
Require Export ListExt Hierarchy.
Require Export RExt.
Require Export Fin Sequence.
Require Import Extraction.

Generalizable Variable A Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone Ainv Ale Alt Altb Aleb a2r.
Generalizable Variable B Badd Bzero.

Control the scope
Open Scope R_scope.
Open Scope nat_scope.
Open Scope A_scope.
Open Scope vec_scope.

vec type and basic operations

Definition of vector type vec

A n-dimensional vector over A type
Definition vec {A : Type} (n : nat) := 'I_n -> A.

Get element of a vector


Notation vnth A n a i := ((a:@vec A n) (i : 'I_n)).
Notation "a .[ i ]" := (vnth _ _ a i) : vec_scope.

i = j -> a.nat2fin i = a.nat2fin j
Lemma vnth_eq : forall {A n} (a : @vec A n) i j (Hi: i < n) (Hj: j < n),
    i = j -> a.[nat2fin i Hi] = a.[nat2fin j Hj].
Proof. intros. subst. f_equal. apply fin_eq_iff; auto. Qed.

Notation "a .1" := (a.[#0]) : vec_scope.
Notation "a .2" := (a.[#1]) : vec_scope.
Notation "a .3" := (a.[#2]) : vec_scope.
Notation "a .4" := (a.[#3]) : vec_scope.

Equality of vector

a = b <-> forall i, a.i = b.i
Lemma veq_iff_vnth : forall {A} {n} (a b : @vec A n),
    a = b <-> forall (i : 'I_n), a.[i] = b.[i].
  intros. split; intros; subst; auto.
  extensionality i; auto.

a(i,H1) = b(i,H2) -> a(i,H3) = b(i,H4)
Lemma vnth_sameIdx_imply : forall {A n} {a b : @vec A n} {i} {H1 H2 H3 H4 : i < n},
    a (nat2fin i H1) = b (nat2fin i H2) ->
    a (nat2fin i H3) = b (nat2fin i H4).
  replace (nat2fin i H3 : 'I_n) with (nat2fin i H1 : 'I_n).
  replace (nat2fin i H4 : 'I_n) with (nat2fin i H2 : 'I_n); auto.
  apply fin_eq_iff; auto. apply fin_eq_iff; auto.

{u = v} + {u <> v}
#[export] Instance veq_dec : forall {A n} {AeqDec : Dec (@eq A)},
    Dec (@eq (@vec A n)).
  intros. constructor. induction n; intros.
  - left. extensionality i. fin.
  - destruct (IHn (fun i => a #i) (fun i => b #i)) as [H|H].
    + destruct (Aeqdec (a#n) (b#n)) as [H1|H1].
      * left. extensionality i. destruct (i ??< n) as [E|E].
        ** pose proof (equal_f H). specialize (H0 (fPredRange i E)).
           simpl in H0. rewrite nat2finS_fin2nat in H0. auto.
        ** pose proof (fin2nat_lt i). assert (fin2nat i = n) by lia.
           assert (i = #n).
           { eapply fin2nat_imply_nat2fin in H2. rewrite <- H2.
             erewrite nat2finS_eq. auto. }
           subst. auto.
      * right. intro. destruct H1. subst. auto.
    + right. intro. subst. easy.
      Unshelve. auto.

The equality of 0-D vector
Lemma v0eq : forall {A} (a b : @vec A 0), a = b.
Proof. intros. apply veq_iff_vnth. intros. exfalso. apply fin0_False; auto. Qed.

Lemma v0neq : forall {A} (a b : @vec A 0), a <> b -> False.
Proof. intros. destruct H. apply v0eq. Qed.

The equality of 1-D vector
Lemma v1eq_iff : forall {A} (a b : @vec A 1), a = b <-> a.1 = b.1.
  intros. split; intros; subst; auto. unfold nat2finS in H; simpl in H.
  repeat destruct nat_ltb_reflect; try lia.
  apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. destruct i as [n Hn].
  destruct n; [apply (vnth_sameIdx_imply H)|].

Lemma v1neq_iff : forall {A} (a b : @vec A 1), a <> b <-> a.1 <> b.1.
Proof. intros. rewrite v1eq_iff. tauto. Qed.

The equality of 2-D vector
Lemma v2eq_iff : forall {A} (a b : @vec A 2), a = b <-> a.1 = b.1 /\ a.2 = b.2.
  intros. split; intros; subst; auto. unfold nat2finS in H; simpl in H.
  destruct H as [H1 H2]. repeat destruct nat_ltb_reflect; try lia.
  apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. destruct i as [n Hn].
  destruct n; [apply (vnth_sameIdx_imply H1)|].
  destruct n; [apply (vnth_sameIdx_imply H2)|].

Lemma v2neq_iff : forall {A} (a b : @vec A 2), a <> b <-> (a.1 <> b.1 \/ a.2 <> b.2).
Proof. intros. rewrite v2eq_iff. tauto. Qed.

The equality of 3-D vector
Lemma v3eq_iff : forall {A} (a b : @vec A 3),
    a = b <-> a.1 = b.1 /\ a.2 = b.2 /\ a.3 = b.3.
  intros. split; intros; subst; auto. unfold nat2finS in H; simpl in H.
  destruct H as [H1 [H2 H3]]. repeat destruct nat_ltb_reflect; try lia.
  apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. destruct i as [n Hn].
  destruct n; [apply (vnth_sameIdx_imply H1)|].
  destruct n; [apply (vnth_sameIdx_imply H2)|].
  destruct n; [apply (vnth_sameIdx_imply H3)|].

Lemma v3neq_iff : forall {A} (a b : @vec A 3),
    a <> b <-> (a.1 <> b.1 \/ a.2 <> b.2 \/ a.3 <> b.3).
Proof. intros. rewrite v3eq_iff. tauto. Qed.

The equality of 4-D vector
Lemma v4eq_iff : forall {A} (a b : @vec A 4),
    a = b <-> a.1 = b.1 /\ a.2 = b.2 /\ a.3 = b.3 /\ a.4 = b.4.
  intros. split; intros; subst; auto. unfold nat2finS in H; simpl in H.
  destruct H as [H1 [H2 [H3 H4]]]. repeat destruct nat_ltb_reflect; try lia.
  apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. destruct i as [n Hn].
  destruct n; [apply (vnth_sameIdx_imply H1)|].
  destruct n; [apply (vnth_sameIdx_imply H2)|].
  destruct n; [apply (vnth_sameIdx_imply H3)|].
  destruct n; [apply (vnth_sameIdx_imply H4)|].

Lemma v4neq_iff : forall {A} (a b : @vec A 4),
    a <> b <-> (a.1 <> b.1 \/ a.2 <> b.2 \/ a.3 <> b.3 \/ a.4 <> b.4).
Proof. intros. rewrite v4eq_iff. tauto. Qed.

a <> b <-> ∃ i, a.i <> b.i
Lemma vneq_iff_exist_vnth_neq : forall {A n} (a b : @vec A n),
    a <> b <-> exists i, a.[i] <> b.[i].
  intros. rewrite veq_iff_vnth. split; intros.
  - apply not_all_ex_not; auto.
  - apply ex_not_not_all; auto.

Cast between two vec type with actual equal range

Cast from vec n type to vec m type if n = m

Definition cast_vec {A} n m (a : @vec A n) (H : n = m) : @vec A m :=
  eq_rect_r (fun n0 => vec n0 -> vec m) (fun a0 : vec m => a0) H a.

Make a vector

Vector with same elements

Section vrepeat.
  Context {A} {Azero : A} {n : nat}.

  Definition vrepeat (a : A) : @vec A n := fun _ => a.

(repeat a).i = a
  Lemma vnth_vrepeat : forall a i, (vrepeat a).[i] = a.
  Proof. intros. unfold vrepeat; auto. Qed.

End vrepeat.

Zero vector

Section vzero.
  Context {A} (Azero : A) {n : nat}.

  Definition vzero : @vec A n := vrepeat Azero.

vzero.i = 0
  Lemma vnth_vzero : forall i, vzero.[i] = Azero.
  Proof. intros. apply vnth_vrepeat. Qed.

End vzero.

Convert between function and vector

Section f2v_v2f.
  Context {A} (Azero : A).

  Definition f2v {n} (f : nat -> A) : @vec A n := fun (i : 'I_n) => f i.

(f2v a).i = a i
  Lemma vnth_f2v : forall {n} (f : nat -> A) (i : 'I_n), (@f2v n f).[i] = f i.
  Proof. auto. Qed.

  Lemma f2v_inj : forall {n} (f g : nat -> A),
      @f2v n f = @f2v n g -> (forall i, i < n -> f i = g i).
  Proof. intros. unfold f2v in *. apply (equal_f H (nat2fin i H0)). Qed.

  Definition v2f {n} (a : @vec A n) : (nat -> A) :=
    fun i => match i ??< n with
           | left E => a (nat2fin i E)
           | _ => Azero

(v2f a) i = a.nat2fin i
  Lemma nth_v2f : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) (i : nat) (H : i < n),
      (v2f a) i = a.[nat2fin i H].
  Proof. intros. unfold v2f. fin. Qed.

(v2f a) i = a#i
  Lemma nth_v2f_nat2finS : forall {n} (a : @vec A (S n)) i,
      i < S n -> (v2f a) i = a.[#i].
    intros. rewrite nth_v2f with (H:=H).
    rewrite nat2finS_eq with (E:=H). auto.

  Lemma v2f_inj : forall {n} (a b : @vec A n),
      (forall i, i < n -> (v2f a) i = (v2f b) i) -> a = b.
    intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
    specialize (H i (fin2nat_lt _)).
    unfold v2f in *. fin. destruct E. fin.

f2v (v2f a) = a
  Lemma f2v_v2f : forall {n} (a : vec n), (@f2v n (v2f a)) = a.
    intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. rewrite vnth_f2v.
    rewrite nth_v2f with (H:=fin2nat_lt _). fin.

v2f (f2v a) = a
  Lemma v2f_f2v : forall {n} (a : nat -> A) i, i < n -> v2f (@f2v n a) i = a i.
  Proof. intros. rewrite nth_v2f with (H:=H). rewrite vnth_f2v. auto. Qed.

End f2v_v2f.

Convert between list and vector

Section l2v_v2l.
  Context {A} (Azero : A).

  Definition l2v {n : nat} (l : list A) : vec n := fun (i : 'I_n) => nth i l Azero.

(l2v l).i = nth i l
  Lemma vnth_l2v : forall {n} (l : list A) (i : 'I_n), (@l2v n l).[i] = nth i l Azero.
  Proof. auto. Qed.

l2v l1 = l2v l2 -> l1 = l2
  Lemma l2v_inj : forall {n} (l1 l2 : list A),
      length l1 = n -> length l2 = n -> @l2v n l1 = @l2v n l2 -> l1 = l2.
    intros. unfold l2v in *.
    apply list_eq_ext with (Azero:=Azero)(n:=n); auto; intros.
    pose proof (equal_f H1). specialize (H3 (nat2fin i H2)); simpl in H3. auto.

  Definition v2l {n} (a : vec n) : list A := map a (finseq n).

nth i (v2l a) = a.i
  Lemma nth_v2l : forall {n} (a : vec n) (i : nat) (E : i < n),
      nth i (v2l a) Azero = a (nat2fin i E).
  Proof. intros. unfold v2l. rewrite nth_map_finseq with (E:=E). auto. Qed.

length (v2l a) = n
  Lemma v2l_length : forall {n} (a : vec n), length (v2l a) = n.
  Proof. intros. unfold v2l. rewrite map_length, finseq_length. auto. Qed.

v2l a = v2l b -> a = b
  Lemma v2l_inj : forall {n} (a b : vec n), v2l a = v2l b -> a = b.
    intros. unfold v2l in *. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
    rewrite map_ext_in_iff in H. apply (H i). apply In_finseq.

l2v (v2l a) = a
  Lemma l2v_v2l : forall {n} (a : vec n), (@l2v n (v2l a)) = a.
    intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
    rewrite vnth_l2v. rewrite nth_v2l with (E:=fin2nat_lt _).
    rewrite nat2fin_fin2nat. auto.

v2l (l2v l) = l
  Lemma v2l_l2v : forall {n} (l : list A), length l = n -> v2l (@l2v n l) = l.
    intros. apply list_eq_ext with (Azero:=Azero)(n:=n); intros; auto.
    - rewrite nth_v2l with (E:=H0). rewrite vnth_l2v.
      rewrite fin2nat_nat2fin. auto.
    - apply v2l_length.

∀ v, (∃ l, l2v l = a)
  Lemma l2v_surj : forall {n} (a : vec n), (exists l, @l2v n l = a).
  Proof. intros. exists (v2l a). apply l2v_v2l. Qed.

∀ l, (∃ v, v2l v = l)
  Lemma v2l_surj : forall {n} (l : list A), length l = n -> (exists a : vec n, v2l a = l).
  Proof. intros. exists (l2v l). apply v2l_l2v; auto. Qed.

End l2v_v2l.

Automation for vector equality proofs

Convert equality of two vectors to point-wise element equalities
Ltac veq :=
  apply v2l_inj; cbv; list_eq.

Section test.
  Let v : vec 3 := fun (i : 'I_3) => S i.

  Goal @l2v _ 0 3 [1;2;3] = v.
    apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
    repeat (destruct i; simpl; auto; try lia).

End test.

Convert vector to its elements

Section veq_exist.
  Context {A : Type}.

  Lemma veq_exist_2 : forall (a : @vec A 2), exists a1 a2 : A, a = l2v a1 [a1;a2].
  Proof. intros. exists (a.1),(a.2). apply v2l_inj; cbv; list_eq. Qed.

  Lemma veq_exist_3 : forall (a : @vec A 3), exists a1 a2 a3 : A, a = l2v a1 [a1;a2;a3].
  Proof. intros. exists (a.1),(a.2),(a.3). apply v2l_inj; cbv; list_eq. Qed.

  Lemma veq_exist_4 : forall (a : @vec A 4), exists a1 a2 a3 a4 : A, a = l2v a2 [a1;a2;a3;a4].
  Proof. intros. exists (a.1),(a.2),(a.3),(a.4). apply v2l_inj; cbv; list_eq. Qed.

End veq_exist.

destruct a vector to its elements
Ltac v2e a :=
  let a1 := fresh "a1" in
  let a2 := fresh "a2" in
  let a3 := fresh "a3" in
  let a4 := fresh "a4" in
  let Ha := fresh "Ha" in
  match type of a with
  | vec 2 =>
      destruct (veq_exist_2 a) as (a1,(a2,Ha)); rewrite Ha; try clear a Ha;
      try (v2e a1; v2e a2)
  | vec 3 =>
      destruct (veq_exist_3 a) as (a1,(a2,(a3,Ha))); rewrite Ha; try clear a Ha;
      try (v2e a1; v2e a2; v2e a3)
  | vec 4 =>
      destruct (veq_exist_4 a) as (a1,(a2,(a3,(a4,Ha)))); rewrite Ha; try clear a Ha;
      try (v2e a1; v2e a2; v2e a3; v2e a4)

Ltac v2e1 a :=
  let a1 := fresh "a1" in
  let a2 := fresh "a2" in
  let a3 := fresh "a3" in
  let a4 := fresh "a4" in
  let Ha := fresh "Ha" in
  match type of a with
  | vec 2 =>
      destruct (veq_exist_2 a) as (a1,(a2,Ha)); rewrite Ha; try clear a Ha
  | vec 3 =>
      destruct (veq_exist_3 a) as (a1,(a2,(a3,Ha))); rewrite Ha; try clear a Ha
  | vec 4 =>
      destruct (veq_exist_4 a) as (a1,(a2,(a3,(a4,Ha)))); rewrite Ha; try clear a Ha

Section test.
  Goal forall A (v : @vec A 3), v = v.
  Proof. intros. v2e v. auto. Qed.

  Goal forall A (v : @vec (@vec A 2) 3), v = v.
  Proof. intros. v2e v. auto. Qed.
End test.

vector with specific size

Section vec_specific.
  Context {A} {Azero : A}.
  Variable a1 a2 a3 a4 : A.

  Definition mkvec0 : @vec A 0 := fun _ => Azero.   Definition mkvec1 : @vec A 1 := l2v Azero [a1].
  Definition mkvec2 : @vec A 2 := l2v Azero [a1;a2].
  Definition mkvec3 : @vec A 3 := l2v Azero [a1;a2;a3].
  Definition mkvec4 : @vec A 4 := l2v Azero [a1;a2;a3;a4].
End vec_specific.

Vector by mapping one vector

Section vmap.
  Context {A B : Type} (f : A -> B).

  Definition vmap {n} (a : @vec A n) : @vec B n := fun i => f (a i).

(vmap f a).i = f (a.i)
  Lemma vnth_vmap : forall {n} (a : vec n) i, (vmap a).[i] = f (a.[i]).
  Proof. intros. unfold vmap; auto. Qed.

End vmap.

Vector by mapping two vectors

Section vmap2.
  Context {A B C : Type} (f : A -> B -> C).

  Definition vmap2 {n} (a : @vec A n) (b : @vec B n) : @vec C n :=
    fun i => f a.[i] b.[i].

(vmap2 f a b).i = f (a.i) (b.i)
  Lemma vnth_vmap2 : forall {n} (a b : vec n) i, (vmap2 a b).[i] = f a.[i] b.[i].
  Proof. intros. unfold vmap2; auto. Qed.

  Lemma vmap2_eq_vmap : forall {n} (a b : vec n),
      vmap2 a b = vmap (fun a => a) (fun i => f a.[i] b.[i]).
  Proof. intros. auto. Qed.

End vmap2.

vmap2 on same type
Section vmap2_sametype.
  Context `{ASGroup}.

vmap2 f a b = vmap2 f b a
  Lemma vmap2_comm : forall {n} (a b : vec n),
      vmap2 Aadd a b = vmap2 Aadd b a.
  Proof. intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. unfold vmap2. agroup. Qed.

vmap2 f (vmap2 f a b) c = vmap2 f a (vmap2 f b c)
  Lemma vmap2_assoc : forall {n} (a b c : vec n),
      vmap2 Aadd (vmap2 Aadd a b) c = vmap2 Aadd a (vmap2 Aadd b c).
  Proof. intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. unfold vmap2. agroup. Qed.
End vmap2_sametype.

Vector with only one element is 1

Section veye.
  Context {A} (Azero Aone : A).
  Notation "0" := Azero : A_scope.
  Notation "1" := Aone : A_scope.
  Notation vzero := (vzero 0).
  Context {one_neq_zero : 1 <> 0}.

  Definition veye {n} (i : 'I_n) : @vec A n :=
    fun j => if i ??= j then 1 else 0.

(veye i).i = 1
  Lemma vnth_veye_eq : forall {n} i, (@veye n i).[i] = 1.
  Proof. intros. unfold veye. fin. Qed.

