrite ?vnth_mmulv, ?vnth_vcmul, ?vnth_mcmul.
rewrite vdot_vcmul_r. auto.
<a, b> = (v2rv a *v b).1
Lemma vdot_eq_mmulv : forall {n} (a b : vec n), <a, b> = (v2rv a *v b).1.
Proof. intros. apply vsum_eq; intros; auto. Qed.
Proof. intros. apply vsum_eq; intros; auto. Qed.
v2cv (M *v a) = M * v2cv a
Lemma v2cv_mmulv : forall {r c} (M : mat r c) (a : vec c),
v2cv (M *v a) = M * v2cv a.
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
v2cv (M *v a) = M * v2cv a.
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
v2rv (M * a) = (v2rv a) * M\T
Lemma v2rv_mmulv : forall {r c} (M : mat r c) (a : vec c),
v2rv (M *v a) = v2rv a * M\T.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. unfold v2rv.
rewrite vnth_mmulv. rewrite mnth_mmul. rewrite vdot_comm. auto.
End mmulv.
Infix "*v" := mmulv : mat_scope.
v2rv (M *v a) = v2rv a * M\T.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. unfold v2rv.
rewrite vnth_mmulv. rewrite mnth_mmul. rewrite vdot_comm. auto.
End mmulv.
Infix "*v" := mmulv : mat_scope.
Section mvmul.
Notation vec := (@vec A).
Notation vopp := (@vopp _ Aopp).
Notation "- a" := (vopp a) : vec_scope.
Notation "a - b" := ((a + -b)%V) : vec_scope.
Definition mvmul {r c : nat} (a : vec r) (M : mat r c) : vec c :=
fun i => <a, M&[i]>.
Infix "v*" := mvmul : mat_scope.
Notation vec := (@vec A).
Notation vopp := (@vopp _ Aopp).
Notation "- a" := (vopp a) : vec_scope.
Notation "a - b" := ((a + -b)%V) : vec_scope.
Definition mvmul {r c : nat} (a : vec r) (M : mat r c) : vec c :=
fun i => <a, M&[i]>.
Infix "v*" := mvmul : mat_scope.
(M v* a)i = <row M i, a>
Lemma vnth_mvmul : forall {r c} (a : vec r) (M : mat r c) i,
(a v* M).[i] = <a, M&[i]>.
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
(a v* M).[i] = <a, M&[i]>.
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
a v* (M * N) = (a v* M) v* N
Lemma mvmul_assoc : forall {r c s} (a : vec r) (M : mat r c) (N : mat c s),
a v* (M * N) = (a v* M) v* N.
intros. unfold mvmul. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. rewrite vdot_assoc. auto.
a v* (M * N) = (a v* M) v* N.
intros. unfold mvmul. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. rewrite vdot_assoc. auto.
(a + b) v* M = a v* M + b v* M
Lemma mvmul_vadd : forall {r c} (a b : vec r) (M : mat r c),
(a + b)%V v* M = (a v* M + b v* M)%V.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
rewrite !vnth_vadd, !vnth_mvmul.
unfold vdot. unfold vmap2.
rewrite vsum_add. apply vsum_eq; intros. rewrite vnth_vadd. ring.
(a + b)%V v* M = (a v* M + b v* M)%V.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
rewrite !vnth_vadd, !vnth_mvmul.
unfold vdot. unfold vmap2.
rewrite vsum_add. apply vsum_eq; intros. rewrite vnth_vadd. ring.
a v* (M + N) = a v* M + N v* a
Lemma mvmul_madd : forall {r c} (a : vec r) (M N : mat r c),
a v* (M + N) = (a v* M + a v* N)%V.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
rewrite !vnth_vadd, !vnth_mvmul. unfold vdot. unfold vmap2.
rewrite vsum_add. apply vsum_eq; intros.
rewrite !vnth_mcol. rewrite mnth_madd. ring.
a v* (M + N) = (a v* M + a v* N)%V.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
rewrite !vnth_vadd, !vnth_mvmul. unfold vdot. unfold vmap2.
rewrite vsum_add. apply vsum_eq; intros.
rewrite !vnth_mcol. rewrite mnth_madd. ring.
a v* (- M) = - (a v* M)
Lemma mvmul_mopp : forall {r c} (a : vec r) (M : mat r c),
a v* (- M) = (- (a v* M))%V.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. rewrite ?vnth_vopp, ?vnth_mvmul.
rewrite mcol_mopp. rewrite <- vdot_vopp_r. auto.
a v* (- M) = (- (a v* M))%V.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. rewrite ?vnth_vopp, ?vnth_mvmul.
rewrite mcol_mopp. rewrite <- vdot_vopp_r. auto.
