
Require Export QExt.
Require Export MatrixModule.
Require MatrixQc.

Matrix theory come from common implementations

Include (BasicMatrixTheory ElementTypeQ).

Open Scope Q_scope.
Open Scope vec_scope.
Open Scope mat_scope.

Matrix theory applied to this type

Conversion between vector of Q type and vector of Qc type
Definition vecQ2Qc {n} (v : @Vector.vec Q n) : @Vector.vec Qc n :=
  Vector.vmap Q2Qc v.
Definition vecQc2Q {n} (v : @Vector.vec Qc n) : @Vector.vec Q n :=
  Vector.vmap Qc2Q v.

Lemma vnth_vecQ2Qc : forall n (v : @Vector.vec Q n) (i : 'I_n),
    (vecQ2Qc v).[i] = Q2Qc v.[i].
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.

Lemma vnth_vecQc2Q : forall n (v : @Vector.vec Qc n) (i : 'I_n),
    (vecQc2Q v).[i] = Qc2Q v.[i].
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.

Conversion between matrix of Q type and matrix of Qc type
Definition matQ2Qc {r c} (A : @Matrix.mat Q r c) : @Matrix.mat Qc r c :=
  Matrix.mmap Q2Qc A.
Definition matQc2Q {r c} (A : @Matrix.mat Qc r c) : @Matrix.mat Q r c :=
  Matrix.mmap Qc2Q A.

Lemma vnth_matQ2Qc : forall r c (A : @Matrix.mat Q r c) i j,
    (matQ2Qc A).[i].[j] = Q2Qc A.[i].[j].
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.

Lemma vnth_matQc2Q : forall r c (A : @Matrix.mat Qc r c) i j,
    (matQc2Q A).[i].[j] = Qc2Q A.[i].[j].
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.

Section inv.

  Import MatrixQc.

Cramer rule over of Q type
  Definition cramerRuleQ {n} (A : Matrix.smat Q n) (b : @Vector.vec Q n)
    : @Vector.vec Q n := cramerRule (matQ2Qc A) (vecQ2Qc b).

{cramerRuleQ lA lb} solves A*x=b
  Lemma cramerRuleQ_spec : forall n (A : Matrix.smat Q n) (b : @Vector.vec Q n),
      let x := cramerRuleQ A b in
      mdet (matQ2Qc A) <> 0 ->
      matQ2Qc A *v (vecQ2Qc x) = vecQ2Qc b.
    intros. unfold x. clear x.
    pose proof (cramerRule_spec (matQ2Qc A) (vecQ2Qc b) H). rewrite <- H0.
    f_equal. unfold cramerRuleQ. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
    unfold vecQ2Qc. auto_vec. rewrite <- Q2Qc_Qc2Q. f_equal.

Cramer rule over list of Q type
  Definition cramerRuleListQ (n : nat) (lA : dlist Q) (lb : list Q) : list Q :=
    let lx_Qc := cramerRuleList n (dlistQ2Qc lA) (listQ2Qc lb) in
    listQc2Q lx_Qc.

{cramerRuleListQ n lA lb} = cramerRuleList n {lA} {lb}
  Lemma cramerRuleListQ_spec : forall (n : nat) (lA : dlist Q) (lb : list Q),
      let A : smat n := l2m (dlistQ2Qc lA) in
      let b : vec n := l2v (listQ2Qc lb) in
      let x : vec n := cramerRule A b in
      let lx : list Qc := v2l x in
      let lx_Q : list Q := listQc2Q lx in
      minvtble A -> cramerRuleListQ n lA lb = lx_Q.
    intros. unfold lx_Q, lx, x, A, b in *. clear lx_Q lx x A b.
    pose proof (cramerRuleList_spec n (dlistQ2Qc lA) (listQ2Qc lb)). simpl in H0.
    unfold cramerRuleListQ. rewrite <- H0. rewrite v2l_l2v. auto.
    apply cramerRuleList_length.

Inverse matrix over Q matrix by GE
  Definition minvGEQ {n} (A : @Matrix.smat Q n) : @Matrix.smat Q n :=
    matQc2Q (minvGE (matQ2Qc A)).

Inverse matrix over Q matrix by AM
  Definition minvAMQ {n} (A : @Matrix.smat Q n) : @Matrix.smat Q n :=
    matQc2Q (minvAM (matQ2Qc A)).

