
Require Export RExt.

Declare Scope RFun_scope.
Delimit Scope RFun_scope with F.
Open Scope RFun_scope.

Basic real functions

Real arithmetic functions

Notation fadd := plus_fct.
Notation fopp := opp_fct.
Notation fsub f g := (fadd f (fopp g)).
Notation fmul := mult_fct.
Notation finv := inv_fct.
Notation fdiv f g := (fmul f (finv g)).

Scalar multiplication of real function
Definition fscal (c : R) (f : R -> R) := fun x => c * f x.

Infix "+f" := fadd : RFun_scope.
Infix "-f" := fsub : RFun_scope.
Infix "*f" := fmul : RFun_scope.
Infix "/f" := fdiv : RFun_scope.
Infix "/f" := fdiv : RFun_scope.
Notation "-f g" := (fopp g) : RFun_scope.
Notation "/f g" := (finv g) : RFun_scope.
Infix "s*" := fscal : RFun_scope.

Real constant functions

Definition fcnst (C : R) : R -> R := fun _ => C.
Definition fzero : R -> R := fcnst R0.
Definition fone : R -> R := fcnst R1.

Properties of real functions

Hint Unfold fadd fopp fmul finv fcnst fzero fone : RFun.

Lemma fadd_ok : forall (u v : R -> R) (x : R), (u +f v) x = u x + v x. intros. auto. Qed.
Lemma fopp_ok : forall (v : R -> R) (x : R), (-f v) x = - v x. auto. Qed.
Lemma fsub_ok : forall (u v : R -> R) (x : R), (u -f v) x = u x - v x. auto. Qed.
Lemma fmul_ok : forall (u v : R -> R) (x : R), (u *f v) x = u x * v x. auto. Qed.
Lemma finv_ok : forall (v : R -> R) (x : R), (/f v) x = / v x. auto. Qed.
Lemma fdiv_ok : forall (u v : R -> R) (x : R), (u /f v) x = u x / v x. auto. Qed.
Lemma fscal_ok : forall (c : R) (u : R -> R) (x : R), (c s* u) x = c * u x. auto. Qed.

Automation for real functions

A useful tactic for converting function equality to value equality
Ltac feq :=
  let x := fresh "x" in
  extensionality x;
  repeat (rewrite ?fadd_ok,?fopp_ok,?fsub_ok,?fmul_ok,?finv_ok,?fdiv_ok, ?fscal_ok);
  autounfold with RFun;

Additional properties for real functions

Lemma fadd_0_l : forall f, fzero +f f = f. feq. Qed.
Lemma fadd_0_r : forall f, f +f fzero = f. feq. Qed.
Lemma fadd_opp_l : forall f, -f f +f f = fzero. feq. Qed.
Lemma fadd_opp_r : forall f, f +f -f f = fzero. feq. Qed.
Lemma fmul_1_l : forall f, fone *f f = f. feq. Qed.
Lemma fmul_1_r : forall f, f *f fone = f. feq. Qed.
Lemma fmul_inv_l : forall f, (forall x, f x <> 0) -> /f f *f f = fone. feq. Qed.
Lemma fmul_inv_r : forall f, (forall x, f x <> 0) -> f *f /f f = fone. feq. Qed.

Lemma fscal_assoc1 : forall (c d : R) (u : R -> R), c s* (d s* u) = (c * d) s* u. feq. Qed.
Lemma fscal_assoc2 : forall (c : R) (u v : R -> R), c s* (u *f v) = (c s* u) *f v. feq. Qed.

Multiply real function with a natural number

Multiply with a natural number, i.e., sum the function by n times: fnmul f 0 := fun x => 0 fnmul f 1 := f fnmul f 2 := f + f, i.e., fun x => f x + f x ... fnmul f (S n) := fun x => f x + (fnmul f n)
Fixpoint fnmul (n : nat) (f : R -> R) : R -> R :=
  match n with
  | O => fun x => 0
  | S O => f
  | S n' => fadd f (fnmul n' f)

Algebraic structures

equality is equivalence relation: Equivalence (@eq (R -> R))
Hint Resolve eq_equivalence : RFun.

operations are well-defined. Eg: Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq) fadd

Lemma fadd_wd : Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq) fadd.
Proof. simp_proper. intros; subst; auto. Qed.

Lemma fopp_wd : Proper (eq ==> eq) fopp.
Proof. simp_proper. intros; subst; auto. Qed.

Lemma fmul_wd : Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq) fmul.
Proof. simp_proper. intros; subst; auto. Qed.

Lemma finv_wd : Proper (eq ==> eq) finv.
Proof. simp_proper. intros; subst; auto. Qed.

Hint Resolve
  fadd_wd fopp_wd
  fmul_wd finv_wd
  : RFun.


Instance fadd_Assoc : Associative fadd.
Proof. constructor; intros. feq. Qed.

Instance fmul_Assoc : Associative fmul.
Proof. constructor; intros. feq. Qed.

Hint Resolve
  : RFun.


Instance fadd_Comm : Commutative fadd.
Proof. constructor; intros. feq. Qed.

Instance fmul_Comm : Commutative fmul.
Proof. constructor; intros. feq. Qed.

Hint Resolve
  : RFun.

Identity Left/Right
Instance fadd_IdL : IdentityLeft fadd fzero.
Proof. constructor; intros. feq. Qed.

