
Require Export Hierarchy.
Require Export RExt.

Open Scope R_scope.

New scope for real function
Declare Scope fun_scope.
Delimit Scope fun_scope with F.
Open Scope fun_scope.

Real Functions


Section setR.

  Definition setR := R -> Prop.

  Let X : setR := fun (x : R) => x > 0.

  Definition allR : setR := fun _ => True.

End setR.


Section neighbourhoodR.

  Definition neighbourhoodR (a delta : R) : setR :=
    fun x => delta > 0 /\ Rabs (x - a) < delta.

End neighbourhoodR.


Section boundR.

  Definition boundR (X : setR) : Prop :=
    exists (M : R), (M > 0) /\ (forall x, X x -> Rabs x <= M).

  Definition unboundR (X : setR) : Prop :=
    forall (M : R), (M > 0) -> (exists x, X x /\ Rabs x > M).

  Definition boundR' (X : setR) : Prop :=
    exists (A B : R), (A < B) /\ (forall x, X x -> (A <= x <= B)).

  Theorem boundR_eq_boundR' : forall X, boundR X <-> boundR' X.
End boundR.

Definition of real functions

Section fun_def.

To proof the quanlity of two functions
  Theorem fun_eq : forall (u v : R->R), (forall t, u t = v t) <-> u = v.
    intros. split; intros.
    - extensionality x; auto.
    - rewrite H. auto.

Type of a function from real number to real number
  Definition tpRFun := R -> R.

Type of a function from real function to another real function
  Definition tpRFunctional := (R->R) -> (R->R).

End fun_def.

Domain of real functions

Section fun_domain.

  Parameter domain_of : tpRFun -> setR.

  Axiom domain_of_inv : domain_of (fun u => 1/u) = (fun u => u <> 0).
  Axiom domain_of_sqrt : domain_of (fun u => sqrt u) = (fun u => u >= 0).
  Axiom domain_of_ln : domain_of ln = (fun u => u > 0).
  Axiom domain_of_tan : domain_of tan = (fun u => ~(exists (k : Z), u = 2 * (IZR k) * PI + PI/2)).

End fun_domain.

Range of real functions

Section fun_range.

  Definition range_of (f : tpRFun) : setR :=
    fun y => exists x, (domain_of f) x -> f x = y.

End fun_range.

Composition of real functions.

Section fun_comp.

composition of real functions
  Definition fcomp(u v : tpRFun) : tpRFun := fun x => u (v x).
  Infix "∘" := fcomp : fun_scope.

  Fact fcomp_rw : forall u v, (fun x => u (v x)) = u v.
  Proof. auto. Qed.

  Definition fcomp_valid (u v : tpRFun) : Prop :=
    let Du := domain_of u in
    let Rv := range_of v in
    exists x, (Du x /\ Rv x).

  Section test.
    Goal let f := fun x => x * x + (1/x) in
         let g := fun x => x + (1/x) in
         fcomp_valid f g ->
         f g = fun x =>
                   let x2 := x*x in
                   x2 + 1/x2 + (x/(x2+1)) + 2.
      intros. unfold f, g, fcomp, fcomp_valid in *. apply fun_eq. intros. field.

  End test.
End fun_comp.
Infix "∘" := fcomp : fun_scope.

Commonly used functions

Section common_funs.

constant function
  Definition fconst (C : R) : tpRFun := fun _ => C.
  Definition fzero : tpRFun := fconst R0.
  Definition fone : tpRFun := fconst R1.

  Definition fid : tpRFun := fun x => x.


Sign function
  Definition sign : tpRFun :=
    fun x => if x >? 0
             then 1
             else (if x =? 0 then 0 else -1).

  Lemma sign_eq0 : forall x, x = 0 -> sign x = 0.
    intros. unfold sign. bdestruct (x >? 0); try lra.
    bdestruct (x =? 0); try lra.

  Lemma sign_gt0 : forall x, x > 0 -> sign x = 1.
  Proof. intros. unfold sign. bdestruct (x >? 0); auto. lra. Qed.

  Lemma sign_lt0 : forall x, x < 0 -> sign x = -1.
    intros. unfold sign. bdestruct (x >? 0); try lra.
    bdestruct (x =? 0); try lra.

  Lemma sign_mul_eq_abs : forall x, ((sign x) * x)%R = Rabs x.
    intros. unfold sign.
    destruct (Rltb_reflect 0 x).
    + rewrite Rabs_right; lra.
    + rewrite Rabs_left1; try lra.
      destruct (Reqb_reflect x 0); try lra.

