
Basic automation

#[export] Hint Rewrite
  : R.

#[export] Hint Resolve
  : R.

Additional properties

About sqrt with 0

r = 0 -> sqrt r = 0
Lemma sqrt_0_eq0 : forall r, r = 0 -> sqrt r = 0.
Proof. intros. rewrite H. ra. Qed.
#[export] Hint Resolve sqrt_0_eq0 : R.

r < 0 -> sqrt r = 0
Lemma sqrt_lt0_eq_0 : forall r, r < 0 -> sqrt r = 0.
Proof. ra. Qed.
#[export] Hint Resolve sqrt_lt0_eq_0 : R.

0 < sqrt x -> 0 < x
Lemma sqrt_gt0_imply_gt0 : forall (x : R), 0 < sqrt x -> 0 < x.
  ra. replace 0 with (sqrt 0) in H; auto with R.
  apply sqrt_lt_0_alt in H; auto.
#[export] Hint Resolve sqrt_gt0_imply_gt0 : R.

0 < sqrt x -> 0 <= x
Lemma sqrt_gt0_imply_ge0 : forall (x : R), 0 < sqrt x -> 0 <= x.
Proof. ra. apply Rlt_le. apply sqrt_gt0_imply_gt0; auto. Qed.
#[export] Hint Resolve sqrt_gt0_imply_ge0 : R.

sqrt x = 0 -> x <= 0
Lemma sqrt_eq0_imply : forall r, sqrt r = 0 -> r <= 0.
  ra. bdestruct (r <=? 0); ra.
  apply Rnot_le_lt in H0. apply sqrt_lt_R0 in H0. ra.
#[export] Hint Resolve sqrt_eq0_imply : R.

x <= 0 -> sqrt x = 0
Lemma sqrt_eq0_if : forall r, r <= 0 -> sqrt r = 0.
Proof. ra. Qed.
#[export] Hint Resolve sqrt_eq0_if : R.

sqrt x = 0 <-> x <= 0
Lemma sqrt_eq0_iff : forall r, sqrt r = 0 <-> r <= 0.
Proof. ra. Qed.

sqrt x <> 0 -> x > 0
Lemma sqrt_neq0_imply : forall r, sqrt r <> 0 -> r > 0.
Proof. intros. rewrite sqrt_eq0_iff in H. lra. Qed.
#[export] Hint Resolve sqrt_neq0_imply : R.

x > 0 -> sqrt x <> 0
Lemma sqrt_neq0_if : forall r, r > 0 -> sqrt r <> 0.
Proof. intros. rewrite sqrt_eq0_iff. lra. Qed.
#[export] Hint Resolve sqrt_neq0_if : R.

sqrt x <> 0 <-> x > 0
Lemma sqrt_neq0_iff : forall r, sqrt r <> 0 <-> r > 0.
Proof. ra. Qed.

About sqrt with 1

sqrt 1 = 1
Lemma sqrt_1 : sqrt 1 = 1.
Proof. apply Rsqr_inj; ra. Qed.
#[export] Hint Rewrite sqrt_1 : R.

sqrt x = 1 -> x = 1
Lemma sqrt_eq1_imply_eq1 : forall (x : R), sqrt x = 1 -> x = 1.
  assert ((sqrt x = 1); ra. rewrite <- H0.
  apply eq_sym. apply Rsqr_sqrt.
  assert (0 < sqrt x); ra.
#[export] Hint Resolve sqrt_eq1_imply_eq1 : R.

x = 1 -> sqrt x = 1
Lemma sqrt_eq1_if_eq1 : forall (x : R), x = 1 -> sqrt x = 1.
Proof. ra. subst; ra. Qed.
#[export] Hint Resolve sqrt_eq1_if_eq1 : R.

sqrt x = 1 <-> x = 1
Lemma sqrt_eq1_iff : forall (x : R), sqrt x = 1 <-> x = 1.
Proof. ra. Qed.

