
Require Import StrExt.
Require Export NatExt.
Require Export Hierarchy.
Require Export List. Export ListNotations.

Open Scope nat_scope.
Open Scope list.

Generalizable Variables A B C Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone Ainv.

Notation dlist A := (list (list A)).

Hint Resolve
  repeat_length seq_length map_length
  : mat.


Properties of cons

Section cons.
  Context {A : Type}.

Equality of cons, iff both parts are equal
  Lemma cons_eq_iff : forall (a1 a2 : A) (l1 l2 : list A),
      a1 :: l1 = a2 :: l2 <-> a1 = a2 /\ l1 = l2.
    intros. split; intros H; inversion H; subst; auto.

Inequality of cons, iff at least one parts are not equal
  Lemma cons_neq_iff : forall (a1 a2 : A) (l1 l2 : list A),
      a1 :: l1 <> a2 :: l2 <-> (a1 <> a2) \/ (l1 <> l2).
    intros. split; intro H.
    - rewrite cons_eq_iff in H.
      apply not_and_or in H; auto.
    - intro. inversion H0. subst. destruct H; auto.

End cons.

Properties of hd and tl

Section hd_tl.
  Context {A} {Azero : A}.

length of tl. (pred version)
  Lemma tl_length : forall (l : list A), length (tl l) = pred (length l).
  Proof. induction l; auto. Qed.

  Lemma hd_eq_nth_0 : forall (l : list A), hd Azero l = nth 0 l Azero.
  Proof. intros. destruct l; simpl; auto. Qed.

End hd_tl.

Properties of nth

Section nth.

  Context {A : Type} (Azero : A).

nth a = a
  Lemma nth_nil : forall (a : A) (i : nat), nth i [] a = a.
    intros. destruct i; simpl; easy.

If element-wise equal, then two lists are equal
  Lemma list_eq_ext : forall (n : nat) (l1 l2 : list A),
      (forall i, i < n -> nth i l1 Azero = nth i l2 Azero) ->
      length l1 = n -> length l2 = n ->
      l1 = l2.
    intros n l1. revert n. induction l1; intros; simpl in *; subst.
    - apply length_zero_iff_nil in H1. auto.
    - destruct l2; simpl in *; try easy. f_equal.
      + specialize (H 0); simpl in *. apply H; lia.
      + apply (IHl1 (length l2)); try lia. intros.
        specialize (H (S i)); simpl in *. apply H; lia.

  Lemma nth_repeat_same : forall (n i : nat) (a def : A),
      i < n -> nth i (repeat a n) def = a.
  Proof. induction n; intros. lia. destruct i; simpl; auto. apply IHn. lia. Qed.

End nth.

nthFull : nth element with index-in-the-bound

Section nthFull.
  Context {A : Type}.

  Definition nthFull (l : list A) (i : nat) (H : i < length l) : A.
    destruct l.
    - simpl in H. apply Nat.nlt_0_r in H. contradiction.
    - exact (nth i (a :: l) a).

  Lemma nthFull_eq_nth : forall (Azero : A) (l : list A) (i : nat) (H : i < length l),
      nthFull l i H = nth i l Azero.
    destruct l; intros; simpl in *. lia. destruct i; auto.
    apply nth_indep. lia.

End nthFull.

Properties of fold_left

Section fold_left.

  Context `{HAMonoid:AMonoid}.
  Infix "+" := Aadd.

  Lemma fold_left_rebase_l : forall (l : list A) a b,
      fold_left Aadd l (a + b) = (fold_left Aadd l a) + b.
    induction l; intros; simpl; auto.
    replace (a0 + b + a) with (a0 + a + b). apply IHl. agroup.

  Lemma fold_left_rebase_r : forall (l : list A) a b,
      fold_left Aadd l (a + b) = (fold_left Aadd l b) + a.
    intros. rewrite (commutative a b). rewrite fold_left_rebase_l. auto.

(a+0+0+0+... = a
  Lemma fold_left_lzero : forall n a,
      fold_left Aadd (repeat Azero n) a = a.
    induction n; intros; simpl; auto.
    rewrite fold_left_rebase_r. rewrite IHn. amonoid.

Σ(ai+bi) = Σ(ai) + Σ(bi)
  Lemma fold_left_add : forall (l l1 l2:list A) n,
      length l = n -> length l1 = n -> length l2 = n ->
      (forall i, i < n -> nth i l Azero = nth i l1 Azero + nth i l2 Azero) ->
      fold_left Aadd l Azero = (fold_left Aadd l1 Azero) + (fold_left Aadd l2 Azero).
    induction l; destruct l1,l2; intros; simpl in *; try lia.
    - agroup.
    - destruct n. lia.
      inversion H; clear H. inversion H0; clear H0. inversion H1; clear H1.
      rewrite !fold_left_rebase_l.
      rewrite (IHl l1 l2 n); auto.
      + agroup.
        specialize (H2 0). simpl in H2. rewrite H2; auto. lia.
      + intros. specialize (H2 (S i)). simpl in H2. apply H2. lia.

  Context `{HGroup:Group A Aadd Azero Aopp}.

(-a1)+(-a2)+... = -(a1+a2+...)
  Lemma fold_left_opp : forall (l1 l2:list A) n,
      length l1 = n -> length l2 = n ->
      (forall i, i < n -> nth i l1 Azero = Aopp (nth i l2 Azero)) ->
      fold_left Aadd l1 Azero = Aopp (fold_left Aadd l2 Azero).
    induction l1,l2; intros; simpl in *; try lia.
    - rewrite group_opp_0; auto.
    - destruct n. lia.
      inversion H; clear H. inversion H0; clear H0.
      rewrite !fold_left_rebase_l.
      rewrite (IHl1 l2 n); auto.
      + agroup. specialize (H1 0); simpl in H1. rewrite H1; auto; try lia.
      + intros. specialize (H1 (S i)). simpl in H1. apply H1. lia.

  Context `{HARing:ARing A Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone}.
  Add Ring ring_inst : (make_ring_theory HARing).
  Infix "*" := Amul.

k*a1+k*a2+... = k * (a1+a2+...)
  Lemma fold_left_cmul : forall (l1 l2:list A) n a,
      length l1 = n -> length l2 = n ->
      (forall i, i < n -> nth i l1 Azero = a * (nth i l2 Azero)) ->
      fold_left Aadd l1 Azero = a * (fold_left Aadd l2 Azero).
    induction l1,l2; intros; simpl in *; try lia.
    - rewrite ring_mul_0_r; auto.
    - destruct n. lia.
      inversion H; clear H. inversion H0; clear H0.
      rewrite !fold_left_rebase_l.
      rewrite (IHl1 l2 n a1); auto.
      + rewrite distributiveLeft. agroup.
        specialize (H1 0). simpl in H1. rewrite H1; auto. lia.
      + intros. specialize (H1 (S i)). simpl in H1. apply H1. lia.

End fold_left.

Properties of fold_right

Section fold_right.

  Context `{HAMonoid:AMonoid}.
  Infix "+" := Aadd.

  Lemma fold_right_rebase_l : forall (l : list A) a b,
      fold_right Aadd (a + b) l = b + (fold_right Aadd a l).
    induction l; intros; simpl; auto. agroup. rewrite IHl. agroup.

  Lemma fold_right_rebase_r : forall (l : list A) a b,
      fold_right Aadd (a + b) l = a + (fold_right Aadd b l).
    intros. rewrite (commutative a b). rewrite fold_right_rebase_l. auto.

(a+0+0+0+... = a
  Lemma fold_right_lzero : forall n a,
      fold_right Aadd a (repeat Azero n) = a.
  Proof. induction n; intros; simpl; auto. rewrite IHn. agroup. Qed.

Σ(ai+bi) = Σ(ai) + Σ(bi)
  Lemma fold_right_add : forall (l l1 l2:list A) n,
      length l = n -> length l1 = n -> length l2 = n ->
      (forall i, i < n -> nth i l Azero = nth i l1 Azero + nth i l2 Azero) ->
      fold_right Aadd Azero l = (fold_right Aadd Azero l1) +
                                  (fold_right Aadd Azero l2).
    induction l; destruct l1,l2; intros; simpl in *; try lia. agroup.
    destruct n. lia. rewrite (IHl l1 l2 n); auto.
    - specialize (H2 0); simpl in H2. rewrite H2; try lia. agroup.
    - intros. specialize (H2 (S i)); simpl in H2. rewrite H2; auto. lia.

  Context `{HGroup:Group A Aadd Azero Aopp}.

(-a1)+(-a2)+... = -(a1+a2+...)
  Lemma fold_right_opp : forall (l1 l2:list A) n,
      length l1 = n -> length l2 = n ->
      (forall i, i < n -> nth i l1 Azero = Aopp (nth i l2 Azero)) ->
      fold_right Aadd Azero l1 = Aopp (fold_right Aadd Azero l2).
    induction l1,l2; intros; simpl in *; try lia.
    - rewrite group_opp_0; auto.
    - destruct n. lia. rewrite (IHl1 l2 n); auto.
      + specialize (H1 0); simpl in H1.
        rewrite H1; try lia. rewrite group_opp_distr. agroup.
      + intros. specialize (H1 (S i)); simpl in H1. rewrite H1; auto. lia.

  Context `{HARing:ARing A Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone}.
  Infix "*" := Amul.

k*a1+k*a2+... = k * (a1+a2+...)
  Lemma fold_right_cmul : forall (l1 l2:list A) n a,
      length l1 = n -> length l2 = n ->
      (forall i, i < n -> nth i l1 Azero = a * (nth i l2 Azero)) ->
      fold_right Aadd Azero l1 = a * (fold_right Aadd Azero l2).
    induction l1,l2; intros; simpl in *; try lia.
    - rewrite ring_mul_0_r; auto.
    - destruct n. lia. rewrite (IHl1 l2 n a1); auto.
      + rewrite (distributiveLeft a1). agroup.
        specialize (H1 0); simpl in H1; rewrite H1; auto. lia.
      + intros. specialize (H1 (S i)); simpl in H1. apply H1. lia.

End fold_right.

Print a list

Section lst_prt.
  Context {A : Type}.
  Definition lst_prt (l : list A) (p : A -> string) : string :=
    fold_left (fun s x => append s (p x)) l "".
End lst_prt.

Set element of a list

Section chg.

  Context {A : Type}.

Set element with a constant value

  Fixpoint listSet (l : list A) (i : nat) (x : A) : list A :=
    match l, i with
    | [], _ => []
    | a :: l, 0 => x :: l
    | a :: l, S i => a :: (listSet l i x)

Length property
  Lemma listSet_length : forall (l : list A) ni n x,
      length l = n ->
      length (listSet l ni x) = n.
    intros l; induction l; auto. induction ni; auto; simpl; intros.
    destruct n; auto. easy.

Set element with a generation function

Inner version. i0 is given position, i is changing every loop
  Fixpoint listSetf_aux (l : list A) (i0 i : nat) (f : nat -> A)
    : list A :=
    match l, i with
    | [], _ => []
    | a :: l, 0 => f i0 :: l
    | a :: l, S i => a :: (listSetf_aux l i0 i f)

User version that hide i0 parameter
  Definition listSetf (l : list A) (i : nat) (f : nat -> A) : list A :=
    listSetf_aux l i i f.

Length property
  Lemma listSetf_aux_length : forall (l : list A) ni n ni0 f,
      length l = n ->
      length (listSetf_aux l ni0 ni f) = n.
    intros l; induction l; auto. destruct ni; auto; simpl; intros.
    destruct n; auto. easy.

  Lemma listSetf_length : forall (l : list A) n ni f,
      length l = n ->
      length (listSetf l ni f) = n.
    intros. apply listSetf_aux_length; auto.

End chg.

Swap two elements

Section lswap.
  Context {A:Type} (Azero : A).

Swap two elements of a list
  Definition lswap (l : list A) (i1 i2 : nat) : list A :=
    let r := length l in
    if (i1 <? r) && (i2 <? r)
      let e1 := nth i1 l Azero in
      let e2 := nth i2 l Azero in
      listSet (listSet l i1 e2) i2 e1
    else l.

  Lemma lswap_length : forall l i1 i2, length (lswap l i1 i2) = length l.
    intros. unfold lswap.
    destruct (i1 <? length l) eqn:E1, (i2 <? length l) eqn:E2; simpl; auto.
    rewrite listSet_length with (n:=length l); auto.
    rewrite listSet_length with (n:=length l); auto.

End lswap.

Properties of length

Section length.

  Context {A : Type}.

Redefine 'length_zero_iff_nil', original is opaque, make it transparent t
  Lemma length_zero_iff_nil : forall (l : list A), length l = 0 <-> l = [].
    intros. destruct l; intros; split; intros; auto; try easy.

decompose a list which length is 1
  Lemma list_length1 : forall (l : list A),
      length l = 1 -> {x | l = [x]}.
    destruct l; intros. inversion H. inversion H.
    apply length_zero_iff_nil in H1. subst. exists a. easy.

a list has only one element equal to hd _ l
  Lemma list_length1_eq_hd : forall (x : A) (l:list A),
      length l = 1 -> l = [hd x l].
    intros x l. destruct l.
    - intros. simpl in *. lia.
    - intros. simpl in *. f_equal.
      apply eq_add_S in H. apply List.length_zero_iff_nil in H. subst. easy.

decompose a list which length is S n
  Lemma list_length_Sn : forall (l : list A) n,
      length l = S n -> {x & { t | l = x :: t}}.
    destruct l; intros. inversion H. exists a. exists l. easy.

decompose a list which length is S (S n)
  Lemma list_length_SSn : forall (l : list A) n,
      length l = S (S n) -> {x & { y & { t | l = x :: y :: t}}}.
    destruct l; intros. inversion H.
    exists a. destruct l. inversion H.
    exists a0. exists l. auto.

Split list which length is 1
  Lemma list_length1_neq : forall (l : list A) (a b : A),
      (length (a :: l) = 1 /\ (a :: l <> [b]) -> (a <> b) /\ l = []).
    intros; destruct l. destruct H.
    - split; auto. intro; subst; easy.
    - destruct H. simpl in H. easy.

End length.

Section Test.
  Context {A} (a : A).
  Let l := [a].
  Definition h : length l = 1. auto. Defined.
End Test.

List to elements

Ltac solve_list2elems :=
  match goal with
  | H: 0 = S _ |- _ => discriminate
  | H: length ?l = 0 |- _ => apply length_zero_iff_nil in H; rewrite H in *; clear H
  | H: S (length ?l) = S ?n |- _ => assert (length l = n); [lia |]; clear H
  | |- cons _ _ = cons _ _ => f_equal

Section list2elems.
  Context {A} {Azero : A}.
  Notation "l ! i" := (nth i l Azero) (at level 2).

a list of length 1
  Lemma list2elems_1 : forall (l : list A), length l = 1 -> l = [l!0].
    intros; destruct l; simpl in *; repeat solve_list2elems.

a list of length 2
  Lemma list2elems_2 : forall (l : list A), length l = 2 -> l = [l!0; l!1].
    intros; destruct l; simpl in *; repeat solve_list2elems.
    apply list2elems_1; auto.

a list of length 3
  Lemma list2elems_3 : forall (l : list A), length l = 3 -> l = [l!0; l!1; l!2].
    intros; destruct l; simpl in *; repeat solve_list2elems.
    apply list2elems_2; auto.

a list of length 4
  Lemma list2elems_4 : forall (l : list A), length l = 4 -> l = [l!0; l!1; l!2; l!3].
    intros; destruct l; simpl in *; repeat solve_list2elems.
    apply list2elems_3; auto.

End list2elems.

Customized list induction

Section ind.

  Context {A : Type}.

Connect induction principle between nat and list
  Lemma ind_nat_list : forall (P : list A -> Prop) ,
      (forall n l, length l = n -> P l) -> (forall l, P l).
    intros. apply (H (length l)). auto.

Two step induction principle for list
  Theorem list_ind2 : forall (P : list A -> Prop),
      (P []) ->
      (forall a, P [a]) ->
      (forall l a b, P l -> P (a :: b :: l)) ->
      (forall l, P l).
    intros P H0 H1 H2. apply ind_nat_list. induction n using nat_ind2.
    - intros. apply length_zero_iff_nil in H; subst; auto.
    - intros. apply list_length1 in H. destruct H. subst; auto.
    - destruct l; auto. destruct l; auto.
      intros. apply H2. apply IHn. simpl in H. lia.

End ind.

list repeat properties

Section repeat.
  Context {A : Type}.

repeat S n times equal to another form
  Lemma list_repeat_Sn (Azero : A) : forall n, repeat Azero (S n) = Azero :: repeat Azero n.
  Proof. intros. simpl. easy. Qed.

End repeat.

Zero list

Section lzero.
  Context {A : Type}.

