Require Export Hierarchy.
Require Export RExt RFunExt.
Open Scope R_scope.
Declare Scope C_scope.
Delimit Scope C_scope with C.
Open Scope C_scope.
Record C := mkC { Cre : R; Cim : R}.
Infix " '+i' " := mkC (at level 60) : C_scope.
Notation "z .a" := (Cre z) (at level 20, format "z .a") : C_scope.
Notation "z .b" := (Cim z) (at level 20, format "z .b") : C_scope.
Convert a real number to a complex number
Common constant complex numbers
Definition C0 := 0 +i 0.
Definition C1 := 1 +i 0.
Definition Ci := 0 +i 1.
Lemma Cproj_right : forall z : C, z = z.a +i z.b.
Proof. intros (a,b). auto. Qed.
Lemma Cexist_rep_complex : forall a b : R, exists x : C, x = a +i b.
Proof. intros. exists (a +i b). auto. Qed.
Definition C1 := 1 +i 0.
Definition Ci := 0 +i 1.
Lemma Cproj_right : forall z : C, z = z.a +i z.b.
Proof. intros (a,b). auto. Qed.
Lemma Cexist_rep_complex : forall a b : R, exists x : C, x = a +i b.
Proof. intros. exists (a +i b). auto. Qed.
Equality of complex is decidable
#[export] Instance Ceq_Dec : Dec (@eq C).
constructor. intros (a1,b1) (a2,b2).
destruct (Aeqdec a1 a2), (Aeqdec b1 b2); subst.
- left; auto.
- right; intro; inv H; easy.
- right; intro; inv H; easy.
- right; intro; inv H; easy.
Lemma Ceq_iff : forall z1 z2 : C, z1 = z2 <-> z1.a = z2.a /\ z1.b = z2.b.
intros (a1,b1) (a2,b2). split; intros H; inv H; auto.
simpl in *; subst. auto.
constructor. intros (a1,b1) (a2,b2).
destruct (Aeqdec a1 a2), (Aeqdec b1 b2); subst.
- left; auto.
- right; intro; inv H; easy.
- right; intro; inv H; easy.
- right; intro; inv H; easy.
Lemma Ceq_iff : forall z1 z2 : C, z1 = z2 <-> z1.a = z2.a /\ z1.b = z2.b.
intros (a1,b1) (a2,b2). split; intros H; inv H; auto.
simpl in *; subst. auto.
Two complex numbers are neq, iff at least one components are neq
Lemma Cneq_iff : forall z1 z2 : C, z1 <> z2 <-> (z1.a <> z2.a \/ z1.b <> z2.b).
Proof. intros. rewrite Ceq_iff. tauto. Qed.
Proof. intros. rewrite Ceq_iff. tauto. Qed.
C1 <> C0
Lemma C1_neq_C0 : C1 <> C0.
intro H. apply (proj1 (Ceq_iff _ _)) in H. simpl in *. destruct H; auto with R.
Hint Resolve C1_neq_C0 : C.
intro H. apply (proj1 (Ceq_iff _ _)) in H. simpl in *. destruct H; auto with R.
Hint Resolve C1_neq_C0 : C.
equality of complex numbers
Definition Cnorm2 (z : C) : R :=
z.a * z.a + z.b * z.b.
Notation "| z |2" := (Cnorm2 z)
(at level 30, z at level 25, format "| z |2") : C_scope.
z.a * z.a + z.b * z.b.
Notation "| z |2" := (Cnorm2 z)
(at level 30, z at level 25, format "| z |2") : C_scope.
Note that, this notation is too complex, but I havn't found a simple style now
z is zero, iff its norm2 is zero
Lemma C0_norm_R0 : forall z, z = C0 <-> |z |2 = 0%R.
Csimpl. cbv.
split; intros H; inv H; try lra.
assert (a = R0) by nra.
assert (b = R0) by nra. subst. f_equal; auto.
Csimpl. cbv.
split; intros H; inv H; try lra.
assert (a = R0) by nra.
assert (b = R0) by nra. subst. f_equal; auto.
z <> 0 <-> | z |2 <> 0
Lemma Cneq0_iff_norm2_neq0 : forall z : C, z <> C0 <-> | z |2 <> 0%R.
intros. split; intros; intro.
- apply C0_norm_R0 in H0. easy.
- apply C0_norm_R0 in H0. easy.
intros. split; intros; intro.
- apply C0_norm_R0 in H0. easy.
- apply C0_norm_R0 in H0. easy.
0 <= | z |2
0 < x*x + y*y <-> x +i y <> C0
Lemma Cnorm2_pos_iff (x y : R) : (0 < x * x + y * y) <-> x +i y <> C0.
split; intros.
- intro. inversion H0. subst. lra.
- apply Cneq_iff in H. simpl in H. destruct H; ra.
Hint Resolve Cnorm2_pos_iff : C.
split; intros.
- intro. inversion H0. subst. lra.
- apply Cneq_iff in H. simpl in H. destruct H; ra.
Hint Resolve Cnorm2_pos_iff : C.
Cnorm2 z = (Cnorm z)²
Lemma Cnorm2_eq (z : C) : | z |2 = (| z |%C)².
Proof. unfold Cnorm. rewrite Rsqr_sqrt; auto. apply Cnorm2_ge0. Qed.
Proof. unfold Cnorm. rewrite Rsqr_sqrt; auto. apply Cnorm2_ge0. Qed.
z = C0 <-> | z | = 0
Lemma Cnorm0_iff_C0 : forall z : C, z = C0 <-> | z | = R0.
Csimpl. cbv. split; intros.
- inv H. ring_simplify. apply Rsqrt_plus_sqr_eq0_iff. auto.
- apply Rsqrt_plus_sqr_eq0_iff in H. destruct H. subst. auto.
Csimpl. cbv. split; intros.
- inv H. ring_simplify. apply Rsqrt_plus_sqr_eq0_iff. auto.
- apply Rsqrt_plus_sqr_eq0_iff in H. destruct H. subst. auto.
0 <= | z |
0 <= | z |
z <> C0 -> 0 < | z |
Lemma Cnorm_pos_lt : forall z : C, z <> C0 -> 0 < | z |%C.
intros z Hz; case (Cnorm_pos z); intro H; auto.
apply eq_sym, Cnorm0_iff_C0 in H. easy.
intros z Hz; case (Cnorm_pos z); intro H; auto.
apply eq_sym, Cnorm0_iff_C0 in H. easy.
z <> C0 <-> | z | <> 0
Lemma Cnorm_neq0_iff_neq0 : forall z : C, z <> C0 <-> | z | <> 0%R.
intros (a,b). cbv. split; intros H.
- intro. apply Rsqrt_plus_sqr_eq0_iff in H0. inv H0. easy.
- intro. inv H0. destruct H. apply Rsqrt_plus_sqr_eq0_iff. easy.
intros (a,b). cbv. split; intros H.
- intro. apply Rsqrt_plus_sqr_eq0_iff in H0. inv H0. easy.
