Require Export Basic.
Require Export NatExt.
Require Export ListExt.
Require Export Hierarchy.
Generalizable Variables tA Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone Ainv Ale Alt.
Generalizable Variables tB Badd Bzero.
Open Scope nat_scope.
Open Scope A_scope.
Basic properties of sequence
Lemma seq_prop_S_iff : forall (P : nat -> Prop) (n : nat),
(forall i, i < S n -> P i) <-> (forall i, i < n -> P i) /\ P n.
intros. split; intros.
- split; auto.
- destruct H. bdestruct (i =? n); subst; auto. apply H; lia.
(forall i, i < S n -> P i) <-> (forall i, i < n -> P i) /\ P n.
intros. split; intros.
- split; auto.
- destruct H. bdestruct (i =? n); subst; auto. apply H; lia.
Equality of two sequence which have one index
seqeq is an equivalence relation
#[export] Instance seqeq_equiv : forall n, Equivalence (seqeq n).
intros. constructor; intro; intros; hnf in *; intros; auto.
rewrite H; auto. rewrite H,H0; auto.
intros. constructor; intro; intros; hnf in *; intros; auto.
rewrite H; auto. rewrite H,H0; auto.
seqeq of S has a equivalent form.
Lemma seqeq_S : forall n (f g : nat -> tA),
seqeq (S n) f g <-> (seqeq n f g) /\ (f n = g n).
intros. unfold seqeq. split; intros. split; auto.
destruct H. bdestruct (i =? n); subst; auto. apply H. lia.
seqeq (S n) f g <-> (seqeq n f g) /\ (f n = g n).
intros. unfold seqeq. split; intros. split; auto.
destruct H. bdestruct (i =? n); subst; auto. apply H. lia.
seqeq is decidable
Lemma seqeq_dec : forall n f g,
(forall a b : tA, {a = b} + {a <> b}) -> {seqeq n f g} + {~seqeq n f g}.
intros n f g H. unfold seqeq. induction n.
- left. easy.
- destruct IHn as [H1 | H1].
+ destruct (H (f n) (g n)) as [H2 | H2].
* left. intros. bdestruct (i =? n). subst; auto. apply H1. lia.
* right. intro H3. rewrite H3 in H2; auto.
+ right. intro H3. destruct H1. auto.
End seqeq.
(forall a b : tA, {a = b} + {a <> b}) -> {seqeq n f g} + {~seqeq n f g}.
intros n f g H. unfold seqeq. induction n.
- left. easy.
- destruct IHn as [H1 | H1].
+ destruct (H (f n) (g n)) as [H2 | H2].
* left. intros. bdestruct (i =? n). subst; auto. apply H1. lia.
* right. intro H3. rewrite H3 in H2; auto.
+ right. intro H3. destruct H1. auto.
End seqeq.
Equality of two sequence which have two indexes
Definition seq2eq r c (f g : nat -> nat -> tA) :=
forall ri ci, ri < r -> ci < c -> f ri ci = g ri ci.
forall ri ci, ri < r -> ci < c -> f ri ci = g ri ci.
seq2eq of Sr has a equivalent form.
Lemma seq2eq_Sr : forall r c (f g : nat -> nat -> tA),
seq2eq (S r) c f g <-> (seq2eq r c f g) /\ (seqeq c (f r) (g r)).
intros. unfold seq2eq, seqeq. split; intros. split; auto.
destruct H. bdestruct (ri =? r); subst; auto. apply H; lia.
seq2eq (S r) c f g <-> (seq2eq r c f g) /\ (seqeq c (f r) (g r)).
intros. unfold seq2eq, seqeq. split; intros. split; auto.
destruct H. bdestruct (ri =? r); subst; auto. apply H; lia.
seq2eq of Sc has a equivalent form.
Lemma seq2eq_Sc : forall r c (f g : nat -> nat -> tA),
seq2eq r (S c) f g <-> (seq2eq r c f g) /\ (seqeq r (fun i => f i c) (fun i => g i c)).
intros. unfold seq2eq, seqeq. split; intros. split; auto.
destruct H. bdestruct (ci =? c); subst; auto. apply H; lia.
#[export] Instance seq2eq_equiv : forall r c, Equivalence (seq2eq r c).
intros. unfold seq2eq. constructor; intro; intros; auto.
rewrite H; auto. rewrite H,H0; auto.
seq2eq r (S c) f g <-> (seq2eq r c f g) /\ (seqeq r (fun i => f i c) (fun i => g i c)).
intros. unfold seq2eq, seqeq. split; intros. split; auto.
destruct H. bdestruct (ci =? c); subst; auto. apply H; lia.
#[export] Instance seq2eq_equiv : forall r c, Equivalence (seq2eq r c).
intros. unfold seq2eq. constructor; intro; intros; auto.
rewrite H; auto. rewrite H,H0; auto.
seq2eq is decidable
Lemma seq2eq_dec : forall r c f g,
(forall a b : tA, {a = b} + {a <> b}) -> {seq2eq r c f g} + {~seq2eq r c f g}.
intros r c f g H. unfold seq2eq. revert c. induction r; intros.
- left. easy.
- destruct (IHr c) as [H1 | H1].
pose proof (seqeq_dec c (f r) (g r) H) as H2. unfold seqeq in H2.
destruct H2 as [H2 | H2].
* left. intros. bdestruct (ri =? r); subst; auto. apply H1; lia.
* right. intro H3. specialize (H3 r). destruct H2. auto.
+ right. intro H2. destruct H1. auto.
End seq2eq.
(forall a b : tA, {a = b} + {a <> b}) -> {seq2eq r c f g} + {~seq2eq r c f g}.
intros r c f g H. unfold seq2eq. revert c. induction r; intros.
- left. easy.
- destruct (IHr c) as [H1 | H1].
pose proof (seqeq_dec c (f r) (g r) H) as H2. unfold seqeq in H2.
destruct H2 as [H2 | H2].
* left. intros. bdestruct (ri =? r); subst; auto. apply H1; lia.
* right. intro H3. specialize (H3 r). destruct H2. auto.
+ right. intro H2. destruct H1. auto.
End seq2eq.
((a + v.1) + v.2) + ...
Fixpoint seqfoldl (s : nat -> tA) (n : nat) (b : tB) (f : tB -> tA -> tB) : tB :=
match n with
| O => b
| S n' => seqfoldl s n' (f b (s n')) f
match n with
| O => b
| S n' => seqfoldl s n' (f b (s n')) f
... + (v.(n-1) + (v.n + a))
Fixpoint seqfoldr (s : nat -> tA) (n : nat) (b : tB) (g : tA -> tB -> tB) : tB :=
match n with
| O => b
| S n' => seqfoldr s n' (g (s n') b) g
Lemma seqfoldl_eq_seqfoldr :
forall (s : nat -> tA) (n : nat) (b : tB)
(f : tB -> tA -> tB) (g : tA -> tB -> tB) (f_eq_b : forall a b, f b a = g a b),
seqfoldl s n b f = seqfoldr s n b g.
intros. revert s n b. induction n; intros; simpl; auto.
rewrite IHn. f_equal. auto.
