
Require Export QcExt.
Require Export MatrixModule.

Matrix theory come from common implementations

Include (NormedOrderedFieldMatrixTheory NormedOrderedFieldElementTypeQc).

Open Scope Q_scope.
Open Scope Qc_scope.
Open Scope vec_scope.
Open Scope mat_scope.

Matrix theory applied to this type

Usage demo

Section test.
  Open Scope vec_scope.

  Let u := @l2v 3 (listQ2Qc [1; 2; 3]%Q).
  Let v := @l2v 3 (listQ2Qc [2; 1; 0]%Q).

  Open Scope mat_scope.

  Let M := @l2m 3 3 (dlistQ2Qc [[1;-3;-2];[-2;1;-4];[-1;4;-1]]%Q).

Example 1: inverse matrix of a `3x3` matrix over Qc type
  Section ex1.

    Let l1 := dlistQ2Qc [[1;3;1];[2;1;1];[2;2;1]]%Q.
    Let l2 := dlistQ2Qc [[-1;-1;2];[0;-1;1];[2;4;-5]]%Q.
    Let M1 : smat 3 := l2m l1.
    Let M2 : smat 3 := l2m l2.

    Goal minvAM M1 = M2.
    Proof. meq. Qed.

  End ex1.

  Section ex2.
    Let A : smat 2 := l2m (dlistQ2Qc [[1;2];[3;4]]%Q).
    Let b : vec 2 := l2v (listQ2Qc [5;6]%Q).

  End ex2.

  Section ex3.
    Let M2 : smat 5 :=
          l2m (dlistQ2Qc
    Let b2 : vec 5 := l2v (listQ2Qc [1;2;3;5;4]%Q).
  End ex3.

End test.