From FinMatrix Require Export RExt.
Require Import SI.
Import SI_Accepted SI_Prefix.
From FinMatrix Require Import MyExtrOCamlR.
Require Export Qalgebra.
Declare Scope QuR_scope.
Delimit Scope QuR_scope with QR.
Open Scope Unit_scope.
Open Scope Quantity_scope.
Open Scope QuR_scope.
Definition QuR := @Quantity R.
Definition u2qR (x : R) (u : Unit) : QuR := @u2q R x u.
Definition r2q (r : R) : QuR := a2q r.
Coercion r2q : R >-> QuR.
Definition qoneR : QuR := qone 1.
Definition qcvtbleR (q1 q2 : QuR) : Prop := qcvtble q1 q2.
Definition qcvtblebR (q1 q2 : QuR) : bool := qcvtbleb q1 q2.
Definition q2qnR (q : QuR) (nref : Nunit) : QuR := q2qn Rmult q nref.
Definition q2quR (q : QuR) (uref : Unit) : QuR := q2qu Rmult q uref.
Definition q2qR (q qref : QuR) : QuR := q2q Rmult q qref.
Definition qaddR (q1 q2 : QuR) : QuR := qadd Rplus q1 q2.
Definition qaddlR (q1 q2 : QuR) : QuR := qaddl Rmult Rplus q1 q2.
Definition qaddrR (q1 q2 : QuR) : QuR := qaddr Rmult Rplus q1 q2.
Definition qoppR (q : QuR) : QuR := qopp Ropp q.
Definition qsubR (q1 q2 : QuR) : QuR := qsub Rplus Ropp q1 q2.
Definition qsublR (q1 q2 : QuR) : QuR := qsubl Rmult Rplus Ropp q1 q2.
Definition qsubrR (q1 q2 : QuR) : QuR := qsubr Rmult Rplus Ropp q1 q2.
Definition qmulR (q1 q2 : QuR) : QuR := qmul Rmult q1 q2.
Definition qpowR (q : QuR) (z : Z) : QuR := qpow powerRZ q z.
Definition qinvR (q : QuR) : QuR := qinv Rinv q.
Definition qdivR (q1 q2 : QuR) : QuR := qdiv Rmult Rinv q1 q2.
Infix "+" := qaddR : QuR_scope.
Infix "'+" := qaddlR : QuR_scope.
Infix "+'" := qaddrR : QuR_scope.
Notation "- q" := (qoppR q) : QuR_scope.
Infix "-" := qsubR : QuR_scope.
Infix "'-" := qsublR : QuR_scope.
Infix "-'" := qsubrR : QuR_scope.
Infix "*" := qmulR : QuR_scope.
Infix "^" := qpowR : QuR_scope.
Notation " q ² " := (q ^ 2) : QuR_scope.
Notation " q ³ " := (q ^ 3) : QuR_scope.
Notation " q ⁴ " := (q ^ 4) : QuR_scope.
Notation " q ⁵ " := (q ^ 5) : QuR_scope.
Notation "/ q" := (qinvR q) : QuR_scope.
Infix "/" := qdivR : QuR_scope.
Absolute value function
Any power of quantity which the unit of base and exponent both are 1
Trigonometric functions or its inverse require the dimensionless unit, where
1. trigometric functions need input unit 1 and output unit radian,
2. inverse trigometric functions require input unit radian and output 1.
Moreover, radian is equal to 1
Definition qsin (q : QuR) : QuR := qdim0op1 sin q.
Definition qcos (q : QuR) : QuR := qdim0op1 cos q.
Definition qtan (q : QuR) : QuR := qdim0op1 tan q.
Definition qasin (q : QuR) : QuR := qdim0op1 asin q.
Definition qacos (q : QuR) : QuR := qdim0op1 acos q.
Definition qatan (q : QuR) : QuR := qdim0op1 atan q.
Notation "''sin' x" := (qsin x) (at level 10) : QuR_scope.
Notation "''cos' x" := (qcos x) (at level 10) : QuR_scope.
Notation "''tan' x" := (qtan x) (at level 10) : QuR_scope.
Notation "''asin' x" := (qasin x) (at level 10) : QuR_scope.
Notation "''acos' x" := (qacos x) (at level 10) : QuR_scope.
Notation "''atan' x" := (qatan x) (at level 10) : QuR_scope.
Definition qcos (q : QuR) : QuR := qdim0op1 cos q.
Definition qtan (q : QuR) : QuR := qdim0op1 tan q.
Definition qasin (q : QuR) : QuR := qdim0op1 asin q.
Definition qacos (q : QuR) : QuR := qdim0op1 acos q.
