
Basic libraries

Require Export Coq.Classes.Morphisms. Require Export Coq.Setoids.Setoid. Require Export Coq.Classes.SetoidTactics. Require Export Coq.Relations.Relations. Require Export Coq.Bool.Sumbool. Require Export Coq.Bool.Bool. Require Export Ring. Require Export Field.
Require Export Coq.Logic.Classical.
Require Export Coq.Logic.FunctionalExtensionality.

Require Arith ZArith QArith Qcanon Reals List SetoidList.

Reserved Notations

Reserved Infix "=?" (at level 70). Reserved Infix "<?" (at level 70). Reserved Infix ">?" (at level 70). Reserved Infix "<=?" (at level 70). Reserved Infix ">=?" (at level 70).
Reserved Infix "??=" (at level 70). Reserved Infix "??<" (at level 70). Reserved Infix "??>" (at level 70). Reserved Infix "??<=" (at level 70). Reserved Infix "??>=" (at level 70).

Reserved Infix "+" (at level 50, left associativity). Reserved Infix "-" (at level 50, left associativity). Reserved Infix "*" (at level 40, left associativity). Reserved Infix "/" (at level 40, left associativity). Reserved Notation "a ²" (at level 1). Reserved Infix "\.*" (at level 40, no associativity). Reserved Infix "*v" (at level 30, right associativity). Reserved Infix "v*" (at level 28, left associativity). Reserved Infix "⦿" (at level 40, left associativity). Reserved Infix "\o" (at level 50, no associativity).
Reserved Notation "< a , b >" (at level 60, a, b at level 55, format "< a , b >"). Reserved Notation "|| v ||" (at level 60, v at level 45, format "|| v ||"). Reserved Infix "\x" (at level 40, no associativity). Reserved Infix "∘" (at level 40, left associativity). Reserved Notation "- a" (at level 35, right associativity). Reserved Notation "/ a" (at level 35, right associativity). Reserved Notation "M \T" (at level 32, left associativity, format "M \T"). Reserved Notation "M \A" (at level 15, left associativity, format "M \A"). Reserved Notation "M \-1" (at level 20, format "M \-1"). Reserved Notation "M @ N" (at level 30, no associativity). Reserved Notation "'tr' M" (at level 33, no associativity).

Reserved Notation "'\sum' f" (at level 10).
Reserved Infix "/_" (at level 60). Reserved Infix "/2_" (at level 60).
Reserved Infix "_|_" (at level 50). Reserved Infix "//" (at level 50). Reserved Infix "//+" (at level 50). Reserved Infix "//-" (at level 50).

Reserved Notation "| r |" (at level 30, r at level 25, format "| r |").

Reserved Notation "v .[ i ]"
  (at level 2, i at next level, left associativity, format "v .[ i ]").
Reserved Notation "v .[ i <- a ]"
  (at level 2, i at next level, left associativity, format "v .[ i <- a ]").
Reserved Notation "M .[ i , j ]"
  (at level 2, i, j at next level, left associativity, format "M .[ i , j ]").
Reserved Notation "M .[ i , j <- a ]"
  (at level 2, i, j at next level, left associativity, format "M .[ i , j <- a ]").
Reserved Notation "M &[ i ]"
  (at level 2, i at next level, left associativity, format "M &[ i ]").

Reserved Notation "V .1" (at level 25, format "V .1"). Reserved Notation "V .2" (at level 25, format "V .2").
Reserved Notation "V .3" (at level 25, format "V .3").
Reserved Notation "V .4" (at level 25, format "V .4").

Reserved Notation "V .x" (at level 25, format "V .x"). Reserved Notation "V .y" (at level 25, format "V .y").
Reserved Notation "V .z" (at level 25, format "V .z").

Reserved Notation "M .11" (at level 25, format "M .11"). Reserved Notation "M .12" (at level 25, format "M .12").
Reserved Notation "M .13" (at level 25, format "M .13").
Reserved Notation "M .14" (at level 25, format "M .14").
Reserved Notation "M .21" (at level 25, format "M .21").
Reserved Notation "M .22" (at level 25, format "M .22").
Reserved Notation "M .23" (at level 25, format "M .23").
Reserved Notation "M .24" (at level 25, format "M .24").
Reserved Notation "M .31" (at level 25, format "M .31").
Reserved Notation "M .32" (at level 25, format "M .32").
Reserved Notation "M .33" (at level 25, format "M .33").
Reserved Notation "M .34" (at level 25, format "M .34").
Reserved Notation "M .41" (at level 25, format "M .41").
Reserved Notation "M .42" (at level 25, format "M .42").
Reserved Notation "M .43" (at level 25, format "M .43").
Reserved Notation "M .44" (at level 25, format "M .44").

Reserved Notation "M &1" (at level 25, format "M &1"). Reserved Notation "M &2" (at level 25, format "M &2").
Reserved Notation "M &3" (at level 25, format "M &3").
Reserved Notation "M &4" (at level 25, format "M &4").