About sqrt with Rsqr

sqrt (r * r) = |r|
Lemma sqrt_sqr_abs : forall r, sqrt (r * r) = |r|.
Proof. ra. Qed.
#[export] Hint Rewrite sqrt_sqr_abs : R.

0 <= r1 -> 0 <= r2 -> ( √ r1 * √ r2)² = r1 * r2
Lemma Rsqr_sqrt_sqrt r1 r2 : 0 <= r1 -> 0 <= r2 -> (sqrt r1 * sqrt r2 = r1 * r2.
Proof. ra. rewrite !Rsqr_sqrt; ra. Qed.
#[export] Hint Resolve Rsqr_sqrt_sqrt : R.

sqrt (r1² + r2²) = 0 -> r1 = 0 /\ r2 = 0
Lemma Rsqrt_plus_sqr_eq0_imply : forall r1 r2 : R, sqrt (r1² + r2²) = 0 -> r1 = 0 /\ r2 = 0.
Proof. ra; intros. apply sqrt_eq_0 in H; ra. Qed.
#[export] Hint Resolve Rsqrt_plus_sqr_eq0_imply : R.

r1 = 0 /\ r2 = 0 -> sqrt (r1² + r2²) = 0
Lemma Rsqrt_plus_sqr_eq0_if : forall r1 r2 : R, r1 = 0 /\ r2 = 0 -> sqrt (r1² + r2²) = 0.
Proof. ra. Qed.
#[export] Hint Resolve Rsqrt_plus_sqr_eq0_if : R.

sqrt (r1² + r2²) = 0 <-> r1 = 0 /\ r2 = 0
Lemma Rsqrt_plus_sqr_eq0_iff : forall r1 r2 : R, sqrt (r1² + r2²) = 0 <-> r1 = 0 /\ r2 = 0.
Proof. ra. Qed.

0 <= (sqrt r1) * (sqrt r2)
Lemma Rmult_sqrt_sqrt_ge0 : forall r1 r2 : R, 0 <= (sqrt r1) * (sqrt r2).
Proof. ra. apply Rmult_le_pos; ra. Qed.
#[export] Hint Resolve Rmult_sqrt_sqrt_ge0 : R.

0 <= (sqrt r1) + (sqrt r2)
Lemma Rplus_sqrt_sqrt_ge0 : forall r1 r2 : R, 0 <= (sqrt r1) + (sqrt r2).
Proof. ra. apply Rplus_le_le_0_compat; ra. Qed.
#[export] Hint Resolve Rplus_sqrt_sqrt_ge0 : R.

r1 <> 0 -> sqrt (r1² + r2²) <> 0
Lemma Rsqr_plus_sqr_neq0_l : forall r1 r2, r1 <> 0 -> sqrt (r1² + r2²) <> 0.
Proof. ra. rewrite Rsqrt_plus_sqr_eq0_iff. ra. Qed.
#[export] Hint Resolve Rsqr_plus_sqr_neq0_l : R.

r2 <> 0 -> sqrt (r1² + r2²) <> 0
Lemma Rsqr_plus_sqr_neq0_r : forall r1 r2, r2 <> 0 -> sqrt (r1² + r2²) <> 0.
Proof. ra. rewrite Rsqrt_plus_sqr_eq0_iff. ra. Qed.
#[export] Hint Resolve Rsqr_plus_sqr_neq0_r : R.

/(sqrt (1+(b/a)²)) = abs(a) / sqrt(a*a + b*b)
Lemma Rinv_sqrt_plus_1_sqr_div_a_b (a b : R) : a <> 0 ->
  (/ (sqrt (1+(b/a)) = |a| / sqrt(a*a + b*b)).
  replace (1 + (b/a) with ((a*a + b*b) / (|a|*|a|)).
  - rewrite sqrt_div_alt; ra. split; ra.
  - ra. destruct (Rcase_abs a).
    + replace (|a|) with (-a); ra.
    + replace (|a|) with a; ra.

Extra automation