Require Import Extraction.
Require Export ListExt NatExt Matrix.
Require ZArith Reals.
Generalizable Variable A Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone Ainv.
Get k-th element and remaining elements from a list
Fixpoint pick (l : list A) (k : nat) : A * list A :=
match k with
| 0 => (hd Azero l, tl l)
| S k' =>
match l with
| [] => (Azero, [])
| x :: l' =>
let (a,l0) := pick l' k' in
(a, [x] ++ l0)
match k with
| 0 => (hd Azero l, tl l)
| S k' =>
match l with
| [] => (Azero, [])
| x :: l' =>
let (a,l0) := pick l' k' in
(a, [x] ++ l0)
Get permutation of a list from its top n elements
Fixpoint permAux (n : nat) (l : list A) : list (list A) :=
match n with
| 0 => [[]]
| S n' =>
(fun k =>
let '(x, lx) := k in
map (cons x) (permAux n' lx))
(map (fun i => pick l i) (seq 0 n)))
match n with
| 0 => [[]]
| S n' =>
(fun k =>
let '(x, lx) := k in
map (cons x) (permAux n' lx))
(map (fun i => pick l i) (seq 0 n)))
Get permutation of a list
Convert a list to list of (one element * remaining elements)
Fixpoint pick {A} (l : list A) (remaining : list A) : list (A * list A) :=
match l with
| [] => []
| hl :: tl =>
(hl, remaining ++ tl) :: (pick tl (remaining ++ [hl]))
match l with
| [] => []
| hl :: tl =>
(hl, remaining ++ tl) :: (pick tl (remaining ++ [hl]))
Get permutation of a list from its top n elements
Fixpoint permAux {A} (n : nat) (l : list A) : list (list A) :=
match n with
| 0 => [[]]
| S n' =>
(fun k =>
let '(x, lx) := k in
map (cons x) (permAux n' lx))
(pick l []))
match n with
| 0 => [[]]
| S n' =>
(fun k =>
let '(x, lx) := k in
map (cons x) (permAux n' lx))
(pick l []))
Get permutation of a list
Module Export method3.
Section def.
Context {A : Type}.
Fixpoint permOne (a : A) (l : list A) : list (list A) :=
match l with
| [] => [[a]]
| hl :: tl => (a :: l) :: (map (cons hl) (permOne a tl))
Section def.
Context {A : Type}.
Fixpoint permOne (a : A) (l : list A) : list (list A) :=
match l with
| [] => [[a]]
| hl :: tl => (a :: l) :: (map (cons hl) (permOne a tl))
Permutation of a list
Fixpoint perm (l : list A) : list (list A) :=
match l with
| [] => [[]]
| hl :: tl => concat (map (permOne hl) (perm tl))
End def.
Section props.
Context {A : Type}.
match l with
| [] => [[]]
| hl :: tl => concat (map (permOne hl) (perm tl))
End def.
Section props.
Context {A : Type}.
|permOne (a::l)| = |l| + 1
Lemma permOne_length : forall a (l : list A), length (permOne a l) = S (length l).
Proof. induction l; simpl; auto. rewrite map_length. auto. Qed.
Lemma permOne_not_nil : forall a (l : list A), permOne a l <> [].
Proof. induction l; simpl; try easy. Qed.
Lemma perm_not_nil : forall (l : list A), perm l <> [].
induction l; simpl; try easy.
destruct (perm l) eqn:E; simpl; try easy.
destruct (permOne a l0) eqn:E1; try easy.
apply permOne_not_nil in E1; auto.
Lemma hd_perm : forall (l : list A), hd [] (perm l) = l.
induction l; auto.
Lemma perm_length_in : forall (l x : list A),
In x (perm l) -> length x = S (length l).
Proof. induction l; simpl; auto. rewrite map_length. auto. Qed.
Lemma permOne_not_nil : forall a (l : list A), permOne a l <> [].
Proof. induction l; simpl; try easy. Qed.
Lemma perm_not_nil : forall (l : list A), perm l <> [].
induction l; simpl; try easy.
destruct (perm l) eqn:E; simpl; try easy.
destruct (permOne a l0) eqn:E1; try easy.
apply permOne_not_nil in E1; auto.
Lemma hd_perm : forall (l : list A), hd [] (perm l) = l.
induction l; auto.
Lemma perm_length_in : forall (l x : list A),
In x (perm l) -> length x = S (length l).
|perm (a::l)| = |(a::l)| * |perm l|
Lemma perm_cons_length : forall a (l : list A),
length (perm (a :: l)) = (S (length l)) * (length (perm l)).
intros. revert a. induction l; intros.
- simpl. auto.
- unfold perm; fold (perm (a :: l)).
assert (forall {A} (d : dlist A) n,
(forall l, In l d -> length l = n) ->
length (concat d) = n * length d).
rewrite H with (n:=S (length (a :: l))).
rewrite map_length. auto.
length (perm (a :: l)) = (S (length l)) * (length (perm l)).
intros. revert a. induction l; intros.
- simpl. auto.
- unfold perm; fold (perm (a :: l)).
assert (forall {A} (d : dlist A) n,
(forall l, In l d -> length l = n) ->
length (concat d) = n * length d).
rewrite H with (n:=S (length (a :: l))).
rewrite map_length. auto.
|perm l| = |l|!
Lemma length_perm : forall (l : list A), length (perm l) = fact (length l).
induction l. auto.
rewrite perm_cons_length.
simpl. rewrite IHl. auto.
Lemma perm_in : forall (l : list A) (a : list A),
In a (perm l) -> (forall x, In x a -> In x l).
End props.
Section perm_index.
Open Scope nat_scope.
Notation perm := (@perm nat).
induction l. auto.
rewrite perm_cons_length.
simpl. rewrite IHl. auto.
Lemma perm_in : forall (l : list A) (a : list A),
In a (perm l) -> (forall x, In x a -> In x l).
End props.
Section perm_index.
Open Scope nat_scope.
Notation perm := (@perm nat).
In a (perm (seq 0 n)) -> i < n -> nth i a < n
Lemma perm_index_lt : forall n i a, In a (perm (seq 0 n)) -> i < n -> nth i a 0 < n.
intros. apply perm_in with (x:=nth i a 0) in H.
- apply in_seq in H. lia.
- apply nth_In.
apply perm_length_in in H. rewrite seq_length in H. lia.
End perm_index.
End method3.
intros. apply perm_in with (x:=nth i a 0) in H.
- apply in_seq in H. lia.
- apply nth_In.
apply perm_length_in in H. rewrite seq_length in H. lia.
End perm_index.
End method3.
Section ronum.
Context {A} {Altb : A -> A -> bool}.
Infix "<?" := Altb.
Definition ronum1 (a : A) (l : list A) : nat :=
fold_left (fun (n : nat) (b : A) => n + (if b <? a then 1 else 0)) l 0.
Fixpoint ronum (l : list A) : nat :=
match l with
| [] => 0
| x :: l' => ronum1 x l' + ronum l'
End ronum.
Section test.
Let ronum1 := @ronum1 nat Nat.leb.
Let ronum := @ronum nat Nat.leb.
End test.
Context {A} {Altb : A -> A -> bool}.
Infix "<?" := Altb.
Definition ronum1 (a : A) (l : list A) : nat :=
fold_left (fun (n : nat) (b : A) => n + (if b <? a then 1 else 0)) l 0.
Fixpoint ronum (l : list A) : nat :=
match l with
| [] => 0
| x :: l' => ronum1 x l' + ronum l'
End ronum.
Section test.
Let ronum1 := @ronum1 nat Nat.leb.
Let ronum := @ronum nat Nat.leb.
End test.
The RON of a permutation is odd
Section permExchg.
Context {A} {Altb : A -> A -> bool} (Azero : A).
Notation ronum := (ronum (Altb:=Altb)).
Notation oddPerm := (oddPerm (Altb:=Altb)).
Definition permExchg (l : list A) (i0 i1 : nat) : list A :=
lswap Azero l i0 i1.
Context {A} {Altb : A -> A -> bool} (Azero : A).
Notation ronum := (ronum (Altb:=Altb)).
Notation oddPerm := (oddPerm (Altb:=Altb)).
Definition permExchg (l : list A) (i0 i1 : nat) : list A :=
lswap Azero l i0 i1.
Theorem permExchg_parity : forall (l : list A) (n i0 i1 : nat),
length l = n -> i0 < n -> i1 < n -> i0 <> i1 ->
oddPerm (permExchg l i0 i1) <> oddPerm l.
intros. unfold oddPerm. unfold permExchg.
revert l i0 i1 H H0 H1 H2. induction n; intros. lia.
destruct l; simpl in *. lia.
End permExchg.
length l = n -> i0 < n -> i1 < n -> i0 <> i1 ->
oddPerm (permExchg l i0 i1) <> oddPerm l.
intros. unfold oddPerm. unfold permExchg.
revert l i0 i1 H H0 H1 H2. induction n; intros. lia.
destruct l; simpl in *. lia.
End permExchg.
Section mdet.
Context `{HARing : ARing}.
Add Ring ring_inst : (make_ring_theory HARing).
Notation "0" := Azero : A_scope.
Notation "1" := Aone : A_scope.
Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
Notation "- a" := (Aopp a) : A_scope.
Notation Asub a b := (a + -b).
Infix "-" := Asub : A_scope.
Infix "*" := Amul : A_scope.
Notation vadd := (@vadd _ Aadd).
Infix "+" := vadd : vec_scope.
Notation vcmul := (@vcmul _ Amul).
Infix "\.*" := vcmul : vec_scope.
Notation smat n := (smat A n).
Notation mmul := (@mmul _ Aadd 0 Amul).
Infix "*" := mmul : mat_scope.
Notation mat1 := (@mat1 _ 0 1).
Context `{HARing : ARing}.
Add Ring ring_inst : (make_ring_theory HARing).
Notation "0" := Azero : A_scope.
Notation "1" := Aone : A_scope.
Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
Notation "- a" := (Aopp a) : A_scope.
Notation Asub a b := (a + -b).
Infix "-" := Asub : A_scope.
Infix "*" := Amul : A_scope.
Notation vadd := (@vadd _ Aadd).
Infix "+" := vadd : vec_scope.
Notation vcmul := (@vcmul _ Amul).
Infix "\.*" := vcmul : vec_scope.
Notation smat n := (smat A n).
Notation mmul := (@mmul _ Aadd 0 Amul).
Infix "*" := mmul : mat_scope.
Notation mat1 := (@mat1 _ 0 1).
n阶行列式的完全展开式 (行下标固定,列下标来自于全排列)
Definition mdet_old {n} : smat n -> A :=
match n with
| O => fun _ => 1
| S n' =>
fun (M : smat (S n')) =>
let colIds := perm (seq 0 n)%nat in
let item (l:list nat) : A :=
(let x := @seqsum _ Amul 1 n (fun i => M.[#i].[#(nth i l 0)%nat]) in
if odd (ronum l (Altb:=Nat.ltb)) then - x else x) in
fold_left Aadd (map item colIds) 0
新的实现:元素索引为 nat 类型,避免了提供 i < n 的证明,无需处理 n = 0
Definition mdet {n} (M : smat n) : A :=
let colIds : dlist nat := perm (seq 0 n)%nat in
let item (l : list nat) : A :=
(let x := @seqsum _ Amul 1 n (fun i => (m2f 0 M) i (nth i l 0%nat)) in
if odd (ronum l (Altb:=Nat.ltb)) then - x else x) in
fold_left Aadd (map item colIds) 0.
Notation "| M |" := (mdet M) : mat_scope.
let colIds : dlist nat := perm (seq 0 n)%nat in
let item (l : list nat) : A :=
(let x := @seqsum _ Amul 1 n (fun i => (m2f 0 M) i (nth i l 0%nat)) in
if odd (ronum l (Altb:=Nat.ltb)) then - x else x) in
fold_left Aadd (map item colIds) 0.
Notation "| M |" := (mdet M) : mat_scope.
n阶行列式的完全展开式 (列下标固定,行下标来自于全排列)
Definition mdet' {n} (M : smat n) : A :=
let rowIds : dlist nat := perm (seq 0 n)%nat in
let item (l : list nat) : A :=
(let x := @seqsum _ Amul 1 n (fun j => (m2f 0 M) (nth j l 0%nat) j) in
if odd (ronum l (Altb:=Nat.ltb)) then - x else x) in
fold_left Aadd (map item rowIds) 0.
Axiom mdet'_eq_mdet : forall {n} (M : smat n), mdet' M = mdet M.
Lemma mdet_mtrans : forall {n} (M : smat n), |M\T| = |M|.
intros. rewrite <- mdet'_eq_mdet at 1.
unfold mdet, mdet'. f_equal.
apply map_ext_in; intros.
destruct (odd (ronum a)).
- f_equal. apply seqsum_eq; intros.
erewrite !nth_m2f, mnth_mtrans; auto.
- apply seqsum_eq; intros. erewrite !nth_m2f, mnth_mtrans; auto.
Unshelve. all: auto.
apply perm_index_lt; auto.
apply perm_index_lt; auto.
Lemma mdet_mmul : forall {n} (M N : smat n), |M * N| = (|M| * |N|)%A.
Lemma mdet_mat1 : forall {n}, |@mat1 n| = 1.
Lemma mdet_row_coef : forall {n} (M1 M2 : smat n) (i : fin n) (x : A),
(forall j, j <> i -> M1.[j] = M2.[j]) ->
(M1.[i] = x \.* M2.[i])%V ->
|M1| = (x * |M2|)%A.
Lemma mdet_row_add : forall {n} (M1 M2 M : smat n) (i : fin n),
(forall j, j <> i -> M1.[j] = M.[j] /\ M2.[j] = M.[j]) ->
(M1.[i] + M2.[i])%V = M.[i] -> |M| = (|M1| + |M2|)%A.
Lemma mdet_row_swap : forall {n} (M1 M2 : smat n) (i j : fin n),
i <> j ->
(forall k, k <> i -> k <> j -> M1.[k] = M2.[k]) ->
M1.[i] = M2.[j] -> M1.[j] = M2.[i] ->
(|M1| = - |M2|)%A.
Lemma mdet_row_same : forall {n} (M : smat n) (i j : fin n),
i <> j -> M.[i] = M.[j] -> |M| = 0.
Lemma mdet_row_cmul : forall {n} (M : smat n) (i j : fin n) (x : A),
i <> j -> M.[i] = (x \.* M.[j])%A -> |M| = 0.
Lemma mdet_row_addRow : forall {n} (M1 M2 : smat n) (i j : fin n) (x : A),
i <> j ->
(forall k, k <> i -> M1.[k] = M2.[k]) ->
M1.[i] = (M2.[i] + x \.*M2.[j])%V -> |M1| = |M2|.
Section Field.
Context `{HField : Field A Aadd 0 Aopp Amul 1}.
Add Field field_inst : (make_field_theory HField).
let rowIds : dlist nat := perm (seq 0 n)%nat in
let item (l : list nat) : A :=
(let x := @seqsum _ Amul 1 n (fun j => (m2f 0 M) (nth j l 0%nat) j) in
if odd (ronum l (Altb:=Nat.ltb)) then - x else x) in
fold_left Aadd (map item rowIds) 0.
Axiom mdet'_eq_mdet : forall {n} (M : smat n), mdet' M = mdet M.
Lemma mdet_mtrans : forall {n} (M : smat n), |M\T| = |M|.
intros. rewrite <- mdet'_eq_mdet at 1.
unfold mdet, mdet'. f_equal.
apply map_ext_in; intros.
destruct (odd (ronum a)).
- f_equal. apply seqsum_eq; intros.
erewrite !nth_m2f, mnth_mtrans; auto.
- apply seqsum_eq; intros. erewrite !nth_m2f, mnth_mtrans; auto.
Unshelve. all: auto.
apply perm_index_lt; auto.
apply perm_index_lt; auto.
Lemma mdet_mmul : forall {n} (M N : smat n), |M * N| = (|M| * |N|)%A.
Lemma mdet_mat1 : forall {n}, |@mat1 n| = 1.
Lemma mdet_row_coef : forall {n} (M1 M2 : smat n) (i : fin n) (x : A),
(forall j, j <> i -> M1.[j] = M2.[j]) ->
(M1.[i] = x \.* M2.[i])%V ->
|M1| = (x * |M2|)%A.
Lemma mdet_row_add : forall {n} (M1 M2 M : smat n) (i : fin n),
(forall j, j <> i -> M1.[j] = M.[j] /\ M2.[j] = M.[j]) ->
(M1.[i] + M2.[i])%V = M.[i] -> |M| = (|M1| + |M2|)%A.
Lemma mdet_row_swap : forall {n} (M1 M2 : smat n) (i j : fin n),
i <> j ->
(forall k, k <> i -> k <> j -> M1.[k] = M2.[k]) ->
M1.[i] = M2.[j] -> M1.[j] = M2.[i] ->
(|M1| = - |M2|)%A.
Lemma mdet_row_same : forall {n} (M : smat n) (i j : fin n),
i <> j -> M.[i] = M.[j] -> |M| = 0.
Lemma mdet_row_cmul : forall {n} (M : smat n) (i j : fin n) (x : A),
i <> j -> M.[i] = (x \.* M.[j])%A -> |M| = 0.
Lemma mdet_row_addRow : forall {n} (M1 M2 : smat n) (i j : fin n) (x : A),
i <> j ->
(forall k, k <> i -> M1.[k] = M2.[k]) ->
M1.[i] = (M2.[i] + x \.*M2.[j])%V -> |M1| = |M2|.
Section Field.
Context `{HField : Field A Aadd 0 Aopp Amul 1}.
Add Field field_inst : (make_field_theory HField).
M * N = mat1 -> |M| <> 0
Lemma mmul_eq1_imply_mdet_neq0_l : forall {n} (M N : smat n),
M * N = mat1 -> |M| <> 0.
intros. assert(|M * N|=|@mat1 n|). rewrite H; auto.
rewrite mdet_mmul in H0. intro. rewrite H1 in H0. rewrite mdet_mat1 in H0.
ring_simplify in H0. apply field_1_neq_0; auto.