  Lemma sign_mul_abs_eq : forall x, ((sign x) * (Rabs x))%R = x.
    intros. unfold sign.
    destruct (Rltb_reflect 0 x).
    + rewrite Rabs_right; lra.
    + rewrite Rabs_left1; try lra.
      destruct (Reqb_reflect x 0); try lra.

End common_funs.

Basic Elementary Functions (基本初等函数)

1. 幂函数 y = x ^ a

  Definition fpower (a : R) : tpRFun := fun x => Rpower x a.

  Fact fpower_1_eq : fpower 1 = fid.
  Proof. unfold fpower. apply fun_eq. intros. rewrite Rpower_1; auto. Admitted.
  Fact fpower_n1_eq : fpower (-1) = fun x => 1/x. Admitted.

  Fact fpower_2_eq : fpower 2 = fun x => x * x. Admitted.
  Fact fpower_2_eq' : fpower 2 = fun x => Rsqr x. Admitted.
  Fact fpower_2_eq'' : fpower 2 = Rsqr. Admitted.
  Fact fpower_3_eq : fpower 3 = fun x => x * x * x. Admitted.
  Fact fpower_1_2_eq : fpower (1/2) = sqrt. Admitted.

2. 指数函数 y = a ^ x

  Definition fexp (a : R) : tpRFun := fun x => Rpower a x.

  Axiom domain_of_fexp : forall (a : R), (a > 0 /\ a <> 1) -> domain_of (fexp a) = allR.
  Fact range_of_fexp (a : R) : range_of (fexp a) = fun x => x > 0. Admitted.

  Fact fexp_add : forall a x y, a > 0 -> fexp a (x + y) = (fexp a x) * (fexp a y).
  Fact fexp_sub : forall a x y, a > 0 -> fexp a (x - y) = (fexp a x) / (fexp a y).
  Fact fexp_mul : forall a x y, a > 0 -> fexp a (x * y) = fexp (fexp a x) y.
  Fact fexp_div : forall a b x, a > 0 /\ b > 0 -> fexp (a/b) x = (fexp a x) / (fexp b x).

3. 对数函数 y = log_a x

  Definition flog (a : R) : tpRFun := fun x => ln x / ln a.
  Definition flg : tpRFun := flog 10.

  Axiom domain_of_flog : forall (a : R),
      (a > 0 /\ a <> 1) -> domain_of (flog a) = (fun x => x > 0).
  Fact range_of_flog (a : R) : range_of (flog a) = allR. Admitted.

  Fact flog_a_1 (a : R) : flog a 1 = 0.
  Proof. unfold flog. rewrite ln_1. field. Admitted.

  Fact flog_a_a (a : R) : flog a a = 1. Admitted.
  Fact fln_1 : ln 1 = 0. Admitted.
  Fact fln_e : let e := 2.71828 in ln e = 1. Admitted.

  Fact fln_mul : forall a x y, flog a (x * y) = (flog a x) + (flog a y). Admitted.
  Fact fln_div : forall a x y, flog a (x / y) = (flog a x) - (flog a y). Admitted.
  Fact fln_exp : forall a x y, flog a (fexp x y) = y * (flog a x). Admitted.
  Fact fln_chgbottom : forall a b x, flog a x = (flog b x) / (flog b a). Admitted.
  Fact fexp_fln : forall x, exp (ln x) = x. Admitted.
  Fact fln_fexp : forall x, ln (exp x) = x. Admitted.

  Fact fln_eq1 : forall u v : R, Rpower u v = exp (ln (Rpower u v)).
  Proof. intros. rewrite fexp_fln. auto. Qed.
  Fact fln_eq2 : forall u v : R, Rpower u v = exp (v * ln u).
  Proof. intros. Admitted.

4. Triangle functions (三角函数)

Convert between degree and radian
  Definition deg2rad (d : R) : R := d * (PI / 180).   Definition rad2deg (r : R) : R := r * (180 / PI).
definition of triangle functions
  Definition cot : tpRFun := fun x => 1 / (tan x).
  Definition sec : tpRFun := fun x => 1 / (cos x).
  Definition csc : tpRFun := fun x => 1 / (sin x).