(veye i).j = 0
  Lemma vnth_veye_neq : forall {n} i j, i <> j -> (@veye n i).[j] = 0.
  Proof. intros. unfold veye. fin. Qed.

veye <> 0
  Lemma veye_neq0 : forall {n} i, @veye n i <> vzero.
    intros. intro. rewrite veq_iff_vnth in H. specialize (H i).
    rewrite vnth_veye_eq, vnth_vzero in H. easy.

End veye.

natural basis, 自然基(最常见的一种标准正交基)

Section veyes.
  Context {A} (Azero Aone : A).
  Notation "0" := Azero : A_scope.
  Notation "1" := Aone : A_scope.
  Notation vzero := (vzero 0).
  Context {one_neq_zero : 1 <> 0}.

  Definition veyes (n : nat) : @vec (@vec A n) n := fun i => veye Azero Aone i.

veyes.ii = 1
  Lemma vnth_veyes_eq : forall {n} i, (veyes n).[i].[i] = 1.
  Proof. intros. unfold veyes. apply vnth_veye_eq. Qed.

veyes.ij = 0
  Lemma vnth_veyes_neq : forall {n} i j, i <> j -> (veyes n).[i].[j] = 0.
  Proof. intros. unfold veyes. apply vnth_veye_neq; auto. Qed.

End veyes.

Get head, tail, slice of a vector

Get head or tail element

Section vhead_vtail.
  Context {A} {Azero : A}.

Get head element
  Definition vhead {n} (a : @vec A (S n)) : A := a.[fin0].

vhead a is = a.0
  Lemma vhead_spec : forall {n} (a : @vec A (S n)), vhead a = (v2f Azero a) 0.
    intros. unfold vhead. erewrite nth_v2f. f_equal.
    apply fin_eq_iff; auto. Unshelve. lia.

vhead a = a
  Lemma vhead_eq : forall {n} (a : @vec A (S n)), vhead a = a.[fin0].
  Proof. auto. Qed.

Get tail element
  Definition vtail {n} (a : @vec A (S n)) : A := a.[#n].

vtail a = a.(n - 1)
  Lemma vtail_spec : forall {n} (a : @vec A (S n)), vtail a = (v2f Azero a) n.
    intros. unfold vtail. erewrite nth_v2f. erewrite nat2finS_eq. f_equal.
    Unshelve. lia.

vtail a = a
  Lemma vtail_eq : forall {n} (a : @vec A (S n)), vtail a = a.[#n].
  Proof. auto. Qed.
End vhead_vtail.

Get head or tail elements

Section vheadN_vtailN.
  Context {A} {Azero : A}.

Get head elements
  Definition vheadN {m n} (a : @vec A (m + n)) : @vec A m :=
    fun i => a.[fin2AddRangeR i].

i < m -> (vheadN a).i = (v2f a).i
  Lemma vheadN_spec : forall {m n} (a : @vec A (m + n)) i,
      i < m -> v2f Azero (vheadN a) i = (v2f Azero a) i.
    intros. unfold vheadN. erewrite !nth_v2f. f_equal.
    apply fin_eq_iff; auto. Unshelve. all: try lia.

(vheadN a).i = a.i
  Lemma vnth_vheadN : forall {m n} (a : @vec A (m + n)) i,
      (vheadN a).[i] = a.[fin2AddRangeR i].
  Proof. auto. Qed.

Get tail elements
  Definition vtailN {m n} (a : @vec A (m + n)) : @vec A n :=
    fun i => a.[fin2AddRangeAddL i].

i < n -> (vtailN a).i = (v2f a).(m + i)
  Lemma vtailN_spec : forall {m n} (a : @vec A (m + n)) i,
      i < n -> v2f Azero (vtailN a) i = (v2f Azero a) (m + i).
    intros. unfold vtailN. erewrite !nth_v2f. f_equal.
    apply fin_eq_iff; auto. Unshelve. all: try lia.

(vtailN a).i = a.(n + i)
  Lemma vnth_vtailN : forall {m n} (a : @vec A (m + n)) i,
      (vtailN a).[i] = a.[fin2AddRangeAddL i].
  Proof. auto. Qed.
End vheadN_vtailN.

Get slice of a vector

Section vslice.
  Context {A} {Azero : A}.

{i<n}, {j<n}, {k:=S j-i} -> {i+k < n}
  Definition vslice_idx {n} (i j : 'I_n) (k : 'I_(S j - i)) : 'I_n.
    refine (nat2fin (i + k) _).
    pose proof (fin2nat_lt k). pose proof (fin2nat_lt j).
    apply nat_lt_sub_imply_lt_add in H. rewrite commutative.
    apply nat_ltS_lt_lt with (m := j); auto.

Get a slice from vector `v` which contain elements from vj. 1. Include the i-th and j-th element 2. If i > i, then the result is `vec 0`
  Definition vslice {n} (a : @vec A n) (i j : 'I_n) : @vec A (S j - i) :=
    fun k => a.[vslice_idx i j k].

  Lemma vnth_vslice : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) (i j : 'I_n) k,
      (vslice a i j).[k] = a.[vslice_idx i j k].
  Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
End vslice.

Section test.
  Let n := 5.
  Let a : vec n := l2v 9 [1;2;3;4;5].
End test.

Update a vector

Set element of a vector

Section vset.
  Context {A} {Azero : A}.

Set i-th element vector `a` with `x`
  Definition vset {n} (a : @vec A n) (i : 'I_n) (x : A) : @vec A n :=
    fun j => if j ??= i then x else a.[j].

(vset a i x).i = x
  Lemma vnth_vset_eq : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) (i : 'I_n) (x : A),
      (vset a i x).[i] = x.
  Proof. intros. unfold vset. fin. Qed.

(vset a i x).j = a.j
  Lemma vnth_vset_neq : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) (i j : 'I_n) (x : A),
      i <> j -> (vset a i x).[j] = a.[j].
  Proof. intros. unfold vset. fin. Qed.

End vset.

Swap two elements of a vector

Section vswap.
  Context {A : Type}.

  Definition vswap {n} (a : @vec A n) (i j : 'I_n) : @vec A n :=
    fun k => if k ??= i
           then a.[j]
           else (if k ??= j then a.[i] else a.[k]).

  Lemma vnth_vswap_i : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) (i j : 'I_n),
      (vswap a i j).[i] = a.[j].
  Proof. intros. unfold vswap. fin. Qed.

  Lemma vnth_vswap_j : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) (i j : 'I_n),
      (vswap a i j).[j] = a.[i].
  Proof. intros. unfold vswap. fin. Qed.

  Lemma vnth_vswap_other : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) (i j k : 'I_n),
      i <> k -> j <> k -> (vswap a i j).[k] = a.[k].
  Proof. intros. unfold vswap. fin. Qed.

  Lemma vswap_vswap : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) (i j : 'I_n),
      vswap (vswap a i j) j i = a.
  Proof. intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. unfold vswap. fin. Qed.

End vswap.

Insert element to a vector

Section vinsert.
  Context {A} {Azero : A}.
  Notation v2f := (v2f Azero).
  Notation vzero := (vzero Azero).

  Definition vinsert {n} (a : @vec A n) (i : 'I_(S n)) (x : A) : @vec A (S n).
    intros j. destruct (j ??< i) as [E|E].
    - refine (a.[fPredRange j _]).
      apply Nat.lt_le_trans with i; auto.
      apply nat_lt_n_Sm_le.
      apply fin2nat_lt.
    - destruct (j ??= i) as [E1|E1].
      + apply x.
      + refine (a.[fPredRangeP j _]).
        assert (j > i).
        apply nat_ge_neq_imply_gt; auto. apply not_lt; auto.
        apply Nat.lt_lt_0 in H; auto.

Another definition, which have simpler logic, but need `Azero`.
  Definition vinsert' {n} (v : @vec A n) (i : 'I_(S n)) (x : A) : @vec A (S n) :=
    f2v (fun j => if j ??< i
                then (v2f v) j
                else (if j ??= i
                      then x
                      else (v2f v) (pred j))).

  Lemma vinsert_eq_vinsert' : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) (i : 'I_(S n)) (x : A),
      vinsert a i x = vinsert' a i x.
    intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros j.
    unfold vinsert, vinsert',f2v,v2f,fPredRange, fPredRangeP.
    destruct i as [i Hi], j as [j Hj]; simpl. fin.

j < i -> (v2f (vinsert a i x)) j = (v2f a) i
  Lemma vinsert_spec_lt : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) (i : 'I_(S n)) (x : A) (j : nat),
      j < i -> v2f (vinsert a i x) j = v2f a j.
    intros. rewrite vinsert_eq_vinsert'. pose proof (fin2nat_lt i).
    unfold vinsert',v2f,f2v. fin.

(v2f (vinsert a i x)) i = x
  Lemma vinsert_spec_eq : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) (i : 'I_(S n)) (x : A),
      v2f (vinsert a i x) i = x.
    intros. rewrite vinsert_eq_vinsert'.
    pose proof (fin2nat_lt i). unfold vinsert',v2f,f2v. fin.

i < j -> 0 < j -> j < S n -> (v2f (vinsert a i x)) j = (v2f a) (pred i)
  Lemma vinsert_spec_gt : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) (i : 'I_(S n)) (x : A) (j : nat),
      i < j -> 0 < j -> j < S n -> v2f (vinsert a i x) j = v2f a (pred j).
    intros. rewrite vinsert_eq_vinsert'. pose proof (fin2nat_lt i).
    unfold vinsert',v2f,f2v. fin.

j < i -> (vinsert a i x).j = a.j
  Lemma vnth_vinsert_lt :
    forall {n} (a : @vec A n) (i j : 'I_(S n)) x (H : j < i),
      (vinsert a i x).[j] =
        a.[fPredRange j (nat_lt_ltS_lt _ _ _ H (fin2nat_lt _))].
    intros. pose proof (vinsert_spec_lt a i x j H).
    erewrite !nth_v2f in H0. fin. rewrite H0. f_equal. apply fin_eq_iff; auto.
    Unshelve. fin. pose proof (fin2nat_lt i). lia.

(vinsert a i x).i = a
  Lemma vnth_vinsert_eq : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) (i : 'I_(S n)) x,
      (vinsert a i x).[i] = x.
    intros. pose proof (vinsert_spec_eq a i x).
    pose proof (fin2nat_lt i). unfold v2f in *. fin.

0 < j -> (vinsert a i x).j = a.(pred j)
  Lemma vnth_vinsert_gt :
    forall {n} (a : @vec A n) (i j : 'I_(S n)) x (H : 0 < j),
      i < j -> (vinsert a i x).[j] = a.[fPredRangeP j H].
    pose proof (vinsert_spec_gt a i x j H0 H (fin2nat_lt _)).
    erewrite !nth_v2f in H1. fin. rewrite H1. fin. Unshelve. fin.

Invert 0 into vzero get vzero
  Lemma vinsert_vzero_eq0 : forall {n} i, @vinsert n vzero i Azero = vzero.
    intros. rewrite vinsert_eq_vinsert'.
    apply veq_iff_vnth; intros j. rewrite vnth_vzero.
    destruct i as [i Hi], j as [j Hj].
    unfold vinsert',f2v,v2f; simpl. fin.

If insert x into vector a get vzero, then x is 0
  Lemma vinsert_eq0_imply_x0 {AeqDec : Dec (@eq A)} : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) i x,
      vinsert a i x = vzero -> x = Azero.
    intros. rewrite veq_iff_vnth in *. specialize (H i).
    rewrite vnth_vzero in H. rewrite <- H.
    symmetry. apply vnth_vinsert_eq.

If insert x into vector a get vzero, then a is vzero
  Lemma vinsert_eq0_imply_v0 {AeqDec : Dec (@eq A)} : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) i x,
      vinsert a i x = vzero -> a = vzero.
    pose proof (vinsert_eq0_imply_x0 a i x H). subst.
    rewrite !veq_iff_vnth in *; intros j.
    destruct (j ??< i).
    - specialize (H (fSuccRange j)). erewrite vnth_vinsert_lt in H; fin.
    - specialize (H (fSuccRangeS j)). erewrite vnth_vinsert_gt in H; fin.
      Unshelve. fin. fin.

Insert x into vector a get vzero, iff a is vzero and x is 0
  Lemma vinsert_eq0_iff {AeqDec : Dec (@eq A)} : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) i x,
      vinsert a i x = vzero <-> (a = vzero /\ x = Azero).
    - apply vinsert_eq0_imply_v0 in H; auto.
    - apply vinsert_eq0_imply_x0 in H; auto.
    - subst. apply vinsert_vzero_eq0.

Insert x into vector a is not vzero, iff a is not vzero or x is 0
  Lemma vinsert_neq0_iff {AeqDec : Dec (@eq A)} : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) i x,
      vinsert a i x <> vzero <-> (a <> vzero \/ x <> Azero).
  Proof. intros. rewrite vinsert_eq0_iff. tauto. Qed.

End vinsert.

Section test.
  Let n := 5.
  Let a : vec n := l2v 9 [1;2;3;4;5].
End test.

Remove one element at given position

Section vremove.
  Context {A} {Azero : A}.
  Notation v2f := (v2f Azero).

Removes i-th element from vector `a`
  Definition vremove {n} (a : @vec A (S n)) (i : 'I_(S n)) : @vec A n :=
    fun j => if j ??< i
           then a (fSuccRange j)
           else a (fSuccRangeS j).

  Definition vremove' {n} (a : @vec A (S n)) (i : 'I_(S n)) : @vec A n :=
    f2v (fun j => if j ??< i then v2f a j else v2f a (S j)).

  Lemma vremove_eq_vremove' : forall {n} (a : @vec A (S n)) (i : 'I_(S n)),
      vremove a i = vremove' a i.
    intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros j.
    unfold vremove, vremove', f2v, v2f.
    unfold fSuccRange, fSuccRangeS.
    destruct i as [i Hi], j as [j Hj]; simpl. fin.
    erewrite nat2finS_eq. apply fin_eq_iff; auto. Unshelve. auto.

j < i -> (vremove a i).j = v.j
  Lemma vremove_spec_lt : forall {n} (a : @vec A (S n)) (i : 'I_(S n)) (j : nat),
      j < i -> v2f (vremove a i) j = v2f a j.
    intros. rewrite vremove_eq_vremove'. unfold v2f,vremove',f2v.
    destruct i as [i Hi]; simpl in *. fin.

i <= j -> j < n -> (vremove a i).j = v.(S j)
  Lemma vremove_spec_ge : forall {n} (a : @vec A (S n)) (i : 'I_(S n)) (j : nat),
      i <= j -> j < n -> v2f (vremove a i) j = v2f a (S j).
    intros. rewrite vremove_eq_vremove'. unfold vremove',f2v,v2f.
    destruct i as [i Hi]; simpl in *. fin.

j < i -> (vremove a i).j = a.j
  Lemma vnth_vremove_lt : forall {n} (a : @vec A (S n)) (i : 'I_(S n)) (j : 'I_n),
      j < i -> (vremove a i).[j] = v2f a j.
    intros. rewrite vremove_eq_vremove'. unfold vremove',f2v,v2f.
    destruct i as [i Hi], j as [j Hj]; simpl in *. fin.

i <= j -> j < n -> (vremove a i).j = a.(S j)
  Lemma vnth_vremove_ge : forall {n} (a : @vec A (S n)) (i : 'I_(S n)) (j : 'I_n),
      i <= j -> j < n -> (vremove a i).[j] = v2f a (S j).
    intros. rewrite vremove_eq_vremove'. unfold vremove',f2v,v2f.
    destruct i as [i Hi], j as [j Hj]; simpl in *. fin.

vremove (vinsert a i x) i = a
  Lemma vremove_vinsert : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) (i : 'I_(S n)) (x : A),
      vremove (vinsert a i x) i = a.
    intros. rewrite vremove_eq_vremove', (vinsert_eq_vinsert' (Azero:=Azero)).
    apply veq_iff_vnth; intros j.
    destruct i as [i Hi], j as [j Hj].
    unfold vremove',vinsert',f2v,v2f; simpl in *. fin.

vinsert (vremove a i) (a.i) = a
  Lemma vinsert_vremove : forall {n} (a : @vec A (S n)) (i : 'I_(S n)),
      vinsert (vremove a i) i (a.[i]) = a.
    intros. rewrite vremove_eq_vremove', (vinsert_eq_vinsert' (Azero:=Azero)).
    apply veq_iff_vnth; intros j.
    destruct i as [i Hi], j as [j Hj].
    unfold vremove',vinsert',f2v,v2f; simpl in *. fin.

End vremove.