(- a) v* M = - (a v* M)
Lemma mvmul_vopp : forall {r c} (a : vec r) (M : mat r c),
(- a)%V v* M = (- (a v* M))%V.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. rewrite ?vnth_vopp, ?vnth_mvmul.
rewrite vdot_vopp_l. auto.
(- a)%V v* M = (- (a v* M))%V.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. rewrite ?vnth_vopp, ?vnth_mvmul.
rewrite vdot_vopp_l. auto.
(a - b) v* M = a v* M - b v* M
Lemma mvmul_vsub : forall {r c} (a b : vec r) (M : mat r c),
(a - b)%V v* M = (a v* M - b v* M)%V.
Proof. intros. rewrite mvmul_vadd. rewrite mvmul_vopp. auto. Qed.
(a - b)%V v* M = (a v* M - b v* M)%V.
Proof. intros. rewrite mvmul_vadd. rewrite mvmul_vopp. auto. Qed.
a v* (M - N) = a v* M - a v* N
Lemma mvmul_msub : forall {r c} (a : vec r) (M N : mat r c),
a v* (M - N) = (a v* M - a v* N)%V.
Proof. intros. rewrite mvmul_madd. rewrite mvmul_mopp. auto. Qed.
a v* (M - N) = (a v* M - a v* N)%V.
Proof. intros. rewrite mvmul_madd. rewrite mvmul_mopp. auto. Qed.
0 v* M = 0
Lemma mvmul_0_l : forall {r c} (M : mat r c), vzero v* M = vzero.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. rewrite !vnth_mvmul, vnth_vzero.
apply vdot_0_l.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. rewrite !vnth_mvmul, vnth_vzero.
apply vdot_0_l.
a v* 0 = 0
Lemma mvmul_0_r : forall {r c} (a : vec r), a v* (@mat0 r c) = vzero.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. rewrite !vnth_mvmul, vnth_vzero.
apply vdot_0_r.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. rewrite !vnth_mvmul, vnth_vzero.
apply vdot_0_r.
a v* mat1 = a
Lemma mvmul_1_r : forall {n} (a : vec n), a v* mat1 = a.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. rewrite vnth_mvmul.
unfold vdot. apply vsum_unique with (i:=i).
- rewrite vnth_vmap2. rewrite vnth_mcol. rewrite mnth_mat1_same. ring.
- intros. rewrite vnth_vmap2. rewrite vnth_mcol.
rewrite mnth_mat1_diff; auto. ring.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. rewrite vnth_mvmul.
unfold vdot. apply vsum_unique with (i:=i).
- rewrite vnth_vmap2. rewrite vnth_mcol. rewrite mnth_mat1_same. ring.
- intros. rewrite vnth_vmap2. rewrite vnth_mcol.
rewrite mnth_mat1_diff; auto. ring.
a v* (x .* M) = x .* (a v* M)
Lemma mvmul_mcmul : forall {r c} (a : vec r) (x : A) (M : mat r c),
a v* (x \.* M) = (x \.* (a v* M))%V.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
repeat rewrite vnth_mvmul, !vnth_vcmul. rewrite vnth_mvmul.
rewrite mcol_mcmul. rewrite vdot_vcmul_r. auto.
a v* (x \.* M) = (x \.* (a v* M))%V.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
repeat rewrite vnth_mvmul, !vnth_vcmul. rewrite vnth_mvmul.
rewrite mcol_mcmul. rewrite vdot_vcmul_r. auto.
(x .* a) v* M = x .* (a v* M)
Lemma mvmul_vcmul : forall {r c} (a : vec r) (x : A) (M : mat r c),
(x \.* a)%V v* M = (x \.* (a v* M))%V.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
repeat rewrite ?vnth_mvmul, ?vnth_vcmul, ?vnth_mcmul.
rewrite vdot_vcmul_l. auto.
(x \.* a)%V v* M = (x \.* (a v* M))%V.
intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
repeat rewrite ?vnth_mvmul, ?vnth_vcmul, ?vnth_mcmul.
rewrite vdot_vcmul_l. auto.
<a, b> = (a v* v2cv b).1
Lemma vdot_eq_mvmul : forall {n} (a b : vec n), <a, b> = (a v* v2cv b).1.
Proof. intros. apply vsum_eq; intros; auto. Qed.
Proof. intros. apply vsum_eq; intros; auto. Qed.
v2cv (a v* M) = v2rv a * M
Lemma v2cv_mvmul : forall {r c} (a : vec r) (M : mat r c),
v2cv (a v* M) = M\T * v2cv a.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. unfold v2cv.
rewrite vnth_mvmul. rewrite mnth_mmul. rewrite vdot_comm. auto.
v2cv (a v* M) = M\T * v2cv a.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. unfold v2cv.
rewrite vnth_mvmul. rewrite mnth_mmul. rewrite vdot_comm. auto.
v2rv (a v* M) = (v2rv a) * M
Lemma v2rv_mvmul : forall {r c} (a : vec r) (M : mat r c),
v2rv (a v* M) = v2rv a * M.
