
Require Export QExt Qcanon.
Require Export Hierarchy.
Open Scope Qc.

Understanding the Qc type

Section eq.

  Goal Q2Qc (1#2) = Q2Qc (2#4).
  Proof. cbv. f_equal. apply UIP. Qed.
End eq.

Mathematical Structure

#[export] Instance Qc_eq_Dec : Dec (@eq Qc).
Proof. constructor. apply Qc_eq_dec. Defined.

#[export] Instance Qc_le_Dec : Dec Qcle.
  constructor. intros. destruct (Qclt_le_dec b a); auto.
  right. intro. apply Qcle_not_lt in H. easy.

#[export] Instance Qc_lt_Dec : Dec Qclt.
  constructor. intros. destruct (Qclt_le_dec a b); auto.
  right. intro. apply Qcle_not_lt in q. easy.

Lemma Qc_lt_irrefl : forall a : Qc, ~ (a < a).
  intros. intro. apply Qclt_not_eq in H. easy.

Lemma Qcle_lt_strong : forall a b : Qc, a <> b -> a <= b -> a < b.
  destruct (Qc_dec a b) as [[H1|H1]|H1]; auto.
  - apply Qcle_not_lt in H0. easy.
  - subst. easy.

Lemma Qcplus_opp_l : forall q : Qc, -q + q = Q2Qc 0.
Proof. intros. rewrite commutative, Qcplus_opp_r; auto. Qed.

Lemma Qc_add_reg_l : forall a b c : Qc, c + a = c + b -> a = b.
  assert (-c + c + a = -c + c + b). { rewrite !associative. rewrite H. auto. }
  rewrite Qcplus_opp_l in H0. rewrite !Qcplus_0_l in H0. auto.

Lemma Qc_add_reg_r : forall a b c : Qc, a + c = b + c -> a = b.
  assert (a + c + -c = b + c + -c). { rewrite H. auto. }
  rewrite !associative in H0. rewrite Qcplus_opp_r in H0.
  rewrite !Qcplus_0_r in H0. auto.

Lemma Qc_lt_add_compat_r : forall a b c : Qc, a < b -> a + c < b + c.
  intros. pose proof (Qcplus_le_compat a b c c). destruct (Aeqdec a b).
  - subst. apply Qc_lt_irrefl in H. easy.
  - apply Qcle_lt_strong; auto.
    + intro. apply Qc_add_reg_r in H1. easy.
    + apply H0. apply Qclt_le_weak; auto. apply Qcle_refl.

Lemma Qc_lt_add_compat_l : forall a b c : Qc, a < b -> c + a < c + b.
Proof. intros. rewrite !(commutative c _). apply Qc_lt_add_compat_r; auto. Qed.

Lemma Qc_lt_mul_compat_r : forall a b c : Qc, a < b -> 0 < c -> a * c < b * c.
Proof. intros. apply Qcmult_lt_compat_r; auto. Qed.

Lemma Qc_lt_mul_compat_l : forall a b c : Qc, a < b -> 0 < c -> c * a < c * b.
Proof. intros. rewrite !(commutative c _). apply Qc_lt_mul_compat_r; auto. Qed.

Lemma Qc_le_refl : forall n : Qc, n <= n.
Proof. apply Qcle_refl. Qed.

Bool version of "<" and "<=" for Qc
Definition Qcltb (a b : Qc) : bool := if Qclt_le_dec a b then true else false.
Definition Qcleb (a b : Qc) : bool := if Qclt_le_dec b a then false else true.
Infix "<?" := Qcltb : Qc_scope.
Infix "<=?" := Qcleb : Qc_scope.

Lemma Qcltb_reflect : forall a b : Qc, reflect (a < b) (a <? b).
  intros. unfold Qcltb. destruct Qclt_le_dec; constructor; auto.
  apply Qcle_not_lt; auto.

Lemma Qcleb_reflect : forall a b : Qc, reflect (a <= b) (a <=? b).
  intros. unfold Qcleb. destruct Qclt_le_dec; constructor; auto.
  apply Qclt_not_le; auto.