- intro. inv H0. destruct H. apply Rsqrt_plus_sqr_eq0_iff. easy.
| 0 | = 0
| a +i 0 | = | a |
Lemma Cnorm_Cre_simpl : forall (a : R), | a +i 0 | = | a |%R.
intros; unfold Cnorm, Cnorm2; simpl.
rewrite <- sqrt_Rsqr_abs. f_equal. cbv. ring.
intros; unfold Cnorm, Cnorm2; simpl.
rewrite <- sqrt_Rsqr_abs. f_equal. cbv. ring.
| 0 +i b | = | b |
Lemma Cnorm_Cim_simpl : forall (b : R), | 0 +i b | = | b |%R.
intros; unfold Cnorm, Cnorm2; simpl.
rewrite <- sqrt_Rsqr_abs. f_equal. cbv. ring.
intros; unfold Cnorm, Cnorm2; simpl.
rewrite <- sqrt_Rsqr_abs. f_equal. cbv. ring.
| a +i b | = | b +i a |
Lemma Cnorm_comm : forall (a b : R), | a +i b | = | b +i a |.
intros; unfold Cnorm, Cnorm2. simpl. f_equal; ring.
intros; unfold Cnorm, Cnorm2. simpl. f_equal; ring.
0 < | z | -> z <> C0
Lemma Cnorm_gt0_not_eq0 : forall z : C, 0 < | z |%C -> z <> C0.
intros. destruct (Aeqdec z C0); auto. subst. rewrite Cnorm_C0 in H. lra.
intros. destruct (Aeqdec z C0); auto. subst. rewrite Cnorm_C0 in H. lra.
| R2C a | = | a |
Lemma Cnorm_R2C_Rabs : forall a : R, |R2C a| = | a |%R.
Proof. intros. unfold R2C. rewrite Cnorm_Cre_simpl. auto. Qed.
Proof. intros. unfold R2C. rewrite Cnorm_Cre_simpl. auto. Qed.
| | z | | = | z |, that is: | R2C (| z |) | = | z |
Lemma Cnorm_norm : forall z : C, | R2C (| z |%C) | = | z |.
intro z. rewrite Cnorm_R2C_Rabs.
apply Rabs_right. apply Rle_ge. apply Cnorm_pos.
intro z. rewrite Cnorm_R2C_Rabs.
apply Rabs_right. apply Rle_ge. apply Cnorm_pos.
| 1 | = 1
Rabs | z | = | z |
Lemma Rabs_Cnorm : forall z : C, | | z |%C |%R = | z |.
Proof. intro z; apply Rabs_right; apply Rle_ge; apply Cnorm_pos. Qed.
Proof. intro z; apply Rabs_right; apply Rle_ge; apply Cnorm_pos. Qed.
| a | <= | a +i b |
Lemma Cre_le_Cnorm : forall z : C, | z.a | <= | z |%C.
Csimpl. unfold Cnorm,Cnorm2; simpl.
destruct (Aeqdec b R0).
- subst. autorewrite with R. lra.
- apply Rle_trans with (sqrt (a * a)).
autorewrite with R. lra. apply sqrt_le_1_alt. ra.
Csimpl. unfold Cnorm,Cnorm2; simpl.
destruct (Aeqdec b R0).
- subst. autorewrite with R. lra.
- apply Rle_trans with (sqrt (a * a)).
autorewrite with R. lra. apply sqrt_le_1_alt. ra.
| b | <= | a +i b |
Lemma Cim_le_Cnorm : forall z : C, | z.b | <= | z |%C.
Csimpl. unfold Cnorm,Cnorm2; simpl.
destruct (Aeqdec a R0).
- subst. autorewrite with R. lra.
- apply Rle_trans with (sqrt (b * b)).
autorewrite with R. lra. apply sqrt_le_1_alt. ra.
Csimpl. unfold Cnorm,Cnorm2; simpl.
destruct (Aeqdec a R0).
- subst. autorewrite with R. lra.
- apply Rle_trans with (sqrt (b * b)).
autorewrite with R. lra. apply sqrt_le_1_alt. ra.
| a +i b| <= | a | + | b |
Lemma Cnorm_le_Cre_Cim : forall z : C, | z |%C <= | z.a | + | z.b |.
Proof. Csimpl. unfold Cnorm, Cnorm2; simpl. apply R_neq5. Qed.
Hint Resolve C0_norm_R0 : C.
Proof. Csimpl. unfold Cnorm, Cnorm2; simpl. apply R_neq5. Qed.
Hint Resolve C0_norm_R0 : C.
Definition Cadd (z1 : C) (z2 : C) : C := (z1.a + z2.a) +i (z1.b + z2.b).
Infix "+" := Cadd : C_scope.
Lemma Cadd_spec : forall z1 z2 : C,
(z1 + z2).a = (z1.a + z2.a)%R /\ (z1 + z2).b = (z1.b + z2.b)%R.
Proof. Csimpl. auto. Qed.
Lemma Cre_add : forall z1 z2, (z1 + z2).a = (z1.a + z2.a)%R.
Proof. Csimpl. auto. Qed.
Lemma Cim_add : forall z1 z2, (z1 + z2).b = (z1.b + z2.b)%R.
Proof. Csimpl. auto. Qed.
Lemma Cadd_comm : forall z1 z2 : C, z1 + z2 = z2 + z1.
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
Lemma Cadd_assoc : forall a b c : C, a + b + c = a + (b + c).
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
Lemma Cadd_0_l : forall z : C, C0 + z = z.
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
Lemma Cadd_0_r : forall z : C, z + C0 = z.
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
Hint Resolve
: C.
Infix "+" := Cadd : C_scope.
Lemma Cadd_spec : forall z1 z2 : C,
(z1 + z2).a = (z1.a + z2.a)%R /\ (z1 + z2).b = (z1.b + z2.b)%R.
Proof. Csimpl. auto. Qed.
Lemma Cre_add : forall z1 z2, (z1 + z2).a = (z1.a + z2.a)%R.
Proof. Csimpl. auto. Qed.
Lemma Cim_add : forall z1 z2, (z1 + z2).b = (z1.b + z2.b)%R.
Proof. Csimpl. auto. Qed.
Lemma Cadd_comm : forall z1 z2 : C, z1 + z2 = z2 + z1.
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
Lemma Cadd_assoc : forall a b c : C, a + b + c = a + (b + c).
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
Lemma Cadd_0_l : forall z : C, C0 + z = z.
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
Lemma Cadd_0_r : forall z : C, z + C0 = z.
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
Hint Resolve
: C.
Definition Copp (z : C) :C := (-z.a) +i (-z.b).
Notation "- z" := (Copp z) : C_scope.
Lemma Cre_opp : forall z, (-z).a = (- z.a)%R.
Proof. Csimpl. auto. Qed.
Lemma Cim_opp : forall z, (-z).b = (- z.b)%R.
Proof. Csimpl. auto. Qed.
Lemma Copp_opp : forall z, --z = z.
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
Lemma Cadd_opp_l : forall z : C, - z + z = C0.
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
Lemma Cadd_opp_r : forall z : C, z + - z = C0.
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
|-z| = | z |
Lemma Cnorm_opp : forall z : C, | -z| = | z |.
Proof. Csimpl. unfold Copp; simpl. cbv. f_equal. ring. Qed.
Hint Resolve
: C.
Proof. Csimpl. unfold Copp; simpl. cbv. f_equal. ring. Qed.
Hint Resolve
: C.
Definition Csub (c1 c2 : C) : C := c1 + - c2.
Infix "-" := Csub : C_scope.
Lemma Cre_sub : forall z1 z2, (z1 - z2).a = (z1.a - z2.a)%R.
Proof. Csimpl. auto. Qed.
Lemma Cim_sub : forall z1 z2, (z1 - z2).b = (z1.b - z2.b)%R.
