- PI < a <= PI -> a = -PI/2 \/ a = 0 \/ a = PI/2 \/ (-PI < a < -PI/2) \/ (-PI/2 < a < 0) \/ (0 < a < PI/2) \/ (PI/2 < a <= PI)
Lemma Rsplit_neg_pi_to_pi : forall a : R,
-PI < a <= PI ->
a = -PI/2 \/ a = 0 \/ a = PI/2 \/
(-PI < a < -PI/2) \/ (-PI/2 < a < 0) \/
(0 < a < PI/2) \/ (PI/2 < a <= PI).
pose proof PI_bound. lra.
-PI < a <= PI ->
a = -PI/2 \/ a = 0 \/ a = PI/2 \/
(-PI < a < -PI/2) \/ (-PI/2 < a < 0) \/
(0 < a < PI/2) \/ (PI/2 < a <= PI).
pose proof PI_bound. lra.
Definition atan2 (y x : R) : R :=
if x >? 0
then atan (y/x)
if x <? 0
if y >=? 0
then atan (y/x) + PI
else atan (y/x) - PI
if y >=? 0
then PI / 2
else - PI / 2
if x >? 0
then atan (y/x)
if x <? 0
if y >=? 0
then atan (y/x) + PI
else atan (y/x) - PI
if y >=? 0
then PI / 2
else - PI / 2
Automaticaly destruct `dec`
Ltac destruct_dec :=
match goal with
| |- context [dec ?cmp _ _] => destruct (dec cmp)
Fact atan2_Xgt0 : forall y x, x > 0 -> atan2 y x = atan (y/x).
Proof. intros. unfold atan2,Rltb,Rleb,Acmpb. destruct_dec; lra. Qed.
Fact atan2_Xlt0_Yge0 : forall y x, x < 0 -> y >= 0 -> atan2 y x = (atan (y/x) + PI)%R.
Proof. intros. unfold atan2,Rltb,Rleb,Acmpb. destruct_dec; lra. Qed.
Fact atan2_Xlt0_Ylt0 : forall y x, x < 0 -> y < 0 -> atan2 y x = (atan (y/x) - PI)%R.
Proof. intros. unfold atan2,Rltb,Rleb,Acmpb. destruct_dec; lra. Qed.
Fact atan2_X0_Yge0 : forall y x, x = 0 -> y >= 0 -> atan2 y x = PI/2.
Proof. intros. unfold atan2,Rltb,Rleb,Acmpb. destruct_dec; lra. Qed.
Fact atan2_X0_Ylt0 : forall y x, x = 0 -> y < 0 -> atan2 y x = - PI/2.
Proof. intros. unfold atan2,Rltb,Rleb,Acmpb. destruct_dec; lra. Qed.
match goal with
| |- context [dec ?cmp _ _] => destruct (dec cmp)
Fact atan2_Xgt0 : forall y x, x > 0 -> atan2 y x = atan (y/x).
Proof. intros. unfold atan2,Rltb,Rleb,Acmpb. destruct_dec; lra. Qed.
Fact atan2_Xlt0_Yge0 : forall y x, x < 0 -> y >= 0 -> atan2 y x = (atan (y/x) + PI)%R.
Proof. intros. unfold atan2,Rltb,Rleb,Acmpb. destruct_dec; lra. Qed.
Fact atan2_Xlt0_Ylt0 : forall y x, x < 0 -> y < 0 -> atan2 y x = (atan (y/x) - PI)%R.
Proof. intros. unfold atan2,Rltb,Rleb,Acmpb. destruct_dec; lra. Qed.
Fact atan2_X0_Yge0 : forall y x, x = 0 -> y >= 0 -> atan2 y x = PI/2.
Proof. intros. unfold atan2,Rltb,Rleb,Acmpb. destruct_dec; lra. Qed.
Fact atan2_X0_Ylt0 : forall y x, x = 0 -> y < 0 -> atan2 y x = - PI/2.
Proof. intros. unfold atan2,Rltb,Rleb,Acmpb. destruct_dec; lra. Qed.
- PI < atan2 y x <= PI
Lemma atan2_bound : forall y x, - PI < atan2 y x <= PI.
intros. pose proof (atan_bound (y/x)).
bdestruct (x >? 0).