#[export] Instance Qc_Order : Order Qclt Qcle Qcltb Qcleb.
  constructor; intros.
  - split; intros. apply Qcle_lt_or_eq; auto. destruct H.
    apply Qclt_le_weak; auto. subst. apply Qcle_refl.
  - apply Qc_lt_irrefl.
  - pose proof (Qclt_trans a b a H H0). apply Qc_lt_irrefl in H1. easy.
  - apply Qclt_trans with b; auto.
  - apply Qc_dec.
  - apply Qcltb_reflect.
  - apply Qcleb_reflect.

Section test.
  Goal forall a b : Qc, {a = b} + {a <> b}.
  Proof. intros. apply Aeqdec. Abort.
End test.

Convertion between Qc and other types

Qc to Q
Definition Qc2Q (x : Qc) : Q := this x.

Z to Qc
Definition Z2Qc (x : Z) : Qc := Q2Qc (Z2Q x).

nat to Qc
Definition nat2Qc (x : nat) : Qc := Q2Qc (nat2Q x).

Qc to Z
Definition Qc2Z_ceiling (q : Qc) : Z := Q2Z_ceiling (Qc2Q q).
Definition Qc2Z_floor (q : Qc) : Z := Q2Z_floor (Qc2Q q).

list Q to list Qc
Definition Q2Qc_list l := map Q2Qc l.

dlist Q to dlist Qc
Definition Q2Qc_dlist dl := map Q2Qc_list dl.

list Qc to list Q, for better printing
Definition Qc2Q_list l := map Qc2Q l.

dlist Qc to dlist Q
Definition Qc2Q_dlist dl := map Qc2Q_list dl.

If two Q type value are equal, then its canonical form are equal
Lemma Qcmake_inversion : forall (q1 q2 : Q) (H1 : Qred q1 = q1) (H2 : Qred q2 = q2),
    q1 = q2 -> Qcmake q1 H1 = Qcmake q2 H2.
  f_equal.   subst.
  f_equal. apply proof_irrelevance.

Q2Qc (Qc2Q qc) = qc
Lemma Q2Qc_Qc2Q : forall (qc : Qc), Q2Qc (Qc2Q qc) = qc.
  intros. unfold Qc2Q. unfold Q2Qc. destruct qc. simpl.
  f_equal.   apply Qcmake_inversion. auto.

Properties for Qeqb and Qeq

Notation Qceqdec := Qc_eq_dec.

Notation Qceqb := Qc_eq_bool.

Infix "=?" := Qceqb : Qc_scope.

Reflection of (=) and (=?)
Lemma Qceqb_true_iff : forall x y, x =? y = true <-> x = y.
  intros; split; intros.
  - apply Qc_eq_bool_correct; auto.
  - subst. unfold Qceqb, Qc_eq_bool.
    unfold Qceqdec.
    destruct (Qeq_dec y y) eqn: E1; auto.
    destruct n. apply Qeq_refl.

Lemma Qceqb_false_iff : forall x y, x =? y = false <-> x <> y.
  intros; split; intros.
  - intro. apply Qceqb_true_iff in H0. rewrite H in H0. easy.
  - destruct (Qceqb x y) eqn:E1; auto. apply Qceqb_true_iff in E1. easy.

Well-defined (or compatible, or proper morphism) of operations on Qc.

Lemma Qcplus_wd : Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq) Qcplus.
Proof. simp_proper. intros; subst; ring. Qed.

Lemma Qcopp_wd : Proper (eq ==> eq) Qcopp.
Proof. simp_proper. intros; subst; ring. Qed.

Lemma Qcminus_wd : Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq) Qcminus.
Proof. simp_proper. intros; subst; ring. Qed.

Lemma Qcmult_wd : Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq) Qcmult.
Proof. simp_proper. intros; subst; ring. Qed.

Lemma Qcinv_wd : Proper (eq ==> eq) Qcinv.
Proof. simp_proper. intros; subst; ring. Qed.

Lemma Qcdiv_wd : Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq) Qcdiv.
Proof. simp_proper. intros; subst; ring. Qed.

Hint Resolve
  Qcplus_wd Qcopp_wd Qcminus_wd Qcmult_wd Qcinv_wd Qcdiv_wd
  : wd.


sqrt of Q