Definition qatan (q : QuR) : QuR := qdim0op1 atan q.
Notation "''sin' x" := (qsin x) (at level 10) : QuR_scope.
Notation "''cos' x" := (qcos x) (at level 10) : QuR_scope.
Notation "''tan' x" := (qtan x) (at level 10) : QuR_scope.
Notation "''asin' x" := (qasin x) (at level 10) : QuR_scope.
Notation "''acos' x" := (qacos x) (at level 10) : QuR_scope.
Notation "''atan' x" := (qatan x) (at level 10) : QuR_scope.
Automation for quantity equality of R type
Ltac qeqR :=
intros; cbv;
try match goal with
| H:context[PI] |- _ => pose proof (PI_bound)
| |- context[PI] => pose proof (PI_bound)
autoRbool; auto; try lra;
try match goal with | |- Qmake _ _ = Qmake _ _ => f_equal end;
try match goal with | |- Some _ = Some _ => f_equal end;
try match goal with | |- (_, _) = (_, _) => f_equal end;
try match goal with | |- _ -> False => intro end;
try easy;
try lra.
intros; cbv;
try match goal with
| H:context[PI] |- _ => pose proof (PI_bound)
| |- context[PI] => pose proof (PI_bound)
autoRbool; auto; try lra;
try match goal with | |- Qmake _ _ = Qmake _ _ => f_equal end;
try match goal with | |- Some _ = Some _ => f_equal end;
try match goal with | |- (_, _) = (_, _) => f_equal end;
try match goal with | |- _ -> False => intro end;
try easy;
try lra.
Definition qrootR (q : QuR) (z : Z) : QuR :=
match q with
| Qmake v n => Qmake (Rpower v (/Z2R z)) (nroot n z)
| _ => !!
match q with
| Qmake v n => Qmake (Rpower v (/Z2R z)) (nroot n z)
| _ => !!
The condition of qroot
1. q is valid
2. the value of the quantity q must be positive
3. the coefficient of the unit of q must be positive
4. nrootCondb also hold, i.e., z must be positive, and the dimension
of `q` is divisible by z
Definition qrootCondR (q : QuR) (z : Z) : Prop :=
match q with
| Qmake v n => (0 < v) /\ (0 < (ncoef n)) /\ nrootCond n z
| _ => False
Definition qrootCondbR (q : QuR) (z : Z) : bool :=
match q with
| Qmake v n => (0 <? v) && (0 <? (ncoef n)) && nrootCondb n z
| _ => false
match q with
| Qmake v n => (0 < v) /\ (0 < (ncoef n)) /\ nrootCond n z
| _ => False
Definition qrootCondbR (q : QuR) (z : Z) : bool :=
match q with
| Qmake v n => (0 <? v) && (0 <? (ncoef n)) && nrootCondb n z
| _ => false
Definition qsqrt (q : QuR) : QuR := qrootR q 2.
Lemma qrootR_qsqr : forall q, qrootCondR q 2 -> qrootR (q * q) 2 = q.
intros. unfold qrootR, qrootCondR, nrootCond in *.
destruct q; simpl; auto. logic. f_equal.
rewrite Rpower_inv2. ra. rewrite nroot2_nmul; auto.
Lemma qsqr_qrootR : forall q, qrootCondR q 2 -> (qrootR q 2)² = q.
intros. unfold qrootR, qrootCondR, nrootCond in *.
destruct q; simpl; auto. logic. f_equal.
rewrite Rpower_inv2. ra. rewrite npow_nroot2; auto.
unfold nrootCond. logic.
Lemma qrootR_qsqr : forall q, qrootCondR q 2 -> qrootR (q * q) 2 = q.
intros. unfold qrootR, qrootCondR, nrootCond in *.
destruct q; simpl; auto. logic. f_equal.
rewrite Rpower_inv2. ra. rewrite nroot2_nmul; auto.
Lemma qsqr_qrootR : forall q, qrootCondR q 2 -> (qrootR q 2)² = q.
intros. unfold qrootR, qrootCondR, nrootCond in *.
destruct q; simpl; auto. logic. f_equal.
rewrite Rpower_inv2. ra. rewrite npow_nroot2; auto.
unfold nrootCond. logic.
boolean comparison: q1 equal to q2
boolean comparison: q1 less than q2
boolean comparison: q1 less than or equal to q2
Definition qlebR (q1 q2 : QuR) : bool := qcmpb Rmult Rleb q1 q2.
Infix "=?" := qeqbR : QuR_scope.
Infix "<?" := qltbR : QuR_scope.
Infix "<=?" := qlebR : QuR_scope.
Infix "=?" := qeqbR : QuR_scope.