A friendly name for zero list
  Definition lzero (Azero : A) n := repeat Azero n.

lzero's length law
  Lemma lzero_length (Azero : A) : forall n, length (lzero Azero n) = n.
  Proof. intros. apply repeat_length. Qed.

append two zero list to a zero list satisfy length relation
  Lemma lzero_app (Azero : A) : forall n1 n2,
      lzero Azero n1 ++ lzero Azero n2 = lzero Azero (n1 + n2).
  Proof. unfold lzero. intros. rewrite repeat_app. easy. Qed.

End lzero.

Hint Resolve lzero_length : mat.

Properties of map

map for two types
Section map_A_B.
  Context {A B} (Azero : A) (Bzero : B) (f : A -> B).

map and repeat is communtative
  Lemma map_repeat : forall (a : A) n, map f (repeat a n) = repeat (f a) n.
    induction n; simpl; auto. f_equal; auto.

(map f l)i = f (li)
  Lemma nth_map : forall n i (l : list A),
      length l = n -> i < n ->
      nth i (map f l) Bzero = f (nth i l Azero).
    intros n i l. revert n i.
    induction l; intros; simpl in *. lia. destruct n. lia.
    destruct i; auto. apply IHl with (n:=n); auto. lia.

map is injective, if `f` is injective on the given list
  Lemma map_inj : forall (l1 l2 : list A),
      (forall a b : A, In a l1 -> In b l2 -> f a = f b -> a = b) ->
      map f l1 = map f l2 ->
      l1 = l2.
    induction l1; destruct l2; intros; simpl in *; try easy.
    inversion H0. f_equal; auto.

map is surjective, if `f` is surjective on the given list
  Lemma map_surj : forall (lb : list B),
    (forall b : B, In b lb -> exists (a : A), f a = b) ->
    exists (la : list A), length la = length lb /\ map f la = lb.
    intros lb H. induction lb as [|b lb]; intros.
    - exists []. auto.
    - destruct (H b) as [a]. constructor; auto. destruct IHlb as [la].
      + intros. apply H. simpl; auto.
      + exists (a :: la). simpl. destruct H1. rewrite H0,H1,H2. auto.

  Lemma Forall_map_forall : forall (P : B -> Prop) (l : list A),
      (forall (a : A), In a l -> P (f a)) -> Forall P (map f l).
    intros. induction l; simpl; auto. constructor.
    apply H. simpl; auto. apply IHl. intros. apply H. simpl; auto.

End map_A_B.

map for one type
Section map_A.
  Context {A} (Azero : A) (f : A -> A).

Extented map_id lemma, which needn't the function is a exactly format of "forall x, x"
  Lemma map_id : forall (l : list A) (H: forall a, f a = a), map f l = l.
    induction l; intros; simpl. easy. f_equal; auto.

Extented map_id (In version)
  Lemma map_id_In : forall (l : list A), (forall a : A, In a l -> f a = a) -> map f l = l.
    induction l; intros; simpl. auto. f_equal.
    - apply H. simpl; auto.
    - apply IHl. intros. apply H. simpl; auto.

f x = zero -> map f = lzero
  Lemma map_eq_zero : forall (l : list A) n,
      (forall x : A, (f x = Azero)) -> length l = n -> map f l = lzero Azero n.
    induction l; intros; simpl in *. subst. simpl. easy.
    destruct n. easy. inv H0. simpl. f_equal; auto.

Mapping is fixpoint, iff f is id
  Lemma map_fixpoint_imply_id : forall (l : list A),
      map f l = l -> (forall x, In x l -> (f x = x)).
    induction l; intros; simpl in *. easy. inversion H.
    destruct H0. subst; auto. apply IHl; auto.

Simplify of nth+map+seq
  Lemma nth_map_seq : forall (g : nat -> A) n m i,
      i < m -> (nth i (map g (seq n m)) Azero = g (i + n)).
    intros. revert m i g H. induction n.
    - induction m; simpl; intros. lia. destruct i; try easy.
      rewrite <- seq_shift. rewrite map_map. rewrite IHm; auto. lia.
    - intros. rewrite <- seq_shift. rewrite List.map_map. rewrite IHn; auto.

Simplify of map+nth+seq
  Lemma map_nth_seq : forall n (l : list A) Azero,
      length l = n -> map (fun i => nth i l Azero) (seq 0 n) = l.
    induction n.
    - intros. simpl. apply length_zero_iff_nil in H; subst. easy.
    - intros. simpl. destruct l.
      + simpl in *; lia.
      + f_equal. inversion H.
        rewrite <- seq_shift.
        rewrite map_map; auto. simpl.
        rewrite H1. rewrite IHn; easy.

Equality of map+seq, iff corresponding elements are equal
  Lemma map_seq_eq : forall n (f g : nat -> A),
      map f (seq 0 n) = map g (seq 0 n) <-> (forall i, i < n -> (f i = g i)).
    intros; split; intros.
    - rewrite map_ext_in_iff in H. apply H. apply in_seq. lia.
    - apply map_ext_in_iff. intros. apply H. apply in_seq in H0. lia.

End map_A.

map two lists to a list

Section map2.
  Context {A B C} (Azero : A) (Bzero : B) (Czero : C) (f : A -> B -> C).

map operation to two list
  Fixpoint map2 (l1 : list A) (l2 : list B) : list C :=
    match l1, l2 with
    | x1 :: t1, x2 :: t2 => (f x1 x2) :: (map2 t1 t2)
    | _, _ => []

length of map2
  Lemma map2_length : forall (l1 : list A) (l2 : list B) n,
      length l1 = n -> length l2 = n -> length (map2 l1 l2) = n.
    induction l1,l2; simpl; auto. intros. destruct n; simpl; auto. easy.

map2 to two lists could be separated by two segments with same length
  Lemma map2_app : forall (la1 la2 : list A) (lb1 lb2 : list B),
      length la1 = length lb1 -> length la2 = length lb2 ->
      map2 (la1 ++ la2) (lb1 ++ lb2) = (map2 la1 lb1) ++ (map2 la2 lb2).
    induction la1, lb1; intros; simpl; auto; simpl in H; try easy.
    f_equal. auto.

map2 l =
  Lemma map2_nil_l : forall l, map2 [] l = [].
  Proof. destruct l; easy. Qed.

map2 l =
  Lemma map2_nil_r : forall l, map2 l [] = [].
  Proof. destruct l; easy. Qed.

nth (map2 f l1 l2) i = f (nth l1 i) (nth l2 i)
  Lemma nth_map2 : forall n i (l1 : list A) (l2 : list B),
      length l1 = n -> length l2 = n -> i < n ->
      (nth i (map2 l1 l2) Czero = f (nth i l1 Azero) (nth i l2 Bzero)).
    intros n i l1. revert n i.
    induction l1,l2; intros; simpl in *; destruct i; try lia; auto.
    destruct n. lia. apply IHl1 with (n:=n); lia.

End map2.

Hint Resolve map2_length : mat.

map2 on dlist

Section map2_dlist.
  Context {A B C : Type} (f : A -> B -> C).

tail of map2 to dlist, equal to map2 to tail part of original dlists
  Lemma tail_map2_dlist : forall dl1 dl2,
      tl (map2 (map2 f) dl1 dl2) =
        map2 (map2 f) (tl dl1) (tl dl2).
    destruct dl1, dl2; simpl; try easy. rewrite map2_nil_r. easy.

End map2_dlist.

map2 properties with same base type

Section map2_sametype.
  Context `{HMonoid : Monoid}.
  Infix "+" := Aadd.

(l1 . l2) . l3 = l1 . (l2 . l3)
  Lemma map2_assoc : forall (l1 l2 l3 : list A),
      map2 Aadd (map2 Aadd l1 l2) l3 = map2 Aadd l1 (map2 Aadd l2 l3).
    induction l1; destruct l2,l3; simpl; try easy. f_equal; monoid.

map2 lzero l = l
  Lemma map2_zero_l : forall l, map2 Aadd (lzero Azero (length l)) l = l.
    induction l; intros; simpl. easy. rewrite IHl. monoid.

map2 l lzero = l
  Lemma map2_zero_r : forall l, map2 Aadd l (lzero Azero (length l)) = l.
    induction l; intros; simpl. easy. rewrite IHl. monoid.

l1 . l2 = l2 . l1
  Context `{HAMonoid : AMonoid _ Aadd Azero}.
  Lemma map2_comm : forall (l1 l2 : list A), map2 Aadd l1 l2 = map2 Aadd l2 l1.
    induction l1; destruct l2; simpl; try easy. agroup.

The properties below, need a group structure

  Context `{G:Group A Aadd Azero Aopp}.
  Notation "- a" := (Aopp a) : A_scope.
  Notation Asub := (fun a b => a + (-b)).

map2 over map is homorphism
  Lemma map2_map_hom :
    forall l1 l2 (H : forall a b : A, (Aopp (Aadd a b) = Aadd (Aopp a) (Aopp b))),
      map2 Aadd (map Aopp l1) (map Aopp l2) = map Aopp (map2 Aadd l1 l2).
    intros. revert l2.
    induction l1; destruct l2; simpl; try easy.
    f_equal; auto.

  Lemma map2_sub_comm : forall (l1 l2 : list A),
      map2 Asub l1 l2 = map Aopp (map2 Asub l2 l1).
    induction l1; destruct l2; intros; simpl in *; auto.
    f_equal; auto. rewrite group_opp_distr. rewrite group_opp_opp. easy.

(l1 - l2) - l3 = (l1 - l3) - l2
  Lemma map2_sub_perm : forall (l1 l2 l3 : list A),
      map2 Asub (map2 Asub l1 l2) l3 = map2 Asub (map2 Asub l1 l3) l2.
    induction l1,l2,l3; simpl; auto. f_equal; auto. agroup.

(l1 - l2) - l3 = l1 - (l2 + l3)
  Lemma map2_sub_assoc : forall (l1 l2 l3 : list A),
      map2 Asub (map2 Asub l1 l2) l3 = map2 Asub l1 (map2 Aadd l2 l3).
    induction l1,l2,l3; simpl; auto. f_equal; auto. agroup.

0 - l = - l
  Lemma map2_sub_zero_l : forall l n,
      length l = n -> map2 Asub (lzero Azero n) l = map Aopp l.
    induction l; simpl; intros. apply map2_nil_r.
    induction n ; simpl. lia. f_equal; auto. agroup.

l - 0 = l
  Lemma map2_sub_zero_r : forall l n,
      length l = n -> map2 Asub l (lzero Azero n) = l.
    induction l; simpl; intros; auto. destruct n; simpl. lia.
    f_equal; agroup.

l - l = 0
  Lemma map2_sub_self : forall l n,
      length l = n -> map2 Asub l l = (lzero Azero n).
    induction l; simpl; intros; subst; try easy. simpl lzero. f_equal; agroup.

End map2_sametype.

map2 with map of two components
Section map2_map_map.

  Context {A B : Type}.

  Lemma map2_map_map :
    forall (f1 f2 g : A -> B) (h : B -> B -> B)
      (H : forall x, (h (f1 x) (f2 x) = g x))
      (l : list A),
      map2 h (map f1 l) (map f2 l) = map g l.
    induction l; simpl; auto. f_equal; auto.

End map2_map_map.

concatenation of list

Section concat.

fold_left of list nat and add operation with different initial value
  Lemma fold_left_nat_initial : forall (l : list nat) n,
      fold_left add l n = fold_left add l 0 + n.
    induction l; intros; auto.
    simpl. rewrite IHl. rewrite (IHl a). lia.

Length of concat operation
  Lemma concat_length : forall {A} (l : dlist A),
      length (concat l) = fold_left add (map (@length A) l) 0.
    intros A l.
    induction l; simpl; auto.
    rewrite app_length. rewrite IHl. rewrite (fold_left_nat_initial _ (length a)).

End concat.

Convert between list and natural-number-index-function

Section f2l_l2f.
  Context {A} (Azero : A).

  Definition f2l (n : nat) (f : nat -> A) : list A :=
    map f (seq 0 n).

  Lemma f2l_length : forall n f, length (f2l n f) = n.
    intros. unfold f2l. rewrite map_length. apply seq_length.

(f2l f)i = f i
  Lemma nth_f2l : forall {n} f a i, i < n -> nth i (f2l n f) a = f i.
  Proof. intros. unfold f2l. rewrite nth_map_seq; auto. Qed.

  Lemma f2l_inj : forall n (f1 f2 : nat -> A),
      f2l n f1 = f2l n f2 -> (forall i, i < n -> f1 i = f2 i).
    intros. unfold f2l in *. apply ext_in_map with (a:=i) in H; auto.
    apply in_seq; auto. lia.

  Definition l2f (n : nat) (l : list A) : nat -> A :=
    fun i => nth i l Azero.

  Lemma l2f_inj : forall n (l1 l2 : list A),
      (forall i, i < n -> (l2f n l1) i = (l2f n l2 i)) ->
      length l1 = n -> length l2 = n -> l1 = l2.
  Proof. intros. unfold l2f in *. apply list_eq_ext in H; auto. Qed.

  Lemma f2l_l2f : forall l {n}, length l = n -> f2l n (l2f n l) = l.
    intros. apply (list_eq_ext Azero n); auto.
    - intros. rewrite nth_f2l; auto.
    - apply f2l_length.

  Lemma l2f_f2l : forall f n i, i < n -> l2f n (f2l n f) i = f i.
  Proof. intros. unfold l2f. rewrite nth_f2l; auto. Qed.

  Lemma f2l_surj : forall n (l : list A), length l = n -> exists (f : nat -> A), f2l n f = l.
  Proof. intros. exists (l2f n l). apply f2l_l2f; auto. Qed.

  Lemma l2f_surj : forall n (f : nat -> A),
    exists (l : list A), (forall i, i < n -> (l2f n l) i = f i).
  Proof. intros. exists (f2l n f). intros. apply l2f_f2l; auto. Qed.

End f2l_l2f.

Section test.
  Let f := fun i => i + 1.
  Let l := f2l 3 f.

  Let g := l2f 0 3 l.
End test.

Addition, Opposition and Subtraction of list

Section ladd_opp_sub.

  Context `{AG:AGroup A Aadd Azero Aopp}.
  Notation Asub := (fun a b => Aadd a (Aopp b)).

l1 + l2
  Definition ladd (l1 l2 : list A) : list A := map2 Aadd l1 l2.
  Infix "+" := ladd : list_scope.

invariant for length of ladd
  Lemma ladd_length : forall l1 l2 n,
      length l1 = n -> length l2 = n -> length (l1 + l2) = n.
    intros. apply map2_length; auto.

l1 + l2 = l2 + l1
  Lemma ladd_comm : forall l1 l2, l1 + l2 = l2 + l1.
    apply map2_comm; auto.

+ l =
  Lemma ladd_nil_l : forall l, ladd l [] = [].
    induction l; try easy.

l + =
  Lemma ladd_nil_r : forall l, ladd [] l = [].
    try easy.

0 + l = l
  Lemma ladd_zero_l : forall l n,
      length l = n -> ladd (lzero Azero n) l = l.
    induction l; simpl; intros. apply map2_nil_r.
    induction n ; simpl. inversion H.
    f_equal; auto. agroup.

l + 0 = l
  Lemma ladd_zero_r : forall l n, length l = n -> ladd l (lzero Azero n) = l.
    intros. unfold ladd. rewrite map2_comm; auto.
    apply ladd_zero_l; auto.

  • l
  Definition lopp (l : list A) : list A := map Aopp l.

l1 - l2
  Definition lsub (l1 l2 : list A) : list A := map2 Asub l1 l2.

l1 - l2 = - (l2 - l1)
  Lemma lsub_comm : forall (l1 l2 : list A), lsub l1 l2 = lopp (lsub l2 l1).
  Proof. intros. apply map2_sub_comm. Qed.

(l1 - l2) - l3 = (l1 - l3) - l2
  Lemma lsub_perm : forall (l1 l2 l3 : list A),
      lsub (lsub l1 l2) l3 = lsub (lsub l1 l3) l2.
    apply map2_sub_perm; apply AG.

(l1 - l2) - l3 = l1 - (l2 + l3)
  Lemma lsub_assoc : forall (l1 l2 l3 : list A),
      lsub (lsub l1 l2) l3 = lsub l1 (ladd l2 l3).
  Proof. apply map2_sub_assoc. Qed.

0 - l = - l
  Lemma lsub_zero_l : forall l n, length l = n -> lsub (lzero Azero n) l = lopp l.
    apply map2_sub_zero_l; apply AG.

l - 0 = l
  Lemma lsub_zero_r : forall l n, length l = n -> lsub l (lzero Azero n) = l.
    apply map2_sub_zero_r; apply AG.

l - l = 0
  Lemma lsub_self : forall l n, length l = n -> lsub l l = (lzero Azero n).
    apply map2_sub_self; apply AG.