M * N = mat1 -> |M| <> 0.
intros. assert(|M * N|=|@mat1 n|). rewrite H; auto.
rewrite mdet_mmul in H0. intro. rewrite H1 in H0. rewrite mdet_mat1 in H0.
ring_simplify in H0. apply field_1_neq_0; auto.
M * N = mat1 -> |N| <> 0
Lemma mmul_eq1_imply_mdet_neq0_r : forall {n} (M N : smat n),
M * N = mat1 -> |N| <> 0.
intros. assert(|M * N|=|@mat1 n|). rewrite H; auto.
rewrite mdet_mmul in H0. intro. rewrite H1 in H0. rewrite mdet_mat1 in H0.
ring_simplify in H0. apply field_1_neq_0; auto.
End Field.
End mdet.
M * N = mat1 -> |N| <> 0.
intros. assert(|M * N|=|@mat1 n|). rewrite H; auto.
rewrite mdet_mmul in H0. intro. rewrite H1 in H0. rewrite mdet_mat1 in H0.
ring_simplify in H0. apply field_1_neq_0; auto.
End Field.
End mdet.
Section mdet_concrete.
Context `{HARing : ARing}.
Add Ring ring_inst : (make_ring_theory HARing).
Notation "0" := Azero : A_scope.
Notation "1" := Aone : A_scope.
Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
Notation "- a" := (Aopp a) : A_scope.
Notation Asub a b := (a + -b).
Infix "-" := Asub : A_scope.
Infix "*" := Amul : A_scope.
Notation mdet := (@mdet _ Aadd 0 Aopp Amul 1).
Context `{HARing : ARing}.
Add Ring ring_inst : (make_ring_theory HARing).
Notation "0" := Azero : A_scope.
Notation "1" := Aone : A_scope.
Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
Notation "- a" := (Aopp a) : A_scope.
Notation Asub a b := (a + -b).
Infix "-" := Asub : A_scope.
Infix "*" := Amul : A_scope.
Notation mdet := (@mdet _ Aadd 0 Aopp Amul 1).
Determinant of a matrix of dimension-1
mdet1 M = |M|
|M| <> 0 <-> mdet_exp <> 0
Lemma mdet1_neq0_iff : forall (M : smat A 1),
mdet M <> 0 <-> M.11 <> 0.
Proof. intros. rewrite <- mdet1_eq_mdet; easy. Qed.
mdet M <> 0 <-> M.11 <> 0.
Proof. intros. rewrite <- mdet1_eq_mdet; easy. Qed.
Determinant of a matrix of dimension-2
mdet2 M = |M|
Lemma mdet2_eq_mdet : forall M, mdet2 M = mdet M.
Proof. intros. unfold mdet2. cbn; rewrite <- !(nth_m2f_nat2finS 0); auto; ring. Qed.
Proof. intros. unfold mdet2. cbn; rewrite <- !(nth_m2f_nat2finS 0); auto; ring. Qed.
|M| <> 0 <-> mdet_exp <> 0
Lemma mdet2_neq0_iff : forall (M : smat A 2),
mdet M <> 0 <-> (M.11*M.22 - M.12*M.21)%A <> 0.
Proof. intros. rewrite <- mdet2_eq_mdet; easy. Qed.
mdet M <> 0 <-> (M.11*M.22 - M.12*M.21)%A <> 0.
Proof. intros. rewrite <- mdet2_eq_mdet; easy. Qed.
Determinant of a matrix of dimension-3
Definition mdet3 (M : smat A 3) :=
(M.11 * M.22 * M.33 - M.11 * M.23 * M.32 -
M.12 * M.21 * M.33 + M.12 * M.23 * M.31 +
M.13 * M.21 * M.32 - M.13 * M.22 * M.31)%A.
(M.11 * M.22 * M.33 - M.11 * M.23 * M.32 -
M.12 * M.21 * M.33 + M.12 * M.23 * M.31 +
M.13 * M.21 * M.32 - M.13 * M.22 * M.31)%A.
mdet3 M = mdet M
Lemma mdet3_eq_mdet : forall M, mdet3 M = mdet M.
Proof. intros. unfold mdet3. cbn; rewrite <- !(nth_m2f_nat2finS 0); auto; ring. Qed.
Proof. intros. unfold mdet3. cbn; rewrite <- !(nth_m2f_nat2finS 0); auto; ring. Qed.
|M| <> 0 <-> mdet_exp <> 0
Lemma mdet3_neq0_iff : forall (M : smat A 3),
mdet M <> 0 <->
(M.11 * M.22 * M.33 - M.11 * M.23 * M.32 -
M.12 * M.21 * M.33 + M.12 * M.23 * M.31 +
M.13 * M.21 * M.32 - M.13 * M.22 * M.31)%A <> 0.
Proof. intros. rewrite <- mdet3_eq_mdet; easy. Qed.
mdet M <> 0 <->
(M.11 * M.22 * M.33 - M.11 * M.23 * M.32 -
M.12 * M.21 * M.33 + M.12 * M.23 * M.31 +
M.13 * M.21 * M.32 - M.13 * M.22 * M.31)%A <> 0.
Proof. intros. rewrite <- mdet3_eq_mdet; easy. Qed.
Determinant of a matrix of dimension-4
Definition mdet4 (M : smat A 4) :=
(M.11*M.22*M.33*M.44 - M.11*M.22*M.34*M.43 -
M.11*M.23*M.32*M.44 + M.11*M.23*M.34*M.42 +
M.11*M.24*M.32*M.43 - M.11*M.24*M.33*M.42 -
M.12*M.21*M.33*M.44 + M.12*M.21*M.34*M.43 +
M.12*M.23*M.31*M.44 - M.12*M.23*M.34*M.41 -
M.12*M.24*M.31*M.43 + M.12*M.24*M.33*M.41 +
M.13*M.21*M.32*M.44 - M.13*M.21*M.34*M.42 -
M.13*M.22*M.31*M.44 + M.13*M.22*M.34*M.41 +
M.13*M.24*M.31*M.42 - M.13*M.24*M.32*M.41 -
M.14*M.21*M.32*M.43 + M.14*M.21*M.33*M.42 +
M.14*M.22*M.31*M.43 - M.14*M.22*M.33*M.41 -
M.14*M.23*M.31*M.42 + M.14*M.23*M.32*M.41)%A.
(M.11*M.22*M.33*M.44 - M.11*M.22*M.34*M.43 -
M.11*M.23*M.32*M.44 + M.11*M.23*M.34*M.42 +
M.11*M.24*M.32*M.43 - M.11*M.24*M.33*M.42 -
M.12*M.21*M.33*M.44 + M.12*M.21*M.34*M.43 +
M.12*M.23*M.31*M.44 - M.12*M.23*M.34*M.41 -
M.12*M.24*M.31*M.43 + M.12*M.24*M.33*M.41 +
M.13*M.21*M.32*M.44 - M.13*M.21*M.34*M.42 -
M.13*M.22*M.31*M.44 + M.13*M.22*M.34*M.41 +
M.13*M.24*M.31*M.42 - M.13*M.24*M.32*M.41 -
M.14*M.21*M.32*M.43 + M.14*M.21*M.33*M.42 +
M.14*M.22*M.31*M.43 - M.14*M.22*M.33*M.41 -
M.14*M.23*M.31*M.42 + M.14*M.23*M.32*M.41)%A.
mdet4 M = mdet M
Lemma mdet4_eq_mdet : forall M, mdet4 M = mdet M.
Proof. intros. unfold mdet4. cbn; rewrite <- !(nth_m2f_nat2finS 0); auto; ring. Qed.
Proof. intros. unfold mdet4. cbn; rewrite <- !(nth_m2f_nat2finS 0); auto; ring. Qed.
|M| <> 0 <-> mdet_exp <> 0
Lemma mdet4_neq0_iff : forall (M : smat A 4),
mdet M <> 0 <->
(M.11*M.22*M.33*M.44 - M.11*M.22*M.34*M.43 -
M.11*M.23*M.32*M.44 + M.11*M.23*M.34*M.42 +
M.11*M.24*M.32*M.43 - M.11*M.24*M.33*M.42 -
M.12*M.21*M.33*M.44 + M.12*M.21*M.34*M.43 +
M.12*M.23*M.31*M.44 - M.12*M.23*M.34*M.41 -
M.12*M.24*M.31*M.43 + M.12*M.24*M.33*M.41 +
M.13*M.21*M.32*M.44 - M.13*M.21*M.34*M.42 -
M.13*M.22*M.31*M.44 + M.13*M.22*M.34*M.41 +
M.13*M.24*M.31*M.42 - M.13*M.24*M.32*M.41 -
M.14*M.21*M.32*M.43 + M.14*M.21*M.33*M.42 +
M.14*M.22*M.31*M.43 - M.14*M.22*M.33*M.41 -
M.14*M.23*M.31*M.42 + M.14*M.23*M.32*M.41)%A <> 0.
Proof. intros. rewrite <- mdet4_eq_mdet. easy. Qed.