Eliminate Warning.

Customized tactics

Ltac copy H :=
  let HC := fresh "HC" in
  let HCeq := fresh "HCeq" in
  remember H as HC eqn: HCeq;
  clear HCeq.

#[global] Ltac list_eq :=
  repeat match goal with
    | |- cons ?h1 ?t1 = cons ?h2 ?t2 => f_equal
    | [H: cons _ _ = cons _ _ |- _] => inversion H; clear H

#[global] Ltac ssplit :=
  match goal with
  | |- _ /\ _ => split

inversion and subst
#[global] Ltac inv H :=
  inversion H; clear H; subst.

first step of the proof of Proper
#[global] Ltac simp_proper :=
  unfold Proper; unfold respectful.

Use this tactic, the proposition of a comparision relation and the sumbool comparison are connected. We must first register the desired reflection to "bdestruct" database to take effect.

#[global] Ltac bdestruct X :=
  let H := fresh in
  let e := fresh "e" in
  evar (e: Prop);
  assert (H: reflect e X); subst e;
  [ try eauto with bdestruct
  | destruct H as [H|H]].

Ltac rw :=
  do 5
    (match goal with
     | [H : ?a = ?b |- ?a = ?c] => rewrite H
     | [H : ?a = ?b |- ?c = ?a] => rewrite H
     | [H : ?a = ?b |- ?c = ?b] => rewrite <- H
     | [H : ?a = ?b |- ?b = ?c] => rewrite <- H

Ltac simp :=
    (match goal with
     | [H : ?P |- ?P] => exact H
     | [|- True] => constructor
     | [H : False |- _] => destruct H
     | [|- _ /\ _ ] => constructor
     | [|- _ -> _] => intro
     | [|- _ <-> _ ] => split; intros
     | [H : _ /\ _ |- _] => destruct H
     | [H : _ \/ _ |- _] => destruct H

     | [H : ?a = ?b |- _ ] => try progress (rewrite H)
     | [H : ?a <> ?b |- False] => destruct H

Section example.
  Context {A : Type}.

  Goal forall a b c d e f g : A, a = b -> c = b -> d = c -> e = d -> a = e.
    simp. rw.
End example.

Global coercions

bool to Prop
Definition is_true (b : bool) : Prop := b = true.
Coercion is_true : bool >-> Sortclass.

Lemma is_true_and_iff : forall b1 b2 : bool,
    is_true b1 /\ is_true b2 <-> is_true (b1 && b2).
Proof. destruct b1,b2; intros; split; intros; auto; try easy. Qed.

Lemma is_true_or_iff : forall b1 b2 : bool,
    is_true b1 \/ is_true b2 <-> is_true (b1 || b2).
  destruct b1,b2; intros; split; intros; auto; try easy.
  simpl. unfold is_true in *. destruct H; auto.

use reflect to connect bool and proposition equality
Example eqnP (n m : nat) : reflect (n = m) (Nat.eqb n m).
  revert m. induction n; intros [|m]; simpl; try constructor; auto.
  destruct IHn with m; subst; constructor; auto.

Extension for option type

Convert option type to base type
Definition option_get {A} (o : option A) (def : A) : A :=
  match o with
  | Some a => a
  | _ => def

Extension for sig type

Notation "x '.val'" := (proj1_sig x) (at level 1, format "x '.val'").
Notation "x '.prf'" := (proj2_sig x) (at level 1, format "x '.prf'").

{a | P a} = {b | P b} <-> a = b
Lemma sig_eq_iff : forall {A} {P : A -> Prop} a b (Ha : P a) (Hb : P b),
    (exist _ a Ha = exist _ b Hb) <-> a = b.
  intros. split; intros.
  - inversion H. auto.
  - subst. f_equal. apply proof_irrelevance.

{a | P a}.val = a
Lemma sig_val : forall {A} {P : A -> Prop} a (Ha : P a), (exist _ a Ha).val = a.
Proof. intros. simpl. auto. Qed.

{a.val | P (a.val)} = a
Lemma val_sig_eq : forall {A} {P : A -> Prop} (a : {x | P x}) (H : P (a.val)),
    exist _ (a.val) H = a.
Proof. intros. destruct a. simpl. apply sig_eq_iff; auto. Qed.

Usually used scopes

Scope for matrix/vector/list element type
Declare Scope A_scope.
Delimit Scope A_scope with A.
Open Scope A.

Scope for list type
Declare Scope list_scope.
Delimit Scope list_scope with list.
Open Scope list.

Scope for list list type
Declare Scope dlist_scope.
Delimit Scope dlist_scope with dlist.
Open Scope dlist.

Scope for function (especially for nat-indexed function such as "nat -> A")
Declare Scope fun_scope.
Delimit Scope fun_scope with F.
Scope for vector type
Declare Scope vec_scope.
Delimit Scope vec_scope with V.
Open Scope vec_scope.

Scope for matrix type
Declare Scope mat_scope.
Delimit Scope mat_scope with M.
Open Scope mat_scope.