Proof. auto. Qed.
End mvmul.
Infix "v*" := mvmul : mat_scope.
v2rv (a v* M) = v2rv a * M.
Proof. auto. Qed.
End mvmul.
Infix "v*" := mvmul : mat_scope.
Section mmul_mmulv_mvmul.
Lemma mmul_mconsrT_mconscT_eq_mconscT :
forall {r c s} (M1 : mat r c) (v1 : vec c) (M2 : mat c s) (v2 : vec c),
mconsrT M1 v1 * mconscT M2 v2 =
mconscT (mconsrT (M1 * M2) (v1 v* M2)) (vconsT (M1 *v v2) (<v1,v2>)).
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
rewrite mnth_mmul, mnth_mconscT. unfold mconsrT.
destruct (fin2nat i ??= r)%nat as [Ei|Ei], (fin2nat j ??= s)%nat as [Ej|Ej].
- rewrite !vnth_vconsT_n; auto. rewrite mcol_mconscT_n; auto.
- rewrite !(vnth_vconsT_n _ _ i); try erewrite !(vnth_vconsT_lt _ _ j); auto.
rewrite vnth_mvmul. erewrite mcol_mconscT_lt; auto.
- rewrite !(vnth_vconsT_n _ _ j); try erewrite !(vnth_vconsT_lt _ _ i); auto.
rewrite vnth_mmulv. erewrite mcol_mconscT_n; auto.
- erewrite !(vnth_vconsT_lt); auto.
rewrite mnth_mmul. erewrite mcol_mconscT_lt. auto.
Unshelve. all: pose proof (fin2nat_lt i); pose proof (fin2nat_lt j); fin.
Lemma mmul_mconsrT_mconscT_eq_mconsrT :
forall {r c s} (M1 : mat r c) (v1 : vec c) (M2 : mat c s) (v2 : vec c),
mconsrT M1 v1 * mconscT M2 v2 =
mconsrT (mconscT (M1 * M2) (M1 *v v2)) (vconsT (v1 v* M2) (<v1,v2>)).
intros. rewrite mmul_mconsrT_mconscT_eq_mconscT.
rewrite mconscT_mconsrT_vconsT. auto.
End mmul_mmulv_mvmul.
Lemma mmul_mconsrT_mconscT_eq_mconscT :
forall {r c s} (M1 : mat r c) (v1 : vec c) (M2 : mat c s) (v2 : vec c),
mconsrT M1 v1 * mconscT M2 v2 =
mconscT (mconsrT (M1 * M2) (v1 v* M2)) (vconsT (M1 *v v2) (<v1,v2>)).
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
rewrite mnth_mmul, mnth_mconscT. unfold mconsrT.
destruct (fin2nat i ??= r)%nat as [Ei|Ei], (fin2nat j ??= s)%nat as [Ej|Ej].
- rewrite !vnth_vconsT_n; auto. rewrite mcol_mconscT_n; auto.
- rewrite !(vnth_vconsT_n _ _ i); try erewrite !(vnth_vconsT_lt _ _ j); auto.
rewrite vnth_mvmul. erewrite mcol_mconscT_lt; auto.
- rewrite !(vnth_vconsT_n _ _ j); try erewrite !(vnth_vconsT_lt _ _ i); auto.
rewrite vnth_mmulv. erewrite mcol_mconscT_n; auto.
- erewrite !(vnth_vconsT_lt); auto.
rewrite mnth_mmul. erewrite mcol_mconscT_lt. auto.
Unshelve. all: pose proof (fin2nat_lt i); pose proof (fin2nat_lt j); fin.
Lemma mmul_mconsrT_mconscT_eq_mconsrT :
forall {r c s} (M1 : mat r c) (v1 : vec c) (M2 : mat c s) (v2 : vec c),
mconsrT M1 v1 * mconscT M2 v2 =
mconsrT (mconscT (M1 * M2) (M1 *v v2)) (vconsT (v1 v* M2) (<v1,v2>)).
intros. rewrite mmul_mconsrT_mconscT_eq_mconscT.
rewrite mconscT_mconsrT_vconsT. auto.
End mmul_mmulv_mvmul.
Given matrix is skew-symmetric matrices
(M <> 0 /\ N <> 0 /\ x .* M = N) -> x <> 0
Lemma mcmul_eq_imply_not_x0 : forall {r c} (M N : mat r c) x,
M <> mat0 -> N <> mat0 -> x \.* M = N -> x <> 0.
intros. destruct (Aeqdec x 0); auto. exfalso. subst.
rewrite mcmul_0_l in H0. easy.
End with_Dec.