  Fact sin_csc : forall x, (sin x) * (csc x) = 1. Admitted.
  Fact cos_sec : forall x, (cos x) * (sec x) = 1. Admitted.
  Fact tan_cot : forall x, (tan x) * (cot x) = 1. Admitted.
  Fact sec_eq : forall x, sec x = 1 / (cos x). Admitted.
  Fact csc_eq : forall x, csc x = 1 / (sin x). Admitted.
  Fact tan_eq : forall x, tan x = (sin x) / (cos x). Admitted.
  Fact cot_eq : forall x, cot x = (cos x) / (sin x). Admitted.
  Fact sin2_add_cos2 : forall x, (sin x + (cos x = 1. Admitted.
  Fact sec2_sub_tan2 : forall x, (sec x - (tan x = 1. Admitted.
  Fact csc2_sub_cot2 : forall x, (csc x - (cot x = 1. Admitted.
  Fact sin2_eq : forall x, (sin x = 1 - (cos x. Admitted.
  Fact cos2_eq : forall x, (cos x = 1 - (sin x. Admitted.
  Fact sec2_eq : forall x, (sec x = 1 - (tan x. Admitted.
  Fact tan2_eq : forall x, (tan x = 1 - (sec x. Admitted.
  Fact csc2_eq : forall x, (csc x = 1 - (csc x. Admitted.
  Fact cot2_eq : forall x, (cot x = 1 - (cot x. Admitted.

  Fact sin_PI2_sub : forall x, sin (PI/2 - x) = cos x. Admitted.
  Fact sin_PI2_add : forall x, sin (PI/2 + x) = cos x. Admitted.
  Fact sin_PI_sub : forall x, sin (PI - x) = sin x. Admitted.
  Fact sin_PI_add : forall x, sin (PI + x) = - sin x. Admitted.
  Fact sin_3PI2_sub : forall x, sin (3 * PI / 2 - x) = - cos x. Admitted.
  Fact sin_3PI2_add : forall x, sin (3 * PI / 2 + x) = - cos x. Admitted.
  Fact sin_2PI_add : forall x, sin (2 * PI + x) = sin x. Admitted.

  Fact cos_PI2_sub : forall x, cos (PI/2 - x) = sin x. Admitted.
  Fact cos_PI2_add : forall x, cos (PI/2 + x) = - sin x. Admitted.
  Fact cos_PI_sub : forall x, cos (PI - x) = - cos x. Admitted.
  Fact cos_PI_add : forall x, cos (PI + x) = - cos x. Admitted.
  Fact cos_3PI2_sub : forall x, cos (3 * PI / 2 - x) = - sin x. Admitted.
  Fact cos_3PI2_add : forall x, cos (3 * PI / 2 + x) = sin x. Admitted.
  Fact cos_2PI_add : forall x, cos (2 * PI + x) = cos x. Admitted.

  Fact tan_PI2_sub : forall x, tan (PI/2 - x) = cot x. Admitted.
  Fact tan_PI2_add : forall x, tan (PI/2 + x) = - cot x. Admitted.
  Fact tan_PI_sub : forall x, tan (PI - x) = - tan x. Admitted.
  Fact tan_PI_add : forall x, tan (PI + x) = tan x. Admitted.
  Fact tan_add_PI : forall x, tan (x + PI) = tan x. Admitted.
  Fact tan_sub_PI : forall x, tan (x - PI) = tan x. Admitted.
  Fact tan_3PI2_sub : forall x, tan (3 * PI / 2 - x) = cot x. Admitted.
  Fact tan_3PI2_add : forall x, tan (3 * PI / 2 + x) = - cot x. Admitted.
  Fact tan_2PI_add : forall x, tan (2 * PI + x) = tan x. Admitted.

  Fact cot_PI2_sub : forall x, cot (PI/2 - x) = tan x. Admitted.
  Fact cot_PI2_add : forall x, cot (PI/2 + x) = - tan x. Admitted.
  Fact cot_PI_sub : forall x, cot (PI - x) = - cot x. Admitted.
  Fact cot_PI_add : forall x, cot (PI + x) = cot x. Admitted.
  Fact cot_3PI2_sub : forall x, cot (3 * PI / 2 - x) = tan x. Admitted.
  Fact cot_3PI2_add : forall x, cot (3 * PI / 2 + x) = - tan x. Admitted.
  Fact cot_2PI_add : forall x, cot (2 * PI + x) = cot x. Admitted.

