
Require Import Utils.

Declare Scope CG_scope.
Delimit Scope CG_scope with CG.
Open Scope CG_scope.

Open Scope string_scope.


Parameter dummy_fin0 : fin 0.

自然数转fin,支持构造任意的 fin n (即使 n = 0)
Definition n2f {n : nat} (i : nat) : fin n.
  destruct n.
  apply dummy_fin0. apply #i.


Inductive dim :=
| dstr (n:nat) (str:string)
| dcnst (n:nat).
Coercion dcnst : nat >-> dim.

Definition dim2nat (d:dim) : nat :=
  match d with dstr n _ => n | dcnst n => n end.
Definition dim2str (d:dim) : string :=
  match d with dstr n str => str | dcnst n => nat2str n end.

Definition dim_eqb (d1 d2:dim) : bool :=
  match d1, d2 with
  | dstr n1 s1, dstr n2 s2 => Nat.eqb n1 n2 && String.eqb s1 s2
  | dcnst n1, dcnst n2 => Nat.eqb n1 n2
  | _, _ => false

Definition dim_eqb_eq : forall d1 d2, dim_eqb d1 d2 = true -> d1 = d2.
  destruct d1, d2; simpl; try easy; intros.
  - apply andb_prop in H; destruct H.
    apply nat_eqb_eq in H; apply string_eqb_eq in H0; subst; auto.
  - apply nat_eqb_eq in H; subst; auto.

Lemma dim_eqb_refl : forall d, dim_eqb d d = true.
  induction d; simpl; rewrite ?Nat.eqb_refl,?String.eqb_refl; auto.

Definition dim_dec : forall (d1 d2:dim), {d1 = d2} + {d1 <> d2}.
  destruct d1,d2; try (right; intros; easy).
  - destruct (string_dec str str0), (Nat.eq_dec n n0); subst; auto;
      try (right; intro H; inversion H; easy).
  - destruct (Nat.eq_dec n n0); auto;
      try (right; intro; inversion H; easy).

Section test.
  Let d1 : dim := 3.
  Compute dim2nat d1.   Compute dim2str d1.
  Variable n : nat.   Let d2 : dim := dstr n "xy".
  Compute dim2nat d2.   Compute dim2str d2. End test.


Inductive data :=
| dnum
| dary (n : dim) (d : data)
| dpair (d1 d2 : data)
| didx (n : dim).
Notation dmat r c d := (dary r (dary c d)).

Fixpoint data_eqb (d1 d2 : data) : bool :=
  match d1, d2 with
  | dnum, dnum => true
  | dary n1 d1, dary n2 d2 => dim_eqb n1 n2 && data_eqb d1 d2
  | dpair d11 d12, dpair d21 d22 => data_eqb d11 d21 && data_eqb d12 d22
  | didx n1, didx n2 => dim_eqb n1 n2
  | _, _ => false

Definition data_eqb_eq : forall d1 d2, data_eqb d1 d2 = true -> d1 = d2.
  intros d1. induction d1; intros d2; destruct d2; simpl; try easy; intros.
  - apply andb_prop in H. destruct H.
    apply dim_eqb_eq in H. apply IHd1 in H0. subst; auto.
  - apply andb_prop in H. destruct H.
    apply IHd1_1 in H. apply IHd1_2 in H0. subst; auto.
  - apply dim_eqb_eq in H. subst; auto.

Lemma data_eqb_refl : forall d, data_eqb d d = true.
  induction d; simpl; auto; rewrite ?dim_eqb_refl; auto.
  rewrite IHd1, IHd2. auto.

Section problem.

  Variable n : nat.
  Let dim_n : dim := dstr n "n".
  Let d : data := dary dim_n dnum.

  Eval cbn in data_eqb d d.
  Eval cbv in data_eqb d d.

  Compute Nat.eqb n n.

  Variable b : bool.
  Compute Bool.eqb b b.

End problem.

Definition data_same_type (d1 d2 : data) : bool :=
  match d1, d2 with
  | dnum, dnum => true
  | dary n1 d1, dary n2 d2 => true
  | didx n1, didx n2 => true
  | dpair _ _, dpair _ _ => true
  | _, _ => false

Definition data2prefix (d:data) : string :=
  match d with
  | dnum => "x"
  | dmat _ _ _ => "m"
  | dary _ _ => "v"
  | dpair _ _ => "s"
  | didx _ => "i"

Definition data2str (d:data) (num:nat) : string :=
  data2prefix d ++ nat2str num.

Definition data2strDecl (d:data) (no:nat) : string :=
  let fix geSubscript (d0:data) (prefix:string) : string :=
    match d0 with
    | dary n d1 => geSubscript d1 (prefix ++ "[" ++ dim2str n ++ "]")
    | dnum => prefix
    | _ => "err1"
    end in
  let name : string := data2str d no in
  match d with
  | dnum => "float " ++ name
  | didx _ => "int " ++ name
  | dary n _ => "float " ++ name ++ geSubscript d ""
  | dpair d1 d2 =>
      match d1, d2 with
      | dnum, dnum => "struct " ++ name ++ " { float x1; float x2 }"
      | _, _ => "err_data_pair"

Section test.
  Compute data2str dnum 0.   Compute data2str (dary 3 dnum) 1.   Compute data2str (dary 3 (dary 4 dnum)) 1.   Compute data2str (didx 3) 1.   Compute data2str (dpair dnum dnum) 0.
  Compute data2strDecl dnum 0.   Compute data2strDecl (dary 3 dnum) 0.   Compute data2strDecl (dary 3 (dary 4 dnum)) 1.   Compute data2strDecl (didx 3) 1.   Compute data2strDecl (dpair dnum dnum) 0.
  Variable n : nat.
  Compute data2strDecl (dary (dstr n "n") dnum) 0. End test.


Fixpoint value (d:data) : Type :=
  match d with
  | dnum => R
  | dary n d => vec (value d) (dim2nat n)
  | dpair d1 d2 => (value d1 * value d2)%type
  | didx n => fin (dim2nat n)

Fixpoint value_def (d:data) : value d :=
  match d with
  | dnum => R0
  | dary n d1 => fun i => value_def d1
  | dpair d1 d2 => (value_def d1, value_def d2)
  | didx n => n2f (dim2nat n)

Section test.
  Variable n : nat.
  Compute value (dary 3 dnum).
  Eval cbn in value (dary (dstr n "n") dnum).   Compute value (dary (dstr n "n") dnum). End test.

环境:id -> value

Inductive item :=
| item_real {d:data} (v:value d)
| item_virt (d:data).

Definition item2data (i:item) : data :=
  match i with
  | @item_real d v => d
  | item_virt d => d

Definition item2value (i:item) (d:data) : value d.
  destruct i.
  - destruct (data_eqb d d0) eqn:E1.
    + apply data_eqb_eq in E1; subst; auto.
    + apply (value_def d).
  - apply (value_def d).

Definition env := @lmap (nat * item).
Definition empty_env : env := empty_lmap.

Definition inve d := (nat * nat * value d * env)%type.

Definition env_new_no (m:env) (d:data) : nat :=
    (fun x : nat*(nat*item) =>
       let '(id,(no,i)) := x in
       if data_same_type (item2data i) d
       then (true,no)
       else (false,0)) m.

Definition env_exist (m:env) (id:nat) : bool := lmap_exist id m.
Definition env_get_no_o (m:env) (id:nat) : option nat := ofst (lmap_geto id m).
Definition env_get_no (m:env) (id:nat) : nat := oget (env_get_no_o m id) 99.
Definition env_get (m:env) (id:nat) : option item := osnd (lmap_geto id m).
Definition env_getv (m:env) (id:nat) d : value d :=
  match (env_get m id) with
  | Some i => item2value i d
  | _ => value_def d
Definition env_add (m:env) (no:nat) (i:item) : nat * env
  := lmap_add (no, i) m.
Definition env_addv (m:env) {d} (v:value d) : inve d :=
  let no := env_new_no m d in
  let '(id,m0) := lmap_add (no, item_real v) m in
  (id, no, v, m0).

