
Require Export Unit Nunit Nconv Uconv.

From FinMatrix Require Import Matrix.
Require Import SI.
Import SI_Accepted SI_Prefix.

Declare Scope Quantity_scope.
Delimit Scope Quantity_scope with QU.
Open Scope Quantity_scope.

Quantity type

Definition and basic operatios of Quantity

Definition of Quantity
Inductive Quantity {tA : Type} :=
| Qmake (v : tA) (n : Nunit)
| Qinvalid.

Bind Scope Quantity_scope with Quantity.

Notation "!!" := Qinvalid (at level 3) : Quantity_scope.

Make a Quantity from Unit
Definition u2q {tA} (v : tA) (u : Unit) := Qmake v (u2n u).

Make a dimensionless Quantity from tA type
Definition a2q {tA} (v : tA) := Qmake v nunitOne.

quantity one which its value is 1 and has dimensionless unit
Definition qone {tA} (Aone : tA) : @Quantity tA := Qmake Aone nunitOne.

Get the value of a Quantity with its own Unit
Definition qval {tA} (q : Quantity) : option tA :=
  match q with
  | Qmake v n => Some v
  | _ => None

Get coefficent of a Quantity
Definition qcoef {tA} (q : @Quantity tA) : option R :=
  match q with
  | Qmake _ (c, _) => Some c
  | _ => None

Get dimensions of a Quantity
Definition qdims {tA} (q : @Quantity tA) : option Dims :=
  match q with
  | Qmake _ (_, d) => Some d
  | _ => None

Lemma qeq_if_qval_qcof_qdims : forall {tA} (q1 q2 : @Quantity tA),
    qval q1 = qval q2 -> qcoef q1 = qcoef q2 -> qdims q1 = qdims q2 -> q1 = q2.
  intros. destruct q1, q2; simpl in *; try easy. inv H. f_equal.
  destruct n,n0. inv H0; inv H1. auto.

Get Unit of a Quantity `q`
Definition qunit {tA} (q : @Quantity tA) : option Unit :=
  match q with
  | Qmake v n => Some (n2u n)
  | _ => None

Check that if the Quantity `q` has same Unit with `u` (proposition version)
Definition qsameu {tA} (q : @Quantity tA) (u : Unit) : Prop :=
  match q with
  | Qmake v n => n = (u2n u)
  | _ => False

Check that if the Quantity `q` has same Unit with `u` (boolean version)
Definition qsameub {tA} (q : @Quantity tA) (u : Unit) : bool :=
  match q with
  | Qmake v n => neqb n (u2n u)
  | _ => false

Lemma qsameub_reflect : forall {tA} (q : @Quantity tA) u,
    reflect (qsameu q u) (qsameub q u).
  intros. unfold qsameu, qsameub. destruct q; try constructor; auto.
  bdestruct (neqb n (u2n u)); constructor; auto.
Hint Resolve qsameub_reflect : bdestruct.

Lemma qsameub_true_iff : forall {tA} (q : @Quantity tA) u,
    qsameub q u = true <-> qsameu q u.
Proof. intros. bdestruct (qsameub q u); try tauto. easy. Qed.

Lemma qsameub_false_iff : forall {tA} (q : @Quantity tA) u,
    qsameub q u = false <-> ~ qsameu q u.
Proof. intros. bdestruct (qsameub q u); try tauto. easy. Qed.

Two Quantitys are convertible (proposition version
Definition qcvtble {tA} (q1 q2 : @Quantity tA) : Prop :=
  match q1, q2 with
  | Qmake v1 n1, Qmake v2 n2 => ndims n1 = ndims n2
  | _, _ => False

Two Quantitys are convertible (boolean version)
Definition qcvtbleb {tA} (q1 q2 : @Quantity tA) : bool :=
  match q1, q2 with
  | Qmake v1 n1, Qmake v2 n2 => deqb (ndims n1) (ndims n2)
  | _, _ => false

Section more_ARmul.
  Context {tA} (ARmul : R -> tA -> tA).

Convert a Quantity `q` with Nunit `nref`
  Definition q2qn (q : @Quantity tA) (nref : Nunit) : Quantity :=
    match q with
    | Qmake v n =>
        match nconvRate n nref with
        | Some rate => Qmake (ARmul rate v) nref
        | _ => !!
    | _ => !!

Convert a Quantity `q` with Unit `uref`
  Definition q2qu (q : @Quantity tA) (uref : Unit) : Quantity := q2qn q (u2n uref).

Convert a Quantity `q` with Quantity `qref`
  Definition q2q (q : @Quantity tA) (qref : @Quantity tA) : Quantity :=
    match qref with
    | Qmake v n => q2qn q n
    | _ => !!

qsameu (q2qu q u) u
  Lemma qsameu_q2qu : forall q u, qsameu q u -> ucoef u <> 0 -> qsameu (q2qu q u) u.
    intros. unfold qsameu in *. unfold q2qu, q2qn in *. destruct q; auto.
    rewrite H. rewrite nconvRate_eq; auto.

qsameub (q2qu q u) u = true
  Lemma qsameub_q2qu : forall q u, qsameu q u -> ucoef u <> 0 -> qsameub (q2qu q u) u = true.
  Proof. intros. apply qsameub_true_iff. apply qsameu_q2qu; auto. Qed.

Get the value of a Quantity `q` respect to Nunit `nref`
  Definition qvaln (q : @Quantity tA) (nref : Nunit) : option tA :=
    qval (q2qn q nref).

Get the value of a Quantity `q` respect to Unit `uref`
  Definition qvalu (q : @Quantity tA) (uref : Unit) : option tA :=
    qvaln q (u2n uref).

Boolean comparison of two quantities
  Definition qcmpb (Acmpb : tA -> tA -> bool) (q1 q2 : @Quantity tA) : bool :=
    match q1, q2 with
    | Qmake v1 n1, Qmake v2 n2 =>
        match nconv n1 n2 with
        | Some (k, _) => Acmpb (ARmul k v1) v2
        | _ => false
    | _, _ => false

End more_ARmul.

Section ex_salar.
  Notation qvalu := (qvalu Rmult).
  Notation q2qu := (q2qu Rmult).

  Section time.
    Let t1 := u2q 0.5 'hrs.
    Let t2 := u2q 30 'min.

    Goal qvalu t1 'hrs = Some 0.5.
    Proof. cbn. f_equal. lra. Qed.

    Goal q2qu t1 'min = t2.
    Proof. cbv. f_equal. lra. Qed.
  End time.

End ex_salar.

Section ex_vector.
  Notation qvalu := (qvalu vscal).
  Notation q2qu := (q2qu (vscal (Amul:=Rmult))).
  Notation l2v := (@l2v R 0).

  Section displacement.
    Variable px py pz : R.
    Let p1 := u2q (@l2v 3 [px;py;pz]) 'm.

    Notation "'厘米" := (_c 'm).

    Goal q2qu p1 '厘米 = u2q (l2v [100*px;100*py;100*pz]%R) '厘米.
    Proof. cbv. f_equal. veq; lra. Qed.
  End displacement.
End ex_vector.