  Fact sin_0 : sin 0 = 0. Admitted.
  Fact sin_PI6 : sin (PI / 6) = 1 / 2. Admitted.
  Fact sin_PI4 : sin (PI / 4) = (sqrt 2) / 2. Admitted.
  Fact sin_PI3 : sin (PI / 3) = (sqrt 3) / 2. Admitted.
  Fact sin_PI2 : sin (PI / 2) = 1. Admitted.
  Fact sin_2PI3 : sin (2 * PI / 3) = (sqrt 3) / 2. Admitted.
  Fact sin_3PI4 : sin (3 * PI / 4) = (sqrt 2) / 2. Admitted.
  Fact sin_5PI6 : sin (5 * PI / 6) = 1 / 2. Admitted.
  Fact sin_PI : sin PI = 0. Admitted.
  Fact sin_3PI2 : sin (3 * PI / 2) = -1. Admitted.
  Fact sin_2PI : sin (2 * PI) = 0. Admitted.

  Fact cos_0 : cos 0 = 1. Admitted.
  Fact cos_PI6 : cos (PI / 6) = (sqrt 3) / 2. Admitted.
  Fact cos_PI4 : cos (PI / 4) = (sqrt 2) / 2. Admitted.
  Fact cos_PI3 : cos (PI / 3) = 1 / 2. Admitted.
  Fact cos_PI2 : cos (PI / 2) = 0. Admitted.
  Fact cos_2PI3 : cos (2 * PI / 3) = - 1 / 2. Admitted.
  Fact cos_3PI4 : cos (3 * PI / 4) = - (sqrt 2) / 2. Admitted.
  Fact cos_5PI6 : cos (5 * PI / 6) = - (sqrt 3) / 2. Admitted.
  Fact cos_PI : cos PI = -1. Admitted.
  Fact cos_3PI2 : cos (3 * PI / 2) = 0. Admitted.
  Fact cos_2PI : cos (2 * PI) = 1. Admitted.

  Fact tan_0 : tan 0 = 1. Admitted.
  Fact tan_PI6 : tan (PI / 6) = (sqrt 3) / 3. Admitted.
  Fact tan_PI4 : tan (PI / 4) = 1. Admitted.
  Fact tan_PI3 : tan (PI / 3) = sqrt 3. Admitted.
  Fact tan_2PI3 : tan (2 * PI / 3) = - (sqrt 3). Admitted.
  Fact tan_3PI4 : tan (3 * PI / 4) = - 1. Admitted.
  Fact tan_5PI6 : tan (5 * PI / 6) = - (sqrt 3) / 3. Admitted.
  Fact tan_PI : tan PI = 0. Admitted.
  Fact tan_2PI : tan (2 * PI) = 0. Admitted.

  Fact cot_PI6 : cot (PI / 6) = (sqrt 3). Admitted.
  Fact cot_PI4 : cot (PI / 4) = 1. Admitted.
  Fact cot_PI3 : cot (PI / 3) = (sqrt 3) / 3. Admitted.
  Fact cot_PI2 : cot (PI / 2) = 0. Admitted.
  Fact cot_2PI3 : cot (2 * PI / 3) = - (sqrt 3) / 3. Admitted.
  Fact cot_3PI4 : cot (3 * PI / 4) = - 1. Admitted.
  Fact cot_5PI6 : cot (5 * PI / 6) = - (sqrt 3). Admitted.
  Fact cot_3PI2 : cot (3 * PI / 2) = 0. Admitted.

  Fact sin_add : forall x y, sin (x + y) = sin x * cos y + cos x * sin y. Admitted.
  Fact sin_sub : forall x y, sin (x - y) = sin x * cos y - cos x * sin y. Admitted.

  Fact cos_add : forall x y, cos (x + y) = cos x * cos y - sin x * sin y. Admitted.
  Fact cos_sub : forall x y, cos (x - y) = cos x * cos y + sin x * sin y. Admitted.

  Fact tan_add : forall x y, tan (x + y) = (tan x + tan y) / (1 - tan x * tan y). Admitted.
  Fact tan_sub : forall x y, tan (x - y) = (tan x - tan y) / (1 + tan x * tan y). Admitted.

  Fact cot_add : forall x y, cot (x + y) = (cot x * cot y - 1) / (cot x + cot y). Admitted.
  Fact cot_sub : forall x y, cot (x - y) = (cot x * cot y + 1) / (cot x - cot y). Admitted.