Proof. Csimpl. auto. Qed.
Lemma Copp_add_distr : forall z1 z2, - (z1 + z2) = -z1 - z2.
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
Lemma Copp_sub_distr : forall z1 z2, - (z1 - z2) = - z1 + z2.
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
Lemma Csub_antisym : forall z1 z2, z1 - z2 = - (z2 - z1).
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
|z1 - z2| = |z2 - z1|
Lemma Cnorm_sub_sym : forall z1 z2 : C, |z1 - z2| = |z2 - z1|.
Proof. Csimpl. cbv; f_equal; ring. Qed.
Infix "-" := Csub : C_scope.
Hint Resolve
: C.
Proof. Csimpl. cbv; f_equal; ring. Qed.
Infix "-" := Csub : C_scope.
Hint Resolve
: C.
|z1 + z2| <= |z1| + |z2|
Lemma Cnorm_triang : forall z1 z2 : C, |z1 + z2|%C <= (|z1|%C + |z2|%C)%R.
intros (a,b) (c,d). cbv.
apply Rsqr_incr_0_var; ra. ring_simplify.
autorewrite with R. rewrite ?Rsqr_sqrt; ra.
replace (a ^ 2 + 2 * a * c + c ^ 2 + b ^ 2 + 2 * b * d + d ^ 2)%R
with (a ^ 2 + c ^ 2 + b ^ 2 + d ^ 2 + 2 * a * c + 2 * b * d)%R by ring.
rewrite ?Rplus_assoc. repeat apply Rplus_le_compat_l.
replace (2 * a * c + 2 * b * d)%R with (2 * (a * c + b * d))%R by ring.
rewrite ?Rmult_assoc. apply Rmult_le_compat_l; try lra.
rewrite <- sqrt_mult; ra.
apply R_neq6.
intros (a,b) (c,d). cbv.
apply Rsqr_incr_0_var; ra. ring_simplify.
autorewrite with R. rewrite ?Rsqr_sqrt; ra.
replace (a ^ 2 + 2 * a * c + c ^ 2 + b ^ 2 + 2 * b * d + d ^ 2)%R
with (a ^ 2 + c ^ 2 + b ^ 2 + d ^ 2 + 2 * a * c + 2 * b * d)%R by ring.
rewrite ?Rplus_assoc. repeat apply Rplus_le_compat_l.
replace (2 * a * c + 2 * b * d)%R with (2 * (a * c + b * d))%R by ring.
rewrite ?Rmult_assoc. apply Rmult_le_compat_l; try lra.
rewrite <- sqrt_mult; ra.
apply R_neq6.
Rabs (|z1| - |z2|) <= |z1 - z2|
Lemma Cnorm_triang_rev : forall z1 z2 : C, | |z1|%C - |z2|%C | <= |z1 - z2|%C.
intros z1 z2.
assert (H1 : |z1 - z2 + z2|%C <= |z1 - z2|%C + |z2|%C) by (apply Cnorm_triang).
assert (H2 : |z2 - z1 + z1|%C <= |z2 - z1|%C + |z1|%C) by (apply Cnorm_triang).
assert (H3 : forall a b : C, a = a - b + b). Ceq.
unfold Rabs; case Rcase_abs; intro H; ring_simplify.
rewrite <- H3 in H2. apply Rminus_le; apply Rle_minus in H2.
ring_simplify in H2. rewrite Cnorm_sub_sym. lra.
rewrite <- H3 in H1; apply Rminus_le; apply Rle_minus in H1. lra.
intros z1 z2.
assert (H1 : |z1 - z2 + z2|%C <= |z1 - z2|%C + |z2|%C) by (apply Cnorm_triang).
assert (H2 : |z2 - z1 + z1|%C <= |z2 - z1|%C + |z1|%C) by (apply Cnorm_triang).
assert (H3 : forall a b : C, a = a - b + b). Ceq.
unfold Rabs; case Rcase_abs; intro H; ring_simplify.
rewrite <- H3 in H2. apply Rminus_le; apply Rle_minus in H2.
ring_simplify in H2. rewrite Cnorm_sub_sym. lra.
rewrite <- H3 in H1; apply Rminus_le; apply Rle_minus in H1. lra.
|z1| - |z2| <= |z1 - z2|
Lemma Cnorm_triang_rev_l : forall z1 z2 : C, |z1|%C - |z2|%C <= |z1 - z2|%C.
intros z1 z2; apply Rle_trans with (| |z1|%C - |z2|%C |)%R.
apply RRle_abs. apply Cnorm_triang_rev.
intros z1 z2; apply Rle_trans with (| |z1|%C - |z2|%C |)%R.
apply RRle_abs. apply Cnorm_triang_rev.
|z2| - |z1| <= |z1 - z2|
Lemma Cnorm_triang_rev_r : forall z1 z2 : C, |z2|%C - |z1|%C <= |z1 - z2|%C.
intros z1 z2; apply Rle_trans with (| |z2|%C - |z1|%C |%R).
apply RRle_abs. rewrite Rabs_minus_sym. apply Cnorm_triang_rev.
End triangle_ineq.
intros z1 z2; apply Rle_trans with (| |z2|%C - |z1|%C |%R).
apply RRle_abs. rewrite Rabs_minus_sym. apply Cnorm_triang_rev.
End triangle_ineq.
Definition Ccmul (k : R) (z : C) : C := (k * z.a) +i (k * z.b).
Infix "\.*" := Ccmul: C_scope.
Lemma Cre_cmul : forall z k, (k \.* z).a = (k * z.a)%R.
Proof. intros (a,b) k; auto. Qed.
Lemma Cim_cmul : forall z k, (k \.* z).b = (k * z.b)%R.
Proof. intros (a,b) k; auto. Qed.
Lemma Ccmul_1 : forall z : C, 1 \.* z = z.
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
Lemma Ccmul_add_distr_l : forall k z1 z2, k \.* (z1 + z2) = k \.* z1 + k \.* z2.
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
Lemma Ccmul_add_distr_r : forall k1 k2 z, (k1 + k2)%R \.* z = k1 \.* z + k2 \.* z.
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
Lemma Ccmul_mul_swap_l : forall k1 k2 z, (k1 * k2)%R \.* z = k1 \.* (k2 \.* z).
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
Infix "\.*" := Ccmul: C_scope.
Lemma Cre_cmul : forall z k, (k \.* z).a = (k * z.a)%R.
Proof. intros (a,b) k; auto. Qed.
Lemma Cim_cmul : forall z k, (k \.* z).b = (k * z.b)%R.
Proof. intros (a,b) k; auto. Qed.
Lemma Ccmul_1 : forall z : C, 1 \.* z = z.
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
Lemma Ccmul_add_distr_l : forall k z1 z2, k \.* (z1 + z2) = k \.* z1 + k \.* z2.
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
Lemma Ccmul_add_distr_r : forall k1 k2 z, (k1 + k2)%R \.* z = k1 \.* z + k2 \.* z.
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
Lemma Ccmul_mul_swap_l : forall k1 k2 z, (k1 * k2)%R \.* z = k1 \.* (k2 \.* z).
