
From FinMatrix Require Export MatrixR.
Require Import SI.
Import SI_Accepted SI_Prefix.

Require Export QalgebraR.

Declare Scope QuRV_scope.
Delimit Scope QuRV_scope with QRV.

Open Scope Unit_scope.
Open Scope Quantity_scope.
Open Scope QuR_scope.
Open Scope QuRV_scope.

Algebraic operations for quantities of vector type over R

Definition QuRV n := @Quantity (vec n).
Definition u2qRV {n} (x : vec n) (u : Unit) : QuRV n := u2q x u.

Definition vec2q {n} (x : vec n) : QuRV n := a2q x.
Coercion vec2q : vec >-> QuRV.

Definition qcvtbleRV {n} (q1 q2 : QuRV n) := qcvtble q1 q2.
Definition q2qnRV {n} (q : QuRV n) (nref : Nunit) : QuRV n := q2qn vscal q nref.
Definition q2quRV {n} (q : QuRV n) (uref : Unit) : QuRV n := q2qu vscal q uref.
Definition q2qRV {n} (q qref : QuRV n) : QuRV n := q2q vscal q qref.

Definition qaddRV {n} (q1 q2 : QuRV n) : QuRV n := qadd vadd q1 q2.
Definition qaddlRV {n} (q1 q2 : QuRV n) : QuRV n := qaddl vscal vadd q1 q2.
Definition qaddrRV {n} (q1 q2 : QuRV n) : QuRV n := qaddr vscal vadd q1 q2.
Definition qoppRV {n} (q : QuRV n) : QuRV n := qopp vopp q.
Definition qsubRV {n} (q1 q2 : QuRV n) : QuRV n := qsub vadd vopp q1 q2.
Definition qsublRV {n} (q1 q2 : QuRV n) : QuRV n := qsubl vscal vadd vopp q1 q2.
Definition qsubrRV {n} (q1 q2 : QuRV n) : QuRV n := qsubr vscal vadd vopp q1 q2.

Infix "+" := qaddRV : QuRV_scope.
Infix "'+" := qaddlRV : QuRV_scope.
Infix "+'" := qaddrRV : QuRV_scope.
Notation "- q" := (qoppRV q) : QuRV_scope.
Infix "-" := qsubRV : QuRV_scope.
Infix "'-" := qsublRV : QuRV_scope.
Infix "-'" := qsubrRV : QuRV_scope.

Automation for quantity equality of R vector type
Ltac qeqRV :=
  intros; cbv;
  autoRbool; auto; try lra;
  try match goal with | |- Qmake _ _ = Qmake _ _ => f_equal end;
  try match goal with | |- Some _ = Some _ => f_equal end;
  try match goal with | |- (_, _) = (_, _) => f_equal end;
  try veq;
  try lra.

Specific operations for quantities of vector type over R

get component of a vector quantity
Definition qnthRV {n} (q : QuRV n) (i : fin n) : QuR :=
  match q with
  | Qmake v n => Qmake (v i) n
  | _ => !!

Notation "q .[ i ]" := (qnthRV q i) : QuRV_scope.
Notation "q .1" := (q.[#0]) : QuRV_scope.
Notation "q .2" := (q.[#1]) : QuRV_scope.
Notation "q .3" := (q.[#2]) : QuRV_scope.
Notation "q .4" := (q.[#3]) : QuRV_scope.

scalar product for a R quantity and a RV quantity
Definition qscalRV {n} (k : QuR) (q : QuRV n) : QuRV n := qmul vscal k q.
Infix "s*" := qscalRV : QuRV_scope.

dot product for two RV quantities
Definition qdotRV {n} (q1 q2 : QuRV n) : QuR :=
  match q1, q2 with
  | Qmake v1 n1, Qmake v2 n2 => Qmake (vdot v1 v2) (nmul n1 n2)
  | _, _ => !!
Notation "< q1 , q2 >" := (qdotRV q1 q2) : QuRV_scope.

cross product for two 3-RV quantities
Definition qcrossRV3 (q1 q2 : QuRV 3) : QuRV 3 :=
  match q1, q2 with
  | Qmake v1 n1, Qmake v2 n2 => Qmake (v3cross v1 v2) (nmul n1 n2)
  | _, _ => !!
Notation "q1 \x q2" := (qcrossRV3 q1 q2) : QuRV_scope.


Section test.

  Section ex1.
    Let t := u2qR 5 's.

    Let v := @u2qRV 3 (l2v [1;2;3]) ('m/'s)%U.

    Let s := t s* v.

    Goal s = u2qRV (l2v [5;10;15]) 'm.
    Proof. qeqRV. Qed.

    Goal s.1 = u2qR 5 'm.
    Proof. qeqRV. Qed.

    Goal <v, v> = u2qR 14 (('m/'s)^2)%U.
    Proof. qeqRV. Qed.

    Goal (u2qRV v3i 'N) \x (u2qRV v3j 'm) = u2qRV v3k 'J.
    Proof. qeqRV. Qed.

    Goal v3i + v3j + 2 s* v3k = l2v [1;1;2].
    Proof. qeqRV. Qed.
  End ex1.

End test.