Definition env_new (m:env) (d:data) : inve d :=
  let no := env_new_no m d in
  let i := item_virt d in
  let '(id, m') := lmap_add (no,i) m in
  (id, no, item2value i d, m').
Definition inve2id {d} (x:inve d) : nat := fst (fst (fst x)).
Definition inve2no {d} (x:inve d) : nat := snd (fst (fst x)).
Definition inve2value {d} (x:inve d) : value d := snd (fst x).
Definition inve2env {d} (x:inve d) : env := snd x.

Notation "'ID' x" := (inve2id x) (at level 0, format "'ID' x") : CG_scope.
Notation "'NO' x" := (inve2no x) (at level 0, format "'NO' x") : CG_scope.
Notation "'VAL' x" := (inve2value x) (at level 0, format "'VAL' x") : CG_scope.
Notation "'ENV' x" := (inve2env x) (at level 0, format "'ENV' x") : CG_scope.

Notation "$ x" := (inve2id x) (at level 0, format "$ x") : CG_scope.
Notation "& x" := (inve2env x) (at level 0, format "& x") : CG_scope.

Definition env_find_first (m:env) (d:data) : option (nat * nat) :=
  match lmap_find_first m (fun x => data_eqb (item2data (snd x)) d) with
  | Some kvl => Some (fst (fst kvl), fst (snd (fst kvl)))
  | _ => None

Definition env_update (m:env) (id:nat) {d} (v:value d) : env :=
  if env_exist m id
    let no := env_get_no m id in
    let chk_type (i:nat*item) : bool :=
      Nat.eqb no (fst i) && data_eqb (item2data (snd i)) d in
    lmap_update m id (no, item_real v) chk_type
  else m.

Definition env_del (m:env) (d:data) : env :=
  lmap_del_first m (fun x => data_eqb (item2data (snd x)) d).

Definition env2str (m:env) : string :=
  concat "; " (map
                 (fun i => data2str (item2data (snd (snd i))) (fst (snd i)))

Section test.
  Let e0 : env := empty_env.
  Let e1 : inve dnum := env_new e0 dnum. Compute e1.
  Let e2 : inve (dary 2 dnum) := env_new &e1 (dary 2 dnum). Compute e2.
  Let e3 : inve (didx 3) := env_new &e2 (didx 3). Compute e3.

  Compute &e3.

  Let e4 := env_new &e3 (didx 2).
  Compute &e4.

  Let e5 := env_new &e4 (didx 4).
  Compute &e5.

  Compute env_find_first &e5 (didx 3).
  Compute e5.
  Compute env2str &e5.   Compute env2str (env_del &e5 dnum).   Compute env2str (env_del &e5 (didx 2)).   Compute env2str (env_del &e5 (didx 3)).   Compute env2str (env_del &e5 (didx 4)).   Compute env2str (env_del &e5 (didx 5)).
End test.


  Inductive exp : data -> Type :=

| e_var {d} (id:nat) : exp d

| e_cnst (val:Rstring) : exp dnum

| e_op1 (op:Rop1) (e:exp dnum) : exp dnum

| e_op2 (op:Rop2) (e1 e2:exp dnum) : exp dnum

| e_map {d1 d2:data} {n:dim} (f:exp d1 -> exp d2) (e:exp (dary n d1))
  : exp (dary n d2)

| e_reduce {d1 d2:data} {n:dim} (f:exp d1->exp d2->exp d2)
    (ev:exp (dary n d1)) (e:exp d2) : exp d2

| e_idx {d} {n} (e:exp (dary n d)) (i:exp (didx n)) : exp d

| e_mkv {d} {n} (f:fin(dim2nat n)->exp d) : exp (dary n d)

| e_mkm {d} {r c} (f:fin(dim2nat r)->fin(dim2nat c)->exp d) : exp (dmat r c d)

| e_nth {d} {n} (e:exp (dary n d)) (i:fin (dim2nat n)) : exp d

| e_zip {d1 d2} {n} (e1:exp (dary n d1)) (e2:exp (dary n d2))
  : exp (dary n (dpair d1 d2))

| e_pair {d1 d2} (e1:exp d1) (e2:exp d2) : exp (dpair d1 d2)

| e_fst {d1 d2} (e:exp (dpair d1 d2)) : exp d1

| e_snd {d1 d2} (e:exp (dpair d1 d2)) : exp d2

| e_trans {d} {r c} (e:exp (dmat r c d)) : exp (dmat c r d)
Coercion e_var : nat >-> exp.

Scheme exp_ind := Minimality for exp Sort Prop.

Definition e_cnst0 : exp dnum := e_cnst 0.
Definition e_cnst1 : exp dnum := e_cnst 1.
Definition e_cnst2 : exp dnum := e_cnst 2.

Notation e_neg := (e_op1 Rop1_neg).
Notation e_add := (e_op2 Rop2_add).
Notation e_mul := (e_op2 Rop2_mul).
Infix "+" := (e_op2 Rop2_add) : CG_scope.
Infix "-" := (e_op2 Rop2_sub) : CG_scope.
Infix "*" := (e_op2 Rop2_mul) : CG_scope.
Infix "/" := (e_op2 Rop2_div) : CG_scope.
Notation "- x" := (e_op1 Rop1_neg x) : CG_scope.
Notation "'Sin' x" := (e_op1 Rop1_sin x) (at level 10) : CG_scope.
Notation "'Cos' x" := (e_op1 Rop1_cos x) (at level 10) : CG_scope.
Notation "'Atan' x" := (e_op1 Rop1_atan x) (at level 10) : CG_scope.
Notation "'Asin' x" := (e_op1 Rop1_asin x) (at level 10) : CG_scope.
Notation "'Atan2' ( x , y )" :=
  (e_op2 Rop2_atan2 x y)
    (at level 10, x,y at next level, format "'Atan2' ( x , y )") : CG_scope.

Notation "v .1" := (e_nth v (n2f 0)) : CG_scope.
Notation "v .2" := (e_nth v (n2f 1)) : CG_scope.
Notation "v .3" := (e_nth v (n2f 2)) : CG_scope.
Notation "v .4" := (e_nth v (n2f 3)) : CG_scope.

Fixpoint eeval {d:data} (e:exp d) (eta:env) {struct e} : value d.
  destruct e.
    destruct (env_get eta id).
    + apply (item2value i d).
    + apply (value_def d).
  - apply val.
  - apply (Rop1_eval op (eeval _ e eta)).
  - apply (Rop2_eval op (eeval _ e1 eta) (eeval _ e2 eta)).
    apply (vmake (fun i => eeval _ (f (e_nth e i)) eta)).
    pose (eeval _ e1 eta) as v.     pose (eeval _ e2 eta) as x0.     pose (env_new eta d2) as inve0.
    pose $inve0 as id.
    pose &inve0 as eta1.
    pose (env_update eta1 id x0) as eta2.
    pose (fold_seq (fun n:nat=>n) (dim2nat n)
            (fun (i:nat) (m:env) =>
               env_update m id (eeval _ (f (e_nth e1 (n2f i)) (e_var id)) m))
            eta2) as eta3.
    apply (env_getv eta3 id d2).
    pose (eeval _ e1 eta) as v.
    pose (eeval _ e2 eta) as i.
    apply (v i).
    apply (vmake (fun i => eeval _ (f i) eta)).
    apply (mmake (fun i j => eeval _ (f (n2f i) (n2f j)) eta)).
  - pose (eeval _ e eta) as v. apply (v i).
    pose (eeval _ e1 eta) as v1. pose (eeval _ e2 eta) as v2.
    apply (vmake (fun i => (v1 i, v2 i))).
  - apply (eeval _ e1 eta, eeval _ e2 eta).
  - apply (fst (eeval _ e eta)).
  - apply (snd (eeval _ e eta)).
  - apply (mtrans (eeval _ e eta)).