End mdet_concrete.
mdet M <> 0 <->
(M.11*M.22*M.33*M.44 - M.11*M.22*M.34*M.43 -
M.11*M.23*M.32*M.44 + M.11*M.23*M.34*M.42 +
M.11*M.24*M.32*M.43 - M.11*M.24*M.33*M.42 -
M.12*M.21*M.33*M.44 + M.12*M.21*M.34*M.43 +
M.12*M.23*M.31*M.44 - M.12*M.23*M.34*M.41 -
M.12*M.24*M.31*M.43 + M.12*M.24*M.33*M.41 +
M.13*M.21*M.32*M.44 - M.13*M.21*M.34*M.42 -
M.13*M.22*M.31*M.44 + M.13*M.22*M.34*M.41 +
M.13*M.24*M.31*M.42 - M.13*M.24*M.32*M.41 -
M.14*M.21*M.32*M.43 + M.14*M.21*M.33*M.42 +
M.14*M.22*M.31*M.43 - M.14*M.22*M.33*M.41 -
M.14*M.23*M.31*M.42 + M.14*M.23*M.32*M.41)%A <> 0.
Proof. intros. rewrite <- mdet4_eq_mdet. easy. Qed.
End mdet_concrete.
Section testZ.
Import ZArith.
Open Scope Z_scope.
Let mdet {n} (M : @smat Z n) : Z := @mdet _ Z.add 0 Z.opp Z.mul 1 n M.
Let ex_1_5 : mat Z 5 5 :=
l2m 0 [[0;0;0;1;0];[0;0;2;0;0];[0;3;8;0;0];[4;9;0;7;0];[6;0;0;0;5]].
Goal mdet ex_1_5 = 120. cbv. auto. Qed.
Let ex_2_1 : mat Z 3 3 := l2m 0 [[1;4;2];[3;5;1];[2;1;6]].
Goal mdet ex_2_1 = -49. cbv. auto. Qed.
End testZ.
Import ZArith.
Open Scope Z_scope.
Let mdet {n} (M : @smat Z n) : Z := @mdet _ Z.add 0 Z.opp Z.mul 1 n M.
Let ex_1_5 : mat Z 5 5 :=
l2m 0 [[0;0;0;1;0];[0;0;2;0;0];[0;3;8;0;0];[4;9;0;7;0];[6;0;0;0;5]].
Goal mdet ex_1_5 = 120. cbv. auto. Qed.
Let ex_2_1 : mat Z 3 3 := l2m 0 [[1;4;2];[3;5;1];[2;1;6]].
Goal mdet ex_2_1 = -49. cbv. auto. Qed.
End testZ.
Section testR.
Import Reals.
Open Scope R_scope.
Notation "0" := R0.
Notation "1" := R1.
Let mdet {n} (M : @smat R n) : R := @mdet _ Rplus 0 Ropp Rmult 1 n M.
Variable a11 a12 a13 a21 a22 a23 a31 a32 a33 : R.
Let ex_2_3 : mat R 3 3 := l2m 0 [[a11;a12;a13];[0;a22;a23];[0;0;a33]].
Goal mdet ex_2_3 = a11 * a22 * a33. cbv. lra. Qed.
Example eg_2_2_2_3 : forall a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 c1 c2 d1 d2 e1 e2 : R,
mdet (@l2m _ 0 5 5
[ 0; 0; 0;c1;c2];
[ 0; 0; 0;d1;d2];
[ 0; 0; 0;e1;e2]]) = 0.
Proof. intros. cbv. lra. Qed.
Example eg_2_2_2_4 : forall x:R,
mdet (@l2m _ 0 4 4
[2;-1;1;x]]) = 7*x^4 - 5*x^3 - 99*x^2 + 38*x + 11.
Proof. intros. cbv. lra. Qed.
End testR.
Import Reals.
Open Scope R_scope.
Notation "0" := R0.
Notation "1" := R1.
Let mdet {n} (M : @smat R n) : R := @mdet _ Rplus 0 Ropp Rmult 1 n M.
Variable a11 a12 a13 a21 a22 a23 a31 a32 a33 : R.
Let ex_2_3 : mat R 3 3 := l2m 0 [[a11;a12;a13];[0;a22;a23];[0;0;a33]].
Goal mdet ex_2_3 = a11 * a22 * a33. cbv. lra. Qed.
Example eg_2_2_2_3 : forall a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 c1 c2 d1 d2 e1 e2 : R,
mdet (@l2m _ 0 5 5
[ 0; 0; 0;c1;c2];
[ 0; 0; 0;d1;d2];
[ 0; 0; 0;e1;e2]]) = 0.
Proof. intros. cbv. lra. Qed.
Example eg_2_2_2_4 : forall x:R,
mdet (@l2m _ 0 4 4
[2;-1;1;x]]) = 7*x^4 - 5*x^3 - 99*x^2 + 38*x + 11.
Proof. intros. cbv. lra. Qed.
End testR.
Section mdetEx.
Context `{HARing : ARing}.
Add Ring ring_inst : (make_ring_theory HARing).
Notation "0" := Azero : A_scope.
Notation "1" := Aone : A_scope.
Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
Infix "*" := Amul : A_scope.
Notation "- a" := (Aopp a) : A_scope.
Notation vsum := (@vsum _ Aadd 0).
Notation vdot := (@vdot _ Aadd 0 Amul).
Notation smat n := (smat A n).
Notation mat0 := (@mat0 _ 0).
Notation madd := (@madd _ Aadd).
Infix "+" := madd : mat_scope.
Notation mdet := (@mdet _ Aadd 0 Aopp Amul 1).
Notation "| M |" := (mdet M) : mat_scope.
Context `{HARing : ARing}.
Add Ring ring_inst : (make_ring_theory HARing).
Notation "0" := Azero : A_scope.
Notation "1" := Aone : A_scope.
Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
Infix "*" := Amul : A_scope.
Notation "- a" := (Aopp a) : A_scope.
Notation vsum := (@vsum _ Aadd 0).
Notation vdot := (@vdot _ Aadd 0 Amul).
Notation smat n := (smat A n).
Notation mat0 := (@mat0 _ 0).
Notation madd := (@madd _ Aadd).
Infix "+" := madd : mat_scope.
Notation mdet := (@mdet _ Aadd 0 Aopp Amul 1).
Notation "| M |" := (mdet M) : mat_scope.
Definition msubmat {n} (M : smat (S n)) (i j : fin (S n)) : smat n :=
fun i0 j0 =>
let i1 := if (fin2nat i0 ??< fin2nat i)%nat
then fin2SuccRange i0
else fin2SuccRangeSucc i0 in
let j1 := if (fin2nat j0 ??< fin2nat j)%nat
then fin2SuccRange j0
else fin2SuccRangeSucc j0 in
fun i0 j0 =>
let i1 := if (fin2nat i0 ??< fin2nat i)%nat
then fin2SuccRange i0
else fin2SuccRangeSucc i0 in
let j1 := if (fin2nat j0 ??< fin2nat j)%nat
then fin2SuccRange j0
else fin2SuccRangeSucc j0 in
msubmat (msetr M a j) i j = msubmat M i j
Lemma msubmat_msetr : forall {n} (M : smat (S n)) (a : vec (S n)) (i j : fin (S n)),
msubmat (msetr M a i) i j = msubmat M i j.
Proof. intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. unfold msubmat. unfold msetr. fin. Qed.
msubmat (msetr M a i) i j = msubmat M i j.
Proof. intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. unfold msubmat. unfold msetr. fin. Qed.
msubmat (msetc M a j) i j = msubmat M i j
Lemma msubmat_msetc : forall {n} (M : smat (S n)) (a : vec (S n)) (i j : fin (S n)),
msubmat (msetc M a j) i j = msubmat M i j.
Proof. intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. unfold msubmat. unfold msetc. fin. Qed.
Definition msubmatNat (M : nat -> nat -> A) (i j : nat) : nat -> nat -> A :=
fun i0 j0 =>
(if (i0 ??< i)%nat then i0 else S i0)
(if (j0 ??< j)%nat then j0 else S j0).
Lemma msubmat_eq_msubmatNat : forall {n} (M : smat (S n)) (i j : fin (S n)),
msubmat M i j = @f2m _ n n (msubmatNat (m2f 0 M) (fin2nat i) (fin2nat j)).
intros. unfold msubmat, msubmatNat. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
rewrite mnth_f2m.
destruct i0,j0,i,j; simpl.
assert ((if (i0 ??< i)%nat then i0 else S i0) < S n) as Hi.
{ destruct (_??<_)%nat. lia. lia. }
assert ((if (i1 ??< i2)%nat then i1 else S i1) < S n) as Hj.
{ destruct (i1??<i2)%nat. lia. lia. }
rewrite nth_m2f with (Hi:=Hi)(Hj:=Hj). f_equal.
- unfold fin2SuccRange, fin2SuccRangeSucc.
assert (fin2nat (Fin i0 E) < S n) as Ei. { simpl. lia. }
rewrite nat2finS_eq with (E:=Ei).
destruct (i0 ??< i)%nat. fin. fin.
- unfold fin2SuccRange, fin2SuccRangeSucc.
assert (fin2nat (Fin i1 E0) < S n). simpl. auto.
rewrite nat2finS_eq with (E:=H).
destruct (i1 ??< i2)%nat. apply fin_eq_iff; auto.
apply fin_eq_iff; auto.
msubmat (msetc M a j) i j = msubmat M i j.