M <> mat0 -> N <> mat0 -> x \.* M = N -> x <> 0.
intros. destruct (Aeqdec x 0); auto. exfalso. subst.
rewrite mcmul_0_l in H0. easy.
End with_Dec.
Properties below, need a field structure
x * M = 0 -> (x = 0) \/ (M = 0)
Lemma mcmul_eq0_imply_x0_or_m0 : forall {r c} (M : mat r c) x,
x \.* M = mat0 -> (x = 0)%A \/ (M = mat0).
intros. destruct (Aeqdec x 0); auto. right.
apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite meq_iff_mnth in H. specialize (H i j).
cbv in H. cbv. apply field_mul_eq0_iff in H. tauto.
x \.* M = mat0 -> (x = 0)%A \/ (M = mat0).
intros. destruct (Aeqdec x 0); auto. right.
apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite meq_iff_mnth in H. specialize (H i j).
cbv in H. cbv. apply field_mul_eq0_iff in H. tauto.
(M <> 0 /\ x * M = 0) -> M = 0
Lemma mcmul_mnonzero_eq0_imply_x0 : forall {r c} (M : mat r c) x,
M <> mat0 -> x \.* M = mat0 -> (x = 0)%A.
Proof. intros. apply mcmul_eq0_imply_x0_or_m0 in H0; auto. tauto. Qed.
M <> mat0 -> x \.* M = mat0 -> (x = 0)%A.
Proof. intros. apply mcmul_eq0_imply_x0_or_m0 in H0; auto. tauto. Qed.
x * M = M -> x = 1 \/ M = 0
Lemma mcmul_same_imply_x1_or_m0 : forall {r c} x (M : mat r c),
x \.* M = M -> (x = 1)%A \/ (M = mat0).
intros. destruct (Aeqdec x 1); auto. right.
apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite meq_iff_mnth in H. specialize (H i j).
cbv in H. cbv. apply field_mul_eq_imply_a1_or_b0 in H; auto. tauto.
End with_Field.
End malg.
Section test.
Let M0 := @l2m _ 9 2 2 [].
Let M := @l2m _ 9 2 2 [[1;2];[3;4]].
Let N := @l2m _ 9 2 2 [[1];[3;4]].
Let O := @l2m _ 9 2 2 [[1;2];[3]].
Let M4 := @l2m _ 9 2 2 [[1;2;3];[3;4]].
Let M5 := @l2m _ 9 2 2 [[1;2];[3;4;5]].
End test.
x \.* M = M -> (x = 1)%A \/ (M = mat0).
intros. destruct (Aeqdec x 1); auto. right.
apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite meq_iff_mnth in H. specialize (H i j).
cbv in H. cbv. apply field_mul_eq_imply_a1_or_b0 in H; auto. tauto.
End with_Field.
End malg.
Section test.
Let M0 := @l2m _ 9 2 2 [].
Let M := @l2m _ 9 2 2 [[1;2];[3;4]].
Let N := @l2m _ 9 2 2 [[1];[3;4]].
Let O := @l2m _ 9 2 2 [[1;2];[3]].
Let M4 := @l2m _ 9 2 2 [[1;2;3];[3;4]].
Let M5 := @l2m _ 9 2 2 [[1;2];[3;4;5]].
End test.
Section RowTrans.
Context `{HARing : ARing}.
Add Ring ring_inst : (make_ring_theory HARing).
Notation "0" := Azero : A_scope.
Notation "1" := Aone : A_scope.
Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
Notation "- a" := (Aopp a) : A_scope.
Notation "a - b" := (a + - b) : A_scope.
Infix "*" := Amul : A_scope.
Infix "+" := (@madd _ Aadd _ _) : mat_scope.
Notation mat1 := (@mat1 _ 0 1).
Infix "*" := (@mmul _ Aadd 0 Amul _ _ _) : mat_scope.
Definition matOneElem {n} (x y : 'I_n) (a : A) : smat A n :=
fun i j => if i ??= x then (if j ??= y then a else 0) else 0.
fun i j => if i ??= x then (if j ??= y then a else 0) else 0.
Definition mrowScale {n} (x : 'I_n) (c : A) (M : smat A n) : smat A n :=
fun i j => if i ??= x then (c * M i j)%A else M i j.
fun i j => if i ??= x then (c * M i j)%A else M i j.
作用:E(x,c) * M 的结果是 M 的第 x 行乘以 c 倍
形式:第 (x,x) 的元素是 c, 其余是单位阵
Definition mrowScaleM {n} (x : 'I_n) (c : A) : smat A n :=
fun (i j : 'I_n) => if i ??= j then (if i ??= x then c else 1) else 0.
fun (i j : 'I_n) => if i ??= j then (if i ??= x then c else 1) else 0.
rowScale of `M` equal to left multiply rowScaleMat of `M`
Lemma mrowScale_eq : forall {n} (x : 'I_n) (c : A) (M : smat A n),
mrowScale x c M = (mrowScaleM x c) * M.
intros. unfold mrowScale, mrowScaleM. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
rewrite mnth_mmul. unfold vdot. fin.