Section test.

  Variable (r1 r2:R) (n:nat).
  Let e1:exp dnum := e_cnst (mkRstring r1 "r1").
  Let e2:exp dnum := e_cnst (mkRstring r2 "r2").
  Compute eeval e1 [].
  Compute (eeval (e_neg e1) []).
  Compute (eeval (e_add e1 e2) []).

  Let e3:exp (dary n dnum) := e_mkv (fun i => e_cnst (mkRstring (INR i) "?")).
  Let e4:exp (dary n dnum) := e_mkv (fun i => e_cnst (mkRstring (INR (S i)) "?")).
  Let e5:exp (dary 3 dnum) := e_mkv (fun i => e_cnst (mkRstring (INR (S i)) "?")).
  Eval cbn in eeval (e_zip e3 e4) [].

  Eval cbn in (eeval (e_map e_neg e3) []).
  Eval cbn in (eeval (e_reduce e_add e3 e1) []).
  Eval cbv in (eeval (e_reduce e_add e5 e1) []). End test.

Definition exp_semeq1 {d} (e:exp d) (eta:env) (expected:value d) : Prop :=
  (eeval e eta) = expected.

Definition exp_semeq2 {d} (e1 e2:exp d) (eta:env) : Prop :=
  (eeval e1 eta) = (eeval e2 eta).


Section acc.
  Inductive acc : data -> Type :=
  | a_var {d} (id:nat) : acc d
  | a_idx {d} {n} (a:acc (dary n d)) (e:exp (didx n)) : acc d
  | a_nth {d} {n} (a:acc (dary n d)) (i:nat) : acc d
  | a_fst {d1 d2} (a:acc (dpair d1 d2)) : acc d1
  | a_snd {d1 d2} (a:acc (dpair d1 d2)) : acc d2
  | a_vfst {d1 d2:data} {n:dim} (a:acc (dary n (dpair d1 d2))) : acc (dary n d1)
  | a_vsnd {d1 d2:data} {n:dim} (a:acc (dary n (dpair d1 d2))) : acc (dary n d2)
  Coercion a_var : nat >-> acc.
End acc.

访问路径,这是 acc 的语义

Section paths.

  Inductive path :=
  | p_err
  | p_var (s:string)
  | p_idx (n:nat)
  | p_id (n:nat)
  | p_fst
  | p_snd

  Definition path2str (p:path) : string :=
    let s_inner : string :=
      match p with
      | p_err => "pErr"
      | p_var s => s
      | p_idx n => "i" ++ nat2str n
      | p_id n => nat2str n
      | p_fst => "x1"
      | p_snd => "x2"
      end in
    "[" ++ s_inner ++ "]".

  Definition paths := list path.

  Definition paths_add (ps:paths) (p:path) : paths := p :: ps.

  Definition paths2str (ps:paths) : string :=
    concat "" (map path2str ps).

  Compute paths2str [p_var "a"; p_var "b"].
  Compute paths2str [p_idx 3; p_var "x0"].

  Fixpoint acc_eval {d:data} (a:acc d) (eta:env) (ps:paths) : paths.
    destruct a.
      destruct (env_get_no_o eta id) as [no|].
      + apply (paths_add ps (p_var (data2str d no))).
      + apply (paths_add ps p_err).
      pose (acc_eval _ a eta ps) as ps1.
      pose (eeval e eta) as i.
      apply (paths_add ps1 (p_idx i)).
      pose (acc_eval _ a eta ps) as ps1.
      apply (paths_add ps1 (p_id i)).
      pose (acc_eval _ a eta ps) as ps1.
      apply (paths_add ps1 p_fst).
      pose (acc_eval _ a eta ps) as ps1.
      apply (paths_add ps1 p_snd).
      pose (acc_eval _ a eta ps) as ps1.
      pose (env_new eta (didx n)) as i.
      pose (paths_add ps1 (p_id $i)) as ps2.
      apply (paths_add ps2 p_fst).
      pose (acc_eval _ a eta ps) as ps1.
      pose (env_new eta (didx n)) as i.
      pose (paths_add ps1 (p_id $i)) as ps2.
      apply (paths_add ps2 p_snd).

  Section test.

    Variable n : dim.
    Let eta : env := Eval cbv in
          let x := env_new empty_env dnum in
          let x := env_new &x (dary n dnum) in
          let x := env_new &x (dpair dnum dnum) in
          let x := env_new &x (didx n) in
          let x := env_new &x (dary n (dpair dnum dnum)) in

    Let a1 : acc dnum := a_var 0.
    Let a2 : acc (dary n dnum) := a_var 1.
    Let a3 : acc (dpair dnum dnum) := a_var 2.
    Let a4 : acc (dary n (dpair dnum dnum)) := a_var 3.
    Let ei : exp (didx n) := e_var 3.
    Eval cbn in acc_eval a1 eta [].
    Eval cbn in acc_eval a2 eta [].
    Eval cbn in acc_eval a3 eta [].
    Eval cbn in acc_eval (a_idx a2 ei) eta [].
    Eval cbn in acc_eval (a_nth a2 2) eta [].
    Eval cbn in acc_eval (a_fst a3) eta [].
    Eval cbn in acc_eval (a_snd a3) eta [].
    Eval cbn in acc_eval (a_vfst a4) eta [].
    Eval cbn in acc_eval (a_vsnd a4) eta [].
  End test.
End paths.


Section comm.
  Inductive comm :=
  | c_debug (n:nat)

  | c_skip
  | c_seq (c1 c2:comm)
  | c_new {d} (f:acc d->exp d->comm)
  | c_asgn (a:acc dnum) (e:exp dnum)

  | c_for {n:dim} (f:exp (didx n)->comm)
  | c_parfor {d} {n} (a:acc (dary n d)) (f:exp (didx n)->acc d->comm)

  | c_mapI {d1 d2} {n} (f:acc d2->exp d1->comm) (e:exp (dary n d1)) (a:acc (dary n d2))
  | c_reduceI {d1 d2} {n} (f:exp d1->exp d2->acc d2->comm)
      (ev:exp (dary n d1)) (e0:exp d2) (c:exp d2->comm)
  | c_transI {d} {n m} (a:acc (dmat m n d)) (e:exp (dmat n m d))

  Fixpoint ceval (c:comm) (eta:env) : env.
    destruct c.
      apply eta.
      apply eta.
      apply (ceval c2 (ceval c1 eta)).
      pose (env_new eta d) as x.
      apply (ceval (f (a_var $x) (e_var $x)) &x).
      apply (env_update eta 0 (eeval e eta)).
      apply eta.
      apply eta.
      apply eta.
      pose (eeval e0 eta) as x0.       pose (env_new eta d2) as inve0.
      pose $inve0 as x_id.
      pose (@a_var d2 x_id) as x_acc.
      pose (@e_var d2 x_id) as x.
      pose &inve0 as eta1.
      pose (env_update eta1 x_id x0) as eta2.
      pose (fold_seq (fun n:nat=>n) (dim2nat n)
              (fun (i:nat) (m:env) => ceval (f (e_nth ev (n2f i)) x x_acc) m)
              eta2) as eta3.
      apply (ceval (c x) eta3).
      apply (env_update eta 0 ((mtrans (eeval e eta)):value (dmat m n d))).

  Section test.

  End test.
End comm.

