Require Export MatrixInvAM.
Require Export MatrixInvGE.
Require Import ExtrOcamlBasic ExtrOcamlNatInt MyExtrOCamlR.
Generalizable Variable A Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone Ainv.
Module test_inv_ocaml.
Module AM := MinvMoreAM FieldElementTypeR.
Module GE := MinvMoreGE FieldElementTypeR.
Import AM.
Definition minvtblebAM {n} := @minvtbleb n.
Definition minvoAM {n} := @minvo n.
Definition minvAM {n} := @minv n.
Definition minvListAM {n} := @minvList n.
Import GE.
Definition minvtblebGE {n} := @minvtbleb n.
Definition minvoGE {n} := @minvo n.
Definition minvGE {n} := @minv n.
Definition minvListGE {n} := @minvList n.
End test_inv_ocaml.
usage for AM over Qc type
Module usage_AM_Qc.
Module AM := MinvMoreAM FieldElementTypeQc.
Import AM.
Import AMNotations.
Section ex1.
Let M : smat 3 := l2m 0 (Q2Qc_dlist [[1;3;1];[2;1;1];[2;2;1]]%Q).
Let N : smat 3 := l2m 0 (Q2Qc_dlist [[-1;-1;2];[0;-1;1];[2;4;-5]]%Q).
End ex1.
Section ex2.
Let C : smat 2 := l2m 0 (Q2Qc_dlist [[1;2];[3;4]]%Q).
Let b : vec 2 := l2v 0 (Q2Qc_list [5;6]%Q).
End ex2.
End usage_AM_Qc.
Module AM := MinvMoreAM FieldElementTypeQc.
Import AM.
Import AMNotations.
Section ex1.
Let M : smat 3 := l2m 0 (Q2Qc_dlist [[1;3;1];[2;1;1];[2;2;1]]%Q).
Let N : smat 3 := l2m 0 (Q2Qc_dlist [[-1;-1;2];[0;-1;1];[2;4;-5]]%Q).
End ex1.
Section ex2.
Let C : smat 2 := l2m 0 (Q2Qc_dlist [[1;2];[3;4]]%Q).
Let b : vec 2 := l2v 0 (Q2Qc_list [5;6]%Q).
End ex2.
End usage_AM_Qc.
usage for GE over Qc type
Module usage_GE_Qc.
Module GE := MinvMoreGE FieldElementTypeQc.
Import GE.
Import GENotations.
Section ex1.
Let M : smat 3 := l2m 0 (Q2Qc_dlist [[1;3;1];[2;1;1];[2;2;1]]%Q).
Let N : smat 3 := l2m 0 (Q2Qc_dlist [[-1;-1;2];[0;-1;1];[2;4;-5]]%Q).
End ex1.
Section ex2.
Let C : smat 2 := l2m 0 (Q2Qc_dlist [[1;2];[3;4]]%Q).
Let b : vec 2 := l2v 0 (Q2Qc_list [5;6]%Q).
End ex2.
End usage_GE_Qc.
Module GE := MinvMoreGE FieldElementTypeQc.
Import GE.
Import GENotations.
Section ex1.
Let M : smat 3 := l2m 0 (Q2Qc_dlist [[1;3;1];[2;1;1];[2;2;1]]%Q).
Let N : smat 3 := l2m 0 (Q2Qc_dlist [[-1;-1;2];[0;-1;1];[2;4;-5]]%Q).
End ex1.
Section ex2.
Let C : smat 2 := l2m 0 (Q2Qc_dlist [[1;2];[3;4]]%Q).
Let b : vec 2 := l2v 0 (Q2Qc_list [5;6]%Q).
End ex2.
End usage_GE_Qc.
usage for AM over Q type
Module usage_AM_Q.
Module AM := MinvMoreAM FieldElementTypeQc.
Import AM AMNotations.
Section inv_Q.
Module AM := MinvMoreAM FieldElementTypeQc.
Import AM AMNotations.
Section inv_Q.
Inverse matrix over rational number
Definition minv {n} (M : mat Q n n) : mat Qc n n :=
let M : mat Qc n n := mmap Q2Qc M in
mmap Qc2Q M.
let M : mat Qc n n := mmap Q2Qc M in
mmap Qc2Q M.