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
|k * z| = |k| * | z |
Lemma Cnorm_cmul : forall k z, |k \.* z| = (| k | * | z |%C)%R.
intros k (a,b). unfold Cnorm; unfold Cnorm2; simpl.
rewrite <- sqrt_Rsqr_abs. rewrite <- sqrt_mult; ra.
apply Rsqr_inj; ra. autorewrite with R. rewrite ?Rsqr_sqrt; ra.
intros k (a,b). unfold Cnorm; unfold Cnorm2; simpl.
rewrite <- sqrt_Rsqr_abs. rewrite <- sqrt_mult; ra.
apply Rsqr_inj; ra. autorewrite with R. rewrite ?Rsqr_sqrt; ra.
Definition Cmul (z1 : C) (z2 : C) : C :=
(z1.a * z2.a - z1.b * z2.b) +i (z1.a * z2.b + z2.a * z1.b).
Infix "*" := Cmul : C_scope.
Lemma Cmul_comm : forall z1 z2 : C, z1 * z2 = z2 * z1.
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
Lemma Cmul_assoc : forall z1 z2 z3 : C, (z1 * z2) * z3 = z1 * (z2 * z3).
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
Lemma Cmul_0_l : forall z : C, C0 * z = C0 .
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
Lemma Cmul_0_r : forall z : C, z * C0 = C0.
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
Lemma Cmul_1_l : forall z : C, C1 * z = z .
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
Lemma Cmul_1_r : forall z : C, z * C1 = z .
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
Lemma Cmul_add_distr_l : forall z1 z2 z3 : C, z1 * (z2 + z3) = z1 * z2 + z1 * z3.
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
Lemma Cmul_add_distr_r : forall z1 z2 z3 : C, (z1 + z2) * z3= z1 * z3 + z2 * z3.
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
|z1 * z2| = |z1| * |z2|
Lemma Cnorm_Cmult : forall z1 z2 : C, |z1 * z2| = (|z1|%C * |z2|%C)%R.
Proof. intros (a,b) (c,d). cbv. rewrite <- sqrt_mult; ra. f_equal. ring. Qed.
Hint Resolve
Cmul_comm Cmul_assoc
Cmul_1_l Cmul_1_r
Cmul_add_distr_l Cmul_add_distr_r
: C.
Lemma C_ring : ring_theory C0 C1 Cadd Cmul Csub Copp eq.
Proof. constructor; intros; auto with C. Qed.
Add Ring C_ring_inst : C_ring.
Proof. intros (a,b) (c,d). cbv. rewrite <- sqrt_mult; ra. f_equal. ring. Qed.
Hint Resolve
Cmul_comm Cmul_assoc
Cmul_1_l Cmul_1_r
Cmul_add_distr_l Cmul_add_distr_r
: C.
Lemma C_ring : ring_theory C0 C1 Cadd Cmul Csub Copp eq.
Proof. constructor; intros; auto with C. Qed.
Add Ring C_ring_inst : C_ring.
Fixpoint Cpow (z : C) (n : nat) {struct n} : C :=
match n with
| 0%nat => C1
| S m => z * (Cpow z m)
Infix "^" := Cpow : C_scope.
Lemma Cpow_0 : forall z : C, z ^ 0 = C1.
Proof. auto. Qed.
Lemma C0_pow : forall n, (0 < n)%nat -> C0 ^ n = C0.
induction n; intros; auto. lia.
destruct (Nat.eq_dec n 0).
- rewrite e. Ceq.
- simpl. rewrite IHn. Ceq. lia.
Lemma Cpow_S : forall (z : C) (n : nat), z ^ (S n) = (z ^ n) * z.
Proof. intros. simpl. auto with C. Qed.
Lemma Cpow_add : forall (z : C) (n m : nat), z ^ (n + m) = z ^ n * z ^ m.
intros z n. induction n; intros; cbn.
- auto with C.
- rewrite IHn. auto with C.
Lemma Cpow_mul : forall z n m, z ^ (n * m) = (z ^ n) ^ m.
intros z n m. revert n. induction m; intros; cbn.
- rewrite Nat.mul_0_r. easy.
- rewrite <- IHm. rewrite <- Cpow_add. f_equal. lia.
Lemma Cpow_mul_distr_l : forall z1 z2 n, (z1 * z2) ^ n = z1 ^ n * z2 ^ n.
Proof. intros z1 z2 n. induction n; cbn; auto with C. rewrite IHn. ring. Qed.
Lemma Cpow_R2C : forall z n, (R2C z) ^ n = R2C (z ^ n).
Proof. intros z n ; induction n; auto. simpl. rewrite IHn. Ceq. Qed.
| z ^ n| = | z | ^ n
Lemma Cnorm_pow : forall (z : C) n, |z ^ n| = ((| z |%C) ^ n)%R.
intros z n; induction n. apply Cnorm_C1.
simpl; rewrite Cnorm_Cmult, IHn; reflexivity.
intros z n; induction n. apply Cnorm_C1.
simpl; rewrite Cnorm_Cmult, IHn; reflexivity.
Definition Cinv (z : C) : C := (z.a / | z |2) +i (-z.b / | z |2).
Notation "/ z" := (Cinv z) : C_scope.
Lemma Cinv_rew : forall a b : R,
(a +i b) <> C0 -> /(a +i b) = (/ (a*a + b*b)) \.* (a +i - b)%R.
Proof. Ceq. cbv; lra. cbv; lra. Qed.
Lemma Cmul_inv_l : forall z : C, z <> C0 -> / z * z = C1.
Ceq. cbv. field. apply Rplus2_sqr_neq0. apply Cneq_iff in H. auto.
Lemma Cmul_inv_r : forall z:C, z <> C0 -> z * /z = C1.
Proof. intros. rewrite Cmul_comm. apply Cmul_inv_l. auto. Qed.
Tips: A Coq-version-issue about inv_sqrt and sqrt_inv
There are two similiar lemmas: inv_sqrt and sqrt_inv
z <> C0 -> |/z| = / | z |
Lemma Cnorm_inv : forall z : C, z <> C0 -> | /z | = (/(| z |%C))%R.
intros (a,b) H. cbv. rewrite <- sqrt_inv; ra. f_equal.
field. apply Cneq_iff in H; simpl in H. ra.
intros (a,b) H. cbv. rewrite <- sqrt_inv; ra. f_equal.
field. apply Cneq_iff in H; simpl in H. ra.
z <> C0 -> (/z).a = z.a / | z |2
z <> C0 -> (/z).b = -z.b / | z |2
Lemma Cim_inv_neq0 (z : C) : z <> C0 -> (/ z).b = (-z.b / | z |2)%R.
Proof. auto. Qed.
Hint Resolve
Cmul_inv_l Cmul_inv_r
: C.
Proof. auto. Qed.
Hint Resolve
Cmul_inv_l Cmul_inv_r
: C.
z <> C0 -> /z = C1 / z
Lemma Cinv_eq_div (z : C) : z <> C0 -> (/ z) = (C1 / z).
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
Lemma C_field : field_theory C0 C1 Cadd Cmul Csub Copp Cdiv Cinv eq.
Proof. constructor; intros; auto with C. apply C_ring. Qed.
Add Field C_field_inst : C_field.
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
Lemma C_field : field_theory C0 C1 Cadd Cmul Csub Copp Cdiv Cinv eq.
Proof. constructor; intros; auto with C. apply C_ring. Qed.
Add Field C_field_inst : C_field.
Definition Cconj (z : C) : C := (z.a) +i (-z.b).
Notation "z '" := (Cconj z) (at level 20) : C_scope.
Lemma Cconj_add : forall z1 z2 : C, (z1 + z2) ' = z1 ' + z2 '.