From Functional to Imperative

Stage I: Higher-order Functional to Higher-order Imperative

赋值 a := e
Fixpoint assign {d:data} : acc d -> exp d -> comm :=
  match d with
  | dnum => fun a e => c_asgn a e
  | dary n d1 => fun a e =>
                   c_mapI (fun a x => assign a x) e a
  | dpair d1 d2 => fun a e => c_seq
                                (assign (a_fst a) (e_fst e))
                                (assign (a_snd a) (e_snd e))
  | didx n => fun a e => c_debug 10

Fixpoint mkv2comm {d} {n} (a:acc (dary n d)) (f:fin (dim2nat n) -> exp d)
  (Ctrans : forall d:data, exp d -> (exp d->comm) -> comm)
  (n0:nat) : comm :=
  match n0 with
  | O => c_skip
  | S O => Ctrans _ (f (n2f 0)) (fun x => assign (a_nth a O) x)
  | S n0' =>
      Ctrans _ (f (n2f n0'))
        (fun x =>
             (mkv2comm a f Ctrans n0')
             (assign (a_nth a n0') x))

Definition mkm2comm {d} {r c} (a:acc (dmat r c d))
  (f:fin (dim2nat r)->fin (dim2nat c)-> exp d)
  (Ctrans : forall d:data, exp d -> (exp d->comm) -> comm)
  (r0 c0:nat) : comm :=
  let lst_comm : list comm :=
    map (fun i:nat =>
           mkv2comm (a_nth a i) (f (n2f i)) Ctrans c0) (seq 0 r0) in
  fold_left1 c_seq lst_comm c_skip.

Section build_Atrans.
  Variable Ctrans : forall d (e:exp d) (C:exp d->comm), comm.
  Fixpoint AtransM d (a:acc d) (e:exp d) {struct e} : comm.
    destruct e.
      apply (assign a (e_var id)).
      apply (c_asgn a (e_cnst val)).
      apply (Ctrans _ e (fun x:exp dnum => c_asgn a (e_op1 op x))).
      apply (Ctrans _ e1 (fun x => Ctrans _ e2 (fun y => c_asgn a (e_op2 op x y)))).
      apply (Ctrans _ e
               (fun x:exp (dary n d1) =>
                  (c_mapI (fun a1 e1 => AtransM _ a1 (f e1)) x a))).
      apply (Ctrans _ e1
               (fun x =>
                  Ctrans _ e2
                    (fun y =>
                          (fun id_x i (o:acc d2) =>
                             Ctrans _ (f id_x i) (fun z => assign o z)) x y)
                         (fun r:exp d2=> assign a r)))).
      apply (c_debug 30).
      apply (mkv2comm a f Ctrans (dim2nat n)).
      apply (mkm2comm a f Ctrans (dim2nat r) (dim2nat c)).
      apply (assign a (e_nth e i)).
      apply (c_seq (AtransM _ (a_vfst a) e1) (AtransM _ (a_vsnd a) e2)).
      apply (c_seq (AtransM _ (a_fst a) e1) (AtransM _ (a_snd a) e2)).
      apply (Ctrans _ e (fun x => assign a (e_fst x))).
      apply (Ctrans _ e (fun x => assign a (e_snd x))).
      apply (Ctrans _ e (fun x => c_transI a x)).
End build_Atrans.

Section build_Ctrans.
  Variable Atrans : forall (d:data) (a:acc d) (e:exp d), comm.
  Fixpoint CtransM (d:data) (e:exp d) {struct e} : (exp d->comm) -> comm.
    destruct e; intros C.
      apply (C (e_var id)).
      apply (C (e_cnst val)).
      apply (CtransM _ e (fun x => C (e_op1 op x))).
      apply (CtransM _ e1 (fun x => CtransM _ e2 (fun y => C (e_op2 op x y)))).
           (fun (a1:acc (dary n d2)) (e1:exp (dary n d2)) =>
              c_seq (Atrans _ a1 (e_map f e)) (C e1))).
        (CtransM _ e1
           (fun x =>
              CtransM _ e2
                (fun y =>
                      (fun id_x i (o:acc d2) =>
                         CtransM _ (f id_x i) (fun z => assign o z)) x y C)))).
      apply (CtransM _ e1 (fun x => C (e_idx x e2))).
      apply (C (e_mkv f)).
      apply (C (e_mkm f)).
      apply (C (e_nth e i)).
      apply (CtransM _ e1 (fun x => CtransM _ e2 (fun y => C (e_zip x y)))).
      apply (CtransM _ e1 (fun x => CtransM _ e2 (fun y => C (e_pair x y)))).
      apply (CtransM _ e (fun x => C (e_fst x))).
      apply (CtransM _ e (fun x => C (e_snd x))).
      apply (C (e_trans e)).

End build_Ctrans.

Unset Guard Checking.
  Ctrans (d:data) (e:exp d) {struct e} : (exp d->comm) -> comm :=
    d e
Atrans (d:data) (a:acc d) (e:exp d) {struct e} : comm :=
  @AtransM Ctrans d a e.

Arguments Ctrans {d}.
Arguments Atrans {d}.

Section test.
  Let a0 : acc dnum := @a_var _ 0.
  Let e0 : exp dnum := e_cnst0.
  Compute Atrans a0 e0.
End test.

Section test.
  Let a2 : acc (dary 3 dnum) := a_var 0.
  Let e1 : exp (dary 3 dnum) := e_var 1.
  Let e2 : exp (dary 3 dnum) := e_map (fun x => e_cnst1 + x) e1.
  Let e3 : exp (dary 3 dnum) := e_map (fun x => e_cnst1 + x) e2.
  Let e4 : exp (dary 3 dnum) := e_map (fun x => e_cnst1 + x) e3.
  Eval cbn in Atrans a2 e2.
  Eval cbn in Atrans a2 e3.
  Eval cbn in Atrans a2 e4.
End test.

Section test.
  Variable n : dim.
  Variable ev : exp (dary n dnum).
  Variable e0 : exp dnum.
  Variable a : acc dnum.
  Let e1 := e_reduce (e_op2 Rop2_add) ev e0.
  Let e2 := e_reduce (e_op2 Rop2_add) ev e1.
  Compute e1.
  Compute e2.
  Eval cbn in Atrans a e1.
  Eval cbn in Atrans a e2.
End test.

Section test.
  Let a2 : acc (dary 3 dnum) := a_var 0.
  Let e1 : exp (dary 3 dnum) := e_var 1.
  Let e2 : exp (dary 3 dnum) := e_map (fun x => (e_reduce (e_op2 Rop2_add) e1 e_cnst1) + x) e1.
  Let e3 : exp (dary 3 dnum) := e_map (fun x => (e_reduce (e_op2 Rop2_add) e2 e_cnst1) + x) e2.
  Let e4 : exp (dary 3 dnum) := e_map (fun x => (e_reduce (e_op2 Rop2_add) e3 e_cnst1) + x) e3.
  Eval cbn in Atrans a2 e2.
  Eval cbn in Atrans a2 e3.
  Eval cbn in Atrans a2 e4.
End test.

Stage II: Higher-order Imperative to For-loops

Transalate Higher-order Imperative to For-loops
Fixpoint HItrans (c : comm) : comm :=
  match c with
  | c_debug n => c
  | c_skip => c
  | c_seq c1 c2 => c_seq (HItrans c1) (HItrans c2)
  | c_new f => c_new (fun a e => HItrans (f a e))
  | c_asgn a e => c
  | c_for f => c_for (fun i => HItrans (f i))
  | c_parfor a f => c_parfor a (fun a e => HItrans (f a e))
  | c_mapI f e a => c_parfor a (fun i a => HItrans (f a (e_idx e i)))
  | @c_transI d n m a e =>
      c_for (fun j =>
               c_for (fun i =>
                          (a_idx (a_idx a i) j)
                          (e_idx (e_idx e j) i)))
  | c_reduceI f ev e0 C =>
      c_new (fun a1 e1 =>
                 (assign a1 e0)
                    (c_for (fun i => f (e_idx ev i) e1 a1))
                    (C e1)))