Section vmap_vinsert_vremove.
  Context {A B C : Type} {Azero : A} {Bzero : B} {Czero : C}.
  Context (f1 : A -> B).
  Context (f2 : A -> B -> C).

vmap f (vremove a i) = vremove (vmap f v) i
  Lemma vmap_vremove : forall {n} (a : @vec A (S n)) i,
      vmap f1 (vremove a i) = vremove (vmap f1 a) i.
    intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros j. rewrite vnth_vmap.
    pose proof (fin2nat_lt i). pose proof (fin2nat_lt j).
    destruct (j ??< i).
    - rewrite (vnth_vremove_lt (Azero:=Azero)); auto.
      rewrite (vnth_vremove_lt (Azero:=Bzero)); auto.
      erewrite !nth_v2f. unfold vmap. auto.
    - rewrite (vnth_vremove_ge (Azero:=Azero)); try lia.
      rewrite (vnth_vremove_ge (Azero:=Bzero)); try lia.
      erewrite !nth_v2f. unfold vmap. auto.
      Unshelve. lia. lia.

vmap2 f (vremove a i) (vremove b i) = vremove (vmap2 a b) i
  Lemma vmap2_vremove_vremove : forall {n} (a : @vec A (S n)) (b : @vec B (S n)) i,
      vmap2 f2 (vremove a i) (vremove b i) = vremove (vmap2 f2 a b) i.
    intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros j. rewrite vnth_vmap2.
    pose proof (fin2nat_lt i). pose proof (fin2nat_lt j).
    destruct (j ??< i).
    - rewrite (vnth_vremove_lt (Azero:=Azero)); auto.
      rewrite (vnth_vremove_lt (Azero:=Bzero)); auto.
      rewrite (vnth_vremove_lt (Azero:=Czero)); auto.
      erewrite !nth_v2f. rewrite vnth_vmap2. auto.
    - rewrite (vnth_vremove_ge (Azero:=Azero)); try lia.
      rewrite (vnth_vremove_ge (Azero:=Bzero)); try lia.
      rewrite (vnth_vremove_ge (Azero:=Czero)); try lia.
      erewrite !nth_v2f. rewrite vnth_vmap2. auto.
      Unshelve. lia. lia.

vmap2 (vinsert a i x) b = vinsert (vmap2 a (vremove b i)) i (f x b.i)
  Lemma vmap2_vinsert_l : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) (b : @vec B (S n)) i (x : A),
      vmap2 f2 (vinsert a i x) b =
        vinsert (vmap2 f2 a (vremove b i)) i (f2 x (b.[i])).
    intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros j. rewrite vnth_vmap2.
    destruct (j ??< i) as [E|E].
    - rewrite (vnth_vinsert_lt (Azero:=Azero)) with (H:=E).
      rewrite (vnth_vinsert_lt (Azero:=Czero)) with (H:=E).
      rewrite vnth_vmap2. fin.
      rewrite (vnth_vremove_lt (Azero:=Bzero)); fin.
      erewrite nth_v2f with (H:=fin2nat_lt _); fin.
    - destruct (j ??= i) as [E1|E1]; fin.
      + apply fin2nat_eq_iff in E1; rewrite E1.
        rewrite (vnth_vinsert_eq (Azero:=Azero)).
        rewrite (vnth_vinsert_eq (Azero:=Czero)). auto.
      + assert (i < j) by lia.
        assert (0 < j) by lia.
        rewrite (vnth_vinsert_gt (Azero:=Azero)) with (H:=H0); auto.
        rewrite (vnth_vinsert_gt (Azero:=Czero)) with (H:=H0); auto.
        rewrite vnth_vmap2. fin.
        rewrite (vnth_vremove_ge (Azero:=Bzero)); fin.
        * assert (S (pred j) < S n).
          rewrite Nat.succ_pred; try lia. apply fin2nat_lt.
          rewrite nth_v2f with (H:=H1). fin. destruct j. fin.
        * pose proof (fin2nat_lt j). lia.

vmap2 a (vinsert b i x) = vinsert (vmap2 (vremove a i) b) i (f a.i x)
  Lemma vmap2_vinsert_r : forall {n} (a : @vec A (S n)) (b : @vec B n) i (x : B),
      vmap2 f2 a (vinsert b i x) =
        vinsert (vmap2 f2 (vremove a i) b) i (f2 (a.[i]) x).
    intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros j. rewrite vnth_vmap2.
    destruct (j ??< i) as [E|E].
    - assert (j < n). pose proof (fin2nat_lt i). lia.
      rewrite (vnth_vinsert_lt (Azero:=Bzero)) with (H:=E).
      rewrite (vnth_vinsert_lt (Azero:=Czero)) with (H:=E).
      rewrite vnth_vmap2. f_equal.
      rewrite (vnth_vremove_lt (Azero:=Azero)); auto. simpl.
      rewrite nth_v2f with (H:=fin2nat_lt _). fin.
    - destruct (j ??= i) as [E1|E1].
      + apply fin2nat_eq_iff in E1; rewrite E1.
        rewrite (@vnth_vinsert_eq _ Bzero).
        rewrite (@vnth_vinsert_eq _ Czero). auto.
      + assert (i < j) by lia.
        assert (0 < j) by lia.
        rewrite (vnth_vinsert_gt (Azero:=Bzero)) with (H:=H0); auto.
        rewrite (vnth_vinsert_gt (Azero:=Czero)) with (H:=H0); auto.
        rewrite vnth_vmap2. f_equal.
        rewrite (vnth_vremove_ge (Azero:=Azero)); fin.
        * assert (S (pred j) < S n).
          rewrite Nat.succ_pred; try lia. apply fin2nat_lt.
          rewrite nth_v2f with (H:=H1). fin. destruct j. fin.
        * pose proof (fin2nat_lt j). lia.

End vmap_vinsert_vremove.

Remove element at head or tail

Section vremoveH_vremoveT.
  Context {A} {Azero : A}.
  Notation v2f := (v2f Azero).
  Notation vzero := (vzero Azero).


Remove head element
  Definition vremoveH {n} (a : @vec A (S n)) : @vec A n :=
    fun i => a.[fSuccRangeS i].

i < n -> (vremoveH a).i = v.(S i)
  Lemma vremoveH_spec : forall {n} (a : @vec A (S n)) (i : nat),
      i < n -> v2f (vremoveH a) i = v2f a (S i).
    intros. unfold vremoveH,v2f. fin.

(vremoveH a).i = a.(S i)
  Lemma vnth_vremoveH : forall {n} (a : @vec A (S n)) (i : 'I_n),
      (vremoveH a).[i] = a.[fSuccRangeS i].
  Proof. intros. unfold vremoveH. auto. Qed.

a <> 0 -> vhead a = 0 -> vremoveH a <> 0
  Lemma vremoveH_neq0_if : forall {n} (a : @vec A (S n)),
      a <> vzero -> vhead a = Azero -> vremoveH a <> vzero.
    intros. intro. destruct H. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
    rewrite veq_iff_vnth in H1. unfold vremoveH in H1. rewrite vhead_eq in H0.
    destruct (i ??= 0) as [E|E].
    - rewrite vnth_vzero. destruct i; simpl in *; subst.
      f_equal. apply fin_eq_iff; auto.
    - assert (0 < i). pose proof (fin2nat_lt i). lia.
      specialize (H1 (fPredRangeP i H)).
      rewrite fSuccRangeS_fPredRangeP in H1. rewrite H1. cbv. auto.

vremoveH also hold, if hold for all elements
  Lemma vremoveH_hold : forall {n} (a : @vec A (S n)) (P : A -> Prop),
      (forall i, P (a.[i])) -> (forall i, P ((vremoveH a).[i])).
  Proof. intros. unfold vremoveH. auto. Qed.


Remove tail element
  Definition vremoveT {n} (a : @vec A (S n)) : @vec A n :=
    fun i => a.[fSuccRange i].

i < n -> (vremoveT a).i = a.i
  Lemma vremoveT_spec : forall {n} (a : @vec A (S n)) (i : nat),
      i < n -> v2f (vremoveT a) i = v2f a i.
    intros. unfold vremoveT,v2f. fin.
    erewrite fSuccRange_nat2fin. apply fin_eq_iff; auto.
    Unshelve. auto.

(vremoveT a).i = a.i
  Lemma vnth_vremoveT : forall {n} (a : @vec A (S n)) (i : 'I_n),
      (vremoveT a).[i] = a.[fSuccRange i].
  Proof. intros. unfold vremoveT. auto. Qed.

v <> 0 -> vtail v = 0 -> vremoveT v <> 0
  Lemma vremoveT_neq0_if : forall {n} (a : @vec A (S n)),
      a <> vzero -> vtail a = Azero -> vremoveT a <> vzero.
    intros. intro. destruct H. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
    rewrite veq_iff_vnth in H1. unfold vremoveT in H1.
    rewrite vtail_eq in H0.
    destruct (i ??= n) as [E|E].
    - destruct i; simpl in *; subst. rewrite vnth_vzero. f_equal.
      erewrite nat2finS_eq. apply fin_eq_iff; auto.
    - assert (i < n). pose proof (fin2nat_lt i). lia.
      specialize (H1 (fPredRange i H)).
      rewrite fSuccRange_fPredRange in H1. rewrite H1. cbv. auto.
      Unshelve. auto.

vremoveT also hold, if hold for all elements
  Lemma vremoveT_hold : forall {n} (a : @vec A (S n)) (P : A -> Prop),
      (forall i, P (a.[i])) -> (forall i, P ((vremoveT a).[i])).
  Proof. intros. unfold vremoveT. auto. Qed.

End vremoveH_vremoveT.

Remove elements at head or tail

Section vremoveHN_vremoveTN.
  Context {A} {Azero : A}.
  Notation v2f := (v2f Azero).
  Notation vzero := (vzero Azero).


Remove head elements
  Definition vremoveHN {m n} (a : @vec A (m + n)) : @vec A n :=
    fun i => a.[fin2AddRangeAddL i].

i < n -> (vremoveHN a).i = a.(m + i)
  Lemma vremoveHN_spec : forall {m n} (a : @vec A (m + n)) (i : nat),
      i < n -> v2f (vremoveHN a) i = v2f a (m + i).
    intros. unfold vremoveHN. erewrite !nth_v2f. f_equal.
    apply fin2nat_imply_nat2fin; simpl. auto.
    Unshelve. all: lia.

(vremoveHN a).i = a.(m + i)
  Lemma vnth_vremoveHN : forall {m n} (a : @vec A (m + n)) (i : 'I_n),
      (vremoveHN a).[i] = a.[fin2AddRangeAddL i].
  Proof. auto. Qed.

a <> 0 -> vheadN v = 0 -> vremoveHN a <> 0
  Lemma vremoveHN_neq0_if : forall {m n} (a : @vec A (m + n)),
      a <> vzero -> vheadN a = vzero -> vremoveHN a <> vzero.
    intros. intro.
    rewrite veq_iff_vnth in H0. unfold vheadN in H0.
    rewrite veq_iff_vnth in H1. unfold vremoveHN in H1.
    destruct H. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
    destruct (m ??<= i) as [E|E].
    - specialize (H1 (fin2AddRangeAddL' i E)).
      rewrite fin2AddRangeAddL_fin2AddRangeAddL' in H1. rewrite H1. cbv. auto.
    - assert (i < m). lia.
      specialize (H0 (fin2AddRangeR' i H)).
      rewrite fin2AddRangeR_fin2AddRangeR' in H0. rewrite H0. cbv. auto.


Remove tail elements
  Definition vremoveTN {m n} (a : @vec A (m + n)) : @vec A m :=
    fun i => a.[fin2AddRangeR i].

i < n -> (vremoveTN a).i = a.i
  Lemma vremoveTN_spec : forall {m n} (a : @vec A (m + n)) (i : nat),
      i < m -> v2f (vremoveTN a) i = v2f a i.
    intros. unfold vremoveTN,v2f. fin.

(vremoveTN a).i = a.i
  Lemma vnth_vremoveTN : forall {m n} (a : @vec A (m + n)) (i : 'I_m),
      (vremoveTN a).[i] = a.[fin2AddRangeR i].
  Proof. intros. auto. Qed.

a <> 0 -> vtailN v = 0 -> vremoveTN a <> 0
  Lemma vremoveTN_neq0_if : forall {m n} (a : @vec A (m + n)),
      a <> vzero -> vtailN a = vzero -> vremoveTN a <> vzero.
    intros. intro.
    rewrite veq_iff_vnth in H0. unfold vtailN in H0.
    rewrite veq_iff_vnth in H1. unfold vremoveTN in H1.
    destruct H. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
    destruct (m ??<= i) as [E|E].
    - specialize (H0 (fin2AddRangeAddL' i E)).
      rewrite fin2AddRangeAddL_fin2AddRangeAddL' in H0. rewrite H0. cbv. auto.
    - assert (i < m). lia.
      specialize (H1 (fin2AddRangeR' i H)).
      rewrite fin2AddRangeR_fin2AddRangeR' in H1. rewrite H1. cbv. auto.

End vremoveHN_vremoveTN.

Construct vector with a vector an an element at the head or tail

Section vconsH_vconsT.
  Context {A} {Azero : A}.
  Notation v2f := (v2f Azero).
  Notation vzero := (vzero Azero).


cons at head: x; a
  Definition vconsH {n} (x : A) (a : @vec A n) : @vec A (S n).
    intros i. destruct (i ??= 0). exact x.
    assert (0 < i). apply neq_0_lt_stt; auto.
    apply (a.[fPredRangeP i H]).

i = 0 -> (v2f x; a) i = a
  Lemma vconsH_spec_0 : forall {n} x (a : @vec A n) (i : nat),
      i = 0 -> v2f (vconsH x a) i = x.
    intros. subst. unfold vconsH,v2f; simpl. auto.

0 < i -> i < n -> x; a.i = a.(pred i)
  Lemma vconsH_spec_gt0 : forall {n} x (a : @vec A n) (i : nat),
      0 < i -> i < n -> v2f (vconsH x a) i = v2f a (pred i).
    intros. unfold vconsH,v2f; simpl. fin.

i = 0 -> x; a.i = a
  Lemma vnth_vconsH_0 : forall {n} x (a : @vec A n) i,
      i = fin0 -> (vconsH x a).[i] = x.
  Proof. intros. subst. unfold vconsH. simpl. auto. Qed.

0 < i -> x; a.i = a.(pred i)
  Lemma vnth_vconsH_gt0 : forall {n} x (a : @vec A n) (i : 'I_(S n)) (H: 0 < i),
      (vconsH x a).[i] = a.[fPredRangeP i H].
    intros. unfold vconsH. fin.

x; a = 0 <-> x = 0 /\ v = 0
  Lemma vconsH_eq0_iff : forall {n} x (a : @vec A n),
      vconsH x a = vzero <-> x = Azero /\ a = vzero.
    intros. rewrite !veq_iff_vnth. split; intros.
    - split; intros; auto.
      + specialize (H fin0). rewrite vnth_vconsH_0 in H; auto.
      + specialize (H (fSuccRangeS i)). rewrite vnth_vzero in *. rewrite <- H.
        erewrite vnth_vconsH_gt0. f_equal.
        rewrite fPredRangeP_fSuccRangeS. auto.
    - destruct H. subst. destruct (i ??= 0).
      + rewrite vnth_vconsH_0; auto. destruct i; simpl in *. apply fin_eq_iff; auto.
      + erewrite vnth_vconsH_gt0; auto.
        Unshelve. rewrite fin2nat_fSuccRangeS. lia. lia.

x; a <> 0 <-> x <> 0 \/ a <> 0
  Lemma vconsH_neq0_iff : forall {n} x (a : @vec A n),
      vconsH x a <> vzero <-> x <> Azero \/ a <> vzero.
  Proof. intros. rewrite vconsH_eq0_iff. tauto. Qed.

vconsH (vhead a) (vremoveH a) = a
  Lemma vconsH_vhead_vremoveH : forall {n} (a : @vec A (S n)),
      vconsH (vhead a) (vremoveH a) = a.
    intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. destruct (i ??= 0).
    - rewrite vnth_vconsH_0.
      + unfold vhead. f_equal. destruct i; simpl in *; auto. apply fin_eq_iff; auto.
      + destruct i; simpl in *. apply fin_eq_iff; auto.
    - erewrite vnth_vconsH_gt0. rewrite vnth_vremoveH. f_equal.
      rewrite fSuccRangeS_fPredRangeP. auto.
      Unshelve. lia.

vremoveH (vconsH a x) = a
  Lemma vremoveH_vconsH : forall {n} x (a : @vec A n), vremoveH (vconsH x a) = a.
    intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros i. rewrite vnth_vremoveH.
    erewrite vnth_vconsH_gt0. f_equal. apply fPredRangeP_fSuccRangeS.
    Unshelve. rewrite fin2nat_fSuccRangeS. lia.

vhead (vconsH a x) = x
  Lemma vhead_vconsH : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) x, vhead (vconsH x a) = x.
  Proof. intros. unfold vhead. rewrite vnth_vconsH_0; auto. Qed.

0; vzero = vzero
  Lemma vconsH_0_vzero : forall {n}, @vconsH n Azero vzero = vzero.
  Proof. intros. unfold vconsH. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. fin. Qed.


cons at tail: a; x
  Definition vconsT {n} (a : @vec A n) (x : A) : @vec A (S n).
    intros i. destruct (i ??< n) as [E|E].
    - apply (a.[fPredRange i E]).
    - apply x.

i = n -> (v2f a; x) i = a
  Lemma vconsT_spec_n : forall {n} x (a : @vec A n) (i : nat),
      i = n -> v2f (vconsT a x) i = x.
  Proof. intros. subst. unfold vconsT,v2f; simpl. fin. Qed.

i < n -> (v2f a; x) i = a.(pred i)
  Lemma vconsT_spec_lt : forall {n} x (a : @vec A n) (i : nat),
      i < n -> v2f (vconsT a x) i = v2f a i.
  Proof. intros. unfold vconsT,v2f; simpl. fin. Qed.

i = n -> a; x.i = a
  Lemma vnth_vconsT_n : forall {n} x (a : @vec A n) (i : 'I_(S n)),
      fin2nat i = n -> (vconsT a x).[i] = x.
  Proof. intros. unfold vconsT. fin. Qed.

i < n -> a; x.i = a.(pred i)
  Lemma vnth_vconsT_lt : forall {n} x (a : @vec A n) (i : 'I_(S n)) (H: i < n),
      (vconsT a x).[i] = a (fPredRange i H).
  Proof. intros. unfold vconsT. fin. Qed.

a; x = 0 <-> a = 0 /\ x = 0
  Lemma vconsT_eq0_iff : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) x,
      vconsT a x = vzero <-> a = vzero /\ x = Azero.
    intros. rewrite !veq_iff_vnth. split; intros.
    - split; intros; auto.
      + specialize (H (fSuccRange i)). rewrite vnth_vzero in *. rewrite <- H.
        erewrite vnth_vconsT_lt. f_equal.
        rewrite fPredRange_fSuccRange. auto.
      + specialize (H (nat2finS n)). rewrite vnth_vconsT_n in H; auto.
        rewrite fin2nat_nat2finS; auto.
    - pose proof (fin2nat_lt i).
      destruct H. subst. destruct (i ??= n).
      + rewrite vnth_vconsT_n; auto.
      + erewrite vnth_vconsT_lt; auto.
        Unshelve. all: try lia. rewrite fin2nat_fSuccRange. apply fin2nat_lt.

a; x <> 0 <-> a <> 0 \/ x <> 0
  Lemma vconsT_neq0_iff : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) x,
      vconsT a x <> vzero <-> a <> vzero \/ x <> Azero.
    intros. rewrite vconsT_eq0_iff. split; intros.
    apply not_and_or in H; auto. apply or_not_and; auto.

vconsT (vremoveT a) (vtail a) = a
  Lemma vconsT_vremoveT_vtail : forall {n} (a : @vec A (S n)),
      vconsT (vremoveT a) (vtail a) = a.
    intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. destruct (i ??= n).
    - destruct i as [i Hi]. simpl in *. subst. rewrite vnth_vconsT_n; auto.
      rewrite vtail_eq. f_equal. erewrite nat2finS_eq. apply fin_eq_iff; auto.
    - erewrite vnth_vconsT_lt. rewrite vnth_vremoveT. f_equal.
      rewrite fSuccRange_fPredRange. auto.
      Unshelve. all: try lia. pose proof (fin2nat_lt i). lia.

vremoveT (vconsT a x) = a
  Lemma vremoveT_vconsT : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) x, vremoveT (vconsT a x) = a.
    intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros i. rewrite vnth_vremoveT.
    erewrite vnth_vconsT_lt. f_equal. apply fPredRange_fSuccRange.
    Unshelve. rewrite fin2nat_fSuccRange. apply fin2nat_lt.

vtail (vconsT a x) = x
  Lemma vtail_vconsT : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) x, vtail (vconsT a x) = x.
    intros. unfold vtail. rewrite vnth_vconsT_n; auto.
    rewrite fin2nat_nat2finS; auto.

vzero; 0 = vzero
  Lemma vconsT_vzero_eq0 : forall {n}, @vconsT n vzero Azero = vzero.
    intros. unfold vconsT. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. fin.

vmap2 f (vconsT a x) (vconsT b y) = vconsT (vmap2 f a b) (f x y)
  Lemma vmap2_vconsT_vconsT : forall {n} (a b : @vec A n) (x y : A) (f : A -> A -> A),
      vmap2 f (vconsT a x) (vconsT b y) = vconsT (vmap2 f a b) (f x y).
    intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. rewrite vnth_vmap2.
    unfold vconsT. fin.