End ladd_opp_sub.

constant multiplication of list

Section lcmul_lmulc.
  Context `{HARing:ARing}.
  Add Ring ring_inst : (make_ring_theory HARing).

  Infix "*" := Amul.

a * l
  Definition lcmul (a : A) (l : list A) : list A := map (fun x => a * x) l.

l * a
  Definition lmulc (l : list A) (a : A) : list A := map (fun x => x * a) l.

cmul keep its length
  Lemma lcmul_length : forall a l n, length l = n -> length (lcmul a l) = n.
  Proof. intros. unfold lcmul. rewrite map_length; auto. Qed.

a * l = l * a
  Lemma lmulc_lcmul : forall a l, lmulc l a = lcmul a l.
  Proof. induction l; simpl; try easy. f_equal; auto. apply commutative. Qed.

a * =
  Lemma lcmul_nil : forall a, lcmul a [] = [].
  Proof. intros. easy. Qed.

* a =
  Lemma lmulc_nil : forall a, lmulc [] a = [].
  Proof. intros. easy. Qed.

  Context `{HField:Field A Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone Ainv}.
  Add Field field_inst : (make_field_theory HField).

  Context {AeqDec : Dec (@eq A)}.

mul k x = x -> k = 1 \/ x = 0
  Lemma fcmul_fixpoint_imply_k1_or_zero :
    forall (k x : A), (k * x = x) -> (k = Aone) \/ (x = Azero).
    intros. destruct (Aeqdec x Azero); auto. left.
    apply symmetry in H. rewrite <- (@identityLeft _ Amul Aone) in H at 1.
    - apply field_mul_cancel_r in H; auto.
    - apply monoidIdL.

mul x k = x -> k = 1 \/ x = 0
  Lemma fmulc_fixpoint_imply_k1_or_zero :
    forall (k x : A), (x * k = x) -> (k = Aone) \/ (x = Azero).
    intros. rewrite commutative in H.
    apply fcmul_fixpoint_imply_k1_or_zero; auto.

k * l = l -> k = 1 \/ l = 0
  Lemma lcmul_fixpoint_imply_k1_or_lzero :
    forall (l : list A) {n} (Hl : length l = n) (k : A),
      lcmul k l = l -> ((k = Aone) \/ l = lzero Azero n).
    induction l; intros. subst; auto.
    destruct n. easy. simpl in *. inversion H. inversion Hl. subst.
    apply fcmul_fixpoint_imply_k1_or_zero in H1.
    destruct (Aeqdec k Aone); auto. destruct H1; auto.
    right. f_equal.
    - rewrite H0. ring.
    - rewrite H2.
      specialize (IHl (length l) eq_refl k H2). destruct IHl; auto. easy.

lmulc is fixpoint, iff k1 or lzero
  Lemma lmulc_fixpoint_imply_k1_or_lzero :
    forall (l : list A) {n} (Hl : length l = n) (k : A),
      lmulc l k = l -> ((k = Aone) \/ l = lzero Azero n).
    apply lcmul_fixpoint_imply_k1_or_lzero; auto.
    rewrite <- lmulc_lcmul. easy.

k * l = 0 -> k = 0 \/ l = 0
  Lemma lcmul_eq0_imply_k0_or_lzero :
    forall (l : list A) {n} (Hl : length l = n) (k : A),
      lcmul k l = lzero Azero n -> ((k = Azero) \/ l = lzero Azero n).
    induction l; intros. subst; auto.
    destruct n. easy. simpl in *.
    inversion H. inversion Hl.
    specialize (IHl (length l) eq_refl k). rewrite H1,<-H3 in H2.
    specialize (IHl H2).
    destruct IHl; auto.
    - subst. left. ring.
    - apply field_mul_eq0_iff in H1; auto. destruct H1.
      + left. subst. ring.
      + right. subst. f_equal; try ring.
        rewrite <- H0 in H2. auto.

End lcmul_lmulc.

product of two lists

Section ldot.

  Context `{HARing:ARing}.
  Add Ring ring_inst : (make_ring_theory HARing).

  Infix "+" := Aadd.
  Infix "*" := Amul.

dot product, marked as l1 . l2
  Definition ldot (l1 l2 : list A) : A :=
    fold_right Aadd Azero (map2 Amul l1 l2).

l1 . l2 = l2 . l1
  Lemma ldot_comm : forall (l1 l2 : list A), ldot l1 l2 = ldot l2 l1.
    intros. unfold ldot. pose proof (aringAMonoid). rewrite map2_comm. auto.

. l = 0
  Lemma ldot_nil_l : forall (l : list A), ldot nil l = Azero.
  Proof. intros. destruct l; simpl; try easy. Qed.

l . = 0
  Lemma ldot_nil_r : forall (l : list A), ldot l nil = Azero.
  Proof. intros. destruct l; simpl; try easy. Qed.

ldot cons
  Lemma ldot_cons : forall l1 l2 x1 x2,
      ldot (x1 :: l1) (x2 :: l2) = (x1 * x2) + (ldot l1 l2).
  Proof. induction l1,l2; simpl; intros; try easy. Qed.

lzero . l = 0
  Lemma ldot_zero_l : forall l n, ldot (lzero Azero n) l = Azero.
    induction l,n; simpl; intros; try easy. rewrite ldot_cons.
    rewrite IHl. ring.

l . lzero = 0
  Lemma ldot_zero_r : forall l n, ldot l (lzero Azero n) = Azero.
  Proof. intros. rewrite ldot_comm. apply ldot_zero_l. Qed.

ldot left distributive over ladd. l1 . (l2 + l3) = l1.l2 + l1.l3
  Lemma ldot_ladd_distr_l : forall l1 l2 l3 r,
      length l1 = r -> length l2 = r -> length l3 = r ->
      ldot l1 (@ladd _ Aadd l2 l3) = (ldot l1 l2) + (ldot l1 l3).
    induction l1,l2,l3; simpl; intros; subst; try (cbv;ring); try discriminate.
    rewrite ?ldot_cons. inversion H1. inversion H0.
    rewrite IHl1 with (r:=length l1); auto. ring.

ldot right distributive over ladd. (l1 + l2) . l3 = l1.l3 + l2.l3
  Lemma ldot_ladd_distr_r : forall l1 l2 l3 r,
      length l1 = r -> length l2 = r -> length l3 = r ->
      ldot (@ladd _ Aadd l1 l2) l3 = (ldot l1 l3) + (ldot l2 l3).
    induction l1,l2,l3; simpl; intros; subst; try (cbv;ring); try discriminate.
    rewrite ?ldot_cons. inversion H1. inversion H0.
    rewrite IHl1 with (r:=length l1); auto. ring.

ldot left distributive over lcmul and mul. (x * l1) . l2 = x * (l1 . l2)
  Lemma ldot_lcmul_distr_l : forall l1 l2 x,
      ldot (@lcmul _ Amul x l1) l2 = x * (ldot l1 l2).
    induction l1,l2; simpl; intros; try (cbv; ring).
    rewrite ?ldot_cons. rewrite IHl1. ring.

ldot right distributive over lcmul and mul. l1 . (x * l2) = x * (l1 . l2)
  Lemma ldot_lcmul_distr_r : forall l1 l2 x,
      ldot l1 (@lcmul _ Amul x l2) = x * (ldot l1 l2).
    induction l1,l2; simpl; intros; try (cbv; ring).
    rewrite ?ldot_cons. rewrite IHl1. ring.

ldot left distributve over map. dot (map f l1) l2 = f (dot l1 l2)
  Lemma ldot_map_distr_l :
    forall l1 l2 r (f:A->A)
      (f_zero:f Azero=Azero)
      (f_add:forall a b, f (a+b) = f a + f b)
      (f_mul_l:forall a b, f a * b = f (a*b)),
      length l1 = r -> length l2 = r ->
      ldot (map f l1) l2 = f (ldot l1 l2).
    induction l1,l2; simpl in *; intros; subst.
    - cbv; auto.
    - cbv; auto.
    - cbv; auto.
    - rewrite ?ldot_cons.
      rewrite IHl1 with (r:=length l1); auto.
      rewrite f_add, f_mul_l. auto.

ldot right distributve over map. dot l1 (map f l2) = f (dot l1 l2)
  Lemma ldot_map_distr_r :
    forall l1 l2 r (f:A->A)
      (f_zero:f Azero=Azero)
      (f_add:forall a b, f (a+b) = f a + f b)
      (f_mul_r:forall a b, a * f b = f (a*b)),
      length l1 = r -> length l2 = r ->
      ldot l1 (map f l2) = f (ldot l1 l2).
    induction l1,l2; simpl in *; intros; subst.
    - cbv; auto.
    - cbv; auto.
    - cbv; auto.
    - rewrite ?ldot_cons. rewrite IHl1 with (r:=length l1); auto.
      rewrite f_add, f_mul_r. auto.

ldot left distributve over map2. dot l1 (map2 l2 l3) = dot l1 l2 + dot l1 l3
  Lemma ldot_map2_distr_l : forall l1 l2 l3 r,
      length l1 = r -> length l2 = r -> length l3 = r ->
      ldot l1 (map2 Aadd l2 l3) = (ldot l1 l2) + (ldot l1 l3).
    induction l1,l2,l3; simpl in *; intros; subst;
      try (cbv; ring); try discriminate.
    rewrite ?ldot_cons. rewrite IHl1 with l2 l3 (length l1); auto; ring.

ldot right distributve over map2. dot (map2 l1 l2) l3 = dot l1 l3 + dot l2 l3
  Lemma ldot_map2_distr_r : forall l1 l2 l3 r,
      length l1 = r -> length l2 = r -> length l3 = r ->
      ldot (map2 Aadd l1 l2) l3 = (ldot l1 l3) + (ldot l2 l3).
    induction l1,l2,l3; simpl in *; intros; subst; try (cbv; ring); try easy.
    rewrite ?ldot_cons.
    rewrite (IHl1 l2 l3 (length l1)); auto. ring.

End ldot.

Generate special list for MatrixUnit

Section GenerateSpecialList.

  Context `{AR:ARing}.
  Infix "+" := Aadd.
  Infix "*" := Amul.

create a list for matrix unit, which length is n and almost all elements are Azero excepts i-th is Aone.
  Fixpoint lunit (n i : nat) : list A :=
    match n, i with
    | 0, _ => []
    | S n, 0 => Aone :: (repeat Azero n)
    | S n, S i => Azero :: (lunit n i)

  Lemma lunit_length : forall n i, length (lunit n i) = n.
    induction n; auto. destruct i; simpl; auto. rewrite repeat_length. auto.

lunit(n,i) i = Aone, when i < n
  Lemma lunit_Aone : forall n i, i < n -> nth i (lunit n i) Azero = Aone.
    induction n; try easy. destruct i; simpl; try easy.
    intros; apply IHn.
    apply Nat.succ_lt_mono. auto.

lunit(n,i) j = Azero, when i < n /\ j <> i
  Fact lunit_spec1 : forall n i j,
      i < n -> j <> i -> nth j (lunit n i) Azero = Azero.
    induction n; try easy. intros. destruct i,j; simpl; try easy.
    - apply nth_repeat.
    - apply IHn; lia.

lunit(n,i) j = Azero, j <> i
  Lemma lunit_Azero : forall n i j, j <> i -> nth j (lunit n i) Azero = Azero.
    induction n; try easy; simpl; intros.
    - destruct j; easy.
    - destruct i,j; simpl; try easy. apply nth_repeat. apply IHn. auto.

End GenerateSpecialList.

Hint Resolve lunit_length : mat.

Convert list to fixed-length list

Section listN.

  Context `{M:Monoid}.

  Fixpoint listN (l : list A) (n : nat) : list A :=
    match n with
    | 0 => []
    | S n' => (hd Azero l) :: (listN (tl l) n')

  Lemma listN_length : forall (l : list A) (n : nat), length (listN l n) = n.
  Proof. intros l n. revert l. induction n; intros; simpl; auto. Qed.

  Lemma listN_eq : forall (l : list A), listN l (length l) = l.
  Proof. induction l; simpl; auto. f_equal; auto. Qed.

End listN.

Find non-zero element from a list

Section listFirstNonZero.
  Context {A} (Azero : A) (Aeqb : A -> A -> bool).

  Definition listFirstNonZero (l : list A) : option nat :=
    let fix F (l : list A) (i : nat) : option nat :=
      match l with
      | [] => None
      | hl :: tl =>
          if Aeqb hl Azero
          then F tl (S i)
          else Some i
      end in
    F l 0.

End listFirstNonZero.

Section test.
End test.

Sub list

Section sublist.
  Context {A} (Azero : A).

  Definition sublist {A} (l : list A) (lo n : nat) : list A :=
    firstn n (skipn lo l).

  Lemma sublist_overflow : forall (l : list A) lo n,
      length l <= lo -> sublist l lo n = [].
    intros. unfold sublist. rewrite skipn_all2; try lia. apply firstn_nil.

  Lemma sublist_Sn : forall (l : list A) lo n,
      sublist l lo (S n) =
        if length l <=? lo
        then []
        else (nth lo l Azero) :: sublist l (S lo) n.
    intros. unfold sublist. simpl.
    revert lo. induction l; destruct lo; simpl; auto.

  Lemma sublist_cons : forall (a : A) (l : list A) lo n,
      sublist (a :: l) lo (S n) =
        if lo =? 0
        then a :: sublist l 0 n
        else sublist l (pred lo) (S n).
  Proof. intros. unfold sublist. simpl. destruct lo; simpl; auto. Qed.

End sublist.

Section test.
End test.

dlist (list of list)

width of a dlist (dlist A)

Section width.

  Context {A : Type}.

A proposition that every list of a dlist has same length
  Definition width {A : Type} (dl : dlist A) (n : nat) : Prop :=
    Forall (fun l => length l = n) dl.

width property should be kept by its child structure
  Lemma cons_width_iff : forall (l : list A) dl n,
      width (l :: dl) n <-> length l = n /\ width dl n.
    intros. split; intros; inversion H; auto.
    constructor; auto.

width property should be kept by every child element
  Lemma width_imply_in_length : forall (l : list A) dl n,
      width dl n -> In l dl -> length l = n.
    intros. induction dl. inv H0.
    apply cons_width_iff in H; destruct H. apply in_inv in H0. destruct H0.
    + subst. auto.
    + apply IHdl; auto.

app operation won't change width property
  Lemma app_width : forall (dl1 : dlist A) dl2 n,
      width (dl1 ++ dl2) n <-> width dl1 n /\ width dl2 n.
    unfold width in *.
    induction dl1; intros; split; intros; simpl in *; inv H; auto.
    - apply IHdl1 in H3 as []. split; auto.
    - inv H0. constructor; auto. apply IHdl1. auto.

rev operation won't change width property
  Lemma rev_width : forall (dl : dlist A) n, width (rev dl) n -> width dl n.
    unfold width in *.
    induction dl; simpl; intros; auto.
    apply app_width in H. destruct H. inv H0. constructor; auto.

repeat generated dlist will keep width property same as seed element
  Lemma repeat_width : forall (l : list A) n k,
      length l = k -> width (repeat l n) k.
    unfold width. induction n; intros; simpl; auto.

i-th row has same length
  Lemma dlist_nth_length : forall i c (dl : dlist A) l,
      i < length dl -> width dl c -> length (nth i dl l) = c.
    unfold width. intros i c dl. revert i c.
    induction dl; intros; simpl in *. lia.
    inv H0. destruct i; auto. apply IHdl; auto. lia.

i-th row has zero length if index overflow
  Lemma dlist_nth_length_overflow : forall i (dl : dlist A) l,
      i >= length dl -> length (nth i dl l) = length l.
    intros i dl. revert i.
    induction dl; intros; simpl in *.
    - destruct i; auto.
    - destruct i. lia. assert (i >= length dl). lia. apply IHdl; auto.

map width law
  Lemma width_map : forall (f: nat -> list A) (rowIdxs:list nat) c,
      (forall i, length (f i) = c) -> width (map f rowIdxs) c.
    unfold width. intros f idxs. induction idxs; simpl; auto.

End width.

nnth : that is nth of nth of dlist

Section dlnth.
  Context {A} {Azero : A}.

End dlnth.

dlist to elements

Section dl2elems.
  Context {A} {Azero : A}.

  Notation "dl ! i ! j" := (nth j (nth i dl []) Azero) (at level 2, i,j at next level).

  Ltac solve_dl2elems :=
    try match goal with
    | H: width (?l :: ?d) ?n |- _ =>
        assert (length l = n); [inversion H; auto|];
        assert (width d n); [inversion H; auto|]; clear H
    | |- cons ?a nil = cons ?b nil => f_equal
    try solve_list2elems

  Lemma dl2elems_1_1 : forall (d : dlist A),
      length d = 1 -> width d 1 -> d = [[d!0!0]].
    intros. repeat (destruct d; simpl in *; repeat (solve_dl2elems);
                    try apply list2elems_1; auto).