Proof. intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros. unfold msubmat. unfold msetc. fin. Qed.
Definition msubmatNat (M : nat -> nat -> A) (i j : nat) : nat -> nat -> A :=
fun i0 j0 =>
(if (i0 ??< i)%nat then i0 else S i0)
(if (j0 ??< j)%nat then j0 else S j0).
Lemma msubmat_eq_msubmatNat : forall {n} (M : smat (S n)) (i j : fin (S n)),
msubmat M i j = @f2m _ n n (msubmatNat (m2f 0 M) (fin2nat i) (fin2nat j)).
intros. unfold msubmat, msubmatNat. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
rewrite mnth_f2m.
destruct i0,j0,i,j; simpl.
assert ((if (i0 ??< i)%nat then i0 else S i0) < S n) as Hi.
{ destruct (_??<_)%nat. lia. lia. }
assert ((if (i1 ??< i2)%nat then i1 else S i1) < S n) as Hj.
{ destruct (i1??<i2)%nat. lia. lia. }
rewrite nth_m2f with (Hi:=Hi)(Hj:=Hj). f_equal.
- unfold fin2SuccRange, fin2SuccRangeSucc.
assert (fin2nat (Fin i0 E) < S n) as Ei. { simpl. lia. }
rewrite nat2finS_eq with (E:=Ei).
destruct (i0 ??< i)%nat. fin. fin.
- unfold fin2SuccRange, fin2SuccRangeSucc.
assert (fin2nat (Fin i1 E0) < S n). simpl. auto.
rewrite nat2finS_eq with (E:=H).
destruct (i1 ??< i2)%nat. apply fin_eq_iff; auto.
apply fin_eq_iff; auto.
minor(M\T,i,j) = minor(M,j,i)
Lemma mminor_mtrans : forall {n} (M : smat (S n)) (i j : fin (S n)),
mminor (M\T) i j = mminor M j i.
Proof. intros. unfold mminor. rewrite <- mdet_mtrans. auto. Qed.
mminor (M\T) i j = mminor M j i.
Proof. intros. unfold mminor. rewrite <- mdet_mtrans. auto. Qed.
mminor (msetr M a i) i j = mminor M i j
Lemma mminor_msetr : forall {n} (M : smat (S n)) (a : vec (S n)) (i j : fin (S n)),
mminor (msetr M a i) i j = mminor M i j.
Proof. intros. unfold mminor. rewrite msubmat_msetr. auto. Qed.
mminor (msetr M a i) i j = mminor M i j.
Proof. intros. unfold mminor. rewrite msubmat_msetr. auto. Qed.
mminor (msetc M a j) i j = mminor M i j
Lemma mminor_msetc : forall {n} (M : smat (S n)) (a : vec (S n)) (i j : fin (S n)),
mminor (msetc M a j) i j = mminor M i j.
Proof. intros. unfold mminor. rewrite msubmat_msetc. auto. Qed.
Definition mminorNat {n:nat} (M : nat -> nat -> A) (i j : nat) : A :=
mdet (@f2m _ n n (msubmatNat M i j)).
Lemma mminor_eq_mminorNat : forall {n} (M : smat (S n)) (i j : fin (S n)),
mminor M i j = @mminorNat n (m2f 0 M) (fin2nat i) (fin2nat j).
intros. unfold mminor, mminorNat. rewrite msubmat_eq_msubmatNat. auto.
mminor (msetc M a j) i j = mminor M i j.
Proof. intros. unfold mminor. rewrite msubmat_msetc. auto. Qed.
Definition mminorNat {n:nat} (M : nat -> nat -> A) (i j : nat) : A :=
mdet (@f2m _ n n (msubmatNat M i j)).
Lemma mminor_eq_mminorNat : forall {n} (M : smat (S n)) (i j : fin (S n)),
mminor M i j = @mminorNat n (m2f 0 M) (fin2nat i) (fin2nat j).
intros. unfold mminor, mminorNat. rewrite msubmat_eq_msubmatNat. auto.
Definition mcofactor {n} (M : smat (S n)) (i j : fin (S n)) : A :=
let x := mminor M i j in
if Nat.even (fin2nat i + fin2nat j) then x else - x.
let x := mminor M i j in
if Nat.even (fin2nat i + fin2nat j) then x else - x.
A(M\T,i,j) = A(M,j,i)
Lemma mcofactor_mtrans : forall {n} (M : smat (S n)) (i j : fin (S n)),
mcofactor (M\T) i j = mcofactor M j i.
intros. unfold mcofactor. rewrite mminor_mtrans. rewrite Nat.add_comm. auto.
mcofactor (M\T) i j = mcofactor M j i.
intros. unfold mcofactor. rewrite mminor_mtrans. rewrite Nat.add_comm. auto.
mcofactor (msetr M a i) i j = mcofactor M i j
Lemma mcofactor_msetr : forall {n} (M : smat (S n)) (a : vec (S n)) (i j : fin (S n)),
mcofactor (msetr M a i) i j = mcofactor M i j.
Proof. intros. unfold mcofactor. rewrite mminor_msetr. auto. Qed.
mcofactor (msetr M a i) i j = mcofactor M i j.
Proof. intros. unfold mcofactor. rewrite mminor_msetr. auto. Qed.
mcofactor (msetc M a j) i j = mcofactor M i j
Lemma mcofactor_msetc : forall {n} (M : smat (S n)) (a : vec (S n)) (i j : fin (S n)),
mcofactor (msetc M a j) i j = mcofactor M i j.
Proof. intros. unfold mcofactor. rewrite mminor_msetc. auto. Qed.
mcofactor (msetc M a j) i j = mcofactor M i j.
Proof. intros. unfold mcofactor. rewrite mminor_msetc. auto. Qed.
Cofactor expansion of the determinant (Laplace expansion)
Definition mdetExRow {n} : smat n -> fin n -> A :=
match n with
| O => fun _ _ => 1
| S n' => fun M i => vsum (fun j => M.[i].[j] * mcofactor M i j)
match n with
| O => fun _ _ => 1
| S n' => fun M i => vsum (fun j => M.[i].[j] * mcofactor M i j)
Cofactor expansion of `M` along the j-th column
Definition mdetExCol {n} : smat n -> fin n -> A :=
match n with
| O => fun _ _ => 1
| S n' => fun M j => vsum (fun i => M.[i].[j] * mcofactor M i j)
match n with
| O => fun _ _ => 1
| S n' => fun M j => vsum (fun i => M.[i].[j] * mcofactor M i j)
row_expansion (M\T, i) = col_expansion (M, i)
Lemma mdetExRow_mtrans : forall {n} (M : smat n) (i : fin n),
mdetExRow (M \T) i = mdetExCol M i.
intros. unfold mdetExRow, mdetExCol. destruct n; auto.
apply vsum_eq; intros. rewrite mcofactor_mtrans, mnth_mtrans. auto.
mdetExRow (M \T) i = mdetExCol M i.
intros. unfold mdetExRow, mdetExCol. destruct n; auto.
apply vsum_eq; intros. rewrite mcofactor_mtrans, mnth_mtrans. auto.
col_expansion (M\T, i) = row_expansion (M, i)
Lemma mdetExCol_mtrans : forall {n} (M : smat n) (i : fin n),
mdetExCol (M \T) i = mdetExRow M i.
Proof. intros. rewrite <- mdetExRow_mtrans. auto. Qed.
mdetExCol (M \T) i = mdetExRow M i.
Proof. intros. rewrite <- mdetExRow_mtrans. auto. Qed.
Cofactor expansion by row is equivalent to full expansion
Theorem mdetExRow_eq_mdet : forall {n} (M : smat n) (i : fin n), mdetExRow M i = mdet M.
intros. destruct n. cbv; ring.
unfold mdetExRow, mdet in *.
intros. destruct n. cbv; ring.
unfold mdetExRow, mdet in *.
Cofactor expansion by column is equivalent to full expansion
Theorem mdetExCol_eq_mdet : forall {n} (M : smat n) (j : fin n), mdetExCol M j = mdet M.
pose proof(mdetExRow_eq_mdet (M\T) j).
rewrite mdet_mtrans in H. rewrite <- H.
rewrite mdetExRow_mtrans. auto.
pose proof(mdetExRow_eq_mdet (M\T) j).
rewrite mdet_mtrans in H. rewrite <- H.
rewrite mdetExRow_mtrans. auto.
Cofactor expansion by row is equivalent to cofactor expansion by column
Theorem mdetExRow_eq_mdetExCol : forall {n} (M : smat n) (i : fin n),
mdetExRow M i = mdetExCol M i.
Proof. intros. rewrite mdetExRow_eq_mdet, mdetExCol_eq_mdet. auto. Qed.
mdetExRow M i = mdetExCol M i.
Proof. intros. rewrite mdetExRow_eq_mdet, mdetExCol_eq_mdet. auto. Qed.
< i-th row, cofactor of k-th row > = 0 (if i <> k)
Theorem vdot_mcofactor_row_diff_eq0 : forall {n} (M : smat (S n)) (i k : fin (S n)),
i <> k -> vdot (M.[i]) (fun j => mcofactor M k j) = 0.
pose (msetr M (M.[i]) k) as B.
pose proof (mdetExRow_eq_mdet B k).
assert (mdetExRow B k = vdot M.[i] (fun j => mcofactor M k j)).