End vconsH_vconsT.

Construct vector by append two vectors

Section vapp.
  Context {A} {Azero : A}.
  Notation vec := (@vec A).
  Notation vzero := (vzero Azero).

Append two vectors, denoted with a ++ b
  Definition vapp {n m} (a : vec n) (b : vec m) : vec (n + m).
    intros i. destruct (i ??< n) as [E|E].
    - exact (a.[fin2AddRangeR' i E]).
    - assert (n <= i). apply Nat.nlt_ge; auto.
      exact (b.[fin2AddRangeAddL' i H]).
  Infix "++" := vapp : vec_scope.

i < n -> (a ++ b).i = u.i
  Lemma vapp_spec_l : forall {n m} (a : vec n) (b : vec m) (i : nat),
      i < n -> v2f Azero (a ++ b) i = v2f Azero a i.
    intros. unfold vapp.
    assert (i < n + m). lia.
    rewrite nth_v2f with (H:=H0). rewrite nth_v2f with (H:=H). fin.

n <= i -> i < n + m -> (a ++ b).i = a.(i - n)
  Lemma vapp_spec_r : forall {n m} (a : vec n) (b : vec m) (i : nat),
      n <= i -> i < n + m -> v2f Azero (a ++ b) i = v2f Azero b (i - n).
    intros. unfold vapp.
    rewrite nth_v2f with (H:=H0). simpl. fin.
    assert (i - n < m). lia. rewrite nth_v2f with (H:=H1). f_equal.
    apply fin_eq_iff; auto.

i < n -> (a ++ b).i = a.i
  Lemma vnth_vapp_l : forall {n m} (a : vec n) (b : vec m) (i : 'I_(n + m)) (H : i < n),
      (a ++ b).[i] = a.[fin2AddRangeR' i H].
  Proof. intros. destruct i as [i Hi]. unfold vapp. simpl. fin. Qed.

n <= i -> (a ++ b).i = b.i
  Lemma vnth_vapp_r : forall {n m} (a : vec n) (b : vec m) (i : 'I_(n + m)) (H : n <= i),
      (a ++ b).[i] = b.[fin2AddRangeAddL' i H].
  Proof. intros. destruct i as [i Hi]. unfold vapp. simpl in *. fin. Qed.

(a ++ b) = 0 <-> a = 0 /\ b = 0
  Lemma vapp_eq0_iff : forall {n m} (a : vec n) (b : vec m),
      a ++ b = vzero <-> a = vzero /\ b = vzero.
    intros. rewrite !veq_iff_vnth. split; intros.
    - split; intros.
      + specialize (H (fin2AddRangeR i)).
        erewrite vnth_vapp_l in H. rewrite fin2AddRangeR'_fin2AddRangeR in H.
        rewrite H. cbv. auto.
      + specialize (H (fin2AddRangeAddL i)).
        erewrite vnth_vapp_r in H. erewrite fin2AddRangeAddL'_fin2AddRangeAddL in H.
        rewrite H. cbv. auto.
    - destruct H. destruct (i ??< n) as [E|E].
      + rewrite vnth_vapp_l with (H:=E). rewrite H. cbv. auto.
      + erewrite vnth_vapp_r. rewrite H0. cbv. auto.
        Unshelve. all: try lia.
        * rewrite fin2nat_fin2AddRangeR. apply fin2nat_lt.
        * rewrite fin2nat_fin2AddRangeAddL. lia.

vapp (vheadN a) (vtailN a) = a
  Lemma vapp_vheadN_vtailN : forall {n m} (a : vec (n + m)), vheadN a ++ vtailN a = a.
    intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
    destruct (i ??< n) as [E|E].
    - erewrite vnth_vapp_l. rewrite vnth_vheadN.
      rewrite fin2AddRangeR_fin2AddRangeR'. auto.
    - erewrite vnth_vapp_r. rewrite vnth_vtailN.
      rewrite fin2AddRangeAddL_fin2AddRangeAddL'. auto.
      Unshelve. auto. lia.

End vapp.
Infix "++" := vapp : vec_scope.

Section vapp_extra.
  Context {A B C : Type}.

  Lemma vmap2_vapp_vapp :
    forall {n m} (f : A -> B -> C)
           (a : @vec A n) (b : @vec A m) (c : @vec B n) (d : @vec B m),
      vmap2 f (a ++ b) (c ++ d) = (vmap2 f a c) ++ (vmap2 f b d).
    intros. unfold vmap2. apply veq_iff_vnth. intros.
    destruct (i ??< n).
    - erewrite !vnth_vapp_l. auto.
    - erewrite !vnth_vapp_r. auto.
      Unshelve. auto. lia.

End vapp_extra.

Predicate of vectors

All elements of the vector hold

Section vforall.
  Context {A : Type}.

Every element of `a` satisfy the `P`
  Definition vforall {n} (a : @vec A n) (P : A -> Prop) : Prop := forall i, P (a.[i]).
End vforall.

At least one element of the vector holds

Section vexist.
  Context {A : Type}.

There exist element of `v` satisfy the `P`
  Definition vexist {n} (a : @vec A n) (P : A -> Prop) : Prop := exists i, P (a.[i]).
End vexist.

An element belongs to the vector

Section vmem.
  Context {A : Type}.

Element `x` belongs to the vector `a`
  Definition vmem {n} (a : @vec A n) (x : A) : Prop := vexist a (fun x0 => x0 = x).

  Lemma vmem_vnth : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) (i : 'I_n), vmem a (a.[i]).
  Proof. intros. hnf. exists i; auto. Qed.

  Section AeqDec.
    Context {AeqDec : Dec (@eq A)}.

{x ∈ a} + {x ∉ a}
    Lemma vmem_dec : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) (x : A), {vmem a x} + {~vmem a x}.
      intros. unfold vmem, vexist. induction n.
      - right. intro. destruct H. apply fin0_False; auto.
      - rewrite <- (vconsH_vhead_vremoveH a).
        destruct (Aeqdec (vhead a) x) as [H|H].
        + left. exists fin0. rewrite vnth_vconsH_0; auto.
        + destruct (IHn (vremoveH a)) as [H1|H1].
          * left. destruct H1 as [i H1]. exists (fSuccRangeS i).
            erewrite vnth_vconsH_gt0.
            rewrite fPredRangeP_fSuccRangeS. auto.
          * right. intro. destruct H1. destruct H0 as [i H0].
            destruct (i ??= 0).
            ** rewrite vnth_vconsH_0 in H0; auto; try easy.
               destruct i; simpl in *; apply fin_eq_iff; auto.
            ** erewrite vnth_vconsH_gt0 in H0.
               eexists (fPredRangeP i _). apply H0.
               Unshelve. all: try lia. rewrite fin2nat_fSuccRangeS. lia.

  End AeqDec.

End vmem.

An vector belongs to another vector

Section vmems.
  Context {A : Type}.

Every element of vector `a` belongs to vector `b`
  Definition vmems {r s} (a : @vec A r) (b : @vec A s) : Prop :=
    vforall a (fun x => vmem b x).

  Lemma vmems_refl : forall {n} (a : @vec A n), vmems a a.
  Proof. intros. unfold vmems, vforall. apply vmem_vnth. Qed.

  Lemma vmems_trans : forall {r s t} (a : @vec A r) (b : @vec A s) (c : @vec A t),
      vmems a b -> vmems b c -> vmems a c.
    intros. unfold vmems, vforall in *. intros.
    specialize (H i). destruct H as [j H]. rewrite <- H. auto.

  Section AeqDec.
    Context {AeqDec : Dec (@eq A)}.

{a ⊆ b} + {~(a ⊆ b)}
    Lemma vmems_dec : forall {r s} (a : @vec A r) (b : @vec A s),
        {vmems a b} + {~vmems a b}.
      intros. unfold vmems, vforall. induction r.
      - left. intro. exfalso. apply fin0_False; auto.
      - rewrite <- (vconsH_vhead_vremoveH a).
        specialize (IHr (vremoveH a)). destruct IHr as [H|H].
        + destruct (vmem_dec b (vhead a)) as [H1|H1].
          * left. intros. destruct (i ??= 0).
            ** rewrite vnth_vconsH_0; auto.
               destruct i; simpl in *; apply fin_eq_iff; auto.
            ** erewrite vnth_vconsH_gt0; auto.
          * right. apply ex_not_not_all. exists fin0. rewrite vnth_vconsH_0; auto.
        + right. intro. destruct H. intro.
          specialize (H0 (fSuccRangeS i)).
          assert (0 < (fSuccRangeS i)).
          apply fin2nat_fSuccRangeS_gt0.
          rewrite vnth_vconsH_gt0 with (H:=H) in H0.
          rewrite fPredRangeP_fSuccRangeS in H0. auto.
          Unshelve. lia.

  End AeqDec.
End vmems.

Two vectors are equivalent (i.e., contain each other)

Section vequiv.
  Context {A : Type}.

Two vectors are equivalent (i.e., contain each other)
  Definition vequiv {r s} (a : @vec A r) (b : @vec A s) : Prop :=
    vmems a b /\ vmems b a.

  Lemma vequiv_refl : forall {n} (a : @vec A n), vequiv a a.
  Proof. intros. unfold vequiv. split; apply vmems_refl. Qed.

  Lemma vequiv_syms : forall {r s} (a : @vec A r) (b : @vec A s), vequiv a b -> vequiv b a.
  Proof. intros. unfold vequiv in *. tauto. Qed.

  Lemma vequiv_trans : forall {r s t} (a : @vec A r) (b : @vec A s) (c : @vec A t),
      vequiv a b -> vequiv b c -> vequiv a c.
    intros. unfold vequiv in *. destruct H as [H1 H2], H0 as [H3 H4]. split.
    apply vmems_trans with b; auto.
    apply vmems_trans with b; auto.

  Section AeqDec.
    Context {AeqDec : Dec (@eq A)}.

{a ∼ b} + {~(a ∼ b)}
    Lemma vequiv_dec : forall {r s} (a : @vec A r) (b : @vec A s),
        {vequiv a b} + {~ vequiv a b}.
      intros. unfold vequiv. destruct (vmems_dec a b), (vmems_dec b a); try tauto.
  End AeqDec.
End vequiv.

Section test.
  Let a : vec 2 := l2v 9 [1;2].
  Let b : vec 3 := l2v 9 [1;2;1].
  Example vequiv_example1 : vequiv a b.
    unfold a, b, vequiv, vmems, vmem, vforall, vexist. split.
    - intros. destruct i as [i Hi].
      repeat (destruct i; try lia); try rewrite vnth_l2v; simpl.
      exists (nat2finS 0); auto.
      exists (nat2finS 1); auto.
    - intros. destruct i as [i Hi].
      repeat (destruct i; try lia); try rewrite vnth_l2v; simpl.
      exists (nat2finS 0); auto.
      exists (nat2finS 1); auto.
      exists (nat2finS 0); auto.
End test.

Folding of a vector

Folding of a vector

Section vfold.
  Context {A B : Type} {Azero : A} {Bzero : B}.

((x + a.1) + a.2) + ...
  Definition vfoldl {n} (a : @vec A n) (x : B) (f : B -> A -> B) : B :=
    seqfoldl (v2f Azero a) n x f.

... + (v.(n-1) + (v.n + x))
  Definition vfoldr {n} (a : @vec A n) (x : B) (f : A -> B -> B) : B :=
    seqfoldr (v2f Azero a) n x f.

Convert `vfoldl` to `seqfoldl`
  Lemma vfoldl_eq_seqfoldl :
    forall {n} (a : @vec A n) (x : B) (f : B -> A -> B) (s : nat -> A),
      (forall i, a.[i] = s (i)) -> vfoldl a x f = seqfoldl s n x f.
    intros. unfold vfoldl. apply seqfoldl_eq; auto.
    intros. rewrite nth_v2f with (H:=H0). rewrite H.
    rewrite fin2nat_nat2fin. auto.

End vfold.

Algebraic operations

Sum of a vector

Section vsum.
  Context `{HAMonoid : AMonoid}.
  Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
  Notation "0" := Azero : A_scope.
  Notation seqsum := (@seqsum _ Aadd 0).

∑a = a.0 + a.1 + ... + a.(n-1)
  Definition vsum {n} (a : @vec A n) := seqsum n (v2f 0 a).
  Notation "\sum a" := (vsum a) : vec_scope.

(∀ i, a.i = b.i) -> Σa = Σb
  Lemma vsum_eq : forall {n} (a b : @vec A n), (forall i, a.[i] = b.[i]) -> \sum a = \sum b.
    intros. unfold vsum. apply seqsum_eq; intros.
    rewrite !nth_v2f with (H:=H0). apply H.

(∀ i, a.i = 0) -> Σa = 0
  Lemma vsum_eq0 : forall {n} (a : @vec A n), (forall i, a.[i] = 0) -> \sum a = 0.
    intros. unfold vsum. apply seqsum_eq0; intros.
    rewrite !nth_v2f with (H:=H0). apply H.

`vsum` of (S n) elements, equal to addition of Sum and tail
  Lemma vsumS_tail : forall {n} (a : @vec A (S n)),
      \sum a = \sum (fun i => a.[fSuccRange i]) + a.[nat2finS n].
    intros. unfold vsum. rewrite seqsumS_tail. f_equal.
    - apply seqsum_eq; intros. erewrite !nth_v2f. f_equal.
      erewrite fSuccRange_nat2fin. auto.
    - erewrite nth_v2f. erewrite nat2finS_eq. auto.
      Unshelve. all: try lia.

`vsum` of (S n) elements, equal to addition of head and Sum
  Lemma vsumS_head : forall {n} (a : @vec A (S n)),
      \sum a = a.[nat2finS 0] + \sum (fun i => a.[fSuccRangeS i]).
    intros. unfold vsum. rewrite seqsumS_head; auto. f_equal.
    apply seqsum_eq; intros. erewrite !nth_v2f. f_equal.
    erewrite fSuccRangeS_nat2fin. auto.
    Unshelve. lia. auto.

Σa + Σb = Σ(fun i => a.i + b.i)
  Lemma vsum_add : forall {n} (a b : @vec A n),
      \sum a + \sum b = \sum (fun i => a.[i] + b.[i]).
    intros. unfold vsum. rewrite seqsum_add. apply seqsum_eq; intros.
    rewrite !nth_v2f with (H:=H). auto.

`vsum` which only one item is nonzero, then got this item.
  Lemma vsum_unique : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) (x : A) i,
      a.[i] = x -> (forall j, i <> j -> a.[j] = Azero) -> \sum a = x.
    intros. unfold vsum. apply seqsum_unique with (i:=i); auto; fin.
    - rewrite <- H. rewrite nth_v2f with (H:=fin2nat_lt _); fin.
    - intros. unfold v2f. fin.
      specialize (H0 (nat2fin j E)). rewrite <- H0; auto.
      intro; destruct H2; subst. fin.

`vsum` of the m+n elements equal to plus of two parts. Σ0,(m+n) a = Σ0,m(fun i=>ai) + Σm,m+n (fun i=>am+i)
  Lemma vsum_plusIdx : forall m n (a : @vec A (m + n)),
      \sum a = \sum (fun i => a.[fin2AddRangeR i]) +
                 \sum (fun i => a.[fin2AddRangeAddL i]).
    intros. unfold vsum. rewrite seqsum_plusIdx. f_equal.
    - apply seqsum_eq; intros. erewrite !nth_v2f. f_equal. apply fin_eq_iff; auto.
    - apply seqsum_eq; intros. erewrite !nth_v2f. f_equal. apply fin_eq_iff; auto.
      Unshelve. all: try lia.

`vsum` of the m+n elements equal to plus of two parts. (i < m -> a.i = b.i) -> (i < n -> a.(m+i) = c.i) -> Σ0,(m+n) a = Σ0,m b + Σm,m+n c.
  Lemma vsum_plusIdx_ext : forall m n (a : @vec A (m + n)) (b : @vec A m) (c : @vec A n),
      (forall i : 'I_m, a.[fin2AddRangeR i] = b.[i]) ->
      (forall i : 'I_n, a.[fin2AddRangeAddL i] = c.[i]) ->
      \sum a = \sum b + \sum c.
    intros. unfold vsum. rewrite seqsum_plusIdx. f_equal.
    - apply seqsum_eq; intros. erewrite !nth_v2f. rewrite <- H. f_equal.
      apply fin_eq_iff; auto.
    - apply seqsum_eq; intros. erewrite !nth_v2f. rewrite <- H0. f_equal.
      apply fin_eq_iff; auto.
      Unshelve. all: try lia.

The order of two nested summations can be exchanged. ∑i,0,r(∑j,0,c a.ij) = a00 + a01 + ... + a0c + a10 + a11 + ... + a1c + ... ar0 + ar1 + ... + arc = ∑j,0,c(∑i,0,r a.ij)
  Lemma vsum_vsum : forall r c (a : @vec (@vec A c) r),
      \sum (fun i => \sum (fun j => a.[i].[j])) =
        \sum (fun j => \sum (fun i => a.[i].[j])).
    intros. unfold vsum. destruct r,c; auto.
    - rewrite seqsumS_tail. simpl. rewrite seqsum_eq0; auto.
      * amonoid. unfold v2f. fin.
      * intros. unfold v2f. fin.
    - rewrite seqsumS_tail. simpl. rewrite seqsum_eq0; auto.
      * amonoid. unfold v2f. fin.
      * intros. unfold v2f. fin.
    - pose proof (seqsum_seqsum (S r) (S c) (fun i j => a #i #j)).
      match goal with
      | H: ?a1 = ?b1 |- ?a2 = ?b2 => replace a2 with a1;[replace b2 with b1|]; auto
      + apply seqsum_eq; intros. rewrite nth_v2f with (H:=H0).
        apply seqsum_eq; intros. rewrite nth_v2f with (H:=H1).
        f_equal; apply nat2finS_eq; apply fin_eq_iff.
      + apply seqsum_eq; intros. rewrite nth_v2f with (H:=H0).
        apply seqsum_eq; intros. rewrite nth_v2f with (H:=H1).
        f_equal; apply nat2finS_eq; apply fin_eq_iff.