Infix "<?" := qltbR : QuR_scope.
Infix "<=?" := qlebR : QuR_scope.
qeqbR is true, it is reflexive.
qeqbR is commutative
Section test.
Goal (u2qR 3 's) + (u2qR 2 's) = (u2qR 1 's) + (u2qR 4 's).
Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal (u2qR 1 'min) + (u2qR 60 's) = !!.
Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal q2quR (u2qR 1 'min) 's + (u2qR 60 's) = u2qR 120 's.
Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal u2qR 1 'min + q2quR (u2qR 60 's) 'min = u2qR 2 'min.
Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal (u2qR 1 'min) '+ (u2qR 60 's) = u2qR 2 'min.
Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal (u2qR 1 'min) +' (u2qR 60 's) = u2qR 120 's.
Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal (u2qR 2 'A) * u2qR 3 'Ω = u2qR 6 'V.
Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal (u2qR 2 'A) * u2qR 3 'Ω = q2quR (u2qR 6000 _m 'V) 'V.
Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal q2quR (u2qR 6000 _m 'V) 'V = (u2qR 6 'V).
Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal (u2qR 4 'm)³ = u2qR 64 ('m³)%U.
Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal (q2quR (/(u2qR 3 'min)) 'Hz) = u2qR (1/180)%R 'Hz.
Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal (u2qR 10 'm) / (u2qR 5 ('m/'s)%U) = u2qR 2 's.
Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal u2qR 3 'N <? u2qR 5 'N = true. Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal u2qR 3 'A <? u2qR 5 'N = false. Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal u2qR 3 ('N*'m)%U <? u2qR 5 ('m²*'N*/'m)%U = true. Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal forall r, let theta := u2qR r 'rad in
('sin theta)² + ('cos theta)² = qoneR.
Proof. qeqR. ra. Qed.
Goal qrootR (u2qR 4 ('m⁶)) 2 = u2qR 2 ('m³)%U.
- field_simplify. rewrite Rpower_inv2. ra. apply Rabs_right; lra.
- field_simplify. rewrite Rpower_inv2. ra.
Goal qrootR (u2qR 1000 (_c 'm ^ 3)%U) 3 = (u2qR 10 _c 'm).
- field_simplify. pose proof (Rpower_invn 3). cbv in H. apply H; try lra; try lia.
- field_simplify. pose proof (Rpower_invn 3). cbv in H. apply H; try lra; try lia.
End test.
Module ex_QuR.
Section ex1.
Let g := u2qR 9.8 ('m/('s^2))%U.
Let t1 := u2qR 30 's.
Let t2 := u2qR 1 'min.
Let v1 := t1 * g.
Let v2 := t1 * g.
Let s1 := (1/2)%R * g * t1 ^ 2.
Let s2 := (1/2)%R * g * t2 ^ 2.
Goal v1 = u2qR 294 ('m/'s)%U.
Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal s1 = u2qR 4410 'm.
Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Example v1_m_per_s := qval v1.
Example s1_s := qval s1.
Goal qval v1 = Some 294. Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal qval s1 = Some 4410. Proof. qeqR. Qed.
End ex1.
Section ex2.
Let f1 := u2qR 36.7 ((_c 'm)³/'s)%U.
Let f2 := u2qR 2.1 ('L/'min)%U.
Let V := u2qR 300 ((_c 'm)³)%U.
Example fill_time_s := V / (f1 '+ f2).
Example fill_time_min := q2quR (V / (f1 +' f2)) 'min.
Goal qval fill_time_s = Some (300/(36.7+2.1*50/3))%R.
Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal qval (f1 '+ f2) = Some (36.7+2.1*50/3)%R. qeqR. Qed.
Goal qval (f1 +' f2) = Some (36.7*3/50+2.1)%R. qeqR. Qed.
Goal qdims (fill_time_s) = Some (udims 's). qeqR. Qed.
Goal qdims (fill_time_min) = Some (udims 's). qeqR. Qed.
Goal qcoef (fill_time_s) = Some (ucoef 's). qeqR. Qed.
Goal qcoef (fill_time_min) = Some (ucoef 'min). qeqR. Qed.
Goal qcoef (f1 '+ f2) = Some (ucoef ((_c 'm)^3/'s)%U). qeqR. Qed.
Goal qcoef (f1 +' f2) = Some (ucoef ('L/'min)%U). qeqR. Qed.
Goal qcoef (f1 '+ f2) = Some (1e-6). qeqR. Qed.
Goal qcoef (f1 +' f2) = Some (1e-3/60)%R. qeqR. Qed.
Goal qval fill_time_min = qval (fill_time_s / 60). qeqR. Qed.
End ex2.
End ex_QuR.