- rewrite atan2_Xgt0; ra.
- bdestruct (x <? 0).
+ bdestruct (y >=? 0).
* rewrite atan2_Xlt0_Yge0; ra.
assert (y/x <= 0); ra. pose proof (atan_bound_le0 (y/x)); ra.
* rewrite atan2_Xlt0_Ylt0; ra.
assert (y < 0); ra. assert (0 < y/x); ra.
pose proof (atan_bound_gt0 (y/x)); ra.
+ assert (x = 0); ra. bdestruct (0 <=? y).
* rewrite atan2_X0_Yge0; ra.
* rewrite atan2_X0_Ylt0; ra.
intros. pose proof (atan_bound (y/x)).
bdestruct (x >? 0).
- rewrite atan2_Xgt0; ra.
- bdestruct (x <? 0).
+ bdestruct (y >=? 0).
* rewrite atan2_Xlt0_Yge0; ra.
assert (y/x <= 0); ra. pose proof (atan_bound_le0 (y/x)); ra.
* rewrite atan2_Xlt0_Ylt0; ra.
assert (y < 0); ra. assert (0 < y/x); ra.
pose proof (atan_bound_gt0 (y/x)); ra.
+ assert (x = 0); ra. bdestruct (0 <=? y).
* rewrite atan2_X0_Yge0; ra.
* rewrite atan2_X0_Ylt0; ra.
An equation about atan2 will be used in the later proof
Lemma atan2_sin_cos_eq1 : forall a k : R,
- PI < a <= PI -> k > 0 ->
atan2 (sin a * k) (cos a * k) = a.
intros. apply Rsplit_neg_pi_to_pi in H.
repeat match goal with | H: _ \/ _ |- _ => destruct H as [? | H] end;
subst; ra.
- rewrite atan2_X0_Ylt0; ra.
- rewrite atan2_Xgt0; ra.
- rewrite atan2_X0_Yge0; ra.
- assert (sin a < 0). { apply sin_lt_0_var; ra. }
assert (cos a < 0). { rewrite <- cos_2PI_add. apply cos_lt_0; ra. }
rewrite atan2_Xlt0_Ylt0; ra.
replace (tan a) with (tan (a + PI)).
rewrite atan_tan; ra. ra.
- assert (sin a < 0). { apply sin_lt_0_var; lra. }
assert (0 < cos a). { apply cos_gt_0; ra. }
rewrite atan2_Xgt0; ra. rewrite atan_tan; ra.
- assert (0 < sin a). { apply sin_gt_0; lra. }
assert (0 < cos a). { apply cos_gt_0; ra. }
rewrite atan2_Xgt0; ra. rewrite atan_tan; ra.
- assert (0 <= sin a). { apply sin_ge_0; lra. }
assert (cos a < 0). { apply cos_lt_0; ra. }
rewrite atan2_Xlt0_Yge0; ra.
replace (tan a) with (tan (a - PI)).
rewrite atan_tan; ra. ra.
- PI < a <= PI -> k > 0 ->
atan2 (sin a * k) (cos a * k) = a.
intros. apply Rsplit_neg_pi_to_pi in H.
repeat match goal with | H: _ \/ _ |- _ => destruct H as [? | H] end;
subst; ra.
- rewrite atan2_X0_Ylt0; ra.
- rewrite atan2_Xgt0; ra.
- rewrite atan2_X0_Yge0; ra.
- assert (sin a < 0). { apply sin_lt_0_var; ra. }
assert (cos a < 0). { rewrite <- cos_2PI_add. apply cos_lt_0; ra. }
rewrite atan2_Xlt0_Ylt0; ra.
replace (tan a) with (tan (a + PI)).
rewrite atan_tan; ra. ra.
- assert (sin a < 0). { apply sin_lt_0_var; lra. }
assert (0 < cos a). { apply cos_gt_0; ra. }
rewrite atan2_Xgt0; ra. rewrite atan_tan; ra.
- assert (0 < sin a). { apply sin_gt_0; lra. }
assert (0 < cos a). { apply cos_gt_0; ra. }
rewrite atan2_Xgt0; ra. rewrite atan_tan; ra.