Inverse matrix with list over rational number
Definition cramerRule (n : nat) (C : dlist Q) (b : list Q) : list Q :=
let C' : smat n := l2m 0 (Q2Qc_dlist C) in
let b' : vec n := l2v 0 (Q2Qc_list b) in
let x' : vec n := cramerRule C' b' in
Qc2Q_list (v2l x').
let C' : smat n := l2m 0 (Q2Qc_dlist C) in
let b' : vec n := l2v 0 (Q2Qc_list b) in
let x' : vec n := cramerRule C' b' in
Qc2Q_list (v2l x').
Definition solveEq (n : nat) (C : dlist Q) (b : list Q) : list Q :=
let C' : smat n := l2m 0 (Q2Qc_dlist C) in
let b' : vec n := l2v 0 (Q2Qc_list b) in
let x' : vec n := solveEq C' b' in
Qc2Q_list (v2l x').
End inv_Q.
Open Scope Q_scope.
Section ex1.
Let M := [[1;3;1];[2;1;1];[2;2;1]].
Let N := [[-1;-1;2];[0;-1;1];[2;4;-5]].
End ex1.
Section ex2.
Let C := [[1;2];[3;4]].
Let b := [5;6].
End ex2.
Section ex3.
Let C := [[1;2;3;4;5];
Let b := [1;2;3;5;4].
End ex3.
Section ex4.
Let M :=
Let M1 :=
End ex4.
End usage_AM_Q.
let C' : smat n := l2m 0 (Q2Qc_dlist C) in
let b' : vec n := l2v 0 (Q2Qc_list b) in
let x' : vec n := solveEq C' b' in
Qc2Q_list (v2l x').
End inv_Q.
Open Scope Q_scope.
Section ex1.
Let M := [[1;3;1];[2;1;1];[2;2;1]].
Let N := [[-1;-1;2];[0;-1;1];[2;4;-5]].
End ex1.
Section ex2.
Let C := [[1;2];[3;4]].
Let b := [5;6].
End ex2.
Section ex3.
Let C := [[1;2;3;4;5];
Let b := [1;2;3;5;4].
End ex3.
Section ex4.
Let M :=
Let M1 :=
End ex4.
End usage_AM_Q.
usage for GE over Q type
Module usage_GE_Q.
Module GE := MinvMoreGE FieldElementTypeQc.
Import GE GENotations.
Section inv_Q.
Module GE := MinvMoreGE FieldElementTypeQc.
Import GE GENotations.
Section inv_Q.
Inverse matrix over rational number
Definition minv {n} (M : mat Q n n) : mat Qc n n :=
let M : mat Qc n n := mmap Q2Qc M in
mmap Qc2Q M.
let M : mat Qc n n := mmap Q2Qc M in
mmap Qc2Q M.
Inverse matrix with list over rational number
Definition solveEq (n : nat) (C : dlist Q) (b : list Q) : list Q :=
let C' : smat n := l2m 0 (Q2Qc_dlist C) in
let b' : vec n := l2v 0 (Q2Qc_list b) in
let x' : vec n := solveEq C' b' in
Qc2Q_list (v2l x').
End inv_Q.
Open Scope Q_scope.
Section ex1.
End ex1.
Section ex2.
Let C := [[1;2];[3;4]].
Let b := [5;6].
End ex2.
Section ex3.
Let C := [[1;2;3;4;5];
Let b := [1;2;3;5;4].
End ex3.
Section ex4.
Let M :=
Let M1 :=
End ex4.
End usage_GE_Q.
let C' : smat n := l2m 0 (Q2Qc_dlist C) in
let b' : vec n := l2v 0 (Q2Qc_list b) in
let x' : vec n := solveEq C' b' in
Qc2Q_list (v2l x').
End inv_Q.
Open Scope Q_scope.
Section ex1.
End ex1.
Section ex2.
Let C := [[1;2];[3;4]].
Let b := [5;6].
End ex2.
Section ex3.
Let C := [[1;2;3;4;5];
Let b := [1;2;3;5;4].
End ex3.
Section ex4.
Let M :=
Let M1 :=
End ex4.
End usage_GE_Q.