Stage III: For-loops to Parallel Pseudo-C

Fixpoint CGexp {d:data} (e:exp d) (eta:env) (ps:paths) {struct e} : string
  match e with
  | e_var id =>
      let s :=
        if env_exist eta id
        then let no := env_get_no eta id in data2str d no
        else "err_CGexp_var" in
      s ++ paths2str ps
  | e_cnst rs => Rstr rs
  | e_op1 op e1 => Rop1_str op (CGexp e1 eta [])
  | e_op2 op e1 e2 => Rop2_str op (CGexp e1 eta []) (CGexp e2 eta [])
  | e_map f ev => "err_CGexp_map_must_none"
  | e_reduce f e0 ev => "err_CGexp_reduce_must_none"
  | e_nth ev fi =>
      CGexp ev eta (paths_add ps (p_var (nat2str fi)))
  | e_mkv f => "err_CGexp_mkv_must_none"
  | e_mkm f => "err_CGexp_mkm_must_none"
  | e_idx ev ei =>
      let si := CGexp ei eta [] in
      let ps := paths_add ps (p_var si) in
      CGexp ev eta ps
  | e_zip ev1 ev2 =>
      match ps with
      | i :: j :: ps =>
          match j with
          | p_fst => CGexp ev1 eta (paths_add ps i)
          | p_snd => CGexp ev2 eta (paths_add ps i)
          | _ => "err_CGexp_path1"
      | _ => "err_CGexp_zip_path2"
  | e_pair e1 e2 =>
      match ps with
      | i :: j :: ps' =>
          match j with
          | p_fst => CGexp e1 eta ps
          | p_snd => CGexp e2 eta ps
          | _ => "err_CGexp_pair_path1"
      | _ => "err_CGexp_pair_path2"
  | e_fst e0 => CGexp e0 eta (paths_add ps p_fst)
  | e_snd e0 => CGexp e0 eta (paths_add ps p_snd)
  | e_trans em =>
      match ps with
      | i :: j :: ps => CGexp em eta (j :: i :: ps)
      | _ => "err_CGexp_trans_path"

Fixpoint CGacc {d:data} (a:acc d) (eta:env) (ps:paths) {struct a}
  : string :=
  match a with
  | a_var id =>
      let s := if env_exist eta id
               then data2str d (env_get_no eta id)
               else "err_CGacc_var" in
      s ++ paths2str ps
  | a_idx a0 i =>
      let ps := paths_add ps (p_var (CGexp i eta [])) in
      CGacc a0 eta ps
  | a_nth a0 i =>
      let ps := (paths_add ps (p_var (nat2str i))) in
      CGacc a0 eta ps
  | a_fst a0 => CGacc a0 eta (paths_add ps p_fst)
  | a_snd a0 => CGacc a0 eta (paths_add ps p_snd)
  | a_vfst a =>
      match ps with
      | i :: ps =>
          match i with
          | p_idx i0 =>
              let ps := paths_add (paths_add ps p_fst) i in
              CGacc a eta ps
          | _ => "err_CGacc_vfst_path1"
      | _ => "err_CGacc_vfst_path2"
  | a_vsnd a =>
      match ps with
      | i :: ps =>
          match i with
          | p_idx i0 =>
              let ps := paths_add (paths_add ps p_snd) i in
              CGacc a eta ps
          | _ => "err_CGacc_vsnd_path1"
      | _ => "err_CGacc_vsnd_path2"

Fixpoint CGcomm (c:comm) (eta:env) {struct c} : string :=
  match c with
  | c_debug n => "debug(" ++ nat2str n ++ ")"
  | c_skip => "/* skip */"
  | c_seq c1 c2 => (CGcomm c1 eta) ++ strNewline ++ (CGcomm c2 eta)
  | @c_new d f =>
      let x := env_new eta d in
      let s1 := data2strDecl d NO(x) in
      let s2 := CGcomm (f (a_var ID(x)) (e_var ID(x))) &x in
      "{" ++ strNewline ++ s1 ++ ";" ++ strNewline ++ s2 ++ strNewline ++ "}"
  | c_asgn a e =>
      CGacc a eta [] ++ " = " ++ CGexp e eta [] ++ ";"
  | @c_for n f =>
      let i := env_new eta (didx n) in
      let si := data2str (didx n) NO(i) in
      let sn := dim2str n in
      let s1 := CGcomm (f (e_var $i)) &i in
      "for (int " ++ si ++ " = 0; " ++ si ++ " < " ++ sn ++ "; " ++
        si ++ " += 1) {" ++ strNewline ++ s1 ++ strNewline ++ "}"
  | @c_parfor _ n a f =>
      let i := env_new eta (didx n) in
      let si := data2str (didx n) NO(i) in
      let sn := dim2str n in
      let s1 := CGcomm (f (e_var $i) (a_idx a $i)) &i in
        "for (int " ++ si ++ " = 0; " ++ si ++ " < " ++ sn ++ "; " ++
        si ++ " += 1) {" ++ strNewline ++ s1 ++ strNewline ++ "}"
  | c_mapI f e a => "err_CGcomm_mapI"
  | c_reduceI f1 e0 ev f2 => "err_CGcomm_reduceI"
  | c_transI a e => "err_CGcomm_transI"

Definition CG0 {d} (a:acc d) (e:exp d) : comm := Atrans a e.
Definition CG1 {d} (a:acc d) (e:exp d) : comm := HItrans (CG0 a e).
Definition CG {d} (a:acc d) (e:exp d) (eta:env) : string := CGcomm (CG1 a e) eta.

Properties of above operations

item2value (v) = v
Theorem item2value_item_real : forall d (v:value d), item2value (@item_real d v) d = v.
  intros. unfold item2value.
  Fail destruct (data_eqb d d).
  Fail rewrite data_eqb_refl.


Section array_copy.

  Variable n : nat.
  Let dn : dim := dstr n "n".
  Variable v1 v2 : vec R n.
  Let _v1 := env_addv empty_env (v1:value (dary dn dnum)).
  Let _v2 := env_addv &_v1 (v2:value (dary dn dnum)).

  Let a : acc (dary dn dnum) := $_v2.
  Let e : exp (dary dn dnum) := $_v1.
  Let eta : env := &_v2.
  Compute CG0 a e.
  Compute CG1 a e.
  Compute CG a e eta.

  Goal (eeval e eta) = v1.
    unfold dn,dim2nat in *. cbv in _v1,_v2,e,eta.
    unfold e, eta. unfold eeval.
    unfold env_get, lmap_geto, find, fst, osnd.
    destruct (1=?0)%nat eqn:E1; try easy.
    destruct (0=?0)%nat eqn:E2; try easy.
    unfold snd. rewrite item2value_item_real. reflexivity.
End array_copy.

Section Vmake.
  Definition Vmake {d} {n} (f:nat->exp d) : exp (dary n d) := e_mkv f.

End Vmake.

Section Vnth.
  Definition Vnth {d} {n} (v:exp (dary n d)) (fi:fin (dim2nat n)) : exp d :=
    e_nth v fi.

  Definition Vnth_CG (d:data) (n:nat) (fi:fin n) :=
    let dn : dim := dstr n "n" in
    let v := env_new empty_env (dary dn d) in
    let x := env_new &v d in
    CG (d:=d) $x (Vnth (n:=n) $v fi) &x.

  Section test.
    Variable n : nat.
    Compute Vnth_CG dnum n (n2f 4).

    Variable m : nat.
    Compute Vnth_CG (dary (dstr m "m") dnum) n (n2f 4).

    Variable s : nat.
    Compute Vnth_CG (dary (dstr s "s") (dary (dstr m "m") dnum)) n (n2f 4).
  End test.
End Vnth.

Section Mnth.
  Definition Mnth {d} {r c:dim} (v:exp (dmat r c d)) (i:fin (dim2nat r))
    (j:fin (dim2nat c)) : exp d := Vnth (Vnth v i) j.

  Definition Mnth_CG (d:data) (r c:nat) (fi:fin r) (fj:fin c) :=
    let dr : dim := dstr r "r" in
    let dc : dim := dstr c "c" in
    let m := env_new empty_env (dmat dr dc d) in
    let x := env_new &m d in
    CG (d:=d) $x (Mnth (r:=dr)(c:=dc) (e_var ID(m)) fi fj) &x.

