
Require Export Quantity.

Generalizable Variable tA Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone Ainv.
Generalizable Variable tB Badd Bzero Bopp Bmul Bone Binv.

Basic algebraic operations of quantity

General algebraic operations of quantity

General unary quantity operation
Definition qop1 {tA} (f : tA -> tA) (q : @Quantity tA) : @Quantity tA :=
  match q with
  | Qmake v n => Qmake (f v) n
  | _ => !!

General binary quantity operation on same unit
Definition qop2 {tA} (f : tA -> tA -> tA) (q1 q2 : @Quantity tA) : @Quantity tA :=
  match q1, q2 with
  | Qmake v1 n1, Qmake v2 n2 => if neqb n1 n2 then Qmake (f v1 v2)%A n1 else !!
  | _, _ => !!

General binary quantity operation on convertible untis, adopting the unit of the left operand q1
Definition qop2l {tA} (ARmul : R -> tA -> tA) (f : tA -> tA -> tA)
  (q1 q2 : @Quantity tA) : @Quantity tA :=
  if qcvtbleb q1 q2 then qop2 f q1 (q2q ARmul q2 q1) else !!.

General binary quantity operation on convertible untis, adopting the unit of the right operand q2
Definition qop2r {tA} (ARmul : R -> tA -> tA) (f : tA -> tA -> tA)
  (q1 q2 : @Quantity tA) : @Quantity tA :=
  if qcvtbleb q1 q2 then qop2 f (q2q ARmul q1 q2) q2 else !!.

General unary quantity operation, on which the quantity is dimensionless
Definition qdim0op1 {tA} (f : tA -> tA) (q : @Quantity tA) : @Quantity tA :=
  match q with
  | Qmake v n => if ndim1b n then Qmake (f v) n else !!
  | _ => !!

General binary quantity operation, on which the quantity is dimensionless
Definition qdim0op2 {tA} (f : tA -> tA -> tA) (q1 q2 : @Quantity tA)
  : @Quantity tA :=
  match q1, q2 with
  | Qmake v1 n1, Qmake v2 n2 =>
      if ndim1b n1 && ndim1b n2 then Qmake (f v1 v2) n1 else !!
  | _, _ => !!

Specific algebraic operations of quantity

Quantity addition/opposition/subtraction
Section qadd_qopp_qsub.
  Context {tA} (ARmul : R -> tA -> tA) (Aadd : tA -> tA -> tA) (Aopp : tA -> tA).

Quantity addition using same unit
  Definition qadd (q1 q2 : Quantity) : Quantity := qop2 Aadd q1 q2.
  Infix "+" := qadd : Quantity_scope.

Quantity addition using the unit of the left operand q1
  Definition qaddl (q1 q2 : Quantity) : Quantity := qop2l ARmul Aadd q1 q2.
  Infix "'+" := qaddl : Quantity_scope.

Quantity addition using the unit of the right operand q1
  Definition qaddr (q1 q2 : Quantity) : Quantity := qop2r ARmul Aadd q1 q2.
  Infix "+'" := qaddr : Quantity_scope.

Quantity opposition
  Definition qopp (q : Quantity) : Quantity := qop1 Aopp q.
  Notation "- q" := (qopp q) : Quantity_scope.

Quantity subtraction using same unit
  Definition qsub (q1 q2 : Quantity) : Quantity := q1 + - q2.
  Infix "-" := qsub : Quantity_scope.

Quantity subtraction using the unit of the left operand q1
  Definition qsubl (q1 q2 : Quantity) : Quantity := q1 '+ - q2.
  Infix "'-" := qsubl : Quantity_scope.

Quantity subtraction using the unit of the right operand q1
  Definition qsubr (q1 q2 : Quantity) : Quantity := q1 +' - q2.
  Infix "-'" := qsubr : Quantity_scope.

  Context `{HASGroup : ASGroup _ Aadd}.

qadd is associative.
  Lemma qadd_assoc (q1 q2 q3 : Quantity) : (q1 + q2) + q3 = q1 + (q2 + q3).
    unfold qadd, qop2.
    destruct q1 as [v1 n1|], q2 as [v2 n2|], q3 as [v3 n3|]; try easy.
    - bdestruct (neqb n1 n2); subst; auto.
      + bdestruct (neqb n2 n3); subst; auto. rewrite neqb_refl. f_equal. asgroup.
      + bdestruct (neqb n2 n3); subst; auto. apply neqb_false_iff in H.
        rewrite H. auto.
    - bdestruct (neqb n1 n2); subst; auto.

qadd is commutative.
  Lemma qadd_comm (q1 q2 : Quantity) : q1 + q2 = q2 + q1.
    unfold qadd, qop2. destruct q1 as [v1 n1|], q2 as [v2 n2|]; try easy.
    rewrite neqb_comm. bdestruct (neqb n2 n1); subst; auto. f_equal. asgroup.

qadd left with !! equal to !!.
  Lemma qadd_qinvalid_l (q : Quantity) : !! + q = !!.
  Proof. auto. Qed.

qadd right with !! equal to !!.
  Lemma qadd_qinvalid_r (q : Quantity) : q + !! = !!.
  Proof. rewrite qadd_comm. auto. Qed.