  Fact sin_2a : forall x, sin (2 * x) = 2 * sin x * cos x. Admitted.
  Fact cos_2a : forall x, cos (2 * x) = (cos x - (sin x. Admitted.
  Fact cos_2a' : forall x, cos (2 * x) = 1 - 2 * (sin x. Admitted.
  Fact cos_2a'' : forall x, cos (2 * x) = 2 * (cos x - 1. Admitted.
  Fact tan_2a : forall x, tan (2 * x) = (2 * tan x) / (1 - (tan x). Admitted.
  Fact cot_2a : forall x, cot (2 * x) = ((cot x - 1) / (2 * cot x). Admitted.

  Fact sin_cos : forall x y, sin x * cos y = (1/2) * (sin (x + y) + sin (x - y)). Admitted.
  Fact cos_cos : forall x y, cos x * cos y = (1/2) * (cos (x + y) + cos (x - y)). Admitted.
  Fact sin_sin : forall x y, sin x * sin y = (1/2) * (cos (x - y) - cos (x + y)). Admitted.

  Fact sin_add_sin : forall x y, sin x + sin y = 2 * sin ((x+y)/2) * cos ((x-y)/2). Admitted.
  Fact sin_sub_sin : forall x y, sin x - sin y = 2 * sin ((x-y)/2) * cos ((x+y)/2). Admitted.
  Fact cos_add_cos : forall x y, cos x + cos y = 2 * cos ((x+y)/2) * cos ((x-y)/2). Admitted.
  Fact cos_sub_cos : forall x y, cos x - cos y = -2 * sin ((x+y)/2) * sin ((x-y)/2). Admitted.

  Lemma cos_1_period : forall (x : R) (k : Z), cos x = 1 -> x = 2 * IZR k * PI.

  Lemma cos_neg1_period : forall (x : R) (k : Z), cos x = -1 -> x = 2 * IZR k * PI + PI.

  Lemma cos_0_period : forall (x : R) (k : Z), cos x = 0 -> x = IZR k * PI + PI/2.

5. 反三角函数

  Parameter acot : tpRFun.

  Fact asin_1_2 : asin (1 / 2) = PI / 6. Admitted.
  Fact asin_sqrt2_2 : asin ((sqrt 2) / 2) = PI / 4. Admitted.
  Fact asin_sqrt3_2 : asin ((sqrt 3) / 2) = PI / 3. Admitted.

  Fact acos_1_2 : acos (1 / 2) = PI / 3. Admitted.
  Fact acos_sqrt2_2 : acos ((sqrt 2) / 2) = PI / 4. Admitted.
  Fact acos_sqrt3_2 : acos ((sqrt 3) / 2) = PI / 2. Admitted.
  Fact acos_neg1 : acos (-1) = PI. Admitted.

  Fact atan_sqrt3_3 : atan ((sqrt 3) / 3) = PI / 6. Admitted.
  Fact atan_sqrt3 : atan (sqrt 3) = PI / 3. Admitted.

  Fact acot_0 : acot 0 = PI / 2. Admitted.
  Fact acot_sqrt3_3 : acot ((sqrt 3) / 3) = PI / 6. Admitted.
  Fact acot_1 : acot 1 = PI. Admitted.
  Fact acot_sqrt3 : acot (sqrt 3) = PI / 3. Admitted.

acos is injective in its domain
  Lemma acos_inj : forall x1 x2 : R,
      -1 <= x1 <= 1 -> -1 <= x2 <= 1 -> acos x1 = acos x2 -> x1 = x2.
    intros. rewrite <- cos_acos; auto.
    rewrite <- H1. rewrite cos_acos; auto.

  Lemma acos_atan_neg: forall x : R,
      x < 0 -> acos x = atan (sqrt (1 - x²) / x) + PI.
    intros. replace x with (- (-x))%R; ra.
    rewrite acos_opp. rewrite Rmult_opp_opp.
    rewrite Rdiv_opp_r. rewrite atan_opp. rewrite acos_atan; ra.

End basic_elementary_fun.

Hint Unfold
  fpower fexp flog flg
  deg2rad rad2deg
  : R.

Arithematic operations of real functions.

Section fun_arith.

Addition of real functions
  Definition fadd (u v : tpRFun) : tpRFun := fun x => u x + v x.
  Definition fopp (u : tpRFun) := fun x => - u x.
  Definition fsub (u v : tpRFun) := fadd u (fopp v).
  Definition fmul (u v : tpRFun) := fun x => u x * v x.
  Definition finv (u : tpRFun) := fun x => / (u x).
  Definition fdiv (u v : tpRFun) := fmul u (finv v).
  Definition fcmul (c : R) (u : tpRFun) := fun x => c * (u x).