Lemma seqfoldl_eq : forall (s1 s2 : nat -> tA) (n : nat) (b1 b2 : tB) (f : tB -> tA -> tB),
(forall i, i < n -> s1 i = s2 i) -> b1 = b2 ->
seqfoldl s1 n b1 f = seqfoldl s2 n b2 f.
intros s1 s2 n. revert s1 s2. induction n; intros; auto.
simpl. apply IHn; auto. subst. f_equal. auto.
Lemma seqfoldr_eq : forall (s1 s2 : nat -> tA) (n : nat) (b1 b2 : tB) (f : tA -> tB -> tB),
(forall i, i < n -> s1 i = s2 i) -> b1 = b2 ->
seqfoldr s1 n b1 f = seqfoldr s2 n b2 f.
intros s1 s2 n. revert s1 s2. induction n; intros; auto.
simpl. apply IHn; auto. subst. f_equal. auto.
End seqfold.
match n with
| O => b
| S n' => seqfoldr s n' (g (s n') b) g
Lemma seqfoldl_eq_seqfoldr :
forall (s : nat -> tA) (n : nat) (b : tB)
(f : tB -> tA -> tB) (g : tA -> tB -> tB) (f_eq_b : forall a b, f b a = g a b),
seqfoldl s n b f = seqfoldr s n b g.
intros. revert s n b. induction n; intros; simpl; auto.
rewrite IHn. f_equal. auto.
Lemma seqfoldl_eq : forall (s1 s2 : nat -> tA) (n : nat) (b1 b2 : tB) (f : tB -> tA -> tB),
(forall i, i < n -> s1 i = s2 i) -> b1 = b2 ->
seqfoldl s1 n b1 f = seqfoldl s2 n b2 f.
intros s1 s2 n. revert s1 s2. induction n; intros; auto.
simpl. apply IHn; auto. subst. f_equal. auto.
Lemma seqfoldr_eq : forall (s1 s2 : nat -> tA) (n : nat) (b1 b2 : tB) (f : tA -> tB -> tB),
(forall i, i < n -> s1 i = s2 i) -> b1 = b2 ->
seqfoldr s1 n b1 f = seqfoldr s2 n b2 f.
intros s1 s2 n. revert s1 s2. induction n; intros; auto.
simpl. apply IHn; auto. subst. f_equal. auto.
End seqfold.
Fixpoint seqsumAux (n : nat) (f : nat -> tA) (acc : tA) : tA :=
match n with
| O => acc
| S n' => seqsumAux n' f (f n' + acc)
Definition seqsum (n : nat) (f : nat -> tA) : tA := seqsumAux n f 0.
match n with
| O => acc
| S n' => seqsumAux n' f (f n' + acc)
Definition seqsum (n : nat) (f : nat -> tA) : tA := seqsumAux n f 0.
Replace the inital value of seqsumAux
Lemma seqsumAux_rebase : forall n f a, seqsumAux n f a = seqsumAux n f 0 + a.
induction n; intros; simpl. amonoid.
rewrite IHn. rewrite IHn with (a:=f n + 0). amonoid.
Lemma seqsum_len0 : forall f, seqsum 0 f = 0.
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
induction n; intros; simpl. amonoid.
rewrite IHn. rewrite IHn with (a:=f n + 0). amonoid.
Lemma seqsum_len0 : forall f, seqsum 0 f = 0.
Proof. intros. auto. Qed.
Sum a sequence of (S n) elements, equal to addition of Sum and tail
Lemma seqsumS_tail : forall f n, seqsum (S n) f = seqsum n f + f n.
Proof. unfold seqsum. intros; simpl. rewrite seqsumAux_rebase. amonoid. Qed.
Proof. unfold seqsum. intros; simpl. rewrite seqsumAux_rebase. amonoid. Qed.
Sum a sequence of (S n) elements, equal to addition of head and Sum
Lemma seqsumS_head : forall n f, seqsum (S n) f = f O + seqsum n (fun i => f (S i)).
unfold seqsum. induction n; intros; simpl. auto.
rewrite seqsumAux_rebase with (a:=(f (S n) + 0)).
rewrite <- !associative. rewrite <- IHn. simpl.
rewrite seqsumAux_rebase. rewrite seqsumAux_rebase with (a:=(f n + 0)). amonoid.
unfold seqsum. induction n; intros; simpl. auto.
rewrite seqsumAux_rebase with (a:=(f (S n) + 0)).
rewrite <- !associative. rewrite <- IHn. simpl.
rewrite seqsumAux_rebase. rewrite seqsumAux_rebase with (a:=(f n + 0)). amonoid.
Sum of a sequence which every element is zero get zero.
Lemma seqsum_eq0 : forall (n : nat) (f : nat -> tA),
(forall i, i < n -> f i = 0) -> seqsum n f = 0.
unfold seqsum. induction n; simpl; intros. auto.
rewrite seqsumAux_rebase. rewrite IHn; auto. rewrite H; auto. amonoid.
(forall i, i < n -> f i = 0) -> seqsum n f = 0.
unfold seqsum. induction n; simpl; intros. auto.
rewrite seqsumAux_rebase. rewrite IHn; auto. rewrite H; auto. amonoid.
Two sequences are equal, imply the sum are equal.
Lemma seqsum_eq : forall (n : nat) (f g : nat -> tA),
(forall i, i < n -> f i = g i) -> seqsum n f = seqsum n g.
induction n; intros; simpl. rewrite !seqsum_len0. auto.
rewrite !seqsumS_tail. rewrite IHn with (g:=g); auto. f_equal; auto.
(forall i, i < n -> f i = g i) -> seqsum n f = seqsum n g.
induction n; intros; simpl. rewrite !seqsum_len0. auto.
rewrite !seqsumS_tail. rewrite IHn with (g:=g); auto. f_equal; auto.
Sum a sequence which only one item is nonzero, then got this item.
Lemma seqsum_unique : forall (n : nat) (f : nat -> tA) (a : tA) (i : nat),
i < n -> f i = a -> (forall j, j < n -> j <> i -> f j = 0) -> seqsum n f = a.
induction n; intros. lia.
rewrite seqsumS_tail. bdestruct (i =? n).
- subst. rewrite seqsum_eq0. amonoid. intros. apply H1; lia.
- rewrite IHn with (a:=a)(i:=i); auto; try lia. rewrite H1; auto. amonoid.
i < n -> f i = a -> (forall j, j < n -> j <> i -> f j = 0) -> seqsum n f = a.
induction n; intros. lia.
rewrite seqsumS_tail. bdestruct (i =? n).
- subst. rewrite seqsum_eq0. amonoid. intros. apply H1; lia.
- rewrite IHn with (a:=a)(i:=i); auto; try lia. rewrite H1; auto. amonoid.
Lemma seqsum_plusIdx : forall m n f,
seqsum (m + n) f = seqsum m f + seqsum n (fun i => f (m + i)%nat).
intros. induction n.
- rewrite seqsum_len0. rewrite Nat.add_0_r. amonoid.
- replace (m + S n)%nat with (S (m + n))%nat; auto.
rewrite !seqsumS_tail. rewrite IHn. amonoid.
seqsum (m + n) f = seqsum m f + seqsum n (fun i => f (m + i)%nat).
intros. induction n.
- rewrite seqsum_len0. rewrite Nat.add_0_r. amonoid.
- replace (m + S n)%nat with (S (m + n))%nat; auto.
rewrite !seqsumS_tail. rewrite IHn. amonoid.
