Conversion between Unit
ucvtble is equivalence relation
Lemma ucvtble_refl : forall u, ucvtble u u.
Proof. intros. hnf. auto. Qed.
Lemma ucvtble_sym : forall u1 u2, ucvtble u1 u2 -> ucvtble u2 u1.
Proof. intros. hnf. auto. Qed.
Lemma ucvtble_trans : forall u1 u2 u3, ucvtble u1 u2 -> ucvtble u2 u3 -> ucvtble u1 u3.
Proof. intros. hnf. rewrite H. auto. Qed.
#[export] Instance ucvtble_equiv : Equivalence ucvtble.
constructor; hnf; intros; auto.
apply ucvtble_refl. apply ucvtble_sym; auto. apply ucvtble_trans with y; auto.
Proof. intros. hnf. auto. Qed.
Lemma ucvtble_sym : forall u1 u2, ucvtble u1 u2 -> ucvtble u2 u1.
Proof. intros. hnf. auto. Qed.
Lemma ucvtble_trans : forall u1 u2 u3, ucvtble u1 u2 -> ucvtble u2 u3 -> ucvtble u1 u3.
Proof. intros. hnf. rewrite H. auto. Qed.
#[export] Instance ucvtble_equiv : Equivalence ucvtble.
constructor; hnf; intros; auto.
apply ucvtble_refl. apply ucvtble_sym; auto. apply ucvtble_trans with y; auto.
Two units are similar only when they have same dimensions (bool version)
Definition ucvtbleb (u1 u2 : Unit) : bool := deqb (ndims (u2n u1)) (ndims (u2n u2)).
Lemma ucvtbleb_true_iff : forall u1 u2, ucvtbleb u1 u2 = true <-> ucvtble u1 u2.
Proof. intros. unfold ucvtbleb, ucvtble. rewrite deqb_true_iff. simpl. easy. Qed.
Lemma ucvtbleb_false_iff : forall u1 u2, ucvtbleb u1 u2 = false <-> ~(ucvtble u1 u2).
Proof. intros. rewrite <- ucvtbleb_true_iff. split; solve_bool. Qed.
Lemma ucvtbleb_reflect : forall u1 u2, reflect (ucvtble u1 u2) (ucvtbleb u1 u2).
intros. destruct (ucvtbleb u1 u2) eqn:E1; constructor.
apply ucvtbleb_true_iff; auto. apply ucvtbleb_false_iff; auto.
#[export] Hint Resolve ucvtbleb_reflect : bdestruct.
Lemma ucvtbleb_true_iff : forall u1 u2, ucvtbleb u1 u2 = true <-> ucvtble u1 u2.
Proof. intros. unfold ucvtbleb, ucvtble. rewrite deqb_true_iff. simpl. easy. Qed.
Lemma ucvtbleb_false_iff : forall u1 u2, ucvtbleb u1 u2 = false <-> ~(ucvtble u1 u2).
Proof. intros. rewrite <- ucvtbleb_true_iff. split; solve_bool. Qed.
Lemma ucvtbleb_reflect : forall u1 u2, reflect (ucvtble u1 u2) (ucvtbleb u1 u2).
intros. destruct (ucvtbleb u1 u2) eqn:E1; constructor.
apply ucvtbleb_true_iff; auto. apply ucvtbleb_false_iff; auto.
#[export] Hint Resolve ucvtbleb_reflect : bdestruct.
Definition uconvRate (src ref : Unit) : option R :=
if ucvtbleb src ref
then Some (ncoef (u2n src) / ncoef (u2n ref))%R
else None.
if ucvtbleb src ref
then Some (ncoef (u2n src) / ncoef (u2n ref))%R
else None.
Definition uconv (src ref : Unit) : option (R * Unit) :=
if ucvtbleb src ref
then Some ((ncoef (u2n src) / ncoef (u2n ref))%R, ref)
else None.
Section test.
Goal uconvRate 'hrs 'min = Some 60.
Proof. cbv. f_equal. lra. Qed.
Goal uconv 'hrs 's = Some (3600, Ubu 's).
Proof. cbv. f_equal. f_equal. lra. Qed.
End test.
if ucvtbleb src ref
then Some ((ncoef (u2n src) / ncoef (u2n ref))%R, ref)
else None.
Section test.
Goal uconvRate 'hrs 'min = Some 60.
Proof. cbv. f_equal. lra. Qed.
Goal uconv 'hrs 's = Some (3600, Ubu 's).
Proof. cbv. f_equal. f_equal. lra. Qed.
End test.
Convert a unit with given reference unit.
For example: src = 2*hours, ref = 30*minutes, return (4, 30*minutes). Conversion step 1. check that src and ref is convertible 2. calc coefficient src == (coef_src, dims) ref == (coef_ref, dims) coef = coef_src / coef_ref 3. return result dst = (coef, ref)
Unify two Units
For example: src = 2*hours, ref = 30*minutes, return (7200, 1800, secons) Steps: 1. normalize u1 == (c1, d1), u2 == (c2, d2) 2. check if `u1` and `u2` are convertible, that is `d1 =? d2`. If not return None, otherwise retrun (c1,c2,d). Here, d == (1, d1) = (1, d2)