- unfold mdetExRow. unfold vdot.
apply vsum_eq; intros.
rewrite vnth_vmap2. unfold B.
rewrite mnth_msetr_same; auto. f_equal.
unfold mcofactor.
destruct (Nat.even (fin2nat k + fin2nat i0)) eqn:H1.
+ unfold mminor. f_equal. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
unfold msubmat. unfold msetr. fin.
+ f_equal. unfold mminor. f_equal. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
unfold msubmat. unfold msetr. fin.
- rewrite <- H1. unfold B.
rewrite mdetExRow_eq_mdet.
apply (mdet_row_same _ i k); auto.
apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
rewrite mnth_msetr_diff; auto.
rewrite mnth_msetr_same; auto.
i <> k -> vdot (M.[i]) (fun j => mcofactor M k j) = 0.
pose (msetr M (M.[i]) k) as B.
pose proof (mdetExRow_eq_mdet B k).
assert (mdetExRow B k = vdot M.[i] (fun j => mcofactor M k j)).
- unfold mdetExRow. unfold vdot.
apply vsum_eq; intros.
rewrite vnth_vmap2. unfold B.
rewrite mnth_msetr_same; auto. f_equal.
unfold mcofactor.
destruct (Nat.even (fin2nat k + fin2nat i0)) eqn:H1.
+ unfold mminor. f_equal. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
unfold msubmat. unfold msetr. fin.
+ f_equal. unfold mminor. f_equal. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
unfold msubmat. unfold msetr. fin.
- rewrite <- H1. unfold B.
rewrite mdetExRow_eq_mdet.
apply (mdet_row_same _ i k); auto.
apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
rewrite mnth_msetr_diff; auto.
rewrite mnth_msetr_same; auto.
< j-th column, cofactor of l-column row > = 0 (if j <> l)
Theorem vdot_mcofactor_col_diff_eq0 : forall {n} (M : smat (S n)) (j l : fin (S n)),
j <> l -> vdot (M&[j]) (fun i => mcofactor M i l) = 0.
intros. pose proof (vdot_mcofactor_row_diff_eq0 (M\T) j l H).
rewrite <- H0 at 2. f_equal. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
rewrite mcofactor_mtrans. auto.
j <> l -> vdot (M&[j]) (fun i => mcofactor M i l) = 0.
intros. pose proof (vdot_mcofactor_row_diff_eq0 (M\T) j l H).
rewrite <- H0 at 2. f_equal. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
rewrite mcofactor_mtrans. auto.
< i-th row, cofactor of i-th row > = |M|
Lemma vdot_mcofactor_row_same_eq_det : forall {n} (M : smat (S n)) (i : fin (S n)),
vdot (M.[i]) (fun j => mcofactor M i j) = |M|.
Proof. intros. rewrite <- mdetExRow_eq_mdet with (i:=i). auto. Qed.
vdot (M.[i]) (fun j => mcofactor M i j) = |M|.
Proof. intros. rewrite <- mdetExRow_eq_mdet with (i:=i). auto. Qed.
< j-th column, cofactor of j-th column > = |M|
Lemma vdot_mcofactor_col_same_eq_det : forall {n} (M : smat (S n)) (j : fin (S n)),
vdot (M&[j]) (fun i => mcofactor M i j) = |M|.
Proof. intros. rewrite <- mdetExCol_eq_mdet with (j:=j). auto. Qed.
Section example1.
Variable n : nat.
Variable a b : A.
Let M1 : smat (S n) := mdiagMk 0 (vrepeat a).
Let M2 : smat (S n) := mclsr (mdiagMk 0 (vrepeat b)) #1.
Let M := M1 + M2.
Fixpoint ApowNat (a : A) (n : nat) : A :=
match n with
| O => Aone
| S n' => a * ApowNat a n'
Example mdet_example1 :
|M| = (ApowNat a (S n) + (if odd (S (S n)) then -b*b else b*b))%A.
rewrite <- (mdetExCol_eq_mdet) with (j:=#0).
unfold M,M1,M2.
End example1.
Section example2.
End example2.
vdot (M&[j]) (fun i => mcofactor M i j) = |M|.
Proof. intros. rewrite <- mdetExCol_eq_mdet with (j:=j). auto. Qed.
Section example1.
Variable n : nat.
Variable a b : A.
Let M1 : smat (S n) := mdiagMk 0 (vrepeat a).
Let M2 : smat (S n) := mclsr (mdiagMk 0 (vrepeat b)) #1.
Let M := M1 + M2.
Fixpoint ApowNat (a : A) (n : nat) : A :=
match n with
| O => Aone
| S n' => a * ApowNat a n'
Example mdet_example1 :
|M| = (ApowNat a (S n) + (if odd (S (S n)) then -b*b else b*b))%A.
rewrite <- (mdetExCol_eq_mdet) with (j:=#0).
unfold M,M1,M2.
End example1.
Section example2.
End example2.
Cofactor expansion of `M` along the 0-th row
Fixpoint mdetEx {n} : smat n -> A :=
match n with
| O => fun M => 1
| S n' =>
fun M =>
vsum (fun j =>
let a := if Nat.even (fin2nat j)
then (M.[#0].[j])
else (-(M.[#0].[j]))%A in
let d := mdetEx (msubmat M #0 j) in
a * d)
match n with
| O => fun M => 1
| S n' =>
fun M =>
vsum (fun j =>
let a := if Nat.even (fin2nat j)
then (M.[#0].[j])
else (-(M.[#0].[j]))%A in
let d := mdetEx (msubmat M #0 j) in
a * d)
mdetEx is equal to mdetExRow along 0-th row
Lemma mdetEx_eq_mdetExRow_0 : forall {n} (M : smat (S n)),
mdetEx M = mdetExRow M #0.
induction n; intros.
- cbv. rewrite <- (nth_m2f 0). ring.
- unfold mdetEx, mdetExRow; fold (@mdetEx n).
apply vsum_eq; intros.
specialize (IHn (msubmat M #0 i)) as H.
unfold mdetEx, mdetExRow in H; fold (@mdetEx n) in H. rewrite H; clear H.
destruct (Nat.even (fin2nat i)) eqn:H1.
+ f_equal.
unfold mcofactor; simpl. rewrite H1. unfold mminor at 3.
rewrite <- (mdetExRow_eq_mdet _ #0).
unfold mdetExRow. apply vsum_eq; intros. auto.
+ unfold mcofactor; simpl. rewrite H1. ring_simplify. f_equal.
unfold mminor at 3.
rewrite <- (mdetExRow_eq_mdet _ #0).
unfold mdetExRow. apply vsum_eq; intros. auto.
Theorem mdetEx_eq_mdet : forall {n} (M : smat n), mdetEx M = mdet M.
intros. destruct n.
- cbv. ring.
- rewrite mdetEx_eq_mdetExRow_0. rewrite mdetExRow_eq_mdet. auto.
Ltac mdetEx_eq_mdet :=
match goal with
| |- mdetEx ?M = mdet ?M =>
let HeqM := fresh "HeqM" in
remember (mdet M) eqn: HeqM; cbv; rewrite <- !(nth_m2f 0);
rewrite HeqM; unfold mdet; simpl;
try ring
Example mdetEx_eq_mdet_1 : forall (M : smat 1), mdetEx M = mdet M.
Proof. intros. mdetEx_eq_mdet. Qed.
Example mdetEx_eq_mdet_2 : forall (M : smat 2), mdetEx M = mdet M.
Proof. intros. mdetEx_eq_mdet. Qed.
Example mdetEx_eq_mdet_3 : forall (M : smat 3), mdetEx M = mdet M.
Proof. intros. mdetEx_eq_mdet. Qed.
Example mdetEx_eq_mdet_4 : forall (M : smat 4), mdetEx M = mdet M.
mdetEx M = mdetExRow M #0.
induction n; intros.
- cbv. rewrite <- (nth_m2f 0). ring.
- unfold mdetEx, mdetExRow; fold (@mdetEx n).
apply vsum_eq; intros.
specialize (IHn (msubmat M #0 i)) as H.
unfold mdetEx, mdetExRow in H; fold (@mdetEx n) in H. rewrite H; clear H.
destruct (Nat.even (fin2nat i)) eqn:H1.
+ f_equal.
unfold mcofactor; simpl. rewrite H1. unfold mminor at 3.
rewrite <- (mdetExRow_eq_mdet _ #0).
unfold mdetExRow. apply vsum_eq; intros. auto.
+ unfold mcofactor; simpl. rewrite H1. ring_simplify. f_equal.
unfold mminor at 3.
rewrite <- (mdetExRow_eq_mdet _ #0).
unfold mdetExRow. apply vsum_eq; intros. auto.
Theorem mdetEx_eq_mdet : forall {n} (M : smat n), mdetEx M = mdet M.
intros. destruct n.
- cbv. ring.
- rewrite mdetEx_eq_mdetExRow_0. rewrite mdetExRow_eq_mdet. auto.