Sum the m+n elements equal to plus of two parts.
(i < m -> f(i) = g(i)) ->
(i < n -> f(m+i) = h(i)) ->
Σi,0,(m+n) f(i) = Σi,0,m g(i) + Σi,0,n h(i).
Lemma seqsum_plusIdx_ext : forall m n f g h,
(forall i, i < m -> f i = g i) ->
(forall i, i < n -> f (m + i)%nat = h i) ->
seqsum (m + n) f = seqsum m g + seqsum n h.
intros. induction n; simpl.
- rewrite seqsum_len0. rewrite Nat.add_0_r. amonoid. apply seqsum_eq. auto.
- replace (m + S n)%nat with (S (m + n))%nat; auto.
rewrite !seqsumS_tail. rewrite IHn; auto. agroup.
(forall i, i < m -> f i = g i) ->
(forall i, i < n -> f (m + i)%nat = h i) ->
seqsum (m + n) f = seqsum m g + seqsum n h.
intros. induction n; simpl.
- rewrite seqsum_len0. rewrite Nat.add_0_r. amonoid. apply seqsum_eq. auto.
- replace (m + S n)%nat with (S (m + n))%nat; auto.
rewrite !seqsumS_tail. rewrite IHn; auto. agroup.
Sum the m+1+n elements equal to plus of three parts.
Σi,0,(m+1+n) f(i) = Σi,0,m f(i) + f(m) + Σi,0,n f(S (m + i))
Lemma seqsum_plusIdx_three : forall m n f,
seqsum (m + S n) f = seqsum m f + f m + seqsum n (fun i => f (S (m + i))%nat).
intros. rewrite seqsum_plusIdx. rewrite associative. f_equal.
rewrite seqsumS_head. f_equal.
- f_equal. lia.
- apply seqsum_eq; intros. f_equal. lia.
Context `{HAMonoid : AMonoid tA Aadd 0}.
seqsum (m + S n) f = seqsum m f + f m + seqsum n (fun i => f (S (m + i))%nat).
intros. rewrite seqsum_plusIdx. rewrite associative. f_equal.
rewrite seqsumS_head. f_equal.
- f_equal. lia.
- apply seqsum_eq; intros. f_equal. lia.
Context `{HAMonoid : AMonoid tA Aadd 0}.
Sum with plus of two sequence equal to plus with two sum.
Lemma seqsum_add : forall (n : nat) (f g : nat -> tA),
seqsum n f + seqsum n g = seqsum n (fun i => f i + g i).
induction n; intros; simpl. rewrite !seqsum_len0. amonoid.
rewrite !seqsumS_tail. rewrite <- IHn; auto. amonoid.
seqsum n f + seqsum n g = seqsum n (fun i => f i + g i).
induction n; intros; simpl. rewrite !seqsum_len0. amonoid.
rewrite !seqsumS_tail. rewrite <- IHn; auto. amonoid.
The order of two nested summations can be exchanged.
∑i,0,r(∑j,0,c f_ij) =
f00 + f01 + ... + f0c +
f10 + f11 + ... + f1c +
fr0 + fr1 + ... + frc =
∑j,0,c(∑i,0,r f_ij)
Lemma seqsum_seqsum : forall r c f,
seqsum r (fun i => seqsum c (fun j => f i j)) =
seqsum c (fun j => seqsum r (fun i => f i j)).
induction r; intros.
- rewrite !seqsum_len0. rewrite seqsum_eq0; auto.
- rewrite seqsumS_tail. rewrite IHr. rewrite seqsum_add.
apply seqsum_eq; intros. rewrite seqsumS_tail. auto.
seqsum r (fun i => seqsum c (fun j => f i j)) =
seqsum c (fun j => seqsum r (fun i => f i j)).
induction r; intros.
- rewrite !seqsum_len0. rewrite seqsum_eq0; auto.
- rewrite seqsumS_tail. rewrite IHr. rewrite seqsum_add.
apply seqsum_eq; intros. rewrite seqsumS_tail. auto.
Let's have an abelian group structure
Opposition of the sum of a sequence.
Lemma seqsum_opp : forall (n : nat) (f : nat -> tA),
- (seqsum n f) = seqsum n (fun i => - f i).
induction n; intros; simpl.
- rewrite !seqsum_len0. agroup.
- rewrite !seqsumS_tail. rewrite <- IHn; auto. agroup.
- (seqsum n f) = seqsum n (fun i => - f i).
induction n; intros; simpl.
- rewrite !seqsum_len0. agroup.
- rewrite !seqsumS_tail. rewrite <- IHn; auto. agroup.
Let's have an semi-ring structure
Context `{HSRing : SRing tA Aadd Azero Amul Aone}.
Notation "1" := Aone : A_scope.
Infix "*" := Amul : A_scope.
Notation "1" := Aone : A_scope.
Infix "*" := Amul : A_scope.
Scalar multiplication of the sum of a sequence (simple form).
Lemma seqsum_scal_l : forall (n : nat) (f : nat -> tA) (k : tA),
k * seqsum n f = seqsum n (fun i => k * f i).
induction n; intros; simpl.
- rewrite !seqsum_len0. sring.
- rewrite !seqsumS_tail. sring.
k * seqsum n f = seqsum n (fun i => k * f i).
induction n; intros; simpl.
- rewrite !seqsum_len0. sring.
- rewrite !seqsumS_tail. sring.
Scalar multiplication of the sum of a sequence (simple form).
Lemma seqsum_scal_r : forall (n : nat) (f : nat -> tA) (k : tA),
seqsum n f * k = seqsum n (fun i => f i * k).
induction n; intros; simpl.
- rewrite !seqsum_len0. sring.
- rewrite !seqsumS_tail. sring.
seqsum n f * k = seqsum n (fun i => f i * k).
induction n; intros; simpl.
- rewrite !seqsum_len0. sring.
- rewrite !seqsumS_tail. sring.
Lemma seqsum_product : forall m n f g,
n <> O ->
seqsum m f * seqsum n g = seqsum (m * n) (fun i => f (i / n) * g (i mod n)).
induction m; intros; simpl.
- rewrite !seqsum_len0. sring.
- replace (n + m * n)%nat with (m * n + n)%nat by ring.
rewrite seqsum_plusIdx. rewrite <- IHm; auto.
rewrite seqsumS_tail. sring.
rewrite seqsum_scal_l. apply seqsum_eq; intros.
rewrite add_mul_div; auto. rewrite add_mul_mod; auto.
n <> O ->
seqsum m f * seqsum n g = seqsum (m * n) (fun i => f (i / n) * g (i mod n)).
induction m; intros; simpl.
- rewrite !seqsum_len0. sring.
- replace (n + m * n)%nat with (m * n + n)%nat by ring.
rewrite seqsum_plusIdx. rewrite <- IHm; auto.
rewrite seqsumS_tail. sring.
rewrite seqsum_scal_l. apply seqsum_eq; intros.
rewrite add_mul_div; auto. rewrite add_mul_mod; auto.
Fixpoint seqprodAux (n : nat) (f : nat -> tA) (acc : tA) : tA :=
match n with
| O => acc
| S n' => seqprodAux n' f (f n' * acc)
Definition seqprod (n : nat) (f : nat -> tA) : tA := seqprodAux n f 1.
match n with
| O => acc
| S n' => seqprodAux n' f (f n' * acc)
Definition seqprod (n : nat) (f : nat -> tA) : tA := seqprodAux n f 1.