  Lemma vsum_vapp : forall {m n} (a : @vec A m) (b : @vec A n),
      \sum (a ++ b) = \sum a + \sum b.
    intros. apply vsum_plusIdx_ext; intros.
    - erewrite vnth_vapp_l. f_equal. rewrite fin2AddRangeR'_fin2AddRangeR. auto.
    - erewrite vnth_vapp_r. f_equal.
      rewrite fin2AddRangeAddL'_fin2AddRangeAddL. auto.
      Unshelve. rewrite fin2nat_fin2AddRangeR. apply fin2nat_lt.
      rewrite fin2nat_fin2AddRangeAddL. lia.

∑ (vconsT a x) = ∑ a + x
  Lemma vsum_vconsT : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) (x : A),
      \sum (vconsT a x) = \sum a + x.
    intros. rewrite vsumS_tail. f_equal.
    - apply vsum_eq; intros. erewrite vnth_vconsT_lt. fin.
    - rewrite vnth_vconsT_n; auto. fin.
      Unshelve. fin.

  Section AGroup.
    Context `{HAGroup : AGroup A Aadd Azero Aopp}.
    Notation "- a" := (Aopp a) : A_scope.

  • Σa = Σ(fun i => -a.i)
    Lemma vsum_opp : forall {n} (a : @vec A n),
        - \sum a = \sum (fun i => - a.[i]).
      intros. unfold vsum. rewrite seqsum_opp; auto. apply seqsum_eq; intros.
      unfold v2f. fin.
  End AGroup.

  Section ARing.
    Context `{HARing:ARing A Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone}.
    Infix "*" := (Amul) : A_scope.

x * Σa = Σ(fun i -> x * a.i)
    Lemma vsum_cmul_l : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) x,
        x * \sum a = \sum (fun i => x * a.[i]).
      intros. unfold vsum. rewrite seqsum_cmul_l. apply seqsum_eq; intros.
      unfold v2f. fin.

Σa * x = Σ(fun i -> a.i * x)
    Lemma vsum_cmul_r : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) x,
        \sum a * x = \sum (fun i => a.[i] * x).
      intros. unfold vsum. rewrite seqsum_cmul_r. apply seqsum_eq; intros.
      unfold v2f. fin.
  End ARing.

  Section OrderedARing.
    Context `{HOrderedARing
        : OrderedARing A Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone Alt Ale}.
    Infix "*" := (Amul) : A_scope.
    Infix "<" := Alt.
    Infix "<=" := Ale.

(∀ i, 0 <= a.i) -> a.i <= ∑a
    Lemma vsum_ge_any : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) i,
        (forall i, Azero <= a.[i]) -> a.[i] <= \sum a.
      intros. unfold vsum.
      replace (a i) with (v2f 0 a (i)).
      - apply seqsum_ge_any; fin. intros. unfold v2f. fin.
      - erewrite nth_v2f. f_equal. rewrite nat2fin_fin2nat; auto.
        Unshelve. apply fin2nat_lt.

(∀ i, 0 <= a.i) -> 0 <= ∑a
    Lemma vsum_ge0 : forall {n} (a : @vec A n), (forall i, Azero <= a.[i]) -> Azero <= \sum a.
      intros. pose proof (vsum_ge_any a). destruct n.
      - cbv. apply le_refl.
      - apply le_trans with (a.1); auto.

(∀ i, 0 <= a.i) -> (∃ i, a.i <> 0) -> 0 < ∑a
    Lemma vsum_gt0 : forall {n} (a : @vec A n),
        (forall i, Azero <= a.[i]) -> (exists i, a.[i] <> Azero) -> Azero < \sum a.
      intros. destruct H0 as [i H0].
      pose proof (vsum_ge0 a H). pose proof (vsum_ge_any a i H).
      assert (Azero < a.[i]). apply lt_if_le_and_neq; auto.
      apply lt_trans_lt_le with (a.[i]); auto.

(∀i, a.i >= 0) -> ∑a = 0 -> (∀i, a.i = 0)
    Lemma vsum_eq0_rev : forall {n} (a : @vec A n),
        (forall i, 0 <= a.[i]) -> \sum a = 0 -> (forall i, a.[i] = 0).
      intros. destruct (Aeqdec (a.[i]) 0); auto. exfalso.
      pose proof (vsum_ge_any a i H). rewrite H0 in H1.
      specialize (H i).
      assert (a.[i] = 0). apply le_antisym; auto. easy.

  End OrderedARing.

End vsum.

Arguments vsum {A} Aadd Azero {n}.

vsum with vinsert and vremove
Section vsum_vinsert_vremove.
  Context `{HAGroup : AGroup}.
  Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
  Notation "0" := Azero : A_scope.
  Notation "- a" := (Aopp a) : A_scope.
  Notation Asub a b := (a + - b).
  Infix "-" := Asub : A_scope.
  Notation vsum := (@vsum _ Aadd Azero).
  Notation seqsum := (@seqsum _ Aadd Azero).
  Notation seqsum_plusIdx := (@seqsum_plusIdx _ Aadd Azero).

∑(insert a i x) = ∑a + x
  Lemma vsum_vinsert : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) (x : A) (i : 'I_(S n)),
      vsum (vinsert a i x) = vsum a + x.
    intros. pose proof (fin2nat_lt i).
    rewrite (vinsert_eq_vinsert' _ (Azero:=Azero)).
    unfold vinsert'. unfold vsum.
    replace (S n) with (i + (S (n - i)))%nat at 1 by lia.
    replace n with (i + (n - i))%nat at 6 by lia.
    rewrite !seqsum_plusIdx. rewrite seqsumS_head.
    match goal with
    | |- ?a+(?b+?c) = _ => replace (a+(b+c)) with (a+c+b) by agroup end. f_equal.
    - f_equal.
      + apply seqsum_eq; intros. unfold v2f,f2v. fin.
      + apply seqsum_eq; intros. unfold v2f,f2v. fin.
    - unfold v2f,f2v. fin.

∑(remove a i) = ∑a - a.i
  Lemma vsum_vremove : forall {n} (a : @vec A (S n)) (i : 'I_(S n)),
      vsum (vremove a i) = vsum a - a.[i].
    intros. pose proof (fin2nat_lt i).
    rewrite (vremove_eq_vremove' (Azero:=Azero)).
    unfold vremove'. unfold vsum.
    replace n with (i + (n - i))%nat at 1 by lia.
    replace (S n) with (i + (S (n - i)))%nat at 3 by lia.
    rewrite !seqsum_plusIdx. rewrite seqsumS_head.
    match goal with
    | |- _ = ?d + (?e + ?f) - ?g => replace (d + (e + f) - g) with (d + f) end.
    - f_equal.
      + apply seqsum_eq; intros. unfold v2f,f2v. fin.
      + apply seqsum_eq; intros. unfold v2f,f2v. fin.
    - agroup. unfold v2f.
      replace (i + O)%nat with (fin2nat i) by lia. fin. agroup.

End vsum_vinsert_vremove.

Extension for `vsum`
Section vsum_ext.

  Context `{HAMonoidA : AMonoid}.
  Context `{HAMonoidB : AMonoid B Badd Bzero}.
  Context (cmul : A -> B -> B).
  Infix "+A" := Aadd (at level 50).
  Infix "+B" := Badd (at level 50).
  Infix "*" := cmul.
  Notation vsumA := (@vsum _ Aadd Azero).
  Notation vsumB := (@vsum _ Badd Bzero).

∑(x*ai) = x * a1 + ... + x * ai = x * (a1 + ... + ai) = x * ∑(ai)
  Section form1.
    Context (cmul_zero_keep : forall x : A, x * Bzero = Bzero).
    Context (cmul_badd : forall (x : A) (y1 y2 : B), x * (y1 +B y2) = (x * y1) +B (x * y2)).

    Lemma vsum_cmul_l_ext : forall {n} (x : A) (a : @vec B n),
        x * vsumB a = vsumB (fun i => x * a.[i]).
      intros. unfold vsumB. rewrite seqsum_cmul_l_ext; auto.
      apply seqsum_eq; intros. rewrite !nth_v2f with (H:=H). auto.
  End form1.

∑(ai*x) = a1 * x + ... + ai * x = (a1 + ... + ai) * b = ∑(ai) * x
  Section form2.
    Context (cmul_zero_keep : forall x : B, Azero * x = Bzero).
    Context (cmul_aadd : forall (x1 x2 : A) (y : B), (x1 +A x2) * y = (x1 * y) +B (x2 * y)).

    Lemma vsum_cmul_r_ext : forall {n} (x : B) (a : @vec A n),
        vsumA a * x = vsumB (fun i => a.[i] * x).
      intros. unfold vsumB. rewrite seqsum_cmul_r_ext; auto.
      apply seqsum_eq; intros. rewrite !nth_v2f with (H:=H). auto.
  End form2.

End vsum_ext.

Product of a vector

Section vprod.
  Context `{HARing : ARing}.
  Infix "*" := Amul : A_scope.
  Notation "0" := Azero : A_scope.
  Notation "1" := Aone : A_scope.
  Notation seqprod := (@seqprod _ Amul 1).

Πa = a.0 * a.1 * ... * a.(n-1)
  Definition vprod {n} (a : @vec A n) := seqprod n (v2f 0 a).
  Notation "\prod a" := (vprod a) : vec_scope.

(∀ i, a.i = b.i) -> Πa = Πb
  Lemma vprod_eq : forall {n} (a b : @vec A n), (forall i, a.[i] = b.[i]) -> vprod a = vprod b.
    intros. unfold vprod. apply seqprod_eq; intros.
    rewrite !nth_v2f with (H:=H0). apply H.

(∀ i, a.i = 1) -> Πa = 1
  Lemma vprod_eq1: forall {n} (a : @vec A n), (forall i, a.[i] = 1) -> vprod a = 1.
    intros. unfold vprod. apply seqprod_eq1; intros.
    rewrite !nth_v2f with (H:=H0). apply H.

`vprod` of (S n) elements, equal to multiplication of Prod and tail
  Lemma vprodS_tail : forall {n} (a : @vec A (S n)),
      vprod a = vprod (fun i => a.[fSuccRange i]) * a.[nat2finS n].
    intros. unfold vprod. rewrite seqprodS_tail. f_equal.
    - apply seqprod_eq; intros. erewrite !nth_v2f. f_equal.
      erewrite fSuccRange_nat2fin. auto.
    - erewrite nth_v2f. erewrite nat2finS_eq. auto.
      Unshelve. all: try lia.

`vprod` of (S n) elements, equal to multiplication of head and Prod
  Lemma vprodS_head : forall {n} (a : @vec A (S n)),
      vprod a = a.[nat2finS 0] * vprod (fun i => a.[fSuccRangeS i]).
    intros. unfold vprod. rewrite seqprodS_head; auto. f_equal.
    apply seqprod_eq; intros. erewrite !nth_v2f. f_equal.
    erewrite fSuccRangeS_nat2fin. auto.
    Unshelve. lia. auto.

`vprod` which only one item is non-one, then got this item.
  Lemma vprod_unique : forall {n} (a : @vec A n) (x : A) i,
      a.[i] = x -> (forall j, i <> j -> a.[j] = 1) -> vprod a = x.
    intros. unfold vprod. apply seqprod_unique with (i:=i); auto; fin.
    - rewrite <- H. rewrite nth_v2f with (H:=fin2nat_lt _); fin.
    - intros. unfold v2f. fin.
      specialize (H0 (nat2fin j E)). rewrite <- H0; auto.
      intro; destruct H2; subst. fin.

`vprod` of the m+n elements equal to multiplication of two parts. Π0,(m+n) a = Π0,m(fun i=>ai) * Πm,m+n (fun i=>am+i)
  Lemma vprod_plusIdx : forall m n (a : @vec A (m + n)),
      vprod a = vprod (fun i => a.[fin2AddRangeR i]) *
                 vprod (fun i => a.[fin2AddRangeAddL i]).
    intros. unfold vprod. rewrite seqprod_plusIdx. f_equal.
    - apply seqprod_eq; intros. erewrite !nth_v2f. f_equal. apply fin_eq_iff; auto.
    - apply seqprod_eq; intros. erewrite !nth_v2f. f_equal. apply fin_eq_iff; auto.
      Unshelve. all: try lia.

`vprod` of the m+n elements equal to multiplication of two parts. (i < m -> a.i = b.i) -> (i < n -> a.(m+i) = c.i) -> Π0,(m+n) a = Π0,m b * Πm,m+n c.
  Lemma vprod_plusIdx_ext : forall m n (a : @vec A (m + n)) (b : @vec A m) (c : @vec A n),
      (forall i : 'I_m, a.[fin2AddRangeR i] = b.[i]) ->
      (forall i : 'I_n, a.[fin2AddRangeAddL i] = c.[i]) ->
      vprod a = vprod b * vprod c.
    intros. unfold vprod. rewrite seqprod_plusIdx. f_equal.
    - apply seqprod_eq; intros. erewrite !nth_v2f. rewrite <- H. f_equal.
      apply fin_eq_iff; auto.
    - apply seqprod_eq; intros. erewrite !nth_v2f. rewrite <- H0. f_equal.
      apply fin_eq_iff; auto.
      Unshelve. all: try lia.

End vprod.

Arguments vprod {A} Azero Amul Aone {n}.

Vector addition

Section vadd.
  Context `{AMonoid}.
  Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.

  Notation vec := (@vec A).
  Notation vzero := (vzero Azero).

  Definition vadd {n} (a b : vec n) : vec n := vmap2 Aadd a b.
  Infix "+" := vadd : vec_scope.

(a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
  Lemma vadd_assoc : forall {n} (a b c : vec n), (a + b) + c = a + (b + c).
  Proof. intros. apply vmap2_assoc. Qed.

a + b = b + a
  Lemma vadd_comm : forall {n} (a b : vec n), a + b = b + a.
  Proof. intros. apply vmap2_comm. Qed.

0 + a = a
  Lemma vadd_0_l : forall {n} (a : vec n), vzero + a = a.
    intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. unfold vadd. rewrite vnth_vmap2.
    rewrite vnth_vzero. amonoid.

a + 0 = a
  Lemma vadd_0_r : forall {n} (a : vec n), a + vzero = a.
  Proof. intros. rewrite vadd_comm. apply vadd_0_l. Qed.

<vadd,vzero> is an abelian monoid
  #[export] Instance vadd_AMonoid : forall n, AMonoid (@vadd n) vzero.
    intros. repeat constructor; intros;
      try apply vadd_assoc;
      try apply vadd_comm;
      try apply vadd_0_l;
      try apply vadd_0_r.

(a + b).i = a.i + b.i
  Lemma vnth_vadd : forall {n} (a b : vec n) i, (a + b).[i] = (a.[i] + b.[i])%A.
  Proof. intros. unfold vadd. rewrite vnth_vmap2. auto. Qed.

(a + b) + c = (a + c) + b
  Lemma vadd_perm : forall {n} (a b c : vec n), (a + b) + c = (a + c) + b.
  Proof. intros. rewrite !associative. f_equal. apply commutative. Qed.

End vadd.

Section vadd_extra.
  Context `{AMonoid}.

(∑a).j = ∑(a.j), which a is a vector of vector
  Lemma vnth_vsum : forall {r c} (a : @vec (@vec A c) r) j,
      (@vsum _ (@vadd _ Aadd _) (vzero Azero) _ a).[j] =
        @vsum _ Aadd Azero _ (fun i => a.[i].[j]).
    induction r; intros; auto.
    rewrite !vsumS_tail. rewrite vnth_vadd. rewrite IHr. auto.

End vadd_extra.

Vector opposition

Section vopp.

  Context `{AGroup A Aadd Azero}.
  Notation "- a" := (Aopp a) : A_scope.

  Notation vzero := (vzero Azero).
  Notation vadd := (@vadd _ Aadd).
  Infix "+" := vadd : vec_scope.

  Definition vopp {n} (a : vec n) : vec n := vmap Aopp a.
  Notation "- a" := (vopp a) : vec_scope.

(- a).i = - (a.i)
  Lemma vnth_vopp : forall {n} (a : vec n) i, (- a).[i] = (- (a.[i]))%A.
  Proof. intros. cbv. auto. Qed.

  • a + a = 0
  Lemma vadd_vopp_l : forall {n} (a : vec n), (- a) + a = vzero.
  Proof. intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. cbv. agroup. Qed.

a + - a = 0
  Lemma vadd_vopp_r : forall {n} (a : vec n), a + (- a) = vzero.
  Proof. intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. cbv. agroup. Qed.

<vadd,vzero,vopp> is an abelian group
  #[export] Instance vadd_AGroup : forall n, @AGroup (vec n) vadd vzero vopp.
    intros. repeat constructor; intros; try apply vadd_AMonoid.
    apply vadd_vopp_l. apply vadd_vopp_r.

  • (- a) = a
  Lemma vopp_vopp : forall {n} (a : vec n), - (- a) = a.
    intros. pose proof (vadd_AGroup n). agroup.

a = - b <-> - a = b
  Lemma vopp_exchange : forall {n} (a b : vec n), a = - b <-> - a = b.
  Proof. intros. split; intros; subst; rewrite vopp_vopp; auto. Qed.

  • (vzero) = vzero
  Lemma vopp_vzero : forall {n:nat}, - (@Vector.vzero _ Azero n) = vzero.
  Proof. intros. apply group_opp_0. Qed.

  • a = vzero <-> a = vzero
  Lemma vopp_eq0_iff : forall {n} (a : vec n), - a = vzero <-> a = vzero.
    intros. split; intros; rewrite veq_iff_vnth in *; intros;
      specialize (H0 i); rewrite vnth_vzero, vnth_vopp in *.
    - apply group_opp_eq0_iff; auto.
    - apply group_opp_eq0_iff; auto.

  • (a + b) = (- a) + (- b)
  Lemma vopp_vadd : forall {n} (a b : vec n), - (a + b) = (- a) + (- b).
  Proof. intros. rewrite group_opp_distr. apply commutative. Qed.
End vopp.

Vector subtraction

Section vsub.
  Context `{AGroup A Aadd Azero}.
  Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
  Notation "- a" := (Aopp a) : A_scope.
  Notation Asub a b := (a + (- b))%A.
  Infix "-" := Asub : A_scope.

  Notation vzero := (vzero Azero).
  Notation vadd := (@vadd _ Aadd).
  Notation vopp := (@vopp _ Aopp).
  Infix "+" := vadd : vec_scope.
  Notation "- a" := (vopp a) : vec_scope.

  Notation "a - b" := ((a + -b)%V) : vec_scope.

(a - b).i = a.i - b.i
  Lemma vnth_vsub : forall {n} (a b : vec n) i, (a - b).[i] = (a.[i] - b.[i])%A.
  Proof. intros. cbv. auto. Qed.

a - b = - (b - a)
  Lemma vsub_comm : forall {n} (a b : vec n), a - b = - (b - a).
    intros. rewrite group_opp_distr. rewrite group_opp_opp. auto.