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
Lemma Cadd_conj : forall z : C, z + z ' = (2 * z.a) +i 0.
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
Lemma Cconj_sub : forall z1 z2 : C, (z1 - z2)' = z1 ' - z2 '.
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
Lemma Csub_conj : forall z : C, z - z ' = 0 +i (2 * z.b).
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
Lemma Cconj_mul : forall z1 z2 : C, (z1 * z2)' = z1 ' * z2 '.
Proof. Ceq. Qed.
| z' | = | z |
1.2 Triangle Representation of Complex number (复数的三角表示)
Some inequalities about real part or imaginay part of a complex number
Lemma Cnorm_ge_AbsCre (z : C) : | z.a | <= | z |%C.
Proof. apply Cre_le_Cnorm. Qed.
Lemma Cnorm_ge_AbsCim (z : C) : | z.b | <= | z |%C.
Proof. apply Cim_le_Cnorm. Qed.
Lemma Cnorm_le_AbsCre_plus_AbsCim (z : C) : | z |%C <= (|z.a| + |z.b|)%R.
Proof. apply Cnorm_le_Cre_Cim. Qed.
Main argument
Definition Carg (z : C) : R :=
let x : R := Cre z in
let y : R := Cim z in
let r : R := atan (y / x) in
let r1_pos : R := (PI / 2)%R in
let r1_neg : R := (- r1_pos)%R in
if (x =? 0)
then (if y <? 0 then r1_neg else r1_pos)
else (if x <? 0
then (if y <? 0 then (r - PI)%R else (r + PI)%R)
else r).
Notation "/_ z" := (Carg z) (at level 10) : C_scope.
let x : R := Cre z in
let y : R := Cim z in
let r : R := atan (y / x) in
let r1_pos : R := (PI / 2)%R in
let r1_neg : R := (- r1_pos)%R in
if (x =? 0)
then (if y <? 0 then r1_neg else r1_pos)
else (if x <? 0
then (if y <? 0 then (r - PI)%R else (r + PI)%R)
else r).
Notation "/_ z" := (Carg z) (at level 10) : C_scope.
Argument of a complex number
Definition isCArg (z : C) (theta : R) : Prop :=
exists (k : Z), theta = (/_ z + 2 * (IZR k) * PI)%R.
exists (k : Z), theta = (/_ z + 2 * (IZR k) * PI)%R.
Because, every different arguments of a complex number must have same sine and
cosine value, thus we should abtain same complex number.
Therefore, we won't distinguish main argument and argument now.
Verify the definition of Carg
Lemma Carg_verify_xlt0 (x y : R) :
x > 0 -> /_ (x +i y) = atan (y/x).
intros. unfold Carg. simpl.
bdestruct (x =? 0); try lra.
bdestruct (x <? 0); try lra.
Lemma Carg_verify_xeq0_ygt0 (x y : R) :
x = 0%R -> y > 0 -> /_ (x +i y) = (PI / 2)%R.
intros. unfold Carg. simpl.
bdestruct (x =? 0); try lra.
bdestruct (y <? 0); try lra.
Lemma Carg_verify_xlt0_yge0 (x y : R) :
x < 0%R -> y >= 0 -> /_ (x +i y) = (atan (y/x) + PI)%R.
intros. unfold Carg. simpl.
bdestruct (x =? 0); try lra.
bdestruct (x <? 0); try lra.
bdestruct (y <? 0); try lra.
Lemma Carg_verify_xlt0_ylt0 (x y : R) :
x < 0%R -> y < 0 -> /_ (x +i y) = (atan (y/x) - PI)%R.
intros. unfold Carg. simpl.
bdestruct (x =? 0); try lra.
bdestruct (x <? 0); try lra.
bdestruct (y <? 0); try lra.
Lemma Carg_verify_xeq0_ylt0 (x y : R) :
x = 0%R -> y < 0 -> /_ (x +i y) = (- PI / 2)%R.
intros. unfold Carg. simpl.
bdestruct (x =? 0); try lra.
bdestruct (y <? 0); try lra.
Note, this equation will be used in the proof about cos(/_ z) and sin(/_ z)
/(sqrt (1+(b/a)²)) = abs(a) / sqrt(a*a + b*b)
Lemma Rinv_Rsqrt_1_plus_Rsqr_a_div_b (a b : R) :
a <> 0%R -> (/ (sqrt (1+(b/a)²)) = (Rabs a) / sqrt(a*a + b*b))%R.
replace (1 + (b/a)²)%R with ((a*a + b*b) / (a*a))%R.
- rewrite sqrt_div_alt; ra.
replace (sqrt (a * a)%R) with (| a |%R).
+ field. split; ra. autorewrite with R. auto with R.
+ autorewrite with R. auto.
- cbv. field. auto.
a <> 0%R -> (/ (sqrt (1+(b/a)²)) = (Rabs a) / sqrt(a*a + b*b))%R.
replace (1 + (b/a)²)%R with ((a*a + b*b) / (a*a))%R.
- rewrite sqrt_div_alt; ra.
replace (sqrt (a * a)%R) with (| a |%R).
+ field. split; ra. autorewrite with R. auto with R.
+ autorewrite with R. auto.
- cbv. field. auto.
solve "0 < a * a" on real number
Ltac tac_Rsqr_gt0 :=
match goal with
| H1 : ?a < 0%R |- 0 < ?a * ?a =>
apply Rsqr_pos_lt
; apply Rlt_not_eq
; assumption
| H1 : ?a <> 0%R |- 0 < ?a * ?a =>
apply Rsqr_pos_lt
; assumption
| |- _ => idtac "no match"
match goal with
| H1 : ?a < 0%R |- 0 < ?a * ?a =>
apply Rsqr_pos_lt
; apply Rlt_not_eq
; assumption
| H1 : ?a <> 0%R |- 0 < ?a * ?a =>
apply Rsqr_pos_lt
; assumption
| |- _ => idtac "no match"
solve "0 < a*a + b*b" on real number
Ltac tac_Rplus_Rsqr_Rsqr_gt0 :=
match goal with
| H1:?a<0 , H2:?b<0 |- 0 < ?a*?a + ?b*?b =>
apply Rplus_lt_0_compat
| H1:?a<0 , H2:?b>=0 |- 0 < ?a*?a + ?b*?b =>
apply Rplus_lt_le_0_compat
;[tac_Rsqr_gt0 |
apply Rle_0_sqr]
| H1:?a>=0 |- 0 < ?a*?a + ?b*?b =>
apply Rplus_lt_le_0_compat
;[tac_Rsqr_gt0 |
apply Rle_0_sqr]
| |- _ => idtac "no matching"
match goal with
| H1:?a<0 , H2:?b<0 |- 0 < ?a*?a + ?b*?b =>
apply Rplus_lt_0_compat
| H1:?a<0 , H2:?b>=0 |- 0 < ?a*?a + ?b*?b =>
apply Rplus_lt_le_0_compat
;[tac_Rsqr_gt0 |
apply Rle_0_sqr]
| H1:?a>=0 |- 0 < ?a*?a + ?b*?b =>
apply Rplus_lt_le_0_compat
;[tac_Rsqr_gt0 |
apply Rle_0_sqr]
| |- _ => idtac "no matching"
nonzero complex number, the cosine of its main argument equal to
real part divide magnitude (主辐角的余弦等于实部除以模长)
Lemma cos_Carg_neq0 (z : C) : z <> C0 -> cos(/_ z) = (z.a / | z |%C)%R.
intros. unfold Carg. destruct z as (a,b); simpl.
bdestruct (a =? 0).