Ltac mdetEx_eq_mdet :=
match goal with
| |- mdetEx ?M = mdet ?M =>
let HeqM := fresh "HeqM" in
remember (mdet M) eqn: HeqM; cbv; rewrite <- !(nth_m2f 0);
rewrite HeqM; unfold mdet; simpl;
try ring
Example mdetEx_eq_mdet_1 : forall (M : smat 1), mdetEx M = mdet M.
Proof. intros. mdetEx_eq_mdet. Qed.
Example mdetEx_eq_mdet_2 : forall (M : smat 2), mdetEx M = mdet M.
Proof. intros. mdetEx_eq_mdet. Qed.
Example mdetEx_eq_mdet_3 : forall (M : smat 3), mdetEx M = mdet M.
Proof. intros. mdetEx_eq_mdet. Qed.
Example mdetEx_eq_mdet_4 : forall (M : smat 4), mdetEx M = mdet M.
cofactor of matrix (Expansion version) 代数余子式(行列式为展开形式的版本)
Definition mcofactorEx {n} (M : smat (S n)) (i j : fin (S n)) : A :=
let x := mdetEx (msubmat M i j) in
if Nat.even (fin2nat i + fin2nat j) then x else - x.
let x := mdetEx (msubmat M i j) in
if Nat.even (fin2nat i + fin2nat j) then x else - x.
mcofactorEx is equal to mcofactor
Lemma mcofactorEx_eq_mcofactor : forall {n} (M : smat (S n)) (i j : fin (S n)),
mcofactorEx M i j = mcofactor M i j.
intros. unfold mcofactorEx, mcofactor. unfold mminor.
rewrite <- mdetEx_eq_mdet. auto.
End mdetEx.
mcofactorEx M i j = mcofactor M i j.
intros. unfold mcofactorEx, mcofactor. unfold mminor.
rewrite <- mdetEx_eq_mdet. auto.
End mdetEx.
Section madj.
Context `{HField : Field} {HAeqDec : Dec (@eq A)}.
Add Field field_thy_inst : (make_field_theory HField).
Open Scope A_scope.
Open Scope mat_scope.
Notation "0" := Azero : A_scope.
Notation "1" := Aone : A_scope.
Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
Notation "- a" := (Aopp a) : A_scope.
Notation "a - b" := ((a + -b)%A) : A_scope.
Infix "*" := Amul : A_scope.
Notation "/ a" := (Ainv a) : A_scope.
Notation "a / b" := ((a * /b)%A) : A_scope.
Notation vsum := (@vsum _ Aadd 0).
Notation smat n := (smat A n).
Notation mat1 := (@mat1 _ 0 1).
Notation mcmul := (@mcmul _ Amul).
Infix "\.*" := mcmul : mat_scope.
Notation mmul := (@mmul _ Aadd 0 Amul).
Infix "*" := mmul : mat_scope.
Notation mmulv := (@mmulv _ Aadd 0 Amul).
Infix "*v" := mmulv : mat_scope.
Notation mdet := (@mdet _ Aadd 0 Aopp Amul 1).
Notation "| M |" := (mdet M) : mat_scope.
Notation mdetEx := (@mdetEx _ Aadd 0 Aopp Amul 1).
Notation mcofactor := (@mcofactor _ Aadd 0 Aopp Amul 1).
Notation mcofactorEx := (@mcofactorEx _ Aadd 0 Aopp Amul 1).
Context `{HField : Field} {HAeqDec : Dec (@eq A)}.
Add Field field_thy_inst : (make_field_theory HField).
Open Scope A_scope.
Open Scope mat_scope.
Notation "0" := Azero : A_scope.
Notation "1" := Aone : A_scope.
Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
Notation "- a" := (Aopp a) : A_scope.
Notation "a - b" := ((a + -b)%A) : A_scope.
Infix "*" := Amul : A_scope.
Notation "/ a" := (Ainv a) : A_scope.
Notation "a / b" := ((a * /b)%A) : A_scope.
Notation vsum := (@vsum _ Aadd 0).
Notation smat n := (smat A n).
Notation mat1 := (@mat1 _ 0 1).
Notation mcmul := (@mcmul _ Amul).
Infix "\.*" := mcmul : mat_scope.
Notation mmul := (@mmul _ Aadd 0 Amul).
Infix "*" := mmul : mat_scope.
Notation mmulv := (@mmulv _ Aadd 0 Amul).
Infix "*v" := mmulv : mat_scope.
Notation mdet := (@mdet _ Aadd 0 Aopp Amul 1).
Notation "| M |" := (mdet M) : mat_scope.
Notation mdetEx := (@mdetEx _ Aadd 0 Aopp Amul 1).
Notation mcofactor := (@mcofactor _ Aadd 0 Aopp Amul 1).
Notation mcofactorEx := (@mcofactorEx _ Aadd 0 Aopp Amul 1).
Definition madj {n} : smat n -> smat n :=
match n with
| O => fun M => M
| S n' => fun M i j => mcofactorEx M j i
Notation "M \A" := (madj M) : mat_scope.
match n with
| O => fun M => M
| S n' => fun M i j => mcofactorEx M j i
Notation "M \A" := (madj M) : mat_scope.
M * (M\A) = |M| * I
Lemma mmul_madj_r : forall {n} (M : smat n), M * M\A = |M| \.* mat1.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
unfold madj. destruct n. fin.
rewrite mnth_mmul. unfold mcol.
replace (fun i0 => mcofactorEx M j i0) with (fun i0 => mcofactor M j i0).
2:{ extensionality i0. rewrite mcofactorEx_eq_mcofactor. auto. }
destruct (i ??= j) as [E|E].
- apply fin2nat_inj in E. subst.
rewrite vdot_mcofactor_row_same_eq_det.
rewrite mnth_mcmul. rewrite mnth_mat1_same; auto. ring.
- apply fin2nat_inj_not in E.
rewrite (vdot_mcofactor_row_diff_eq0 M i j); auto.
rewrite mnth_mcmul. rewrite mnth_mat1_diff; auto. ring.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
unfold madj. destruct n. fin.
rewrite mnth_mmul. unfold mcol.
replace (fun i0 => mcofactorEx M j i0) with (fun i0 => mcofactor M j i0).
2:{ extensionality i0. rewrite mcofactorEx_eq_mcofactor. auto. }
destruct (i ??= j) as [E|E].
- apply fin2nat_inj in E. subst.
rewrite vdot_mcofactor_row_same_eq_det.
rewrite mnth_mcmul. rewrite mnth_mat1_same; auto. ring.
- apply fin2nat_inj_not in E.
rewrite (vdot_mcofactor_row_diff_eq0 M i j); auto.
rewrite mnth_mcmul. rewrite mnth_mat1_diff; auto. ring.
(M\A) * M = |M| * I
Lemma mmul_madj_l : forall {n} (M : smat n), M\A * M = |M| \.* mat1.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
unfold madj. destruct n. fin.
rewrite mnth_mmul. rewrite vdot_comm.
replace (fun j0 => mcofactorEx M j0 i) with (fun j0 => mcofactor M j0 i).
2:{ extensionality j0. rewrite mcofactorEx_eq_mcofactor. auto. }
destruct (i ??= j) as [E|E].
- apply fin2nat_inj in E. subst.
rewrite vdot_mcofactor_col_same_eq_det.
rewrite mnth_mcmul. rewrite mnth_mat1_same; auto. ring.
- apply fin2nat_inj_not in E.
rewrite (vdot_mcofactor_col_diff_eq0 M j i); auto.
rewrite mnth_mcmul. rewrite mnth_mat1_diff; auto. ring.
intros. apply meq_iff_mnth; intros.
unfold madj. destruct n. fin.
rewrite mnth_mmul. rewrite vdot_comm.
replace (fun j0 => mcofactorEx M j0 i) with (fun j0 => mcofactor M j0 i).
2:{ extensionality j0. rewrite mcofactorEx_eq_mcofactor. auto. }
destruct (i ??= j) as [E|E].
- apply fin2nat_inj in E. subst.
rewrite vdot_mcofactor_col_same_eq_det.
rewrite mnth_mcmul. rewrite mnth_mat1_same; auto. ring.
- apply fin2nat_inj_not in E.
rewrite (vdot_mcofactor_col_diff_eq0 M j i); auto.
rewrite mnth_mcmul. rewrite mnth_mat1_diff; auto. ring.
(/|M| .* M\A) * M = mat1
Lemma mmul_det_cmul_adj_l : forall {n} (M : smat n),
|M| <> 0 -> (/|M| \.* M\A) * M = mat1.
intros. rewrite mmul_mcmul_l. rewrite mmul_madj_l. rewrite mcmul_assoc.
rewrite field_mulInvL; auto. apply mcmul_1_l.
|M| <> 0 -> (/|M| \.* M\A) * M = mat1.
intros. rewrite mmul_mcmul_l. rewrite mmul_madj_l. rewrite mcmul_assoc.
rewrite field_mulInvL; auto. apply mcmul_1_l.