Replace the inital value of seqprodAux
Lemma seqprodAux_rebase : forall n f a, seqprodAux n f a = seqprodAux n f 1 * a.
induction n; intros; simpl. sring.
rewrite IHn. rewrite IHn with (a:=f n * 1). sring.
induction n; intros; simpl. sring.
rewrite IHn. rewrite IHn with (a:=f n * 1). sring.
seqprod with length 0 equal to 1
Prod a sequence of (S n) elements, equal to addition of Prod and tail
Lemma seqprodS_tail : forall f n, seqprod (S n) f = seqprod n f * f n.
Proof. unfold seqprod. intros; simpl. rewrite seqprodAux_rebase. sring. Qed.
Proof. unfold seqprod. intros; simpl. rewrite seqprodAux_rebase. sring. Qed.
Prod a sequence of (S n) elements, equal to addition of head and Prod
Lemma seqprodS_head : forall n f, seqprod (S n) f = f O * seqprod n (fun i => f (S i)).
unfold seqprod. induction n; intros; simpl. auto.
rewrite seqprodAux_rebase with (a:=(f (S n) * 1)).
rewrite <- !associative. rewrite <- IHn. simpl.
rewrite seqprodAux_rebase.
rewrite seqprodAux_rebase with (a:=(f n * 1)). sring.
unfold seqprod. induction n; intros; simpl. auto.
rewrite seqprodAux_rebase with (a:=(f (S n) * 1)).
rewrite <- !associative. rewrite <- IHn. simpl.
rewrite seqprodAux_rebase.
rewrite seqprodAux_rebase with (a:=(f n * 1)). sring.
Product of a sequence which every element is one get one.
Lemma seqprod_eq1 : forall (n : nat) (f : nat -> tA),
(forall i, i < n -> f i = 1) -> seqprod n f = 1.
unfold seqprod. induction n; simpl; intros. auto.
rewrite seqprodAux_rebase. rewrite IHn; auto. rewrite H; auto. sring.
(forall i, i < n -> f i = 1) -> seqprod n f = 1.
unfold seqprod. induction n; simpl; intros. auto.
rewrite seqprodAux_rebase. rewrite IHn; auto. rewrite H; auto. sring.
Two sequences are equal, imply the prod are equal.
Lemma seqprod_eq : forall (n : nat) (f g : nat -> tA),
(forall i, i < n -> f i = g i) -> seqprod n f = seqprod n g.
induction n; intros; simpl. rewrite !seqprod_len0. auto.
rewrite !seqprodS_tail. rewrite IHn with (g:=g); auto. f_equal; auto.
(forall i, i < n -> f i = g i) -> seqprod n f = seqprod n g.
induction n; intros; simpl. rewrite !seqprod_len0. auto.
rewrite !seqprodS_tail. rewrite IHn with (g:=g); auto. f_equal; auto.
Prod a sequence which only one item is non-one, then got this item.
Lemma seqprod_unique : forall (n : nat) (f : nat -> tA) (a : tA) (i : nat),
i < n -> f i = a -> (forall j, j < n -> j <> i -> f j = 1) -> seqprod n f = a.
induction n; intros. lia.
rewrite seqprodS_tail. bdestruct (i =? n).
- subst. rewrite seqprod_eq1. sring. intros. apply H1; lia.
- rewrite IHn with (a:=a)(i:=i); auto; try lia. rewrite H1; auto. sring.
i < n -> f i = a -> (forall j, j < n -> j <> i -> f j = 1) -> seqprod n f = a.
induction n; intros. lia.
rewrite seqprodS_tail. bdestruct (i =? n).
- subst. rewrite seqprod_eq1. sring. intros. apply H1; lia.
- rewrite IHn with (a:=a)(i:=i); auto; try lia. rewrite H1; auto. sring.
Lemma seqprod_plusIdx : forall m n f,
seqprod (m + n) f = seqprod m f * seqprod n (fun i => f (m + i)%nat).
intros. induction n.
- rewrite seqprod_len0. rewrite Nat.add_0_r. sring.
- replace (m + S n)%nat with (S (m + n))%nat; auto.
rewrite !seqprodS_tail. rewrite IHn. sring.
seqprod (m + n) f = seqprod m f * seqprod n (fun i => f (m + i)%nat).
intros. induction n.
- rewrite seqprod_len0. rewrite Nat.add_0_r. sring.
- replace (m + S n)%nat with (S (m + n))%nat; auto.
rewrite !seqprodS_tail. rewrite IHn. sring.
Prod the m+1+n elements equal to product of three parts.
∏i,0,(m+1+n) f(i) = ∏i,0,m f(i) * f(m) * ∏i,0,n f(S (m + i))
Lemma seqprod_plusIdx_three : forall m n f,
seqprod (m + S n) f = seqprod m f * f m * seqprod n (fun i => f (S (m + i))%nat).
intros. rewrite seqprod_plusIdx. rewrite associative. f_equal.
rewrite seqprodS_head. f_equal.
- f_equal. lia.
- apply seqprod_eq; intros. f_equal. lia.
Section Amul_Comm.
Context {HMulComm : Commutative Amul}.
seqprod (m + S n) f = seqprod m f * f m * seqprod n (fun i => f (S (m + i))%nat).
intros. rewrite seqprod_plusIdx. rewrite associative. f_equal.
rewrite seqprodS_head. f_equal.
- f_equal. lia.
- apply seqprod_eq; intros. f_equal. lia.
Section Amul_Comm.
Context {HMulComm : Commutative Amul}.
Scalar multiplication of the prod of a sequence (simple form).
Lemma seqprod_scal_l : forall (n : nat) (f : nat -> tA) (k : tA) (j : nat),
j < n ->
k * seqprod n f =
seqprod n (fun i => if i =? j then (k * f i) else f i).
induction n; intros; simpl. lia.
rewrite !seqprodS_tail. sring.
bdestruct (j =? n).
- subst.
rewrite Nat.eqb_refl. pose aringMulAMonoid. amonoid.
rewrite commutative. f_equal.
apply seqprod_eq; intros.
bdestruct (i =? n); auto; lia.
- rewrite <- IHn; try lia. f_equal.
bdestruct (n =? j); auto. subst; easy.
j < n ->
k * seqprod n f =
seqprod n (fun i => if i =? j then (k * f i) else f i).
induction n; intros; simpl. lia.
rewrite !seqprodS_tail. sring.
bdestruct (j =? n).
- subst.
rewrite Nat.eqb_refl. pose aringMulAMonoid. amonoid.
rewrite commutative. f_equal.
apply seqprod_eq; intros.
bdestruct (i =? n); auto; lia.
- rewrite <- IHn; try lia. f_equal.
bdestruct (n =? j); auto. subst; easy.
Scalar multiplication of the prod of a sequence (simple form).
Lemma seqprod_scal_r : forall (n : nat) (f : nat -> tA) (k : tA) (j : nat),
j < n ->
seqprod n f * k =
seqprod n (fun i => if i =? j then (f i * k) else f i).
intros. rewrite commutative. rewrite seqprod_scal_l with (j:=j); auto.
apply seqprod_eq; intros. bdestruct (i =? j); auto. apply commutative.