- destruct (b <? 0).
+ subst. rewrite cos_neg. rewrite cos_PI2. ra.
+ rewrite cos_PI2. subst. ra.
- bdestruct (a <? 0).
+ bdestruct (b <? 0).
* autorewrite with R. rewrite cos_atan.
unfold Rdiv at 1. rewrite Rinv_Rsqrt_1_plus_Rsqr_a_div_b; auto.
replace (Rabs a) with (-a)%R.
unfold Cnorm, Cnorm2; simpl. field.
apply not_eq_sym. apply Rlt_not_eq. apply sqrt_lt_R0. ra.
rewrite Rabs_left; auto.
* rewrite cos_plus,?sin_PI,?cos_PI; ring_simplify. rewrite cos_atan.
unfold Rdiv at 1. rewrite Rinv_Rsqrt_1_plus_Rsqr_a_div_b; auto.
replace (Rabs a) with (-a)%R.
unfold Cnorm, Cnorm2. simpl. field.
apply not_eq_sym. apply Rlt_not_eq. apply sqrt_lt_R0. ra.
rewrite Rabs_left; auto.
+ rewrite cos_atan.
unfold Rdiv at 1. rewrite Rinv_Rsqrt_1_plus_Rsqr_a_div_b; auto.
replace (Rabs a) with a.
unfold Cnorm, Cnorm2. simpl. field.
apply not_eq_sym. apply Rlt_not_eq. apply sqrt_lt_R0. ra.
rewrite Rabs_right; auto. ra.
intros. unfold Carg. destruct z as (a,b); simpl.
bdestruct (a =? 0).
- destruct (b <? 0).
+ subst. rewrite cos_neg. rewrite cos_PI2. ra.
+ rewrite cos_PI2. subst. ra.
- bdestruct (a <? 0).
+ bdestruct (b <? 0).
* autorewrite with R. rewrite cos_atan.
unfold Rdiv at 1. rewrite Rinv_Rsqrt_1_plus_Rsqr_a_div_b; auto.
replace (Rabs a) with (-a)%R.
unfold Cnorm, Cnorm2; simpl. field.
apply not_eq_sym. apply Rlt_not_eq. apply sqrt_lt_R0. ra.
rewrite Rabs_left; auto.
* rewrite cos_plus,?sin_PI,?cos_PI; ring_simplify. rewrite cos_atan.
unfold Rdiv at 1. rewrite Rinv_Rsqrt_1_plus_Rsqr_a_div_b; auto.
replace (Rabs a) with (-a)%R.
unfold Cnorm, Cnorm2. simpl. field.
apply not_eq_sym. apply Rlt_not_eq. apply sqrt_lt_R0. ra.
rewrite Rabs_left; auto.
+ rewrite cos_atan.
unfold Rdiv at 1. rewrite Rinv_Rsqrt_1_plus_Rsqr_a_div_b; auto.
replace (Rabs a) with a.
unfold Cnorm, Cnorm2. simpl. field.
apply not_eq_sym. apply Rlt_not_eq. apply sqrt_lt_R0. ra.
rewrite Rabs_right; auto. ra.
nonzero complex number, the sine of its main argument equal to
imaginary part divide magnitude (主辐角的正弦等于虚部除以模长)
Lemma sin_Carg_neq0 (z : C) : z <> C0 -> sin(/_ z) = ((Cim z) / | z |%C)%R.
intros. unfold Carg. destruct z as (a,b); simpl.
bdestruct (a =? 0).
- bdestruct (b <? 0).
+ subst. rewrite sin_neg. rewrite sin_PI2.
unfold Cnorm. unfold Cnorm2. simpl. ring_simplify (0*0+b*b)%R.
rewrite <- Rsqr_pow2. rewrite sqrt_Rsqr_abs. rewrite Rabs_left; auto.
field. lra.
+ rewrite sin_PI2.
unfold Cnorm. unfold Cnorm2. simpl. subst. ring_simplify (0*0+b*b)%R.
rewrite <- Rsqr_pow2. rewrite sqrt_Rsqr_abs. rewrite Rabs_right; auto.
field. intro. subst. destruct H. auto. ra.
- bdestruct (a <? 0).
+ destruct (b <? 0).
* rewrite sin_minus,?sin_PI,?cos_PI. ring_simplify.
rewrite sin_atan.
unfold Rdiv at 1. rewrite Rinv_Rsqrt_1_plus_Rsqr_a_div_b; auto.
replace (Rabs a) with (-a)%R.
unfold Cnorm, Cnorm2. simpl. field. split; auto.
apply not_eq_sym. apply Rlt_not_eq. apply sqrt_lt_R0. ra.
rewrite Rabs_left; auto.
* rewrite sin_plus,?sin_PI,?cos_PI. ring_simplify.
rewrite sin_atan.
unfold Rdiv at 1. rewrite Rinv_Rsqrt_1_plus_Rsqr_a_div_b; auto.
replace (Rabs a) with (-a)%R.
unfold Cnorm, Cnorm2. simpl. field. split; auto.
apply not_eq_sym. apply Rlt_not_eq. apply sqrt_lt_R0. ra.
rewrite Rabs_left; auto.
+ rewrite sin_atan.
unfold Rdiv at 1. rewrite Rinv_Rsqrt_1_plus_Rsqr_a_div_b; auto.
replace (Rabs a) with a.
unfold Cnorm, Cnorm2. simpl. field. split; auto.
apply not_eq_sym. apply Rlt_not_eq. apply sqrt_lt_R0. ra.
rewrite Rabs_right; auto. ra.
intros. unfold Carg. destruct z as (a,b); simpl.
bdestruct (a =? 0).
- bdestruct (b <? 0).
+ subst. rewrite sin_neg. rewrite sin_PI2.
unfold Cnorm. unfold Cnorm2. simpl. ring_simplify (0*0+b*b)%R.
rewrite <- Rsqr_pow2. rewrite sqrt_Rsqr_abs. rewrite Rabs_left; auto.
field. lra.
+ rewrite sin_PI2.
unfold Cnorm. unfold Cnorm2. simpl. subst. ring_simplify (0*0+b*b)%R.
rewrite <- Rsqr_pow2. rewrite sqrt_Rsqr_abs. rewrite Rabs_right; auto.
field. intro. subst. destruct H. auto. ra.
- bdestruct (a <? 0).
+ destruct (b <? 0).
* rewrite sin_minus,?sin_PI,?cos_PI. ring_simplify.
rewrite sin_atan.
unfold Rdiv at 1. rewrite Rinv_Rsqrt_1_plus_Rsqr_a_div_b; auto.
replace (Rabs a) with (-a)%R.
unfold Cnorm, Cnorm2. simpl. field. split; auto.
apply not_eq_sym. apply Rlt_not_eq. apply sqrt_lt_R0. ra.
rewrite Rabs_left; auto.
* rewrite sin_plus,?sin_PI,?cos_PI. ring_simplify.
rewrite sin_atan.
unfold Rdiv at 1. rewrite Rinv_Rsqrt_1_plus_Rsqr_a_div_b; auto.
replace (Rabs a) with (-a)%R.
unfold Cnorm, Cnorm2. simpl. field. split; auto.
apply not_eq_sym. apply Rlt_not_eq. apply sqrt_lt_R0. ra.
rewrite Rabs_left; auto.
