
Require Import MatrixInvAM QExt QcExt.


Test inverse matrix over Qc type

Module MinvAM_Qc := MinvAM FieldElementTypeQc.

Section inv_Qc.
  Import MinvAM_Qc.

Example 1: inverse matrix of a `3x3` matrix over Qc type
  Section ex1.

    Let d1 := Q2Qc_dlist [[1;3;1];[2;1;1];[2;2;1]]%Q.
    Let d2 := Q2Qc_dlist [[-1;-1;2];[0;-1;1];[2;4;-5]]%Q.

    Goal minvList 3 d1 = d2.

  End ex1.

End inv_Qc.

Test inverse matrix over Q type

Section inv_Q.

  Import MinvAM_Qc.
  Open Scope Q_scope.

Check matrix invertibility with rational number lists
  Definition minvtblebListQ (n : nat) (d : dlist Q) : bool :=
    minvtblebList n (Q2Qc_dlist d).

Inverse matrix with rational number lists
  Definition minvListQ (n : nat) (dl : dlist Q) : dlist Q :=
    Qc2Q_dlist (minvList n (Q2Qc_dlist dl)).

Example 2: inverse matrix of a `3x3` matrix over Q type
  Section ex2.

    Let d1 := [[1;3;1];[2;1;1];[2;2;1]].
    Let d2 := [[-1;-1;2];[0;-1;1];[2;4;-5]].

    Goal minvListQ 3 d1 = d2.
    Proof. cbv. auto. Qed.

    Goal 1 == Qmake 2 2.
    Proof. cbv. auto. Qed.

    Goal 1 <> Qmake 2 2.
    Proof. cbv. intros. easy. Qed.

    Let d2' : dlist Q := [[-1;-1;2];[0;-1;Qmake 2 2];[2;4;-5]].

    Goal minvListQ 3 d1 <> d2'.
    Proof. cbv. intro. inv H. Qed.

    Infix "==" := (dlistSetoidEq Qeq).
    Goal minvListQ 3 d1 == d2.
    Proof. Local Opaque Qeq. cbv. repeat constructor. Qed.
  End ex2.

  Section ex3.
    Let d1 : dlist Q :=

    Open Scope Qc_scope.
    Let M : smat _ 8 := l2m 0 (Q2Qc_dlist d1).

    Let M1 := @minv 8 (l2m 0 (Q2Qc_dlist d1)).

    Goal ~(Qmake 41846 50943 == Qmake 23 28).
      intro. cbv in H.       easy.

  End ex3.

  Section ex4.
    Let d1 :=

  End ex4.

End inv_Q.

Test solveEq and cramerRule over Qc type

Section solveEq_cramerRule_Qc.
  Import MinvAM_Qc.

  Let M1 : smat _ 2 := l2m 0 (Q2Qc_dlist [[1;2];[3;4]]%Q).
  Let b1 : vec 2 := l2v 0 (Q2Qc_list [5;6]%Q).

  Let M2 : smat _ 5 :=
        l2m 0 (Q2Qc_dlist
  Let b2 : vec 5 := l2v 0 (Q2Qc_list [1;2;3;5;4]%Q).
End solveEq_cramerRule_Qc.

usage for AM over Qc type
Module usage_AM_Qc.
  Module AM := MinvAM FieldElementTypeQc.
  Import AM.

  Section ex1.
    Let M : smat _ 3 := l2m 0 (Q2Qc_dlist [[1;3;1];[2;1;1];[2;2;1]]%Q).
    Let N : smat _ 3 := l2m 0 (Q2Qc_dlist [[-1;-1;2];[0;-1;1];[2;4;-5]]%Q).

  End ex1.

  Section ex2.
    Let C : smat _ 2 := l2m 0 (Q2Qc_dlist [[1;2];[3;4]]%Q).
    Let b : vec 2 := l2v 0 (Q2Qc_list [5;6]%Q).

  End ex2.
End usage_AM_Qc.

usage for AM over Q type
Module usage_AM_Q.
  Module AM := MinvAM FieldElementTypeQc.
  Import AM.

  Section inv_Q.
Inverse matrix over rational number
    Definition minv {n} (M : mat Q n n) : mat Qc n n :=
      let M : mat Qc n n := mmap Q2Qc M in
      mmap Qc2Q M.

Inverse matrix with list over rational number
    Definition minvList (n : nat) (dl : dlist Q) : dlist Q :=
      Qc2Q_dlist (minvList n (Q2Qc_dlist dl)).

use cramerRule to solve equation C * x = b with Q list type
    Definition cramerRule (n : nat) (C : dlist Q) (b : list Q) : list Q :=
      let C' : smat _ n := l2m 0 (Q2Qc_dlist C) in
      let b' : vec n := l2v 0 (Q2Qc_list b) in
      let x' : vec n := cramerRule C' b' in
      Qc2Q_list (v2l x').

use inverse matrix to solve equation C * x = b with Q list type
    Definition solveEq (n : nat) (C : dlist Q) (b : list Q) : list Q :=
      let C' : smat _ n := l2m 0 (Q2Qc_dlist C) in
      let b' : vec n := l2v 0 (Q2Qc_list b) in
      let x' : vec n := solveEq C' b' in
      Qc2Q_list (v2l x').
  End inv_Q.

  Open Scope Q_scope.

  Section ex1.
    Let M := [[1;3;1];[2;1;1];[2;2;1]].
    Let N := [[-1;-1;2];[0;-1;1];[2;4;-5]].

  End ex1.

  Section ex2.
    Let C := [[1;2];[3;4]].
    Let b := [5;6].

  End ex2.

  Section ex3.
    Let C := [[1;2;3;4;5];
    Let b := [1;2;3;5;4].

  End ex3.

  Section ex4.
    Let M :=

    Let M1 :=
  End ex4.

End usage_AM_Q.