Check matrix invertibility with Q lists as input by GE
  Definition minvtblebListGEQ (n : nat) (dl : dlist Q) : bool :=
    minvtblebListGE n (dlistQ2Qc dl).

Inverse matrix with Q lists for input and output by GE
  Definition minvListGEQ (n : nat) (dl : dlist Q) : dlist Q :=
    dlistQc2Q (minvListGE n (dlistQ2Qc dl)).

Check matrix invertibility with Q lists as input by AM
  Definition minvtblebListAMQ (n : nat) (dl : dlist Q) : bool :=
    minvtblebListAM n (dlistQ2Qc dl).

Inverse matrix with Q lists for input and output by AM
  Definition minvListAMQ (n : nat) (dl : dlist Q) : dlist Q :=
    dlistQc2Q (minvListAM n (dlistQ2Qc dl)).

Solve the equation with the form of A*x=b by GE over list of Q type.
  Definition solveEqListGEQ (n : nat) (lA : dlist Q) (lb : list Q) : list Q :=
    let lA' := dlistQ2Qc lA in
    let lb' := listQ2Qc lb in
    let lx' := solveEqListGE n lA' lb' in
    listQc2Q lx'.

{solveEqListGEQ n lA lb} = solveEqListGE n {lA} {lb}
  Lemma solveEqListGEQ_spec : forall (n : nat) (lA : dlist Q) (lb : list Q),
      listQ2Qc (solveEqListGEQ n lA lb) = solveEqListGE n (dlistQ2Qc lA) (listQ2Qc lb).
  Proof. intros. unfold solveEqListGEQ. rewrite listQ2Qc_listQc2Q. auto. Qed.

Solve the equation with the form of A*x=b by AM over list of Q type.
  Definition solveEqListAMQ (n : nat) (lA : dlist Q) (lb : list Q) : list Q :=
    let lA' := dlistQ2Qc lA in
    let lb' := listQ2Qc lb in
    let lx' := solveEqListAM n lA' lb' in
    listQc2Q lx'.

{solveEqListAMQ n lA lb} = solveEqListAM n {lA} {lb}
  Lemma solveEqListAMQ_spec : forall (n : nat) (lA : dlist Q) (lb : list Q),
      listQ2Qc (solveEqListAMQ n lA lb) = solveEqListAM n (dlistQ2Qc lA) (listQ2Qc lb).
  Proof. intros. unfold solveEqListAMQ. rewrite listQ2Qc_listQc2Q. auto. Qed.

End inv.

Usage demo

Section test.
  Open Scope vec_scope.

  Section ex1.
    Let v1 := @l2v 3 [1;2;-3].

    Let v2 := @f2v 3 (fun i => -1 + nat2Q i).

    Let A := @l2m 3 3 [[1;-3;-2];[-2;1;-4];[-1;4;-1]].
  End ex1.

  Section ex2.
    Let d1 := [[1;3;1];[2;1;1];[2;2;1]].
    Let d2 := [[-1;-1;2];[0;-1;1];[2;4;-5]].

    Goal minvListAMQ 3 d1 = d2.
    Proof. cbv. auto. Qed.

    Goal 1 == Qmake 2 2.
    Proof. cbv. auto. Qed.

    Goal 1 <> Qmake 2 2.
    Proof. cbv. intros. easy. Qed.

    Let d2' : dlist Q := [[-1;-1;2];[0;-1;Qmake 2 2];[2;4;-5]].

    Goal minvListAMQ 3 d1 <> d2'.
    Proof. cbv. intro. inv H. Qed.

    Infix "==" := (dlistSetoidEq Qeq).
    Goal minvListAMQ 3 d1 == d2.
    Proof. Local Opaque Qeq. cbv. repeat constructor. Qed.

  End ex2.

  Section ex3.
    Let A := [[1;2];[3;4]].
    Let b := [5;6].

  End ex3.

  Section ex4.
    Let A := [[1;2;3;4;5];
    Let b := [1;2;3;5;4].

  End ex4.

  Section ex5.
    Let d1 : dlist Q :=

    Let M : smat 8 := l2m d1.

    Goal ~(Qmake 41846 50943 == Qmake 23 28).
      intro. cbv in H.       easy.

  End ex5.

  Section ex6.
    Let M :=

    Let M1 :=
  End ex6.

End test.