- apply fin2nat_eq_iff in E; rewrite E. symmetry.
apply vsum_unique with (i := x); intros; rewrite vnth_vmap2; fin.
- symmetry.
apply vsum_unique with (i := i); intros; rewrite vnth_vmap2; fin.
rewrite vnth_mcol. ring.
mrowScale x c M = (mrowScaleM x c) * M.
intros. unfold mrowScale, mrowScaleM. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
rewrite mnth_mmul. unfold vdot. fin.
- apply fin2nat_eq_iff in E; rewrite E. symmetry.
apply vsum_unique with (i := x); intros; rewrite vnth_vmap2; fin.
- symmetry.
apply vsum_unique with (i := i); intros; rewrite vnth_vmap2; fin.
rewrite vnth_mcol. ring.
mrowScale i c (M * N) = mrowScale i c M * N
Lemma mrowScale_mmul : forall {n} (M N : smat A n) (i : 'I_n) (c : A),
mrowScale i c (M * N) = mrowScale i c M * N.
Proof. intros. rewrite !mrowScale_eq. rewrite mmul_assoc; auto. Qed.
mrowScale i c (M * N) = mrowScale i c M * N.
Proof. intros. rewrite !mrowScale_eq. rewrite mmul_assoc; auto. Qed.
Definition mrowAdd {n} (x y : 'I_n) (c : A) (M : smat A n) : smat A n :=
fun i j => if i ??= x then (M i j + c * M y j)%A else M i j.
fun i j => if i ??= x then (M i j + c * M y j)%A else M i j.
作用:E(x,y,c) * M 的结果是 M 的第 y 行的 c 倍加到第 x 行
形式:单位阵 + 第 (x,y) 的元素是 c
Definition mrowAddM {n} (x y : 'I_n) (c : A) : smat A n :=
mat1 + matOneElem x y c.
Lemma mrowAdd_eq : forall {n} (x y : 'I_n) (c : A) (M : smat A n),
mrowAdd x y c M = (mrowAddM x y c) * M.
intros. unfold mrowAdd, mrowAddM, matOneElem. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
rewrite mnth_mmul. symmetry. fin.
- rewrite vnth_madd. rewrite vdot_vadd_l. f_equal.
+ apply fin2nat_eq_iff in E; rewrite E.
apply vsum_unique with (i := x); intros; rewrite vnth_vmap2; fin.
* rewrite vnth_mcol. rewrite mnth_mat1_same. ring.
* rewrite vnth_mcol. rewrite mnth_mat1_diff; auto. ring.
+ apply vsum_unique with (i := y); intros; rewrite vnth_vmap2; fin.
- rewrite vnth_madd. unfold vadd.
apply vsum_unique with (i := i); intros; rewrite !vnth_vmap2; fin.
+ rewrite vnth_mcol. rewrite mnth_mat1_same. ring.
+ rewrite vnth_mcol. rewrite mnth_mat1_diff; auto. ring.
mat1 + matOneElem x y c.
Lemma mrowAdd_eq : forall {n} (x y : 'I_n) (c : A) (M : smat A n),
mrowAdd x y c M = (mrowAddM x y c) * M.
intros. unfold mrowAdd, mrowAddM, matOneElem. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
rewrite mnth_mmul. symmetry. fin.
- rewrite vnth_madd. rewrite vdot_vadd_l. f_equal.
+ apply fin2nat_eq_iff in E; rewrite E.
apply vsum_unique with (i := x); intros; rewrite vnth_vmap2; fin.
* rewrite vnth_mcol. rewrite mnth_mat1_same. ring.
* rewrite vnth_mcol. rewrite mnth_mat1_diff; auto. ring.
+ apply vsum_unique with (i := y); intros; rewrite vnth_vmap2; fin.
- rewrite vnth_madd. unfold vadd.
apply vsum_unique with (i := i); intros; rewrite !vnth_vmap2; fin.
+ rewrite vnth_mcol. rewrite mnth_mat1_same. ring.
+ rewrite vnth_mcol. rewrite mnth_mat1_diff; auto. ring.
mrowAdd i j c (M * N) = mrowScale i j c M * N
Lemma mrowAdd_mmul : forall {n} (M N : smat A n) (i j : 'I_n) (c : A),
mrowAdd i j c (M * N) = mrowAdd i j c M * N.
Proof. intros. rewrite !mrowAdd_eq. rewrite mmul_assoc; auto. Qed.
mrowAdd i j c (M * N) = mrowAdd i j c M * N.