+ rewrite sin_atan.
unfold Rdiv at 1. rewrite Rinv_Rsqrt_1_plus_Rsqr_a_div_b; auto.
replace (Rabs a) with a.
unfold Cnorm, Cnorm2. simpl. field. split; auto.
apply not_eq_sym. apply Rlt_not_eq. apply sqrt_lt_R0. ra.
rewrite Rabs_right; auto. ra.
Lemma tan_Carg_neq0 (z : C) : z.a <> 0%R -> tan(/_ z) = ((Cim z) / Cre z)%R.
assert (z <> C0). apply Cneq_iff; auto.
rewrite tan_eq.
rewrite cos_Carg_neq0, sin_Carg_neq0; auto. field. split; auto.
apply Cnorm_neq0_iff_neq0; auto.
assert (z <> C0). apply Cneq_iff; auto.
rewrite tan_eq.
rewrite cos_Carg_neq0, sin_Carg_neq0; auto. field. split; auto.
apply Cnorm_neq0_iff_neq0; auto.
Lemma Cre_eq_Cnorm_mul_cos_Carg (z : C) : z <> C0 -> z.a = (| z |%C * cos(/_ z))%R.
intros. rewrite cos_Carg_neq0; auto. field. apply Cnorm_neq0_iff_neq0 in H; auto.
intros. rewrite cos_Carg_neq0; auto. field. apply Cnorm_neq0_iff_neq0 in H; auto.
Lemma Cim_eq_Cnorm_mul_sin_Carg (z : C) : z <> C0 -> z.b = (| z |%C * sin(/_ z))%R.
intros. rewrite sin_Carg_neq0; auto. field. apply Cnorm_neq0_iff_neq0; auto.
intros. rewrite sin_Carg_neq0; auto. field. apply Cnorm_neq0_iff_neq0; auto.
非零复数,(相等 <-> 模长和辐角相等)
Lemma Cneq0_eq_iff_Cnorm_Carg (z1 z2 : C) (H1 : z1 <> C0) (H2 : z2 <> C0) :
z1 = z2 <-> (|z1| = |z2|) /\ (/_ z1 = /_ z2).
split; intros. subst; auto.
destruct H. apply Ceq_iff.
repeat rewrite Cre_eq_Cnorm_mul_cos_Carg, Cim_eq_Cnorm_mul_sin_Carg; auto.
rewrite H,H0. auto.
z1 = z2 <-> (|z1| = |z2|) /\ (/_ z1 = /_ z2).
split; intros. subst; auto.
destruct H. apply Ceq_iff.
repeat rewrite Cre_eq_Cnorm_mul_cos_Carg, Cim_eq_Cnorm_mul_sin_Carg; auto.
rewrite H,H0. auto.
Lemma CnormCadd_le_CaddCnorm (z1 z2 : C) : |z1 + z2|%C <= |z1|%C + |z2|%C.
Proof. apply Cnorm_triang. Qed.
Lemma CnormCadd_ge_AbsSubCnorm (z1 z2 : C) : | |z1|%C - |z2|%C | <= |z1 + z2|%C.
Lemma CnormCsub_le_CaddCnorm (z1 z2 : C) : |z1 - z2|%C <= |z1|%C + |z2|%C.
Lemma CnormCsub_ge_AbsSubCnorm (z1 z2 : C) : | |z1|%C - |z2|%C | <= |z1 - z2|%C.
Proof. apply Cnorm_triang_rev. Qed.
Definition Ctrigo (r θ : R) : C := r \.* (cos θ +i sin θ).
Infix "^^" := Ctrigo (at level 30) : C_scope.
Infix "^^" := Ctrigo (at level 30) : C_scope.
Lemma Ctrigo_many : forall (r θ : R) (k : Z),
let θ' : R := (θ + 2 * (IZR k) * PI)%R in
r ^^ θ = r \.* (cos θ' +i sin θ').
intros. unfold Ctrigo, θ'. rewrite cos_period_Z, sin_period_Z.
let θ' : R := (θ + 2 * (IZR k) * PI)%R in
r ^^ θ = r \.* (cos θ' +i sin θ').
intros. unfold Ctrigo, θ'. rewrite cos_period_Z, sin_period_Z.
Tips: 例 1.2。这类题目证明还是很繁琐,因实数构造问题
这个例子也看出了大量的自动化的需求,比如带有 sqrt, cos, sin 等的运算,
比如 Rsqr 2 与 sqr 2 的问题(它们混在一起)。
Fact ex_1_2_ans1_aux1 (x : R) (k : Z) : (7/8 <= x <= 7/4)%R ->
(x = IZR k * PI + PI / 2)%R -> k = Z0.
intros. subst.
destruct H as [H1 H2].
assert (0 <= k)%Z.
{ apply le_IZR.
Fail lra. assert (PI <= 3.15).
Example ex_1_2_ans1 : 1 +i 1 = Ctrigo (sqrt 2) (PI/4)%R.
Example ex_1_2_ans2 : 1 +i 1 = Ctrigo (sqrt 2) (PI/4)%R.
Lemma Ctrigo_Cconj (z : C) : z <> C0 -> Cconj z = Ctrigo (| z |%C) (-/_ z)%R.
intros; unfold Cconj, Ctrigo.
rewrite cos_neg, sin_neg, ?cos_Carg_neq0, ?sin_Carg_neq0; auto.
unfold Ccmul. simpl. f_equal; field; apply Cnorm_neq0_iff_neq0; auto.
intros; unfold Cconj, Ctrigo.
rewrite cos_neg, sin_neg, ?cos_Carg_neq0, ?sin_Carg_neq0; auto.
unfold Ccmul. simpl. f_equal; field; apply Cnorm_neq0_iff_neq0; auto.
Definition Ctrigo_Cinv (z : C) (k : Z) : C :=
let r := | z | in
let θ := Carg z in
Ctrigo (/r)%R (-θ)%R.
let r := | z | in
let θ := Carg z in
Ctrigo (/r)%R (-θ)%R.
/z 的三角表示公式正确
Lemma Ctrigo_Cinv_ok (z : C) (k : Z) : z <> C0 -> /z = Ctrigo_Cinv z k.
intros. intros; destruct z as (a,b). rewrite Cinv_rew; auto.
remember ((a^2)+(b^2))%R as r.
unfold Ctrigo_Cinv.
intros. intros; destruct z as (a,b). rewrite Cinv_rew; auto.
remember ((a^2)+(b^2))%R as r.
unfold Ctrigo_Cinv.
复数除法运算的三角表示版本。注意,z2 <> C0
Lemma CmultTrigo_eq_Cmult (z1 z2 : C) :
z1 * z2 = CmultTrigo z1 z2.
unfold CmultTrigo, Ctrigo.
rewrite cos_plus, sin_plus. unfold Ccmul.
destruct (Aeqdec z1 C0), (Aeqdec z2 C0); subst; Ceq;
repeat rewrite Cnorm_C0_eq0; autorewrite with R; auto.
z1 * z2 = CmultTrigo z1 z2.
unfold CmultTrigo, Ctrigo.
rewrite cos_plus, sin_plus. unfold Ccmul.
destruct (Aeqdec z1 C0), (Aeqdec z2 C0); subst; Ceq;
repeat rewrite Cnorm_C0_eq0; autorewrite with R; auto.