  Lemma dl2elems_2_2 : forall (d : dlist A),
      length d = 2 -> width d 2 -> d = [[d!0!0; d!0!1]; [d!1!0; d!1!1]].
    intros. repeat (destruct d; simpl in *; repeat (solve_dl2elems);
                    try apply list2elems_2; auto).

  Lemma dl2elems_3_3 : forall (d : dlist A),
      length d = 3 -> width d 3 ->
      d = [[d!0!0; d!0!1; d!0!2];
           [d!1!0; d!1!1; d!1!2];
           [d!2!0; d!2!1; d!2!2]].
    intros. repeat (destruct d; simpl in *; repeat (solve_dl2elems);
                    try apply list2elems_3; auto).

  Lemma dl2elems_4_3 : forall (d : dlist A),
      length d = 4 -> width d 3 ->
      d = [[d!0!0; d!0!1; d!0!2];
           [d!1!0; d!1!1; d!1!2];
           [d!2!0; d!2!1; d!2!2];
           [d!3!0; d!3!1; d!3!2]].
    intros. repeat (destruct d; simpl in *; repeat (solve_dl2elems);
                    try apply list2elems_3; auto).

  Lemma dl2elems_4_4 : forall (d : dlist A),
      length d = 4 -> width d 4 ->
      d = [[d!0!0; d!0!1; d!0!2; d!0!3];
           [d!1!0; d!1!1; d!1!2; d!1!3];
           [d!2!0; d!2!1; d!2!2; d!2!3];
           [d!3!0; d!3!1; d!3!2; d!3!3]].
    intros. repeat (destruct d; simpl in *; repeat (solve_dl2elems);
                    try apply list2elems_4; auto).

End dl2elems.

Properties of dlist

Section props_dlist.
  Context {A : Type} {Azero : A}.

Two dlist equal iff all nth nth visit equal
  Lemma dlist_eq_iff_nth_nth :
    forall r c (dl1 dl2 : dlist A)
      (H1 : length dl1 = r) (H2 : length dl2 = r)
      (H3 : width dl1 c) (H4 : width dl2 c),
      dl1 = dl2 <->
        (forall (i j : nat), i < r -> j < c ->
                      (nth j (nth i dl1 []) Azero =
                         nth j (nth i dl2 []) Azero)).
    intros; split; intros.
    - rewrite H. easy.
    - apply (list_eq_ext [] r); auto; intros.
      apply (list_eq_ext Azero c); auto; intros.
      apply dlist_nth_length; auto;lia.
      apply dlist_nth_length; auto;lia.

dlist_eq is decidable
  Context {AeqDec : Dec (@eq A)}.
  Lemma dlist_eq_dec : forall (dl1 dl2 : dlist A), {dl1 = dl2} + {dl1 <> dl2}.
  Proof. apply list_eq_dec. apply list_eq_dec. apply Aeqdec. Qed.

End props_dlist.

Print a dlist

Section dlprt.
  Context {A : Type}.

  Definition dlst_prt (dl : dlist A) (p : A -> string) : string :=
    let f := (fun s l => String.append s (String.append (lst_prt l p) strNewline)) in
    fold_left f dl "".
End dlprt.

a dlist with same element nil

Section dnil.

  Context `{M:Monoid}.
  Open Scope nat.

a dlist that every list is nil, named as dnil
  Fixpoint dnil n : dlist A :=
    match n with
    | O => nil
    | S n' => nil :: (dnil n')

dnil's length law
  Lemma dnil_length : forall n, length (dnil n) = n.
    induction n; simpl; auto.

dnil's width law
  Lemma dnil_width : forall n, width (dnil n) 0.
    unfold width; induction n; simpl; auto.

dnil equal to append two child dnil
  Lemma dnil_app : forall n1 n2,
      dnil (n1 + n2) = dnil n1 ++ dnil n2.
    induction n1,n2; simpl; try easy.
    - rewrite app_nil_r. rewrite Nat.add_0_r. easy.
    - rewrite IHn1. simpl. easy.

width dl is zero imply it is a dnil
  Lemma dlist_w0_eq_dnil : forall (dl : dlist A),
      width dl 0 -> dl = dnil (length dl).
    unfold width; induction dl; simpl; auto.
    intros. inv H. f_equal; auto.
    apply length_zero_iff_nil; auto.

rev a dnil is itself
  Lemma dnil_rev : forall n, rev (dnil n) = dnil n.
    induction n; simpl; auto. rewrite IHn. clear IHn.
    induction n; simpl; auto. f_equal. auto.

End dnil.

map2 for dlist

Section dlist_map2.

  Context {A B C : Type}.

map2 dnil dl = dnil
  Lemma map2_dnil_l : forall (dl : @dlist B) (f : A -> B -> C) n,
      length dl = n -> map2 (map2 f) (dnil n) dl = dnil n.
    intros. revert dl H. induction n; intros; simpl; try easy.
    destruct dl. inversion H. inversion H. rewrite H1. f_equal. auto.

map2 dl dnil = dnil
  Lemma map2_dnil_r : forall (dl:dlist A) (f : A -> B -> C) n,
      length dl = n -> map2 (map2 f) dl (dnil n) = dnil n.
    intros. revert dl H. induction n; intros; simpl; try easy.
    - rewrite map2_nil_r. easy.
    - destruct dl. easy. simpl. rewrite IHn; auto. rewrite map2_nil_r. easy.

(map2 (map2 f) d1 d2)i,j = f (d1i,j) (d2i,j)
  Lemma nth_nth_map2_map2_rw : forall (f : A -> A -> A) (d1 d2 : dlist A) r c i j l a,
      length d1 = r -> width d1 c -> length d2 = r -> width d2 c ->
      i < r -> j < c ->
      nth j (nth i (map2 (map2 f) d1 d2) l) a =
        f (nth j (nth i d1 l) a) (nth j (nth i d2 l) a).
    clear. intros.
    erewrite nth_map2 with (n:=r); auto.
    erewrite nth_map2 with (n:=c); auto.
    apply dlist_nth_length; auto; lia.
    apply dlist_nth_length; auto; lia.

(map (map f) d)i,j = f (di,j)
  Lemma nth_nth_map_map : forall (d : dlist A) (f : A -> A) r c i j l a,
      length d = r -> width d c ->
      i < r -> j < c ->
      nth j (nth i (map (map f) d) l) a = f (nth j (nth i d l) a).
    intros d f r. revert d f. induction r.
    - intros. lia.
    - intros. destruct d as [|dh dt]; simpl in *. lia.
      inversion H. inversion H0. destruct i.
      + apply nth_map with (n:=c); auto.
      + apply IHr with (c:=c); auto. inv H0; auto. lia.

End dlist_map2.

Convert between dlist and function

Section f2dl_dl2f.
  Context {A : Type} (Azero : A).

  Definition f2dl (r c : nat) (f : nat -> nat -> A) : dlist A :=
    map (fun i => f2l c (f i)) (seq 0 r).

  Definition dl2f (r c : nat) (dl : dlist A) : nat -> nat -> A :=
    fun i j => nth j (nth i dl []) Azero.

  Lemma f2dl_length : forall r c f, length (f2dl r c f) = r.
    intros. unfold f2dl. rewrite map_length. apply seq_length.

  Lemma f2dl_width : forall r c f, width (f2dl r c f) c.
    unfold f2dl,width.
    induction r; intros; simpl; try constructor.
    - apply f2l_length.
    - rewrite <- seq_shift. rewrite List.map_map.
      apply IHr.

(f2dl f)i,j = f i j
  Lemma nth_f2dl : forall {r c} f l a i j,
      i < r -> j < c -> nth j (nth i (f2dl r c f) l) a = f i j.
    intros. unfold f2dl. rewrite nth_map_seq; auto. rewrite nth_f2l; auto.

End f2dl_dl2f.

Section test.
  Let f := fun i j => i * 3 + j + 1.
  Let dl := f2dl 3 3 f.

  Let g := dl2f 0 3 3 dl.
End test.

Convert between row and col. eg, 1;2;3 <-> [1];[2];[3]

Section convert_row_and_col.

  Context `{M:Monoid}.

Convert a list to a dlist, it looks like converting a row to a column.
  Fixpoint row2col (l : list A) : dlist A :=
    match l with
    | [] => []
    | x :: tl => [x] :: (row2col tl)

row2col length law
  Lemma row2col_length : forall l, length (row2col l) = length l.
  Proof. induction l; simpl; intros; auto. Qed.

row2col width law
  Lemma row2col_width : forall l, width (row2col l) 1.
  Proof. unfold width; induction l; simpl; intros; auto. Qed.

  Lemma nth_row2col : forall l i,
      i < length l ->
      nth i (row2col l) [] = [nth i l Azero].
    induction l.
    - intros. simpl in *. lia.
    - intros. simpl in *. destruct i; try easy.
      apply IHl. auto with arith.

Convert a dlist to a list which contain head element, it looks like converting a column to a row.
  Fixpoint col2row (dl : dlist A) : list A :=
    match dl with
    | [] => []
    | l :: tl => (hd Azero l) :: (col2row tl)

Convert a dlist to list then convert it to a dlist, equal to original dlist.
  Lemma row2col_col2row : forall (dl : dlist A),
      width dl 1 -> row2col (col2row dl) = dl.
    unfold width; induction dl; simpl; auto; intros. inv H.
    f_equal; auto.
    destruct a; simpl in *; try easy. inv H2.
    apply length_zero_iff_nil in H0. subst. easy.

Convert a list to dlist then convert it to a list, equal to original list.
  Lemma col2row_row2col : forall (l : list A),
      col2row (row2col l) = l.
    induction l; simpl; auto; intros. rewrite IHl. easy.

End convert_row_and_col.

head column of a dlist

Section hdc.
  Context {A : Type} (Azero : A).

Get head column of a dlist
  Fixpoint hdc (dl : dlist A) : list A :=
    match dl with
    | [] => []
    | l :: tl => (hd Azero l) :: (hdc tl)

hdc length law
  Lemma hdc_length : forall dl, length (hdc dl) = length dl.
  Proof. induction dl; simpl; auto. Qed.

End hdc.

tail columns of a dlist

Section tlc.

  Context {A : Type}.

Get tail columns of a dlist
  Fixpoint tlc (dl : dlist A) : dlist A :=
    match dl with
    | [] => []
    | l :: tl => (tail l) :: (tlc tl)

tlc length law
  Lemma tlc_length : forall dl, length (tlc dl) = length dl.
  Proof. induction dl; simpl; auto. Qed.

tlc width law when width equal to 0
  Lemma tlc_width0 : forall dl, width dl 0 -> width (tlc dl) 0.
    unfold width; induction dl; simpl; auto. intros. inv H; constructor; auto.
    apply length_zero_iff_nil in H2. subst. auto.

tlc width law when width not equal to 0
  Lemma tlc_widthS : forall dl c, width dl (S c) -> width (tlc dl) c.
    unfold width; induction dl; simpl; auto.
    intros. inv H; constructor; auto.
    destruct a; auto. easy.

End tlc.

construct a dlist with a list and a dlist by column

Section consc.
  Context {A : Type} {Azero : A}.

Construct a dlist by column with a list and a dlist
  Fixpoint consc (l : list A) (dl : dlist A) : dlist A :=
    match l, dl with
    | xl :: tl, xdl :: tdl => (xl :: xdl) :: (consc tl tdl)
    | _, _ => []

consc is injective
  Lemma consc_inj : forall (l1 l2 : list A) (dl1 dl2 : dlist A) n,
      length l1 = n -> length l2 = n -> length dl1 = n -> length dl2 = n ->
      consc l1 dl1 = consc l2 dl2 -> (l1 = l2) /\ dl1 = dl2.
    induction l1.
    - intros. simpl in *. subst. apply length_zero_iff_nil in H0,H1,H2.
      subst. easy.
    - intros. destruct l2,dl1,dl2; simpl in *; subst; try easy.
      inv H0. inv H1. inv H2.
      inv H3. eapply IHl1 in H6; auto. inv H6. auto.

consc length law
  Lemma consc_length : forall l dl r,
      length l = r -> length dl = r ->
      length (consc l dl) = r.
    induction l,dl; simpl; intros; auto. destruct r. inversion H. f_equal.
    inversion H. inversion H0. subst. apply IHl; auto.

consc width law
  Lemma consc_width : forall l dl c,
      length l = length dl -> width dl c ->
      width (consc l dl) (S c).
    unfold width; induction l,dl; simpl; intros; auto.
    inv H. inv H0. constructor; auto.

width dl c -> length ((l @@ dl)i) = c + 1
  Lemma nth_consc_length : forall (l : list A) dl l0 i r c,
      length l = r -> length dl = r -> width dl c -> i < r ->
      length (nth i (consc l dl) l0) = S c.
    intros l dl l0 i r. revert l dl l0 i. induction r; intros. lia.
    destruct l, dl; simpl in *; try lia. inversion H1. destruct i.
    - simpl; auto.
    - apply IHr; auto. lia.

consc with hdc and tlc of a dnil generate lzero
  Lemma consc_hdc_tlc_width0 : forall dl r,
      length dl = r -> width dl 0 ->
      consc (hdc Azero dl) (tlc dl) = row2col (repeat Azero r).
    unfold width; induction dl; simpl; intros; subst; try easy.
    inv H0. apply length_zero_iff_nil in H2. subst. simpl. f_equal.
    apply IHdl; auto.

consc with hdc and tlc of a dlist generate itself
  Lemma consc_hdc_tlc_widthS : forall dl c,
      width dl (S c) ->
      consc (hdc Azero dl) (tlc dl) = dl.
    unfold width; induction dl; simpl; intros; auto. inv H.
    f_equal; auto.
    - destruct a; simpl in *. easy. easy.
    - apply IHdl with (c:=c). auto.

consc decompose. x1::l1 ++ l2::dl2 = (x::l2) :: (l1 ++ dl2)
  Lemma consc_decompose : forall x1 l1 l2 dl2,
      consc (x1::l1) (l2::dl2) = (x1::l2) :: (consc l1 dl2).
    intros. simpl. easy.

repeat (x :: l) decomposition
  Lemma repeat_consc : forall l x n,
      repeat (x :: l) n = consc (repeat x n) (repeat l n).
    induction n; simpl; auto. rewrite IHn. easy.

Simplify consc and nthj0
  Lemma consc_nthj0 : forall l dl l0 a r i,
      length l = r -> length dl = r -> i < r ->
      nth 0 (nth i (consc l dl) l0) a = nth i l a.
    induction l,dl; intros; simpl in *; try lia.
    destruct i; simpl; auto. eapply IHl; auto; try lia.

Simplify consc and nthSj
  Lemma consc_nthSj : forall l dl l0 a r c i j,
      length l = r -> length dl = r -> i < r -> j < c ->
      nth (S j) (nth i (consc l dl) l0) a = nth j (nth i dl l0) a.
    induction l,dl; intros; simpl in *; try lia.
    destruct i; simpl; auto. eapply IHl; auto; try lia.

If width dl is 0, then consc l dl = row2col l
  Lemma consc_dl_w0 : forall (l:list A) (dl:dlist A),
      length l = length dl ->
      width dl 0 -> consc l dl = row2col l.
    induction l; intros; simpl in *. auto.
    destruct dl; simpl in *. lia. inversion H. inversion H0.
    rewrite IHl; auto. f_equal.
    apply length_zero_iff_nil in H4. subst. auto.

End consc.

nth column of a dlist

Section nthc.
  Context {A : Type} {Azero : A}.

Get nth column of a dlist.
  Fixpoint nthc (dl : dlist A) (j : nat) : list A :=
    match dl with
    | [] => []
    | l :: tl => (nth j l Azero) :: (nthc tl j)

  Fixpoint nthc_error (dl : dlist A) (j : nat) : option (list A) :=
    match dl with
    | [] => Some []
    | l :: tl =>
        match nth_error l j, nthc_error tl j with
        | Some a, Some l' => Some (a :: l')
        | _, _ => None

nthc length law
  Lemma nthc_length : forall dl j, length (nthc dl j) = length dl.
    induction dl; simpl; auto.

  Lemma nthc_error_overflow_case1 : forall dl c j,
      length dl > 0 -> width dl c -> j >= c -> nthc_error dl j = None.
    unfold width. induction dl; intros; simpl.

  Lemma nthc_error_overflow_case2 : forall dl c j,
      ~width dl c -> nthc_error dl j = None.
    unfold width.
    induction dl; intros; simpl.
    - destruct H. constructor.
    - rewrite Forall_cons_iff in H. apply not_and_or in H. destruct H.