- assert (0 <= sin a). { apply sin_ge_0; lra. }
assert (cos a < 0). { apply cos_lt_0; ra. }
rewrite atan2_Xlt0_Yge0; ra.
replace (tan a) with (tan (a - PI)).
rewrite atan_tan; ra. ra.
1. 使用 /_ a b = atan2 <a,b> (aXb),其值域是 (-π, π]
2. tan2 by bx - atan2 ay ax
该问题已经被证明,见 sum and difference identity
其证明需要借助复平面的幅角 Arg,这里暂未进行形式化。
Lemma atan2_plus_eq : forall x1 y1 x2 y2 : R,
atan2 y1 x1 + atan2 y2 x2 = atan2 (y1*x2+x1*y2) (x1*x2-y1*y2).
Lemma atan2_minus_eq : forall x1 y1 x2 y2 : R,
x1 * x2 + y1 * y2 <> 0 ->
- PI / 2 < atan (y1 / x1) - atan (y2 / x2) < PI / 2 ->
atan2 y1 x1 - atan2 y2 x2 = atan2 (y1*x2-x1*y2) (x1*x2+y1*y2).
intros. unfold atan2.
bdestruct (0 <? x1).
- bdestruct (0 <? x2).
+ bdestruct (0 <? x1 * x2 + y1 * y2).
* rewrite (atan_sub_correct (y1/x1) (y2/x2)); auto.
** ring_simplify. unfold atan_sub. f_equal. field; ra.
** intro H4; field_simplify in H4; try lra; revert H4.
apply Rmult_integral_contrapositive. split; ra.
** unfold atan_sub. apply atan_bound.
* bdestruct (x1 * x2 + y1 * y2 <? 0); ra.
bdestruct (0 <=? y1 * x2 - x1 * y2); ra.
** rewrite (atan_sub_correct (y1/x1) (y2/x2)); auto.
*** ring_simplify. unfold atan_sub.
Lemma atan2_minus_eq : forall x1 y1 x2 y2 : R,
atan2 y1 x1 - atan2 y2 x2 = atan2 (y1*x2-x1*y2) (x1*x2+y1*y2).
atan2 y1 x1 + atan2 y2 x2 = atan2 (y1*x2+x1*y2) (x1*x2-y1*y2).
Lemma atan2_minus_eq : forall x1 y1 x2 y2 : R,
x1 * x2 + y1 * y2 <> 0 ->
- PI / 2 < atan (y1 / x1) - atan (y2 / x2) < PI / 2 ->
atan2 y1 x1 - atan2 y2 x2 = atan2 (y1*x2-x1*y2) (x1*x2+y1*y2).
intros. unfold atan2.
bdestruct (0 <? x1).
- bdestruct (0 <? x2).
+ bdestruct (0 <? x1 * x2 + y1 * y2).
* rewrite (atan_sub_correct (y1/x1) (y2/x2)); auto.
** ring_simplify. unfold atan_sub. f_equal. field; ra.
** intro H4; field_simplify in H4; try lra; revert H4.
apply Rmult_integral_contrapositive. split; ra.
** unfold atan_sub. apply atan_bound.
* bdestruct (x1 * x2 + y1 * y2 <? 0); ra.
bdestruct (0 <=? y1 * x2 - x1 * y2); ra.
** rewrite (atan_sub_correct (y1/x1) (y2/x2)); auto.
*** ring_simplify. unfold atan_sub.
Lemma atan2_minus_eq : forall x1 y1 x2 y2 : R,
atan2 y1 x1 - atan2 y2 x2 = atan2 (y1*x2-x1*y2) (x1*x2+y1*y2).
0 < x -> y <> 0 -> atan2 (- y) x = - atan2 y x
Lemma atan2_y_neg : forall x y : R,
0 < x -> y <> 0 -> atan2 (- y) x = - atan2 y x.
intros. unfold atan2. rewrite Rdiv_opp_l. rewrite atan_opp.
bdestruct (0 <? x); auto. bdestruct (x <? 0); ra.
0 < x -> y <> 0 -> atan2 (- y) x = - atan2 y x.
intros. unfold atan2. rewrite Rdiv_opp_l. rewrite atan_opp.
bdestruct (0 <? x); auto. bdestruct (x <? 0); ra.
Don't unfold it, avoding too many details