  Section test.
    Variable r c : nat.
    Compute Mnth_CG dnum r c (n2f 3) (n2f 4).
  End test.
End Mnth.

Section Mmake.
  Definition Mmake{d} {r c} (f:nat->nat->exp d) : exp (dmat r c d) :=
    e_mkv (fun i => Vmake (f i)).
End Mmake.

Section Mtrans.
  Definition Mtrans {d} {r c} (m:exp (dmat r c d)) : exp (dmat c r d) := e_trans m.

  Definition Mtrans_CG (d:data) (r c:nat) :=
    let dr : dim := dstr r "r" in
    let dc : dim := dstr c "c" in
    let m1 := env_new empty_env (dmat dr dc d) in
    let m2 := env_new &m1 (dmat dc dr d) in
    CG $m2 (Mtrans (d:=d) (r:=dr) (c:=dc) $m1) &m2.

  Section test.
    Variable r c : nat.
    Compute Mtrans_CG dnum r c.
  End test.
End Mtrans.

Section Vcmul.
  Definition Vcmul {n} (k:exp dnum) (e:exp (dary n dnum)) : exp (dary n dnum) :=
    e_map (fun x => k * x) e.

  Definition Vcmul_CG (n:nat) :=
    let dn : dim := dstr n "n" in
    let k := env_new empty_env dnum in
    let v1 := env_new &k (dary dn dnum) in
    let v2 := env_new &v1 (dary dn dnum) in
    CG $v2 (Vcmul (n:=dn) $k $v1) &v2.

  Section test.
    Compute Vcmul_CG 3.
  End test.
End Vcmul.

Section Vadd.
  Definition Vadd {n} (v0 v1 : exp (dary n dnum)) : exp (dary n dnum) :=
    e_map (fun x => (e_fst x) + (e_snd x)) (e_zip v0 v1).

  Lemma Vadd_comm : forall n (v0 v1 : exp (dary n dnum)),
      exp_semeq2 (Vadd v0 v1) (Vadd v1 v0) [].
  Proof. intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. cbn. ring. Qed.

  Lemma Vadd_sem : forall n (v0 v1 : exp (dary n dnum)) (eta:env),
      exp_semeq1 (Vadd v0 v1) eta
        (vadd (Aadd:=Rplus) (eeval v0 eta) (eeval v1 eta)).
  Proof. intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros; cbn. rewrite vnth_vadd. ring. Qed.

  Notation vadd := (vadd (Aadd:=Rplus)).
  Lemma Vadd_sem' : forall n (v0 v1 : exp (dary n dnum)) (eta : env),
      eeval(Vadd v0 v1) eta = vadd (eeval v0 eta) (eeval v1 eta).
  Proof. intros. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros; cbn. rewrite vnth_vadd. ring. Qed.

  Section check_Vadd_sem'.
    Variable n : nat.
    Variable v0 v1 : exp (dary n dnum).
    Variable eta : env.
    Eval cbn in eeval (Vadd v0 v1) eta.

  End check_Vadd_sem'.

  Definition Vadd_CG : string :=
    let dn : dim := dstr 0 "n" in
    let v0 := env_new empty_env (dary dn dnum) in
    let v1 := env_new &v0 (dary dn dnum) in
    let v2 := env_new &v1 (dary dn dnum) in
    let e := Vadd (n:=dn) $v0 $v1 in
    CG $v2 e &v2.
  Compute Vadd_CG.

  Definition Vadd_CG' : string :=
    let dn : dim := dcnst 5 in
    let v0 := env_new empty_env (dary dn dnum) in
    let v1 := env_new &v0 (dary dn dnum) in
    let v2 := env_new &v1 (dary dn dnum) in
    let e := Vadd (n:=dn) $v0 $v1 in
    CG $v2 e &v2.
  Compute Vadd_CG'.

  Definition Vadd_CG'' : string :=
    let dn : dim := dstr 0 "n" in
    let v0 := env_new empty_env (dary dn dnum) in
    let v1 := env_new &v0 (dary dn dnum) in
    let v2 := env_new &v1 (dary dn dnum) in
    let e := Vadd (n:=dn) (Vadd (n:=dn) $v0 $v1) $v1 in
    CG $v2 e &v2.
  Compute Vadd_CG''.
End Vadd.

Section Vsub.
  Definition Vsub {n} (v0 v1 : exp (dary n dnum)) : exp (dary n dnum) :=
    e_map (fun x => (e_fst x) - (e_snd x)) (e_zip v0 v1).

  Definition Vsub_CG : string :=
    let dn : dim := dstr 0 "n" in
    let i0 := env_new empty_env (didx dn) in
    let v0 := env_new &i0 (dary dn dnum) in
    let v1 := env_new &v0 (dary dn dnum) in
    let v2 := env_new &v1 (dary dn dnum) in
    let e := Vsub (n:=dn) $v0 $v1 in
    CG $v2 e &v2.
  Compute Vsub_CG.
End Vsub.

Section Vsum.
  Definition Vsum {n} (e:exp (dary n dnum)) : exp dnum :=
    let e1 := e_reduce (e_op2 Rop2_mul) e e_cnst1 in
    let e1 := e_reduce (e_op2 Rop2_div) e e1 in
    let e1 := e_reduce (e_op2 Rop2_sub) e e1 in
    let e1 := e_reduce (e_op2 Rop2_add) e e1 in

  Definition Vsum_CG (n:nat) :=
    let dn : dim := dstr n "n" in
    let eta := empty_env in
    let i0 := env_new eta (didx dn) in
    let i1 := env_new &i0 (didx dn) in
    let i2 := env_new &i1 (didx dn) in
    let v0 := env_new &i2 (dary dn dnum) in
    let x0 := env_new &v0 dnum in
    CG $x0 (Vsum (n:=dn) $v0) &x0.

  Section test.
    Variable n : nat.
    Eval cbv in Vsum_CG n.
  End test.
End Vsum.

Section Vdot.
  Definition Vdot {n} (v0 v1 : exp (dary n dnum)) : exp dnum :=
    e_reduce (e_op2 Rop2_add)
      (e_map (fun x => (e_fst x) * (e_snd x)) (e_zip v0 v1))

  Definition Vdot_CG : string :=
    let dn : dim := dstr 0 "n" in
    let v0 := env_new empty_env (dary dn dnum) in
    let v1 := env_new &v0 (dary dn dnum) in
    let x0 := env_new &v1 dnum in
    CG $x0 (Vdot (n:=dn) $v0 $v1) &x0.

  Eval cbv in Vdot_CG.

  Definition Vdot_CG' : string :=
    let dn : dim := dstr 0 "n" in
    let eta := empty_env in
    let i0 := env_new eta (didx dn) in
    let i1 := env_new &i0 (didx dn) in
    let v1 := env_new &i1 (dary dn dnum) in
    let v2 := env_new &v1 (dary dn dnum) in
    let x0 := env_new &v2 dnum in
    (CG $x0 (Vdot (n:=dn) $v1 $v2) &x0).

End Vdot.

Section Mcmul.
  Definition Mcmul {r c:dim} (k:exp dnum) (m:exp (dmat r c dnum))
    : exp (dmat r c dnum) := e_map (fun x => Vcmul k x) m.
  Definition Mcmul' {r c:dim} (k:exp dnum) (m:exp (dmat r c dnum))
    : exp (dmat r c dnum) := e_map (fun x => e_map (fun y => k * y) x) m.

  Definition Mcmul_CG (r c:nat) :=
    let dr : dim := dstr r "r" in
    let dc : dim := dstr c "c" in
    let k := env_new empty_env dnum in
    let m1 := env_new &k (dmat dr dc dnum) in
    let m2 := env_new &m1 (dmat dr dc dnum) in
    CG $m2 (Mcmul (r:=dr) (c:=dc) $k $m1) &m2.

  Section test.
    Compute Mcmul_CG.
  End test.
End Mcmul.