Multiply with a natural number, i.e., sum the function by n times: fnmul f 0 := fun x => 0 fnmul f 1 := f fnmul f 2 := f + f, i.e., fun x => f x + f x ... fnmul f (S n) := fun x => f x + (fnmul f n)
  Fixpoint fnmul (n : nat) (f : tpRFun) : tpRFun :=
    match n with
    | O => fun x => 0
    | S O => f
    | S n' => fadd f (fnmul n' f)

End fun_arith.

Infix "+" := fadd : fun_scope.
Notation "- f" := (fopp f) : fun_scope.
Infix "-" := fsub : fun_scope.
Infix "*" := fmul : fun_scope.
Notation "/ f" := (finv f) : fun_scope.
Infix "/" := fdiv : fun_scope.
Infix "\.*" := fcmul : fun_scope.


Section boundf.

  Definition boundf (f : tpRFun) (X : setR) : Prop :=
    exists M, M > 0 /\ (forall x, X x -> (Rabs (f x) <= M)).

  Definition unboundf (f : tpRFun) (X : setR) : Prop :=
    forall M, M > 0 -> (exists x, X x /\ (Rabs (f x) > M)).

  Definition boundf' (f : tpRFun) (X : setR) : Prop :=
    exists (A B : R), (A < B) /\ (forall x, X x -> (A <= f x <= B)).

  Theorem boundf_eq_boundf' : forall f X, boundf f X <-> boundf' f X.

  Definition lower_bound_of (f : tpRFun) (l : R) : Prop :=
    l > 0 /\ (forall x, (domain_of f x -> f x >= l)).

  Definition upper_bound_of (f : tpRFun) (u : R) : Prop :=
    u > 0 /\ (forall x, (domain_of f x -> f x <= u)).

  Definition bound_of (f : tpRFun) (u : R) : Prop :=
    u > 0 /\ (forall x, (domain_of f x -> Rabs (f x) <= u)).

常见的有界函数 以下函数在其定义域内是有界的(整体有界函数)
  Fact boundf_sin : boundf sin allR. Admitted.
  Fact bound_sin : bound_of sin 1. Admitted.

  Fact boundf_cos : boundf cos allR. Admitted.
  Fact bound_cos : bound_of cos 1. Admitted.

End boundf.

Properties of real functions.

Section fun_op_props.

Convert from function operations to element operations

  Lemma fadd_ok : forall (u v : tpRFun) (x : R), (u + v) x = (u x + v x)%R.
  Proof. intros. reflexivity. Qed.

  Lemma fopp_ok : forall (v : tpRFun) (x : R), (- v) x = (- v x)%R.
  Proof. auto. Qed.

  Lemma fsub_ok : forall (u v : tpRFun) (x : R), (u - v) x = (u x - v x)%R.
  Proof. auto. Qed.

  Lemma fmul_ok : forall (u v : tpRFun) (x : R), (u * v) x = (u x * v x)%R.
  Proof. auto. Qed.

  Lemma finv_ok : forall (v : tpRFun) (x : R), (/ v) x = (/ v x)%R.
  Proof. auto. Qed.

  Lemma fdiv_ok : forall (u v : tpRFun) (x : R), (u / v) x = (u x / v x)%R.
  Proof. auto. Qed.

  Lemma fcmul_ok : forall (c : R) (u : tpRFun) (x : R), (c \.* u) x = (c * u x)%R.
  Proof. auto. Qed.

These functions all are proper relation respect to eq
  Global Instance fadd_eq_mor : Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq) fadd.
  Proof. simp_proper. intros; subst; auto. Qed.

  Global Instance fopp_eq_mor : Proper (eq ==> eq) fopp.
  Proof. simp_proper. intros; subst; auto. Qed.

  Global Instance fmul_eq_mor : Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq) fmul.
  Proof. simp_proper. intros; subst; auto. Qed.

Properties for real function addition
  Lemma fadd_assoc : forall (u v w : tpRFun), (u + v) + w = u + (v + w).
  Proof. intros. apply fun_eq. intros. rewrite !fadd_ok. ring. Qed.

  Lemma fadd_comm : forall (u v : tpRFun), u + v = v + u.
  Proof. intros. apply fun_eq. intros. rewrite !fadd_ok. ring. Qed.