  Lemma nthc_error_valid : forall dl c j,
      width dl c -> j < c ->
      Some (nthc dl j) = nthc_error dl j.
    induction dl; intros; simpl; auto.

nthc_error length law
  Lemma nthc_error_length : forall dl c j,
      width dl c -> j < c ->
      exists l, nthc_error dl j = Some l /\ length l = length dl.
    induction dl; intros; simpl.
    - exists []. auto.
    - Abort.

End nthc.

Arguments nthc {A}.

Append two objects of dlist type to one object of dlist

Section dlist_app.

  Context {A : Type}.

dlist append by row
  Definition dlappr := app.

dlist apend by column
  Fixpoint dlappc (dl1 dl2 : dlist A) : dlist A :=
    match dl1, dl2 with
    | l1 :: tl1, l2 :: tl2 => (app l1 l2) :: (dlappc tl1 tl2)
    | _, _ => []

Length of dlappc is same as input
  Lemma dlappc_length : forall (dl1 dl2 : dlist A) r,
      length dl1 = r -> length dl2 = r -> length (dlappc dl1 dl2) = r.
    induction dl1, dl2; intros; simpl in *; auto.
    destruct r. lia. f_equal. apply IHdl1. lia. lia.

Width of dlappc is the sum of each columns
  Lemma dlappc_width : forall (dl1 dl2 : dlist A) c1 c2,
      width dl1 c1 -> width dl2 c2 -> width (dlappc dl1 dl2) (c1 + c2).
    induction dl1, dl2; intros; simpl in *; auto.
    constructor. constructor. constructor.
    unfold width in *.
    - inv H. inv H0. apply app_length.
    - apply IHdl1. inv H; auto. inv H0; auto.

End dlist_app.

Notation "l @@ r" := (dlappc l r) (at level 40) : dlist_scope.

Zero dlist

Section dlzero.
  Context {A : Type} {Azero : A}.

dlist constructed by repeated lzero, named as dlzero
  Definition dlzero r c := repeat (lzero Azero c) r.

dlzero rewrite
  Lemma dlzero_rw : forall r c, repeat (lzero Azero c) r = dlzero r c.

dlzero with S r rows could be splited to two parts
  Lemma dlzero_Sr : forall {r c}, dlzero (S r) c = (lzero Azero c) :: (dlzero r c).
    intros. simpl. cbn. easy.

dlzero with 0 rows equal to dnil
  Lemma dlzero_dnil : forall {c}, dlzero c 0 = dnil c.
    induction c; simpl; try easy. rewrite <- IHc. easy.

dlzero heigth law
  Lemma dlzero_length : forall {r c}, length (dlzero r c) = r.
    intros. apply repeat_length.

dlzero width law
  Lemma dlzero_width : forall {r c}, width (dlzero r c) c.
    unfold width, dlzero; induction r; intros; simpl; auto. constructor; auto.
    apply lzero_length.

dlzeroi = lzero
  Lemma nth_dlzero : forall r c i,
      i < r -> nth i (dlzero r c) [] = lzero Azero c.
  Proof. intros. unfold dlzero. rewrite nth_repeat_same; auto. Qed.

dlzero with 0 rows equal to dnil
  Lemma dlzero_w0_eq_dnil : forall r, (dlzero r 0) = dnil r.
    induction r; try easy. unfold dlzero in *. simpl in *. rewrite IHr. easy.

append two dlzeros by row equal to whole
  Lemma dlzero_app_row : forall r1 r2 c,
      dlzero r1 c ++ dlzero r2 c = dlzero (r1 + r2) c.
    unfold dlzero. intros. rewrite repeat_app. easy.

append two dlzeros by column equal to whole
  Lemma dlzero_app_col : forall r c1 c2,
      ((dlzero r c1) @@ (dlzero r c2))%dlist = dlzero r (c1 + c2).
    induction r; intros; simpl; try easy. unfold dlzero,lzero in *.
    rewrite IHr. simpl. rewrite repeat_app. easy.

End dlzero.

Arguments dlzero {A}.

transpose a dlist

Section dltrans.
  Context {A : Type} {Azero : A}.

Transposition of a dlist
  Fixpoint dltrans (dl : dlist A) (c : nat) : dlist A :=
    match dl with
    | [] => @dnil A c
    | l :: tl => consc l (dltrans tl c)

dltrans length law
  Lemma dltrans_length : forall dl c,
      width dl c ->
      length (dltrans dl c) = c.
    induction dl; intros; simpl; auto.
    - rewrite dnil_length. auto.
    - inversion H. rewrite consc_length with (r:=c); auto.

dltrans width law
  Lemma dltrans_width : forall dl r c,
      length dl = r -> width dl c -> width (dltrans dl c) r.
    unfold width; induction dl; intros; simpl in *; auto.
    - induction c; simpl in *; auto.
    - rewrite <- H. inv H0. apply consc_width.
      + rewrite dltrans_length; auto.
      + apply IHdl; auto.

dltrans dnil =
  Lemma dltrans_nil : forall n, dltrans (dnil n) 0 = [].
    intros. destruct n; simpl. reflexivity. easy.

dltrans consr = consc dltrans
  Lemma dltrans_consr : forall dl l c,
      dltrans (l :: dl) c = consc l (dltrans dl c).
    intros. simpl. easy.

dltrans consc = consr dltrans
  Lemma dltrans_consc : forall dl l r c,
      length l = r -> length dl = r -> width dl c ->
      dltrans (consc l dl) (S c) = l :: (dltrans dl c).
    unfold width; induction dl; simpl; intros; subst.
    - destruct l; simpl; try easy.
    - destruct l. easy.
      inv H0. inv H1.
      specialize (IHdl l (length l) (length a) eq_refl H2 H4).
      destruct (dltrans (consc l dl) (S (length a))). easy. inv IHdl. auto.

dltrans twice return back
  Lemma dltrans_dltrans : forall dl r c,
      length dl = r -> width dl c ->
      dltrans (dltrans dl c) r = dl.
    induction dl; intros; simpl in *.
    - subst. destruct c; simpl; auto.
    - destruct r. easy. inv H. inv H0.
      unfold width in *.
      rewrite dltrans_consc with (r:=length a);
        auto using dltrans_length, dltrans_width.
      f_equal; auto.

dltrans dlzero<r,c> = dlzero<c,r>
  Lemma dltrans_zero : forall r c,
      dltrans (dlzero Azero r c ) c = dlzero Azero c r.
    induction r; intros; simpl; auto. rewrite dlzero_dnil; easy.
    unfold dlzero in *; simpl in *. rewrite IHr.
    rewrite repeat_consc. easy.

(dltrans dl)i,j = dlj,i
  Lemma dltrans_ij : forall (dl:dlist A) r c a i j,
      length dl = r -> width dl c ->
      i < r -> j < c ->
      nth i (nth j (dltrans dl c) []) a = nth j (nth i dl []) a.
    induction dl; intros; simpl in *.
    - subst. lia.
    - destruct r. lia. inversion H. inversion H0.
      destruct i.
      + erewrite consc_nthj0; auto. rewrite dltrans_length; auto. lia.
      + erewrite consc_nthSj; auto. eapply IHdl; auto. lia.
        rewrite dltrans_length; auto. lia.

(dltrans dl)i,i = dli,i
  Lemma dltrans_ii : forall (dl:dlist A) n a i,
      length dl = n -> width dl n ->
      nth i (nth i (dltrans dl n) []) a = nth i (nth i dl []) a.
    destruct (i <? n) eqn:i_lt_n.
    - apply Nat.ltb_lt in i_lt_n. erewrite dltrans_ij; auto. lia.
    - apply Nat.ltb_ge in i_lt_n.
      repeat rewrite !nth_overflow; auto; simpl; try lia.
      rewrite dltrans_length; auto.

(fun i => (dltrans dl)i,i) = (fun i => dli,i)
  Lemma dltrans_ii_fun : forall (dl:dlist A) n a,
      length dl = n -> width dl n ->
      (fun i : nat => nth i (nth i (dltrans dl n) []) a) = (fun i => nth i (nth i dl []) a).
    intros. apply functional_extensionality.
    intros. apply dltrans_ii; auto.

End dltrans.

Global Hint Resolve
  dltrans_width : mat.

dlist unit, like a identity matrix

Section dlunit.
  Context {A : Type} {Azero Aone : A}.

Build a identity matrix with dlist.
  Fixpoint dlunit (n : nat) : dlist A :=
    match n with
    | O => []
    | S n0 => (Aone :: (repeat Azero n0)) :: (consc (repeat Azero n0) (dlunit n0))

dlunit length law
  Lemma dlunit_length : forall {n}, length (dlunit n) = n.
    induction n; simpl; auto. f_equal.
    rewrite consc_length with (r:=n); auto. apply repeat_length.

dlunit width law
  Lemma dlunit_width : forall {n}, width (dlunit n) n.
    unfold width; induction n; simpl; auto. constructor.
    - simpl. f_equal. apply repeat_length.
    - apply consc_width; auto. rewrite repeat_length, dlunit_length; auto.

  Hint Resolve dlunit_length dlunit_width : mat.

length(dluniti) = n
  Lemma nth_dlunit_length : forall n i l,
      i < n -> length (nth i (dlunit n) l) = n.
    induction n; intros. lia. simpl. destruct i.
    - simpl. rewrite repeat_length. auto.
    - rewrite nth_consc_length with (r:=n)(c:=n); auto with mat. lia.

(dlunit)i,i = 1
  Lemma dlunit_ii : forall n i l a, i < n -> nth i (nth i (dlunit n) l) a = Aone.
    induction n; intros. lia. destruct i; simpl. auto.
    rewrite consc_nthSj with (r:=n) (c:=n); try lia; auto with mat.
    apply IHn. lia.

i<>j -> (dlunit)i,j = 0
  Lemma dlunit_ij : forall n i j l a,
      i < n -> j < n -> i <> j -> nth j (nth i (dlunit n) l) a = Azero.
    induction n; intros. lia. destruct i,j; simpl; auto; try lia.
    - apply nth_repeat_same. lia.
    - rewrite consc_nthj0 with (r:=n); auto with mat; try lia.
      apply nth_repeat_same; lia.
    - rewrite consc_nthSj with (r:=n)(c:=n); auto with mat; try lia.
      apply IHn; lia.

transpose dlunit keep unchanged
  Lemma dltrans_dlunit : forall {n},
      let u := dlunit n in
      dltrans u n = u.
    simpl. induction n; simpl; try easy.
    assert ((dltrans (consc (repeat Azero n) (dlunit n)) (S n)) =
              (repeat Azero n) :: (dltrans (dlunit n) n)).
    { apply dltrans_consc with (r:=n).
      apply repeat_length. apply dlunit_length. apply dlunit_width. }
    destruct (dltrans (consc (repeat Azero n) (dlunit n)) (S n)). easy.
    inv H. f_equal. f_equal. auto.

End dlunit.

Arguments dlunit {A}.

Hint Resolve
  dlunit_length dlunit_width
  : mat.

map of dlist with f : A -> B

Section dmap_A_B.
  Context {A B : Type} (f : A -> B).

map operation to dlist
  Definition dmap dl := map (map f) dl.

dmap length law
  Lemma dmap_length : forall dl, length (dmap dl) = length dl.
    induction dl; simpl; auto.

dmap width law
  Lemma dmap_width : forall dl n,
      width dl n <-> width (dmap dl) n.
    unfold width; induction dl; intros; split; intros; simpl in *; try easy.
    - inv H. constructor. apply map_length. apply IHdl. auto.
    - inv H. constructor. rewrite map_length. auto.
      apply IHdl. auto.

dmap effect equal to map to first head and dmap to tail rows
  Lemma dmap_cons : forall l dl, dmap (l :: dl) = (map f l) :: (dmap dl).
    intros. simpl. easy.

dmap distributive law by append
  Lemma dmap_app : forall dl1 dl2,
      dmap (dl1 ++ dl2) = (dmap dl1) ++ (dmap dl2).
    induction dl1; destruct dl2; simpl in *; rewrite ?app_nil_r; try easy.
    rewrite IHdl1. easy.

dmap dnil = dnil
  Lemma dmap_dnil : forall n, dmap (dnil n) = dnil n.
    induction n; simpl; try easy. rewrite IHn. easy.

(map f l) @@ (dmap f dl) = dmap f (l @@ dl)
  Lemma consc_map_dmap : forall l dl,
      consc (map f l) (dmap dl) = dmap (consc l dl).
    induction l; intros; simpl. auto.
    destruct dl; simpl. auto.
    rewrite IHl. auto.

dltrans and dmap
  Lemma dltrans_dmap : forall dl c,
      width dl c ->
      dltrans (dmap dl) c = dmap (dltrans dl c).
    induction dl; intros; simpl in *. rewrite dmap_dnil; auto. inversion H.
    rewrite IHdl; auto. apply consc_map_dmap.

End dmap_A_B.

Hint Unfold dmap : mat.

Extra properties of dmap

Section dmap_A_B_C.
  Context {A B C: Type}.

dmap extensional law
  Lemma dmap_ext : forall dl (f g : A -> B) (H : forall a, f a = g a),
      (dmap f dl = dmap g dl)%dlist.
    intros. unfold dmap.
    apply map_ext. intros. induction a; simpl; auto. f_equal; auto.

dmap f (dmap g dl) = dmap (f . g) dl
  Lemma dmap_dmap : forall dl (f : A -> B) (g : B -> C),
      dmap g (dmap f dl) = dmap (fun x => g (f x)) dl.
  Proof. induction dl; intros; simpl. auto. f_equal; auto. apply map_map. Qed.

End dmap_A_B_C.

map of dlist with f : A -> A

Section dmap_A_A.
  Context {A : Type} {Azero : A}.

dmap (fun x => Azero) dl = dlzero Azero r c

  Lemma dmap_eq_zero : forall {r c} dl,
      length dl = r -> width dl c ->
      dmap (fun (x : A) => Azero) dl = dlzero Azero r c.
    intros. unfold dmap,dlzero.

    revert r c H H0.
    induction dl; intros; simpl in *.
    - subst. easy.
    - destruct r; try easy. inv H. inv H0. simpl. f_equal.
      + apply map_eq_zero; auto.
      + apply IHdl; auto.

End dmap_A_A.

map2 of dlist

Section dmap2.
  Context {A B C : Type} (f : A -> B -> C).

map operation to two dlists
  Definition dmap2 dl1 dl2 := map2 (map2 f) dl1 dl2.

dmap2 length law
  Lemma dmap2_length : forall dl1 dl2,
      length dl1 = length dl2 -> length (dmap2 dl1 dl2) = length dl1.
    induction dl1,dl2; simpl; auto.

dmap2 width law
  Lemma dmap2_width : forall dl1 dl2 n,
      width dl1 n -> width dl2 n -> width (dmap2 dl1 dl2) n.
    unfold width; induction dl1; intros; simpl in *; auto.
    destruct dl2; auto. inv H. inv H0. constructor.
    apply map2_length; auto. apply IHdl1; auto.

dmap2 and consr
  Lemma dmap2_consr : forall dl1 dl2 l1 l2,
      dmap2 (l1 :: dl1) (l2 :: dl2) =
        (map2 f l1 l2) :: (dmap2 dl1 dl2).
    intros. simpl. easy.

dmap2 and consc
  Lemma dmap2_consc : forall l1 dl1 l2 dl2 c,
      length l1 = length dl1 ->
      length l2 = length dl2 ->
      width dl1 c ->
      width dl2 c ->
      dmap2 (consc l1 dl1) (consc l2 dl2) =
        consc (map2 f l1 l2) (dmap2 dl1 dl2).
    unfold width; induction l1,dl1,l2,dl2; simpl; intros; try easy.
    inv H. inv H0. inv H1. inv H2. inv H3. inv H4.
    f_equal; try easy. apply IHl1 with (c:=length l); auto.

dmap2 and add
  Lemma dmap2_app : forall dla1 dla2 dlb1 dlb2,
      length dla1 = length dlb1 ->
      length dla2 = length dlb2 ->
      dmap2 (dla1 ++ dla2) (dlb1 ++ dlb2) =
        (dmap2 dla1 dlb1) ++ (dmap2 dla2 dlb2).
    intros. unfold dmap2. apply map2_app; auto.

dmap2 dnil dl = dnil
  Lemma dmap2_dnil_l : forall dl n,
      length dl = n ->
      dmap2 (dnil n) dl = dnil n.
    intros. unfold dmap2. rewrite map2_dnil_l; easy.

dmap2 dl dnil = dnil
  Lemma dmap2_dnil_r : forall dl n,
      length dl = n ->
      dmap2 dl (dnil n) = dnil n.
    intros. unfold dmap2. rewrite map2_dnil_r; easy.