Proof. intros. rewrite !mrowAdd_eq. rewrite mmul_assoc; auto. Qed.
(i)+c(j)) * (i)+(-c)(j) = mat1
Lemma mmul_mrowAddM_mrowAddM : forall {n} (i j : 'I_n) (c : A),
i <> j -> mrowAddM i j c * mrowAddM i j (-c) = mat1.
intros. rewrite <- mrowAdd_eq. unfold mrowAddM, mrowAdd.
apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite !mnth_madd. unfold matOneElem. fin.
- fin2nat. rewrite mnth_mat1_same. ring.
- fin2nat. subst. rewrite (mnth_mat1_diff j j0); auto. ring.
i <> j -> mrowAddM i j c * mrowAddM i j (-c) = mat1.
intros. rewrite <- mrowAdd_eq. unfold mrowAddM, mrowAdd.
apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite !mnth_madd. unfold matOneElem. fin.
- fin2nat. rewrite mnth_mat1_same. ring.
- fin2nat. subst. rewrite (mnth_mat1_diff j j0); auto. ring.
Definition mrowSwap {n} (x y : 'I_n) (M : smat A n) : smat A n :=
fun i j => if i ??= x then M y j else (if i ??= y then M x j else M i j).
fun i j => if i ??= x then M y j else (if i ??= y then M x j else M i j).
作用:E(x,y) * M 的结果是 M 的第 x 行和第 y 行交换
形式:在x,y所在行时,(x,y) 和 (y,x) 是 1;其余行时是单位阵
Definition mrowSwapM {n} (x y : 'I_n) : smat A n :=
fun i j =>
if i ??= x
then (if j ??= y then 1 else 0)
else (if i ??= y
then (if j ??= x then 1 else 0)
else (if i ??= j then 1 else 0)).
Lemma mrowSwap_eq : forall {n} (x y : 'I_n) (M : smat A n),
mrowSwap x y M = (mrowSwapM x y) * M.
intros. unfold mrowSwap, mrowSwapM. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
rewrite mnth_mmul. symmetry. fin.
- apply vsum_unique with (i := y); intros; rewrite vnth_vmap2; fin.
rewrite vnth_mcol. ring.
- apply vsum_unique with (i := x); intros; rewrite vnth_vmap2; fin.
rewrite vnth_mcol. ring.
- apply vsum_unique with (i := i); intros; rewrite vnth_vmap2; fin.
rewrite vnth_mcol. ring.
fun i j =>
if i ??= x
then (if j ??= y then 1 else 0)
else (if i ??= y
then (if j ??= x then 1 else 0)
else (if i ??= j then 1 else 0)).
Lemma mrowSwap_eq : forall {n} (x y : 'I_n) (M : smat A n),
mrowSwap x y M = (mrowSwapM x y) * M.
intros. unfold mrowSwap, mrowSwapM. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
rewrite mnth_mmul. symmetry. fin.
- apply vsum_unique with (i := y); intros; rewrite vnth_vmap2; fin.
rewrite vnth_mcol. ring.
- apply vsum_unique with (i := x); intros; rewrite vnth_vmap2; fin.
rewrite vnth_mcol. ring.
- apply vsum_unique with (i := i); intros; rewrite vnth_vmap2; fin.
rewrite vnth_mcol. ring.
mrowSwap i j (M * N) = mrowSwap i j M * N
Lemma mrowSwap_mmul : forall {n} (M N : smat A n) (i j : 'I_n),
mrowSwap i j (M * N) = mrowSwap i j M * N.
Proof. intros. rewrite !mrowSwap_eq. rewrite mmul_assoc; auto. Qed.
mrowSwap i j (M * N) = mrowSwap i j M * N.
Proof. intros. rewrite !mrowSwap_eq. rewrite mmul_assoc; auto. Qed.
(i,j) * (i,j) = mat1
Lemma mmul_mrowSwapM_mrowSwapM : forall {n} (i j : 'I_n),
mrowSwapM i j * mrowSwapM i j = mat1.
intros. rewrite <- mrowSwap_eq. unfold mrowSwapM, mrowSwap.
apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. fin.
- fin2nat. rewrite mnth_mat1_same; auto.
- fin2nat. rewrite mnth_mat1_diff; auto.
- fin2nat. rewrite mnth_mat1_same; auto.
- fin2nat. rewrite mnth_mat1_diff; auto.
- fin2nat. rewrite mnth_mat1_same; auto.
- fin2nat. rewrite mnth_mat1_diff; auto.
Section Field.
Context `{HField : Field A Aadd 0 Aopp Amul 1}.
Add Field field_inst : (make_field_theory HField).
Notation "/ a" := (Ainv a) : A_scope.