Section Madd.
  Definition Madd {r c} (m0 m1 : exp (dmat r c dnum)) : exp (dmat r c dnum) :=
    e_map (fun x => Vadd (e_fst x) (e_snd x)) (e_zip m0 m1).

  Definition Madd_CG (r c : nat) : string :=
    let dim_r : dim := dstr r "r" in
    let dim_c : dim := dstr c "c" in
    let m0 := env_new empty_env (dmat r c dnum) in
    let m1 := env_new &m0 (dmat r c dnum) in
    let m2 := env_new &m1 (dmat r c dnum) in
    CG $m2 (Madd (r:=dim_r) (c:=dim_c) $m0 $m1) &m2.

  Compute Madd_CG.

  Definition Madd_CG' (r c:nat) :=
    let dim_r : dim := dstr r "r" in
    let dim_c : dim := dstr c "c" in
    let m1 := env_new empty_env (dmat r c dnum) in
    let m2 := env_new &m1 (dmat r c dnum) in
    let m3 := env_new &m2 (dmat r c dnum) in
    let Madd := Madd (r:=dim_r)(c:=dim_c) in
    let Mcmul := Mcmul (r:=dim_r)(c:=dim_c) in
    CG $m3
               (Madd $m1 $m2)
               (Madd $m2 $m1)))
               (Madd $m1 $m2)
               (Madd $m2 $m1)))
  Compute Madd_CG'.

End Madd.

Section Mmul'.
  Definition Mmul' {r s c} (m1:exp (dmat r s dnum)) (m2:exp (dmat c s dnum))
    : exp (dmat r c dnum) :=
    e_map (fun row1 => (e_map (fun col2 =>
                                 Vdot row1 col2
                          ) m2)) m1.

  Definition Mmul'_CG (r s c t:nat) :=
    let dr : dim := dstr r "r" in
    let ds : dim := dstr s "s" in
    let dc : dim := dstr c "c" in
    let dt : dim := dstr t "t" in
    let m1 := env_new empty_env (dmat dr ds dnum) in
    let m2 := env_new &m1 (dmat dc ds dnum) in
    let m3 := env_new &m2 (dmat dt ds dnum) in
    let m4 := env_new &m3 (dmat dr dt dnum) in
    CG $m4 (Mmul' (r:=dr)(s:=dc)(c:=dt) (Mmul' (r:=dr)(s:=ds)(c:=dc) $m1 $m2) $m3) &m4.

  Section test.
    Variable r c s t : nat.
    Eval cbv in Mmul'_CG r s c t.
  End test.

  Definition Mmul''_CG (n:nat) :=
    let dn : dim := dstr n "n" in
    let Mmul' := Mmul' (r:=dn)(s:=dn)(c:=dn) in
    let d := dmat dn dn dnum in
    let i0 := env_new empty_env (didx dn) in
    let i1 := env_new &i0 (didx dn) in
    let m1 := env_new &i1 d in
    let m2 := env_new &m1 d in
    let m3 := env_new &m2 d in
    let m4 := env_new &m3 d in
    let m5 := env_new &m4 d in
    CG $m5 (Mmul' $m1 $m2) &m5.

  Section test.
    Variable n : nat.
    Eval cbv in Mmul''_CG n.
  End test.

End Mmul'.

Section Mmul.
  Definition Mmul {r s c} (m0:exp (dmat r s dnum)) (m1:exp (dmat s c dnum))
    : exp (dmat r c dnum) :=
    e_map (fun row1 => (e_map (fun col2 => Vdot row1 col2) (Mtrans m1))) m0.

  Definition Mmul_CG (r s c:nat) :=
    let dr : dim := dstr r "r" in
    let ds : dim := dstr s "s" in
    let dc : dim := dstr c "c" in
    let m0 := env_new empty_env (dmat dr ds dnum) in
    let m1 := env_new &m0 (dmat ds dc dnum) in
    let m2 := env_new &m1 (dmat dr dc dnum) in
    CG $m2 (Mmul (r:=dr)(s:=ds)(c:=dc) $m0 $m1) &m2.

  Eval cbv in Mmul_CG _ _ _.

  Section test.
    Let m00 : exp (dmat 2 3 dnum) :=
          Mmake (fun i j => (e_cnst i) + (e_cnst j)).     Let m01 : exp (dmat 3 2 dnum) :=
          Mmake (fun i j => (e_cnst i) * (e_cnst j)).     Let m1 : exp (dmat 2 2 dnum) :=
          Mmul m00 m01.
    Let m1_value : mat R 2 2 :=
            (fun i j => match i, j with
                        | 0,0=>0 | 0,1=>5 | 1,0=>0 | 1,1=>8 | _,_ => 0 end)%R.

    Let m1_spec : exp_semeq1 m1 [] m1_value.
      apply meq_iff_mnth; intros; cbn. unfold m1_value. rewrite mnth_f2m.
      destruct i,j; simpl in *.
      destruct i.
      - repeat (destruct i0; try (cbv; ring); try lia).
      - destruct i; try lia.
        repeat (destruct i0; try (cbv; ring); try lia).
  End test.

End Mmul.

Section ex_mkv.
  Definition demo_mkv (v1:exp (dary 3 dnum)) : exp (dary 3 dnum) :=
    e_mkv (fun i:fin (dim2nat 3) =>
             match fin2nat i with
             | 0 => Sin (v1.3)
             | 1 => v1.2
             | 2 => v1.3 + v1.1
             | _ => e_cnst (mkRstring 0 "0")

  Definition demo_mkv_CG : string :=
    let v1 := env_new empty_env (dary 3 dnum) in
    let v2 := env_new &v1 (dary 3 dnum) in
    CG $v2 (demo_mkv $v1) &v2.

  Compute demo_mkv_CG.
End ex_mkv.

在 Orientaion Representation 中的算法
Section ex_OrienRepr.

  Definition qmul (q1 q2:exp (dary 4 dnum)) : exp (dary 4 dnum) :=
      (fun i =>
         match fin2nat i with
         | 0 => q1.1*q2.1 - q1.2*q2.2 - q1.3*q2.3 - q1.4*q2.4
         | 1 => q1.1*q2.2 + q1.2*q2.1 + q1.3*q2.4 - q1.4*q2.3
         | 2 => q1.1*q2.3 - q1.2*q2.4 + q1.3*q2.1 + q1.4*q2.2
         | 3 => q1.1*q2.4 + q1.2*q2.3 - q1.3*q2.2 + q1.4*q2.1
         | _ => e_cnst (mkRstring 0 "0")

  Definition qmul_CG : string :=
    let q1 := env_new empty_env dnum in
    let q2 := env_new &q1 dnum in
    let q3 := env_new &q2 dnum in
    CG $q3 (qmul $q1 $q2) &q3.

  Compute qmul_CG.

  Definition Rx_mat (x:exp dnum) : exp (dmat 3 3 dnum) :=
      (fun i j =>
         match fin2nat i, fin2nat j with
         | 0, 0 => e_cnst1
         | 1, 1 => Cos x
         | 2, 2 => Cos x
         | 1, 2 => - Sin x
         | 2, 1 => Sin x
         | _,_ => e_cnst0 end).
  Definition Ry_mat (x:exp dnum) : exp (dmat 3 3 dnum) :=
      (fun i j =>
         match fin2nat i, fin2nat j with
         | 0, 0 => Cos x
         | 2, 2 => Cos x
         | 0, 2 => Sin x
         | 2, 0 => - Sin x
         | 1, 1 => e_cnst1
         | _,_ => e_cnst0 end).
  Definition Rz_mat (x:exp dnum) : exp (dmat 3 3 dnum) :=
      (fun i j =>
         match fin2nat i, fin2nat j with
         | 0, 0 => Cos x
         | 1, 1 => Cos x
         | 1, 0 => Sin x
         | 0, 1 => - Sin x
         | 2, 2 => e_cnst1
         | _,_ => e_cnst0 end).