  Lemma dmap2_tail : forall dl1 dl2,
      length dl1 = length dl2 ->
      tl (dmap2 dl1 dl2) = dmap2 (tl dl1) (tl dl2).
    intros. unfold dmap2. apply tail_map2_dlist.

dltrans and dmap2
  Lemma dltrans_dmap2 : forall dl1 dl2 c,
      length dl1 = length dl2 ->
      width dl1 c -> width dl2 c ->
      dltrans (dmap2 dl1 dl2) c =
        dmap2 (dltrans dl1 c) (dltrans dl2 c).
    unfold width; induction dl1; intros; simpl in *; subst.
    rewrite dmap2_dnil_l; auto using dltrans_length.
    destruct dl2; simpl.
    - inv H.
    - inv H. inv H0. inv H1. rewrite IHdl1; auto.
      erewrite dmap2_consc; auto using dltrans_width, dltrans_length; try easy.
      rewrite dltrans_length; auto.
      rewrite dltrans_length; auto.

End dmap2.

dmap2 with same base type

Section dmap2_sametype.
  Context `{HMonoid : Monoid}.
  Infix "+" := Aadd.

(dl1 . dl2) . dl3 = dl1 . (dl2 . dl3)
  Lemma dmap2_assoc : forall (dl1 dl2 dl3 : dlist A),
      dmap2 Aadd (dmap2 Aadd dl1 dl2) dl3 =
        dmap2 Aadd dl1 (dmap2 Aadd dl2 dl3).
    induction dl1,dl2,dl3; simpl; auto. f_equal; auto. apply map2_assoc.

dmap2 with dmap of two components
  Lemma dmap2_dmap_dmap : forall (f1 f2 g : A -> A) (h : A -> A -> A)
                            (H : forall x, g x = h (f1 x) (f2 x)) l,
      dmap2 h (dmap f1 l) (dmap f2 l) = dmap g l.
    induction l; simpl; auto. rewrite IHl. f_equal; try easy.
    apply map2_map_map. easy.

dmap2 over dmap is homorphism
  Lemma dmap2_dmap_hom : forall (Aopp : A -> A)
                           (H : forall a b : A, (Aopp (a + b) = (Aopp a) + (Aopp b)))
                           d1 d2,
      dmap2 Aadd (dmap Aopp d1) (dmap Aopp d2) = dmap Aopp (dmap2 Aadd d1 d2).
    intros. revert d2.
    induction d1,d2; simpl; try easy. rewrite IHd1. rewrite map2_map_hom. easy.

  Context {HAMonoid : AMonoid Aadd Azero}.

dl1 . dl2 = dl2 . dl1
  Lemma dmap2_comm : forall (dl1 dl2 : dlist A),
      dmap2 Aadd dl1 dl2 = dmap2 Aadd dl2 dl1.
    induction dl1,dl2; simpl; auto. f_equal; auto. apply map2_comm.

End dmap2_sametype.

Square Zero dlist

Section sdlzero.
  Context {A : Type} (Azero : A).

Square dlist with element zero
  Definition sdlzero n := repeat (repeat Azero n) n.

dim(sdl0) = rows(dl0) = cols(dl0) -> sdl0 = dl0
  Lemma sdlzero_eq_dlzero_r : forall r c,
      r = c -> sdlzero r = dlzero Azero r c.
    intros. subst. unfold sdlzero, dlzero. easy.

dim(sdl0) = rows(dl0) = cols(dl0) -> sdl0 = dl0
  Lemma sdlzero_eq_dlzero_c : forall r c,
      r = c -> sdlzero c = dlzero Azero r c.
    intros. subst. unfold sdlzero, dlzero. easy.

length(sdl0) = dim(sdl0)
  Lemma sdlzero_length : forall n, length (sdlzero n) = n.
    intros. apply repeat_length.

width(sdl0) = dim(sdl0)
  Lemma sdlzero_width : forall n, width (sdlzero n) n.
    intros. unfold sdlzero. induction n. simpl. constructor.
    apply repeat_width. apply repeat_length.

End sdlzero.

dmap2 is considered as dladd

Section dladd.

  Context `{AG:AGroup}.
  Infix "+" := Aadd.

dl + 0 = dl
  Lemma dladd_zero_l : forall dl r c,
      length dl = r -> width dl c ->
      dmap2 Aadd (dlzero Azero r c) dl = dl.
    unfold width, dlzero in *.
    induction dl; simpl; intros.
    - unfold dmap2. apply map2_nil_r.
    - destruct r. easy. inv H. inv H0.
      simpl. f_equal; auto.
      rewrite map2_zero_l. auto.

0 + dl = dl
  Lemma dladd_zero_r : forall dl r c,
      length dl = r -> width dl c ->
      dmap2 Aadd dl (dlzero Azero r c) = dl.
    intros. rewrite dmap2_comm; auto. apply dladd_zero_l; auto.

End dladd.

dmap2 is considered as dlsub

Section dlsub.

  Context `{AG:AGroup}.
  Infix "+" := Aadd.
  Notation "- a" := (Aopp a).
  Infix "-" := (fun a b => a + (-b)).

dl1 - dl2 = - (dl2 - dl1)
  Lemma dlsub_comm : forall dl1 dl2 c,
      let Asub := fun a b => a + (-b) in
      length dl1 = length dl2 ->
      width dl1 c -> width dl2 c ->
      dmap2 Asub dl1 dl2 = dmap Aopp (dmap2 Asub dl2 dl1).
    induction dl1,dl2; simpl; intros; auto. f_equal.
    - rewrite map2_sub_comm. auto.
    - inv H. inv H0. inv H1.
      apply IHdl1 with (c:=length a); auto.

(dl1 - dl2) - dl3 = dl1 - (dl2 + dl3)
  Lemma dlsub_assoc : forall dl1 dl2 dl3 c,
      let Asub := fun a b => a + (-b) in
      length dl1 = length dl2 -> length dl2 = length dl3 ->
      width dl1 c -> width dl2 c ->
      dmap2 Asub (dmap2 Asub dl1 dl2) dl3 =
        dmap2 Asub dl1 (dmap2 Aadd dl2 dl3).
    induction dl1,dl2,dl3; simpl; intros; auto. f_equal.
    - apply map2_sub_assoc.
    - inv H. inv H0. unfold width in *. inv H1. inv H2.
      apply IHdl1 with (c:=length a); auto.

0 - dl = - dl
  Lemma dlsub_zero_l : forall dl r c,
      let Asub := fun a b => a + (-b) in
      length dl = r -> width dl c ->
      dmap2 Asub (dlzero Azero r c) dl =
        dmap Aopp dl.
    induction dl; simpl; intros.
    - unfold dmap2. apply map2_nil_r.
    - induction r. easy. inv H. inv H0. simpl.
      unfold dlzero in *. f_equal; auto.
      apply lsub_zero_l; auto.

dl - 0 = dl
  Lemma dlsub_zero_r : forall dl r c,
      let Asub := fun a b => a + (-b) in
      length dl = r -> width dl c ->
      dmap2 Asub dl (dlzero Azero r c) = dl.
    induction dl; simpl; intros; auto. destruct r; simpl. easy.
    inv H. inv H0. f_equal; auto.
    - apply lsub_zero_r; auto.
    - apply IHdl; auto.

dl - dl = 0
  Lemma dlsub_self : forall dl r c,
      let Asub := fun a b => a + (-b) in
      length dl = r -> width dl c ->
      dmap2 Asub dl dl = (dlzero Azero r c).
    induction dl; simpl; intros; subst; try easy. inv H0.
    rewrite (IHdl (length dl) (length a)); auto.
    unfold dlzero in *. simpl. f_equal; try easy.
    apply map2_sub_self; auto.

End dlsub.

list dot dlist, and dlist dot dlist

Section ldotdl_dldotdl.
  Context `{HARing : ARing}.
  Add Ring ring_inst : (make_ring_theory HARing).
  Infix "+" := Aadd.
  Infix "*" := Amul.
  Notation "- b" := (Aopp b).
  Notation Asub := (fun a b => a + (-b)).
  Infix "-" := Asub.

  Notation ldot := (ldot (Aadd:=Aadd) (Azero:=Azero) (Amul:=Amul)).

list dot product to dlist
  Fixpoint ldotdl (l : list A) (dl : dlist A) : list A :=
    match dl with
    | h :: t => (ldot l h) :: (ldotdl l t)
    | [] => []

ldotdl left with nil
  Lemma ldotdl_nil_l : forall dl r,
      length dl = r -> (ldotdl [] dl = lzero Azero r).
    induction dl; simpl; intros; subst; try easy.
    rewrite ldot_nil_l. rewrite IHdl with (r:=length dl); simpl; auto.

ldotdl right with nil
  Lemma ldotdl_nil_r : forall r l, (ldotdl l (dnil r) = lzero Azero r).
    induction r; simpl; intros; auto. rewrite IHr. rewrite ldot_nil_r. easy.

ldotdl length law
  Lemma ldotdl_length : forall dl l r,
      length dl = r ->
      length (ldotdl l dl) = r.
    induction dl; intros; simpl in *; auto.
    destruct r. easy. rewrite IHdl with (r:=r); auto.

ldotdl left distributve over map
  Lemma ldotdl_map_distr_l :
    forall l dl {c} (f:A->A)
      (f_zero:f Azero=Azero)
      (f_add:forall a b, f (a+b) = f a + f b)
      (f_mul_l:forall a b, f a * b = f (a*b)),
      length l = c -> width dl c ->
      ldotdl (map f l) dl = map f (ldotdl l dl).
    induction dl; simpl; intros; auto. inv H. inv H0. f_equal.
    - rewrite ldot_map_distr_l with (r:=length l); auto.
    - apply IHdl with (c:=length l); auto.

ldotdl right distributve over map
  Lemma ldotdl_dmap_distr_r :
    forall l dl {c} (f:A->A)
      (f_zero:f Azero=Azero)
      (f_add:forall a b, f (a+b) = f a + f b)
      (f_mul_r:forall a b, a * f b = f (a*b)),
      length l = c -> width dl c ->
      ldotdl l (dmap f dl) = map f (ldotdl l dl).
    induction dl; simpl; intros; auto. inv H0. f_equal.
    - rewrite ldot_map_distr_r with (r:=length l); auto.
    - apply IHdl with (c:=length l); auto.

ldotdl left distributve over map2
  Lemma ldotdl_dmap2_distr_l : forall l dl1 dl2 {c},
      length l = c ->
      width dl1 c -> width dl2 c ->
      (ldotdl l (dmap2 Aadd dl1 dl2) =
         map2 Aadd (ldotdl l dl1) (ldotdl l dl2)).
    induction dl1,dl2; simpl; intros; auto. inv H0. inv H1.
    - apply ldot_map2_distr_l with (r:=length a); auto. lia.
    - apply IHdl1 with (c:=length l); auto.

ldotdl right distributve over dmap2
  Lemma ldotdl_map2_distr_r : forall dl l1 l2 {c},
      length l1 = length l2 ->
      length dl = c -> width dl (length l1) ->
      (ldotdl (map2 Aadd l1 l2) dl =
         map2 Aadd (ldotdl l1 dl) (ldotdl l2 dl)).
    induction dl; intros; simpl; auto. inv H1. f_equal.
    - apply ldot_map2_distr_r with (r:=length l1); auto.
    - apply IHdl with (c:=length dl); auto.

ldotdl left with zero
  Lemma ldotdl_zero_l : forall dl r c,
      length dl = r -> width dl c ->
      (ldotdl (lzero Azero c) dl = lzero Azero r).
    induction dl; simpl; intros; auto.
    - subst; easy.
    - inv H0. rewrite IHdl with (r:=length dl); auto.
      rewrite ldot_zero_l; easy.

ldotdl right with zero
  Lemma ldotdl_zero_r : forall l r c,
      length l = c ->
      (ldotdl l (dlzero Azero r c) = lzero Azero r).
    induction r; simpl; intros; auto. unfold dlzero in *. rewrite IHr; auto.
    rewrite ldot_zero_r. easy.

ldotdl of consr and consc
  Lemma ldotdl_consr_consc : forall l2 dl2 l1 x1 r c,
      length l2 = c -> length dl2 = c -> width dl2 r ->
      (ldotdl (x1 :: l1) (consc l2 dl2) =
         ladd (Aadd:=Aadd) (lcmul (Amul:=Amul) x1 l2) (ldotdl l1 dl2)).
    induction l2, dl2; simpl; intros; auto. inv H1.
    rewrite ldot_cons. f_equal.
    eapply IHl2; auto. apply H5.

ldot and ldotdl could swap first two operands. l1 . (l2 . dl) = l2 . (l1 . dl^T)
  Lemma ldot_ldotdl_swap12 : forall dl l1 l2 r c,
      length l1 = r -> length l2 = c -> length dl = r -> width dl c ->
      (ldot l1 (ldotdl l2 dl) =
         ldot l2 (ldotdl l1 (dltrans dl c))).
    induction dl,l1; simpl; intros; auto.
    - rewrite ldotdl_nil_l with (r:=c); try apply dnil_length.
      rewrite ldot_zero_r; cbv. easy.
    - subst. inversion H1.
    - subst. inversion H1.
    - inv H2. rewrite ldot_cons.
      rewrite ldotdl_consr_consc with (r:=length l1) (c:=length a); auto.
      + rewrite ldot_ladd_distr_l with (r:=length l2);
          auto using lcmul_length, ldotdl_length, dltrans_length.
        rewrite <- IHdl with (r:=length l1); auto.
        rewrite ldot_lcmul_distr_r. easy.
      + rewrite dltrans_length; auto.
      + apply dltrans_width; auto.

ldotdl with consr at right operend
  Lemma ldotdl_consr_r : forall l1 l2 dl2 r c,
      length l1 = r -> length l2 = r -> length dl2 = c -> width dl2 r ->
      (ldotdl l1 (l2 :: dl2) = (ldot l1 l2) :: (ldotdl l1 dl2)).
    induction l1,l2,dl2; simpl; intros; easy.

ldotdl right distributive over ladd. (l1 + l2) . dl = l1 . dl + l2.dl
  Lemma ldotdl_ladd_distr_r : forall l1 l2 dl r c,
      length l1 = r -> length l2 = r -> length dl = c -> width dl r ->
      (ldotdl (ladd (Aadd:=Aadd) l1 l2) dl =
         ladd (Aadd:=Aadd) (ldotdl l1 dl) (ldotdl l2 dl)).
    induction dl; simpl; intros; auto. inv H2.
    rewrite <- IHdl with (r:=length l1) (c:=length dl); auto.
    rewrite ldot_ladd_distr_r with (r:=length l1); easy.

ldotdl with lcmul is assocociative. cmul a (dot l dl) = dot (cmul a l) dl
  Lemma ldotdl_lcmul_assoc : forall dl a l r c,
      length l = r -> length dl = c -> width dl r ->
      (lcmul (Amul:=Amul) a (ldotdl l dl) = ldotdl (lcmul (Amul:=Amul) a l) dl).
    induction dl; simpl; intros; auto. inv H1.
    rewrite IHdl with (r:=length l) (c:=length dl); auto.
    rewrite ldot_lcmul_distr_l. easy.

a * (x :: l) = (a * x) :: (a * l)
  Lemma lcmul_cons : forall a x l,
      (lcmul (Amul:=Amul) a (x :: l) = (Amul a x) :: (lcmul (Amul:=Amul) a l)).
    intros. easy.

a * 0 = 0
  Lemma lcmul_zero_r : forall a n,
      lcmul (Amul:=Amul) a (lzero Azero n) = lzero Azero n.
    intros. unfold lcmul. rewrite map_repeat. unfold lzero. f_equal. ring.

l dotdl E = l
  Lemma ldotdl_dlunit : forall l {n},
      length l = n -> (ldotdl l (dlunit Azero Aone n) = l).
    induction l; simpl; intros; auto.
    - subst. simpl. easy.
    - destruct n. easy. inv H. simpl. f_equal.
      + rewrite ldot_cons. rewrite ldot_zero_r. ring.
      + erewrite (ldotdl_consr_consc);
          try apply repeat_length; try apply dlunit_length; try apply dlunit_width.
        rewrite IHl; try easy.
        rewrite lcmul_zero_r. rewrite ladd_zero_l; easy.

dlist dot product
  Fixpoint dldotdl (dl1 dl2 : dlist A) : dlist A :=
    match dl1 with
    | h1 :: t1 => (ldotdl h1 dl2) :: (dldotdl t1 dl2)
    | [] => []

dldotdl length law
  Lemma dldotdl_length : forall dl1 dl2 r1,
      length dl1 = r1 ->
      length (dldotdl dl1 dl2) = r1.
    induction dl1; intros; auto. simpl in *. destruct r1. easy.
    rewrite IHdl1 with (r1:=r1); auto.