(a - b) - c = a - (b + c)
  Lemma vsub_assoc : forall {n} (a b c : vec n), (a - b) - c = a - (b + c).
    intros. rewrite associative.
    f_equal. rewrite group_opp_distr. apply commutative.

(a + b) - c = a + (b - c)
  Lemma vsub_assoc1 : forall {n} (a b c : vec n), (a + b) - c = a + (b - c).
  Proof. intros. pose proof (vadd_AGroup n). agroup. Qed.

(a - b) - c = (a - c) - b
  Lemma vsub_assoc2 : forall {n} (a b c : vec n), (a - b) - c = (a - c) - b.
  Proof. intros. pose proof (vadd_AGroup n). agroup. Qed.

0 - a = - a
  Lemma vsub_0_l : forall {n} (a : vec n), vzero - a = - a.
  Proof. intros. pose proof (vadd_AGroup n). agroup. Qed.

a - 0 = a
  Lemma vsub_0_r : forall {n} (a : vec n), a - vzero = a.
  Proof. intros. pose proof (vadd_AGroup n). agroup. Qed.

a - a = 0
  Lemma vsub_self : forall {n} (a : vec n), a - a = vzero.
  Proof. intros. pose proof (vadd_AGroup n). agroup. Qed.

a - b = 0 <-> a = b
  Lemma vsub_eq0_iff_eq : forall {n} (a b : vec n), a - b = vzero <-> a = b.
  Proof. intros. apply group_sub_eq0_iff_eq. Qed.
End vsub.

Vector scalar multiplication

Section vcmul.
  Context `{HARing : ARing A Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone}.
  Add Ring ring_inst : (make_ring_theory HARing).

  Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
  Infix "*" := Amul : A_scope.
  Notation "- a" := (Aopp a) : A_scope.
  Notation Asub a b := (a + (- b))%A.
  Infix "-" := Asub : A_scope.

  Notation vzero := (vzero Azero).
  Notation vadd := (@vadd _ Aadd).
  Notation vopp := (@vopp _ Aopp).
  Infix "+" := vadd : vec_scope.
  Notation "- a" := (vopp a) : vec_scope.
  Notation "a - b" := ((a + (-b))%V) : vec_scope.

  Definition vcmul {n : nat} (x : A) (a : vec n) : vec n := vmap (fun y => Amul x y) a.
  Infix "c*" := vcmul : vec_scope.

(x .* a).i = x * a.i
  Lemma vnth_vcmul : forall {n} (a : vec n) x i, (x c* a).[i] = x * (a.[i]).
  Proof. intros. cbv. auto. Qed.

x .* (y .* a) = (x * y) .* a
  Lemma vcmul_assoc : forall {n} (a : vec n) x y,
      x c* (y c* a) = (x * y)%A c* a.
  Proof. intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. cbv. ring. Qed.

x .* (y .* a) = y .* (x .* a)
  Lemma vcmul_perm : forall {n} (a : vec n) x y,
      x c* (y c* a) = y c* (x c* a).
  Proof. intros. rewrite !vcmul_assoc. f_equal. ring. Qed.

(x + y) .* a = (x .* a) + (y .* a)
  Lemma vcmul_add : forall {n} x y (a : vec n),
      (x + y)%A c* a = (x c* a) + (y c* a).
  Proof. intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. cbv. ring. Qed.

x .* (a + b) = (x .* a) + (x .* b)
  Lemma vcmul_vadd : forall {n} x (a b : vec n),
      x c* (a + b) = (x c* a) + (x c* b).
  Proof. intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. cbv. ring. Qed.

0 .* a = vzero
  Lemma vcmul_0_l : forall {n} (a : vec n), Azero c* a = vzero.
  Proof. intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. cbv. ring. Qed.

a .* vzero = vzero
  Lemma vcmul_0_r : forall {n} a, a c* vzero = (@Vector.vzero _ Azero n).
  Proof. intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. cbv. ring. Qed.

1 .* a = a
  Lemma vcmul_1_l : forall {n} (a : vec n), Aone c* a = a.
  Proof. intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. cbv. ring. Qed.

  • 1 .* a = - a
  Lemma vcmul_neg1_l : forall {n} (a : vec n), (- Aone)%A c* a = - a.
  Proof. intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. cbv. ring. Qed.

(- x) .* a = - (x .* a)
  Lemma vcmul_opp : forall {n} x (a : vec n), (- x)%A c* a = - (x c* a).
  Proof. intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. cbv. ring. Qed.

x .* (- a) = - (x .* a)
  Lemma vcmul_vopp : forall {n} x (a : vec n), x c* (- a) = - (x c* a).
  Proof. intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. cbv. ring. Qed.

(- x) .* (- a) = x .* a
  Lemma vcmul_opp_vopp : forall {n} x (a : vec n), (- x)%A c* (- a) = x c* a.
  Proof. intros. rewrite vcmul_vopp, vcmul_opp. rewrite vopp_vopp. auto. Qed.

x .* (a - b) = (x .* a) - (x .* b)
  Lemma vcmul_vsub : forall {n} x (a b : vec n), x c* (a - b) = (x c* a) - (x c* b).
  Proof. intros. rewrite vcmul_vadd. rewrite vcmul_vopp. auto. Qed.

  Section AeqDec.
    Context {AeqDec : Dec (@eq A)}.

a <> 0 -> b <> 0 -> x .* a = b -> x <> 0
    Lemma vcmul_eq_imply_x_neq0 : forall {n} x (a b : vec n),
        a <> vzero -> b <> vzero -> x c* a = b -> x <> Azero.
      intros. destruct (Aeqdec x Azero); auto. exfalso. subst.
      rewrite vcmul_0_l in H0. easy.
  End AeqDec.

  Section Dec_Field.
    Context {AeqDec : Dec (@eq A)}.
    Context `{HField : Field A Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone Ainv}.

x .* a = 0 -> (x = 0) \/ (a = 0)
    Lemma vcmul_eq0_imply_x0_or_v0 : forall {n} x (a : vec n),
        x c* a = vzero -> (x = Azero) \/ (a = vzero).
      intros. destruct (Aeqdec x Azero); auto. right.
      apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. rewrite veq_iff_vnth in H. specialize (H i).
      cbv in H. cbv. apply field_mul_eq0_iff in H; auto. tauto.

x .* a = 0 -> a <> 0 -> x = 0
    Corollary vcmul_eq0_imply_x0 : forall {n} x (a : vec n),
        x c* a = vzero -> a <> vzero -> x = Azero.
    Proof. intros. apply (vcmul_eq0_imply_x0_or_v0 x a) in H; tauto. Qed.

x .* a = 0 -> x <> 0 -> a = 0
    Corollary vcmul_eq0_imply_v0 : forall {n} x (a : vec n),
        x c* a = vzero -> x <> Azero -> a = vzero.
    Proof. intros. apply (vcmul_eq0_imply_x0_or_v0 x a) in H; tauto. Qed.

x <> 0 -> a <> 0 -> x c* a <> 0
    Corollary vcmul_neq0_neq0_neq0 : forall {n} x (a : vec n),
        x <> Azero -> a <> vzero -> x c* a <> vzero.
    Proof. intros. intro. apply vcmul_eq0_imply_x0_or_v0 in H1; tauto. Qed.

x .* a = a -> x = 1 \/ a = 0
    Lemma vcmul_same_imply_x1_or_v0 : forall {n} x (a : vec n),
        x c* a = a -> (x = Aone) \/ (a = vzero).
      intros. destruct (Aeqdec x Aone); auto. right.
      apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. rewrite veq_iff_vnth in H. specialize (H i).
      cbv in H. cbv. apply field_mul_eq_imply_a1_or_b0 in H; auto. tauto.

x = 1 \/ a = 0 -> x .* a = a
    Lemma vcmul_same_if_x1_or_v0 : forall {n} x (a : vec n),
        (x = Aone \/ a = vzero) -> x c* a = a.
      intros. destruct H; subst. apply vcmul_1_l; auto. apply vcmul_0_r; auto.

x .* a = a -> a <> 0 -> x = 1
    Corollary vcmul_same_imply_x1 : forall {n} x (a : vec n),
        x c* a = a -> a <> vzero -> x = Aone.
    Proof. intros. apply (vcmul_same_imply_x1_or_v0 x a) in H; tauto. Qed.

x .* a = a -> x <> 1 -> a = 0
    Corollary vcmul_same_imply_v0 : forall {n} x (a : vec n),
        x c* a = a -> x <> Aone -> a = vzero.
    Proof. intros. apply (vcmul_same_imply_x1_or_v0 x a) in H; tauto. Qed.

x .* a = y .* a -> (x = y \/ a = 0)
    Lemma vcmul_sameV_imply_eqX_or_v0 : forall {n} x y (a : vec n),
        x c* a = y c* a -> (x = y \/ a = vzero).
      intros. destruct (Aeqdec x y); auto. right. rewrite veq_iff_vnth in H.
      rewrite veq_iff_vnth. intros. specialize (H i). rewrite !vnth_vcmul in H.
      destruct (Aeqdec (a i) Azero); auto. apply field_mul_cancel_r in H; tauto.

x .* a = y * a -> a <> 0 -> x = y
    Corollary vcmul_sameV_imply_eqX : forall {n} x y (a : vec n),
        x c* a = y c* a -> a <> vzero -> x = y.
    Proof. intros. apply vcmul_sameV_imply_eqX_or_v0 in H; tauto. Qed.

x .* a = y .* a -> x <> y -> a = 0
    Corollary vcmul_sameV_imply_v0 : forall {n} x y (a : vec n),
        x c* a = y c* a -> x <> y -> a = vzero.
    Proof. intros. apply vcmul_sameV_imply_eqX_or_v0 in H; tauto. Qed.
  End Dec_Field.
End vcmul.

Dot product

Section vdot.
  Context `{HARing : ARing A Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone}.
  Add Ring ring_inst : (make_ring_theory HARing).

  Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
  Notation "0" := Azero.
  Notation "- a" := (Aopp a) : A_scope.
  Notation Asub a b := (a + (- b))%A.
  Infix "-" := Asub : A_scope.
  Infix "*" := Amul : A_scope.
  Notation "1" := Aone.
  Notation "a ²" := (a * a) : A_scope.

  Notation vzero := (vzero Azero).
  Notation vadd := (@vadd _ Aadd).
  Notation vopp := (@vopp _ Aopp).
  Notation vcmul := (@vcmul _ Amul).
  Notation seqsum := (@seqsum _ Aadd Azero).
  Notation vsum := (@vsum _ Aadd Azero).
  Infix "+" := vadd : vec_scope.
  Notation "- a" := (vopp a) : vec_scope.
  Notation "a - b" := ((a + -b)%V) : vec_scope.
  Infix "c*" := vcmul : vec_scope.

  Definition vdot {n : nat} (a b : vec n) : A := vsum (vmap2 Amul a b).
  Notation "< a , b >" := (vdot a b) : vec_scope.

<a, b> = <b, a>
  Lemma vdot_comm : forall {n} (a b : vec n), <a, b> = <b, a>.
  Proof. intros. apply vsum_eq; intros. rewrite vmap2_comm; auto. Qed.

<vzero, a> = vzero
  Lemma vdot_0_l : forall {n} (a : vec n), <vzero, a> = Azero.
    intros. unfold vdot. apply vsum_eq0; intros.
    rewrite vnth_vmap2, vnth_vzero. ring.

<a, vzero> = vzero
  Lemma vdot_0_r : forall {n} (a : vec n), <a, vzero> = Azero.
  Proof. intros. rewrite vdot_comm, vdot_0_l; auto. Qed.

<a + b, c> = <a, c> + <b, c>
  Lemma vdot_vadd_l : forall {n} (a b c : vec n), <a + b, c> = (<a, c> + <b, c>)%A.
    intros. unfold vdot. rewrite vsum_add; intros.
    apply vsum_eq; intros. rewrite !vnth_vmap2. ring.

<a, b + c> = <a, b> + <a, c>
  Lemma vdot_vadd_r : forall {n} (a b c : vec n), <a, b + c> = (<a, b> + <a, c>)%A.
    intros. rewrite vdot_comm. rewrite vdot_vadd_l. f_equal; apply vdot_comm.

<- a, b> = - <a, b>
  Lemma vdot_vopp_l : forall {n} (a b : vec n), < - a, b> = (- <a, b>)%A.
    intros. unfold vdot. rewrite vsum_opp; intros.
    apply vsum_eq; intros. rewrite !vnth_vmap2. rewrite vnth_vopp. ring.

<a, - b> = - <a, b>
  Lemma vdot_vopp_r : forall {n} (a b : vec n), <a, - b> = (- <a, b>)%A.
  Proof. intros. rewrite vdot_comm, vdot_vopp_l, vdot_comm. auto. Qed.

<a - b, c> = <a, c> - <b, c>
  Lemma vdot_vsub_l : forall {n} (a b c : vec n), <a - b, c> = (<a, c> - <b, c>)%A.
  Proof. intros. rewrite vdot_vadd_l. f_equal. apply vdot_vopp_l. Qed.

<a, b - c> = <a, b> - <a, c>
  Lemma vdot_vsub_r : forall {n} (a b c : vec n), <a, b - c> = (<a, b> - <a, c>)%A.
  Proof. intros. rewrite vdot_vadd_r. f_equal. apply vdot_vopp_r. Qed.

<x .* a, b> = x .* <a, b>
  Lemma vdot_vcmul_l : forall {n} (a b : vec n) x, <x c* a, b> = x * <a, b>.
    intros. unfold vdot. rewrite vsum_cmul_l; intros.
    apply vsum_eq; intros. rewrite !vnth_vmap2. rewrite vnth_vcmul. ring.

<a, x .* b> = x .* <a, b>
  Lemma vdot_vcmul_r : forall {n} (a b : vec n) x, <a, x c* b> = x * <a, b>.
    intros. rewrite vdot_comm. rewrite vdot_vcmul_l. f_equal; apply vdot_comm.

<a, veye i> = a i
  Lemma vdot_veye_r : forall {n} (a : vec n) i, <a, veye 0 1 i> = a i.
    intros. apply vsum_unique with (i:=i).
    - rewrite vnth_vmap2. rewrite vnth_veye_eq. rewrite identityRight; auto.
    - intros. rewrite vnth_vmap2. rewrite vnth_veye_neq; auto.
      rewrite ring_mul_0_r; auto.

<veye i, a> = a i
  Lemma vdot_veye_l : forall {n} (a : vec n) i, <veye 0 1 i, a> = a i.
  Proof. intros. rewrite vdot_comm. apply vdot_veye_r. Qed.

<vconsT a x, vconsT b y> = <a, b> + x * y
  Lemma vdot_vconsT_vconsT : forall {n} (a b : vec n) (x y : A),
      <vconsT a x, vconsT b y> = (<a, b> + x * y)%A.
    intros. unfold vdot.
    rewrite vmap2_vconsT_vconsT.
    rewrite vsum_vconsT. auto.

  Section AeqDec.
    Context {AeqDec : Dec (@eq A)}.

<a, b> <> 0 -> a <> 0
    Lemma vdot_neq0_imply_neq0_l : forall {n} (a b : vec n), <a, b> <> 0 -> a <> vzero.
      intros. destruct (Aeqdec a vzero); auto. subst. rewrite vdot_0_l in H. easy.

<a, b> <> 0 -> b <> 0
    Lemma vdot_neq0_imply_neq0_r : forall {n} (a b : vec n), <a, b> <> 0 -> b <> vzero.
      intros. destruct (Aeqdec b vzero); auto. subst. rewrite vdot_0_r in H. easy.

(∀ c, <a, c> = <b, c>) -> a = b
    Lemma vdot_cancel_r : forall {n} (a b : vec n),
        (forall c : vec n, <a, c> = <b, c>) -> a = b.
      intros. destruct (Aeqdec a b) as [H1|H1]; auto. exfalso.
      apply vneq_iff_exist_vnth_neq in H1. destruct H1 as [i H1].
      specialize (H (veye 0 1 i)). rewrite !vdot_veye_r in H. easy.

(∀ c, <c, a> = <c, b>) -> a = b
    Lemma vdot_cancel_l : forall {n} (a b : vec n),
        (forall c : vec n, <c, a> = <c, b>) -> a = b.
      intros. apply vdot_cancel_r. intros. rewrite !(vdot_comm _ c). auto.

  End AeqDec.

  Section OrderedARing.
    Context `{HOrderedARing : OrderedARing A Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone}.
    Infix "<" := Alt.
    Infix "<=" := Ale.

0 <= <a, a>
    Lemma vdot_ge0 : forall {n} (a : vec n), 0 <= (<a, a>).
      intros. unfold vdot, vsum, vmap2, v2f. apply seqsum_ge0; intros.
      fin. apply sqr_ge0.

<a, b> ² <= <a, a> * <b, b>
    Lemma vdot_sqr_le : forall {n} (a b : vec n), (<a, b> ²) <= <a, a> * <b, b>.
      intros. unfold vdot,vsum,vmap2. destruct n.
      - cbv. apply le_refl.
        rewrite seqsum_eq with (f:=v2f 0 (fun i=>a i * b i)) (g:=fun i => a #i * b #i).
        rewrite seqsum_eq with (f:=v2f 0 (fun i=>a i * a i)) (g:=fun i => a #i * a #i).
        rewrite seqsum_eq with (f:=v2f 0 (fun i=>b i * b i)) (g:=fun i => b #i * b #i).
        + apply seqsum_SqrMul_le_MulSqr.
        + intros. erewrite nth_v2f. erewrite nat2finS_eq; auto.
        + intros. erewrite nth_v2f. erewrite nat2finS_eq; auto.
        + intros. erewrite nth_v2f. erewrite nat2finS_eq; auto.
          Unshelve. all: auto.

(v i)² <= <a, a>
    Lemma vnth_sqr_le_vdot : forall {n} (a : vec n) (i : 'I_n), (a i) ² <= <a, a>.
      intros. unfold vdot.
      pose ((fun i => (a.[i]) * (a.[i])) : vec n) as u.
      replace (a i with (u i). replace (vmap2 Amul a a) with u.
      apply vsum_ge_any.
      - intros. unfold u. apply sqr_ge0.
      - unfold u. auto.
      - unfold u. auto.

  End OrderedARing.

  Section OrderedField_Dec.
    Context {AeqDec : Dec (@eq A)}.
    Context `{HOrderedField : OrderedField A Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone}.
    Notation "/ a" := (Ainv a).
    Notation Adiv x y := (x * / y).
    Infix "/" := Adiv.
    Infix "<" := Alt.
    Infix "<=" := Ale.

a = 0 -> <a, a> = 0
    Lemma vdot_same_eq0_if_vzero : forall {n} (a : vec n), a = vzero -> <a, a> = 0.
    Proof. intros. subst. rewrite vdot_0_l; auto. Qed.