  Lemma fadd_0_l : forall (u : tpRFun), fzero + u = u.
  Proof. intros. apply fun_eq. intros. rewrite !fadd_ok. unfold fzero,fconst. ring. Qed.

  Lemma fadd_0_r : forall (u : tpRFun), u + fzero = u.
  Proof. intros. apply fun_eq. intros. rewrite !fadd_ok. unfold fzero,fconst. ring. Qed.

Properties for real function opposition
  Lemma fadd_opp_l : forall (u : tpRFun), - u + u = fzero.
  Proof. intros. apply fun_eq. intros. rewrite !fadd_ok, !fopp_ok.
         unfold fzero,fconst. ring. Qed.

  Lemma fadd_opp_r : forall (u : tpRFun), u + - u = fzero.
  Proof. intros. apply fun_eq. intros. rewrite !fadd_ok, !fopp_ok.
         unfold fzero,fconst. ring. Qed.

Properties for real function subtraction
  Lemma fsub_add : forall (u v w : tpRFun), u - (v + w) = u - v - w.
  Proof. intros. apply fun_eq. intros. rewrite !fsub_ok,!fadd_ok. ring. Qed.

Properties for real function multiplication
  Lemma fmul_assoc : forall (u v w : tpRFun), (u * v) * w = u * (v * w).
  Proof. intros. apply fun_eq. intros. rewrite !fmul_ok. ring. Qed.

  Lemma fmul_comm : forall (u v : tpRFun), u * v = v * u.
  Proof. intros. apply fun_eq. intros. rewrite !fmul_ok. ring. Qed.

  Lemma fmul_1_l : forall (u : tpRFun), fone * u = u.
  Proof. intros. apply fun_eq. intros. rewrite !fmul_ok. unfold fone,fconst. ring. Qed.

  Lemma fmul_1_r : forall (u : tpRFun), u * fone = u.
  Proof. intros. apply fun_eq. intros. rewrite !fmul_ok. unfold fone,fconst. ring. Qed.

Properties for real function scalar multiplication
  Lemma fcmul_assoc1 : forall (c d : R) (u : tpRFun), c \.* (d \.* u) = (c * d) \.* u.
  Proof. intros. apply fun_eq. intros. rewrite !fcmul_ok. ring. Qed.

  Lemma fcmul_assoc2 : forall (c : R) (u v : tpRFun), c \.* (u * v) = (c \.* u) * v.
  Proof. intros. apply fun_eq. intros. rewrite ?fmul_ok, ?fcmul_ok, ?fmul_ok. ring. Qed.

  Lemma fmul_add_distr_l : forall u v w, u * (v + w) = u * v + u * w.
  Proof. intros. apply fun_eq. intros. rewrite ?fmul_ok, ?fadd_ok, ?fmul_ok. ring. Qed.

  Lemma fmul_add_distr_r : forall u v w, (u + v) * w = u * w + v * w.
  Proof. intros. apply fun_eq. intros. rewrite ?fmul_ok, ?fadd_ok, ?fmul_ok. ring. Qed.

  Lemma fmul_inv_l : forall (u : tpRFun), u <> fzero -> /u * u = fone.
  Proof. intros. apply fun_eq. intros. rewrite !fmul_ok,!finv_ok.
         unfold fzero,fone,fconst in *. field. intro. Abort.

  Lemma fmul_inv_r : forall (u : tpRFun), u <> fzero -> u * /u = fone.
  Proof. intros. apply fun_eq. intros. rewrite !fmul_ok,!finv_ok.
         unfold fzero,fone,fconst in *. field. intro. Abort.

Monoid structure over (Rfun,+,0)
  Global Instance AMonoid_RfunAdd : AMonoid fadd fzero.
    split_intro; intros; subst; auto;
      try apply fadd_comm;
      try apply fadd_assoc;
      try apply fadd_0_l;
      try apply fadd_0_r.

Monoid structure over (Rfun,*,1)
  Global Instance AMonoid_RfunMul : AMonoid fmul fone.
    split_intro; intros; subst; auto;
      try apply fmul_assoc;
      try apply fmul_1_l;
      try apply fmul_1_r;
      try apply fmul_comm.

Group structure over (Rfun,+,0,-)
  Global Instance Group_RfunAdd : Group fadd fzero fopp.
    constructor. apply AMonoid_RfunAdd.
    constructor. apply fadd_opp_l.
    constructor. apply fadd_opp_r.