dldotdl width law
  Lemma dldotdl_width : forall dl1 dl2 r2 c,
      length dl2 = r2 -> width dl1 c -> width dl2 c ->
      width (dldotdl dl1 dl2) r2.
    unfold width; induction dl1; intros; simpl in *; auto. inv H0. constructor.
    - apply ldotdl_length; auto.
    - apply IHdl1 with (c:=length a); auto.

dldotdl consr left
  Lemma dldotdl_consr_l : forall l1 dl1 dl2,
      dldotdl (l1 :: dl1) dl2 = (ldotdl l1 dl2) :: (dldotdl dl1 dl2).
    simpl. easy.

dldotdl consr right
  Lemma dldotdl_consr_r : forall dl1 l2 dl2 c,
      length l2 = c ->
      width dl1 c ->
      width dl2 c ->
      dldotdl dl1 (l2 :: dl2) = consc (ldotdl l2 dl1) (dldotdl dl1 dl2).
    induction dl1; simpl; intros; auto. inv H0.
    rewrite ldot_comm.
    rewrite IHdl1 with (c:=length l2); auto.

dldotdl left distributve over dmap
  Lemma dldotdl_dmap_distr_l :
    forall dl1 dl2 {c} (f:A->A)
      (f_zero:f Azero=Azero)
      (f_add:forall a b, f (a+b) = f a + f b)
      (f_mul_l:forall a b, f a * b = f (a*b)),
      width dl1 c -> width dl2 c ->
      dldotdl (dmap f dl1) dl2 = dmap f (dldotdl dl1 dl2).
    induction dl1; simpl; intros; auto. inv H. f_equal.
    - apply ldotdl_map_distr_l with (c:=length a); auto.
    - apply IHdl1 with (c:=length a); auto.

dldotdl right distributve over dmap
  Lemma dldotdl_dmap_distr_r :
    forall dl1 dl2 {c} (f:A->A)
      (f_zero:f Azero=Azero)
      (f_add:forall a b, f (a+b) = f a + f b)
      (f_mul_r:forall a b, a * f b = f (a*b)),
      width dl1 c -> width dl2 c ->
      dldotdl dl1 (dmap f dl2) = dmap f (dldotdl dl1 dl2).
    induction dl1; simpl; intros; auto. inv H. f_equal.
    - apply ldotdl_dmap_distr_r with (c:=length a); auto.
    - apply IHdl1 with (c:=length a); auto.

dldotdl left distributve over dmap2
  Lemma dldotdl_dmap2_distr_l : forall dl1 dl2 dl3 {c},
      width dl1 c -> width dl2 c -> width dl3 c ->
      dldotdl dl1 (dmap2 Aadd dl2 dl3) =
        dmap2 Aadd (dldotdl dl1 dl2) (dldotdl dl1 dl3).
    induction dl1; simpl; intros; auto. inv H. f_equal.
    - apply ldotdl_dmap2_distr_l with (c:=length a); auto.
    - apply IHdl1 with (c:=length a); auto.

dldotdl right distributve over dmap2
  Lemma dldotdl_dmap2_distr_r : forall dl1 dl2 dl3 {c},
      width dl1 c -> width dl2 c -> width dl3 c ->
      dldotdl (dmap2 Aadd dl1 dl2) dl3 =
        dmap2 Aadd (dldotdl dl1 dl3) (dldotdl dl2 dl3).
    induction dl1; destruct dl2; intros; simpl in *; try easy.
    inv H. inv H0. f_equal.
    - apply ldotdl_map2_distr_r with (c:=length dl3); auto.
    - apply IHdl1 with (c:=length a); auto.

dldotdl dl =
  Lemma dldotdl_nil_l : forall dl, dldotdl [] dl = [].
  Proof. intros. simpl. auto. Qed.

dldotdl dl = dnil
  Lemma dldotdl_nil_r : forall dl, dldotdl dl [] = dnil (length dl).
    induction dl; simpl; intros; subst; simpl; subst; try easy.
    f_equal; auto.

  Section test.
    Variable a11 a12 a21 a22 : A.
    Let d1 := [[a11;a12]].
    Let d2 := [[a11;a12];[a21;a22]].
  End test.

dldotdl dnil dl = dlzero
  Lemma dldotdl_dnil_l : forall dl n r c,
      length dl = r -> width dl c ->
      dldotdl (dnil n) dl = dlzero Azero n r.
    intros dl n. revert dl. induction n; intros; simpl.
    - unfold dlzero. simpl. auto.
    - rewrite dlzero_Sr. f_equal.
      + rewrite ldotdl_nil_l with (r:=r); auto.
      + apply IHn with (c:=c); auto.

dldotdl dl dnil = dnil
  Lemma dldotdl_dnil_r : forall dl n r c,
      length dl = r -> width dl c ->
      dldotdl dl (dnil n) = dlzero Azero r n.
    intros dl n r. revert dl n. induction r; intros; simpl.
    - apply length_zero_iff_nil in H. subst. reflexivity.
    - destruct dl; simpl in *. lia. inversion H. inversion H0.
      rewrite IHr with (c:=c); auto. rewrite H2.
      rewrite dlzero_Sr. f_equal. rewrite ldotdl_nil_r. auto.

dldotdl zero dl = zero
  Lemma dldotdl_zero_l : forall r dl c,
      width dl c ->
      dldotdl (dlzero Azero r c) dl = dlzero Azero r (length dl).
    induction r; simpl; intros; simpl; unfold dlzero in *; simpl; try easy.
    rewrite (IHr _ c); auto.
    erewrite (ldotdl_zero_l _); auto.

dldotdl dl zero = zero
  Lemma dldotdl_zero_r : forall dl c t,
      width dl c ->
      dldotdl dl (dlzero Azero t c) = dlzero Azero (length dl) t.
    induction dl; simpl; intros; auto. inv H.
    unfold dlzero; simpl. f_equal.
    - rewrite dlzero_rw. rewrite ldotdl_zero_r; auto.
    - apply IHdl. auto.

dltrans for dldotdl with right decomposition
  Lemma dltrans_dldotdl_right : forall d1 d2 l2 r,
      dltrans (dldotdl d1 (l2 :: d2)) (S r) =
        (ldotdl l2 d1) :: (dltrans (dldotdl d1 d2) r).
    unfold width; induction d1; intros; simpl in *. easy.
    specialize (IHd1 d2 l2 r).
    destruct (dltrans (dldotdl d1 (l2 :: d2)) (S r)); try easy. inv IHd1.
    f_equal. f_equal; auto. apply ldot_comm.

dldotdl commutation
  Lemma dldotdl_comm : forall d1 d2 r c,
      length d1 = r -> width d1 c -> width d2 c ->
      dldotdl d1 d2 = dltrans (dldotdl d2 d1) r.
    induction d1; simpl; intros; subst.
    - rewrite dldotdl_nil_r. rewrite dltrans_nil. easy.
    - inv H0. rewrite dltrans_dldotdl_right.
      f_equal; try easy. apply IHd1 with (c:=length a); auto.

l * (d1 . d2)^T = (l . d1^T) . d2
  Lemma ldotdl_dldotdl_dltrans_assoc : forall d1 d2 l {r c},
      width d1 c ->
      length d2 = r -> width d2 c ->
      (ldotdl l (dltrans (dldotdl d1 d2) r) =
         ldotdl (ldotdl l (dltrans d1 c)) d2).
    unfold width. induction d1; intros.
    - subst. simpl. rewrite ?ldotdl_nil_r.
      rewrite ldotdl_zero_l with (r:=length d2); auto.
    - inv H. simpl. destruct l.
      + rewrite ldotdl_nil_l with (r:=length d2).
        2:{ apply consc_length.
            apply ldotdl_length; auto.
            apply dltrans_length. apply dldotdl_width with (c:=length a); auto. }
        rewrite ldotdl_nil_l with (r:=length a).
        2:{ apply consc_length; auto.
            apply dltrans_length; auto. }
        rewrite ldotdl_zero_l with (r:=length d2); auto.
      + erewrite ldotdl_consr_consc with (r:=length d1);
          auto using dltrans_length, dltrans_width.
        2:{ rewrite dltrans_length.
            rewrite ldotdl_length with (r:=length d2); auto.
            apply dldotdl_width with (c:=length a); auto. }
        2:{ apply dltrans_width. apply dldotdl_length; auto.
            apply dldotdl_width with (c:=length a); auto. }
        rewrite ldotdl_consr_consc with (r:=length d1) (c:=length a);
          auto using dltrans_length, dltrans_width.
        erewrite ldotdl_lcmul_assoc with (r:=length a); auto.
        rewrite ldotdl_ladd_distr_r with (r:=length a) (c:=length d2);
          auto using lcmul_length, ldotdl_length, dltrans_length.
        rewrite IHd1 with (c:=length a); auto.

dldotdl association
  Lemma dldotdl_assoc : forall d1 d2 d3 r c,
      width d2 c ->
      length d3 = r -> width d3 c ->
      dldotdl (dldotdl d1 (dltrans d2 c)) d3 =
        dldotdl d1 (dltrans (dldotdl d2 d3) r).
    induction d1; simpl; intros; auto.
    - rewrite ldotdl_dldotdl_dltrans_assoc with (c:=c); auto.
    - apply IHd1; auto.

dldotdl left with dlunit
  Lemma dldotdl_dlunit_l : forall (dl : dlist A) {c},
      width dl c ->
      dldotdl (dlunit Azero Aone c) dl = dltrans dl c.
    induction dl; simpl; intros; try easy.
    - rewrite dldotdl_nil_r. rewrite dlunit_length. easy.
    - inversion H.
      rewrite dldotdl_consr_r with (c:=c); auto using dlunit_width.
      rewrite IHdl; auto.
      rewrite ldotdl_dlunit; easy.

dldotdl right with dlunit
  Lemma dldotdl_dlunit_r : forall (dl : dlist A) {c},
      width dl c ->
      dldotdl dl (dlunit Azero Aone c) = dl.
    induction dl; simpl; intros; auto. inversion H.
    rewrite IHdl; auto. rewrite ldotdl_dlunit; easy.

End ldotdl_dldotdl.

Properties of dlcmul

Section dlcmul_properties.
  Context `{F:Field}.
  Context {AeqDec: Dec (@eq A)}.

Mapping cmul to dlist keep unchanged imply k = 1 or dlist is zero
  Lemma dlcmul_fixpoint_imply_k1_or_dlzero :
    forall {r c} k (dl : dlist A) (H1 : length dl = r) (H2 : width dl c),
      map (map (fun x => Amul k x)) dl = dl ->
      ((k = Aone) \/ dl = dlzero Azero r c).
    unfold width,dlzero; induction r; intros.
    - rewrite length_zero_iff_nil in H1. subst. right. cbv. easy.
    - simpl. destruct dl. easy. simpl in *. inv H.
      pose proof (lcmul_fixpoint_imply_k1_or_lzero l eq_refl k H3).
      inversion H1. inversion H2.
      specialize (IHr c k dl H5 H8 H4). clear H1 H2.
      destruct IHr, H; auto. right.
      rewrite H3,H4. rewrite H7 in *. rewrite <- H. f_equal.
      rewrite H, H5. auto.

Mapping mulc to dlist keep unchanged imply k = 1 or dlist is zero
  Lemma dlmulc_fixpoint_imply_k1_or_dlzero :
    forall {r c} k (dl : dlist A) (H1 : length dl = r) (H2 : width dl c),
      map (map (fun x => Amul x k)) dl = dl ->
      ((k = Aone) \/ dl = dlzero Azero r c).
    intros. apply dlcmul_fixpoint_imply_k1_or_dlzero; auto.
    rewrite <- H at 2.
    apply map_ext. intros.
    apply map_ext. intros. apply commutative.

Mapping cmul to dlist got zero imply k = 0 or dlist is zero
  Lemma dlcmul_zero_imply_k0_or_dlzero :
    forall {r c} k (dl : dlist A) (H1 : length dl = r) (H2 : width dl c),
      map (map (fun x => Amul k x)) dl = (dlzero Azero r c) ->
      ((k = Azero) \/ dl = dlzero Azero r c).
    unfold width, dlzero; induction r; intros.
    - rewrite length_zero_iff_nil in H1. subst. cbv. right. easy.
    - destruct dl. easy. simpl in *.
      inversion H1. inversion H2. inversion H. clear H1 H2 H.
      specialize (IHr c k dl H3 H6).
      rewrite H3, <- H9, H8. subst.
      assert (map (map (fun x : A => Amul k x)) dl =
                repeat (lzero Azero (length l)) (length dl)).
      { rewrite H9. rewrite H8. auto. }
      apply IHr in H.
      destruct (Aeqdec k Azero); auto.
      destruct H; auto. right. f_equal.
      + apply lcmul_eq0_imply_k0_or_lzero in H8; auto.
        destruct H8; auto. easy.
      + rewrite H9. rewrite H at 1. f_equal. rewrite H8. auto.

End dlcmul_properties.

Set element with a constant value

Section SetByConstant.

Modify a dlist

dli,j = x
  Fixpoint dlistSet {A} (dl : dlist A) (i j : nat) (x : A)
    : dlist A :=
    match dl, i with
    | [], _ => []
    | l :: dl, 0 => (listSet l j x) :: dl
    | l :: dl, S i' => l :: (dlistSet dl i' j x)

Length property
  Lemma dlistSet_length : forall {A} dl i r j x,
      length dl = r ->
      length (@dlistSet A dl i j x) = r.
    intros A dl; induction dl; auto. destruct i; intros; auto; simpl in *.
    destruct r; auto. easy.

Width property
  Lemma dlistSet_width : forall {A} dl i c j x,
      width dl c ->
      width (@dlistSet A dl i j x) c.
    unfold width. intros A dl; induction dl; auto.
    destruct i; intros; simpl in *; auto; inv H; constructor; auto.
    apply listSet_length; auto.

End SetByConstant.

Set element with a generation function

Section SetByFunction.

Inner version, i0 is given position, i is changed in every loop
  Fixpoint dlistSetf_aux {A} (dl : dlist A) (i0 i j : nat)
    (f : nat -> nat -> A)
    : dlist A :=
    match dl, i with
    | [], _ => []
    | l :: dl, 0 => (listSetf l j (f i0)) :: dl
    | l :: dl, S i' => l :: (dlistSetf_aux dl i0 i' j f)

User version that hide i0 parameter
  Definition dlistSetf {A} (dl : dlist A) (i j : nat)
    (f : nat -> nat -> A)
    : dlist A :=
    dlistSetf_aux dl i i j f.

Length property
  Lemma dlistSetf_aux_length : forall {A} dl i r i0 j f,
      length dl = r ->
      length (@dlistSetf_aux A dl i0 i j f) = r.
    intros A dl; induction dl; auto. destruct i; auto; simpl; intros.
    destruct r; auto. easy.

  Lemma dlistSetf_length : forall {A} dl r i j f,
      length dl = r ->
      length (@dlistSetf A dl i j f) = r.
    intros. apply dlistSetf_aux_length. auto.

Width property
  Lemma dlistSetf_aux_width : forall {A} dl i c i0 j f,
      width dl c ->
      width (@dlistSetf_aux A dl i0 i j f) c.
    unfold width. intros A dl; induction dl; auto.
    induction i; intros; simpl in *; auto; inv H; constructor; auto.
    apply listSetf_length; auto.

  Lemma dlistSetf_width : forall {A} dl i c j f,
      width dl c ->
      width (@dlistSetf A dl i j f) c.
    intros. apply dlistSetf_aux_width; auto.

End SetByFunction.

Set row with a constant value

Section SetRowByConstant.

  Fixpoint dlistSetRow {A} (dl : dlist A) (i : nat) (x : list A)
    : dlist A :=
    match dl, i with
    | [], _ => []
    | l :: dl, 0 => x :: dl
    | l :: dl, S i' => l :: (dlistSetRow dl i' x)

Length property
  Lemma dlistSetRow_length : forall {A} dl i r x,
      length dl = r ->
      length (@dlistSetRow A dl i x) = r.
    intros A dl; induction dl; auto. destruct i; auto; intros; simpl in *.
    destruct r; auto. easy.

Width property
  Lemma dlistSetRow_width : forall {A} dl i c x,
      length x = c ->
      width dl c ->
      width (@dlistSetRow A dl i x) c.
    unfold width; intros A dl; induction dl; auto.
    induction i; intros; simpl in *; inv H0; constructor; auto.

Index out-of-bound
  Lemma dlistSetRow_idxOutOfBound : forall {A} dl i r c l,
      length dl = r -> width dl c -> i >= r -> @dlistSetRow A dl i l = dl.
    intros A dl i. revert dl. induction i; intros; simpl.
    - assert (r = 0). lia. rewrite H2 in *. apply length_zero_iff_nil in H.
      rewrite H in *. simpl. auto.
    - destruct dl; auto. simpl in *. destruct r; try lia.
      apply IHi with r c; auto. inv H0; auto. lia.