End Amul_Comm.
End seqsum_seqprod.
j < n ->
seqprod n f * k =
seqprod n (fun i => if i =? j then (f i * k) else f i).
intros. rewrite commutative. rewrite seqprod_scal_l with (j:=j); auto.
apply seqprod_eq; intros. bdestruct (i =? j); auto. apply commutative.
End Amul_Comm.
End seqsum_seqprod.
Section seqsum_ext.
Context `{HAMonoidA : AMonoid}.
Context `{HAMonoidB : AMonoid tB Badd Bzero}.
Context (scal : tA -> tB -> tB).
Infix "*" := scal.
Context `{HAMonoidA : AMonoid}.
Context `{HAMonoidB : AMonoid tB Badd Bzero}.
Context (scal : tA -> tB -> tB).
Infix "*" := scal.
a * ∑(bi) = a*(b1+b2+...) = a*b1+a*b2+... = ∑(a*bi)
Section form1.
Context (scal_zero_keep : forall a : tA, scal a Bzero = Bzero).
Context (scal_badd : forall (a : tA) (b1 b2 : tB),
a * (Badd b1 b2) = Badd (a * b1) (a * b2)).
Lemma seqsum_scal_l_ext : forall {n} (a : tA) (f : nat -> tB),
a * (@seqsum _ Badd Bzero n f) = @seqsum _ Badd Bzero n (fun i => a * f i).
induction n; intros; simpl; auto. unfold seqsum in *.
rewrite (seqsumAux_rebase _ f). rewrite (seqsumAux_rebase _ (fun i => a * f i)).
rewrite scal_badd. rewrite IHn. amonoid.
End form1.
Context (scal_zero_keep : forall a : tA, scal a Bzero = Bzero).
Context (scal_badd : forall (a : tA) (b1 b2 : tB),
a * (Badd b1 b2) = Badd (a * b1) (a * b2)).
Lemma seqsum_scal_l_ext : forall {n} (a : tA) (f : nat -> tB),
a * (@seqsum _ Badd Bzero n f) = @seqsum _ Badd Bzero n (fun i => a * f i).
induction n; intros; simpl; auto. unfold seqsum in *.
rewrite (seqsumAux_rebase _ f). rewrite (seqsumAux_rebase _ (fun i => a * f i)).
rewrite scal_badd. rewrite IHn. amonoid.
End form1.
∑(ai) * b = (a1+a2+a3)*b = a1*b+a2*b+a3*b = ∑(ai*b)
Section form2.
Context (scal_zero_keep : forall b : tB, scal Azero b = Bzero).
Context (scal_aadd : forall (a1 a2 : tA) (b : tB),
(Aadd a1 a2) * b = Badd (a1 * b) (a2 * b)).
Lemma seqsum_scal_r_ext : forall {n} (b : tB) (f : nat -> tA),
(@seqsum _ Aadd Azero n f) * b = @seqsum _ Badd Bzero n (fun i => f i * b).
induction n; intros; simpl; auto. unfold seqsum in *.
rewrite (seqsumAux_rebase _ f). rewrite (seqsumAux_rebase _ (fun i => f i * b)).
rewrite !scal_aadd. rewrite IHn. amonoid.
rewrite scal_zero_keep. amonoid.
End form2.
End seqsum_ext.
Context (scal_zero_keep : forall b : tB, scal Azero b = Bzero).
Context (scal_aadd : forall (a1 a2 : tA) (b : tB),
(Aadd a1 a2) * b = Badd (a1 * b) (a2 * b)).
Lemma seqsum_scal_r_ext : forall {n} (b : tB) (f : nat -> tA),
(@seqsum _ Aadd Azero n f) * b = @seqsum _ Badd Bzero n (fun i => f i * b).
induction n; intros; simpl; auto. unfold seqsum in *.
rewrite (seqsumAux_rebase _ f). rewrite (seqsumAux_rebase _ (fun i => f i * b)).
rewrite !scal_aadd. rewrite IHn. amonoid.
rewrite scal_zero_keep. amonoid.
End form2.
End seqsum_ext.
Section seqsum_more.
Context `{HOrderedARing : OrderedARing}.
Add Ring ring_inst : (make_ring_theory HOrderedARing).
Infix "+" := Aadd.
Notation "2" := (Aone + Aone).
Notation "0" := Azero.
Infix "*" := Amul.
Notation "- a" := (Aopp a).
Infix "-" := (fun a b => a + (- b)).
Notation "a ²" := (a * a) (at level 1) : A_scope.
Notation seqsum := (@seqsum _ Aadd 0).
Infix "<" := Alt : A_scope.
Infix "<=" := Ale : A_scope.
Context `{HOrderedARing : OrderedARing}.
Add Ring ring_inst : (make_ring_theory HOrderedARing).
Infix "+" := Aadd.
Notation "2" := (Aone + Aone).
Notation "0" := Azero.
Infix "*" := Amul.
Notation "- a" := (Aopp a).
Infix "-" := (fun a b => a + (- b)).
Notation "a ²" := (a * a) (at level 1) : A_scope.
Notation seqsum := (@seqsum _ Aadd 0).
Infix "<" := Alt : A_scope.
Infix "<=" := Ale : A_scope.
If all elements of a sequence are >= 0, then the sum is >= 0
Lemma seqsum_ge0 : forall n (f : nat -> tA), (forall i, (i < n)%nat -> 0 <= f i) -> 0 <= seqsum n f.
induction n; intros.
- simpl. apply le_refl.
- rewrite seqsumS_tail.
replace 0 with (0 + 0) by ring.
apply le_add_compat; auto.
rewrite identityLeft. apply IHn; auto.
induction n; intros.
- simpl. apply le_refl.
- rewrite seqsumS_tail.
replace 0 with (0 + 0) by ring.
apply le_add_compat; auto.
rewrite identityLeft. apply IHn; auto.
If all elements of a sequence are >= 0, and the sum of top (n+1) elements of
the sequence is = 0, then the sum of top n elements are 0
Lemma seqsum_eq0_less : forall n (f : nat -> tA),
(forall i, (i < S n)%nat -> 0 <= f i) ->
seqsum (S n) f = 0 -> seqsum n f = 0.
intros. rewrite seqsumS_tail in H0.
assert (0 <= f n); auto.
assert (0 <= seqsum n f). apply seqsum_ge0; auto.
apply add_eq0_imply_0_l in H0; auto.
(forall i, (i < S n)%nat -> 0 <= f i) ->
seqsum (S n) f = 0 -> seqsum n f = 0.
intros. rewrite seqsumS_tail in H0.
assert (0 <= f n); auto.
assert (0 <= seqsum n f). apply seqsum_ge0; auto.
apply add_eq0_imply_0_l in H0; auto.
If all elements of a sequence are >= 0, and the sum of the sequence is = 0,
then all elements of the sequence are 0.
Lemma seqsum_eq0_imply_seq0 : forall (f : nat -> tA) (n : nat),
(forall i, (i < n)%nat -> 0 <= f i) -> seqsum n f = 0 -> (forall i, (i < n)%nat -> f i = 0).
intros f n. induction n. intros H1 H2 i H3; try easy. intros.
assert (i < n \/ i = n)%nat by nia. destruct H2.