Notation "a / b" := (a * / b) : A_scope.
mrowSwapM i j * mrowSwapM i j = mat1.
intros. rewrite <- mrowSwap_eq. unfold mrowSwapM, mrowSwap.
apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. fin.
- fin2nat. rewrite mnth_mat1_same; auto.
- fin2nat. rewrite mnth_mat1_diff; auto.
- fin2nat. rewrite mnth_mat1_same; auto.
- fin2nat. rewrite mnth_mat1_diff; auto.
- fin2nat. rewrite mnth_mat1_same; auto.
- fin2nat. rewrite mnth_mat1_diff; auto.
Section Field.
Context `{HField : Field A Aadd 0 Aopp Amul 1}.
Add Field field_inst : (make_field_theory HField).
Notation "/ a" := (Ainv a) : A_scope.
Notation "a / b" := (a * / b) : A_scope.
c(i) * (/c)(i) = mat1
Lemma mmul_mrowScaleM_mrowScaleM : forall {n} (i : 'I_n) (c : A),
c <> 0 -> mrowScaleM i c * mrowScaleM i (/c) = mat1.
intros. rewrite <- mrowScale_eq. unfold mrowScaleM, mrowScale.
apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. fin.
- fin2nat. rewrite mnth_mat1_same; auto. field. auto.
- fin2nat. rewrite mnth_mat1_diff; auto. field.
End Field.
End RowTrans.
Section test.
Import Reals.
Open Scope R.
Notation mrowScale := (mrowScale (Amul:=Rmult)).
Notation mrowAdd := (mrowAdd (Aadd:=Rplus) (Amul:=Rmult)).
Let M : smat R 2 := @l2m _ 0 2 2 ([[1;2];[3;4]]).
Let i0 : 'I_2 := nat2finS 0.
Let i1 : 'I_2 := nat2finS 1.
Goal m2l (mrowScale i0 2 M) = [[2;4];[3;4]]. Proof. cbv. list_eq; ring. Qed.
Goal m2l (mrowScale i1 2 M) = [[1;2];[6;8]]. Proof. cbv. list_eq; ring. Qed.
Goal m2l (mrowSwap i0 i0 M) = m2l M. Proof. cbv. list_eq; ring. Qed.
Goal m2l (mrowSwap i0 i1 M) = [[3;4];[1;2]]. Proof. cbv. list_eq; ring. Qed.
Goal m2l (mrowAdd i1 i0 2 M) = [[1;2];[5;8]]. Proof. cbv. list_eq; ring. Qed.
Goal m2l (mrowAdd i0 i1 2 M) = [[7;10];[3;4]]. Proof. cbv. list_eq; ring. Qed.
End test.
c <> 0 -> mrowScaleM i c * mrowScaleM i (/c) = mat1.
intros. rewrite <- mrowScale_eq. unfold mrowScaleM, mrowScale.
apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. fin.
- fin2nat. rewrite mnth_mat1_same; auto. field. auto.
- fin2nat. rewrite mnth_mat1_diff; auto. field.
End Field.
End RowTrans.
Section test.
Import Reals.
Open Scope R.
Notation mrowScale := (mrowScale (Amul:=Rmult)).
Notation mrowAdd := (mrowAdd (Aadd:=Rplus) (Amul:=Rmult)).
Let M : smat R 2 := @l2m _ 0 2 2 ([[1;2];[3;4]]).
Let i0 : 'I_2 := nat2finS 0.
Let i1 : 'I_2 := nat2finS 1.
Goal m2l (mrowScale i0 2 M) = [[2;4];[3;4]]. Proof. cbv. list_eq; ring. Qed.
Goal m2l (mrowScale i1 2 M) = [[1;2];[6;8]]. Proof. cbv. list_eq; ring. Qed.
Goal m2l (mrowSwap i0 i0 M) = m2l M. Proof. cbv. list_eq; ring. Qed.
Goal m2l (mrowSwap i0 i1 M) = [[3;4];[1;2]]. Proof. cbv. list_eq; ring. Qed.
Goal m2l (mrowAdd i1 i0 2 M) = [[1;2];[5;8]]. Proof. cbv. list_eq; ring. Qed.
Goal m2l (mrowAdd i0 i1 2 M) = [[7;10];[3;4]]. Proof. cbv. list_eq; ring. Qed.
End test.
Section test.
Import Reals.
Open Scope R.
Infix "*" := Rmult.
Infix "+" := Rplus.
Notation mat r c := (mat R r c).
Notation l2m := (l2m 0).
Infix "+" := (madd (Aadd:=Rplus)) : mat_scope.
Infix "*" := (mmul (Aadd:=Rplus) (Amul:=Rmult) (Azero:=R0)) : mat_scope.
Infix "\.*" := (mcmul (Amul:=Rmult)) : mat_scope.
Open Scope mat_scope.
Import Reals.
Open Scope R.