M * (/|M| .* M\A) = mat1
Lemma mmul_det_cmul_adj_r : forall {n} (M : smat n),
|M| <> 0 -> M * (/|M| \.* M\A) = mat1.
intros. rewrite mmul_mcmul_r. rewrite mmul_madj_r. rewrite mcmul_assoc.
rewrite field_mulInvL; auto. apply mcmul_1_l.
|M| <> 0 -> M * (/|M| \.* M\A) = mat1.
intros. rewrite mmul_mcmul_r. rewrite mmul_madj_r. rewrite mcmul_assoc.
rewrite field_mulInvL; auto. apply mcmul_1_l.
|M| <> 0 -> (exists N : smat n, N * M = mat1)
Lemma mdet_neq0_imply_mmul_eq1_l : forall {n} (M : smat n),
|M| <> 0 -> (exists N : smat n, N * M = mat1).
Proof. intros. exists (/|M| \.* M\A). apply mmul_det_cmul_adj_l. auto. Qed.
|M| <> 0 -> (exists N : smat n, N * M = mat1).
Proof. intros. exists (/|M| \.* M\A). apply mmul_det_cmul_adj_l. auto. Qed.
|M| <> 0 -> (exists N : smat n, M * N = mat1)
Lemma mdet_neq0_imply_mmul_eq1_r : forall {n} (M : smat n),
|M| <> 0 -> (exists N : smat n, M * N = mat1).
Proof. intros. exists (/|M| \.* M\A). apply mmul_det_cmul_adj_r. auto. Qed.
|M| <> 0 -> (exists N : smat n, M * N = mat1).
Proof. intros. exists (/|M| \.* M\A). apply mmul_det_cmul_adj_r. auto. Qed.
|M| <> 0 -> (exists N : smat n, N * M = mat1 /\ M * N = mat1)
Lemma mdet_neq0_imply_mmul_eq1 : forall {n} (M : smat n),
|M| <> 0 -> (exists N : smat n, N * M = mat1 /\ M * N = mat1).
intros. exists (/|M| \.* M\A). split.
apply mmul_det_cmul_adj_l. auto.
apply mmul_det_cmul_adj_r. auto.
|M| <> 0 -> (exists N : smat n, N * M = mat1 /\ M * N = mat1).
intros. exists (/|M| \.* M\A). split.
apply mmul_det_cmul_adj_l. auto.
apply mmul_det_cmul_adj_r. auto.
Cramer rule
Definition cramerRule {n} (C : smat n) (b : @vec A n) : @vec A n :=
fun i => mdetEx (msetc C b i) / (mdetEx C).
fun i => mdetEx (msetc C b i) / (mdetEx C).
C *v (cramerRule C b) = b, (The dimension is `S n`)
Lemma cramerRule_eq_S : forall {n} (C : smat (S n)) (b : @vec A (S n)),
|C| <> 0 -> C *v (cramerRule C b) = b.
intros. unfold cramerRule. rewrite !mdetEx_eq_mdet.
remember (msetc C b) as B. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
rewrite vnth_mmulv. unfold vdot. unfold vmap2.
rewrite vsum_eq with (b:=fun j => (/|C| * (C.[i].[j] * |B j|))%A).
2:{ intros. rewrite !mdetEx_eq_mdet. field. auto. }
rewrite <- vsum_cmul_l.
rewrite vsum_eq
with (b:=fun j => (vsum (fun k => C.[i].[j] * (b.[k] * mcofactor C k j)))%A).
2:{ intros j. rewrite <- vsum_cmul_l. f_equal.
rewrite <- (mdetExCol_eq_mdet _ j). unfold mdetExCol.
apply vsum_eq; intros k. rewrite HeqB.
rewrite mnth_msetc_same; auto. f_equal.
rewrite mcofactor_msetc. auto. }
rewrite vsum_eq
with (b:=fun j=> vsum (fun k=> (C.[i].[j] * b.[k] * mcofactor C k j)%A)).
2:{ intros j. apply vsum_eq; intros k. ring. }
rewrite vsum_vsum.
rewrite vsum_eq
with (b:=fun k=> (b.[k] * vsum (fun j=> C.[i].[j] * mcofactor C k j))%A).
2:{ intros j. rewrite vsum_cmul_l. apply vsum_eq; intros k. ring. }
rewrite vsum_unique with (i:=i) (x:=(|C| * b.[i])%A).
- field; auto.
- pose proof (vdot_mcofactor_row_same_eq_det C i).
unfold vdot in H0. unfold vmap2 in H0. rewrite H0. ring.
- intros. pose proof (vdot_mcofactor_row_diff_eq0 C i j H0).
unfold vdot in H1. unfold vmap2 in H1. rewrite H1. ring.
|C| <> 0 -> C *v (cramerRule C b) = b.
intros. unfold cramerRule. rewrite !mdetEx_eq_mdet.
remember (msetc C b) as B. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
rewrite vnth_mmulv. unfold vdot. unfold vmap2.
rewrite vsum_eq with (b:=fun j => (/|C| * (C.[i].[j] * |B j|))%A).
2:{ intros. rewrite !mdetEx_eq_mdet. field. auto. }
rewrite <- vsum_cmul_l.
rewrite vsum_eq
with (b:=fun j => (vsum (fun k => C.[i].[j] * (b.[k] * mcofactor C k j)))%A).
2:{ intros j. rewrite <- vsum_cmul_l. f_equal.
rewrite <- (mdetExCol_eq_mdet _ j). unfold mdetExCol.
apply vsum_eq; intros k. rewrite HeqB.
rewrite mnth_msetc_same; auto. f_equal.
rewrite mcofactor_msetc. auto. }
rewrite vsum_eq
with (b:=fun j=> vsum (fun k=> (C.[i].[j] * b.[k] * mcofactor C k j)%A)).
2:{ intros j. apply vsum_eq; intros k. ring. }
rewrite vsum_vsum.
rewrite vsum_eq
with (b:=fun k=> (b.[k] * vsum (fun j=> C.[i].[j] * mcofactor C k j))%A).
2:{ intros j. rewrite vsum_cmul_l. apply vsum_eq; intros k. ring. }
rewrite vsum_unique with (i:=i) (x:=(|C| * b.[i])%A).
- field; auto.
- pose proof (vdot_mcofactor_row_same_eq_det C i).
unfold vdot in H0. unfold vmap2 in H0. rewrite H0. ring.
- intros. pose proof (vdot_mcofactor_row_diff_eq0 C i j H0).
unfold vdot in H1. unfold vmap2 in H1. rewrite H1. ring.
C *v (cramerRule C b) = b
Theorem cramerRule_spec : forall {n} (C : smat n) (b : @vec A n),
|C| <> 0 -> C *v (cramerRule C b) = b.
intros. destruct n.
- cbv. apply v0eq.
- apply cramerRule_eq_S. auto.
|C| <> 0 -> C *v (cramerRule C b) = b.
intros. destruct n.
- cbv. apply v0eq.
- apply cramerRule_eq_S. auto.
Cramer rule over list
Definition cramerRuleList (n : nat) (lC : dlist A) (lb : list A) : list A :=
let C : smat n := l2m 0 lC in
let b : vec n := l2v 0 lb in
let x := cramerRule C b in
v2l x.
let C : smat n := l2m 0 lC in
let b : vec n := l2v 0 lb in
let x := cramerRule C b in
v2l x.
{cramerRuleList lC lb} = cramerRule {lC} {lb}
Theorem cramerRuleList_spec : forall n (lC : dlist A) (lb : list A),
let C : smat n := l2m 0 lC in
let b : vec n := l2v 0 lb in
l2v 0 (cramerRuleList n lC lb) = cramerRule C b.
Proof. intros. unfold cramerRuleList. rewrite l2v_v2l. auto. Qed.
End madj.
Section test.
Import QcExt.
Notation cramerRule := (@cramerRule _ Qcplus 0 Qcopp Qcmult 1 Qcinv).
Notation cramerRuleList := (@cramerRuleList _ Qcplus 0 Qcopp Qcmult 1 Qcinv).
Notation mdetEx := (@mdetEx _ Qcplus 0 Qcopp Qcmult 1).
Let lC1 := Q2Qc_dlist [[1;2];[3;4]]%Q.
Let lb1 := Q2Qc_list [5;6]%Q.
Let C1 : smat Qc 2 := l2m 0 lC1.
Let b1 : @vec Qc 2 := l2v 0 lb1.
Let lC2 := Q2Qc_dlist
Let lb2 := Q2Qc_list [1;2;3;5;4]%Q.
End test.
let C : smat n := l2m 0 lC in
let b : vec n := l2v 0 lb in
l2v 0 (cramerRuleList n lC lb) = cramerRule C b.
Proof. intros. unfold cramerRuleList. rewrite l2v_v2l. auto. Qed.
End madj.
Section test.
Import QcExt.
Notation cramerRule := (@cramerRule _ Qcplus 0 Qcopp Qcmult 1 Qcinv).
Notation cramerRuleList := (@cramerRuleList _ Qcplus 0 Qcopp Qcmult 1 Qcinv).
Notation mdetEx := (@mdetEx _ Qcplus 0 Qcopp Qcmult 1).
Let lC1 := Q2Qc_dlist [[1;2];[3;4]]%Q.
Let lb1 := Q2Qc_list [5;6]%Q.
Let C1 : smat Qc 2 := l2m 0 lC1.
Let b1 : @vec Qc 2 := l2v 0 lb1.
Let lC2 := Q2Qc_dlist
Let lb2 := Q2Qc_list [1;2;3;5;4]%Q.
End test.