Lemma CdivTrigo_eq_Cdiv (z1 z2 : C) :
z2 <> C0 -> z1 / z2 = CdivTrigo z1 z2.
intros. unfold CdivTrigo, Ctrigo.
rewrite cos_minus, sin_minus. unfold Ccmul. simpl.
destruct (Aeqdec z1 C0), (Aeqdec z2 C0);
subst; rewrite ?Cnorm_C0_eq0; unfold Cdiv.
- destruct H. auto.
z2 <> C0 -> z1 / z2 = CdivTrigo z1 z2.
intros. unfold CdivTrigo, Ctrigo.
rewrite cos_minus, sin_minus. unfold Ccmul. simpl.
destruct (Aeqdec z1 C0), (Aeqdec z2 C0);
subst; rewrite ?Cnorm_C0_eq0; unfold Cdiv.
- destruct H. auto.
复数开方运算的三角表示版本。注意,z2 <> C0,共有 n 个根(n个不同的主辐角)
Definition CnrootTrigo (z : C) (n : nat) (k : nat) : C :=
Ctrigo ( / (| z |%C ^ n))%R ((/_ z + 2 * (INR k) * PI) / (INR n))%R.
Ctrigo ( / (| z |%C ^ n))%R ((/_ z + 2 * (INR k) * PI) / (INR n))%R.
幂为 0
Lemma CpowTrigo_0 (z : C) : CpowTrigo z 0 = C1.
unfold CpowTrigo. simpl. unfold Ctrigo.
rewrite Rmult_0_l. rewrite cos_0, sin_0. compute. f_equal; ring.
unfold CpowTrigo. simpl. unfold Ctrigo.
rewrite Rmult_0_l. rewrite cos_0, sin_0. compute. f_equal; ring.
幂为 S n
Lemma CpowTrigo_S (z : C) (n : nat) : CpowTrigo z (S n) = z * (CpowTrigo z n).
unfold CpowTrigo.
unfold CpowTrigo.
Lemma CpowTrigo_eq_Cmult (z : C) (n : nat) :
Cpow z n = CpowTrigo z n.
generalize dependent z. induction n; intros; simpl.
- rewrite CpowTrigo_0; auto.
- rewrite CpowTrigo_S. f_equal. auto.
Cpow z n = CpowTrigo z n.
generalize dependent z. induction n; intros; simpl.
- rewrite CpowTrigo_0; auto.
- rewrite CpowTrigo_S. f_equal. auto.
复数开方运算的三角表示版本 与 复数乘方三角表示版本的互逆性
Hint Resolve eq_equivalence : C.
operations are well-defined. Eg: Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq) Cadd
Lemma Cadd_wd : Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq) Cadd.
Proof. repeat (hnf; intros); subst; auto. Qed.
Lemma Copp_wd : Proper (eq ==> eq) Copp.
Proof. repeat (hnf; intros); subst; auto. Qed.
Lemma Csub_wd : Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq) Csub.
Proof. repeat (hnf; intros); subst; auto. Qed.
Lemma Cmul_wd : Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq) Cmul.
Proof. repeat (hnf; intros); subst; auto. Qed.
Lemma Cinv_wd : Proper (eq ==> eq) Cinv.
Proof. repeat (hnf; intros); subst; auto. Qed.
Lemma Cdiv_wd : Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq) Cdiv.
Proof. repeat (hnf; intros); subst; auto. Qed.
Hint Resolve
Cadd_wd Copp_wd Csub_wd
Cmul_wd Cinv_wd Cdiv_wd
: C.
#[export] Instance Cadd_Assoc : Associative Cadd.
Proof. constructor; intros; field. Qed.
#[export] Instance Cmul_Assoc : Associative Cmul.
Proof. constructor; intros; field. Qed.
Hint Resolve
: C.
#[export] Instance Cadd_Comm : Commutative Cadd.
Proof. constructor; intros; field. Qed.
#[export] Instance Cmul_Comm : Commutative Cmul.
Proof. constructor; intros; field. Qed.
Hint Resolve Cadd_Comm Cmul_Comm : C.
Identity Left/Right
#[export] Instance Cadd_IdL : IdentityLeft Cadd C0.
Proof. constructor. intros. field. Qed.
#[export] Instance Cadd_IdR : IdentityRight Cadd C0.
Proof. constructor; intros; field. Qed.
#[export] Instance Cmul_IdL : IdentityLeft Cmul C1.
Proof. constructor; intros; field. Qed.
#[export] Instance Cmul_IdR : IdentityRight Cmul C1.
Proof. constructor; intros; field. Qed.
Hint Resolve
: C.
Proof. constructor. intros. field. Qed.
#[export] Instance Cadd_IdR : IdentityRight Cadd C0.
Proof. constructor; intros; field. Qed.
#[export] Instance Cmul_IdL : IdentityLeft Cmul C1.
Proof. constructor; intros; field. Qed.
#[export] Instance Cmul_IdR : IdentityRight Cmul C1.
Proof. constructor; intros; field. Qed.
Hint Resolve
: C.
Inverse Left/Right
#[export] Instance Cadd_InvL : InverseLeft Cadd C0 Copp.
Proof. constructor; intros; ring. Qed.
#[export] Instance Cadd_InvC : InverseRight Cadd C0 Copp.
Proof. constructor; intros; ring. Qed.
Hint Resolve Cadd_InvL Cadd_InvC : C.
#[export] Instance Cmul_add_DistrL : DistrLeft Cadd Cmul.
Proof. constructor; intros; field. Qed.
#[export] Instance Cmul_add_DistrR : DistrRight Cadd Cmul.
Proof. constructor; intros; field. Qed.
Hint Resolve
: C.
#[export] Instance Cadd_SGroup : SGroup Cadd.
Proof. constructor; auto with C. Qed.
#[export] Instance Cmul_SGroup : SGroup Cmul.
Proof. constructor; auto with C. Qed.
Hint Resolve
: C.
Abelian semigroup
#[export] Instance Cadd_ASGroup : ASGroup Cadd.
Proof. constructor; auto with C. Qed.
#[export] Instance Cmul_ASGroup : ASGroup Cmul.
Proof. constructor; auto with C. Qed.
Hint Resolve
: C.
#[export] Instance Cadd_Monoid : Monoid Cadd C0.
Proof. constructor; auto with C. Qed.
#[export] Instance Cmul_Monoid : Monoid Cmul C1.
Proof. constructor; auto with C. Qed.
Hint Resolve
: C.
Abelian monoid
#[export] Instance Cadd_AMonoid : AMonoid Cadd C0.
Proof. constructor; auto with C. Qed.
#[export] Instance Cmul_AMonoid : AMonoid Cmul C1.
Proof. constructor; auto with C. Qed.
Hint Resolve Cadd_AMonoid Cmul_AMonoid : C.
#[export] Instance Cadd_Group : Group Cadd C0 Copp.
Proof. constructor; auto with C. Qed.
Hint Resolve Cadd_Group : C.
#[export] Instance Cadd_AGroup : AGroup Cadd C0 Copp.
Proof. constructor; auto with C. Qed.
Hint Resolve Cadd_AGroup : C.
#[export] Instance C_Ring : Ring Cadd C0 Copp Cmul C1.
Proof. constructor; auto with C. Qed.
Hint Resolve C_Ring : C.
#[export] Instance C_ARing : ARing Cadd C0 Copp Cmul C1.
Proof. constructor; auto with C. Qed.
Hint Resolve C_ARing : C.