Infix "*" := Rmult.
Infix "+" := Rplus.
Notation mat r c := (mat R r c).
Notation l2m := (l2m 0).
Infix "+" := (madd (Aadd:=Rplus)) : mat_scope.
Infix "*" := (mmul (Aadd:=Rplus) (Amul:=Rmult) (Azero:=R0)) : mat_scope.
Infix "\.*" := (mcmul (Amul:=Rmult)) : mat_scope.
Open Scope mat_scope.
Section proof_matrix_eq.
Let M : mat 2 3 := l2m [[1;3;1];[1;0;0]].
Let N : mat 2 3 := l2m [[0;0;5];[7;5;0]].
Let O : mat 2 3 := l2m [[1;3;6];[8;5;0]].
Let M : mat 2 3 := l2m [[1;3;1];[1;0;0]].
Let N : mat 2 3 := l2m [[0;0;5];[7;5;0]].
Let O : mat 2 3 := l2m [[1;3;6];[8;5;0]].
There are many wasy to finish the proof
Goal M + N = O.
Proof. apply m2l_inj. cbv. list_eq; ring. Qed.
Goal M + N = O.
apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. rewrite mnth_madd. unfold M,N,O. destruct i,j.
repeat (try destruct i; try destruct i0; try lia; try (cbn; ring)).
Let M4 : mat 2 3 := l2m [[1; 8;-3];[4;-2; 5]].
Let M5 : mat 2 3 := l2m [[2;16;-6];[8;-4;10]].
Goal 2 \.* M4 = M5.
Proof. apply m2l_inj. cbv. list_eq; ring. Qed.
Let M6 : mat 2 3 := l2m [[1;2;3];[0;-6;7]].
Let M7 : mat 3 2 := l2m [[1;0];[2;-6];[3;7]].
Goal M6\T = M7.
Proof. apply m2l_inj. cbv. list_eq; ring. Qed.
End proof_matrix_eq.
Section Rbe.
Variable θ ψ φ : R.
Definition Rx (α : R) : mat 3 3 :=
@mkmat_3_3 _ 0
1 0 0
0 (cos α) (sin α)
0 (-sin α)%R (cos α).
Definition Ry (β : R) : mat 3 3 :=
@mkmat_3_3 _ 0
(cos β) 0 (-sin β)%R
0 1 0
(sin β) 0 (cos β).
Definition Rz (γ : R) : mat 3 3 :=
@mkmat_3_3 _ 0
(cos γ) (sin γ) 0
(-sin γ) (cos γ) 0
0 0 1.
Definition R_b_e_direct : mat 3 3 :=
(@mkmat_3_3 _ 0
(cos θ * cos ψ)
(cos ψ * sin θ * sin φ - sin ψ * cos φ)
(cos ψ * sin θ * cos φ + sin φ * sin ψ)
(cos θ * sin ψ)
(sin ψ * sin θ * sin φ + cos ψ * cos φ)
(sin ψ * sin θ * cos φ - cos ψ * sin φ)
(-sin θ)
(sin φ * cos θ)
(cos φ * cos θ))%R.
Opaque cos sin.
Lemma Rx_Ry_Rz_eq_Rbe : (Rz ψ)\T * (Ry θ)\T * (Rx φ)\T = R_b_e_direct.
Proof. apply m2l_inj. cbv. list_eq; ring. Qed.
End Rbe.
End test.
Variable θ ψ φ : R.
Definition Rx (α : R) : mat 3 3 :=
@mkmat_3_3 _ 0
1 0 0
0 (cos α) (sin α)
0 (-sin α)%R (cos α).
Definition Ry (β : R) : mat 3 3 :=
@mkmat_3_3 _ 0
(cos β) 0 (-sin β)%R
0 1 0
(sin β) 0 (cos β).
Definition Rz (γ : R) : mat 3 3 :=
@mkmat_3_3 _ 0
(cos γ) (sin γ) 0
(-sin γ) (cos γ) 0
0 0 1.
Definition R_b_e_direct : mat 3 3 :=
(@mkmat_3_3 _ 0
(cos θ * cos ψ)
(cos ψ * sin θ * sin φ - sin ψ * cos φ)
(cos ψ * sin θ * cos φ + sin φ * sin ψ)
(cos θ * sin ψ)
(sin ψ * sin θ * sin φ + cos ψ * cos φ)
(sin ψ * sin θ * cos φ - cos ψ * sin φ)
(-sin θ)
(sin φ * cos θ)
(cos φ * cos θ))%R.
Opaque cos sin.
Lemma Rx_Ry_Rz_eq_Rbe : (Rz ψ)\T * (Ry θ)\T * (Rx φ)\T = R_b_e_direct.
Proof. apply m2l_inj. cbv. list_eq; ring. Qed.
End Rbe.
End test.