Abelian group structure over (Rfun,+,0,-)
  Global Instance AGroup_RfunAdd : AGroup fadd fzero fopp.
    constructor. apply Group_RfunAdd. apply AMonoid_RfunAdd.
    constructor; apply fadd_comm.

Ring structure
  Global Instance ARing_Rfun : ARing fadd fzero fopp fmul fone.
    repeat constructor; try apply AGroup_RfunAdd; try apply AMonoid_RfunMul.
    apply fmul_add_distr_l.
    apply fmul_add_distr_r.

End fun_op_props.

Add Ring ring_inst : (@make_ring_theory _ _ _ _ _ _ ARing_Rfun).

Section test.
  Goal forall u v w : tpRFun, u - v * (u - w) = w * v - u * v + u.
    intros. unfold fsub. ring. Qed.

End test.

An example showed that "R->R" and "tpRfun" are different in Coq when using ring tactic.
Section test.
  Goal let f : tpRFun := fone in f = f.
    simpl. ring. Qed.

  Goal let f : R -> R := fone in f = f.
    simpl. Fail ring.
    unfold fone. unfold fconst.
    Fail ring. Abort.
End test.

add this declaration to enable ring support over "R->R" type
Add Ring ring_inst : (@make_ring_theory (R->R) _ _ _ _ _ ARing_Rfun).
Section test.
  Goal let f : R -> R := fone in f = f.
    simpl. Fail ring.
    unfold fone. unfold fconst. ring.
End test.

Parity of function

Section fun_parity.

  Definition oddf (u : tpRFun) : Prop := forall x, (u (-x) = - (u x))%R.
  Definition evenf (u : tpRFun) : Prop := forall x, (u (-x) = u x)%R.

  Fact oddf_x : evenf fid. Admitted.
  Fact oddf_pow3 : evenf (fun x => x ^ 3). Admitted.
  Fact oddf_sin : evenf sin. Admitted.
  Fact oddf_tan : evenf tan. Admitted.

  Fact evenf_const : forall (C : R), evenf (fconst C). Admitted.
  Fact evenf_pow2 : evenf (fun x => x ^ 2). Admitted.
  Fact evenf_pow2n : forall (n : nat), evenf (fun x => x ^ (2 * n)). Admitted.
  Fact evenf_cos : evenf cos. Admitted.

  Theorem fadd_odd_odd_is_odd : forall u v, oddf u -> oddf v -> oddf (u + v).

  Theorem fsub_odd_odd_is_odd : forall u v, oddf u -> oddf v -> oddf (u - v).

  Theorem fmul_odd_odd_is_even : forall u v, oddf u -> oddf v -> evenf (u * v).

  Theorem fdiv_odd_odd_is_even : forall u v, oddf u -> oddf v -> evenf (u / v).

  Theorem fadd_even_even_is_even : forall u v, evenf u -> evenf v -> evenf (u + v).

  Theorem fsub_even_even_is_even : forall u v, evenf u -> evenf v -> evenf (u - v).

  Theorem fmul_even_even_is_even : forall u v, evenf u -> evenf v -> evenf (u * v).

  Theorem fdiv_even_even_is_even : forall u v, evenf u -> evenf v -> evenf (u / v).

  Theorem fcomp_any_even_is_even : forall u v, evenf v -> evenf (uv).

  Theorem fcomp_odd_odd_is_odd : forall u v, oddf u -> oddf v -> oddf (uv).

  Theorem fcomp_even_odd_is_even : forall u v, evenf u -> oddf v -> evenf (uv).

End fun_parity.


Section periodic_fun.

  Definition periodicf (f : tpRFun) : Prop :=
    exists (l : R), l > 0 /\ (forall x, (domain_of f) x -> f (x + l)%R = f x).

l 是 f 的周期
  Definition periodic_of (f : tpRFun) (l : R) : Prop :=
    l > 0 /\ (forall x, (domain_of f) x -> f (x + l)%R = f x).

  Fact periodicf_sin : periodicf sin. Admitted.
  Fact periodic_of_sin : periodic_of sin (2*PI). Admitted.

  Fact periodicf_cos : periodicf cos. Admitted.
  Fact periodic_of_cos : periodic_of cos (2*PI). Admitted.

  Fact periodicf_tan : periodicf tan. Admitted.
  Fact periodic_of_tan : periodic_of tan (2*PI). Admitted.

End periodic_fun.