Instance fadd_IdR : IdentityRight fadd fzero.
Proof. constructor; intros. feq. Qed.

Instance fmul_IdL : IdentityLeft fmul fone.
Proof. constructor; intros. feq. Qed.

Instance fmul_IdR : IdentityRight fmul fone.
Proof. constructor; intros. feq. Qed.

Hint Resolve
  fadd_IdL fadd_IdR
  fmul_IdL fmul_IdR
  : RFun.

Inverse Left/Right

Instance fadd_InvL : InverseLeft fadd fzero fopp.
Proof. constructor; intros. feq. Qed.

Instance fadd_InvR : InverseRight fadd fzero fopp.
Proof. constructor; intros. feq. Qed.

Hint Resolve fadd_InvL fadd_InvR : RFun.


Instance fmul_add_DistrL : DistrLeft fadd fmul.
Proof. constructor; intros. feq. Qed.

Instance fmul_add_DistrR : DistrRight fadd fmul.
Proof. constructor; intros. feq. Qed.

Hint Resolve
  : RFun.


Instance fadd_SGroup : SGroup fadd.
Proof. constructor; auto with RFun. Qed.

Instance fmul_SGroup : SGroup fmul.
Proof. constructor; auto with RFun. Qed.

Hint Resolve
  : RFun.

Abelian semigroup

Instance fadd_ASGroup : ASGroup fadd.
Proof. constructor; auto with RFun. Qed.

Instance fmul_ASGroup : ASGroup fmul.
Proof. constructor; auto with RFun. Qed.

Hint Resolve
  : RFun.

Goal forall x1 x2 y1 y2 a b c, x1 + a + b + c + x2 = y1 + c + (b + a) + y2.
Proof. intros. pose proof fadd_ASGroup. asgroup. Abort.


Instance fadd_Monoid : Monoid fadd fzero.
Proof. constructor; auto with RFun. Qed.

Instance fmul_Monoid : Monoid fmul fone.
Proof. constructor; auto with RFun. Qed.

Hint Resolve
  : RFun.

Abelian monoid

Instance fadd_AMonoid : AMonoid fadd fzero.
Proof. constructor; auto with RFun. Qed.

Instance fmul_AMonoid : AMonoid fmul fone.
Proof. constructor; auto with RFun. Qed.

Hint Resolve fadd_AMonoid fmul_AMonoid : RFun.


Instance fadd_Group : Group fadd fzero fopp.
Proof. constructor; auto with RFun. Qed.
Hint Resolve fadd_Group : RFun.


Instance fadd_AGroup : AGroup fadd fzero fopp.
Proof. constructor; auto with RFun. Qed.
Hint Resolve fadd_AGroup : RFun.


Instance RFun_SRing : SRing fadd fzero fmul fone.
Proof. constructor; auto with RFun. all: feq. Qed.
Hint Resolve RFun_SRing : RFun.


Instance RFun_Ring : Ring fadd fzero fopp fmul fone.
Proof. constructor; auto with RFun. Qed.
Hint Resolve RFun_Ring : RFun.


Instance RFun_ARing : ARing fadd fzero fopp fmul fone.
Proof. constructor; auto with RFun. Qed.

Hint Resolve RFun_ARing : RFun.

Section test.
  Add Ring ring_inst : (make_ring_theory RFun_ARing).

  Goal forall u v w : R -> R, u -f v *f (u -f w) = w *f v -f u *f v +f u.
  Proof. intros. ring. Qed.
End test.


Instance RFun_Field : Field fadd fzero fopp fmul fone finv.
  constructor; auto with RFun.
  2:{ intro. cbv in H.
      rewrite fun_eq_iff_forall_eq in H. specialize (H R0). lra. }
  1:{ intros. apply fmul_inv_l.
      cbv in H.

Instances for ElementType

Module ElementTypeRFun <: ElementType.
  Add Ring ring_inst : (make_ring_theory RFun_ARing).

  Definition tA : Type := R -> R.
  Definition Azero : tA := fzero.
  Hint Unfold tA Azero : tA.

  Lemma AeqDec : Dec (@eq tA).
  Proof. constructor. intros a b.
End ElementTypeRFun.

Module MonoidElementTypeRFun <: MonoidElementType.
  Include ElementTypeRFun.

  Definition Aadd := fadd.
  Hint Unfold Aadd : tA.

  Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.

  Instance Aadd_AMonoid : AMonoid Aadd Azero.
  Proof. intros. repeat constructor; intros; autounfold with tA; ring. Qed.
End MonoidElementTypeRFun.

Module RingElementTypeRFun <: RingElementType.
  Include MonoidElementTypeRFun.

  Definition Aone : tA := fone.
  Definition Aopp := fopp.
  Definition Amul := fmul.
  Hint Unfold Aone Aadd Aopp Amul : tA.

  Notation Asub := (fun x y => Aadd x (Aopp y)).
  Infix "*" := Amul : A_scope.
  Notation "- a" := (Aopp a) : A_scope.
  Infix "-" := Asub : A_scope.

  Instance SRing : SRing Aadd Azero Amul Aone.
  Proof. repeat constructor; autounfold with tA; intros; ring. Qed.

  Instance ARing : ARing Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone.
    repeat constructor; intros; autounfold with tA;
      apply functional_extensionality; intros; cbv; ring.

  Add Ring Ring_inst : (make_ring_theory ARing).
End RingElementTypeRFun.