- apply IHn; auto. apply seqsum_eq0_less; auto.
- subst.
assert (0 <= f n); auto.
assert (0 <= seqsum n f). apply seqsum_ge0; auto.
rewrite seqsumS_tail in H0.
rewrite commutative in H0. apply add_eq0_imply_0_l in H0; auto.
(forall i, (i < n)%nat -> 0 <= f i) -> seqsum n f = 0 -> (forall i, (i < n)%nat -> f i = 0).
intros f n. induction n. intros H1 H2 i H3; try easy. intros.
assert (i < n \/ i = n)%nat by nia. destruct H2.
- apply IHn; auto. apply seqsum_eq0_less; auto.
- subst.
assert (0 <= f n); auto.
assert (0 <= seqsum n f). apply seqsum_ge0; auto.
rewrite seqsumS_tail in H0.
rewrite commutative in H0. apply add_eq0_imply_0_l in H0; auto.
If all elements of a sequence are >= 0, then every element is <= the sum
Lemma seqsum_ge_any : forall (f : nat -> tA) (k n : nat),
(forall i, (i < n)%nat -> 0 <= f i) -> (k < n)%nat -> f k <= seqsum n f.
intros f k n. induction n; intros. lia.
rewrite seqsumS_tail. bdestruct (k =? n)%nat.
- subst.
assert (0 <= seqsum n f). apply seqsum_ge0; auto.
replace (f n) with (0 + f n) by ring.
apply le_add_compat; auto. rewrite identityLeft. apply le_refl.
- assert (f k <= seqsum n f).
{ apply IHn; auto. lia. }
replace (f k) with (f k + 0) by ring.
apply le_add_compat; auto.
(forall i, (i < n)%nat -> 0 <= f i) -> (k < n)%nat -> f k <= seqsum n f.
intros f k n. induction n; intros. lia.
rewrite seqsumS_tail. bdestruct (k =? n)%nat.
- subst.
assert (0 <= seqsum n f). apply seqsum_ge0; auto.
replace (f n) with (0 + f n) by ring.
apply le_add_compat; auto. rewrite identityLeft. apply le_refl.
- assert (f k <= seqsum n f).
{ apply IHn; auto. lia. }
replace (f k) with (f k + 0) by ring.
apply le_add_compat; auto.
2 * ∑(f*g) <= ∑(f)² + ∑(g)²
Lemma seqsum_Mul2_le_PlusSqr : forall (f g : nat -> tA) n,
2 * seqsum n (fun i : nat => f i * g i) <=
seqsum n (fun i : nat => (f i)²) + seqsum n (fun i : nat => (g i)²).
intros. induction n.
- simpl. ring_simplify. apply le_refl.
- rewrite !seqsumS_tail. ring_simplify.
replace ((f n) ² + (g n) ² + seqsum n (fun i : nat => (f i) ²) +
seqsum n (fun i : nat => (g i) ²))
with ((seqsum n (fun i : nat => (f i) ²) + seqsum n (fun i : nat => (g i) ²)) +
((f n) ² + (g n) ²)) by ring.
apply le_add_compat; auto. apply mul_le_add_sqr.
2 * seqsum n (fun i : nat => f i * g i) <=
seqsum n (fun i : nat => (f i)²) + seqsum n (fun i : nat => (g i)²).
intros. induction n.
- simpl. ring_simplify. apply le_refl.
- rewrite !seqsumS_tail. ring_simplify.
replace ((f n) ² + (g n) ² + seqsum n (fun i : nat => (f i) ²) +
seqsum n (fun i : nat => (g i) ²))
with ((seqsum n (fun i : nat => (f i) ²) + seqsum n (fun i : nat => (g i) ²)) +
((f n) ² + (g n) ²)) by ring.
apply le_add_compat; auto. apply mul_le_add_sqr.
(∑(f*g))² <= ∑(f)² * ∑(g)²
Lemma seqsum_SqrMul_le_MulSqr : forall (f g : nat -> tA) n,
(seqsum n (fun i : nat => f i * g i))² <=
seqsum n (fun i : nat => (f i)²) * seqsum n (fun i : nat => (g i)²).
intros. induction n.
- simpl. apply le_refl.
- rewrite !seqsumS_tail. ring_simplify.
remember (seqsum n (fun i : nat => f i * g i)) as a1.
remember (seqsum n (fun i : nat => (f i) ²)) as a2.
remember (seqsum n (fun i : nat => (g i) ²)) as a3.
remember (f n) as a. remember (g n) as b.
replace (a1 ² + 2 * a1 * a * b + a ² * b * b)
with ((a1 ² + a ² * b * b) + 2 * a1 * a * b) by ring.
replace (a ² * b * b + a ² * a3 + b ² * a2 + a2 * a3)
with ((a2 * a3 + a ² * b * b) + (a ² * a3 + b ² * a2)) by ring.
apply le_add_compat. apply le_add_compat; auto. apply le_refl.
rewrite Heqa1, Heqa2, Heqa3, Heqa, Heqb.
remember (fun i => f i * g n) as F.
remember (fun i => g i * f n) as G.
replace ((f n) ² * seqsum n (fun i : nat => (g i) ²))
with (seqsum n (fun i => (G i) ²)).
replace ((g n) ² * seqsum n (fun i : nat => (f i) ²))
with (seqsum n (fun i => (F i) ²)).
replace (2 * seqsum n (fun i : nat => f i * g i) * f n * g n)
with (2 * seqsum n (fun i => F i * G i)).
+ rewrite (commutative (seqsum n (fun i => (G i)²))).
apply seqsum_Mul2_le_PlusSqr.
+ rewrite !associative. f_equal.
rewrite seqsum_scal_r. apply seqsum_eq; intros.
rewrite HeqF, HeqG. ring.
+ rewrite seqsum_scal_l. apply seqsum_eq; intros. rewrite HeqF. ring.
+ rewrite seqsum_scal_l. apply seqsum_eq; intros. rewrite HeqG. ring.
End seqsum_more.
(seqsum n (fun i : nat => f i * g i))² <=
seqsum n (fun i : nat => (f i)²) * seqsum n (fun i : nat => (g i)²).
intros. induction n.
- simpl. apply le_refl.
- rewrite !seqsumS_tail. ring_simplify.
remember (seqsum n (fun i : nat => f i * g i)) as a1.
remember (seqsum n (fun i : nat => (f i) ²)) as a2.
remember (seqsum n (fun i : nat => (g i) ²)) as a3.
remember (f n) as a. remember (g n) as b.
replace (a1 ² + 2 * a1 * a * b + a ² * b * b)
with ((a1 ² + a ² * b * b) + 2 * a1 * a * b) by ring.
replace (a ² * b * b + a ² * a3 + b ² * a2 + a2 * a3)
with ((a2 * a3 + a ² * b * b) + (a ² * a3 + b ² * a2)) by ring.
apply le_add_compat. apply le_add_compat; auto. apply le_refl.
rewrite Heqa1, Heqa2, Heqa3, Heqa, Heqb.
remember (fun i => f i * g n) as F.
remember (fun i => g i * f n) as G.
replace ((f n) ² * seqsum n (fun i : nat => (g i) ²))
with (seqsum n (fun i => (G i) ²)).
replace ((g n) ² * seqsum n (fun i : nat => (f i) ²))
with (seqsum n (fun i => (F i) ²)).
replace (2 * seqsum n (fun i : nat => f i * g i) * f n * g n)
with (2 * seqsum n (fun i => F i * G i)).