  Context `{HGroup : Group _ Aadd Azero Aopp}.

End qadd_qopp_qsub.

Quantity inversion
Section qinv.
  Context {A} (Ainv : A -> A).

Quantity inversion
  Definition qinv (q : Quantity) : Quantity :=
    match q with
    | Qmake v n => Qmake (Ainv v) (ninv n)
    | _ => !!
  Notation "/ q" := (qinv q) : Quantity_scope.
End qinv.

multiplication or division of two quantities that may have different units. For example, scalar multiplication of vectors or matrices
Section qmul_qdiv.
  Context {tA tB} (AmulB : tA -> tB -> tB) (Binv : tB -> tB).
  Infix "*" := AmulB : A_scope.
  Notation qinv := (qinv Binv).

Quantity multiplication
  Definition qmul (q1 : @Quantity tA) (q2 : @Quantity tB) : @Quantity tB :=
    match q1,q2 with
    | Qmake v1 n1, Qmake v2 n2 => Qmake (v1 * v2)%A (nmul n1 n2)
    | _, _ => !!
  Infix "*" := qmul : Quantity_scope.

Power of quantity with an integer numbers
  Section qpow.
    Context (ApowerZ : tA -> Z -> tA).

    Definition qpow (q : @Quantity tA) (z : Z) : @Quantity tA :=
      match q with
      | Qmake v n => Qmake (ApowerZ v z) (npow n z)
      | !! => !!
    Notation "q ^ n" := (qpow q n) : Quantity_scope.
    Notation " q ² " := (q ^ 2) : Quantity_scope.
    Notation " q ³ " := (q ^ 3) : Quantity_scope.
    Notation " q ⁴ " := (q ^ 4) : Quantity_scope.
    Notation " q ⁵ " := (q ^ 5) : Quantity_scope.
  End qpow.

Quantity division
  Definition qdiv (q1 : @Quantity tA) (q2 : @Quantity tB) : @Quantity tB :=
    qmul q1 (qinv q2).
  Infix "/" := qdiv : Quantity_scope.

qmul left cancellation law
  Lemma qmul_cancel_l q1 q2 q3 : q1 * q2 = q1 * q3 -> q2 = q3.
    intros. unfold qmul in *. destruct q1,q2,q3. inv H.

qmul right cancellation law
  Lemma qmul_cancel_r q1 q2 q3 : q1 * q3 = q2 * q3 -> q1 = q2.

End qmul_qdiv.

Properties for qmul with specific element types
Section qmul_specific.
  Context `{HASGroup : ASGroup tA Amul}.
  Notation qmul := (qmul Amul).
  Infix "*" := qmul : Quantity_scope.

qmul is associative
  Lemma qmul_assoc (q1 q2 q3 : Quantity) : (q1 * q2) * q3 = q1 * (q2 * q3).
    unfold qmul. destruct q1 as [v1 n1|], q2 as [v2 n2|], q3 as [v3 n3|]; try easy.
    f_equal. asgroup. apply nmul_assoc.

qmul is commutative
  Lemma qmul_comm (q1 q2 : Quantity) : q1 * q2 = q2 * q1.
    unfold qmul. destruct q1 as [v1 n1|], q2 as [v2 n2|]; try easy.
    f_equal. asgroup. apply nmul_comm.

  Context `{HAMonoid : AMonoid tA Amul Aone}.
  Notation qone := (qone Aone).

qone is the left identity for multiplication
  Lemma qmul_1_l q : qone * q = q.
    unfold qmul. unfold qone. destruct q as [v n|]; auto.
    f_equal. amonoid. apply nmul_1_l.

  Lemma qmul_1_r q : q * qone = q.
  Proof. rewrite qmul_comm. apply qmul_1_l. Qed.

  Instance qmul_Monoid : Monoid qmul qone.
    repeat constructor.
    all: try apply qmul_assoc; try apply qmul_1_l; try apply qmul_1_r;
      try apply qmul_comm.

  Instance qmul_AMonoid : AMonoid qmul qone.
    repeat constructor.
    all: try apply qmul_assoc; try apply qmul_1_l; try apply qmul_1_r;
      try apply qmul_comm.

  Context `{HAGroup : AGroup tA Amul Aone Ainv}.
  Notation qinv := (qinv Ainv).

  Lemma qmul_qinv_l : forall q, q <> !! -> qcoef q <> Some 0 -> qinv q * q = qone.
    intros. unfold qmul, qinv, qone. destruct q as [v n|]; auto; try easy.
    f_equal. apply HAGroup.
    apply nmul_ninv_l. cbv in H0. destruct n. simpl. intro. destruct H0.
    rewrite H1. auto.

  Instance qmul_Group : Group qmul qone qinv.
    repeat constructor.
    all: try apply qmul_assoc; try apply qmul_1_l; try apply qmul_1_r;
      try apply qmul_comm.

End qmul_specific.