Extraction "ocaml_qalgebraR_ex.ml" ex_QuR.
Goal (u2qR 3 's) + (u2qR 2 's) = (u2qR 1 's) + (u2qR 4 's).
Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal (u2qR 1 'min) + (u2qR 60 's) = !!.
Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal q2quR (u2qR 1 'min) 's + (u2qR 60 's) = u2qR 120 's.
Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal u2qR 1 'min + q2quR (u2qR 60 's) 'min = u2qR 2 'min.
Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal (u2qR 1 'min) '+ (u2qR 60 's) = u2qR 2 'min.
Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal (u2qR 1 'min) +' (u2qR 60 's) = u2qR 120 's.
Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal (u2qR 2 'A) * u2qR 3 'Ω = u2qR 6 'V.
Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal (u2qR 2 'A) * u2qR 3 'Ω = q2quR (u2qR 6000 _m 'V) 'V.
Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal q2quR (u2qR 6000 _m 'V) 'V = (u2qR 6 'V).
Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal (u2qR 4 'm)³ = u2qR 64 ('m³)%U.
Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal (q2quR (/(u2qR 3 'min)) 'Hz) = u2qR (1/180)%R 'Hz.
Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal (u2qR 10 'm) / (u2qR 5 ('m/'s)%U) = u2qR 2 's.
Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal u2qR 3 'N <? u2qR 5 'N = true. Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal u2qR 3 'A <? u2qR 5 'N = false. Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal u2qR 3 ('N*'m)%U <? u2qR 5 ('m²*'N*/'m)%U = true. Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal forall r, let theta := u2qR r 'rad in
('sin theta)² + ('cos theta)² = qoneR.
Proof. qeqR. ra. Qed.
Goal qrootR (u2qR 4 ('m⁶)) 2 = u2qR 2 ('m³)%U.
- field_simplify. rewrite Rpower_inv2. ra. apply Rabs_right; lra.
- field_simplify. rewrite Rpower_inv2. ra.
Goal qrootR (u2qR 1000 (_c 'm ^ 3)%U) 3 = (u2qR 10 _c 'm).
- field_simplify. pose proof (Rpower_invn 3). cbv in H. apply H; try lra; try lia.
- field_simplify. pose proof (Rpower_invn 3). cbv in H. apply H; try lra; try lia.
End test.
Module ex_QuR.
Section ex1.
Let g := u2qR 9.8 ('m/('s^2))%U.
Let t1 := u2qR 30 's.
Let t2 := u2qR 1 'min.
Let v1 := t1 * g.
Let v2 := t1 * g.
Let s1 := (1/2)%R * g * t1 ^ 2.
Let s2 := (1/2)%R * g * t2 ^ 2.
Goal v1 = u2qR 294 ('m/'s)%U.
Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal s1 = u2qR 4410 'm.
Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Example v1_m_per_s := qval v1.
Example s1_s := qval s1.
Goal qval v1 = Some 294. Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal qval s1 = Some 4410. Proof. qeqR. Qed.
End ex1.
Section ex2.
Let f1 := u2qR 36.7 ((_c 'm)³/'s)%U.
Let f2 := u2qR 2.1 ('L/'min)%U.
Let V := u2qR 300 ((_c 'm)³)%U.
Example fill_time_s := V / (f1 '+ f2).
Example fill_time_min := q2quR (V / (f1 +' f2)) 'min.
Goal qval fill_time_s = Some (300/(36.7+2.1*50/3))%R.
Proof. qeqR. Qed.
Goal qval (f1 '+ f2) = Some (36.7+2.1*50/3)%R. qeqR. Qed.
Goal qval (f1 +' f2) = Some (36.7*3/50+2.1)%R. qeqR. Qed.
Goal qdims (fill_time_s) = Some (udims 's). qeqR. Qed.
Goal qdims (fill_time_min) = Some (udims 's). qeqR. Qed.
Goal qcoef (fill_time_s) = Some (ucoef 's). qeqR. Qed.
Goal qcoef (fill_time_min) = Some (ucoef 'min). qeqR. Qed.
Goal qcoef (f1 '+ f2) = Some (ucoef ((_c 'm)^3/'s)%U). qeqR. Qed.
Goal qcoef (f1 +' f2) = Some (ucoef ('L/'min)%U). qeqR. Qed.
Goal qcoef (f1 '+ f2) = Some (1e-6). qeqR. Qed.
Goal qcoef (f1 +' f2) = Some (1e-3/60)%R. qeqR. Qed.
Goal qval fill_time_min = qval (fill_time_s / 60). qeqR. Qed.
End ex2.
End ex_QuR.
Extraction "ocaml_qalgebraR_ex.ml" ex_QuR.