+ rewrite (commutative (seqsum n (fun i => (G i)²))).
apply seqsum_Mul2_le_PlusSqr.
+ rewrite !associative. f_equal.
rewrite seqsum_scal_r. apply seqsum_eq; intros.
rewrite HeqF, HeqG. ring.
+ rewrite seqsum_scal_l. apply seqsum_eq; intros. rewrite HeqF. ring.
+ rewrite seqsum_scal_l. apply seqsum_eq; intros. rewrite HeqG. ring.
End seqsum_more.
Let's have an monoid structure
Context `{HAMonoid : AMonoid}.
Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
Notation seqsum := (@seqsum _ Aadd Azero).
Infix "+" := Aadd : A_scope.
Notation seqsum := (@seqsum _ Aadd Azero).
Sum of a sequence with lower bounds and length
Fixpoint seqsumb (f : nat -> tA) (lo n : nat) : tA :=
match n with
| O => Azero
| S n' => seqsumb f lo n' + f (lo + n')%nat
match n with
| O => Azero
| S n' => seqsumb f lo n' + f (lo + n')%nat
Sum of a sequence with bounds equal to sum of a sequence
Lemma seqsumb_eq_seqsum : forall (n : nat) (f : nat -> tA),
seqsumb f 0 n = seqsum n f.
induction n; intros; simpl; auto. unfold seqsum in *.
rewrite seqsumAux_rebase. rewrite IHn. amonoid.
seqsumb f 0 n = seqsum n f.
induction n; intros; simpl; auto. unfold seqsum in *.
rewrite seqsumAux_rebase. rewrite IHn. amonoid.
Sum of a sequence which every element is zero get zero.
Lemma seqsumb_eq0 : forall (f : nat -> tA) (lo n : nat),
(forall i, i < n -> f (lo+i)%nat = Azero) -> seqsumb f lo n = Azero.
intros. induction n; simpl; auto. rewrite H,IHn; auto; try lia. amonoid.
(forall i, i < n -> f (lo+i)%nat = Azero) -> seqsumb f lo n = Azero.
intros. induction n; simpl; auto. rewrite H,IHn; auto; try lia. amonoid.
Two sequences are equal, imply the sum are equal.
Lemma seqsumb_eq : forall (f g : nat -> tA) (lo n : nat),
(forall i, i < n -> f (lo+i) = g (lo+i))%nat ->
seqsumb f lo n = seqsumb g lo n.
Proof. intros. induction n; simpl; auto. rewrite H,IHn; auto. Qed.
(forall i, i < n -> f (lo+i) = g (lo+i))%nat ->
seqsumb f lo n = seqsumb g lo n.
Proof. intros. induction n; simpl; auto. rewrite H,IHn; auto. Qed.
Sum a sequence of (S n) elements, equal to addition of Sum and tail
Lemma seqsumbS_tail : forall f lo n,
seqsumb f lo (S n) = seqsumb f lo n + f (lo + n)%nat.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
seqsumb f lo (S n) = seqsumb f lo n + f (lo + n)%nat.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Sum a sequence of (S n) elements, equal to addition of head and Sum
Lemma seqsumbS_head : forall f lo n,
seqsumb f lo (S n) = f lo + seqsumb (fun i => f (S i)) lo n.
intros. induction n; simpl in *. amonoid. rewrite IHn.
replace (lo + S n)%nat with (S (lo + n)); auto. amonoid.
seqsumb f lo (S n) = f lo + seqsumb (fun i => f (S i)) lo n.
intros. induction n; simpl in *. amonoid. rewrite IHn.
replace (lo + S n)%nat with (S (lo + n)); auto. amonoid.
Sum of a sequence given by `l2f l` equal to folding of sublist of `l`
Lemma seqsumb_l2f : forall (l : list tA) lo n,
length l = n ->
seqsumb (@l2f _ Azero n l) lo n = fold_right Aadd Azero (sublist l lo n).
unfold l2f. induction l; intros.
- simpl in H. subst; simpl. auto.
- destruct n; simpl in H. lia. rewrite seqsumbS_head. rewrite IHl; auto.
rewrite sublist_cons. simpl. destruct lo; simpl; auto.
rewrite (sublist_Sn Azero).
bdestruct (length l <=? lo)%nat; simpl; auto.
rewrite nth_overflow; try lia.
rewrite sublist_overflow; try lia. simpl. amonoid.
length l = n ->
seqsumb (@l2f _ Azero n l) lo n = fold_right Aadd Azero (sublist l lo n).
unfold l2f. induction l; intros.
- simpl in H. subst; simpl. auto.
- destruct n; simpl in H. lia. rewrite seqsumbS_head. rewrite IHl; auto.
rewrite sublist_cons. simpl. destruct lo; simpl; auto.
rewrite (sublist_Sn Azero).
bdestruct (length l <=? lo)%nat; simpl; auto.
rewrite nth_overflow; try lia.
rewrite sublist_overflow; try lia. simpl. amonoid.
Sum with plus of two sequence equal to plus with two sum.
Lemma seqsumb_add : forall (f g h : nat -> tA) (lo n : nat),
(forall i, i < n -> h (lo+i)%nat = f (lo+i)%nat + g (lo+i)%nat) ->
seqsumb h lo n = seqsumb f lo n + seqsumb g lo n.
intros. induction n; simpl. amonoid. rewrite IHn; auto. agroup.
(forall i, i < n -> h (lo+i)%nat = f (lo+i)%nat + g (lo+i)%nat) ->
seqsumb h lo n = seqsumb f lo n + seqsumb g lo n.
intros. induction n; simpl. amonoid. rewrite IHn; auto. agroup.
Let's have a group structure
Opposition of the sum of a sequence.
Lemma seqsumb_opp : forall (f g : nat -> tA) (lo n : nat),
(forall i, i < n -> f (lo+i)%nat = - g (lo+i)%nat) ->
(seqsumb f lo n) = - (seqsumb g lo n).
intros. induction n; simpl. rewrite group_opp_0; auto.
rewrite H,IHn; auto. rewrite group_opp_distr. amonoid.
(forall i, i < n -> f (lo+i)%nat = - g (lo+i)%nat) ->
(seqsumb f lo n) = - (seqsumb g lo n).
intros. induction n; simpl. rewrite group_opp_0; auto.
rewrite H,IHn; auto. rewrite group_opp_distr. amonoid.
Sum a sequence which only one item is nonzero, then got this item.
Lemma seqsumb_unique : forall (f : nat -> tA) (k : tA) (lo n i : nat),
i < n -> f (lo+i)%nat = k ->
(forall j, j < n -> i <> j -> f (lo+j)%nat = Azero) -> seqsumb f lo n = k.
intros f k lo n. induction n; intros. lia. simpl. bdestruct (i =? n).
- subst. rewrite seqsumb_eq0; try amonoid. intros. apply H1; try lia.
