
Require Export Nat List.
Export ListNotations.

Require Export Ascii String.

Open Scope string.
Open Scope nat.

nat to ascii:只有0~9能正确转换,其余的都会转换为'A'
Definition nat2ascii (n:nat) : ascii :=
  match n with
  | 0 => "0" | 1 => "1" | 2 => "2" | 3 => "3" | 4 => "4"
  | 5 => "5" | 6 => "6" | 7 => "7" | 8 => "8" | 9 => "9"
  | _ => "A"

nat to string 的辅助函数。 cnt 用于循环计数,初始值至少是位数那么大,比如125的位数是3 n 输入的自然数 suffix 后缀字符串,初始值为 "",随着循环会逐步构成 "5", "25", "125"
Fixpoint nat2str_aux (cnt:nat) (n:nat) (suffix:string) : string :=
  let suffix' := String (nat2ascii (n mod 10)) suffix in
  match cnt with
  | O => suffix'
  | S cnt' => match (n/10) with
    | O => suffix'
    | n' => nat2str_aux cnt' n' suffix'

nat to string
Definition nat2str (n : nat) : string := nat2str_aux n n "".

生成 n 个字符串:a1,a2,...,an
Definition create_nstrs (n:nat) (prefix:string) : list string :=
  map (fun i => prefix ++ nat2str i) (seq 1 n).

Definition str_repeat (c : ascii) (len : nat) : string :=
  let fix f (aux:string) (n:nat) :=
    match n with
    | O => aux
    | S n => String c (f aux n)
    end in
  f "" len.

Definition str_alignl (s : string) (len : nat) : string :=
  let len_s := length s in
  if len_s =? len
  then s
  else if len_s <? len
       then s ++ (str_repeat " " (len - len_s))
         substring 0 len s.

Definition str_alignr (s : string) (len : nat) : string :=
  let len_s := length s in
  if len_s =? len
  then s
  else if len_s <? len
       then (str_repeat " " (len - len_s)) ++ s
         substring (len_s - len) len s.

LF and CR strings

Section LF_CR.

  Definition CharLF : ascii := ascii_of_nat 10.

  Definition CharCR : ascii := ascii_of_nat 13.

  Definition strNewlineUnix : string := String CharLF "".
  Definition strNewlineWin : string := String CharCR (String CharLF "").
  Definition strNewlineMac : string := String CharCR "".
  Definition strNewline : string := strNewlineUnix.

End LF_CR.