  Definition Rx_mat_CG : string :=
    let x := env_new empty_env dnum in
    let m := env_new &x (dmat 3 3 dnum) in
    CG $m (Rx_mat $x) &m.
  Compute Rx_mat_CG.

  Definition S123mat (x1 x2 x3:exp dnum) : exp (dmat 3 3 dnum) :=
      (fun i j =>
         match fin2nat i, fin2nat j with
         | 0, 0 => Cos x2 * Cos x3
         | 0, 1 => Sin x1 * Sin x2 * Cos x3 - Cos x1 * Sin x3
         | 0, 2 => Cos x1 * Sin x2 * Cos x3 + Sin x1 * Sin x3
         | 1, 0 => Cos x2 * Sin x3
         | 1, 1 => Sin x1 * Sin x2 * Sin x3 + Cos x1 * Cos x3
         | 1, 2 => Cos x1 * Sin x2 * Sin x3 + Cos x3 * Sin x1
         | 2, 0 => - Sin x2
         | 2, 1 => Sin x1 * Cos x2
         | 2, 2 => Cos x1 * Cos x2
         | _, _ => e_cnst0

  Definition S123mat_CG : string :=
    let x1 := env_new empty_env dnum in
    let x2 := env_new &x1 dnum in
    let x3 := env_new &x2 dnum in
    let m := env_new &x3 (dmat 3 3 dnum) in
    CG $m (S123mat $x1 $x2 $x3) &m.

  Compute S123mat_CG.

  Definition B123mat_equiv (x1 x2 x3:exp dnum) : exp (dmat 3 3 dnum) :=
    Mmul (Mmul (Rz_mat x3) (Ry_mat x2)) (Rx_mat x1).
  Definition B123mat_equiv_CG : string :=
    let x1 := env_new empty_env dnum in
    let x2 := env_new &x1 dnum in
    let x3 := env_new &x2 dnum in
    let m := env_new &x3 (dmat 3 3 dnum) in
    CG $m (B123mat_equiv $x1 $x2 $x3) &m.

  Compute B123mat_equiv_CG.

  Definition S123_euler_algSmall (m:exp (dmat 3 3 dnum)) : exp (dary 3 dnum) :=
      (fun i =>
         match fin2nat i with
         | 0 => Atan (- m.2.3 / m.3.3)
         | 1 => Asin (m.1.3)
         | 2 => Atan (- (m.1.2 / m.1.1))
         | _ => e_cnst0
  Definition S123_euler_algSmall_CG : string :=
    let m := env_new empty_env (dmat 3 3 dnum) in
    let v := env_new &m (dary 3 dnum) in
    CG $v (S123_euler_algSmall $m) &v.
  Compute S123_euler_algSmall_CG.

  Definition S123_euler_algBig (m:exp (dmat 3 3 dnum)) : exp (dary 3 dnum) :=
      (fun i =>
         match fin2nat i with
         | 0 => Atan2 (-m.2.3, m.3.3)
         | 1 => Asin (m.1.3)
         | 2 => Atan2 (-m.1.2, m.1.1)
         | _ => e_cnst0
  Definition S123_euler_algBig_CG : string :=
    let m := env_new empty_env (dmat 3 3 dnum) in
    let v := env_new &m (dary 3 dnum) in
    CG $v (S123_euler_algBig $m) &v.
  Compute S123_euler_algBig_CG.

  Definition rotaa (a:exp (dary 3 dnum)) (theta:exp dnum) (n:exp (dary 3 dnum))
    : exp (dary 3 dnum) :=
    let v1 := Vcmul (Vdot a n) n in
    let v2 := Vcmul (Cos theta) (Vsub a v1) in
    let v3 := Vcmul (Sin theta) n in
    Vadd (Vadd v1 v2) v3.
  Definition rotaa_CG : string :=
    let a := env_new empty_env (dary 3 dnum) in
    let theta := env_new &a dnum in
    let n := env_new &theta (dary 3 dnum) in
    let a' := env_new &n (dary 3 dnum) in
    CG $a' (rotaa $a $theta $n) &a'.
  Compute rotaa_CG.

End ex_OrienRepr.

分块矩阵,即 split 和 join 的一种应用
Section ex_block.

End ex_block.

C Function

Section cfun.

  Inductive cfunRet :=
  | cfr_num
  | cfr_none.

  Inductive param :=
  | param_mk d (v:value d).

  Record cfun {d:data} :=
    cfun_mk {
        cfun_name : string;
        cfun_ret : cfunRet;
        cfun_args : list param;
        cfun_body : exp d

  Definition str_ret (cfr:cfunRet) : string :=
    match cfr with
    | cfr_num => "float"
    | cfr_none => "void"

  Definition params2env (l:list param) : env :=
      (fun env p =>
         let '(param_mk d v) := p in
         ENV(env_addv env v)) l empty_env.

  Definition str_params (eta:env) : string :=
    concat "; " (map
                   (fun i => data2strDecl (item2data (snd (snd i))) (fst (snd i)))
                   (rev eta)).

  Definition cfun_Atrans {d:data} (cf:@cfun d) : comm :=
    let eta : env := params2env (cfun_args (cf)) in
    match cfun_ret cf with
    | cfr_num =>
        let _ret := env_new eta dnum in
        let comm0 := Atrans $_ret (cfun_body cf) in
    | cfr_none =>
        let _ret := env_new eta d in
        Atrans $_ret (cfun_body cf)

  Definition cfun_HItrans {d:data} (cf:@cfun d) : comm :=
    HItrans (cfun_Atrans cf).

  Definition cfun_CG {d:data} (cf:@cfun d) : string
    let s_funName := cfun_name cf in
    let eta : env := params2env (cfun_args (cf)) in
    let s_params := str_params eta in
    let s_retTy := str_ret (cfun_ret cf) in
    let _ret := env_new eta dnum in
    let s_body_core := CG $_ret (cfun_body cf) &_ret in
    let s_body :=
      match cfun_ret cf with
      | cfr_num =>
          let s_var_ret := CGacc (d:=dnum) $_ret &_ret [] in
          "float " ++ s_var_ret ++ ";" ++ strNewline
            ++ s_body_core ++ strNewline
            ++ "return " ++ s_var_ret ++ ";"
      | cfr_none => s_body_core
      end in
    s_retTy ++ " " ++ s_funName ++ "(" ++ s_params ++ ") {" ++ strNewline ++
      s_body ++ strNewline ++
      "}" ++ strNewline.

  Definition cfun_eval {d} (cf:@cfun d) : value d :=
    let eta : env := params2env (cfun_args (cf)) in
    eeval (cfun_body cf) eta.

End cfun.

Section test.
  Variable x y z : R.
  Let cfun1 : cfun :=
          [param_mk dnum x;
           param_mk dnum y;
           param_mk dnum z]
          ((e_var 0) + (e_var 1) + Sin (e_var 2)).

  Compute cfun_CG cfun1.

  Let cfun1_spec : cfun_eval cfun1 = (x + y + sin(z))%R.
  Proof. cbn. reflexivity. Qed.

End test.

Section test.
  Variable x0 : R.
  Variable n0 : nat.
  Let n : dim := dstr n0 "n".
  Variable v0 v1 : vec R n0.
  Let data_arr : data := dary n dnum.
  Let cfun1 : cfun :=
          [param_mk dnum x0;
           param_mk data_arr v0;
           param_mk data_arr v1 ]
          (Vcmul (e_var 0) (e_var 1)).

  Compute cfun_Atrans cfun1.
  Compute cfun_HItrans cfun1.
  Compute cfun_CG cfun1.

  Let cfun1_spec : cfun_eval cfun1 = vscal (Amul:=Rmult) x0 v0.
    cbn. apply veq_iff_vnth; intros. unfold vmake. rewrite vnth_vscal. f_equal.
    Fail rewrite Nat.eqb_refl.

End test.