- replace (seqsumb f lo n) with k.
replace (f (lo + n)%nat) with Azero; try amonoid.
rewrite H1; auto. rewrite (IHn i); auto. lia.
i < n -> f (lo+i)%nat = k ->
(forall j, j < n -> i <> j -> f (lo+j)%nat = Azero) -> seqsumb f lo n = k.
intros f k lo n. induction n; intros. lia. simpl. bdestruct (i =? n).
- subst. rewrite seqsumb_eq0; try amonoid. intros. apply H1; try lia.
- replace (seqsumb f lo n) with k.
replace (f (lo + n)%nat) with Azero; try amonoid.
rewrite H1; auto. rewrite (IHn i); auto. lia.
Sum the m+n elements equal to plus of two parts.
Σi,lo,(m+n) f(i) = Σi,lo,m f(i) + Σi,lo+m,n f(m + i).
Lemma seqsumb_plusSize : forall f lo m n,
seqsumb f lo (m + n) = seqsumb f lo m + seqsumb f (lo+m) n.
intros. induction n; intros; simpl.
- rewrite Nat.add_0_r. amonoid.
- replace (m + S n)%nat with (S (m + n))%nat; auto. simpl.
rewrite IHn. agroup.
seqsumb f lo (m + n) = seqsumb f lo m + seqsumb f (lo+m) n.
intros. induction n; intros; simpl.
- rewrite Nat.add_0_r. amonoid.
- replace (m + S n)%nat with (S (m + n))%nat; auto. simpl.
rewrite IHn. agroup.
Sum the m+n elements equal to plus of two parts.
(i < m -> f(lo+i) = g(lo+i)) ->
(i < n -> f(lo+m+i) = h(lo+i)) ->
Σi,lo,(m+n) f(i) = Σi,lo,m g(i) + Σi,lo+m,n h(i).
Lemma seqsumb_plusIdx_ext : forall f g h lo m n,
(forall i, i < m -> f (lo+i)%nat = g (lo+i)%nat) ->
(forall i, i < n -> f (lo+m+i)%nat = h (lo+i)%nat) ->
seqsumb f lo (m + n) = seqsumb g lo m + seqsumb h lo n.
intros. induction n; intros; simpl.
- rewrite Nat.add_0_r. amonoid. apply seqsumb_eq. auto.
- replace (m + S n)%nat with (S (m + n))%nat; auto. simpl.
rewrite IHn. agroup. auto.
(forall i, i < m -> f (lo+i)%nat = g (lo+i)%nat) ->
(forall i, i < n -> f (lo+m+i)%nat = h (lo+i)%nat) ->
seqsumb f lo (m + n) = seqsumb g lo m + seqsumb h lo n.
intros. induction n; intros; simpl.
- rewrite Nat.add_0_r. amonoid. apply seqsumb_eq. auto.
- replace (m + S n)%nat with (S (m + n))%nat; auto. simpl.
rewrite IHn. agroup. auto.
The order of two nested summations can be exchanged.
∑i,lor,r(∑j,loc,c f_ij) =
... + f11 + ... + f1c +
... + fr1 + ... + frc =
∑j,loc,c(∑i,lor,r f_ij)
Lemma seqsumb_seqsumb_exchg : forall f lor loc r c,
seqsumb (fun i => seqsumb (fun j => f i j) loc c) lor r =
seqsumb (fun j => seqsumb (fun i => f i j) lor r) loc c.
intros f lor loc. induction r.
- destruct c; simpl; auto. rewrite seqsumb_eq0; auto. amonoid.
- destruct c; simpl; auto. rewrite seqsumb_eq0; auto. amonoid.
replace (seqsumb (fun i : nat => seqsumb (fun j : nat => f i j) loc c
+ f i (loc+c)%nat) lor r)
with ((seqsumb (fun i : nat => seqsumb (fun j : nat => f i j) loc c) lor r) +
(seqsumb (fun i : nat => f i (loc + c)%nat) lor r)).
replace (seqsumb (fun j : nat => seqsumb (fun i : nat => f i j) lor r
+ f (lor+r)%nat j) loc c)
with ((seqsumb (fun j : nat => seqsumb (fun i : nat => f i j) lor r) loc c) +
(seqsumb (fun j : nat => f (lor+r)%nat j) loc c)).
rewrite IHr. agroup.
symmetry. apply seqsumb_add; auto.
symmetry. apply seqsumb_add; auto.
seqsumb (fun i => seqsumb (fun j => f i j) loc c) lor r =
seqsumb (fun j => seqsumb (fun i => f i j) lor r) loc c.
intros f lor loc. induction r.
- destruct c; simpl; auto. rewrite seqsumb_eq0; auto. amonoid.
- destruct c; simpl; auto. rewrite seqsumb_eq0; auto. amonoid.
replace (seqsumb (fun i : nat => seqsumb (fun j : nat => f i j) loc c
+ f i (loc+c)%nat) lor r)
with ((seqsumb (fun i : nat => seqsumb (fun j : nat => f i j) loc c) lor r) +
(seqsumb (fun i : nat => f i (loc + c)%nat) lor r)).
replace (seqsumb (fun j : nat => seqsumb (fun i : nat => f i j) lor r
+ f (lor+r)%nat j) loc c)
with ((seqsumb (fun j : nat => seqsumb (fun i : nat => f i j) lor r) loc c) +
(seqsumb (fun j : nat => f (lor+r)%nat j) loc c)).
rewrite IHr. agroup.
symmetry. apply seqsumb_add; auto.
symmetry. apply seqsumb_add; auto.
Let's have an ring structure
Context `{HARing : ARing tA Aadd Azero Aopp Amul Aone}.
Infix "*" := Amul : A_scope.
Add Ring ring_inst : (make_ring_theory HARing).
Infix "*" := Amul : A_scope.
Add Ring ring_inst : (make_ring_theory HARing).
Scalar multiplication of the sum of a sequence.
Lemma seqsumb_scal : forall k (f g : nat -> tA) (lo n : nat),
(forall i, i < n -> f (lo+i)%nat = k * g (lo+i)%nat) ->
seqsumb f lo n = k * seqsumb g lo n.
intros. induction n; simpl. ring. rewrite H, IHn; auto. ring.
(forall i, i < n -> f (lo+i)%nat = k * g (lo+i)%nat) ->
seqsumb f lo n = k * seqsumb g lo n.
intros. induction n; simpl. ring. rewrite H, IHn; auto. ring.
Product two sum equal to sum of products.
Σi,lo,m f(i) * Σi,lo,n g(i) = Σi,lo,m*n f((i-lo)/n)*g((i-lo)
Lemma seqsumb_product : forall f g lo m n,
n <> O ->
seqsumb f lo m * seqsumb g lo n =
seqsumb (fun i => f ((i-lo) / n)%nat * g ((i-lo) mod n)%nat) lo (m * n).
intros. induction m; simpl. ring. ring_simplify. rewrite IHm.
replace (n + m * n)%nat with (m * n + n)%nat by ring.
rewrite seqsumb_plusSize. agroup.
End seqsumb.
n <> O ->
seqsumb f lo m * seqsumb g lo n =
seqsumb (fun i => f ((i-lo) / n)%nat * g ((i-lo) mod n)%nat) lo (m * n).
intros. induction m; simpl. ring. ring_simplify. rewrite IHm.
replace (n + m * n)%nat with (m * n + n)%nat by ring.
rewrite seqsumb_plusSize. agroup.
End seqsumb.