End SetRowByConstant.

Set row with a generation function

Section SetRowByFunction.

Inner version, i0 is given position, i is changed in every loop
  Fixpoint dlistSetRowf_aux {A} (dl : dlist A) (i0 i : nat)
    (f : nat -> list A)
    : dlist A :=
    match dl, i with
    | [], _ => []
    | l :: dl, 0 => (f i0) :: dl
    | l :: dl, S i' => l :: (dlistSetRowf_aux dl i0 i' f)

User version that hide i0 parameter
  Definition dlistSetRowf {A} (dl : dlist A) (i : nat)
    (f : nat -> list A)
    : dlist A :=
    dlistSetRowf_aux dl i i f.

Length property
  Lemma dlistSetRowf_aux_length : forall {A} dl i r i0 f,
      length dl = r ->
      length (@dlistSetRowf_aux A dl i0 i f) = r.
    intros A dl; induction dl; auto. induction i; auto.
    intros. simpl. destruct r; auto. easy.

  Lemma dlistSetRowf_length : forall {A} dl r i f,
      length dl = r ->
      length (@dlistSetRowf A dl i f) = r.
    intros. apply dlistSetRowf_aux_length. auto.

Width property
  Lemma dlistSetRowf_aux_width : forall {A} dl i c i0 f,
      length (f i0) = c ->
      width dl c ->
      width (@dlistSetRowf_aux A dl i0 i f) c.
    unfold width; intros A dl; induction dl; auto.
    induction i; intros; simpl in *; auto; inv H0; constructor; auto.

  Lemma dlistSetRowf_width : forall {A} dl i c f,
      length (f i) = c ->
      width dl c ->
      width (@dlistSetRowf A dl i f) c.
    intros. apply dlistSetRowf_aux_width; auto.

End SetRowByFunction.

Row Transform

Section RowTransform.

  Context `{HARing : ARing}.

Swap two rows

Swap row i1 and row i2
  Definition dlistRowSwap (dl : dlist A) (i1 i2 : nat) : dlist A :=
    let r := length dl in
    if (i1 <? r) && (i2 <? r)
      let row_i1 := nth i1 dl [] in
      let row_i2 := nth i2 dl [] in
      dlistSetRow (dlistSetRow dl i1 row_i2) i2 row_i1
    else dl.

Index out-of-bound
  Lemma dlistRowSwap_idxOutOfBound_i1 : forall dl r c i1 i2,
      length dl = r -> width dl c -> i1 >= r -> dlistRowSwap dl i1 i2 = dl.
    intros. unfold dlistRowSwap.
    rewrite H in *. apply Nat.ltb_ge in H1. rewrite H1; simpl. auto.

Index out-of-bound
  Lemma dlistRowSwap_idxOutOfBound_i2 : forall dl r c i1 i2,
      length dl = r -> width dl c -> i2 >= r -> dlistRowSwap dl i1 i2 = dl.
    intros. unfold dlistRowSwap.
    rewrite H in *. apply Nat.ltb_ge in H1. rewrite H1; simpl.
    rewrite andb_false_r. auto.

Length property
  Lemma dlistRowSwap_length : forall dl r c i1 i2,
      length dl = r -> width dl c -> length (dlistRowSwap dl i1 i2) = r.
    intros. unfold dlistRowSwap.
    rewrite H in *. destruct (i1 <? r) eqn:E1, (i2 <? r) eqn:E2; simpl; auto.
    repeat rewrite dlistSetRow_length with (r:=r); auto.

Width property
  Lemma dlistRowSwap_width : forall dl r c i1 i2,
      length dl = r -> width dl c -> width (dlistRowSwap dl i1 i2) c.
    intros. unfold dlistRowSwap.
    rewrite H in *. destruct (i1 <? r) eqn:E1, (i2 <? r) eqn:E2; simpl; auto.
    repeat apply dlistSetRow_width; auto; apply dlist_nth_length; auto; try lia;
      rewrite H in *; solve_nat_ineq.

K times of one row

k times of row i
  Definition dlistRowK (dl : dlist A) (i : nat) (k : A) : dlist A :=
    let r := length dl in
    if (i <? r)
      let row_i := nth i dl [] in
      let row_i_K := lcmul (Amul:=Amul) k row_i in
      dlistSetRow dl i row_i_K
    else dl.

Index out-of-bound
  Lemma dlistRowK_idxOutOfBound : forall dl r c i k,
      length dl = r -> width dl c -> i >= r -> dlistRowK dl i k = dl.
    intros. unfold dlistRowK.
    rewrite H in *. apply Nat.ltb_ge in H1. rewrite H1; simpl. auto.

Length property
  Lemma dlistRowK_length : forall dl r c i k,
      length dl = r -> width dl c -> length (dlistRowK dl i k) = r.
    intros. unfold dlistRowK.
    rewrite H in *. destruct (i <? r) eqn:Ei; simpl; auto.
    repeat rewrite dlistSetRow_length with (r:=r); auto.

Width property
  Lemma dlistRowK_width : forall dl r c i k,
      length dl = r -> width dl c -> width (dlistRowK dl i k) c.
    intros. unfold dlistRowK.
    rewrite H in *. destruct (i <? r) eqn:Ei; simpl; auto.
    repeat apply dlistSetRow_width; auto.
    rewrite lcmul_length with (n:=c); auto.
    apply dlist_nth_length; auto; try lia; rewrite H in *; solve_nat_ineq.

Add K times of one row to another row

  Definition dlistRowKAdd (dl : dlist A) (i1 i2 : nat) (k : A) : dlist A :=
    let r := length dl in
    if (i1 <? r) && (i2 <? r)
      let row_i1 := nth i1 dl [] in
      let row_i2 := nth i2 dl [] in
      let row_i2' := ladd (Aadd:=Aadd) (lcmul (Amul:=Amul) k row_i1) row_i2 in
      dlistSetRow dl i2 row_i2'
    else dl.

Index out-of-bound
  Lemma dlistRowKAdd_idxOutOfBound_i1 : forall dl r c i1 i2 k,
      length dl = r -> width dl c -> i1 >= r -> dlistRowKAdd dl i1 i2 k = dl.
    intros. unfold dlistRowKAdd.
    rewrite H in *. apply Nat.ltb_ge in H1. rewrite H1; simpl. auto.

Index out-of-bound
  Lemma dlistRowKAdd_idxOutOfBound_i2 : forall dl r c i1 i2 k,
      length dl = r -> width dl c -> i2 >= r -> dlistRowKAdd dl i1 i2 k = dl.
    intros. unfold dlistRowKAdd.
    rewrite H in *. apply Nat.ltb_ge in H1. rewrite H1; simpl.
    rewrite andb_false_r. auto.

Length property
  Lemma dlistRowKAdd_length : forall dl r c i1 i2 k,
      length dl = r -> width dl c -> length (dlistRowKAdd dl i1 i2 k) = r.
    intros. unfold dlistRowKAdd.
    rewrite H in *. destruct (i1 <? r) eqn:E1, (i2 <? r) eqn:E2; simpl; auto.
    repeat rewrite dlistSetRow_length with (r:=r); auto.

Width property
  Lemma dlistRowKAdd_width : forall dl r c i1 i2 k,
      length dl = r -> width dl c -> width (dlistRowKAdd dl i1 i2 k) c.
    intros. unfold dlistRowKAdd.
    rewrite H in *. destruct (i1 <? r) eqn:E1, (i2 <? r) eqn:E2; simpl; auto.
    repeat apply dlistSetRow_width; auto.
    rewrite ladd_length with (n:=c); auto.
    rewrite lcmul_length with (n:=c); auto.
    apply dlist_nth_length; auto; try lia; rewrite H in *; solve_nat_ineq.
    apply dlist_nth_length; auto; try lia; rewrite H in *; solve_nat_ineq.

End RowTransform.

Section test.
  Let dlistRowK := dlistRowK (Amul:=Nat.mul).
  Let dlistRowKAdd := dlistRowKAdd (Aadd:=Nat.add) (Amul:=Nat.mul).
  Let dl := [[1;2];[3;4];[5;6]].
End test.

dlist remove one row and/or one column

Section dlremove.
  Context {A : Type} {Azero : A}.

  Lemma firstn_width : forall (dl : dlist A) c n, width dl c -> width (firstn n dl) c.
    induction dl; intros; destruct n; simpl; auto. constructor.
    inv H. constructor; auto. apply IHdl. auto.

  Lemma skipn_width : forall (dl : dlist A) c n, width dl c -> width (skipn n dl) c.
    induction dl; intros; destruct n; simpl; auto. apply IHdl. inv H; auto.


  Fixpoint firstnC (n : nat) (dl : dlist A) : dlist A :=
    match dl with
    | [] => []
    | l :: dl' => (firstn n l) :: (firstnC n dl')

  Lemma firstnC_length : forall dl r n,
      length dl = r -> length (firstnC n dl) = r.
    induction dl; intros; simpl in *; auto.
    destruct r. lia. rewrite IHdl with (r:=r); auto.

  Lemma firstnC_width : forall (dl : dlist A) c n,
      width dl c -> n < c -> width (firstnC n dl) n.
    induction dl; intros; simpl in *; auto. constructor. inversion H.
    constructor; auto. rewrite firstn_length. lia. apply IHdl with (c:=c); auto.

  Lemma firstnC_overflow : forall dl r c n,
      length dl = r -> width dl c -> n >= c -> firstnC n dl = dl.
    induction dl; intros; auto. simpl. destruct r; simpl in *. lia.
    inversion H. inversion H0. f_equal; auto.
    - apply firstn_all2. lia.
    - apply IHdl with (r:=r)(c:=c); auto.


  Fixpoint skipnC (n : nat) (dl : dlist A) : dlist A :=
    match dl with
    | [] => []
    | l :: dl' => (skipn n l) :: (skipnC n dl')

  Lemma skipnC_length : forall dl r n,
      length dl = r -> length (skipnC n dl) = r.
    induction dl; intros; simpl in *; auto.
    destruct r. lia. rewrite IHdl with (r:=r); auto.

  Lemma skipnC_width : forall (dl : dlist A) c n,
      width dl c -> n < c -> width (skipnC n dl) (c - n).
    induction dl; intros; simpl in *; auto. constructor. inversion H.
    constructor; auto. rewrite skipn_length. lia. apply IHdl with (c:=c); auto.

  Lemma skipnC_overflow : forall dl r c n,
      length dl = r -> width dl c -> n >= c -> skipnC n dl = dnil r.
    induction dl; intros; simpl in *; auto.
    - subst. auto.
    - destruct r; simpl in *. lia. inversion H. inversion H0.
      rewrite IHdl with (r:=r)(c:=c); auto. f_equal; auto.
      rewrite skipn_all2; auto. lia.


  Fixpoint dlremoveRow (dl : dlist A) (i : nat) : dlist A :=
    match dl with
    | [] => []
    | l :: dl' => match i with
                 | O => dl'
                 | S i' => l :: (dlremoveRow dl' i')

  Lemma dlremoveRow_length : forall dl r i,
      length dl = (S r) -> i < S r -> length (dlremoveRow dl i) = r.
    induction dl; intros; simpl in *. lia. destruct i; auto.
    destruct r; try lia. simpl. rewrite IHdl with (r:=r); auto. lia.

  Lemma dlremoveRow_width : forall dl c i,
      width dl c -> width (dlremoveRow dl i) c.
    induction dl; intros; simpl in *; auto.
    apply cons_width_iff in H. destruct H. destruct i; auto.
    apply cons_width_iff. split; auto.


  Definition dlremoveCol (dl : dlist A) (i : nat) : dlist A :=
    (firstnC i dl) @@ (skipnC (S i) dl).

  Lemma dlremoveCol_length : forall dl r i,
      length dl = r -> length (dlremoveCol dl i) = r.
    intros. unfold dlremoveCol. rewrite dlappc_length with (r:=r); auto.
    rewrite firstnC_length with (r:=r); auto.
    rewrite skipnC_length with (r:=r); auto.

  Lemma dlremoveCol_width : forall (dl : dlist A) c i,
      width dl (S c) -> i < (S c) -> width (dlremoveCol dl i) c.
    intros. unfold dlremoveCol.
    replace c with (i + (S c - (S i))); try lia. apply dlappc_width.
    apply firstnC_width with (c:=S c); auto.
    destruct (i =? c) eqn:Ei.
    - apply Nat.eqb_eq in Ei. subst.
      rewrite skipnC_overflow with (r:=length dl) (c:=S c); auto.
      rewrite Nat.sub_diag. apply dnil_width.
    - apply Nat.eqb_neq in Ei.
      apply skipnC_width with (c:=S c); auto. lia.


  Definition dlremove (dl : dlist A) (i j : nat) : dlist A :=
    dlremoveCol (dlremoveRow dl i) j.

  Lemma dlremove_length : forall dl r c i j,
      length dl = (S r) -> width dl c -> i < S r -> j < c ->
      length (dlremove dl i j) = r.
    intros. unfold dlremove.
    rewrite dlremoveCol_length with (r:=r); auto.
    rewrite dlremoveRow_length with (r:=r); auto.

  Lemma dlremove_width : forall dl r c i j,
      length dl = r -> width dl (S c) -> i < r -> j < S c ->
      width (dlremove dl i j) c.
    intros. unfold dlremove.
    apply dlremoveCol_width; auto. apply dlremoveRow_width; auto.

End dlremove.

Section test.
  Let dl := [[1;2;3];[4;5;6];[7;8;9]].

End test.

Setoid equal of list

Section listSetoidEq.
  Context {A : Type}.

Two list `l1` and `l2` are setoid equal under `R` relation
  Definition listSetoidEq {A} (R : A -> A -> Prop) (l1 l2 : list A) : Prop :=
    SetoidList.eqlistA R l1 l2.

Two dlist `d1` and `d2` are setoid equal under `R` relation
  Definition dlistSetoidEq {A} (R : A -> A -> Prop) (d1 d2 : dlist A) : Prop :=
    SetoidList.eqlistA (listSetoidEq R) d1 d2.

End listSetoidEq.

Special search algorithm

Section search.

Find the minimum element from a list
  Section list_min.
Find the minimum element from a list (Auxiliary function). Parameters: l the given list cmp compare function, t1 < t2 is true, otherwise false val minimum value, init is the head of l
Return: if the given list is empty, return val otherwise, return the value we need.
    Fixpoint list_min_aux {T} (val : T) (l : list T) (cmp : T -> T -> bool) : T :=
      match l with
      | [] => val
      | a :: tl =>
          if cmp a val
          then list_min_aux a tl cmp
          else list_min_aux val tl cmp

Find the minimum element from a list.
Parameters: T0 default value of A cmp compare function, t1 < t2 is true, otherwise false l the given list
Return: if the given list is empty, return T0 otherwise, return the value we need.
    Definition list_min {T} (T0 : T) (cmp : T -> T -> bool) (l : list T) : T :=
      list_min_aux (hd T0 l) l cmp.

    Section test.

      Open Scope nat.

    End test.

  End list_min.

Find the index of the minimum element from a list
  Section list_min_pos.
Find the index of the minimum element from a list (Auxiliary function).
Parameters: l the given list cmp compare function, t1 < t2 is true, otherwise false min_val minimum value, init is the head of l min_pos record position where the element is minum, init is 0 cnt to count the position, init is 0
Return: if the given list is empty, return min_pos otherwise, return the value we need.
    Fixpoint list_min_pos_aux {T} (cmp : T -> T -> bool) (l : list T)
      (min_val : T) (min_pos : nat) (cnt : nat) : nat :=
      match l with
      | [] => min_pos
      | a :: tl =>
          if cmp a min_val
          then list_min_pos_aux cmp tl a cnt (S cnt)
          else list_min_pos_aux cmp tl min_val min_pos (S cnt)

Find the index of the minimum element from a list.
Parameters: T0 default value of A, only be used as the parameter of hd, any value is ok. cmp compare function, t1 < t2 is true, otherwise false l the given list
Return: if the given list is empty, return 0 otherwise, return the value we need.
    Definition list_min_pos {T} (T0 : T) (cmp : T -> T -> bool) (l : list T) : nat :=
      list_min_pos_aux cmp l (hd T0 l) 0 0.

Spec: no any other elements is smaller than the result.
    Lemma list_min_pos_spec : forall {T} (T0 : T) (cmp : T -> T -> bool) (l : list T),
        let min_pos := list_min_pos T0 cmp l in
        let min_val := nth min_pos l T0 in
        Forall (fun a => negb (cmp a min_val)) l.
      intros T T0 cmp l. simpl. induction l; constructor.

    Section test.

      Open Scope nat.

    End test.
  End list_min_pos.

End search.