<a, a> = 0 -> a = 0
    Lemma vdot_same_eq0_then_vzero : forall {n} (a : vec n), <a, a> = 0 -> a = vzero.
      intros. unfold vdot,vsum in H. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros.
      apply seqsum_eq0_imply_seq0 with (i:=i) in H; fin.
      - rewrite nth_v2f with (H:=fin2nat_lt _) in H.
        rewrite nat2fin_fin2nat in H. rewrite vnth_vmap2 in H.
        apply field_sqr_eq0_reg in H; auto.
      - intros. rewrite nth_v2f with (H:=H0). rewrite vnth_vmap2. apply sqr_ge0.

a <> vzero -> <a, a> <> 0
    Lemma vdot_same_neq0_if_vnonzero : forall {n} (a : vec n), a <> vzero -> <a, a> <> 0.
    Proof. intros. intro. apply vdot_same_eq0_then_vzero in H0; auto. Qed.

<a, a> <> 0 -> a <> vzero
    Lemma vdot_same_neq0_then_vnonzero : forall {n} (a : vec n), <a, a> <> 0 -> a <> vzero.
    Proof. intros. intro. apply vdot_same_eq0_if_vzero in H0; auto. Qed.

0 < <a, a>
    Lemma vdot_gt0 : forall {n} (a : vec n), a <> vzero -> Azero < (<a, a>).
      intros. apply vdot_same_neq0_if_vnonzero in H. pose proof (vdot_ge0 a).
      apply lt_if_le_and_neq; auto.

<a, b>² / (<a, a> * <b, b>) <= 1.
    Lemma vdot_sqr_le_form2 : forall {n} (a b : vec n),
        a <> vzero -> b <> vzero -> <a, b>² / (<a, a> * <b, b>) <= 1.
      pose proof (vdot_gt0 a H). pose proof (vdot_gt0 b H0).
      pose proof (vdot_sqr_le a b).
      destruct (Aeqdec (<a, b>) 0) as [H4|H4].
      - rewrite H4. ring_simplify. apply le_0_1.
      - apply le_imply_div_le_1 in H3; auto. apply sqr_gt0. auto.

  End OrderedField_Dec.

End vdot.

Section vdot_extra.
  Context `{HARing : ARing}.
  Add Ring ring_inst : (make_ring_theory HARing).
  Infix "*" := Amul : A_scope.
  Notation vdot := (@vdot _ Aadd Azero Amul).
  Notation "< a , b >" := (vdot a b) : vec_scope.

< <a,D>, b> = <a, <D,b> >
  Lemma vdot_assoc :
    forall {r c} (a : @vec A c) (D : @vec (@vec A r) c) (b : @vec A r),
      vdot (fun j => vdot a (fun i => D i j)) b = vdot a (fun i => vdot (D i) b).
    intros. unfold vdot. unfold vmap2.
    pose proof (vsum_vsum c r (fun i j => a.[i] * D.[i].[j] * b.[j])).
    match goal with
    | H: ?a1 = ?a2 |- ?b1 = ?b2 => replace b1 with a2; [replace b2 with a1|]; auto
    - apply vsum_eq; intros. rewrite vsum_cmul_l. apply vsum_eq; intros. ring.
    - apply vsum_eq; intros. rewrite vsum_cmul_r. apply vsum_eq; intros. ring.

End vdot_extra.

Geometric operations

Euclidean norm (i.e., L2 norm, length)

Section vlen.

  Context `{HARing : ARing A Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone}.
  Add Ring ring_inst : (make_ring_theory HARing).
  Context `{HA2R
      : A2R A Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone Ainv Alt Ale a2r}.

  Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
  Notation "0" := Azero : A_scope.
  Infix "*" := Amul : A_scope.
  Notation "1" := Aone : A_scope.
  Notation "| a |" := (Aabs a) : A_scope.

  Notation vzero := (@vzero _ Azero).
  Notation vadd := (@vadd _ Aadd).
  Notation vopp := (@vopp _ Aopp).
  Notation vcmul := (@vcmul _ Amul).
  Notation vdot := (@vdot _ Aadd Azero Amul).

  Infix "+" := vadd : vec_scope.
  Notation "- a" := (vopp a) : vec_scope.
  Notation "a - b" := ((a + -b)%V) : vec_scope.
  Infix "c*" := vcmul : vec_scope.
  Notation "< a , b >" := (vdot a b) : vec_scope.

Length (magnitude) of a vector, is derived by inner-product
  Definition vlen {n} (a : vec n) : R := R_sqrt.sqrt (a2r (<a, a>)).
  Notation "|| a ||" := (vlen a) : vec_scope.

||vzero|| = 0
  Lemma vlen_vzero : forall {n:nat}, @vlen n vzero = 0%R.
  Proof. intros. unfold vlen. rewrite vdot_0_l. rewrite a2r_0 at 1. ra. Qed.

  Section OrderedARing.
    Context `{HOrderedARing
        : OrderedARing A Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone Alt Ale}.
    Infix "<" := Alt : A_scope.
    Infix "<=" := Ale : A_scope.

0 <= ||a||
    Lemma vlen_ge0 : forall {n} (a : vec n), (0 <= ||a||)%R.
    Proof. intros. unfold vlen. ra. Qed.

||a|| = ||b|| <-> <a, a> = <b, b>
    Lemma vlen_eq_iff_dot_eq : forall {n} (a b : vec n), ||a|| = ||b|| <-> <a, a> = <b, b>.
      intros. unfold vlen. split; intros H; try rewrite H; auto.
      apply sqrt_inj in H.
      rewrite a2r_eq_iff in H; auto.
      apply a2r_ge0_iff; apply vdot_ge0.
      apply a2r_ge0_iff; apply vdot_ge0.

<a, a> = ||a||²
    Lemma vdot_same : forall {n} (a : vec n), a2r (<a, a>) = (||a||²)%R.
      intros. unfold vlen. rewrite Rsqr_sqrt; auto.
      apply a2r_ge0_iff. apply vdot_ge0.

|a i| <= ||a||
    Lemma vnth_le_vlen : forall {n} (a : vec n) (i : 'I_n),
        a <> vzero -> (a2r (|a i|%A) <= ||a||)%R.
      intros. apply Rsqr_incr_0_var.
      - rewrite <- vdot_same. unfold Rsqr. rewrite <- a2r_mul. apply a2r_le_iff.
        replace (|a i| * |a i|) with (a i * a i). apply vnth_sqr_le_vdot.
        rewrite <- Aabs_mul. rewrite Aabs_right; auto. apply sqr_ge0.
      - apply vlen_ge0.

||a|| = 1 <-> <a, a> = 1
    Lemma vlen_eq1_iff_vdot1 : forall {n} (a : vec n), ||a|| = 1%R <-> <a, a> = 1.
      intros. unfold vlen. rewrite sqrt_eq1_iff. rewrite a2r_eq1_iff. easy.

||- a|| = ||a||
    Lemma vlen_vopp : forall n (a : vec n), ||- a|| = ||a||.
      intros. unfold vlen. f_equal. f_equal. rewrite vdot_vopp_l,vdot_vopp_r. ring.

||x .* a|| = |x| * ||a||
    Lemma vlen_vcmul : forall n x (a : vec n), ||x c* a|| = ((a2r (|x|))%A * ||a||)%R.
      intros. unfold vlen.
      rewrite commutative.
      replace (a2r (|x|)%A) with (|(a2r x)|)%R.
      2:{ rewrite a2r_Aabs. auto. }
      rewrite <- sqrt_sqr_abs. rewrite <- sqrt_mult_alt.
      - f_equal. rewrite vdot_vcmul_l, vdot_vcmul_r, <- associative.
        rewrite a2r_mul. rewrite commutative. f_equal. rewrite a2r_mul. auto.
      - apply a2r_ge0_iff. apply vdot_ge0.

||a + b||² = ||a||² + ||a||² + 2 * <a, b>
    Lemma vlen_sqr_vadd : forall {n} (a b : vec n),
        ||(a + b)||² = (||a||² + ||b||² + 2 * a2r (<a, b>))%R.
      intros. rewrite <- !vdot_same. rewrite !vdot_vadd_l, !vdot_vadd_r.
      rewrite (vdot_comm b a). rewrite !a2r_add. ring.

||a - b||² = ||a||² + ||b||² - 2 * <a, b>
    Lemma vlen_sqr_vsub : forall {n} (a b : vec n),
        ||(a - b)||² = (||a||² + ||b||² - 2 * a2r (<a, b>))%R.
      intros. rewrite <- !vdot_same.
      rewrite !vdot_vadd_l, !vdot_vadd_r.
      rewrite !vdot_vopp_l, !vdot_vopp_r. rewrite (vdot_comm b a).
      rewrite !a2r_add, !a2r_opp at 1. ring.

|<a, b>| <= ||a|| * ||b||
    Lemma vdot_abs_le : forall {n} (a b : vec n), (|a2r (<a, b>)| <= ||a|| * ||b||)%R.
      intros. pose proof (vdot_sqr_le a b).
      apply a2r_le_iff in H. rewrite !a2r_mul in H.
      rewrite (vdot_same a) in H. rewrite (vdot_same b) in H.
      replace (||a||² * ||b||²)%R with ((||a|| * ||b||) in H; [| cbv;ring].
      apply Rsqr_le_abs_0 in H.
      replace (|(||a|| * ||b||)|)%R with (||a|| * ||b||)%R in H; auto.
      rewrite !Rabs_right; auto.
      pose proof (vlen_ge0 a). pose proof (vlen_ge0 b). ra.

<a, b> <= ||a|| * ||b||
    Lemma vdot_le_mul_vlen : forall {n} (a b : vec n), (a2r (<a, b>) <= ||a|| * ||b||)%R.
    Proof. intros. pose proof (vdot_abs_le a b). apply Rabs_le_rev in H. ra. Qed.

  • ||a|| * ||b|| <= <a, b>
    Lemma vdot_ge_mul_vlen_neg : forall {n} (a b : vec n),
        (- (||a|| * ||b||) <= a2r (<a, b>))%R.
    Proof. intros. pose proof (vdot_abs_le a b). apply Rabs_le_rev in H. ra. Qed.

||a + b|| <= ||a|| + ||a||
    Lemma vlen_le_add : forall {n} (a b : vec n), (||(a + b)%V|| <= ||a|| + ||b||)%R.
      intros. apply Rsqr_incr_0_var.
      2:{ unfold vlen; ra. }
      rewrite Rsqr_plus. rewrite <- !vdot_same.
      replace (a2r (<a + b, a + b>))
        with (a2r (<a, a>) + a2r (<b, b>) + (2 * a2r (<a, b>)))%R.
      2:{ rewrite vdot_vadd_l,!vdot_vadd_r.
          rewrite (vdot_comm b a). rewrite !a2r_add at 1. ra. }
      apply Rplus_le_compat_l.
      rewrite !associative. apply Rmult_le_compat_l; ra.
      pose proof (vdot_abs_le a b). unfold Rabs in H.
      destruct Rcase_abs; ra.

||a|| - ||b|| <= ||a + b||
    Lemma vlen_ge_sub : forall {n} (a b : vec n), ((||a|| - ||b||) <= ||(a + b)%V||)%R.
      intros. apply Rsqr_incr_0_var.
      2:{ unfold vlen; ra. }
      rewrite Rsqr_minus. rewrite <- !vdot_same.
      replace (a2r (<a + b, a + b>))
        with (a2r (<a, a>) + a2r (<b, b>) + (2 * a2r (<a, b>)))%R.
      2:{ rewrite vdot_vadd_l,!vdot_vadd_r.
          rewrite (vdot_comm b a). rewrite !a2r_add at 1. ra. }
      apply Rplus_le_compat_l.
      pose proof (vdot_abs_le a b). unfold Rabs in H.
      destruct Rcase_abs; ra.

  End OrderedARing.

  Section OrderedField_Dec.
    Context `{HOrderedField
        : OrderedField A Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone Ainv Alt Ale}.
    Context {AeqDec : Dec (@eq A)}.
    Infix "<=" := Ale : A_scope.

||a|| = 0 <-> v = 0
    Lemma vlen_eq0_iff_eq0 : forall {n} (a : vec n), ||a|| = 0%R <-> a = vzero.
      intros. unfold vlen. split; intros.
      - apply vdot_same_eq0_then_vzero. apply sqrt_eq_0 in H; auto.
        apply a2r_eq0_iff; auto. apply a2r_ge0_iff; apply vdot_ge0.
      - rewrite H. rewrite vdot_0_l. rewrite a2r_0 at 1. ra.

||a|| <> 0 <-> a <> 0
    Lemma vlen_neq0_iff_neq0 : forall {n} (a : vec n), ||a|| <> 0%R <-> a <> vzero.
    Proof. intros. rewrite vlen_eq0_iff_eq0. easy. Qed.

a <> vzero -> 0 < ||a||
    Lemma vlen_gt0 : forall {n} (a : vec n), a <> vzero -> (0 < ||a||)%R.
    Proof. intros. pose proof (vlen_ge0 a). apply vlen_neq0_iff_neq0 in H; ra. Qed.

0 <= <a, a>
    Lemma vdot_same_ge0 : forall {n} (a : vec n), (Azero <= <a, a>)%A.
      intros. destruct (Aeqdec a vzero) as [H|H].
      - subst. rewrite vdot_0_l. apply le_refl.
      - apply le_if_lt. apply vdot_gt0; auto.

  End OrderedField_Dec.

End vlen.

#[export] Hint Resolve vlen_ge0 : vec.

Unit vector

Section vunit.
  Context `{HARing : ARing}.
  Add Ring ring_inst : (make_ring_theory HARing).

  Notation "1" := Aone.
  Notation vzero := (vzero Azero).
  Notation vopp := (@vopp _ Aopp).
  Notation vdot := (@vdot _ Aadd Azero Amul).
  Notation "< a , b >" := (vdot a b) : vec_scope.

A unit vector `a` is a vector whose length equals one. Here, we use the square of length instead of length directly, but this is reasonable with the proof of vunit_spec.
  Definition vunit {n} (a : vec n) : Prop := <a, a> = 1.

vunit a <-> vunit (vopp a).
  Lemma vopp_vunit : forall {n} (a : vec n), vunit (vopp a) <-> vunit a.
    intros. unfold vunit. rewrite vdot_vopp_l, vdot_vopp_r.
    rewrite group_opp_opp. easy.

  Section Field.
    Context `{HField : Field A Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone Ainv}.

The unit vector cannot be zero vector
    Lemma vunit_neq0 : forall {n} (a : vec n), vunit a -> a <> vzero.
      intros. intro. rewrite H0 in H. unfold vunit in H.
      rewrite vdot_0_l in H. apply field_1_neq_0. easy.

  End Field.

  Section A2R.
    Context `{HA2R : A2R A Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone Ainv Alt Ale}.

    Notation vlen := (@vlen _ Aadd Azero Amul a2r).
    Notation "|| a ||" := (vlen a) : vec_scope.

Verify the definition is reasonable
    Lemma vunit_spec : forall {n} (a : vec n), vunit a <-> ||a|| = 1%R.
    Proof. intros. split; intros; apply vlen_eq1_iff_vdot1; auto. Qed.

vunit a -> || a || = 1
    Lemma vunit_imply_vlen_eq1 : forall {n} (a : vec n), vunit a -> ||a|| = 1%R.
    Proof. intros. apply vunit_spec; auto. Qed.

vunit a -> || a || = 1
    Lemma vlen_eq1_imply_vunit : forall {n} (a : vec n), ||a|| = 1%R -> vunit a.
    Proof. intros. apply vunit_spec; auto. Qed.

    Section OrderedARing.
      Context `{HOrderedARing : OrderedARing A Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone Alt Ale}.

vunit a -> <a, a> = 1
      Lemma vunit_vdot : forall {n} (a : vec n), vunit a -> a2r (<a, a>) = 1%R.
        intros. rewrite vdot_same.
        apply vunit_spec in H. rewrite H. ra.

    End OrderedARing.

  End A2R.

If column of a and column of b all are unit, then column of (a * b) is also unit
End vunit.

Two vectors are orthogonal

Section vorth.

  Context `{HARing : ARing A Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone}.
  Add Ring ring_inst : (make_ring_theory HARing).

  Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
  Infix "*" := Amul : A_scope.
  Notation "- a" := (Aopp a) : A_scope.
  Notation Asub a b := (a + (- b))%A.
  Infix "-" := Asub : A_scope.

  Notation vzero := (vzero Azero).
  Notation vadd := (@vadd _ Aadd).
  Notation vopp := (@vopp _ Aopp).
  Notation vcmul := (@vcmul _ Amul).
  Notation vdot := (@vdot _ Aadd Azero Amul).
  Infix "+" := vadd : vec_scope.
  Notation "- a" := (vopp a) : vec_scope.
  Notation "a - b" := ((a + -b)%V) : vec_scope.
  Infix "c*" := vcmul : vec_scope.
  Notation "< a , b >" := (vdot a b) : vec_scope.

  Definition vorth {n} (a b : vec n) : Prop := <a, b> = Azero.
  Infix "_|_" := vorth : vec_scope.

a _| b -> b _| a
  Lemma vorth_comm : forall {n} (a b : vec n), a _|_ b -> b _|_ a.
  Proof. intros. unfold vorth in *. rewrite vdot_comm; auto. Qed.

  Section Dec_Field.
    Context {AeqDec : Dec (@eq A)}.
    Context `{HField : Field A Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone Ainv}.

(x .* a) _| b <-> a _| b
    Lemma vorth_vcmul_l : forall {n} x (a b : vec n),
        x <> Azero -> ((x c* a) _|_ b <-> a _|_ b).
      intros. unfold vorth in *. rewrite vdot_vcmul_l. split; intros.
      - apply field_mul_eq0_iff in H0. destruct H0; auto. easy.
      - rewrite H0. ring.

a _| (x .* b) <-> a _| b
    Lemma vorth_vcmul_r : forall {n} x (a b : vec n),
        x <> Azero -> (a _|_ (x c* b) <-> a _|_ b).
      intros. split; intros.
      - apply vorth_comm in H0. apply vorth_comm. apply vorth_vcmul_l in H0; auto.
      - apply vorth_comm in H0. apply vorth_comm. apply vorth_vcmul_l; auto.
  End Dec_Field.
End vorth.

Projection component of a vector onto another

Section vproj.
  Context `{F:Field A Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone Ainv}.
  Add Field field_inst : (make_field_theory F).

  Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
  Infix "*" := Amul : A_scope.
  Notation "- a" := (Aopp a) : A_scope.
  Notation Asub a b := (a + (- b))%A.
  Infix "-" := Asub : A_scope.
  Notation "/ a" := (Ainv a) : A_scope.
  Notation Adiv a b := (a * (/ b))%A.
  Infix "/" := Adiv : A_scope.

  Notation vzero := (vzero Azero).
  Notation vadd := (@vadd _ Aadd).
  Notation vopp := (@vopp _ Aopp).
  Notation vcmul := (@vcmul _ Amul).
  Notation vdot := (@vdot _ Aadd Azero Amul).
  Notation vunit := (@vunit _ Aadd Azero Amul Aone).
  Notation vorth := (@vorth _ Aadd Azero Amul).
  Infix "+" := vadd : vec_scope.
  Notation "- a" := (vopp a) : vec_scope.
  Notation "a - b" := ((a + -b)%V) : vec_scope.
  Infix "c*" := vcmul : vec_scope.
  Notation "< a , b >" := (vdot a b) : vec_scope.
  Infix "_|_" := vorth : vec_scope.

The projection component of `a` onto `b`
  Definition vproj {n} (a b : vec n) : vec n := (<a, b> / <b, b>) c* b.

a _| b -> vproj a b = vzero
  Lemma vorth_imply_vproj_eq0 : forall {n} (a b : vec n), a _|_ b -> vproj a b = vzero.
    intros. unfold vorth in H. unfold vproj. rewrite H.
    replace (Azero * / (<b, b>)) with Azero. apply vcmul_0_l.
    rewrite ring_mul_0_l; auto.

vunit b -> vproj a b = <a, b> .* b
  Lemma vproj_vunit : forall {n} (a b : vec n), vunit b -> vproj a b = <a, b> c* b.
  Proof. intros. unfold vproj. f_equal. rewrite H. field. apply field_1_neq_0. Qed.

  Section OrderedField.
    Context `{HOrderedField : OrderedField A Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone Ainv}.

vproj (a + b) c = vproj a c + vproj b c
    Lemma vproj_vadd : forall {n} (a b c : vec n),
        c <> vzero -> (vproj (a + b) c = vproj a c + vproj b c)%V.
      intros. unfold vproj. rewrite vdot_vadd_l. rewrite <- vcmul_add. f_equal.
      field. apply vdot_same_neq0_if_vnonzero; auto.

vproj (x .* a) b = x .* (vproj a b)
    Lemma vproj_vcmul : forall {n} (a b : vec n) x,
        b <> vzero -> (vproj (x c* a) b = x c* (vproj a b))%V.
      intros. unfold vproj. rewrite vdot_vcmul_l. rewrite vcmul_assoc. f_equal.
      field. apply vdot_same_neq0_if_vnonzero; auto.

vproj a a = a
    Lemma vproj_same : forall {n} (a : vec n), a <> vzero -> vproj a a = a.
      intros. unfold vproj. replace (<a, a> / <a, a>) with Aone; try field.
      apply vcmul_1_l. apply vdot_same_neq0_if_vnonzero; auto.
  End OrderedField.
End vproj.

Perpendicular component of a vector respect to another

Section vperp.
  Context `{F:Field A Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone Ainv}.
  Add Field field_inst : (make_field_theory F).

  Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
  Infix "*" := Amul : A_scope.
  Notation "- a" := (Aopp a) : A_scope.
  Notation Asub a b := (a + (- b))%A.
  Infix "-" := Asub : A_scope.
  Notation "/ a" := (Ainv a) : A_scope.
  Notation Adiv a b := (a * (/ b))%A.
  Infix "/" := Adiv : A_scope.

  Notation vzero := (vzero Azero).
  Notation vadd := (@vadd _ Aadd).
  Notation vopp := (@vopp _ Aopp).
  Notation vcmul := (@vcmul _ Amul).
  Notation vdot := (@vdot _ Aadd Azero Amul).
  Notation vproj := (@vproj _ Aadd Azero Amul Ainv).
  Notation vorth := (@vorth _ Aadd Azero Amul).
  Infix "+" := vadd : vec_scope.
  Notation "- a" := (vopp a) : vec_scope.
  Notation "a - b" := ((a + -b)%V) : vec_scope.
  Infix "c*" := vcmul : vec_scope.
  Notation "< a , b >" := (vdot a b) : vec_scope.
  Infix "_|_" := vorth : vec_scope.

The perpendicular component of `a` respect to `b`
  Definition vperp {n} (a b : vec n) : vec n := a - vproj a b.

vperp a b = a - vproj a b
  Lemma vperp_eq_minus_vproj : forall {n} (a b : vec n), vperp a b = a - vproj a b.
  Proof. auto. Qed.

vproj a b = a - vperp a b
  Lemma vproj_eq_minus_vperp : forall {n} (a b : vec n), vproj a b = a - vperp a b.
    intros. unfold vperp. pose proof (vadd_AGroup (A:=A) n). agroup.

(vproj a b) + (vperp a b) = a
  Lemma vproj_plus_vperp : forall {n} (a b : vec n), vproj a b + vperp a b = a.
    intros. unfold vperp. pose proof (vadd_AGroup (A:=A) n). agroup.

a _| b -> vperp a b = a
  Lemma vorth_imply_vperp_eq_l : forall {n} (a b : vec n), a _|_ b -> vperp a b = a.
    intros. unfold vperp. pose proof (vadd_AGroup (A:=A) n). agroup.
    rewrite vorth_imply_vproj_eq0; auto.

  Section OrderedField.
    Context `{HOrderedField : OrderedField A Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone Ainv}.

(vproj a b) _| (vperp a b)
    Lemma vorth_vproj_vperp : forall {n} (a b : vec n),
        b <> vzero -> vproj a b _|_ vperp a b.
      intros. unfold vorth, vperp, vproj.
      rewrite !vdot_vcmul_l. rewrite vdot_vsub_r. rewrite !vdot_vcmul_r.
      rewrite (vdot_comm b a). field_simplify. rewrite ring_mul_0_l; auto.
      apply vdot_same_neq0_if_vnonzero; auto.

vperp (a + b) c = vperp a c + vperp b c
    Lemma vperp_vadd : forall {n} (a b c : vec n),
        c <> vzero -> (vperp (a + b) c = vperp a c + vperp b c)%V.
      intros. unfold vperp. pose proof (vadd_AGroup (A:=A) n). agroup.
      rewrite vproj_vadd; auto. agroup.

vperp (x .* a) b = x .* (vperp a b)
    Lemma vperp_vcmul : forall {n} (x : A) (a b : vec n),
        b <> vzero -> (vperp (x c* a) b = x c* (vperp a b))%V.
      intros. unfold vperp. rewrite vproj_vcmul; auto. rewrite vcmul_vsub. auto.

vperp a a = vzero
    Lemma vperp_self : forall {n} (a : vec n), a <> vzero -> vperp a a = vzero.
      intros. unfold vperp. rewrite vproj_same; auto; auto. apply vsub_self.
  End OrderedField.

End vperp.

Two vectors are collinear, parallel or antiparallel.

Section vcoll_vpara_vantipara.

  Context `{HOrderedField
      : OrderedField A Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone Ainv Alt Ale}.
  Add Field field_inst : (make_field_theory HOrderedField).
  Notation "0" := Azero : A_scope.
  Notation "1" := Aone : A_scope.
  Infix "<" := Alt : A_scope.
  Infix "<=" := Ale : A_scope.
  Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
  Infix "*" := Amul : A_scope.
  Notation "- a" := (Aopp a) : A_scope.
  Notation Asub a b := (a + (- b))%A.
  Infix "-" := Asub : A_scope.
  Notation "/ a" := (Ainv a) : A_scope.
  Notation Adiv a b := (a * (/ b))%A.
  Infix "/" := Adiv : A_scope.

  Notation vzero := (vzero Azero).
  Notation vadd := (@vadd _ Aadd).
  Notation vopp := (@vopp _ Aopp).
  Notation vcmul := (@vcmul _ Amul).
  Infix "+" := vadd : vec_scope.
  Notation "- a" := (vopp a) : vec_scope.
  Notation "a - b" := ((a + -b)%V) : vec_scope.
  Infix "c*" := vcmul : vec_scope.


  Section vcoll.

Two non-zero vectors are collinear, if the components are proportional
    Definition vcoll {n} (a b : vec n) : Prop :=
      a <> vzero /\ b <> vzero /\ exists x : A, x <> 0 /\ x c* a = b.
    Infix "//" := vcoll : vec_scope.

a // a
    Lemma vcoll_refl : forall {n} (a : vec n), a <> vzero -> a // a.
      intros. hnf. repeat split; auto. exists 1. split.
      apply field_1_neq_0. apply vcmul_1_l.

a // b -> b // a
    Lemma vcoll_sym : forall {n} (a b : vec n), a // b -> b // a.
      intros. hnf in *. destruct H as [H11 [H12 [x [H13 H14]]]].
      repeat split; auto. exists (/x). split; auto.
      apply field_inv_neq0_iff; auto.
      rewrite <- H14. rewrite vcmul_assoc. rewrite field_mulInvL; auto.
      apply vcmul_1_l.

a // b -> b // c -> a // c
    Lemma vcoll_trans : forall {n} (a b c : vec n), a // b -> b // c -> a // c.
      intros. hnf in *.
      destruct H as [H11 [H12 [x1 [H13 H14]]]].
      destruct H0 as [H21 [H22 [x2 [H23 H24]]]].
      repeat split; auto. exists (x2 * x1).
      split. apply field_mul_neq0_iff; auto.
      rewrite <- H24, <- H14. rewrite vcmul_assoc. auto.

a // b => ∃! x, x <> 0 /\ x .* a = b
    Lemma vcoll_imply_uniqueX : forall {n} (a b : vec n),
        a // b -> (exists ! x, x <> 0 /\ x c* a = b).
      intros. destruct H as [H1 [H2 [x [H3 H4]]]]. exists x. split; auto.
      intros j [H5 H6]. rewrite <- H4 in H6.
      apply vcmul_sameV_imply_eqX in H6; auto.

a // b -> (x .* a) // b
    Lemma vcoll_vcmul_l : forall {n} x (a b : vec n),
        x <> 0 -> a // b -> x c* a // b.
      intros. hnf in *. destruct H0 as [H1 [H2 [x1 [H3 H4]]]].
      repeat split; auto.
      - intro. apply vcmul_eq0_imply_x0_or_v0 in H0. destruct H0; auto.
      - exists (x1/x); simpl. split.
        apply field_mul_neq0_iff. split; auto. apply field_inv_neq0_iff; auto.
        rewrite <- H4. rewrite vcmul_assoc. f_equal. field. auto.

a // b -> a // (x c* b)
    Lemma vcoll_vcmul_r : forall {n} x (a b : vec n),
        x <> 0 -> a // b -> a // (x c* b).
      intros. apply vcoll_sym in H0. apply vcoll_sym. apply vcoll_vcmul_l; auto.

  End vcoll.

Properties about //+

  Section vpara.

Two non-zero vectors are parallel, if positive proportional
    Definition vpara {n} (a b : vec n) : Prop :=
      a <> vzero /\ b <> vzero /\ exists x : A, 0 < x /\ x c* a = b.
    Infix "//+" := vpara : vec_scope.

a //+ a
    Lemma vpara_refl : forall {n} (a : vec n), a <> vzero -> a //+ a.
      intros. hnf. repeat split; auto. exists 1. split. apply lt_0_1. apply vcmul_1_l.

a //+ b -> b //+ a
    Lemma vpara_sym : forall {n} (a b : vec n), a //+ b -> b //+ a.
      intros. hnf in *. destruct H as [H11 [H12 [x [H13 H14]]]].
      repeat split; auto. exists (/x). split; auto. apply inv_gt0; auto.
      rewrite <- H14. rewrite vcmul_assoc. rewrite field_mulInvL; auto.
      apply vcmul_1_l. symmetry. apply lt_not_eq; auto.

a //+ b -> b //+ c -> a //+ c
    Lemma vpara_trans : forall {n} (a b c: vec n), a //+ b -> b //+ c -> a //+ c.
      intros. hnf in *.
      destruct H as [H11 [H12 [x1 [H13 H14]]]].
      destruct H0 as [H21 [H22 [x2 [H23 H24]]]].
      repeat split; auto. exists (x2 * x1). split. apply mul_gt0_if_gt0_gt0; auto.
      rewrite <- H24, <- H14. rewrite vcmul_assoc. auto.

a //+ b => ∃! x, 0 < x /\ x .* a = b
    Lemma vpara_imply_uniqueX : forall {n} (a b : vec n),
        a //+ b -> (exists ! x, 0 < x /\ x c* a = b).
      intros. destruct H as [H1 [H2 [x [H3 H4]]]]. exists x. split; auto.
      intros j [H5 H6]. rewrite <- H4 in H6.
      apply vcmul_sameV_imply_eqX in H6; auto.

a //+ b -> (x c* a) //+ b
    Lemma vpara_vcmul_l : forall {n} x (a b : vec n),
        0 < x -> a //+ b -> x c* a //+ b.
      intros. hnf in *. destruct H0 as [H1 [H2 [x1 [H3 H4]]]].
      repeat split; auto.
      - intro. apply vcmul_eq0_imply_x0_or_v0 in H0. destruct H0; auto.
        apply lt_not_eq in H. rewrite H0 in H. easy.
      - exists (x1/x); simpl. split.
        + apply mul_gt0_if_gt0_gt0; auto. apply inv_gt0; auto.
        + rewrite <- H4. rewrite vcmul_assoc. f_equal. field.
          symmetry. apply lt_not_eq. auto.

a //+ b -> a //+ (x c* b)
    Lemma vpara_vcmul_r : forall {n} x (a b : vec n),
        0 < x -> a //+ b -> a //+ (x c* b).
      intros. apply vpara_sym in H0. apply vpara_sym. apply vpara_vcmul_l; auto.

  End vpara.

Properties about //-

  Section vantipara.

Two non-zero vectors are antiparallel, if negative proportional
    Definition vantipara {n} (a b : vec n) : Prop :=
      a <> vzero /\ b <> vzero /\ exists x : A, x < 0 /\ x c* a = b.
    Infix "//-" := vantipara : vec_scope.

a //- a
    Lemma vantipara_refl : forall {n} (a : vec n), a <> vzero -> a //- a.
      intros. hnf. repeat split; auto. exists (-(1))%A. split.
      apply gt0_iff_neg. apply lt_0_1.

a //- b -> b //- a
    Lemma vantipara_sym : forall {n} (a b : vec n), a //- b -> b //- a.
      intros. hnf in *. destruct H as [H11 [H12 [x [H13 H14]]]].
      repeat split; auto. exists (/x). split; auto.
      apply inv_lt0; auto.
      rewrite <- H14. rewrite vcmul_assoc. rewrite field_mulInvL; auto.
      apply vcmul_1_l. apply lt_not_eq; auto.

a //- b -> b //- c -> a //- c
    Lemma vantipara_trans : forall {n} (a b c: vec n), a //- b -> b //- c -> a //- c.
      intros. hnf in *.
      destruct H as [H11 [H12 [x1 [H13 H14]]]].
      destruct H0 as [H21 [H22 [x2 [H23 H24]]]].
      repeat split; auto. exists (x2 * x1). split.
      2:{ rewrite <- H24, <- H14. rewrite vcmul_assoc. auto. }

a //- b => ∃! x, x < 0 /\ x .* a = b
    Lemma vantipara_imply_uniqueX : forall {n} (a b : vec n),
        a //- b -> (exists ! x, x < 0 /\ x c* a = b).
      intros. destruct H as [H1 [H2 [x [H3 H4]]]]. exists x. split; auto.
      intros j [H5 H6]. rewrite <- H4 in H6.
      apply vcmul_sameV_imply_eqX in H6; auto.

a //- b -> (x .* a) //- b
    Lemma vantipara_vcmul_l : forall {n} x (a b : vec n),
        0 < x -> a //- b -> x c* a //- b.
      intros. hnf in *. destruct H0 as [H1 [H2 [x1 [H3 H4]]]].
      repeat split; auto.
      - intro. apply vcmul_eq0_imply_x0_or_v0 in H0. destruct H0; auto.
        apply lt_not_eq in H. rewrite H0 in H. easy.
      - exists (x1/x); simpl. split.
        + apply mul_lt0_if_lt0_gt0; auto. apply inv_gt0; auto.
        + rewrite <- H4. rewrite vcmul_assoc. f_equal. field.
          symmetry. apply lt_not_eq. auto.

a //- b -> a //- (x .* b)
    Lemma vantipara_vcmul_r : forall {n} x (a b : vec n),
        0 < x -> a //- b -> a //- (x c* b).
      intros. apply vantipara_sym in H0. apply vantipara_sym.
      apply vantipara_vcmul_l; auto.

  End vantipara.

  Infix "//" := vcoll : vec_scope.
  Infix "//+" := vpara : vec_scope.
  Infix "//-" := vantipara : vec_scope.

Convert between //, //+, and //-

  Section convert.

a //+ b -> a // b
    Lemma vpara_imply_vcoll : forall {n} (a b : vec n), a //+ b -> a // b.
      intros. hnf in *. destruct H as [H11 [H12 [x [H13 H14]]]].
      repeat split; auto. exists x. split; auto. symmetry. apply lt_imply_neq; auto.

a //- b -> a // b
    Lemma vantipara_imply_vcoll : forall {n} (a b : vec n), a //- b -> a // b.
      intros. hnf in *. destruct H as [H11 [H12 [x [H13 H14]]]].
      repeat split; auto. exists x. split; auto. apply lt_imply_neq; auto.

a //+ b -> (-a) //- b
    Lemma vpara_imply_vantipara_opp_l : forall {n} (a b : vec n), a //+ b -> (-a) //- b.
      intros. hnf in *. destruct H as [H11 [H12 [x [H13 H14]]]].
      repeat split; auto. apply group_opp_neq0_iff; auto.
      exists (- x)%A. split. apply gt0_iff_neg; auto.
      rewrite vcmul_opp, vcmul_vopp, <- H14. rewrite vopp_vopp. auto.

a //+ b -> a //- (-b)
    Lemma vpara_imply_vantipara_opp_r : forall {n} (a b : vec n), a //+ b -> a //- (-b).
      intros. hnf in *. destruct H as [H11 [H12 [x [H13 H14]]]].
      repeat split; auto. apply group_opp_neq0_iff; auto.
      exists (- x)%A. split. apply gt0_iff_neg; auto.
      rewrite vcmul_opp. rewrite H14. auto.

a // b -> (a //+ b) \/ (a //- b)
    Lemma vpara_imply_vpara_or_vantipara : forall {n} (a b : vec n),
        a // b -> a //+ b \/ a //- b.
      intros. hnf in *. destruct H as [H11 [H12 [x [H13 H14]]]].
      destruct (lt_cases x 0) as [[Hlt|Hgt]|Heq0].
      - right. hnf. repeat split; auto. exists x; auto.
      - left. hnf. repeat split; auto. exists x; auto.
      - easy.

  End convert.

End vcoll_vpara_vantipara.